Las Gallinas at Christmas 2008
With my folks over visiting for Christmas, we decided to take them to a regular haunt - Las Gallinas. It didn't disappoint, there was a wide variety of birds, including a hooded merganser, and it was a really nice day. Best I can tell, the birds photographed are:
- American Avocet
- American Coot
- American Kestrel
- American White Pelican
- American Widgeon
- Black-Crowned Night Heron
- Black Phoebe
- Bufflehead
- Canada Goose
- Canvasback
- Cinnamon Teal
- Gadwall
- Great Blue Heron
- Green Winged Teal
- Hooded Merganser
- Killdeer
- Least Sandpiper
- Mallard
- Northern Harrier
- Northern Pintail
- Northern Shoveler
- Ruddy Duck
- Starling
- Yellow-Rumped Warbler
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American KestrelFull Res American KestrelFull Res American AvocetFull Res American AvocetFull Res Cinnamon Teal, Canada Goose, Green Winged TealFull Res Cinnamon Teal, GadwallFull Res Northern Shoveler, American Avocet, GadwallFull Res Canada GooseFull Res American WigeonFull Res Green Winged Teal, Northern ShovelerFull Res Northern Shoveler, GadwallFull Res Least SandpiperFull Res Least SandpiperFull Res KilldeerFull Res KilldeerFull Res American CootFull Res White Crowned SparrowFull Res BuffleheadFull Res BuffleheadFull Res Black-Crowned Night-HeronFull Res Yellow-Rumped WarblerFull Res Black-Crowned Night-HeronFull Res Ruddy DuckFull Res Hooded MerganserFull Res Snowy Egret, Hooded MerganserFull Res Canvasback, Ruddy DuckFull Res Northern PintailFull Res Ruddy DuckFull Res Ruddy DuckFull Res Black PhoebeFull Res American KestrelFull Res White Crowned SparrowFull Res Northern HarrierFull Res Northern HarrierFull Res Fox SparrowFull Res Fox SparrowFull Res Great Blue HeronFull Res American White PelicanFull Res Least SandpiperFull Res Canada GooseFull Res Killdeer, American WigeonFull Res European StarlingFull Res Click on above images to see them larger