
(Created on 23rd February 2025)

Vote #906


I think we need to do a study to determine if you’re worthy of being an EBR subscriber. Can you write 5 bullet points on your achievements last week?


No was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (33%)
  • No (67%)


Wow! The EBR readers are more worthless than a government official. Who would have thunk it? Well, you best be keeping your eyes out for Mr Musk. We’re sending him round to you right now to deal out your punishment.

Interestingly, I thought there was a get out of jail free in the official ask as you were not to include anything sensitive. I really, really, really hope someone replied with “I could tell you my achievements, but then I’d have to kill you”.



(Created on 16th February 2025)

Vote #905


An article in the news today caught my attention about Pathfinder 1 being an attempt at reviving the airship. This got me thinking as to whether I'd go on an airship or not if the option was available. I have images of the Hindenburg disaster in my mind, but I'm kind of thinking any modern airship would be using a gas less flammable than hydrogen. Still, the question remains: if there was an option to fly on an airship, would you take it?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


There’s mixed feelings on this. I actually ended up opting for yes based on the try anything once principle, but I’d probably be plopping my pants while on it.



(Created on 9th February 2025)

Vote #904


When are you going to book your vacation on the Middle East Riviera?


Later was the clear winner with 43% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Soon (29%)
  • Later (43%)
  • Never (29%)


Yes, probably best to wait before you make your next vacation destination the Middle East. Seems like Trump's stirring the pot here and we'll wait to see what happens. Talking about going round in circles, Trump was at the Daytona 500 to lead the formation lap in, what they said was, a 22,000 lb limo. Clearly the weight being the armored protection. That's a very heavy car.



(Created on 2nd February 2025)

Vote #903


I’ve actually got a busy week of non work things going on over the next couple of weeks. It starts with another trip to the vet to get boosters for my little babies. Now, I’ve let them out (although only one is really taking advantage of this new found freedom). I’m going to let him out tomorrow morning so he can go for a poo after his breakfast. Will I be able to get Zaphod back in to go to the vet after he’s been for a poo outside?


No was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (40%)
  • No (60%)


Well, the answer to the question was yes. My little baby boy tends to go in and out of the house all day long. He goes out to do his cat business (he has very important meetings he needs to attend) and then he pops back in every now and then to make sure I'm alright. I let him out and then when he came back in, I locked the door on him. I then managed to get both the cats in their respective carry baskets. Got the baskets in the truck .... and then the truck wouldn't start. Yay! So I ended up ubering the cats to and from the vet. Nothing is straight forward these days.



(Created on 26th January 2025)

Vote #902


I only really have one question I can ask this week. If you came across a sign from a failed fast food restaurant in a shop, would you buy it and have it as a decoration?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


I guess McDonalds needs to look out before you lot go and pinch their Golden Arches to hang on your living room wall. This question does actually refer to a friend who now has a green cow light up in their living room. In all fairness, I do actually like it. It’s just not something I’d ever think to do.



(Created on 19th January 2025)

Vote #901


I ended up getting sick this weekend and it’s a long weekend with MLK day. Do I always get sick at long weekends?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Unfortunately a unanimous result, but it does seem like I pick up things when the holidays are upon us. My one and only Covid infection was during a Christmas holiday. Oh well, I think I’ve only got one more holiday left and then I’m done with them (unless I get another job).



(Created on 12th January 2025)

Vote #900


As noted in the analysis of last week’s vote, I want to enter a time trial race. I am, however, missing an important component to enter. My car. Will I get my car back this month?


Yes was the clear winner with 83% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (83%)
  • No (17%)


There is light at the end of the proverbial. The transmission is fixed and back with the car. Just waiting on the parts now and then it will be done. Not sure it will be finished by the end of the month, but we will see.



(Created on 5th January 2025)

Vote #899


Happy New Year from the EBR vote team. Welcome to 2025, the year of retirement. That said, this week’s vote question looks at the opposite of retiring. Will Mr O find a job in 2025?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)

Pre-Result Discussion

6th January 2025
Looks good for Owen. All the best job hunting.


Some neigh sayers amongst you, but I think Owen’s got this. He has to if he’s going to copilot/navigate for me in the Silver State Classic Challenge race that I want to enter. But seriously, good look job hunting. Don’t aim too high with the first job. It’s easier to get a job when you’ve got one, or so they say. Get back on the horse. I’m running out of sayings now.



(Created on 29th December 2024)

Vote #898


Coming to the end of my UK I present an old(ish) English question that has been pondered for years. Is bread really better wi’ newt taken out?


No was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (20%)
  • No (80%)


Tom Allison would not be happy. I’ll be honest, I always wondered what would happen if something fell into the bread making machine. Would they be forced to leave it in there? Let’s hope the bread maker doesn’t have false teeth, but, based on the vote results, seems most folks here don’t go for that type of bread anyway.



(Created on 16th December 2024)

Vote #897


William thinks that Zaphod sleeps in a very dangerous position and can't understand why an animal with a heightened sense of smell would sleep like that.

Would you like to sleep where Zaphod is sleeping? (Zaphod is the black one, not the tabby at the bottom of the bed).


No was the clear winner with 83% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (17%)
  • No (83%)


Yay to the one person that wants to sleep with their nose up my bum. That might have been me though. I can’t remember which way I voted. Anyway, I’ll be back with my little babies very soon after the weekly email goes out. I hope they forgive me for leaving them, but they seem to have been well looked after by the cat sitter.



(Created on 15th December 2024)

Vote #896


So here it is, Merry Christmas as they say. It's time for me to jump on a plane and make the trip back across the pond. Will my plane back to England this week get away without delays?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


I would say it went reasonably well. We got in the plane on time, but were held at the gate for 35 minutes, however, we made that time up on the journey, so arrived bang on time. So technically, there was a delay, but it didn't really have an impact.



(Created on 8th December 2024)

Vote #895


So, I have been warned that you need to be able to close your trash (wheelie bin) lid in order for the trash to be taken. I have in the past pushed this a little and there's been a bit poking out the top of the garbage can. I have some rather large polystyrene bits that need to go and I've been braking them down slowly, but this week, I kind of just thought fuck it and ... yeah, we'll see.

Do you think my trash will get taken this week or do you think they will leave it?


Yes - taken was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - taken (60%)
  • No - left (40%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
9th December 2024
If its anything like here, the bin Nazis will leave it for months


I'm going to be honest, I was very surprised, but they did indeed take it. I only have a couple of large pieces left and they'll have to wait until I return from the Christmas holidays as I have a bin full of regular trash this week. My garage will soon be empty. I'll have to arrange a pick up for the large items which I'll do early new year. Now, if only I had a car to put in there.



(Created on 1st December 2024)

Vote #894


We're coming down to the last race of the Formula 1 season and it's looking like it's going to be a two horse race for the most important title of all. That's right, the EastBayRag race game. Sadly, I'm nowhere and have had the worst season ever. Kind of weird, my picks haven't been that bad, but they just seem to be one off all the time. I think that pretty much happened to Owen last season, but he has made amends and has a commanding lead over William by 54 points. Technically this can be overturned. Who will reign supreme over the 2024 EastBayRag Race Game?


William was the clear winner with 57% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Owen (43%)
  • William (57%)


As with the race itself, the gap was too big for Ferrari and for William. Both made valiant efforts, but the congratulations goes to McLaren and Owen for their respective victories. Obviously Owen's win is far more prestigious, but McLaren deserve a shout out for their efforts. In all fairness, it was a good end to the season in F1. Sad to see a few of the faces go, but next year will bring a lot of new blood and I think the driver's championship will be a lot closer. I also don't know who I think will win. I guess we'll have to wait and see.



(Created on 24th November 2024)

Vote #893


‘Tis the season of giving thanks. Will you be giving thanks on Thursday?


No was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (33%)
  • No (67%)


And there's so much to be thankful for. My new bike came on Friday this past week. How cool is that? Very thankful that it's here, although it's not setup yet, so I can't ride it until Thursday. William has just visited for Thanksgiving and I've just taken him back to the airport, very thankful for that (which you can read how you like :)). I'm edging towards the final 6 months of my working career which is totally awesome.



(Created on 17th November 2024)

Vote #892


It's a big day for my baby boy on Monday. Cat that is, not William. He's going in for a scan to see if there's anything wrong with him. I'm not too sure whether this scan is worth it or not, but I'm going to go ahead with it anyway. Will my cat get a clean bill of health after his scan on Monday?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Ooh! Positive vibes rom everyone. Well, my cat was indeed perfectly fine. To be honest, I got the sense that the vet at the specialty center was a little surprised I’d actually bothered to bring my cat in as he hasn’t exhibited any signs of being ill. That said, I did as I was told and took him to be scanned.

I’m extremely proud of my little boy as he didn’t really complain much about the trip and he was nice to the vet. He didn’t get a bout of diarrhea and so he didn’t poop on the vet which was really good as that meant one of us didn’t. Still, I think they’re used to cleaning up messes.



(Created on 10th November 2024)

Vote #891


Apparently there was an election this past week, who knew?


I did was the clear winner with 86% of the votes from the following selection:

  • I did (86%)
  • I didn't (14%)


Looks like most of you knew there was an election and I guess it was kind of a dumb question given how much it's been on the news. That said, I kind of found myself less interested in it this time round and the interesting thing is that I've heard more about it from non-US people than I have from folks in the US. Probably not a statistically viable sample, but something I thought was interesting.



(Created on 3rd November 2024)

Vote #890


OK, so last week's vote question did get me thinking about the old saying that pets take after their owners. When I look at my little babies, here are the characteristics I see:


  • clean
  • cuddly
  • quiet
  • well behaved

  • stinky
  • stupid
  • does what he wants to
  • noisy
  • gets upset if he doesn't get his way
  • frequently has diarrhea

I think it's clear that Trillion takes after me, but I can't for the life of me think who Zaphod takes after. Who do you think Zaphod takes after?


Rag was the clear winner with 38% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Grandpa (25%)
  • Ivan (13%)
  • Rag (38%)
  • William (25%)


Just because he's got bad diarrhea doesn't mean he takes after me. I have to laugh, that's why William said he chose me. He saw someone who'd by sympathetic to his bowel problems. Speaking of which, today was hose down the litter tray day during which I do a full clean of the utility room. There was cat litter everywhere. It's up the walls, on the inside of the door. Thankfully, there was none on the ceiling. It's like they go digging for gold or something when they're in there. An amusing thing is that the litter robot comes with a mat for the cat to clean its feet on when it comes out of the litter bowl. My cats see that as a challenge to jump over.



(Created on 27th October 2024)

Vote #889


So, the mice seem to have disappeared. They seemed to be everywhere, but all of a sudden it's like they packed up and left, no sign of them at all, even in the garage. I did read that mice will just leave if they have no food or if they no longer like their habitat. What do you think caused the mice to leave my house?


My farts was the clear winner with 44% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Cats (11%)
  • Cat shit (22%)
  • Cat pee (0%)
  • Tea bags (22%)
  • My farts (44%)


OK, so I figured you'd think it was my toots that are keeping the mice at bay. In fairness, that might have something to do with it. I did think it was my cats as Zaphod is pretty stinky at the best of times, but then I read that mice didn't like tea bags and I do drink tea over coffee, so it must be that. I mean, they did say peppermint teabags and I only have regular teabags, but it can't be the smells of my cats and myself can it?



(Created on 20th October 2024)

Vote #888


Well, we're coming up on some kind of vote that may be a little bigger than the EastBayRag vote. Should I offer to give away $1m to a random person that votes on the EastBayRag site?


Yes - go for it was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - go for it (80%)
  • No - that would be illegal (20%)


And this week's lucky winner is .... get real! Elon probably has a few more dollars than I do.



(Created on 13th October 2024)

Vote #887


It's William's birthday next weekend and, rather than spend lots of money on a present like any parent could do, I'm making him a present. Will William like the birthday present I'm making for him?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


First, Happy Birthday to William. Whether he likes his present or not is yet to be seen. I sent him a picture of his bedroom door. I was going to send him a picture of his present, but, because it's a secret, I shut his bedroom door before taking the picture. He'll get to see it when he comes back at Thanksgiving. I also sent him a video of my cat sniffing my bum after I farted, then seemingly pouncing to catch it before it escaped. I mean, who wouldn't want that as a birthday present?



(Created on 6th October 2024)

Vote #886


I debated whether to make this week’s vote an actual test and not allow answers to be posted until Thursday. I ended up getting sidetracked and didn’t make the changes need. The question to fit that test is: if you don’t do it now, will you remember to do it later?


Yes was the clear winner with 83% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (83%)
  • No (17%)


You're all lying. There's no way you'd remember to do it if you didn't d o it now. If I said to not vote until Thursday, I'd have no votes in the week.



(Created on 29th September 2024)

Vote #885


One of the main reasons I moved into a house was so I could go out on my bike when I wanted to. That said, I've managed to find excuses not to actually go on it yet since I've been here. Will I go out on my bike this week?


Ride like the wind was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Ride like the wind (100%)
  • Let's get the excuses ready (0%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
30th September 2024
I hope you don't Chris Cross us on this one and you act like a Saxon and make it to the border of Mexico on your bike


Technically, yes, I did get out on my bike this week. I went out for a ride on Tuesday morning, then realized we are in the middle of a heat wave. I decided against going out this past weekend as the temperatures were really high (above 100). I didn’t quite get as far as Mexico. Far from it, I realized that it’s quite hilly where I am and that it’s going to be a lot of work. The problem is that I live near the top of the hill, so I have to be concerned about going too far down the hill so I can’t make it back.



(Created on 22nd September 2024)

Vote #884


A pretty boring question this week as I turn my attention to the Premier League. Will Leicester survive and stay up in the Premier League this season?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
23rd September 2024
I think your choice of manager sealed your fate before the season started. Happy to be proven wrong, but it was an unambitious decision.


Based on his comment, I assume that it's Mr O of little faith. The rest of us are holding on to hope. I do agree that the manager may not have been the best choice and it definitely seems that he's not going down too well with the fans. That said, the one thing I do think we've got to hold onto is the fact that we're scoring. I recognize that we lost 4-2 against Arsenal, but Man City struggled to score against a 10 man Arsenal side and we did at least get 2 goals. Now, stopping conceding goals is a whole other problem that we need to work on.



(Created on 15th September 2024)

Vote #883


I had a vote question, but unfortunately I didn't write it when I had it and now I've forgotten, so we're going to go with the only thing that's on my mind. Will I get a definitive date to get my car fixed this week?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)


I was skeptical, but I did indeed get a definitive date for the car to be fixed. Sadly it's not until the end of October, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I've just been out to turn the car over to try and make sure nothing else falls to bits on it before I get it into the shop.



(Created on 8th September 2024)

Vote #882


We're going to take a slight departure from the cat related vote questions, but possibly drop into the realms of being cryptic. I have a surprise for Luke this Friday, assuming he joins the call with me. Will Luke be surprised this coming Friday?


Yes was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (80%)
  • No (20%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
9th September 2024
It'll be Friday the 13th, what could possiblye go wrong?
9th September 2024
Quite possibly you will be even more surprised than Luke.


I did indeed give Luke a surprise and then gave Owen the same surprise. Luke said it was a nice surprise and I'm still confused as to what he thought I was going to do that would make it a bad surprise. Anyway, a friend of ours who I've not seen for about 15 years, messaged me to say he was doing a West Coast trip to the states and that he'd be in the area. Had a great time, was fantastic to see him and we had an afternoon drinking beers in the back garden to catch up. Before that, I video called Luke as he had no idea he Adam was going to be here. Coincidentally, he's my first official guest in the house which is quite cool too.



(Created on 1st September 2024)

Vote #881


We have a short week this week with Monday being Labor day. That said, the big day for me is going to be Wednesday as I have to take the kitties to the vet. Nothing going wrong, they just need a check up, apparently, and a jab I think. I've been worried about catching Trillion as she's been very shy up until now, although now she seems to trust me. At least until I put her in a cage and take her to the vet to be jabbed. Will I be able to catch the kittens to get them into their carriers and take them to the vet?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


It was indeed yes. I was able to catch the kitties quite easily and get them into their respective carriers. All went well. I did write a little blog on the vet trip if you're interested.



(Created on 25th August 2024)

Vote #880


There's a high likelihood that we're in for a series of kitty related vote questions, particularly as I'm spending most of my time buying toys and running round chasing them off surfaces they're not supposed to be on. So, in the analysis of the last question I mentioned I'd moved their litter box three times. It was in the spare bedroom, then I moved it into the hallway, but it's a pretty big litter robot and it kind of blocked the hall. William went off to college on Thursday so I've put the litter box in his bedroom so it's out of the way. That said, I'm a little worried about the smell when he comes back at Thanksgiving. Do you think the cats will put up with the smell when William comes back at Thanksgiving?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


A mixed response. In fairness, cats are quite particular about where they go for a shit. I am thinking I may need to move their toilet before William comes back so as to not upset them.



(Created on 18th August 2024)

Vote #879


Well, my little bird is flying the nest as he's off to San Diego this week to college. I've decided to replace my little bird with two little birds. Albeit not so much birds and more like cats. I'm now the proud father of two little three month old kitties. They will have been with me for just over 24 hours when this vote goes out, so they are very new to the house (and me). I have a tuxedo colored baby boy that's very adventurous and little grey tabby girl who's very shy. He's been all round the house and in places he's not supposed to go already. She hasn't let me stroke her yet, although she has been out to play and she is eating healthily. Which of my two bundles of joy will be the first to shit in the house somewhere other than the litterbox?


Neither was the clear winner with 40% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Zaphod (20%)
  • Trillion (20%)
  • Neither (40%)
  • You won't know the culprit (20%)


I have to say, it's unlikely that one of them will go for a poop on the floor as they both seem very well litter trained. I've moved the litter box three times now and they don't seem to mind and have been able to find the toilet when they need it. Now, I do think I'm going to get some puke at some point as cats do tend to do that breakdance (they should enter the Olympics) and then cough up a hairball.



(Created on 11th August 2024)

Vote #878


We’re slowly, very slowly, getting there with the house. One of the things we’ve done is hung 12 pictures. Now, when I say hung, what I mean is precariously balanced on top of nails or hooks. William dropped a TV stand in the living room and a painting fell off the wall in the dining room ~30 feet away. How many times will a painting fall off the wall this week?


0, 5 and 7 tied with 22% of the votes each from the following:

  • 0 (22%)
  • 1 (0%)
  • 2 (0%)
  • 3 (11%)
  • 4 (11%)
  • 5 (22%)
  • 6 (0%)
  • 7 (22%)
  • 8 (11%)
  • 9+ (0%)


Interestingly, the answer is none. I say interestingly as I've just acquired two picture knocker offers (the subject of next week's vote) and neither of those have managed to knock one of yet. That said, I'm wondering what the damage will be after the first earthquake.



(Created on 4th August 2024)

Vote #877


We're going to continue the Olympic theme, although I suspect the answer to this question may vary depending on whether you're male or female. I've been studying the talent that's been performing in both the women's gymnastics and the beach volleyball. (Sidetrack, I have to say Simone Biles is amazing). It strikes me that even in this day and age, they haven't managed to create a leotard or bikini bottoms that don't go right up a woman's arse. The question I have though is if they could make a leotard and/or bikini bottoms that don't go up a woman's arse, would you want them to?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


A tie. I do wonder how much pluckage occurs through the duration of the Olympics. It must be a lot. Probably just me that wonders that.



(Created on 28th July 2024)

Vote #876


Alrighty, we have yet another sporting marvel upon us with the Olympics. It's time to get ready for those track and field events along with the other things that nobody knows why they've been included. Where do you think Great Britain will come in the overall 2024 Olympic medal standings?


7th and 9th tied with 25% of the votes each from the following:

  • 1st (13%)
  • 2nd (0%)
  • 3rd (13%)
  • 4th (0%)
  • 5th (13%)
  • 6th (0%)
  • 7th (25%)
  • 8th (13%)
  • 9th (25%)
  • 10th+ (0%)


A lot of pessimistic folks out there and one huge optimist. I went with third assuming that first and second would be wrapped up by the US and China. I think the fight for third could be tight and we do tend to do OK at the Olympics. The most common answers were 7th or 9th which seems quite low, but I guess we've got another week left before we find out the actual answer.


Mr O
5th August 2024
The French will be up there as its a home games, and the Aussies do well, hence my pick of 5th
5th August 2024
Your logic makes sense and I think it's a good answer. It was the 9th that I thought was too low, even the 7th, but we will see.
11th August 2024
Well, it just goes to show how little I know. 7th it was in the end for Great Britain. The US managed to scrape the overall win over China. Japan came from nowhere to take third.

(Created on 21st July 2024)

Vote #875


Alright, so we’re in the new house and the main thing I need is a sofa. When do you think I will get a new sofa in the house?


4 weeks time was the clear winner with 25% of the votes from the following selection:

  • This week (6%)
  • Next week (6%)
  • 3 weeks time (13%)
  • 4 weeks time (25%)
  • 5weeks time (0%)
  • 6weeks time (6%)
  • 7 weeks time (13%)
  • 8 weeks time (19%)
  • 9 weeks or longer (13%)


An interesting spread when I look at the bar graph. Most people went with 4 weeks, then there's a dip and it goes back up again with 8 weeks being the second favorite. Well, one thing's for sure, it wasn't last week and it won't be next week as I've not even made it to the furniture shop to order anything yet. It's on the ever increasing list of things to get done.


1 comment
Mr O
29th July 2024
I'm more intrigued by the number of votes

(Created on 14th July 2024)

Vote #874


‘Tis the big move this Wednesday into my new house. The website will go down Wednesday morning for me to move the EBR server farm to its new location. What day this week will I get the website back up after the move on Wednesday?


Not this week was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Wednesday (33%)
  • Thursday (0%)
  • Friday (0%)
  • Saturday (0%)
  • Not this week (67%)


Oh dear! Those of you with little faith. I’ve moved several times with the website and it’s always been back up and running on the same day. There was a small element of luck as I’d ordered a new router and it arrived on the day of the move. Not intentional, just worked out that way as I bought it as part of the prime day deals on Amazon. Anyway, the old router seemed to give up after the move. I’ve had a lot of trouble with it before and it just wouldn’t connect to the cable modem. As soon as the new router arrived, got it up and running almost immediately, so the correct answer was Wednesday.



(Created on 7th July 2024)

Vote #873


With all the phenomenal sporting events that have gone on this weekend, notably Lewis Hamilton winning again and doing it on home soil, along with the England football team winning on penalties (I didn’t even know that was an option, I’m so used to watching us go out to those), we have to ask a sporting question and we’ll go with football. Now we’re down to the semi finals, let’s see if you can predict the winner. Which country do you think will win the major soccer tournament going on?


Uruguay was the clear winner with 40% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Argentina (30%)
  • Canada (20%)
  • Columbia (10%)
  • Uruguay (40%)


First, let me say congratulations to Spain for winning Euro 2024. As disappointed as I am, I have to acknowledge that Spain were the best team throughout the tournament and the better team in the final. England did get better as the tournament went on, but just didn’t have enough to win.

Moving on to the subject of the question, Argentina were victorious taking the country and Messi to new records in the Copa America, so congratulations to them too. I did vote for Uruguay. I thought they played well to get to the semi final, but sadly they didn’t progress any further. Looks like the majority of you either thought or hoped it would be Uruguay.



