Las Gallinas
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Black PhoebeFull Res Black-Necked StiltFull Res Short-Billed DowitcherFull Res Song SparrowFull Res Cinnamon TealFull Res Black-Crowned Night-HeronFull Res KilldeerFull Res Cinnamon Teal, Northern Shoveler, American WigeonFull Res Northern PintailFull Res Ruddy DuckFull Res American WigeonFull Res Green Winged Teal, American WigeonFull Res American Wigeon, Ruddy DuckFull Res Green Winged TealFull Res Turkey VultureFull Res Short-Billed DowitcherFull Res Black PhoebeFull Res American White PelicanFull Res Mallard, Snowy EgretFull Res Red-Tailed HawkFull Res Canada GooseFull Res Anna's HummingbirdFull Res Northern Shoveler, Black SwanFull Res American White Pelican, Double-Crested CormorantFull Res Northern Shoveler, Black SwanFull Res California GullFull Res American White PelicanFull Res Turkey Vulture, Northern HarrierFull Res Marsh WrenFull Res Black-Necked StiltFull Res Canada GooseFull Res American CrowFull Res Short-Billed DowitcherFull Res Canada GooseFull Res Snowy EgretFull Res Snowy EgretFull Res Great-Tailed GrackleFull Res Savannah SparrowFull Res Song SparrowFull Res American White PelicanFull Res American White PelicanFull Res Double-Crested CormorantFull Res American White PelicanFull Res Great-Tailed GrackleFull Res Great-Tailed GrackleFull Res Canada GooseFull Res Turkey VultureFull Res Common MoorhenFull Res Black-Crowned Night-HeronFull Res Green HeronFull Res Green HeronFull Res Pied-Billed GrebeFull Res Great EgretFull Res Red-Winged BlackbirdFull Res Common MoorhenFull Res Great EgretFull Res House SparrowFull Res Black-Necked Stilt, Double-Crested CormorantFull Res Cinnamon TealFull Res Canada Goose, Killdeer, American AvocetFull Res Tree Swallow, Black-Necked Stilt, GadwallFull Res American AvocetFull Res Great EgretFull Res Great Egret, Black-Crowned Night-Heron, GadwallFull Res Black PhoebeFull Res American White PelicanFull Res Common RavenFull Res Common RavenFull Res Song SparrowFull Res American White PelicanFull Res American GoldfinchFull Res Song SparrowFull Res American GoldfinchFull Res Black-Necked StiltFull Res House FinchFull Res Turkey VultureFull Res Marsh WrenFull Res Forster's TernFull Res Forster's TernFull Res Canada GooseFull Res Canada GooseFull Res Red-Winged BlackbirdFull Res Red-Winged BlackbirdFull Res Barn SwallowFull Res Barn SwallowFull Res Red-Winged BlackbirdFull Res Red-Winged BlackbirdFull Res Red-Winged BlackbirdFull Res California TowheeFull Res Mute Swan, MallardFull Res House FinchFull Res American CrowFull Res American White PelicanFull Res American White PelicanFull Res Cinnamon TealFull Res Cinnamon TealFull Res American White PelicanFull Res Black-Necked StiltFull Res Savannah SparrowFull Res Cinnamon TealFull Res Great EgretFull Res Black-Necked StiltFull Res Black-Necked Stilt, Cinnamon TealFull Res Cinnamon TealFull Res American White PelicanFull Res Great EgretFull Res Mallard HybridFull Res Mallard HybridFull Res Canada GooseFull Res Canada GooseFull Res Black-Crowned Night-HeronFull Res Black-Crowned Night-HeronFull Res Great Blue HeronFull Res Great Blue HeronFull Res Great Blue HeronFull Res Great Blue HeronFull Res Tree SwallowFull Res Savannah SparrowFull Res Turkey VultureFull Res American GoldfinchFull Res American GoldfinchFull Res American GoldfinchFull Res Turkey VultureFull Res Turkey VultureFull Res Turkey VultureFull Res Turkey VultureFull Res Turkey VultureFull Res Tree SwallowFull Res Savannah SparrowFull Res Savannah SparrowFull Res American CrowFull Res Black-Necked StiltFull Res KilldeerFull Res KilldeerFull Res KilldeerFull Res Mallard HybridFull Res Mallard HybridFull Res Canada GooseFull Res Green Winged TealFull Res Northern ShovelerFull Res Northern ShovelerFull Res Canada GooseFull Res Snowy Egret, Green Winged TealFull Res American CootFull Res Northern PintailFull Res Snowy EgretFull Res Northern PintailFull Res American WigeonFull Res American WigeonFull Res American Coot, Snowy Egret, Canada GooseFull Res Cinnamon TealFull Res Cinnamon TealFull Res Greater ScaupFull Res Greater ScaupFull Res American Coot, Canada Goose, American WigeonFull Res American Wigeon, Lesser ScaupFull Res American WigeonFull Res American Coot, Northern Shoveler, American Wigeon, Lesser ScaupFull