First time out with Northern California Racing Club. I ran in the Solo group which is point by passing in the straights only. Passing could be on both sides which was a change to what I've been used to before. William came with me to the track, but unfortunately you need to be 16 to ride along so I put him on camera duty. 8 hours and I trashed all his photos and all but one of the videos. Not actually his fault, he was up in the tower taking photos and there was a lot of glare on the windows. The photos below are from
There is a video from the fifth and final session of the day. I did run the GoPro in the fourth session, but the file corrupted. Bit of a shame as I ran really well in the fourth session except for an off on turn 3. But man, was the camera guy positioned well to catch me going off. I'd really been working on turn 2 and had a lap where I nailed it and just lost concentration going into 3. Got wide, started a drift and dropped the back wheels off the track. No harm done and it was actually quite fun.
This was the first time I've seen another GT-R. I started behind him in the video and got past him and the others to run down the driver that was starting up front in the Porsche Turbo (assume 911, but I'm not a Porsche guy).
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