(Created on 30th June 2024)

Vote #872


As I write this question, the clock on the intro page dipped below 365 days signifying that I have under a year left before I retire. The clock has, however, timed out before and I reset it deciding to continue on a bit longer. Will I actually retire in a year (June 30, 2025 at 5:00pm)?


Yes was the clear winner with 83% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (83%)
  • No (17%)


Interesting, the majority of you think I’ll go through with it, myself included. Only time will tell, but I think that time is soon as I have to give 9 months notice. Who would have thought anyone would consider me valuable enough to require a 9 month notice period, but there you go.



(Created on 23rd June 2024)

Vote #871


Well, we've done most of the packing which means I'm going to be living in box city for at least 2 weeks until I move and then probably a bit longer while unpacking at the other end. What I've been doing is watching the Euro 2024 competition while I've been packing to have something on in the background. I'll do a who do you think will win once we progress a bit more. For this week, I will ask what round do you think England will get knocked out of the Euro 2024 competition?


They will win was the clear winner with 27% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Group stage (9%)
  • Round of 16 (18%)
  • Quarter Finals (18%)
  • Semi Finals (18%)
  • Finals (9%)
  • They will win (27%)


Well, those of you that voted for the group stage or the round of 16, tough! We've got through those rounds with an amazing display of football. Wait ... the drugs are wearing off ... yeah, we barely scraped through and got lucky with a last minute goal against Slovaka. Still, could be worse ... could be Italian. It's sad that the only thing positive I can say about England is that other teams have played worse. I guess we'll see how far we can keep going and kudos to those that had faith that we would win the tournament - I hope you're right, although that means I'm going to watching a lot more clinging on to a flimsy lead while crapping myself every time the opponents push forward.


1 comment
14th July 2024
Well, they made the finals, but didn’t have enough to win it. Congratulations to Spain for their Euro 2024 victory.

(Created on 16th June 2024)

Vote #870


More house questions, but that’s not surprising as it’s pretty much dominating my time right now. So, we did the final walk through before taking ownership and I took the opportunity to figure out where I want to put TVs. The only thing I’m trying to decide is should I put a TV in the bathroom?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


Interesting, I was the only one to vote no. I’ll be honest I did think about it more from a having a bath perspective than going for a poo. The thing is it’s probably as easy to just use a tablet and pop it on a chair.


1 comment
24th June 2024
It’s probably safer to let things happen naturally. But if you do need a tablet, don’t just leave the result on the chair.

(Created on 9th June 2024)

Vote #869


The biggest challenge I have this week is to figure out what insurance to get for my house. California is a bit of a mess right now and there aren’t too many options. Which of the following home insurance options should I get?


Dr Nick’s Discount Insurance Emporium was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Trusty but under insured (0%)
  • Expensive but no backup (0%)
  • Very expensive state fund (25%)
  • Dr Nick’s Discount Insurance Emporium (75%)


Got to laugh, Dr Nick refused to insure me in the end. That was the route I was going down until they turned their nose up at me. In the end I struggled to get quotes and went with option A, the trusty but under insured option as they at least gave me a firm quote. I did get it to a better number than it was. Time to cross that task off the list and move on.



(Created on 2nd June 2024)

Vote #868


Taking on a difficult and sensitive task, I gave Paul the news that ImperialHal has left TSM. I broke the news gently so as to not get him too worked up, risking another heart attack. How devastated were you at the news of Hal leaving TSM?


What is TSM? was the clear winner with 30% of the votes from the following selection:

  • A little (20%)
  • Moderately (20%)
  • A lot (20%)
  • Who is Hal? (10%)
  • What is TSM? (30%)


It looks like the majority of you don’t know what TSM is and I’m going to guess by default, no idea who Hal is. So let me tell you. TSM, which stands for Team Solo Mid, is a professional esports team. They started in a game called League of Legends. The name derives from that game. They have subsequently expanded to several other competitive games, one of which being Apex Legends. ImperialHal has been the in game leader (IGL) of that team and is currently the most successful player in the game. He just left the team which came as a bit of surprise to me. He is now with Zero and Genburton in Team Falcons, being dubbed a dream team, but only time will tell.



(Created on 26th May 2024)

Vote #867


Yet again, this weeks vote question is brought to you courtesy of William and his ineptitude. He managed to get outsmarted again by a seemingly routine task, turning to YouTube for help and still struggling. What task did William struggle to do this past week?


Iron a shirt was the clear winner with 24% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Bake a potato (6%)
  • Change a bike tire (12%)
  • Change a light bulb (12%)
  • Cook a tin of beans (18%)
  • Iron a shirt (24%)
  • Make a cup of tea (18%)
  • Vacuum the floor (12%)


Ah! The vote was very split, however the majority was indeed correct. William had borrowed one of my shirts so I made him wash and iron it. He had no idea how to iron the shirt, so I told him to watch a YouTube video. He did and seemed to get annoyed with it, but he did persevere and I now have a clean, ironed shirt.



(Created on 19th May 2024)

Vote #866


Next weekend has a lot going on, not least of which being my Dad’s 80th. On top of that we have the Monaco Grand Prix and the FA Cup final. Which side of Manchester do you think will take the FA Cup?


City was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • City (100%)
  • United (0%)


And everybody was wrong, including the bookies. Apparently you could get 9-1 on United which are pretty good odds in any two horse race. The spoils and congratulations do, however, go to the red half of Manchester as United beat City 2-1.



(Created on 12th May 2024)

Vote #865


Alright, so a certain someone (who will remain nameless) decided to get an ambulance after eating a dodgy curry because he thought he was having a heart attack. Do you think said certain person would call the fire brigade if he ran out of bog roll?


Yes was the clear winner with 71% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (71%)
  • No (29%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
13th May 2024
I guess it was an impaulsive decision


Yes, I think so. I think he does it for the attention really. Seeking medical attention for a sore botty.



(Created on 5th May 2024)

Vote #864


After a rather eventful week with a couple of trips to hospital, one to urgent care and another to a doctor, I’m hoping for a quiet week. Will this week be a quiet one?


Yes was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (60%)
  • No (40%)


I would say yes, it was a relatively quiet week. Not a boring one, plenty of little bits and pieces going on, but no trips to the hospital, thankfully. That said, I did have two doctors appointments.



(Created on 28th April 2024)

Vote #863


I’m facing somewhat of a serious dilemma. It’s something I find difficult to talk about. Not knowing what people will think of me if they find out. I have to decide fairly quickly. Do I want soups or salads for lunch this week?


Soup was the clear winner with 83% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Soup (83%)
  • Salad (17%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
29th April 2024
Given your weekend and weak end, I'd go for soup, easier journey and no conversion needed


Interesting, I did indeed go for soup. I’ve had salads for lunch for probably about a year and fancied a change. I’m on soup again this week, but plan to return to salads the week after.



(Created on 21st April 2024)

Vote #862


As we come down to the final three games of the Championship in the English Football League, there are three possible title winners. Who do you think will win the EFL Championship in 2024?


Leicester was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Ipswitch (0%)
  • Leeds (25%)
  • Leicester (75%)


I feel sorry for whoever voted for Leeds as they are now out of the running for the title. It is definitely in Leicester’s hands. Two points needed from two games. A win on Monday and it’s all over.


1 comment
Mr O
29th April 2024
I voted for Leeds in the hope they'd crumble and they did

lu crumble

(Created on 14th April 2024)

Vote #861


I just finished watching a 6 part TV series and then watched a movie. Both of these were on Netflix and there was something awesome in both of them. What was awesome in the TV series and movie I just watched on Netflix?


Owen and I was the clear winner with 57% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Action (14%)
  • Suspense (14%)
  • Unexpected ending (0%)
  • George Clooney (0%)
  • Julia Roberts (14%)
  • Owen and I (57%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
15th April 2024
Unless Netflix have finally taken up the option on "Fatman & Hobbling" the exceedingly dull adventures of two defectives from Leicestershire, I don't think the answer is the last choice on the list
Mr O
15th April 2024
Unless Netflix have finally taken up the option on Fatman & Hobbling - the exceedingly dull adventures of two defectives from Leicestershire, I don't think the answer is the last choice on the list
Mr O
15th April 2024
Unless Netflix have finally taken up the option on Fatman & Hobbling the exceedingly dull adventures of two defectives from Leicestershire, I don't think the answer is the last choice on the list
Mr Blobby
15th April 2024
Unless Netflix have finally taken up the option on Fatman & Hobbling the exceedingly dull adventures of two defectives from Leicestershire, I don't think the answer is the last choice on the list
15th April 2024
If a comment’s worth making, it’s worth making 4 times


Wow! Was this the most controversial vote question ever set. It's caused so much concern and chaos amongst the EBR voters. All three of them have had significant issues, it's crazy. It started with my dad questioning the grammar in the answers. It then cascaded to Paul saying he did not understand the question and it didn't make sense. To Owen telling me the website was broken and he couldn't post a discussion comment after trying four times.

Well, I maintain the grammar is correct and to be really clear and give you the answer so you're not going to fall off the edge of your seat waiting, the correct answer is “Owen and I made the TV series and movie I watched [last weekend] awesome.” Seems good to me. I provided the answer to Paul and actually told him that Owen and I feature in a TV series and a movie on Netflix and he said he still didn't understand. He did just turn 50 though and, we wish him Happy Birthday, but also note that he's struggling with his new found age. That is the only explanation I have there. As for Owen, the four discussion comments left by him would indicate that the program is actually functioning as intended, although, I will admit here that there are bugs here and there on the site that pop up from time to time. It's not my day job.

Anyway, all the complaints aside, I think it's pretty cool that Owen and I are international stars. Well, that's what I thought at first and then I realized that in both instances, we are there as an example of what can go wrong. This probably fits our capabilities a lot better than being celebrities. I should note that movie may be a little misleading as it's more of a docufilm, but still, we are indeed there. Now, I will say that you need a keen eye to spot us. I think Owen might be trying to hide behind a pole and I'm running out of shot, but if you look close enough you will see us. And, as I mentioned, being truly international stars, the TV show filmed us in the US and the docufilm had us on camera in England.

I'm guessing that anyone reading this far is marginally interested in which TV show and which film Owen and I feature. Well, the TV show is “100 days to Indy” that follows teams and drivers in the first 100 days of the 2023 IndyCar series to the Indy 500. The docufilm is “Schumacher” that goes through the amazing career of Michael Schumacher. Owen is probably a little confused as to the first of these, but has figured out the second given it's our one and only trip to a Formula 1 race. Go back to what I said about the fact that we're there to highlight what could go wrong and sadly we are at the Indy Car race where Dan Wheldon died which is featured on the show. For everyone else, we were there when Michael Schumacher had a whoopsie moment, thankfully not as bad as the IndyCar incident.



(Created on 7th April 2024)

Vote #860


A strategic medical question is upon us this week. I got myself a yummy curry take out last night and as normal, ordered enough for two so I have half one night and half the other. I did indeed have half last night which was superseded by an almighty bog explosion. We're talking running down the back of your legs explosion. If you had really bad shits after eating a curry, would you eat the leftovers the next day?


Yes - waste not, want not was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • No way Jose (20%)
  • Yes - waste not, want not (80%)


Yes, I did indeed eat the day old curry. Interestingly, my stomach was fine after. But only for a day and then it went bad for a whole week. Yes, there’s a pun in there somewhere about it making my hole weak, but I don’t think it was the curry that caused it.



(Created on 31st March 2024)

Vote #859


I’m not entirely sure how, but I’ve not only been entered into the world championship qualifiers for Clash of Clans, I’m actually team captain. Just goes to show that you should keep your mouth shut otherwise you end up in these kind of situations. It’s actually quite intense with a lot to do this week. If we get past that, we move into a monthly bracket and then a monthly final. Win that and it’s off to Finland for the finals. There’s 4 months of play and then a last chance qualifier. Will my team make it out of the open ladder in the clash of clans world championship?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


Interesting that we got a split vote. I voted no as I pretty much knew we wouldn't get very far. You see, the thing is that I'd read the tournament rules which was a very large document and I knew what the requirements were. That was the reason I ended up as captain as I was the only one that knew what to do. I condensed the requirements into a short message to my fellow team member and as expected, they had no clue what they'd signed up for and were not able to follow through. Only 3 of the 5 members turned up at the start time, so we didn't even play a match. At least we can say we didn't lose.



(Created on 24th March 2024)

Vote #858


Are you wondering what to do this coming weekend? Well, what if you’ve made plans to go somewhere, but still don’t know what to do? Maybe there’s something of local interest or an activity you can partake in. Well, is there anything to do in Shrewsbury?


No was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (40%)
  • No (60%)


I’ll be honest, I have absolutely no idea. I haven’t bothered to Google it as I’m not going. Best I can come up with is to visit the Leicester player Shrewsbury Hall. Something tells me, however, that I’m going to hear all about Shrewsbury after Paul visits.


1 comment
Mr O
1st April 2024
Maybe he went to visit the old home ground of Shrewsbury Town FC, Gay Meadow

(Created on 17th March 2024)

Vote #857


Leicester's run in the FA cup has come to an end. There were some really good games this weekend - I managed to watch three of the four. Who do you want to win the FA cup?


Coventry City was the clear winner with 57% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Chelsea (14%)
  • Coventry City (57%)
  • Manchester City (14%)
  • Manchester United (14%)


Yes indeed, we’re all going to be Coventry fans for the rest of the FA cup. Just a quick trip down the 69 from my home town and who doesn’t like a 69? It’s going to be tough though. I kind of think it’s going to be the two Manchesters in the final.



(Created on 10th March 2024)

Vote #856


Sticking with the sporting theme, we move to football and my beloved Leicester than have managed to turn a 12 point lead in the Championship into a 3 point lead. Will Leicester hang on and win the Championship?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


I really, really hope so, but we're no longer top. We have a game in hand, but we are not having a good run right now. Still a ways to go, so we'll see.



(Created on 3rd March 2024)

Vote #855


Well, the F1 yawn fest for 2024 has started and Max is on his way to his fourth title. How many of the 24 races in the 2024 F1 season do you think Max won’t win?


2 and 9+ tied with 18% of the votes each from the following:

  • 0 (6%)
  • 1 (12%)
  • 2 (18%)
  • 3 (12%)
  • 4 (6%)
  • 5 (6%)
  • 6 (12%)
  • 7 (6%)
  • 8 (6%)
  • 9+ (18%)


Lots of votes, but the website has seen a significant uptick in hack attempts, so it's probably bots voting. I can't think there's over ten people out there actually reading the site, but I could be wrong. Anyway, the consensus seemed to be either three or over nine. I think over nine is optimistic as I can't see Max not winning that many this season and his start seems to back that up. It does look like the Ferrari's will be the ones pushing Red Bull, but they've got to get past Perez first before they can even think about taking on Max.



(Created on 25th February 2024)

Vote #854


The F1 season is upon is and the race game is open again, but will anyone be able to beat me this year?


No was the clear winner with 57% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (43%)
  • No (57%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
26th February 2024
More importantly, will anyone bother to try?


Well, Owen has come out of the blocks hard and fast, scoring the highest ever points in this game, but does he have the stamina or has he shot his wad? Only time will tell, but the one thing we don’t need time for is to know that everyone is going to pick Max to win each week. It looks like is setting up to be a pretty boring season and the race is for second place.



(Created on 18th February 2024)

Vote #853


OK, so the vote question last week to ask why the question last week wasn't sent out on time was also delayed. This time I do know the reason that it was delayed and it was that humongous idiot - me! But what caused me to stop last week's vote question going out on time?


Venomous Budgie, Vicious Potato and Volatile Donut tied with 25% of the votes each from the following:

  • Venomous Budgie (25%)
  • Vibrant Trumpet (13%)
  • Vicious Potato (25%)
  • Virtual Turnip (13%)
  • Volatile Donut (25%)


It was kind of a trick question because the answer is all of them. These are mini accounts that I’ve started on Clash of Clans. I got a new cheapo tablet and signed in with these and my original accounts. I couldn’t remember the password on the emails from the original accounts, so reset them. The weekly email from this site bounces off one of those emails and when I reset the password, it invalidated all the keys that are used to send the email. Annoying and stupid on my part. I had to reset everything on the Google dev console and all is right in the world again.



(Created on 11th February 2024)

Vote #852


I don’t actually know the answer to this question, so it’s purely one of those for you to use judgement on. If you were astute, which none of you were, you would have noticed the weekly vote didn’t go out last week. In order to fix it, I had to reset the home network and reconnect the server, but I’m not 100% what caused it. The Wi-Fi router is dodgy and that could have caused it. I also updated Linux the day before. Also, the day before, the power was fluctuating because of the storms. Finally, I saw William plugging his network cable back into the router the day after because he has to unplug it the night before so the cleaner doesn’t bundle it up. What do you think caused last week’s email not to go out?


William was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Dodgy router (0%)
  • Linux update (25%)
  • Power fluctuation (0%)
  • William (75%)


Poor William, gets the blame for everything. I honestly think it was the Linux update. It's actually done a few recently that's messed things up a bit, but hey, let's blame William. Why not?



(Created on 5th February 2024)

Vote #851


So, there has been much shouting at William to get this bike put together. It has been an eye opener to me what little experience he has with anything and that he just doesn't know how to do anything. He then argues for the sake of it to try and prove he's not completely useless, however, he was outsmarted earlier today. What was William outsmarted by earlier today?


Cardboard box was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Goldfish (0%)
  • Potato (17%)
  • Cardboard box (67%)
  • Mobile phone (0%)
  • Cheesecake (0%)
  • Light switch (0%)
  • Cupboard door (17%)


It was indeed the cardboard box. What’s more is that it beat him twice. I’d asked him to fold the box flat and put it under the bed so we could use it if we moved as it was a very sturdy box. It’s what the bike came in. He couldn’t figure out how to fold it flat insisting that you would need to rip the staples out to make it work. Magically, I showed him that if you pulled the flaps out it would collapse and be flat. Not satisfied with that failure, he then claimed it wouldn’t go under the bed without being ripped as there wasn’t enough room to get it down to push it in. I then had to show him that the box would fold where the flaps join the main box and that folding it down while pushing it under would work. Sigh.



(Created on 29th January 2024)

Vote #850


Ooops, a little late setting this week's vote question. Got caught up with some other stuff and forgot. Need to think of a quick one ... errr ... will I get a house this week?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


No would be the simple answer. I did put an offer in on one, but sadly didn't get it.



(Created on 21st January 2024)

Vote #849


Hmmm. Is it going to rain tomorrow?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


You know, I have absolutely no clue whether it did or it didn't. I'm pretty sure I didn't go out, so it won't have mattered either way. I have a feeling it did as it did rain several days last week. I guess if you care, you can look it up, but I'm not going to bother.



(Created on 14th January 2024)

Vote #848


It's been a bit of a rough start to the year with Covid and this bike thing taking forever. Will this week start to be a better week for 2024?


Yes was the clear winner with 57% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (57%)
  • No (43%)


Well, err, no. This week continued the troubled start to the year. For some unknown reason my blood pressure has shot through the roof. I’ve been in to urgent care and they didn’t seemed as concerned as I did, but I’m now on a monitor it daily. If it stays as is, I need pills. If it drops, then all is good. If it goes up, hopefully I notice before I have a heart attack and get to ER. Fun!



(Created on 7th January 2024)

Vote #847


Well, my bike is finally set to arrive on Wednesday of this week. It's been an ordeal and there's been some very confusing messages as we get close that have me worried. Will the right bike arrive this Wednesday?


No was the clear winner with 57% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (43%)
  • No (57%)


How to unpick this. So, technically the right bike did arrive, but it arrived on Tuesday a day early. DHL's website said Wednesday, their tracking said Wednesday, it showed that it was being held on Tuesday for delivery on Wednesday, but it turned up on Tuesday. Not only did it turn up on Tuesday, but it was left in a public place even though it was marked as signature required. Delivery is so shit these days and DHL doing their best to be top of the pile of shit. We rescued the bike and got it to the apartment, well, William did. We started to put it together, but there's a mystery ring that's bent. Rather than force it together, I messaged the guy I've bought it from to replace the bit and well, he's even more shit than DHL ... I've now been waiting a week after sending photos. At the end of the day, I actually don't think the bit that's bent is supposed to be in there, but I want them to tell me that rather than make the decision, but this whole journey has been incredibly frustrating to say the least.



(Created on 31st December 2023)

Vote #846


I’m sure there’s at least one person that noticed I didn’t set a vote question last week. I did contemplate setting one late, but I figured I’d take the week off for Christmas. Now I’m back in the States to see the new year in. Are you looking forward to 2024?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


Who wouldn't be looking to their last full year of working before retirement? 2024 does seem like it's going to be a year of getting stuff sorted out. At least for me, anyway.



(Created on 17th December 2023)

Vote #845


William's college applications draw to a close. Now, let's assume he gets into all the colleges, how does he choose which one to go to? Well, I think you need to decide based on the college's mascot. Probably more similar to football teams in the UK in that I would be known as a Fox. Which mascot best fits William?


Banana Slug was the clear winner with 43% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Banana Slug (43%)
  • Bear (0%)
  • Bulldog (14%)
  • Duck (14%)
  • Guacho (0%)
  • Mustang (14%)
  • Triton (14%)


Yes, who wouldn’t want to be a Banana Slug?



(Created on 10th December 2023)

Vote #844


My last full week before the holidays. I'm starting to get excited about the break, although, there's a fair bit of work to do before then. That said, we're in for an early treat as Clash of Clans is releasing a big update this week. What day will the Clash of Clans update drop this week?


Wednesday and Friday tied with 40% of the votes each from the following:

  • Monday (0%)
  • Tuesday (20%)
  • Wednesday (40%)
  • Thursday (0%)
  • Friday (40%)


It was Tuesday and it definitely looks like a very interesting update. New mechanics always spice up the game play!



(Created on 3rd December 2023)

Vote #843


Earlier this week I said to William that I was worried I was losing my hair on my crown and would look like a monk. He said he hadn’t noticed, but when I bent down to show him he said oh yeah, you’ve got the …. What was the term William used to describe my hairstyle?


Piedo Trim was the clear winner with 57% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Bowl (14%)
  • Mullet (0%)
  • Bob (14%)
  • Quiff (0%)
  • Mowhawk (0%)
  • Buzz Cut (14%)
  • Flattop (0%)
  • Piedo Trim (57%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
4th December 2023
It happens to us all. Best to live in denial


Yes, my dear son did tell me I was getting the Piedo Trim. Which he said would be a good look when I get my van. Nice to know what he thinks about me.



(Created on 26th November 2023)

Vote #842


Thanksgiving is over and we're on the final run in to Christmas. It's that weird time of year in America where not a lot of change happens. Everyone's just keeping their heads down between the holidays looking to get their shopping and everything else done before the next holiday. All that said, I seem to have put my back out somehow. Will my back be better by the time I fly back to England for Christmas?


Yes was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (80%)
  • No (20%)


Well, seems like most of you think I’ll be good to go and I certainly hope so. That said, I’m a week in and it’s still pretty bad. Trying to make sure I don’t do anything that will aggravate it between now and my trip. Which is a really silly thing to say when you think about it, as it’s not like I try to aggravate it at other times.



(Created on 19th November 2023)

Vote #841


Inspired by the Las Vegas Grand Prix, I was thinking. If I ever get a house, should I get one of those big spheres in the garden like the one in Vegas?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


I don't think this was ever in question was it? Of course I need to get one of those big balls. Honestly, I thought it was really cool. I liked the eyes looking at everything. Apparently you can go inside it. Maybe something to do if I return to Vegas at some point, although might be hard depending on how much walking there is to do.



