
We've all logged onto those forum sites to dip into the knowledge of the resident experts or to find out the latest of what's going on with a particular topic. Well, welcome to the EastBayRag forums where you get to ask an idiot for advice. A truly valuable service we feel is missing from this whole world wide web malarky.

So, once again, we have something of no value to offer you. And having such low expectations of ourselves we continue to exceed them. I guess the biggest thing we offer is the ability to control what goes where. At this point the whole thing is open so you can add categories or sub-categories to the forum and then enter you own threads or respond to the threads of others.

Play around and see what you think. You can also use the forum search to look for specific things. Enter the text you want to look for and either click the binoculars or press enter.

Note - you must be registered and logged on to post on the forums