
(Created on 11th October 2009)

Vote #116

The following question was presented:

William's birthday is coming up on October 19th which is a Monday. We have his birthday party scheduled for Sunday and are now facing the dilemma as to which day we should let him open his presents. On the one hand, Sunday would be a lot more convenient and he's going to get presents from his friends, but on the other hand his birthday isn't until Monday. So, when should we let William open his presents?


Monday morning before we go to work was the clear winner with 50% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Sunday morning before the party (25%)
  • Sunday night after the party (25%)
  • Monday morning before we go to work (50%)
  • Monday after work (0%)
  • Never bar humbug (0%)

Graphic of Results:



Well, the majority of the votes went to the traditionalists. Reality, however, went to the practical. Given how early we need to get up on Monday morning, that's out of the question and I'm working in a location that's not exactly adjacent to home so am not expecting to be back anytime early. That left Sunday (today - as of writing this analysis) and we went with Sunday after the party.