(Created on 12th November 2023)

Vote #840


This week has a significant focus on college applications as they are due at the end of the month. I've been helping William through his answers and it's quite a battle. Can you describe an example of leadership experience when you've positively influenced others?


Yes was the clear winner with 57% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (57%)
  • No (43%)


The good news is we got all the answers done. William has gone to England with his mother for Thanksgiving and they now need to review them. We should be in tweak mode this week and be ready for submission next week.



(Created on 5th November 2023)

Vote #839


The year is disappearing quickly. The clocks have gone back, the nights are drawing in and I’ve booked my trip back for Christmas. I have a big ride planned for next weekend, weather permitting. Will I make it to Yerba Beuna Island on Saturday?


Yes was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (80%)
  • No (20%)


I did indeed make it to Yerba Buena Island this weekend. I'm extremely pleased with myself. It was a 14 mile round trip and I think the bridge has an clearance of 200ft so I assume I climbed 200ft. I was a bit worried I wouldn't make it, but I did manage to slog all the way up. The feeling was quite rewarding, but what I wasn't ready for was how much fun it was coming back down again. I guess that was the reward for the grind on the way up. The one thing I was potentially worried about was the wind as it doesn't take much for it to get very windy on an exposed bridge. Thankfully the weather was great. Quite cool, but the sun was out and there was hardly any wind at all.



(Created on 29th October 2023)

Vote #838


This week's question comes sort of from a TV show I'm watching where Supergirl has made an appearance. Supergirl appears to be similar to Superman in that she has the same abilities and is vulnerable to kryptonite. No idea where she came from given Superman's home planet was destroyed, but that's a question for another day. In one episode Supergirl has a boyfriend that she's very close to and is clearly having sex with which got me wondering - if Supergirl did a kegel during sex, would she rip her boyfriend's dick off?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


Interesting, a split result. I’m pretty sure a mere human couldn’t stand up to the strength of of a Kryptonian. The next question that sprung to mind for me though was whether there would be insanely loud clanking if the man of steel were to have sex with the woman of steel. I mean, my upstairs neighbors make a lot of noise, but that would be like living on a building site. I guess depending on how many times they did it. Anyway, enough of that, time to move on.



(Created on 22nd October 2023)

Vote #837


I feel like I’m in a big wait right now. Waiting for the right house, waiting for my bike and waiting for William’s car. Time to book the Christmas holiday I guess. Will I get round to booking my Christmas trip this week?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)


Haven't booked it yet, but will do so very soon. Need to double check what day William finishes school and figure out cost for the options. Expect to book on Monday.



(Created on 16th October 2023)

Vote #836


We appear to be a question short of a vote. Appears that not getting the house I put an offer on distracted me from my routine, however, I have a good feeling about this week. Will a house I like come on the market this week?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)


I have to say, I was really optimistic that Williams 18th would bring the right home, but sadly it didn’t, so the search goes on. I’m sure one will show up sooner or later.



(Created on 8th October 2023)

Vote #835


After buying a house, should a Wi-Fi enabled toilet be top of the shopping list?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Yes, of course it should. Who doesn’t need an app to flush the toilet? Or better still, get alerts when it’s full.



(Created on 1st October 2023)

Vote #834


Alright, so I’ve found a house that I like. I’m just waiting for the final disclosures to be released and if all is good, we’ll put an offer in. Not sure what timetable the seller will be working to, but my guess is I’ll know next week if I’ve got it or not. Will I have another house next week?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Well, we’re all wrong, the answer is no. But … it’s not because I don’t want to, simply because the house I want have set a deadline of Tuesday for offers, so I won’t find out if I’ve been successful until later this week. Fingers crossed.



(Created on 24th September 2023)

Vote #833


I seem to have a rather busy week coming up with a trip into San Francisco, multiple doctor appointments and lab appointments. Nothing critical going on, just checkups with various people. There's also a lot going on at work which is a good thing. Which day will prove to be the busiest this week?


Wednesday was the clear winner with 43% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Sunday (0%)
  • Monday (14%)
  • Tuesday (29%)
  • Wednesday (43%)
  • Thursday (0%)
  • Friday (14%)
  • Saturday (0%)


It was actually Wednesday. I had a couple of doctor appointments and a fair bit of work. Friday was pretty easy, but Fridays on the West Coast are generally pretty good. Saturday was relatively busy, but in a good way. I got out and about on the handcycle and got a decent session in, then looked at a few houses.



(Created on 17th September 2023)

Vote #832


Alright, the race is on. I ordered my bike and William's car a couple of week's ago. The bike was quoted as 8-12 weeks and the car 8-10 weeks. Do you think William's car or my bike will arrive first?


Bike and Same Day tied with 40% of the votes each from the following:

  • Car (20%)
  • Bike (40%)
  • Same Day (40%)


Interesting, I was the only one that voted for car. Given the car is coming from Japan and the bike from Poland, I kind of figured I'd back the Japanese efficiency. At this point, there's no indication from either and no further estimate of delivery date, so it's still unknown which will arrive first. William did wonder if one of the F1 teams could bring his car over given they were in Japan this week and are in the US in a few weeks time. Perhaps Lewis could have driven it over for him.


1 comment
18th November 2023
It was William’s car that arrived first. It arrived on November 16th, but we weren’t told until late, so couldn’t pick it up until the 17th.

(Created on 10th September 2023)

Vote #831


Honestly, it's my own fault. I created a shopping list so I can post items that I want William to get from the supermarket on the way home. I only wanted three items: salad, grapes and tea bags. I figured he'd be able to remember. In fairness, I got lucky as I got two of the three (salad and grapes), but the thing was he came home really proud of himself and said “look what I got you.” What did William get me instead of tea bags?


Radishes was the clear winner with 33% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Coffee (17%)
  • Milk (0%)
  • Cocoa (17%)
  • Gatorade (0%)
  • Sausages (17%)
  • Potatoes (17%)
  • Radishes (33%)


Yes, I was indeed presented with a bag of radishes instead of tea bags. Easy to confuse between the two. Apparently a few weeks earlier I'd said I like radishes, which, I will admit, I do. For some reason he'd remembered this and was pleased with himself for showing initiative and getting something I hadn't asked for, but wanted. In fairness, this would have been greatly appreciated if it wasn't for the fact that we were completely out of tea bags.



(Created on 3rd September 2023)

Vote #830


Those of us in the US have a short week with Monday being Labor Day. That said, my week is going to be crazy busy for the other four days. Some of them I might even have to get up before lunch time - crazy, right? Anyway, given that I've got tomorrow off and it looks like a bad week, I want to grab a beer, but I'm trying to be good and more healthy. Should I have a cheeky beer tonight?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


If truth be told, I was already having a cheeky beer when I wrote this question, so yes, I did enjoy a cheeky beer ... or two last Sunday. And I will probably do the same again this evening.



(Created on 27th August 2023)

Vote #829


I think this weekend might see me car shopping for William's first car. He wants me to go with him to buy it, which might be a bad choice as I'm going to want to negotiate as that's what I've done every time I've bought a car and I'm not sure there's too much wiggle room these days with the chip shortage and all that. Will William get his first car this weekend?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


So the answer to the question is no, but not necessarily through lack of trying. We've narrowed down what he wants and we need to order it, but the muppet at the car dealership couldn't figure out how to enter a new vehicle request into the computer, so we've left him to figure that out by himself. We should be going in tomorrow to pay the deposit and the estimate is about 8 - 10 weeks until we get it, but I did want to confirm that part of the equation, but that required computer access which seemed to be a limiting factor.



(Created on 20th August 2023)

Vote #828


It's house procrastination time again. I think we ended up looking at 12 this weekend, but there were a lot that came onto the market. I seem to manage to find something wrong with pretty much all of them and I don't really know why. Will I find a house I like this year?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)


I do feel like I'm getting close, so I do think I'll end up taking the plunge at some point before the end of the year. The market's pretty interesting, but I'm staying on top of it. There's pretty much perfect information out there, so any house that's priced right is selling pretty quick. Only those that are over priced are hanging around.



(Created on 13th August 2023)

Vote #827


OK, this this week I'm going on a mission to find a vehicle that will be able to carry my handcycle when I get it. I also want it to have the ability to lock it away, so a truck is not going to work. I was going down the path of a van, but now realize that several SUVs would be big enough with two rows of seat folded down. What vehicle should I get to transport my handcycle?


Van, SUV and Minivan tied with 29% of the votes each from the following:

  • Truck (14%)
  • Van (29%)
  • SUV (29%)
  • Minivan (29%)


A very split vote. I'm honestly leaning towards a van because of the practicality of it. William doesn't want to be seen driving a van as he thinks piedo's drive vans. The trouble with the other options is that I need to get extended versions and they actually end up being larger than the van itself.



(Created on 6th August 2023)

Vote #826


This week’s question should have been asked last week as it was the all important question asked by my dad at the BBQ. What is knob cheese?


Salty was the clear winner with 30% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Buttery (10%)
  • Lemony (0%)
  • Mild (0%)
  • Nutty (10%)
  • Piquant (10%)
  • Salty (30%)
  • Sharp (10%)
  • Smoky (10%)
  • Sweet (10%)
  • Tangy (10%)


I'm not entirely sure the question was asked with taste in mind as opposed to what it actually is. That said, it probably would be salty although I have no intention of trying it. But, perhaps, we should ask Mr O given that he sent me this picture from Sainsbury's. I guess his supermarket offers a variety of different flavors.



(Created on 31st July 2023)

Vote #825


The vacation is coming to an end and work will soon be upon me before the end of the week. How miserable will I be when I get back to work?


Extremely was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Not at all (0%)
  • A little (0%)
  • Moderately (25%)
  • A lot (0%)
  • Extremely (75%)


Im not sure I’d go as far as saying I’m extremely miserable at being back at work. To be honest, I don’t really get extreme emotions about anything. I will, however, say that I’m not glad to be back. At least I only had two days last week to catch up on everything, but I’d definitely rather be doing more fun vacation stuff even if that does involve sitting around and watching the cricket.



(Created on 23rd July 2023)

Vote #824


This week will see my return to Sheffield. One thing that’s been driving me crazy is trying to remember where various places are, certain pubs, friends houses etc. it seems like I’ve forgotten a lot of the place. Will I remember Sheffield when I get back there later this week?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


An evenly split vote with half of you doubting my memory. As it happens, I did remember most of the places and got to see what I wanted. Really enjoyed the trip down memory lane. Most of the pubs and shops have changed name or moved, but I expected that. Maybe I’ll get to see it again in another 10 years or so.



(Created on 16th July 2023)

Vote #823


Now, I'm heading back to the UK on Tuesday for a much needed vacation, but things have just gone stupidly crazy at work. It's always the same way, you try and clear your schedule and low and behold, everyone wants you the minute you're not going to be around. I'm trying to take as much time off as possible, but the inevitable is going to happen and I'm going to need to do some work while I'm back. How many days will I have to work my vacation?


9+ was the clear winner with 23% of the votes from the following selection:

  • 1 (8%)
  • 2 (8%)
  • 3 (8%)
  • 4 (15%)
  • 5 (15%)
  • 6 (0%)
  • 7 (15%)
  • 8 (8%)
  • 9+ (23%)


So far it’s not been too bad. One phone call and some emails. Hopefully next week will be quiet too and I can enjoy my trip to Sheffield and the handcycle fitting I have scheduled later in the week.



(Created on 9th July 2023)

Vote #822


Alright, this week is handcycle week and it's time for me to think about buying one, but which one should I get?


Nuke, XCR and Fat Explorer tied with 22% of the votes each from the following:

  • Excellerator (11%)
  • Lasher ATH (0%)
  • Nuke (22%)
  • Force G (11%)
  • Jeetrike (11%)
  • XCR (22%)
  • Fat Explorer (22%)


Now here was me thinking that the Fat Explorer would win hands down, but it didn't, it just tied with the XCR and the Nuke. All of which are viable options, but I do feel like the front runner is the XCR at the minute. I'm planning to look at one while I'm back in the UK to get a better idea, but if it looks like it will live up to expectations, a purchase will be imminent.



(Created on 2nd July 2023)

Vote #821


As we head into the July 4th week, it seems only fitting to ask a truly American question. Will England win any of the Ashes test matches?


Yes was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (80%)
  • No (20%)


Well, it looks like the answer to that question is yes given that England just won a close third test to keep the series alive. Maybe this is the start and we can still win this.



(Created on 25th June 2023)

Vote #820


Talking to friends about what to do when I come back to England for the summer holidays and Louisa came up with an idea for a game. Do you think it's a good idea to drop some mentos into a 2 liter bottle of coke then push it up my bum to see how high I shoot into the air?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)

Pre-Result Discussion

The Hamster
26th June 2023
Why bother with the bottle of coke, just shove as many mentos up your arse as possible, it'll have the same effect
1st July 2023
I'm trying to see how high I can get, ha ha


Of course this is a good idea. I’ve no idea why I’ve not thought about doing this before. We can have hours of fun. The trouble is, it’s like everything. It’ll be fun until I shoot over the next door neighbor’s fence and someone has to go round and knock on the door to ask for me back. Like when you lose your football and it always goes over the miserable persons fence.



(Created on 18th June 2023)

Vote #819


I seem to have spent the weekend not really doing very much and avoiding the things I really should do. Did anybody else procrastinate this weekend?


Yes was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (60%)
  • No (40%)


Yeah, it definitely was a weekend of doing not very much really. The trouble here in the US is we're about to head into the July 4th week where everyone will have plans, so there's not too much going on ahead of that.



(Created on 11th June 2023)

Vote #818


For some unknown reason, William decided to challenge me to a race with me on the scoot and him running around the last lap I did which was 4.6 miles long. I told him before we started that he wouldn’t be able to run the whole distance let alone at the speed the scoot goes. I was right. By a long way. It ended up being a slow stroll around the neighborhood. Should I tie a rope around William and attach it to the back of the scooter next time so if he slows down we end up dragging him around the neighborhood?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)


Yes, I think a bit of tough love is needed to whip this boy into shape. Although, if we’re being honest, it’s me that needs whipping into shape as I do appear to have become somewhat of a blob.



(Created on 4th June 2023)

Vote #817


It seems that this week is a big nothing week. There’s nothing major going on and nothing in particular to look forward to. I think it’s that calm before the storm type thing where everyone is heads down before heading into holiday season that really hits in the US the July 4th week. Do you have anything you’re looking forward to this week?


No was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (33%)
  • No (67%)


Well, good for the folks that did have something on last week. My week ended up being a stinker. I thought it was going to be a nothingness week, but ended up being crazy busy and not in a good way.



(Created on 28th May 2023)

Vote #816


Holiday time is here and I've booked my summer trip back to England. I'm debating if I want to tackle up and dangle my little maggot in a pond again. Should I go fishing on my summer holiday?


Yes was the clear winner with 83% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (83%)
  • No (17%)


I definitely want to go fishing while I’m back, I just don’t know if I’ll have the time. The challenge is more the amount of time it will take to sort my kit out in order to go. I’m going to need to re-spool a reel with line and/or re-elasticate a pole which is quite time intensive. I’ll need to think about this a little more to see if I can figure out how to get a day or two in.



(Created on 21st May 2023)

Vote #815


I got put on some new antibiotics on Friday. Not sure why, but I read the warnings label ... I think I was looking to see if I could drink alcohol while on them. Which of the following side effects do you think I'm suffering from on my new antibiotics?


Severe Diarrhea was the clear winner with 57% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Diarrhea (14%)
  • Worsening Diarrhea (29%)
  • Severe Diarrhea (57%)


Yeah, so these tablets had on them that they may cause diarrhea. As you read further, there’s a warning about worsening diarrhea. After that, there’s a not that in rare cases they may cause severe diarrhea. I did indeed have what I would consider to be severe diarrhea. As soon as I ate or drank anything, the walls got a brown coating. I did message the doctor and they told me to stop the tablets, however, by the time I got the reply I only had one tablet left. Also, the symptoms appeared to have stopped. I’m a bit lost as to whether it was the tablets or a violent reaction to something I ate or drank. The only other thing I can think it was would have been the organic tea I drank in a coffee shop where I met a friend. Oh well, all appears to be well now.



(Created on 14th May 2023)

Vote #814


We're just about to head into a triple header weekend in Formula 1. At the beginning of the season, I asked if anyone could end Owen's reign, but it seems he's not firing on all cylinders as they say and he's lagging behind in the competition. Perhaps these three races are what he needs to turn it around, but as it stands, there's only one critical question. Has Owen got a little behind?


No was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (33%)
  • No (67%)


Although this is clearly a joke question I need to start by acknowledging how tragic the floods are in the Emilia Romagna region of Italy. As much of an F1 fan that I am, there wasn't any alternative but to cancel the race that was supposed to run this past weekend. There were talks about them potentially looking to reschedule, but I'm not sure how possible that would be given the heavy schedule for the remainder of the season and also the amount of planning it takes to put an event on like this.

Back to the vote question, however, I'm somewhat surprised that there were some yes votes. I mean, Owen's lost a lot of weight recently, but I wouldn't go as far as to say he's got a little behind.



(Created on 7th May 2023)

Vote #813


A crowning weekend with King Charles being coronated and Max Verstappen demonstrating he's currently the undisputed king of Formula 1. Will I ever be the king of anything?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)


Interesting, I have no idea what I was thinking of when I set this vote question. Likely that I couldn't think of a question and this was all that came to mind. I have no delusions of grandeur, I don't intend or expect to be king of anything, but it appears the majority think I will attain such a level. Perhaps king of my own bedroom or something insignificant like that.



(Created on 30th April 2023)

Vote #812


OK, so the new scooter arrived and it wasn't damaged on arrival so I took it out ... down the Bay Trail ... which doesn't allow motorized vehicles including scooters, however, I did look online and it said there was an exception for mobility devices and I figured why not go for it and let someone tell me I'm not supposed to be there. As you would expect, nobody I came across cared and pretty much everyone is friendly and says hello, so yeah. Now, the first part of the trail is a nice paved area, but then you get onto a hard gravel / stone type trail. So I figured it made sense to hoon it down there at the 12mph top speed which was like sitting on a jack hammer, but lots of fun. At least until we blew out the front right tire. The scooter has solid tires on the rear and air tires on the front. Presumably to give a bit of shock absorption. Now, I'm note entirely sure we've blown out the tire as it is currently holding air after we pumped it back up, but it definitely lost all its air. Some mini testing is required, but assuming it's damaged, I can either replace the innertube or there appears to be solid tires available. The wheel is the same size as the e-scooters and apparently they've suffered many punctures so a lot of models have switched to solid rubber, but with holes in to provide some flexibility/cushioning. All this to say, if I have a puncture on my mobility scooter, should I replace the innertube or switch to solid tires?


Solid tires was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Inner tube (33%)
  • Solid tires (67%)


Back to normal with a vote that nobody cares about. Yeah, I think going to solid is the right answer, but I've pumped up the current tires and they're holding out pretty well. At least for the spin around Heather Farm I did on Saturday, so I'll probably leave these on until I notice problems. Plan is to go out with William next weekend and do a bit more off-roading, so we'll see if that causes problems or not. If the tire goes down again, I'll replace both of them. After William's carried me back because I can't ride the scooter due to a flat tire 😁



(Created on 23rd April 2023)

Vote #811


After getting a refund on the mobility scooter I ordered, I've ordered another one. Now, the issue with the first one is that it was badly damaged when I received it. The box was badly damaged so it was either shipped damaged or it was damaged during shipment. An issue for the seller and shipper to sort out. Now, my new order has shipped. Who do you think is shipping my new order?


Ding Hong was the clear winner with 43% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Fedex (14%)
  • DHL (14%)
  • XPO (14%)
  • UPS (0%)
  • USPS (14%)
  • Ding Hong (43%)


OK, so it was actually shipped by FedEx, however, I got a note about a shipment and it was USPS that when you clicked to track it noted that it was being shipped by Ding Hong which apparently is a Chinese shipper that coordinates with USPS. That package, however, was just for some cane holders and not the scooter itself.



(Created on 16th April 2023)

Vote #810


Well, I've been out for a couple of weeks and it's time to get back to the grind. Somehow I feel like I should get some time off for good behavior versus having to push through my après surgery and face work, but sadly, that's not how it goes. How is my return to work week going to go?


Very Bad and Diabolical tied with 23% of the votes each from the following:

  • Excellent (8%)
  • Very Good (8%)
  • Good (8%)
  • Neutral (15%)
  • Bad (15%)
  • Very Bad (23%)
  • Diabolical (23%)


Oooh! Back to the random vote for each option. I guess Google's doing some more testing. In fairness, this past week wasn't so bad other than the fact that I'm very tired, so have had to go to bed early every night to get a good night's sleep. I probably need it as am still recovering. I would probably say is was neutral over all. Far too many emails to catch up on and other admin crap, but some good times with clients. As far as week's go, not too good and not too bad, so meh! Neutral.



(Created on 9th April 2023)

Vote #809


Following the theme of botty problems, has my beloved Leicester City shit the bed this season and going to get relegated?


Yes was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (60%)
  • No (40%)


It's looking pretty grim isn't it! Another loss this weekend gives us just seven games to make something happen. We do still have the chance to make something happen, but there are some must win games coming up against Everton and Leeds if we're going to stand a chance. Otherwise, it's back to being a yo-yo side after our time in the spotlight. I still voted positively as I'm trying to be as optimistic as I can.



(Created on 2nd April 2023)

Vote #808


An exciting week ahead of my that starts with a surgery on my bum. The surgeon has told me that I'm going to be in pain for a month after, but I'm obviously hoping it's not going to be that bad (or that the drugs are that good). Will my bum stop hurting by the end of the week?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


Not even close! I've ended up having to take the whole week off work due to complications. These are kind of related to the pain, but it definitely looks like I'm in for at least another week of anal agony.


1 comment
Lars Ulrich
10th April 2023
Anal Agony sounds like a great name for an album full of my drum solos

(Created on 26th March 2023)

Vote #807


We've started a news section in the blogs on AI and we're going to base this week's question on that very topic. But not the AI you're used to that actually has some sort of intelligence, but the AI here on this site which posses no intelligence whatsoever. Given that the AI overwrote Owen's picks for the last F1 race, we ask this week, who will Owen have as winning next week's F1 race in Australia? (The thing I like most about this is that neither he or I will know the answer until we get there).


Stevie Wonder was the clear winner with 43% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Max Verstappen (0%)
  • Fernando Alonso (0%)
  • Jimmy Johnson (14%)
  • Jeff Gordon (14%)
  • Nigel Mansel (0%)
  • Engelbert Humperdinck (14%)
  • Sterling Moss (0%)
  • Janet Jackson (14%)
  • Stevie Wonder (43%)


Did they use my AI to make decisions on the race? It definitely looks like they did. Seriously, what a farce that was! I couldn't understand why they called the red flag. Then when they did, I was thinking - surely they'll do a rolling start, otherwise there's just going to be a pile up going into turn 1. Well yeah. Anyway, Owen did indeed get the picks he made without them being overwritten this week.

Now, as for you lot ... I voted for Engelbert Humperdinck. I didn't really give much thought to the options when I created them, but Stevie Wonder ...



