
Bird Feeder Antics

(Posted 10:17:33 on 23rd May 2009 by Rag)
As we head into a long weekend here in the good old US of A, I found myself home early on the Friday putting up another bird feeder. Seemed like a golden opportunity to get out the video camera and create another masterpiece.

Look for the “Bird Feeder” video options on the Other Videos Page.

The big question is how long it will last before it breaks? You know it's going to. The next question is whether I should create a pulley system for the next generation bird feeder? This seems to be the more sustainable solution. Finally, bonus points if you can name the theme tune.
1 comment
27th July 2009
Not quite sure how I missed this the first time around, but absolute classic. Oh and can I vote for b) Joe 90 please?


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