Res American Coot, Lesser ScaupFull Res American WigeonFull Res American White Pelican, Double-Crested CormorantFull Res American White Pelican, Double-Crested CormorantFull Res American WigeonFull Res American WigeonFull Res American Coot, Green Winged TealFull Res Northern ShovelerFull Res Northern Shoveler, American WigeonFull Res Mallard, Long-Billed DowitcherFull Res Long-Billed DowitcherFull Res Mallard, Long-Billed DowitcherFull Res American Wigeon, Long-Billed DowitcherFull Res Black-Crowned Night-HeronFull Res American Tree SparrowFull Res American Tree SparrowFull Res American Tree SparrowFull Res American Tree SparrowFull Res American Tree SparrowFull Res White-Crowned SparrowFull Res White-Crowned SparrowFull Res Northern HarrierFull Res Northern HarrierFull Res Northern HarrierFull Res Northern HarrierFull Res Northern ShovelerFull Res Cinnamon Teal, American WigeonFull Res Great Blue Heron, Snowy Egret, Canada GooseFull Res Great Blue Heron, Snowy Egret, Canada GooseFull Res Black-Crowned Night-HeronFull Res Great Blue HeronFull Res Black-Crowned Night-HeronFull Res Black-Crowned Night-HeronFull Res American KestrelFull Res American KestrelFull Res American AvocetFull Res American AvocetFull Res Cinnamon Teal, Canada Goose, Green Winged TealFull Res Cinnamon Teal, GadwallFull Res Northern Shoveler, American Avocet, GadwallFull Res Canada GooseFull Res American WigeonFull Res Green Winged Teal, Northern ShovelerFull Res Northern Shoveler, GadwallFull Res Least SandpiperFull Res Least SandpiperFull Res KilldeerFull Res KilldeerFull Res American CootFull Res White Crowned SparrowFull Res BuffleheadFull Res BuffleheadFull Res Black-Crowned Night-HeronFull Res Yellow-Rumped WarblerFull Res Black-Crowned Night-HeronFull Res Song SparrowFull Res Ruddy DuckFull Res Hooded MerganserFull Res Black-Necked StiltFull Res Snowy Egret, Hooded MerganserFull Res Canvasback, Ruddy DuckFull Res Killdeer, American CrowFull Res Northern PintailFull Res Great EgretFull Res Red-Winged BlackbirdFull Res Ruddy DuckFull Res Ruddy DuckFull Res Black PhoebeFull Res Double-Crested CormorantFull Res American KestrelFull Res American White PelicanFull Res White Crowned SparrowFull Res Mallard, Barn Swallow, Double-Crested CormorantFull Res Northern HarrierFull Res Northern HarrierFull Res Ring-Billed GullFull Res Fox SparrowFull Res Black-Crowned Night-HeronFull Res Fox SparrowFull Res Great Blue HeronFull Res Fox SparrowFull Res American White PelicanFull Res Fox SparrowFull Res California KingsnakeFull Res Least SandpiperFull Res California KingsnakeFull Res Canada GooseFull Res California TowheeFull Res Killdeer, American WigeonFull Res Black PhoebeFull Res European StarlingFull Res Red-Winged BlackbirdFull Res Black-Necked StiltFull Res Northern Pintail, Mottled DuckFull Res Brewer's Blackbird, Northern PintailFull Res Lesser YellowlegsFull Res Black-Necked Stilt, Lesser YellowlegsFull Res California QuailFull Res California QuailFull Res Northern ShovelerFull Res Canada GooseFull Res Northern HarrierFull Res Mallard, Snowy EgretFull Res Red-Winged BlackbirdFull Res Canada GooseFull Res Northern Harrier, Common RavenFull Res Northern Harrier, Common RavenFull Res Brewer's BlackbirdFull Res Song SparrowFull Res American AvocetFull Res Greater YellowlegsFull Res Song SparrowFull Res Northern ShovelerFull Res Canada Goose, Northern Shoveler, American Avocet, GadwallFull Res American CootFull Res Black PhoebeFull Res Anna's HummingbirdFull Res Turkey VultureFull Res Cinnamon TealFull Res Red-Winged BlackbirdFull Res Common MerganserFull Res Red-Winged BlackbirdFull Res Snowy EgretFull Res Snowy EgretFull Res Double-Crested CormorantFull Res Double-Crested CormorantFull Res Savannah SparrowFull Res Savannah SparrowFull Res House FinchFull Res Red-Tailed Hawk, Northern HarrierFull Res Red-Tailed HawkFull Res River OtterFull Res River OtterFull Res River OtterFull Res Swainson's ThrushFull Res Horned GrebeFull Res Common MerganserFull Res River OtterFull Res Ruddy DuckFull Res California QuailFull Res Great EgretFull Res American AvocetFull Res American AvocetFull Res Black-Crowned Night-HeronFull Res Northern Harrier, Common RavenFull Res Golden-Crowned SparrowFull Res Salt Marsh Harvest MouseFull Res Click on above images to see them larger