(Created on 19th March 2023)

Vote #806


Right, well, it's time to get myself a small rear jack. That way when I get caught scratching my bollocks I can say I wasn't, it was the rear jack and that doesn't count as touching it (or them). Seriously though, are we going to see anything other than a Red Bull win a grand prix this season?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)


Back to normal voting and just the three votes - that's what we like to see. None of this making out that we're a popular site. OK, so the general feeling is that we will see another car on top of the podium of F1. I guess we'll find out in the coming weeks, but the most likely scenario for that happening is the Red Bull's taking each other out as nobody is close to them right now.



(Created on 12th March 2023)

Vote #805


There's an element of more context to this question if you read the analysis of the previous vote's question, but it's not required. Given all the focus on emoji's, there's really only one question I'm going to ask this week. Which of the following is your most used or favorite emoji?


🤢, 😎 and 🍑 tied with 15% of the votes each from the following:

  • 😀 (8%)
  • 😂 (8%)
  • 😚 (8%)
  • 🤢 (15%)
  • 😛 (8%)
  • 😎 (15%)
  • 🥱 (8%)
  • 😈 (8%)
  • 🍆 (8%)
  • 🍑 (15%)


Right, well I'm going to guess that only three people voted and it was split between barfing, cool and the peach. I need to write a blog about what's going on, but I'm being hit by something from Google that's causing the extra votes. I suspect it's their new AI that they officially released this week, but I do believe they've been using it under the covers for a while .... more to come (that's what she said).



(Created on 5th March 2023)

Vote #804


First thing I have to acknowledge is that result for Liverpool this past weekend. I loved the commentator saying who would believe before the game that Liverpool would score three against Manchester United. If only, I'm sure the Man U fans are saying. Moving on, however, I'm still stuck on the number of votes that were registered last week. Will this week see another bumper week of voting on this question?


No was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (33%)
  • No (67%)


Mathematically, the answer to this question was always going to be no. Given that whatever bot is running is selecting every answer in turn, then we're going to get more votes if we have more options to select from. In order to prove this out, we will need to set next week's question with 10 options for answers and expect that there will at least be one vote for each answer. (Whereas normally, we don't get 10 votes in total). Let's see shall we? Then we can determine if it is indeed aliens as Marvin suggested.



(Created on 26th February 2023)

Vote #803


I'm going to guess the same thing applies to emoji's, but we're going to start small with the vote question. Sidetracking for a minute, I have been accused of using the wrong emoji's at work, however, this is on purpose. I will explain more in the analysis of this week's vote question, which is, at what age do you become unable to control the caps lock key?


60 was the clear winner with 19% of the votes from the following selection:

  • 10 (5%)
  • 20 (14%)
  • 30 (5%)
  • 40 (5%)
  • 50 (10%)
  • 60 (19%)
  • 70 (14%)
  • 80 (10%)
  • 90 (10%)
  • 100 (10%)


Not the explanation I was intending to give when I set this rather awkwardly worded question, but this question relates to my father's use of capital letters. I noticed that his entry into the F1 fantasy game was all lower case. I went back and looked at his prior entries into the NASCAR game and he seems to alternate between all caps or no caps. I asked him about it this past weekend and he just claimed he'd never entered the fantasy competition before. Clearly the memories of that are tucked away with those on how to use a shift key. What I've actually concluded is that the cleaner is periodically knocking the caps lock key so he's switching between all caps or no caps depending on how it's been knocked.

On another note, there's something weird afoot. We seem to have jumped significantly in the number of vote responses. I'm looking into this because it's really strange for two reasons, first - you can't do more than one vote per IP address unless you manually enter a name (and that hasn't been done). Second - the votes are coming from the weekly email response rather than posts from the site directly. I'll see what happens this week, but it's a bit of a mystery for now.


1 comment
Marvin the Martian
6th March 2023
I blame aliens

(Created on 19th February 2023)

Vote #802


I feel that I've started to make headway on the UI/UX redesign of this website to make it more responsive. We've done most of the foundational areas along with the comms, games and blog. There are, however, a few major areas left. Which area of the site should I tackle next to make it more responsive?


Forums, Fun Stuff and Vote tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • Forums (33%)
  • Fun Stuff (33%)
  • Photos (0%)
  • Videos (0%)
  • Vote (33%)

Pre-Result Discussion

20th February 2023
It has to be the vote page as its the only one we all visit on a weekly basis
22nd February 2023
Clearly (the only page anyone visits) given that I wrote the answer in the forum post that accompanied the vote in the weekly email. In fairness, that is lower down the email and you would need to click on it and read it before voting which is probably not what everyone does.


A really lack luster vote with hardly anyone being bothered to comment which tells me that nobody really cares. Assuming that Slartibartfast is Mr O, I did expect the majority of folks to pick vote as it's the only page that folks really visit, however, I did post the answer to the question before it was set on the forum as I did say which area of the site I was going to update next. The correct answer was Forums, however, I also did the vote too along with some others.



(Created on 12th February 2023)

Vote #801


It's probably a little late to be asking this question as we're two matches into the competition, but we're going to ask it anyway. Who do you think will win the 2023 Six Nations Championship?


Ireland was the clear winner with 43% of the votes from the following selection:

  • England (0%)
  • France (14%)
  • Ireland (43%)
  • Italy (0%)
  • Scotland (29%)
  • Wales (14%)


It looks like Ireland just pipped the vote and that's probably a good bet. It looks like it's going to come down to Ireland or Scotland. Maybe Scotland can pull something off in a couple of weeks, we'll see.



(Created on 5th February 2023)

Vote #800


It seems that China has been taking a peek into the US with a balloon, which kind of seems odd as I thought they'd be using satellites, but what do I know? Anyway, it reminds me of the Nena song from the 80's, so I'm asking 99 red balloons or one Chinese spy balloon?


99 red balloons was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • 99 red balloons (60%)
  • One Chinese spy balloon (40%)


You and I in a little toy shop ... or so it goes. Yes, Nena's 99 Luftballons is still one of the darkest songs I've heard and it's to such a jolly tune. I've got to be honest, I watched the song on a YouTube video and she's playing in front of kids. Makes me laugh so much after all the crap people used to say about Metal, but they let their kids listen to that. Go figure!

Anyway, this 'ere Chinese Balloon is causing a bit of a stir isn't it. Seems they've got quite a few of these things floating around given four have now been shot down. Well, four objects. I think the first balloon hit a few firsts - first F-22 kill, first high altitude kill and I think it's the first kill in US airspace. I know it's fake, but I really like the image below:



(Created on 29th January 2023)

Vote #799


Well, it's important that we remember to set a vote question this week, otherwise last week's question would automatically fail. Everything I've been doing recently has been focused on moving my website to a new environment, so clearly that's where this week's question is going to come from and I'll ask a super technical question that you won't know the answer to. Where do you think the team will come from that wins the Split 1 playoffs next weekend in London?


South America was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • APAC North (0%)
  • APAC South (25%)
  • EMEA (25%)
  • North America (0%)
  • South America (50%)


I'm not sure how South America was picked as the most likely. No disrespect, but they're probably the weakest region as it stands. The correct answer was North America.

Huge congratulations to TSM for winning the tournament. Interesting being the most written off and most supported team at the same time. I do feel sorry for NRG, always the bridesmaid .... But what a great performance from Hal, Reps and Verhulst under the guidance of Raven. That last game and the control at Thunder Watch followed by that call to do the skyward dive off the roof. To make that call under that pressure was insane and no question it was the game winning call. It was kind of an all or nothing move, but it paid off. Also need to give credit to Acend for a fantastic showing as well.



(Created on 22nd January 2023)

Vote #798


This is probably the last question on the Windows platform as it's looking like we can cut over to the new Linux system next weekend, which begs the all important question - will next week's vote question go out on schedule?


No was the clear winner with 57% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (43%)
  • No (57%)


Well, we did have a bit of an oopsie last night, but who here can't say they've suffered from a bit of premature sendification from time to time? So, what happened was that I got the days wrong on the scheduler so the system sent the emails out a day early. On top of that, I've put some security over parts of the site and I'd inadvertently added it to the page that loads the details of the weekly email, hence it was asking for an id and password. The good news is that this happened yesterday which gave me a day to fix it and, all being well, the right email will go out as planned today. Then again, if it doesn't, you probably won't see this and it won't matter anyway.


1 comment
30th January 2023
Was there any doubt? Really? Of course we got everything done in time and working.

(Created on 15th January 2023)

Vote #797


I've been working crazily hard on updating this site so I can put it onto a Linux / Docker stack. I've also changed the file structure and the method that the database is called, so I've had to update every page ... which is a lot. One of the things that caught my attention is the race game that I used to do on NASCAR. I'm currently thinking of reviving it for the Formula 1 season. Should I start a fantasy F1 competition?


Yes was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (80%)
  • No (20%)


Not really much of a question as I'm going to do it anyway. Once I get this site moved to its new Linux home, I'll setup the competition and send out a notification email for anyone who's interested in playing. It's going to follow the same format as the previous game, with the only difference being the bonus amounts will be changed. More to come.



(Created on 8th January 2023)

Vote #796


The holiday is definitely over and we're back to work. What's more is that we've got miserable weather too with high winds and floods. Probably the worst weather I've seen in the Bay Area (which isn't that bad compared to what other areas experience). Do you think we'll see the sun this week?


No was the clear winner with 56% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (44%)
  • No (56%)


I forgot I set this question and, to be honest, I can't remember. It seems like it's rained constantly all week. I'm pretty sure the answer is no, we just had rain all week and no sun. The forecast is better for next week though, so it should be better.



(Created on 1st January 2023)

Vote #795


Happy new year everyone!! I hope you all had a fantastic time over the holidays and are facing the new year fresh and revitalized. I would say I hope you’re looking forward to work being fresh and revitalized, but since you’ve been off indulging yourself, AIs have taken your job and you’re no longer needed. Will 2023 see the rise of the machines?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)


Yeah, I spent a lot of time over the holidays looking at AI with the release of ChatGPT and the existing art AI like MidJourney and Stable Diffusion. I'm absolutely fascinated by what's been created and where it will go. Specifically the disruption it's going to have on everything. I've got to think we'll start seeing companies adopt AI during 2023. I don't think we'll start to see people being replaced immediately, but it's not going to be long before AI is doing a lot of jobs that people are currently doing.



(Created on 25th December 2022)

Vote #794


Merry Christmas everybody. I hope you all got what you wished for regardless of whether you've been naughty or nice. Apologies for last week and having to enter a name when you voted. I implemented a reverse proxy as part of a big change in making and it masked ip addresses being sent to the website server. I should have fixed it this week (hopefully). Who would like a nice piece of cheesecake?


Yes please was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes please (67%)
  • No thank you (33%)


Yes, cheesecake for everyone. Well, everyone except the people that didn’t want any.



(Created on 18th December 2022)

Vote #793


The excitement of the world cup is over and now I have the excitement of traveling back home for Christmas. As an early present, it seems that most of the airport workers have gone out on strike and there are crazy queues at Heathrow to get through immigration, collect bags and all the goodness you have to deal with when traveling. How many hours will I get delayed at Heathrow airport this Friday?


2 was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • 0 (0%)
  • 1 (0%)
  • 2 (60%)
  • 3 (0%)
  • 4 (0%)
  • 5 (20%)
  • 7 (0%)
  • 10 (0%)
  • 15 (20%)


Well, the correct answer is zero as I flew on Friday, but didn't land until Saturday. A mistake I made when setting the question. That said, I wasn't held up at all in the airport and made it through pretty easily. The army is doing a great job covering for passport control.



(Created on 11th December 2022)

Vote #792


Sad to see England go out of the world cup, but at least happy they played well in their final game. Now we're down to the final four - who do you think will win the FIFA World Cup 2022?


Argentina was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Argentina (50%)
  • Croatia (17%)
  • France (17%)
  • Morocco (17%)


Congratulations to Argentina for winning the world cup and congratulations to both Argentina and France for putting on an amazing game. I can honestly say it's one of the best world cup games I've seen and it was the final. Both teams gave it everything. Shame it ended on penalties, but that really was the only way to decide between the two teams.



(Created on 4th December 2022)

Vote #791


Never let it be said that we don't live life on the edge and ask the risque questions. Where are you from?


Here was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Here (50%)
  • There (0%)
  • Everywhere (17%)
  • None of your business (0%)
  • You shouldn't ask (33%)


Yes, most people are from here, but the correct answer is that you shouldn't ask. Just ask Lady Hussey.



(Created on 27th November 2022)

Vote #790


The long weekend is over for Thanksgiving and it's back to a busy week for the final push to Christmas. Only four weeks left until I head home for the holidays. Watching the world cup should make that more bearable as it'll give me something to focus on. This week seems to be the week of doctors - I had my covid booster yesterday and have three doctor appointments this week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. None of these are critical, just check ins really, but I will end up with several tests I'm sure. Will I survive the week without finding a new ailment?


Yes was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (60%)
  • No (40%)


Yes indeed, we did find a new ailment. This is a by product of existing conditions, but apparently I have to get vitamin B12 shots for the next few weeks.



(Created on 20th November 2022)

Vote #789


Ah yes, another four years have passed and it's time to get my hopes up again that England will perform in the World Cup. How well do you think England will do in the 2022 World Cup?


Quater Finals was the clear winner with 40% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Group Stage (20%)
  • Round of 16 (20%)
  • Quater Finals (40%)
  • Fourth (0%)
  • Third (0%)
  • Second (0%)
  • Winners (20%)


A spread on the vote answers from being knocked out in the group stage to being the overall winners. We got off to a good start against Iran, but the showing against the US was abysmal. I've now gone into survival mode and not being worried about how badly we play, just hoping we can survive until the next round. It does look like we'll get through the group stages, but I'm not sure we'll get much further in the competition. Hopefully I'm wrong.


1 comment
11th December 2022
Well, it does indeed look like the majority of the voters were correct, England did go out in the quarter finals.

(Created on 13th November 2022)

Vote #788


Not a bad weekend to be English - congratulations to the England T20 cricket team and to George Russell. Here in the US we have Thanksgiving coming up and I'm trying to decide whether or not to do a track day (assuming there's a reasonable one to go to). Should I do a track day over Thanksgiving?


Yes was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (80%)
  • No (20%)


In a splurdge of event spending, not only did I book a track day next Friday, but I also booked my trip back to England for Christmas. A little bit cautious of the track day given it's been a couple of years since I've been, but I need to get back out there if I'm to do this while I can.



(Created on 6th November 2022)

Vote #787


Rarely uttered words, but I do feel a little sorry for Paul. After roughly 3 years of Luke and myself telling him he needed a new headset to cut out the echoing, he splurged about 75% of his weekly pay on a state of the art new headset. Eager, excited and ready to go, he logged on to talk to us, only to find out that these new ones are not working. This set is cutting him out all the time so you only get every other word at best. Given this second failure, I have to wonder, is technology trying to tell Paul to shut up?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Yeah, it's one of those vote questions where you know the answer before you post the question, but you also know it will never happen. Wishful thinking whether it be organic or non-organic.



(Created on 30th October 2022)

Vote #786


OK, back to the wonderful world of health problems. I have a surgery that I need to have. It’s not life and death, but, as with most things, the sooner the better. Should I get a needed surgery done immediately or after the holidays?


Immediately was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Immediately (100%)
  • After Holidays (0%)


Interesting, everyone going for immediately, but I’m actually thinking after the holidays now. I honestly don’t think they’ll be able to get me in until after the holidays.



(Created on 23rd October 2022)

Vote #785


A couple of big wins for Leicester City against Leeds and Wolves. Are we going to see Leicester City stay in the premiere league?


Yes was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (60%)
  • No (40%)


It’s going to be close, that’s for sure. I think it’s safe to say the glory days are behind us once more. The unfortunate cycle is that we will likely struggle for a while, go down, then get some decent players and rise again. We just don’t have the funds to stay at the top.



(Created on 16th October 2022)

Vote #784


It seems like there’s a lot of turmoil in British politics with the Chancellor being sacked after only 38 days. Will Britain still have a prime minister at the end of the week?


No was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (25%)
  • No (75%)


Ha ha! You didn't think it was going to happen that quick did you? I think most people saw the writing on the wall that she would resign at some point, but not last week. Well, I guess she figured there was no way out from the mistakes she'd made. It does seem that the tenure of the prime minister is now somewhat akin to that of a football manager. I guess it's results or you're out. Oh well, on to the next one.



(Created on 9th October 2022)

Vote #783


Congratulations to Max Verstappen on his second world championship. I have to laugh as it was another decision that gave him the title (the 5 second penalty to LeClerc), but I have to say that this one isn’t controversial and Max would get the title next week if not this week. Which brings me back to the teaser from last week about chess and the cheating that has been going on. How much money would you need to win in order to use vibrating anal beads to receive cheat messages?


Wouldn’t do it was the clear winner with 33% of the votes from the following selection:

  • $0 - for pleasure (17%)
  • $10 (8%)
  • $100 (8%)
  • $1,000 (0%)
  • $10,000 (0%)
  • $100,000 (8%)
  • $1,000,000 (8%)
  • $10,000,000 (17%)
  • Wouldn’t do it (33%)


Let’s start with some details. There is an accusation by Carlson that Niemann cheated against him in their recent match. Neumann has, apparently, been caught cheating before in online matches. There is a theory that he used vibrating anal beads to get messages from his coach who was using a computer to advise on the best moves. Now, there seems to be a lot of interest as this has generated the most vote answers in a while. The majority of people saying they have morals and would not take this action for any amount of money. Interestingly, the next most popular answer was that they would do it for please. I guess you’d be wanting to receive a really long message if that we’re the case. I think I put that I’d do it for $10m. I guess there’s a whole lot of other factors that would need to come into play like the likelihood of getting caught.



(Created on 2nd October 2022)

Vote #782


With all the headline news this week about cheating in chess, I was going to have a question on that. I’ll let it buzz around my head for another week. At least I think the buzzing is in my head. Anyway, this weeks question comes from a walk around a local park and I noticed a new bench. One of those that is dedicated to the loving memory of someone. It just struck me that someone probably passed that spot multiple times and said it would be great if there was a bench there. Rather than do something about it, they died and their loved one wanted to have a legacy for them so put a bench in that spot. You can’t help think it would have been better to put the bench there when they were alive so they could have benefitted from it. So how come I’ve never donated a bench to a park?


Didn’t occur until now was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Lazy (0%)
  • Didn’t occur until now (50%)
  • Seems weird (25%)
  • Waiting until I’m dead (25%)


Yeah, it didn’t really occur until now. To be honest, I forgot that I set this as the vote question until I came to set the next week …. So I guess we won’t be donating any benches anytime soon.



(Created on 25th September 2022)

Vote #781


One of the things that's significantly caught my attention this past week is the pound and it slipping to all time lows - dropping as far as $1.04. Will we see the pound drop below $1?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Nobody has faith in the pound, but it seems to have rallied, getting back to the dizzy heights of $1.11. That said, part of me thought if it dropped more, I’d be able to buy the country. How cool would that be?



(Created on 18th September 2022)

Vote #780


Let’s continue the theme of the royal death and move on to the funeral. The talk right now is who is and who is not invited to the funeral. Have you been invited to the royal funeral?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


I had no idea we had royalty or dignitaries voting on this site, but good on you to those that got an invite to the royal funeral. I did think the news was going to continue on this as they seemed to want to speculate as to who was invited, then do a review of who actually got invited. I kind of thought that we were going to have a week long opinion on who was and who wasn't, but thankfully we didn't.



(Created on 11th September 2022)

Vote #779


Pretty much most of everything this week has been taken up with the death of the Queen. I’m sad to see her go, but at the same time, 96 is a pretty good age. I have to be honest, I was a little surprised given how close her death was after seeing her earlier in the week appoint Liz Truss as PM. Moving on, we look to King Charles III and say “long live the King”. Do you think Charles will bring changes to the monarchy?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


Interesting. I’m the only one that thinks there won’t be any changes to the monarchy. I’m kind of intrigued as to what changes you think Charles will bring about. I just think he’s been raised with expectations of taking this position and has been groomed in the way of things and not to upset the apple cart so to speak.



(Created on 4th September 2022)

Vote #778


This weeks question is back to Formula 1, but it’s not a question about who is good or who will win that. Pretty much because the answer to that is Max. No, this weeks question comes from the commentators that we’re going on about the fact that the gravel had been glued in place with a resin so that cars going off don’t drag it back onto the track. Is gravel that has been glued in place still gravel?


No was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (33%)
  • No (67%)


I saw gravel defined as a loose aggregation of rock fragments. Based on that, if you glue it together, it’s no longer gravel.



(Created on 28th August 2022)

Vote #777


This week's question is again dedicated to my talented Apex friend - the one and only Paul. Renown for his ability to fall off the map, I think he did himself one better this past weekend. Is it possible to fall off the Apex map if you haven't been on it?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Apparently it is. In an amazing show of skill, Paul managed to fall off the map. We resurrected him and he dropped straight off the res ship and missed the map. The only thing I regret is that I didn’t clip it as it really was funny. Made even more so by the fact that our random teammate hadn’t said anything all game and came on the Mike to say “bro, you gotta stop fucking dying!” Little do they know that dying is Paul’s speciality.



(Created on 21st August 2022)

Vote #776


Very limited inspiration right now, but I am looking forward to next weekend and the return of F1 after the summer break. Definitely looking to see which teams have made improvements with their cars. Will any of the other F1 teams be able to challenge Red Bull and Ferrari?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


Honestly, I have to say, after several weeks wait, that was rather disappointing. If your name didn't begin with Max and end with Verstappen, it was a pretty bad weekend. Max absolutely obliterated everyone. He just seems to have got stronger and looks well on his way to his second world championship. A lot of races to go, but I can't see anyone stopping him right now.



(Created on 14th August 2022)

Vote #775


A very pleasant weekend. I spent most of today up the coast chatting to a friend overlooking the sea. Was honestly very nice and relaxing. Did I miss my calling to be a professional loafer?


Yes was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (60%)
  • No (40%)


Honestly, the thought is so appealing, but I do think I'd get bored very quickly. I can't do beach holidays for that very reason. I end up getting bored. The only time I've managed to go on the beach is when I was younger and that was mainly to sweat out the alcohol and stare at the girlies.



(Created on 7th August 2022)

Vote #774


Ooopsie, forgot to set the vote question last week. One of those instances where I remembered, then forgot, realized I missed it, meant to update on Monday, forgot on Monday, then just thought “fuck it”. Anyway, the holiday is over and I’m back State side. This week I face the joy of going for a colonoscopy as well as working. Will this week be good or a pain in the arse?


Pain in the arse was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Good (20%)
  • Pain in the arse (80%)


In fairness, the whole procedure thing went really well. It’s just the prep that’s unpleasant and …. Well, yes, a pain in the arse



(Created on 24th July 2022)

Vote #773


A shopping related question thanks to my son. If you were in the supermarket and picked up a pack of fizzy drinks and one of the cans started spraying everywhere, what would you do?


Walk down the aisle spraying everywhere was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Put it back (33%)
  • Buy it anyway (0%)
  • Walk down the aisle spraying everywhere (67%)


Clearly the majority of you agree with the modern day teenager. He did indeed walk down the aisle spraying soda everywhere



(Created on 17th July 2022)

Vote #772


Right, I’m back and all is good. There’s a heat wave and the UK is expected to see record temperatures. How many days will it rain while we’re in Scotland the following week?


4 and 5 tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • 0 (17%)
  • 1 (0%)
  • 2 (0%)
  • 3 (17%)
  • 4 (33%)
  • 5 (33%)


I probably should have asked this question this week so I could post the answer. I will come back and post a comment with the answer. In the meantime, it looks like most people think it’s going to rain every day more or less.


1 comment
14th August 2022
It did indeed rain every day we were up in Scotland. Don’t get me wrong, the weather was great, but we had a shower at least once every day. It’s Scotland. That’s what it does.

(Created on 10th July 2022)

Vote #771


Alrighty, I’ve had a week off. Now I have three days of work, then I’m off for two weeks to England. It seems like forever since I’ve done a vacation flight and I’m racking my brain on what I need to take. Will I forget something when I come back to England next week?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)


So far, so good. I’m back and I don’t appear to have forgotten anything. It’s always possible something will pop up, but I’m going to declare it for now.



(Created on 3rd July 2022)

Vote #770


Wow! I have to start off and say what an amazing British Grand Prix. So glad Zhou is OK and congratulations to Carlos Sainz for his first win. This week's vote question is inspired by Paul. What do you think will happen if you stand in front of the gondala on a cable car?


You will be swept up and crushed was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Nothing (0%)
  • The gondala will break (0%)
  • You will be swept up and crushed (100%)


This is still bringing a smile to my face a week later. Paul seemed genuinely surprised that standing in front of the gondola on a cable car would sweep him up and crush him. He even said it was bad programming. Interestingly, I watched every game of the four day ALGS tournament and nobody pulled off the Paul maneuver. All the players managed to safely avoid the massive objects that move. Congratulations to Dark Zero for their victory.



(Created on 26th June 2022)

Vote #769


The summer holidays are almost upon us. I'm thinking about doing a trip within a trip and heading up to Scotland to drive the NC500 tourist route around the top of the country. Just trying to figure out timing with wanting to be around at the weekends. Should I take the plunge and do the NC500 this summer?


Yes was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (60%)
  • No (40%)


Yeah, I think we're going to try and make this happen. Few no responses. Booo!



(Created on 19th June 2022)

Vote #768


Today was a huge day. The three idiots won a game of Apex and I had a viewer on Twitch! Sadly the viewer had left the stream when we won the game. Clearly they now have the false impression that we're completely useless. While that may be true, there's some people out there that are even more useless. Anyway, is this a sign that Paul should start a wildlife channel?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Well, we all know that Paul should start his own video channel and stream the wildlife he has, but we all know that he won't. The otters will have babies. He still won't do anything. The otters will move on. He will miss the opportunity. Oh well, you can lead a horse to water ....



(Created on 12th June 2022)

Vote #767


A wonderful week ahead of me with a couple of doctors visits. One of which is to get a needle jabbed in my throat to do a biopsy of something or other. Will I sound like a dalek after I get a needle in my throat?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Well, the good news is that nothing was found from either of the tests I went for this past week. Sadly, however, it didn't make me sound like a dalek. It didn't really affect me other than there was a bit of discomfort afterwards.



(Created on 5th June 2022)

Vote #766


Inspired by Paul's back garden wildlife and a question I saw on some other site somewhere, if the following animals could talk, which would be the rudest?


Badger, Penguin, Walrus and Warthog tied with 25% of the votes each from the following:

  • Armadilo (0%)
  • Badger (25%)
  • Chimpanzee (0%)
  • Hippopotamus (0%)
  • Hyena (0%)
  • Goat (0%)
  • Lion (0%)
  • Penguin (25%)
  • Walrus (25%)
  • Warthog (25%)


When I set this question, I thought that chimpanzee was going to win hands down, but the vote appears to have been split. I guess most animals can be rude in their own way. Probably should have included dog as one of the options too.



(Created on 29th May 2022)

Vote #765


Continuing the theme or stream, I've built up quite a nice setup with some overlays and transitions. It's almost like I think someone's going to see this, ha ha. Anyway, as is customary, I've create a ”be right back“ page that is used when you need to step away for a moment or two. I've customized my message so it gives the viewer more information than simple the fact that I'll be right back. How do you think I've ended the message be right back ...?


Taking a dump was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Taking a quick break (0%)
  • Having a snack (0%)
  • Getting a drink (0%)
  • Stretching my legs (0%)
  • Mentally preparing (0%)
  • Taking a dump (100%)


Am I really that transparent? Yes, my be right back message did say be right back, taking a dump. William pointed out that someone would probably see this and have no sense of humor and wonder why I was letting the world know I was taking a shit. I have changed it slightly. It now has a rotating message that says be right back, making a tea, then grabbing a snack, then taking a dump.



(Created on 22nd May 2022)

Vote #764


I've started streaming again because I bought a NAS drive that has some fancy functionality. I've set it up as a media server using Jellyfin, but it also has this ability to restream to multiple platforms. I've been streaming to Twitch, Youtube and Facebook simultaneously. Three platforms and no viewers which is completely what I expected, but it keeps me amused. Will I ever get a legitimate viewer on one of my streams?


No was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (25%)
  • No (75%)


No seems to be the popular answer and I do believe that's true ... albeit with one exception and that is that I may get to stream a large clash of clans battle and I'm pretty much guaranteed 50 viewers during the stream, but I'm not sure if it's going to happen or not.



(Created on 15th May 2022)

Vote #763


Alright, so the upgrades to the website are done (at least the bits that needed to be done by the end of the month). We’ve upgraded the software, implemented SSL to secure the website communication and can now securely connect to Google to send emails …. Like this one. Anyway, while doing it I found some more functions and am going to change the look of the weekly mail starting next week. Do you think you’ll like the new look EBR weekly mail when you see it next week?


Yes was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (80%)
  • No (20%)


Well, I hope that folks aren't disappointed. I guess the first things is whether or not the email will actually work and send out. If it doesn't, you won't be reading this, so it won't really matter. The next thing is whether I fixed the glitch I introduced last week whereby the email may have gone to you several times. If that happens again, I guess you'll be reading this a lot, ha ha! Anyway, feel free to send comments if you see the email.



(Created on 8th May 2022)

Vote #762


It's been a long time since I've done anything touristy in San Francisco, but next weekend I have a friend in town and it's going to be time to remember all those things that visitors like to see. One of the things that several people have said is that Twin Peaks offers the best view of San Francisco, but there is a risk that you can be fogged out of the view. Will we get a good view of San Francisco next weekend from Twin Peaks?


Yes - it will be a clear day was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - it will be a clear day (100%)
  • No - it will be foggy (0%)


Sadly the actual answer was no. There was a lot of difficulty traversing San Francisco on account of the fact that Sunday was the Bay to Breakers race. A running race that shuts down the roads in the city. That said, we did meet up and headed out of town to get those sites done first, but by the time we went back in and up to Twin Peaks, the fog had rolled in. It wasn’t even a nice white fluffy fog, it was a grey rainy looking thing. Anyway, other than that, it was a great day and we got to see a lot.



(Created on 1st May 2022)

Vote #761


I appear to have undertaken a mammoth of a project with my website. Essentially this is down to Google shutting down the ability to mail using the api I'm currently using. I've figured out what I have to do to change it, but there's been a cascade of things that need to be done. In order to get one thing to work, I have to change something else and that breaks something else and requires yet another thing ... if you catch my drift. Anyway, we finally made a bit of progress today after spending pretty much the entire day on it. The project needs to be completed by the 30th as that's when Google shuts off the existing service I'm using. Will I complete my website project by the 30th of this month?


No was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (40%)
  • No (60%)


Huh! All ye of little faith! I've broken the back on the project that I'll start to write up soon (not that you're waiting for a write up of what I've been doing, but you're going to get one anyway). As of today (yesterday when you're reading this), the website is signed, secured and encrypted. You will notice the little padlock icon in the address bar when you access the site and no longer can you get to the plain old vanilla htttp://www.eastbayrag.com, but now you get the https://www.eastbayrag.com so I can now be officially trusted. Well, sometimes, anyway. There's still a ways to go on the project and right now there are some parts of the site that don't quite work the way they're intended, so there's a lot more work to be done. I have a friend in town next weekend, so not going to get much time then, but I can probably take a big swing at the remainder the weekend after.



(Created on 24th April 2022)

Vote #760


Congratulations to Red Bull for taking the fight to Ferrari on their home soil. A huge win for Verstappen and the team. Looks like we've got another two horse race this season with Ferrari taking the place of Mercedes who don't seem very competitive. Which constructor do you think will win this year's Formula 1 season?


Red Bull was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Alfa Romeo (0%)
  • Alpha Tauri (0%)
  • Alpine (0%)
  • Aston Martin (0%)
  • Ferrari (0%)
  • Haas (0%)
  • McLaren (0%)
  • Mercedes (33%)
  • Red Bull (67%)
  • Williams (0%)


Interesting that nobody went for Ferrari given they're the team to beat right now. I do suspect that Red Bull will be the team to beat in the end, but I'm sure Mercedes will manage to find some late season performance even though they've had a bad start.



(Created on 17th April 2022)

Vote #759


I’m rather annoyed that I forgot to set last weeks vote question as I had it in my mind ready to go. I guess the travel made me forget. Anyway, I’m going to ask the question this week even though it relates to events last week. If I ask for a tea in Boston, will I get thrown in the harbor?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)


As it happens, I wasn't thrown into the harbor, but there are a few that will argue I probably should have been. Might have made for a more fun trip thinking about it.



(Created on 3rd April 2022)

Vote #758


Heading into a quiet week after the surgery last week and a trip to Boston the week after this one. Will this week remain quiet or will something come up?


No, something will come up was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes, it will remain quiet (25%)
  • No, something will come up (75%)


Well, this question relates to the week before last as I appear to have forgotten to set the vote question last week. Anyway, the week in question did remain quiet, unlike last week which was rather hectic and not in a good way.



(Created on 27th March 2022)

Vote #757


Now to the gaming wonders that be the weekend geriatrics. We’re back on Apex Legends …. Well, more like I’m back on Apex and the other two are playing it because they can’t think of anything else to play. I will say though that they are struggling a bit. Paul has managed a couple of kills since his return, but Luke hasn’t quite found his form yet. Will Luke get another kill in Apex Legends?


No was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (25%)
  • No (75%)


Well, he didn't actually play this weekend (at least not with me), so still sitting on zero. I'm sure eventually he'll spray a stray bullet and catch a final kill on someone.



(Created on 20th March 2022)

Vote #756


I’ve been away all week at a conference and we had this keynote speaker talk about economics. Pretty interesting stuff if you’re into that kind of thing. One of the things he talked about was the fact that millennials tend to value experiences over tangible items, so would rather go somewhere or do something than buy an object. The interesting thing is that Owen was talking about the same thing (between eating pineapple chunks) in that he was now focused on events and experiences above other things. Is Owen a millennial in disguise?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


Interesting. I didn’t think he was a millennial, but you all think he is. My rationale is that if you cut him open and counted the rings, you’d find he’s too old to be a millennial. Maybe he died and a millennial assumed his body. Maybe not, lol.



(Created on 12th March 2022)

Vote #755


I've just packed my stuff for a drive down to San Diego for a conference next week. I noted that I still have a pair of my Dad's underpants that I've been wearing for the last 10 years or so. Not continuously, obviously, they would have given up by now if that were the case. Will my Dad want his underpants back after 10 years of use?


No was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (40%)
  • No (60%)


I think the answer is no, but interesting that a few of you went with yes. Perhaps you like old and used underpants. Still, at least I now have a family heirloom to hand down to William.



(Created on 6th March 2022)

Vote #754


Holidays/vacations always seem to be over before they started and this one is no exception. It only seems like two minutes ago since I was setting off for the drive over to Vegas. Oh well, it's Sunday night and we'll be back at the grind tomorrow. Still, it could be worse given what's happening in the Ukraine. It's obvious this week is going to be a pain. Which day this week is going to be the worse after returning from vacation?


Monday and Tuesday tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Monday (50%)
  • Tuesday (50%)
  • Wednesday (0%)
  • Thursday (0%)
  • Friday (0%)


A split between Monday and Tuesday. I feel that Monday gets a bad rap because we compare it to the weekend before whereas if you compared it to any other day, it's probably not any better or worse ... save for the fact that it's longer to get from Monday to the next weekend than from any other day. Anyway, Monday was the correct answer as I had some plop that needed to be dealt with on Monday and it wasn't pleasant.



(Created on 26th February 2022)

Vote #753


Probably dangerous to set a question in advance, but I don't want to forget to set one on Sunday when I get into Las Vegas, so I'm doing it ahead of time. One of the reasons I'm driving over is because I want to drive an off road track that Mr O and I tried before in a rental car and were unable to get through. Time to tackle it with a full on 4 wheel drive. Will we be able to get through the corn creek off road this trip?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


Well, the answer is yes, but it wasn't exactly plain sailing. We had a puncture about 21 miles into a 43 mile track. If you're interested, you can read the full story and see some pictures



(Created on 20th February 2022)

Vote #752


Well, onto happier thoughts. This time next week, I should be meandering across the Sierra Nevada to meet up with Mr O in Vegas. By the time you read the vote question next week, I should be in Vegas sleeping, but getting ready for a mini road trip adventure through Death Valley, up to Tahoe, then back to the Bay Area. I'll save the road trip question for next week, but before we get there, one of Mr O's favorite things to do in Vegas is to go shopping with me and having people think we're a couple. What makes shop assistants think Mr O and I are a couple?


The way he blows kisses was the clear winner with 40% of the votes from the following selection:

  • His dress (20%)
  • His lipstick (0%)
  • His walk (20%)
  • His handbag (20%)
  • The way he blows kisses (40%)


We probably should look at what Mr O responded with, but I'll leave him be ... well, probably not as by the time this analysis goes wrong, we should have met up in Vegas and be ready to start our mini road trip. Seems like the majority of you think it's the way he blows kisses. My question to you is how do you know what he looks like when he's blowing kisses? Definitely not something I've seen him do, but maybe you know him better than me.



(Created on 13th February 2022)

Vote #751


Let's have a light hearted question after tempting fate last week ... are we going to war over the Ukraine?


No was the clear winner with 57% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (43%)
  • No (57%)


The press, being the press, would have us believe that war is imminent as they continue to fearmonger. Always looking for misery and doom - one minute it's covid, the next it's Ukraine. The vote was close though and, to be honest, it's pretty touch and go. Hopefully it's not war, but you kind of don't really know what Putin's going to do. Seems weird that war really boils down to the personalities of a few people.



(Created on 30th January 2022)

Vote #750


Fair warning, this is a bit of a morbid question. I found out this week that a close work friend had been murdered. Ben, who I've hung out with outside of work as well as having a lot of respect for, is the subject of an ongoing homicide investigation. There's really very little information out there, other than he went missing, his friends were concerned and tried to find him (going through an elaborate process of tracking his car), then his body was found in a river. No cause of death given. Loads of obvious questions like was he caught up in something or just in the wrong place at the wrong time? Regardless, it does bring things into perspective. The fact that his friends looked for him almost immediately made me wonder - if something happened to me, how long would it be before anyone realized?


4 days, 1 week and Over a week tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • 1 day (0%)
  • 2 days (0%)
  • 3 days (0%)
  • 4 days (33%)
  • 5 days (0%)
  • 6 days (0%)
  • 1 week (33%)
  • Over a week (33%)


The vote question that was left up for two weeks because I tempted fate a bit and ended up with a trip to the hospital only to be released and then pulled back in again. Talk of Anthrax, but no Scott Ian sadly. Anyway, the answer to this question very much depends on what week it is. I think if it's the week I have William he'd pretty much figure out something was wrong on the day as he'd be wondering why he hadn't been picked up after school. That said, if something happened the day I drop him off for the week, it could probably go a week before anyone truly realized something was wrong. Maybe some folks at work would notice, but not sure how long they wait before they raise the alarm. Even if they did, they just reach out to your emergency contact and mine is my friend who wouldn't know if something had happened. Oh well, probably not worth dwelling on it for too long. I think you could probably split the difference and figure it would be on average about 3 days before anyone noticed.



(Created on 23rd January 2022)

Vote #749


Big congratulations to TSM and their win in the NA ALGS pro series. I watched most of it and have to say it was a pretty clinical show with some great calls from Hal and great teamwork from Reps and Verhulst. A fantastic win against some really good competition. That said, the biggest news in gaming this week is Microsoft’s planned acquisition of the troubled Activision Blizzard. This could be a really good thing or it could go horribly wrong. Will Microsoft successfully integrate Activision Blizzard?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)


It's a big question in both the gaming and business world. The hope is that it will all go well and it will add a lot to gaming overall. Even form the start of the metaverse so to speak. That said, Microsoft has had a go at other things and pulled the plug on them - Nokia and Mixer being a couple of examples. I guess we'll see.



(Created on 16th January 2022)

Vote #748


I just found out I have a bonus day off work for Martin Luther King day. First, huge respect to Dr King. Do you think I’m going to do something constructive with my additional day off or play video games?


Video Games was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Constructive (0%)
  • Video Games (100%)


Yup, pissed it up the wall and did nothing constructive, but totally enjoyed the extra day off.



(Created on 9th January 2022)

Vote #747


Going into a potentially exciting week. My vacuum cleaner broke last week and I let the cleaner pick the new one. Unfortunately it's experiencing a shipping delay. Will my new vacuum cleaner arrive this week?


Yes was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (60%)
  • No (40%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
10th January 2022
I'm amazed you've not got yourself one of those robot vacuum cleaners by now.


It did indeed arrive. Everything I was expecting arrived with only one hitch - I had some medical stuff left in a public place, so that was stolen. No resale value. All the stuff with resale value actually arrived.



(Created on 2nd January 2022)

Vote #746


Happy New Year to one and all! Hope you had a good celebration if that's your thing. Will you complete your 2022 New Year's Resolution?


Didn't make one was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (0%)
  • Didn't make one (100%)


I guess new year resolutions are a thing of the past. In fairness, I don't think I've ever made one. I'm not sure I get the significance of the calendar year changing being the factor to determine a change in lifestyle. Kind of think you need to make those decisions based on what's going on at the time, for example giving up smoking isn't something I did at the turn of the year.



(Created on 26th December 2021)

Vote #745


Well, this time next week it'll be 2022. Are you looking forward to the 2022 new year?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


Looks like most folks are looking forward to 2022. I've got to say, I'm looking forward to it too. I think we're going to come out the back of this here Covid thing one way or another. Probably just going to let everyone who's been vaccinated go about their lives as normal and just hope it dies down. I guess we'll see.



(Created on 19th December 2021)

Vote #744


There's really only one question right now - will I be back in England this time next week?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)


Well, the answer is no. I decided to cancel at the last minute because of all the news articles on whether the UK was going to go back into lockdown, put a curfew in place or limit the number of folks that can meet at any one time. In the end, they did nothing and I'm not entirely sure I made the right decision to stay in the US, but the decision is made, so here I stay for now.


1 comment
Mr O
27th December 2021
I think you did make the right decision. Bojo hasn't announced anything yet, but it's coming this week.

(Created on 12th December 2021)

Vote #743


First, let me say a huge congratulations to Max Verstappen for his first Formula 1 championship. An amazing driver and thoroughly deserving of the title. I’m sure there will be many more to come. I am, however, stuck on the fact that the championship concluded on a decision and not on racing. Ironically, the reason the last lap was run. Let’s stick with sport for the question though and the continuing disappointment for the English. Will England get a test win in the current Ashes tournament?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


I admire the optimism, but it's not looking very likely the way things are going.



(Created on 5th December 2021)

Vote #742


After deciding Luke and Paul needed a change in pace from first person shooters, we thought we'd try monopoly. Was monopoly always boring?


Yes was the clear winner with 63% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (63%)
  • No (38%)


This is kind of an add question really as Monopoly is a game I’ve always loved, but somehow playing it the other day, it seemed really boring. We haven’t played since, so it could just be a state of mind. Maybe next game will be more fun.



(Created on 28th November 2021)

Vote #741


It looks like we have another variant of the Corona virus (this one being Omicron). New measures have gone into effect for quarantine into the UK. It looks like I can still make it, but I have to quarantine for 10 days or until I get a negative Covid test. Ironically, I'm still allowed to take public transport to my place of quarantine (as of the time of writing this question). Will travel still be allowed when I'm due to fly back to the UK at the end of December?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)


This one's a little touch and go. I don't know which way it's going to turn. I see more travel restrictions coming into effect, but all signs are that if you're vaccinated, you should be ok. I guess we'll find out in a few weeks.



(Created on 21st November 2021)

Vote #740


One of the things I have on my todo list before I come back to England at Christmas is to get a Covid booster jab. This is probably one of the best weeks to get it done because it's Thanksgiving, so work should be a little quieter. That said, the hospital doesn't seem to have any vaccines. Will I be able to get a Covid booster jab this week?


Yes was the clear winner with 86% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (86%)
  • No (14%)


I did manage to get my Covid booster jab this past week, but it wasn't as easy as I thought it was going to be. I ended up having to book it through a pharmacy and the only one I could find that had an opening at a time I could make it was a drive away. Still, got it done, so that's another job crossed off the list.



(Created on 14th November 2021)

Vote #739


After a catastrophic end to the week of damaging parts of my body, I have to ask, am I going to fall over again this week and injure myself?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


Yeah, it's generally a 50/50 this one. Thankfully I've managed to get through most of the week and haven't had a mishap yet. Still 6 hours to go, but not really planning on doing much in those 6 hours, so will hopefully hold out.



(Created on 7th November 2021)

Vote #738


I think most people know that I've been doing these gaming sessions with a couple of friends on a Saturday and Sunday morning. Well, it turns out that Paul is really into Strictly Come Dancing.'ve nothing against the show (I can't have as I've not seen it), I'm just not into these types of shows. I don't have TV anymore as it seems that's all that's on there nowadays, so I just stream what I want to watch. Anyway, it's getting difficult to play when you want to focus on the gameplay and someone's going on and on about some TV show. What's worse is that he's got this special laugh when he talks about it .... kind of high pitched, almost a giggle. I guess it's the kind of laugh you get when you're infatuated by something or someone. Anyway, what is it about Strictly Come Dancing that Paul likes the most?


All of the above was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • The hosts (0%)
  • The celebreties (0%)
  • The dancers (0%)
  • The dancing (0%)
  • The show format (0%)
  • The gossip (0%)
  • The affairs (0%)
  • Guessing who will win (0%)
  • All of the above (100%)


I probably shouldn't have included the all of the above answer as that was obviously going to take it. It's obviously more than just the one reason when you're into something this much. Interestingly Luke commented all of the above plus the outfits. Adding he really likes the sequins. Again, having never seen the show, difficult for me to comment.



(Created on 31st October 2021)

Vote #737


I will admit that I spend a lot of time gaming over the weekends, but we do sneak in some housework here and there. William had put dinner on and then was doing something, so I was getting it out to dish up and I turned to him and asked if he could move the washing from the washing machine into the dryer and turn it on. He said yes, but asked how to turn it on. I told him to turn the knob anti clockwise to very dry and then pull it out to start it. When I turned round after asking William to put the dryer on did I see A) the dryer humming along to make my clothes fluffy and warm or B) a teenager holding the dryer knob in his hand asking what do I do now?


B - knobless dryer was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • A - humming dryer (0%)
  • B - knobless dryer (100%)


Yup, you got it. I turned round to see William looking at a knob in his hand (no, not that kind of knob) and that expression on his face of I want to laugh, but I don't know if I'm going to get shouted at, so I probably shouldn't laugh yet. Honestly, I was in tears as I thought it was hilarious. The issue, in all fairness, was with me as it's the washing machine that has the knob that pulls out. The dryer has a button that needs to be pushed once the knob is positioned correctly.



(Created on 24th October 2021)

Vote #736


And now for a question to test your knowledge of the London Underground. Is the circle line a circle or is it broken?


Broken Circle and Depends what map you have tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Circle (0%)
  • Broken Circle (50%)
  • Depends what map you have (50%)


Ah! The age old is the circle line a circle. Apparently it hasn’t been a circle since 2009. My dad keeps going on about it as he apparently tried to go round it through the broken part of the circle. I keep saying it’s a circle because it was when I lived in London. I’m unlikely to try and travel round where the broken bit is. As for the maps, some show it as a circle and some show the break. I just hope the give the unbroken maps to the tourists. Well, it’ll give them something to do.



(Created on 17th October 2021)

Vote #735


Probably going to book a trip back to England for Christmas. Do I want to fly direct to England for ease or switch planes in NY to save money?


Fly direct was the clear winner with 83% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Fly direct (83%)
  • Save money (17%)


I did actually book my flight which may be a surprise to some people as I'm really on the fence about traveling still with Covid and all that, but I'm also really in need of a break, so I took the plunge and did indeed book to fly direct.



(Created on 10th October 2021)

Vote #734


With the best news of this past week being that William Shatner is going into space …. Dare I say boldly going into space? The question has come up how many of the 9 members of the original Star Trek cast (ignoring the pilot) are still alive?


2, 4 and 5 tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • 1 (0%)
  • 2 (33%)
  • 3 (0%)
  • 4 (33%)
  • 5 (33%)
  • 6 (0%)
  • 7 (0%)
  • 8 (0%)
  • 9 (0%)


The correct answer is 4 being William Shatner (Kirk), Nichelle Nichols (Uhura), George Takei (Sulu) and Walter Koenig (Chekhov). Big congratulations to Shatner for going into space. I know he’s the oldest to date, but I think the main thing is that he’s gone to space. Not many of us will get to do that. So cool.



(Created on 3rd October 2021)

Vote #733


Well, we’ve done a big cleanup in anticipation of my new desk coming. I don’t have an exact date for it to arrive. Apparently it will come in multiple shipments. Will I get all of my new desk delivered this week?


No was the clear winner with 83% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (17%)
  • No (83%)


Nope, bloody thing didn't arrive. I don't have an update on when it will come either.



(Created on 26th September 2021)

Vote #732


I ordered a new desk to give me more room to work and setup my gaming stuff. Some concern has been raised over where it’s going to fit so I got the old tape measure out to do some measuring up and my penis really isn’t that small. That’s got nothing to do with the vote question, just thought I’d share. The question this week is one I’m not actually sure of myself. I’ll explain more in the analysis, but it evolves around a tournament where there are group games that decide the knockout brackets, e.g. the World Cup. Is it cheating to deliberately lose a group match to get a favorable opponent in the knockout phase?


No was the clear winner with 71% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (29%)
  • No (71%)


It’s interesting that the majority of folks say no. That’s exactly how I would answer. If a tournament is setup a certain way, it doesn’t seem like cheating to me to deliberately lose a match. That’s just playing smart to maximize your chance of getting to the finals. Anyway, in the current clash of clans tournament, two teams were banned for cheating for doing exactly that, throwing a game. I believe the irony is that the two teams that threw were the two teams due to face each other. I guess neither of them wanted to meet until the finals. Not sure if the results had been allowed to stand when they would have come up against each other. Presumably before the finals and possibly in the next round anyway.



(Created on 19th September 2021)

Vote #731


This weeks vote question comes from a slight miscalculation on my part. I’ll explain a bit more in the analysis, but for now, do you think it’s too cold to drink beer in a garden in England at Christmas?


No was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (33%)
  • No (67%)


Exactly! It’s never too cold to drink beer in the garden. Famous last words as he shivers. Yeah, I don’t think I’m going to be trying it. Not unless some kind of shelter or heating option is available.



(Created on 12th September 2021)

Vote #730


Well, I was wondering what question to set this week and it was just presented to me on Wallah’s stream. If you’ve got an upset stomach and you feel some wind, do you risk a fart?


No was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (25%)
  • No (75%)


There’s one brave sole among us. The rest of us are going to err on the side of caution and sit on the pot to pass gas when suffering from an upset stomach. I just hope the one brave sole has a change of underwear handy.



(Created on 5th September 2021)

Vote #729


I have to start by saying congrats to Max Verstappen. An utterly boring race to be honest, but fantastic for him to win on home soil. He drove a faultless race. It's definitely going to be a close one. Who is your pick to win the F1 title?


Lewis was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Lewis (100%)
  • Max (0%)


Well, if today’s showing is anything to go by, I should have included an option for neither of them. Congrats to Danny Ric for his first McLaren win and a solid race. Boo to the boys at the top of the table. It does, however, look like the folks here think Lewis is on for his eighth title.



(Created on 29th August 2021)

Vote #728


Is this week going to prove as challenging as the last?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)


Sadly the answer was indeed yes and it doesn't show any signs of slowing up anytime soon. I'm sure there will be light at the end of the tunnel and we'll run towards it and have just about enough time to realize it's a train before it splats us. Happy thoughts.



(Created on 22nd August 2021)

Vote #727


Sunday night and I'm wondering the same thing as I normally do of a Sunday evening - shall I grab a beer before I go to bed?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


It was never really in question, was it? Of course I grabbed a beer before heading off to beddy byes. That said, I had a crazy busy week and ended up going to bed early most nights because I was pooped and had to get up early.



(Created on 15th August 2021)

Vote #726


This week's question comes courtesy of Paul who was talking about going for a plop when we were gaming. A regular topic I might add. Anyway, it got me wondering is a plop called a plop because it makes a plop when you plop?


Yes was the clear winner with 83% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (83%)
  • No (17%)


Ah, most of you went for yes, but I think this is another one of those chicken and egg questions. Which came first, the plop or the plop?



(Created on 8th August 2021)

Vote #725


This week marks the end of what I assume will be a completely forgettable summer for William. Stuck inside with social distancing has meant no real holiday to create the memories that we would normally have. School starts again this week. Do you think school starting back up in person is going to cause another Covid spike?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


Of course it's going to cause another Covid spike. Sending the kiddies back to their petri dishes to see what grows ..... what could go wrong?



(Created on 1st August 2021)

Vote #724


'Tis the final week of the first cycle of Vault of Glass challenges in Destiny 2. That means that this week is the earliest that you can earn the Fatebreaker title. In order to do that, you need to complete several tasks, but also get the Vex Mythoclast exotic gun from the raid. Sadly, it's random luck as to whether this drops or not and I haven't got it yet. Will I get Vex Mythoclast this week to complete the Fatebreaker title?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


No. I can do all the hard stuff, but I can’t get random luck to shine on me. Maybe next week.



(Created on 25th July 2021)

Vote #723


There's a dawning realization that at some point in the not too distant future, I'm going to have to return to a client site. I'm guessing the first one will be local rather than jumping on a plane, but, based on the past, jumping on a plane can't be too far away. How long do you think it will be before I have to go to a client site?


Month and 3 Months tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Week (0%)
  • Month (50%)
  • 2 Months (0%)
  • 3 Months (50%)
  • 4 Months (0%)
  • 5 months (0%)
  • 6 months (0%)
  • Year (0%)
  • Longer (0%)


A split between a month and three months. Let's split the difference and call it two months. Sadly it seems inevitable.



(Created on 18th July 2021)

Vote #722


I was explaining my general contempt for the human race and its many flaws and I was called a misanthropist. Am I a misanthrope?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Well, that's pretty unanimous. I guess I have an inherent dislike for the human race. The thing is though, I did a bit of research on misanthropy and I couldn't really find that much. The things I did find seemed to focus on a lack of trust being a common trait of a misanthrope. Which is not something I suffer with. But then I got to question what exactly is trust? To me, it's just a factor of predictability. Given a person's personality and a set of inputs, you can generally predict how they are going to act, so it's generally easy to trust someone if everything seems to line up. Obviously you do get it wrong sometimes, but I think generally most people don't aim to do wrong and there's no reason to mistrust in general. I have to be honest, the traits that were listed for misanthropy seem to me to be more aligned with paranoia. I'm definitely not paranoid. It's certainly feasible that someone who suffers from paranoia would also be a misanthrope. If you think everyone's out to get you then, it would seem natural that you'd develop a dislike for the human race. So I challenge the limited research that's out there and suggest that they've concluded on some traits that aren't directly tied to misanthropy. But then again, what do I care? I hate you all anyway.



(Created on 11th July 2021)

Vote #721


What should I do with this Champagne now then?


Save it was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Save it (50%)
  • Drink it (13%)
  • Throw it away (0%)
  • Butt Plug (38%)


Honestly, giving it to Lewis is probably the best bet as he certainly has a use for it. Did anyone else pick up on the commentary when there was a battle between Ferrari and McLaren and the commentator said oh look, another Italian team taking on an English team. Too soon my friend, too soon.



(Created on 4th July 2021)

Vote #720


After the epic performance of my home country earlier this week, there’s really only one question. Will England go all the way and win the Euros?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


Errr, no. It was nice of Disco Stu to step up and try to take a penalty. Put in some serious moves on the run up and then, well, you know how it ended.



(Created on 27th June 2021)

Vote #719


The world is so crazy right now. I literally can't spend money it's stupid. I couldn't find anyone to do my car. I've spent months trying to get a new Xbox and they continue to be sold out. I've decided to get a gaming PC instead. Got one in the cart and I can't get it to checkout because some of the items it let me select are out of stock. Will I be able to buy a gaming PC by the end of the week?


Yes was the clear winner with 57% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (57%)
  • No (43%)


I did indeed submit an order for a gaming PC. It took until Thursday I think. Got several into the cart, but errored before I could buy. But I think I’m there. Going to take a month to actually get it, but we’ve committed anyway.



(Created on 20th June 2021)

Vote #718


Are you enjoying the Euros?


Yes was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (60%)
  • No (0%)
  • Not watching (40%)


That's pretty cool, those that are watching the Euros are enjoying it. I wonder if I'd get the same response after England get knocked out.



(Created on 13th June 2021)

Vote #717


Not too much coming up this week. Williams going in for his second jab. Did you have any side effects from your vaccine?


No was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (0%)
  • Some but minor (25%)
  • No (75%)
  • Decline to say (0%)


Poor young William. He had side effects from the second jab unlike most folks here. Only lasted a night, but he turned into the chunder monster.



(Created on 6th June 2021)

Vote #716


Well, it’s that time of the year again when doctors want to push a really long pipe with a camera at the end up my poo chute. I’ve done the day without eating and cleared my inner workings ready for the procedure. How was your Sunday?


So so was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Good (17%)
  • Bad (17%)
  • So so (67%)


Still nobody doing much these days. I think most days are so so.



(Created on 30th May 2021)

Vote #715


I’ve got a pile of clean clothes ready to be put away and there’s a stray pair of underpants between the clean pile and the dirty bin. They could have been knocked off the clean pile or possibly missed the dirty bin when I threw them at it. I’m debating what to do. Are the underpants between the clean pile and the dirty bin clean or dirty?


Clean and Sniff them to find out tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Clean (50%)
  • Dirty (0%)
  • Sniff them to find out (50%)

Pre-Result Discussion

31st May 2021
throw them at the wall, if they don't stick they're clean


It seems like my dad confuses dirty underwear with spaghetti. One of those, you should throw at the wall to determine if they’re ready. Note to self, make sure you check food preparation next time you get to go back home. I also don’t know why I would sniff them when simply looking inside to see if the skid marks are fresh would suffice. Anyway, they were clean. I concluded that they must have been knocked off the clean pile as the trajectory was all wrong for it to have been a wayward throw to the dirty bin.



(Created on 23rd May 2021)

Vote #714


So close, but Leicester couldn't hold on for the Champions League spot. That said, I'm really happy with the season. FA cup win and a fifth place finish is definitely something I would take at the beginning of the season, so I can't be disappointed. I also had my failing in trying to complete the Day 1 raid challenge after trying non stop for 16 hours. How many hours would you stick at something if you were constantly failing?


1 was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • 1 (50%)
  • 3 (25%)
  • 5 (0%)
  • 7 (0%)
  • 10 (0%)
  • 15 (25%)
  • 20 (0%)
  • 24 (0%)
  • >24 (0%)


I see. So most of you are the type that give up easily. I guess I’m just a stubborn old mule.



(Created on 16th May 2021)

Vote #713


Huge congratulations have to be given to Leicester for winning the FA cup yesterday. I'm still in shock from the league title a few years back and they've done it again. Who knows, perhaps a European title is in the making at some point. A man can dream, can't he?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)


A man can indeed dream. This man dreamed he was going to complete the Vault of Glass raid on Day 1 and that turned out to be a dream. 16 hours I plugged away at it before admitting defeat and deciding to give up. Oh well. Kind of sad as I've done it now on normal mode and it's really easy on normal.



(Created on 10th May 2021)

Vote #712


Will Lewis win his eighth world championship?


Yes was the clear winner with 71% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (71%)
  • No (29%)


Well, the voters from a few weeks ago were right about Leicester winning the FA cup, so hopefully another prediction is in the making and Lewis will win his eighth world title.



(Created on 2nd May 2021)

Vote #711


Paul wasn't able to play with us on Saturday because he had something better to do. Not entirely sure I can fathom that, but I've had to accept it and move on with my life. What was most noticeable about Paul's absence in the fireteam this Saturday?


No explaining how to get to Xur, Nobody was killed by a teammate and Nobody shit themselves tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • No waiting around (0%)
  • No explaining how to get to Xur (33%)
  • Nobody got lost in a strike (0%)
  • The phrase “Guardian Down”was heard less (0%)
  • Nobody was killed by a teammate (33%)
  • Nobody shit themselves (33%)


A split on the voting. He still maintains that he didn't shit himself, but his underpants say otherwise.



(Created on 25th April 2021)

Vote #710


Continuing the football theme and all the shenanigans that have gone on this week, do you think I should have been asked to play in the European Super League?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Absolutely! Team Rag for the win!



(Created on 18th April 2021)

Vote #709


There is a huge amount of fear for tempting fate here, but I never thought I’d see Leicester win the premiere league. Will Leicester win the FA cup?


Yes was the clear winner with 83% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (83%)
  • No (17%)


Yes, we all have faith in the blue army. But then again, given that we’re playing Chelsea, the blue army will win one way or the other.



(Created on 11th April 2021)

Vote #708


You know when you get an idea in your head and it just seeds and keeps growing. Well yesterday I realized it'd been a long time since I'd just drunk listening to Black Label Society. Which, in my opinion, is the reason alcohol was invented. It's just awesome to let yourself sink into despair and let the music take you to all the dark places of your mind. Feeling all the pain in your life rise to the surface, realizing all your mistakes and welcoming the darkness. “Once you step inside, no one gets out alive”. Then, through the darkness comes a moment of clarity. Everything makes sense. There's just one question. Were the Oompa Loompa's a form of slave labor?


Yes was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (60%)
  • No (40%)


Yes indeedy, that Willy Wonka ran a sweat shop.



(Created on 4th April 2021)

Vote #707


And once again we return to a gaming question of sorts. This past weekend, the young 'uns joined us and helped drag Luke and Paul through the raid in Destiny 2 enabling them to do their first completion. There is much I could say about this epic feat, but I will leave it that Paul's main contribution continued to be demonstrating how far up his arse he can push his mic before farting. It was funny to start with, but even the kids stopped laughing as it went on. That was until the time when it sounded like he squeezed to hard and pushed out some solids. Mysteriously, he did disappear for a while after that. Did Paul actually shit himself while playing Destiny this past weekend?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


A split decision and I guess we'll never actually find out. He's adamant he didn't pop a poop into his pants, but it's not like it's something you would really want to advertise.



(Created on 28th March 2021)

Vote #706


Well congratulations to Lewis Hamilton for hanging on to win the opening Grand Prix of the season. But, moving from fast to slow, I know it’s causing huge problems, but do you find it funny that something as slow as container ships are stuck in a traffic jam?


Yes was the clear winner with 70% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (70%)
  • No (30%)


Rather a lot of interest in the vote question this week which seems odd for such an inane topic. That said, the consensus appears to be that it is amusing the that the tanker ships are in a traffic jam. It does, however, seem that the boat was freed and all has resumed back to normal. Crisis averted.



(Created on 21st March 2021)

Vote #705


Back to the gaming questions and I have my sights set on the conqueror seal which requires completion of 6 different grand master strikes. I have the first one done. They change every week, so I have 5 more weeks to go. Will I get the conqueror seal?


Yes was the clear winner with 63% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (63%)
  • No (38%)


This week saw a huge push towards the seal, but there is still a way to go. I do think that we will get there though.



(Created on 14th March 2021)

Vote #704


How annoying is it going to be to have to fast tomorrow all day while being busy at work?


Really, really, really annoying was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Not at all (0%)
  • Little (0%)
  • A bit (0%)
  • Moderately (0%)
  • A lot (25%)
  • Really, really, really annoying (75%)


Honestly, it really wasn’t that bad. I’d actually forgotten about it and forgot what vote question I even set. I was really busy at work, so had enough going on to distract me. I did feel a bit tired by the time I went in is all.



(Created on 7th March 2021)

Vote #703


I’ve noticed that the media (well, the BBC website - maybe others, but I don’t really check them) has been dominated by Meghan Markle. Not sure why as I haven’t read the articles. Similar to when Donald Trump was in power, I didn’t really read articles about him either even though it dominated the press. This does, however, beg the question Is Meghan Markle trying to be the next Donald Trump?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Don't know if this question was too topical, but there seems to be a resounding response of yes. I have to be honest, I really haven't read any of the articles related to her as I really couldn't care less. I know a lot of people have though and I've heard all negative comments like “media hungry whore” which does indeed put her in the same category as Trump. No idea if that's the case, but wasn't she an actress or something before all this. All seems to point to needing attention.



(Created on 28th February 2021)

Vote #702


Let's look outside the window at mother nature. Too long have we been stuck indoors from this here Covid thing. Now it's time to ponder that age old nature question. Do badgers eat deer?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


The answer is absolutely yes, badgers eat deer. Badgers will definitely strip down a deer carcass. Perhaps the better question would have been whether or not badgers kill deer. The answer to that is also yes, but only really babies or fawn as their better known. The don’t really go around killing fully grown deer.



(Created on 21st February 2021)

Vote #701


Does a murmuration of starlings excite you?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


Ooooh! A split vote. Been a while since I've seen one of those. I guess it's kind of cool, but not exactly the rarest thing to see.



(Created on 14th February 2021)

Vote #700


It's time to mix things up and move away from the gaming related questions. Are you looking forward to a non gaming question?


Yes was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (80%)
  • No (20%)


Yes, of course you were looking forward to a non gaming related question. Well, now that's out of the way, we can go back to normal.



(Created on 7th February 2021)

Vote #699


Alright, so next week is the start of the new season in Destiny 2, Season of the Chosen. Will Season of the Chosen be exciting?


Yes was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (60%)
  • No (40%)


Fairly split result with the majority of folks opting for yes, Season of the Chosen will be exciting. It's a little early to actually say as we're in the honeymoon period of new content, so anything's exciting right now. We'll have to see if it lasts the entire season or whether interest starts to wane.



(Created on 31st January 2021)

Vote #698


Tuesday will start the final week of the Season of the Hunt in Destiny 2 before we get a whole load of new content. Will I be lucky enough to get Eyes of Tomorrow before the end of the season?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)


Nope, sadly I was not able to get it. You only have a max of three attempts each week to see if you're lucky enough and none of my attempts were successful. I was, however, extremely pleased with everything else I got done this season. Quite happy with a few of the acheivements.



(Created on 24th January 2021)

Vote #697


The first full week of a new president. Do you think we'll have as many tweets with the new president as the last one?


No was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (20%)
  • No (80%)


Yeah, I somehow doubt that we're going to see as many tweets as we did before. It's like we've got a bland blancmange in the White House after the multi colored dipstick. I'm sure the news organizations are starting to panic about what to do now. It's like they'll have to go out and do their job and fine things that are news worthy as opposed to it being presented to them and they just give their opinions on it.



(Created on 17th January 2021)

Vote #696


There's only one vote question that can be asked this week and it's courtesy of William who's asked a question based on people joining his online games. Is everyone from Scotland miserable?


Yes was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (60%)
  • No (40%)


It's probably the weather that causes it.



(Created on 10th January 2021)

Vote #695


An educational question, how dare he I hear you say. At the end of the last vote analysis I ended with a rhetorical question. Put a question mark at the end of it, deleted it for a period, then changed the period back to a question mark. I wasn't really sure how to punctuate it. How should a rhetorical question be punctuated?


Question mark was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Question mark (100%)
  • Period (0%)
  • Exclamation mark (0%)
  • Hash (0%)
  • Ampersand (0%)
  • Eggplant emoji (0%)
  • Poo emoji (0%)


Doesn't look like anyone voted, so I'm assuming you don't know. It's apparently up to the writer how they want to punctuate a rhetorical question. Normally it is done with either a period, question mark or exclamation mark.



(Created on 3rd January 2021)

Vote #694


Hello and welcome to the new year. I guess we need to start off with a seasonal question. Will 2021 be exciting?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)


Excellent, that majority of folks think 2021 will be exciting. I have to be honest, I do too. It's off to a pretty interesting start with the shenanigans in the US. Who knows what else is in store for us?



(Created on 27th December 2020)

Vote #693


Did you realize it was Monday already?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


I don't actually know what happened to this vote question. I didn't forget it, I did set it. Owen pinged me to say it wasn't set because he hadn't got the email, so something must have happened after I set it to stop the email from going out. I couldn't exactly resend the question as it wouldn't have made sense, so I just left it. Perhaps the answer is that even though I knew it was Monday, my computer did not. Anyway, hopefully this one goes out without a hitch and normal service will be resumed. Happy New Year to everyone by the way - I hope you all had a good time and stayed safe which seems to be the saying these days.



(Created on 20th December 2020)

Vote #692


Congrats to Lewis Hamilton for winning sports personality of the year. He's won everything else and thoroughly deserves it. But, is there a sinister element to this? We know that Lewis is faster than everyone else. We also know that he had Covid 19. And now the new variant travels faster than everyone else. Did Lewis Hamilton teach the Corona Virus to drive his Mercedes?


Yes was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (60%)
  • No (40%)


It does seem that one of the new strains is UK centric, so it is highly possible that Lewis taught it to move quickly.



(Created on 13th December 2020)

Vote #691


One more week until the holidays and then Christmas will be upon us. Are you looking forward to Christmas in this Covid world?


No was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (33%)
  • No (67%)


Oooh, most people said no. I answered yes as I'm still looking forward to a break from work. Admittedly it won't be the same as a trip back home. There's something about getting off a plane that really marks the start of a break and helps with that separation from work. Still, there won't be as many emails over the holidays.



(Created on 6th December 2020)

Vote #690


So, what exactly are triumphs for?


Riding was the clear winner with 40% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Driving (0%)
  • Riding (40%)
  • Confusing (20%)
  • Rewarding (20%)
  • Bragging (0%)
  • Celebrating (0%)
  • Masturbating (20%)


Triumphs are still a mystery to me. Obviously they make perfect sense in the car or motorcycle world, but in Destiny 2 they don't really seem to serve a purpose. At least that I can figure out, anyway.



(Created on 29th November 2020)

Vote #689


Oh boy! A long weekend with Thanksgiving and facing a Monday morning. Is this going to be a long week?


Yes was the clear winner with 71% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (71%)
  • No (29%)


I’ve got to be honest, it did feel quite long. It wasn’t a bad week though. In fairness it was pretty good, but was definitely looking forward to the weekend.



(Created on 22nd November 2020)

Vote #688


A nice easy week ahead of me with Thanksgiving holiday. I do have to do some work, but I should get plenty of time to focus on other things. Will I do anything productive this Thanksgiving or piss it away playing video games?


Video Games was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Productive (0%)
  • Video Games (100%)


I’m not sure I entirely pissed it all away playing video games, but I tried my hardest to.



(Created on 15th November 2020)

Vote #687


What an amazing day (Sunday November 15th) that will go down in history. Triumphs galore. Lewis Hamilton with a world class drive to win a seventh world championship. Today's result was all about the driver and not about the car. A fantastic drive to take the win when he was clearly struggling throughout the weekend. Just an amazing way to win the championship with a win in Turkey. And if that wasn't enough to make it an amazing day, we completed a campaign in Destiny 2 with Paul. Who do you think had the biggest success on November 15th 2020?


Rag was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Lewis Hamilton (20%)
  • Rag (80%)


Ha, ha, ha. I hadn’t taken a look at the results until now, when I’ve come to add the analysis. I know I voted for Lewis, but nobody else did. I do have to say, it is quite an ordeal to manage Paul through a mission. The thing, in my mind, that swings it in Lewis’ direction is that he’s out there on his own. I normally have someone to bear some of the Paul burden. On Saturday, we had three others along for the ride, showing that other generations can participate too. However, even with big machine gun that goes boom, we did not succeed this past weekend.



(Created on 8th November 2020)

Vote #686


Alrighty, so totally hypothetical question .... honestly. If you were on a team and one of the people screwed up and it caused you to have to redo the last hour, how would you react?


Stand by your teammate, Comment but work to resolve, Get angry but carry on and Shout and give up tied with 25% of the votes each from the following:

  • Stand by your teammate (25%)
  • Grin and push forward (0%)
  • Comment but work to resolve (25%)
  • Get angry but carry on (25%)
  • Shout and give up (25%)


Come on! You have to stand by your teammate regardless.



(Created on 1st November 2020)

Vote #685


Apparently there’s an election or something this week. I’ll be honest, I’ve not really been watching it that closely and it’s kind of crept up on me. I should probably have been a bit more organized if I was going to get elected. Probably not old enough yet though. Anyway, do you think it will rain on Tuesday?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)


Interesting, most of you thought it would rain on Tuesday and, well, I guess you saw what happened!



(Created on 25th October 2020)

Vote #684


It doesn't look like this Covid thing is going anytime soon. Do you think Santa will need a vaccine to deliver presents this Christmas?


Yes was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (80%)
  • No (20%)


But surely Santa is immune to viruses and things like that. Thinking about it though, Santa is going to spread COVID at Christmas. Expect a spike in cases.



(Created on 18th October 2020)

Vote #683


Oh dear. We’ve moved onto a new game, Destiny 2. We were supposed to do it together, but Luke went ahead and then glitched the game for Paul and I. I’ve fixed mine, but it meant going back and redoing some of the stuff we’ve done earlier. Will Paul have the tenacity to go back and redo missions in Destiny 2?


Yes was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (60%)
  • No (40%)


An interesting one this as I'm not really sure how to call it. He did go back and try to do them, but didn't manage it. That said, it's very confusing. We did, however, get to play together today and he completed them then, so it's all done.



(Created on 11th October 2020)

Vote #682


Now, I don’t profess to be any good in the culinary department. If it comes in a box or tin, I’m fine, but it ends there. Recently I’ve been branching out into cooking rice. I know, we’re starting small. Now, I know you can do this the boring way and measure things out, but where’s the fun in that? What I want to know is whether it’s possible to cook the right amount of rice?


No was the clear winner with 63% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (38%)
  • No (63%)


Anyone who answered yes is either lying or is one of those boring people that measures it out in a cup first. I actually made some rice right after I set this question. I really went light so I didn’t cook too much. And I didn’t. But I was bloody hungry because I didn’t have enough to eat. Had to get me a bowl of breakfast cereal to fill me up.



(Created on 4th October 2020)

Vote #681


It looks like the dream team has moved on from Apex and is now trying its hand at losing in Star Wars Squadrons. But there seems to be a mystery in the game. What does the A button do in Star Wars Squadrons?


Get me very irritated was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Fire primary weapon (0%)
  • Fire missile (20%)
  • Accelerate (0%)
  • Brake (0%)
  • Jump (0%)
  • Cycle Targets (0%)
  • Absolotely nothing (0%)
  • Bring an annoying message to screen (20%)
  • Get me very irritated (60%)


Yes, you are correct. Pushing the A button was getting me very irritated because it was not doing what it’s supposed to. It was also bringing a very annoying message to the screen that wasn’t helping matters very much either. We have actually found how to get the A button to do more than display an annoying message. You have to pull and hold the left trigger to select what you want the A button to do. Not very intuitive if you ask me.



(Created on 27th September 2020)

Vote #680


I feel that I need to ask the ultimate question that I presented during a training course this week. Many of my colleagues shared work related questions, but when asked what my burning issue was, I presented my group with this: Should I stick with the GT-R and manage the heat and weight issues or change to a different platform?


Buy another car was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Stick with GT-R (40%)
  • Buy another car (60%)


Interesting that folks want me to buy another car. It actually looks like I'm going to stick with the GT-R and get some work done on it. If anyone is interested.



(Created on 20th September 2020)

Vote #679


It's time to think about the future and looking to where I should invest. Should I put the EastBayRag billions into HSBC to take advantage of their money laundering and ponzi scheme services?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


A split decision on where to invest the EBR funds. It's always difficult managing the multi billions of dollars that this website brings in on a daily basis. I often get calls from Bezos, Gates and Zuckerberg wishing they were as adept as I am in this regard. On reflection though, probably best to steer clear of any scams.



(Created on 13th September 2020)

Vote #678


The great philosophical question: if a tree falls in the forest and nobody is there to hear it, does it make a sound? Well, we’re not here to answer that one, but we do have a similar conundrum. If Louisa quacks at the ducks and they fly away, does it smell?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)


Ok, so this was yet another nature question based on the updates I get from Paul as to how the UK countryside is doing. Well, at least a small part of Leicestershire anyway. So, apparently, he was feeding the ducks and Louisa let a rather loud one go. It scared the ducks away. Paul believes it was because they thought another more territorial duck was approaching, but the alternative view is that the smell drove them off. I guess we'll never know for sure.



(Created on 6th September 2020)

Vote #677


We have to turn the question back to COVID I'm afraid. I was given a branded mask this weekend when I went to the track. Nice thought. Shame it didn't fit. I think I've got a rather large noggin - or at least the gap between my ears is quite big (even if it's empty). Anyway, I get that you have to wear a mask when you're out to stop the spread of air being expelled from your mouth. Should you put a mask over your arse before you fart in public to stop COVID bum air from circulating?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


The thing with these masks is that they do help if someone is coughing and spluttering in that it stops their germs from flying out towards other people, but it doesn’t actually stop you from breathing in bad things if you are close. This was proven out in Safeway after going down an aisle after some woman had shit herself. Not literally. In the passing of wind sense. These masks clearly do not have any kind of filtration unit on them. That said, I do think it’s polite to pop a mask over your arse if you’re going to fart. Particularly if you’re a woman and shop in Safeway.



(Created on 30th August 2020)

Vote #676


I was playing Apex with Paul this weekend and, as normal, getting too intense. I came out with a plan of what I thought we should do - something like push up the hill and take the team on to the left. I was expecting either an agreement or disagreement to my plan. What I got was commentary on a hedgehog that was outside of Paul's window, followed by an update on the hedgehog population. Are you concerned about the decline in the UK's hedgehog population?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Yes indeed! We're all concerned about the UK hedgehog population as it's declining. The good news is the Louisa has taken it upon herself to rescue them. Working with Paul, they've turned their garden into a sanctuary. Banging on the window to scare the foxes away. I have to be honest, I didn't figure foxes ate hedgehogs as I thought they protected themselves by curling into a ball. I thought foxes just scavenged rubbish bins these days, living off what humans throw away.



(Created on 23rd August 2020)

Vote #675


The track bug is back again and I want some work done on the car (again). Nobody seems to respond to messages though. I've sent a note to a company that's supposed to be pretty good. Will the company I messaged get back to me this week and be able to do the work I want on my car?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Sadly, they did not. It's really hard to believe that I want to spend money and nobody wants to take it. I'm actually stuck with the dilemma of whether to move on to the next company or try other methods to get hold of these folks. The thing its, they could be really good at what they do and really bad at admin, but then again, if I can't get hold of them now, what chance do I have if something goes wrong?



(Created on 16th August 2020)

Vote #674


I was making dinner last night and I had a tin of baked beans with it. Poured the beans into the saucepan and patted out the beans. Then you look inside and there's a few left that you poke out with the stirrer. Looked back in and there's a bean or two left and I get into this mode of thinking - I've paid for you, I'm going to have you and start poking to get the last bean out. It seems to drop into a battle of wits where it's as if the last bean has become sentient and is clinging onto the inside of the can for dear life to save being plucked out and being cooked. Anyone else make sure they get the last baked bean out the tin?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


I can't believe this vote is split. Obviously half of you don't know that the last bean is the tastiest bean of them all! I have to say, right after setting this vote question, I had a tin of ravioli and one of them tried to cling to the tin. Definitely not leaving that bad boy in there.



(Created on 9th August 2020)

Vote #673


Looks like there's a lot of focus on Chinese and Russian threats right now. It's almost as if there's an election or something coming up and someone wants to demonstrate that they're looking after National security. Have you loaded all your secrets onto Tik Tok before it gets banned?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


Ah, some of you have yet to get all your secrets into the hands of the Chinese. Let alone all those government secrets masked as people farting on camera.



(Created on 2nd August 2020)

Vote #672


Congratulations to Lewis on another British Grand Prix win. Doesn't look like anyone's getting close to the Mercedes this season. It's just going to be mistakes that allow other drivers and teams to steal a few points here an there. How many tires do you think Lewis will have on his car next week when he crosses the finish line?


0 was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • 0 (67%)
  • 1 (0%)
  • 2 (0%)
  • 3 (0%)
  • 4 (33%)


It made me laugh when I just read the vote results. That would be a great ending to a race to see a car sliding across the finish line with no wheels on it. The correct answer was, however, four as we didn't have the tire issues this week that were there last week. Huge congratulations to Verstappen and Red Bull for figuring out how to beat the Mercedes.



(Created on 26th July 2020)

Vote #671


Things aren't looking too good on the health front. Will I make it through the week without another trip to hospital?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)


Interestingly enough I did and things seem to be moving in the right direction. I did have to go into one of the clinics, but that was a pre-scheduled visit, so can't really count that.



(Created on 19th July 2020)

Vote #670


Well, my car’s almost ready to hit the track again. Seats are somewhat installed. All I need to do now is find a track that’s open. Will I get a track day booked this week?


Yes was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (80%)
  • No (20%)


Sadly it didn’t get done. There was a listing of track events that’s been taken down due to Covid. I assume it will come back soon, but I wasn’t able to find anything and then my stomach started playing up, so I’ve put it on hold for now.



(Created on 12th July 2020)

Vote #669


Hmm. Not such a good weekend for Leicester. Will Leicester hold onto a spot in Europe next season?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


I like all the positivity, but it’s not looking good right now. Maybe we’ll get that lost slot in the other cup. Couple more games before we know.



(Created on 5th July 2020)

Vote #668


Twenty F1 cars sitting on the wall. Twenty F1 cars sitting on the wall. If one F1 car should accidentally fall, there'd be .... how many cars do you think will finish next week's grand prix given only 11 finished this past weekend?


14 was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • 2 (0%)
  • 4 (0%)
  • 6 (0%)
  • 8 (25%)
  • 10 (0%)
  • 12 (0%)
  • 14 (50%)
  • 16 (25%)
  • 18 (0%)
  • 20 (0%)


Looks like 17 made it over the finish line, so much better than last week unless you’re a Ferrari fan. Congrats to Lewis for getting his first win of the season and hopefully the start of his run in to a seventh title.



(Created on 28th June 2020)

Vote #667


So, the car didn't get in last week, I was crazy busy at work and Amazon lost a package of goodies for me. Will the holiday week be good for me?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)


Sadly the holiday week was not good for me. Many trips to medical establishments including one to ER and two to urgent care saw this week as a bit of a bummer. Not least of which due to being prescribed tablets that can cause life threatening diarrhea!



(Created on 21st June 2020)

Vote #666


As things start to look like getting back to normalcy, I'm going to try and get my car looked at so I can get back out on the track. Will my car plans for the week go off without a hitch?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Everybody's wrong. The guy that does the work has come down with a case of COVID so my appointment was canceled. Seriously though - I really hope Vince makes a full recovery and nothing to do with getting my car done, I just hope he's OK.



(Created on 14th June 2020)

Vote #665


Alright, so I was fixing a controller with William and it involved using some glue. Somehow, I must have got glue on my fingers and then touched another part of my body. The result was a glue clump on hair. Which hairs on my body did I get a clump of glue in?


Pubes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Head (0%)
  • Eyebrow (33%)
  • Armpit (0%)
  • Chest (0%)
  • Arm (0%)
  • Pubes (67%)
  • Legs (0%)


I wasn't gluing it naked. I'm not sure how I'd have got glue on my pubes. It was my eyebrow and I have to be honest, I don't know how I did that. Obviously I must have got glue on my fingers and rubbed my eyebrow. It did take scissors to cut it out, but not really noticeable.



(Created on 7th June 2020)

Vote #664


It looks like the sporting entertainment is going to start pretty soon. We already asked which sport you were most looking forward to and we definitely have a lot of synchronized swimmers among us. It's football/soccer I'm worried about though. If soccer is played behind closed doors without fans, how will the referee know he's wanker?


Deep down they know was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Deep down they know (80%)
  • They will be blissfully ignorant (20%)


It's a bit confusing. If they already know that they're a wanker, why do 50,000 people feel the need to tell them? Also, you'd have thought with all that wanking they'd know they need to visit the opticians on a regular basis. I guess it's just a mystery.



(Created on 31st May 2020)

Vote #663


Probably just me sitting in home playing video games with the air conditioning on, but I just looked out the window and noticed the weather. Did anyone else notice the weather this weekend?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


I guess most others are more external than I am right now. I can go days without knowing what the weather's like. It's great. Wrapped up safe and sound in my cocoon.



(Created on 23rd May 2020)

Vote #662


Well, looks like the knock on effects of Covid are starting. A warehouse in Fisherman's Wharf that relies completely on tourism went up in flames this weekend. Do you think insurance companies are going to see an influx of "fire" claims?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Yeah, I think it's pretty likely that certain people will be taking to arson for insurance claims against their failing business. That said, if your business is in Minneapolis, it's probably a legit claim.



(Created on 17th May 2020)

Vote #661


It definitely seems like things are slowly getting better and the world is gradually getting back up and running. I’m quite excited to see that sports are likely going to start back up. My particular interest being the premiere league and formula 1. It’s going to be a little weird to start with as they resume behind closed doors, but at least that’s better than nothing. What sport are you most looking forward to seeing as events start to resume?


Synchronized Swimming was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Soccer (0%)
  • Football (American) (0%)
  • Car Racing (25%)
  • Rugby (0%)
  • Cricket (0%)
  • Synchronized Swimming (75%)
  • Other (0%)


Gotta be honest, the results of this week's vote brought a smile to my face. Yay for synchronized swimming.



(Created on 10th May 2020)

Vote #660


It seems as if Apex Legends has taken over as the new game of choice. This week is super exciting as there's a new season out with lots of new changes including the introduction of a new Legend, Loba. Loba has been designed to be sexy as she enters the arena to avenge her father's death at the hands of Revenant. I'm sure she'll get lots of attention and gameplay particularly in the first week and it will be interesting to see what the trackers show - how many kills with her, teleports, damage dealt etc. etc. Will there be a tracker in Apex for how many wanks you've had over Loba?


No was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (20%)
  • No (80%)


So far they haven’t added that tracker. Not sure I’d have any though. Initially I thought they’d made her quite hot, but kinda gone off her. Probably because her abilities aren’t that great.



(Created on 3rd May 2020)

Vote #659


All this stay at home stuff has led to a different world where people meet and communicate through devices whether it be voice or video. Most work related calls are supposed to be video, but you inevitably get people who are either too shy, haven't showered or aren't wearing trousers so they block the video. There's a lot of people saying that you should keep your normal daily routine and I have to laugh as I'm totally keeping my normal routine. Get up, shower, go sit at my desk for work. I did, however, notice that I made a huge fashion faux pas today. Should I be embarrassed that I've been wearing my T shirt inside out all day?


No was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (20%)
  • No (80%)


Has everyone lost their sense of pride? I get on a lot of calls where people say they don't want to go on camera as they hadn't showered. Well, get a shower then. I should be embarrassed that I had my T shirt on inside out all day, but to be honest, I just laughed. I did think about changing it so it was the right way round and then figured what's the point? It isn't like anyone's going to see me, so I spend the night with my t shirt on inside out as well as all day.



(Created on 26th April 2020)

Vote #658


It does look like there's a proverbial light at the end of the tunnel regarding this Covid-19 jobby. Or is there? Do you think there's going to be a second flare up of covid-19?


Yes and Some in a few countries tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • Some in a few countries (50%)
  • No (0%)


A tie, but nobody voting for no which means you think there will be at least some kind of second wave if not all over the world. The morbid side of me wants to see what would happen if this came back stronger and had a much higher death rate. I'm curious as to how it would be handled and how the stay at home would work. I'm guessing world-wide pandemonium.



(Created on 20th April 2020)

Vote #657


Ooops - was watching gamers stream last night. Forgot the day and time ... well, the vote question really. Very eye opening watching the professionals play. Will I win a game of Apex Legends playing with Luke and/or Paul?


No was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - with both (0%)
  • Yes - with Luke only (0%)
  • Yes - with Paul only (0%)
  • No (100%)


I see that there's not a lot of faith being put into the dream team here. My win rate is about 1 in 5 when I play with William and his friend because they're pretty good. It's about 1 in 25 when I play with randoms as I need to have luck of being drawn with a couple of good players. So far I've not won a game with Luke and Paul, but we've actually been really close on a couple of occasions. I actually think that at some point we'll get lucky and manage to get a win.


1 comment
3rd May 2020
Well, the doubters are wrong and the evidence is here.

(Created on 12th April 2020)

Vote #656


Well, the world is in lockdown and people are staying away from hospitals unless really sick. Unfortunately I was one of the people that needed to go into ER amidst the pandemic, but not for covid related issues. I'm going to guess that I will need several follow up tests. How many times will I have to visit medical clinics this week?


3 was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • 1 (0%)
  • 2 (0%)
  • 3 (50%)
  • 4 (25%)
  • 5 (25%)
  • 6 (0%)
  • 7 (0%)


Yeah, I thought it was going to be quite a few, but it ended up only being one. Had a phone call with my doctors office and she sent me to see a specialist. That was the only clinic that I physically went to. Little side story - they asked me over the phone if I had covid symptoms. When I went in they asked me the same question, but asked a second which was whether or not I'd been near anyone with covid. I answered yes which freaked everyone out. I pointed out that I'd been in ER and that they were treating people in there with covid, so I must have been near people with it. The receptionist jumped up and said they'd not had anyone answer yes to that question and she didn't know what to do. She jumped up and ran in the back, then someone came out and asked me to stand in the hall to wait.



(Created on 5th April 2020)

Vote #655


What month do you think we'll be given the all clear to go back to normal?


May and October tied with 40% of the votes each from the following:

  • April (0%)
  • May (40%)
  • June (0%)
  • July (20%)
  • August (0%)
  • September (0%)
  • October (40%)
  • November (0%)
  • December (0%)


One very optimistic person thinking May would see the end of this, but most thinking it will go longer. I also fell into the longer camp thinking it would be much later in the second half of the year before we'll be back out as normal.



(Created on 29th March 2020)

Vote #654


I'm not sure I'm going to cope with it when this virus goes you know. I'm going to have to mix with people again and be nice to them. It's been great hiding away in my little hole. Away from all the idiots and their nasty germs. I'm guessing most of them have said the same thing about me and not having to see me, lol. Anyway, during this isolation I've been bitten on my bottom oddly enough. Who or what would want to bite my bottom?


Liberace was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Beats me (0%)
  • No idea (0%)
  • How should I know (0%)
  • Tarantula (0%)
  • Rattlesnake (0%)
  • Liberace (75%)
  • Beyonce (25%)


Sometimes when I post one of these votes I pretty much know how everyone's going to respond. This was no exception. I put Beyonce in there as obviously she would be jealous of my amazing bottom, but yes, you all went for Liberace even though he's dead. Zombie Liberace has come back to life just to bite my bottom.



(Created on 22nd March 2020)

Vote #653


Well, things don't seem to be getting better, but the crazy think is there's still hundreds of people still traveling about. The traffic cameras still show a steady flow of traffic even though the order has been made to not travel unless required or for an emergency. I guess it's going to take more serious action/enforcement to make it happen. I have to be honest though, I still don't know what to think. The headlines read about stricter action and enforcement being needed, but buried in other articles there are statistics that show this isn't too bad. One article talking about the fact that we don't know if the people that have died so far that have been connected to the virus would have died anyway. The irony here is that it implied that less people may die because of the virus because people in general are being safer. Guarding against coronovirus also helps guard against flu. Less cars on the road should equal less motoring fatalities. The reality is that this won't be known until we come out the other side. One thing I do know is that I seem to be getting better at video games again despite having crested the hill of life. Is it sad that I'm still reasonably good at video games?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)


Sad maybe, but there's life in this old dog yet!



(Created on 15th March 2020)

Vote #652


Rant time: OK, I get that this whole coronavirus thing is pretty serious and I get that people are panicking. Totally understandable that people will feel scared and confused. Totally understand that people will want to start preparing for the worst. I get that it makes sense to have some of the essentials in like water and canned food, but what on earth is the deal with bog roll? Why have people gone crazy over buying toilet paper. I went to the supermarket on Friday as I needed to do a shop and the worst thing about it was that I needed to buy toilet paper. Normally I buy a stack of it and then forget about it for a long time until the supplies start to dwindle. I have to be honest that most of the people in the supermarket were pretty calm, but there were a few folks that had that grab it before it goes look about them. Back to arse wipes though. I know of several people that have bought a ton of crap paper and don't really know why other than the fact that everyone else seems to be doing the same. My conspiracy theory would make me think that the paper industry, suffering from sales as nobody prints anything, created a virus in the hope of giving everyone diarrhea to sell botty cleaner. They failed, but somehow the virus got loose and someone started posting somewhere better make sure you stock up on toilet paper. Anyway, how's your bottom?


Minty was the clear winner with 40% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Good (20%)
  • Bad (20%)
  • Smelly (0%)
  • Clean (20%)
  • Minty (40%)
  • Badonkadonkalicious (0%)


Minty??? Who on earth has a minty bottom. What do you do? Clean it with Colgate so it helps whiten while keeping it minty fresh? And while we're talking about nonsensical stuff, not sure if you've seen, but the 3 most common cures for coronavirus that were reported on the internet were 1) drinking bleach, 2) taking cocaine and 3) masturbating. Now, while the first two are just plain stupid, the third does make some sense assuming you're doing this in private and keeping your social distance. It would also help to explain why all the stores are running out of tissues.



(Created on 8th March 2020)

Vote #651


I think there's only one thing on everyone's mind and that's the coronavirus. I went into San Francisco today to see some friends I used to hang out with in the Sunset. I was really looking forward to catching up with them, but not looking forward to the drive as it just seems a waste at the weekend. Turns out there was hardly any traffic on the road. (I need to caveat that with hardly any traffic in Bay Area terms as there was still quite a lot). I don't know if it's just because it's not really tourist season yet or if people are not going out due to the virus, but it made me wonder how long before schools start to close. Will William's school stay open all week?


Yes - it will remain open and No - it will close tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes - it will remain open (50%)
  • No - it will close (50%)


I think the 50/50 split on the answer is about right. The school did technically stay open all week, however, they announced on Friday that it's shutting starting next week.



(Created on 1st March 2020)

Vote #650


Bit of a weird question, but it was inspired by the smells that great you in Coalinga. There's a huge farm/ranch with thousands of cows and there's this brown fug that you drive through that has a very strong smell of cow shit. I was wondering ... like, you know when you go for a dump and leave the toilet, but then have to go back in and you smell your shit and think wow, did I do that? I was wondering - do you think cows mind the smell of cow shit?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


It seems we have a mixed view on this. I don't think this is too stupid a question. Dogs clearly love the smell of poo. They spend most of their time looking for another dog's arse to sniff and if there's cow poo around, they'll go rolling in it and eat it. Humans, at least this one, don't like the smell of poo and generally buy things like air fresheners to disguise the smell of a freshly laid turd. Cows on the other hand, I'm not so sure. Given that they kind of just shit constantly and do it while they're walking around wherever they happen to be, I'm going to say that they're not bothered by it, but I haven't asked one to confirm.



(Created on 23rd February 2020)

Vote #649


It’s track time again. I don’t have all the changes to my car that I was hoping for, but some of the main ones related to handling have been done. Will I manage sub 2 minutes at Buttonwillow on March 1st?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Short answer “Yes!” Long answer “Hell Yes!” To be honest, it wasn't really that dramatic. I broke the two minute mark in the warm up session. The biggest challenge I had was getting a clean run. Posted a couple of 1:59s when I had some track, but wasn't able to dip into the 1:58s.



(Created on 16th February 2020)

Vote #648


Sonic the Hedgehog or Mario Brothers?


Sonic was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Sonic (60%)
  • Mario (40%)


Just read the answers to this question and couldn’t remember why I asked it. I’ve finally remembered and it was something to do with fan pressure on cinemas/directors and the need to redo Sonic the Hedgehog. I never played either Sonic or Mario, but do remember some people claiming one was better than the other.



(Created on 9th February 2020)

Vote #647


Well, I’m currently mid prep for a colonoscopy, so things are pretty active right now. I’m sure people have noticed I’ve been playing quite a bit of Borderlands 3 lately. In the Borderlands game, you get different guns and each gun has many variants. The variants include names that refer to the type of bullets fired, for example burning refers to incendiary shots, itchy deals radiation damage and oozing deals corrosive damage. The gun I’m after is found in a casino and is named after a well known dice game. Is it prophetic that the gun I’m trying to get in Borderlands 3 is the oozing craps?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


I haven't managed to get the gun yet, however, I have been for several oozing craps.



(Created on 2nd February 2020)

Vote #646


Another travel question. I have to drop my car off tomorrow morning to get some stuff done to it. I'm then heading to San Diego and have to be there through Friday morning. I have a flight that lands at 4:00 and I have to get my car by 5:30. The airport is only about 30 minutes from the place where my car is, but that doesn't leave a lot of wiggle room by the time I've walked through the airport if my flight is delayed. Will I make it back to get my car on Friday before they shut?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


Well, to all those doubters out there, I made it back in plenty of time. Actually finished early in San Diego, so got a flight first thing in the morning. Looking forward to getting the car back out on track.



(Created on 26th January 2020)

Vote #645


I'm heading up to Seattle for the week and I'm wondering what the weather will be like. Do you think I will need to take a coat for my trip to Seattle?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Actually, I didn't really need a jacket as I don't really spend a lot of time outside. I did end up taking one (better to be safe than sorry). I did use it on one evening that I went out for dinner and walked back to the hotel. The thing with me though is that I get really hot walking so don't really need the jacket.



(Created on 20th January 2020)

Vote #644


Is midnight too late to be playing borderlands on a Sunday night so you miss setting the vote question by 20 minutes?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


Thanks to the one person that voted no. To be honest, midnight is nothing - I was playing until 2:00am last night. It seems I'm somewhat getting back into playing xbox after being away on mobile games for a while.



(Created on 12th January 2020)

Vote #643


This week's vote question is extremely deep and will have you searching your soul, testing your morals and re-evaluating your life. The question comes courtesy of Borderlands 3. Is 4 the correct number of “chuggas” to say before you say “choo choo”?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Yes Indeedy, four is the correct number of chuggas before choo choo. Chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga, choo-choo!



(Created on 5th January 2020)

Vote #642


Happy New Year everyone and welcome to a new decade. Are you expecting 2020 to be a standout year?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


Undecided among the voters as to whether 2020 will be a standout year. I wonder how many companies are going back 5 years or so when they put their Vision 2020 business plans together. Everyone made one thinking they were the first person to link 2020 with perfect vision.



(Created on 29th December 2019)

Vote #641


It’s almost time to wish everyone a happy new year. Hope you all had a great Christmas and got lots of presents. This week for me brings about the hunt for a dead relative. Will I be able to find the records of my recently deceased relative?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


A very emphatic yes to the vote answer and that was indeed correct, I did find the records of my deceased relative.



(Created on 22nd December 2019)

Vote #640


There's always a lot of talk about fear or threat causing one to shit oneself. Brown pants time so to speak. But is this actually true? Is it actually possible to make someone shit themself just by scaring them or inducing fear?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


Apparently it is. Something to do with the fight or flight reaction. Regardless of fight or flight, you don’t need excess poo onboard. It looks like there have been some studies done that show everything clams up in the instance of fear, but as you weigh up options of what to do next you forget to not shit yourself.



(Created on 15th December 2019)

Vote #639


Had my final day at the track for the year the past weekend. Great day, but we move into rainy season now. What month do you think I'll be back on track in 2020?


March was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • January (0%)
  • February (20%)
  • March (60%)
  • April (20%)
  • May (0%)
  • June (0%)
  • July (0%)


The general consensus appears to be March which seems reasonable. I think there's a possibility i will get on track earlier if I start a project in SoCal as there'd be more likelihood if better weather and I want to try both Willow Springs and Fontana.



(Created on 8th December 2019)

Vote #638


There's only a couple of weeks left before the Christmas week. Can you believe there's only two weeks left before the Christmas week?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


Just me then, ha ha ha! Oh well, I guess my life's just way more interesting than you folks and time just scoots on by.



(Created on 1st December 2019)

Vote #637


I've seen a lot of post apocalypse series and films recently. The same may apply if you're a man, but if you're a woman, your only chance of surviving the apocalypse is to either be extremely hot or be a warty old woman. Do apocalypses only kill the average looking women?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


I think the same applies if you're a man - you only survive if you're hot or if you're a wise old man remembering some secret from the old days before the apocalypse. I'll be honest, I'm rather looking forward to an apocalypse. All the guys will be running around chasing the hot women, while I'll have a harem of warty old women.



(Created on 24th November 2019)

Vote #636


I guess the big news this week outside of the boring politics stuff is the release of the new cyber truck. Have you put a deposit down on the truck with breakable, unbreakable windows?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


A couple of yes votes - you liars! Or sad muppets. Take your pick. To be honest though, if you have put a deposit down on the cyber truck, I think you'll probably make your money back when it gets released which will likely be a year or so after they promise it given past track record. It's not exactly my thing though. Won't be the next ragmobile.



(Created on 17th November 2019)

Vote #635


We're one stage closer to my next car mod. My roll cage has arrived in California. All I need now is for the person to be available that it's been shipped to. Will I get my roll cage fitted this week?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


I wonder if ye olde vote question didn't go out last week as it doesn't look like I got many votes. I did get the roll cage done in case you were wondering. They ran out of time to do the harnesses, so they will be done this week, but should be in place for my next session at Buttonwillow this coming Friday.



(Created on 10th November 2019)

Vote #634


Let's get the old moral juices flowing again. Many times we hear terms like taking one for the team. I think it's a hard thing to do if it means someone's going to think bad of you though. Taking one for the team is easy if it just means a bit of extra work for you, but I think we all like to be liked at the end of the day. Would you allow someone to think bad of you if it meant others benefited or would you correct that person's understanding so they didn't think bad of you (to the detriment of the others)?


Allow them to think bad of you and Correct them regardless of consequences tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Allow them to think bad of you (50%)
  • Correct them regardless of consequences (50%)


A 50/50 split between those of you that would take the bullet and those that would correct the situation. I guess it totally depends on the situation. Maybe it's just me that I get really bothered if someone doesn't like me for something I didn't do. Now, if it's something I did do, that's a different matter. That then becomes your problem for not liking what I did.



(Created on 3rd November 2019)

Vote #633


I seem to be tormenting myself trying to figure out where I want to live. Flip flopping back and forth on whether I want to buy somewhere or if I should just rent a house. I definitely need to move out of where I am. Should I hang in there and wait for the right house or go ahead and rent?


Hang in there and Rent tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Hang in there (50%)
  • Rent (50%)


To be honest, that about sums it up. I can't make my bloody mind up and you lot can't make my mind up for me. So we continue down the path of limbo. Probably the most important decision I need to make right now and I'm struggling with which path to take. I guess it can't hurt to see if a dream home pops up before now and Christmas.



(Created on 27th October 2019)

Vote #632


Watching the Formula 1 race in Mexico and there are a lot of teams having issues with hot nuts, particularly getting them off. Do you have trouble getting off hot nuts?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Looks like everyone's been challenged with hot nuts at least some point in their life. The heat obviously makes everything expand and I guess they can become a little stuck. I think you just have to tug at them a little harder and eventually you'll get them off.



(Created on 20th October 2019)

Vote #631


It's shaping up to be another super busy week. It's likely that I'm going to be heading out to one of the biggest names in the gaming industry. As ironic as this may sound, I appear to be the leading expert in this company's product. Am I going to have fun in my client presentation?


Yes was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (80%)
  • No (20%)


This is actually a hard question to answer. I had a lot of fun on the build up. The actual presentation went really well, particularly as the client team were a lot of fun and there was a lot of good interaction. There's just a couple of things I'm annoyed with myself at. I know you're always your own worst critic, but there were two things that I'm kicking myself over. Hopefully we can win as I'd love to work for this company.



(Created on 13th October 2019)

Vote #630


Work has become extremely busy, which is a good thing. I'm heading out to Apple tomorrow to see what's up there. Should I ask Apple to remove the ability to like texts?


Don't care was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (25%)
  • No (25%)
  • Don't care (50%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
14th October 2019
Of course I don't care. Why should I care about a marketing company that happens to make electronics


An emphatic don't care from Mr O. Obviously he's not been spammed with like's from Apple users. It does get somewhat annoying. Had to laugh, it's really annoyed William, so his friends like all his texts from now on, then unlike them, then like them again ....



(Created on 6th October 2019)

Vote #629


The struggle continues as I look for a housing solution. I took William to see a house today and his concern about it was that the 2 bathrooms (the en suite and shared) were back to back. His concern was that if he and I went for a poo at the same time, it might be hard to listen to your own YouTube without hearing the other. No concern about the noise or smell, just being able to listen to YouTube in peace. Is the ability to listen to YouTube in private while you take a shit a critical house buying decision?


Yes was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (60%)
  • No (40%)


Duly noted. I will take this into consideration before making a purchase. Although I think it's more than likely I'm going to end up renting somewhere instead.



(Created on 29th September 2019)

Vote #628


This week we're going to branch out and have a culinary question. I was gifted a packet of Tim Tam chocolate biscuits that I thoroughly enjoyed. Have you ever had Tim Tam chocolate biscuits?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


I'm quite surprised by this. I figured Mr O would have had them on one of his many trips down under given that these are an Australian treat. Didn't think anyone else would have come across them (ooh err, soggy biscuit). Anyway, I thought they were great. Hopefully those of you that tried them enjoyed them too.


1 comment
Mr O
7th October 2019
I may have skewed the result as I often brought back a packet or two.
The speciality flavours are the best, but if you want to try them in true Australian style, you are meant to bite each end off and drink your tea through it like a straw.

(Created on 22nd September 2019)

Vote #627


Definitely buying a house is the biggest thing on my mind. Keeping finding houses that are almost right, but I'm holding off until I really feel that I've got the one I want. One I looked at this weekend was pretty good, but appeared to have a potentially dodgy entry. Would you buy a house if it meant you had to go up Barrymore to get there?


No was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (100%)


Hmmm. Nobody wants to go up Barrymore. Rather odd as I think many people have.



(Created on 15th September 2019)

Vote #626


The addiction to track driving seems to continue. I'm looking to book two days a month on the weekends I don't have William. Next one is booked, but looking at the one after and there's the opportunity to run at Buttonwillow. A toxic waste dump three and a half hours drive away. Do I take the plunge and run at Buttonwillow in a month?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


I have indeed taken the plunge and booked a session at Buttonwillow. All being well, I'll be there in 3 weeks to try out the track. Actually really looking forward to the track as it looks very interesting.



(Created on 8th September 2019)

Vote #625


A week in the Bay Area and I'm looking forward to another trip to Sonoma Raceway next weekend. My tire tread doesn't seem to be wearing evenly. I'm going to squeeze this event out before I switch tires, but the big question I need to answer is do I need to add more camber to my front wheels?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


This is still an interesting question. Well, for me anyway. Nobody else gives a shit which is fair enough. I took tire temps at Sonoma this weekend and they seemed to be pretty consistent across the wheel indicating that the camber is where it's supposed to be. I need to check tire temps next time out at Thunderhill and make a decision based on that.



(Created on 1st September 2019)

Vote #624


I've been contemplating time now for a while. I'm probably wrong, but I'm definitely of the belief that gravity = time. Gravity is simply the mechanism that pulls us through time or at least what we perceive as time. Easier to understand when you contemplate something 2 dimensional falling through 3 dimensions, but probably takes a bit of explaining which I'm not going to do here. The challenge with time is that an abundance of it leads to spending copious amounts of money on crap that you don't need on Amazon. One could conclude that excess time = more online spending = more money for Amazon. Is Jeff Bezos gravity itself?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Yes indeedy! The world does now evolve around Jeff Bezos and not the other way around. Got to give him credit, he's really hit some of the best business ideas of late with the marketplace and AWS.



(Created on 24th August 2019)

Vote #623


It's all fun until somebody gets hurt. That's what they say when you play games. Well, Luke and Paul were playing Sea of Thieves with William, but does William think Luke and Paul know how to play Sea of Thieves?


No was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (100%)


A unanimous vote for no, William doesn't think that Luke and Paul know how to play Sea of Thieves. Well, that would be correct. He listed off several reasons that I really didn't listen to, but one did amuse me and that was that they were not creating private chats, so everything they say can be heard by anyone on the game. I just have this feeling that many people have been subjected to drunken conversations.



(Created on 17th August 2019)

Vote #622


I'm getting a little worried for the universe as things seem to be being left a little late. When will I get my super powers so I can fulfill my destiny?


2 days (with Prime) was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • 2 days (with Prime) (50%)
  • 5-8 days (free shipping) (25%)
  • Next Month (25%)
  • Before end of the year (0%)
  • Next Year (0%)
  • Within 10 years (0%)
  • Never (0%)


This was indeed a trick question as I obviously already have my super powers. No need to wait for any delivery. My super powers include the ability to put on weight without trying, turn my hair grey and to expel large quantities of gas from my bottom while making a trumpeting noise. The latter of these super powers appears to be set to automatic these days which can make for some nervous moments.



(Created on 11th August 2019)

Vote #621


It's time to get back to the car questions. Do I need to fear an underwater attack?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


The answer to this question is indeed yes. I need to have an anti submarine device fitted to the car. No, not depth charges, but something that stops you sliding under the lap belt if you use a harness. A full harness is either a 5 point or a 6 point, however you need seats that accommodate this. My seats will fit a 4 point harness as they have the holes at the top of the seat backs. The issue with a 4 point harness is that they stop your shoulders from coming forward in a crash and actually push you down under the lap belt so you go under the restraint (submarining). What a 5 or 6 point does is have 1 or 2 straps between your legs going through the seat to the floor. This enables your testicles to stop you from sliding down. Probably with a force of 10x your weight, so you will live, but might talk in a higher pitched voice. You can, however, get 4 point harnesses with anti submarine features. What happens with your regular 3 point seatbelts in a car is that you come forward and twist a little, preventing you from slipping down below the lap belt. The ASM harnesses have one of the straps with additional webbing that will give in an impact causing you to twist and not drop under.



(Created on 5th August 2019)

Vote #620


The summer holiday is at an end and it's time to return to the States. This biggest risk to the journey is likely to be the trains. Will my train leave Grantham on time this Tuesday?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Ha ha ha ha ha. 100% of the voters said yes and 100% of you were wrong. The train leaving Grantham was about 15 minutes late. We had 10 minutes to connect in Stevenage and therefore missed the connection. We did get the next train and made it to Gatwick in time to get our flight, so it ended up being ok, but the experience with the UK train network is simply that it's ridiculously unreliable. None of the services we booked ran on time. No connections were made.



(Created on 28th July 2019)

Vote #619


I’m somewhat in a predicament needing to get replacement brakes for my car. I want to move away from the stock brakes as they don’t last given that I track the car. I know what brakes I want, but I need to find someone with them in stock this week. Will I be able to get the brakes I want for my car?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


Huzzahs! My brakes have been fitted. Car isn't quite ready yet as they had to order some oil for it, but it should be good to go before I get back.



(Created on 21st July 2019)

Vote #618


A question that was wafted to me to say the least. How much gas can a 13 year old boy produce while playing xBox?


A chuffing lot was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • None (0%)
  • Some (0%)
  • Little (0%)
  • Moderate (0%)
  • A Lot (0%)
  • A chuffing lot (100%)


The answer is indeed a chuffing lot. I had to laugh the other day. He’s sat there playing xbox tooting away various tunes and he says to his buddy online “I didn’t want to hear the you need a mega dump.” Well, at least his buddy knew he needed to go.



(Created on 14th July 2019)

Vote #617


Well, I've got one more week to go before I'm on vacation and it seems like I've got a monster week ahead of me. But is it really? Is the last week before a vacation harder at work?


No - it's an illusion was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - it's harder (25%)
  • Yes - because you feel guilty so work harder (25%)
  • No - it's an illusion (50%)


I think it is, but seems like most folks disagree. It might be me and just that general paranoia of thinking you've forgotten something before you travel. The old “did I leave the gas on?” syndrome. Maybe because I travel a lot, I don't worry about any of those things as kind of know I've done them, so the next thing to worry about is if I've forgotten to do something at work before I leave. Anyway, who cares? One more day to vacation!



(Created on 6th July 2019)

Vote #616


After a July Fourth week where I've done very little except sleep, we thing of the phrase the city that never sleeps. Which is the city that never sleeps?


Chicago and Las Vegas tied with 40% of the votes each from the following:

  • Beunos Aires (0%)
  • Chicago (40%)
  • Las Vegas (40%)
  • London (0%)
  • Madrid (0%)
  • Mumbai (0%)
  • New York (20%)
  • Sao Paolo (0%)
  • Tel Aviv (0%)
  • Tokyo (0%)


So, all of these have been referred to as the city that never sleeps. The reason I asked the question is I heard it used to refer to New York and in my mind, it's Las Vegas. Apparently New York is the original. Chicago is what the movie refers to. Las Vegas got named it because of the 24 hour nature of the place. Not entirely sure about the others, but hey!



(Created on 30th June 2019)

Vote #615


Just watched an extremely good F1 race and thankfully the results stand, so congratulations to Max Verstappen. Without going into the specifics, there was an incident where applying the direct application of the rules may have resulted in a different decision from applying the intent of the rules in conjunction with the specifics of an incident. It is, however, an interesting topic as I've observed that some people are really happy when there are strict rules defined as it means they know exactly what they should do and how others should behave or act, whereas there are others that feel that rules are only a guideline and we should be allowed to bend them. Do you feel that rules should are there to be strictly applied or there as a guideline?


Rules should be strictly enforced was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Rules should be strictly enforced (67%)
  • Rules should be a guideline (33%)


This is an absolutely fascinating question in my opinion. I firmly believe that most people need rules and expect them to be strictly applied. There's a lot of social aspects to this which can be seen with the good old queue. Queue's are there to be orderly and whilst they can be annoying, everyone is happy that they are going to get their turn when it comes. But introduce a queue jumper and the rage within is set free. I also think, however, that most people believe that rules should be in place and be strictly enforced, but think it's ok to break if it's something minor - the white lie or speeding as examples. I honestly can't grasp the concept of rules and truly believe they're just guidelines. I've never felt that rules need to be followed and are just a person / group /society's opinion on what should be done.



(Created on 23rd June 2019)

Vote #614


First a congratulations to my buddy Chad for getting married to Michelle this past Saturday. Lovely wedding in a great location. Do you think I'll ever get remarried?


No was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (20%)
  • No (80%)


Someone voted yes. Quick, send photos. Not really sure I see it happening myself, but you never know.



(Created on 16th June 2019)

Vote #613


Living in the States, it's easy to forget the dangers of the UK and how we had to traverse the countryside wary of wildlife. What is the UK's most dangerous animal?


Bee/Wasp and Cow tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Bee/Wasp (50%)
  • Horse (0%)
  • Snake (0%)
  • Spider (0%)
  • Dog (0%)
  • Cat (0%)
  • Cow (50%)
  • Deer (0%)


So, it does actually depend on which website you look at to determine the answer to this question and also the year. I believe the actual answer is horse, which would have been my guess just thinking about the number of accidents riding. The TV program I was watching said the answer was cow. I had to laugh, but it's actually the forth most dangerous animal in the US too. William found this fact really amazing and I think he was thinking that cows attacked people whereas it's more the case that they fall on them or crush them against something.


1 comment
Mr O
24th June 2019
So Bart Simpson was a health and safety expert with his catchphrase of "Don't have a cow man"

(Created on 9th June 2019)

Vote #612


Look's like the greatest export from the US has returned home. Yes, none other than the wonderful Donald Trump. Do you think Donald Trump and Boris Johnson are related?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


It does look like it doesn't it.



(Created on 2nd June 2019)

Vote #611


Heaps of fun this weekend back out on the track. Are Monday mornings better or worse after a good weekend?


Worse was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Better (25%)
  • Worse (75%)


I definitely feel that Monday's after a good weekend are worse. There's that feeling that you want to make the weekend last longer and all you've got is a week of work to look forward to. That said, I do think weekend's are better after a long week at work. Makes you feel that you're getting away from it.



(Created on 26th May 2019)

Vote #610


Finally I'm going to hit the track again. I have a session booked this coming Sunday, but I need the weather to hold as I only have summer tires on the car. Will the weather hold for me to get my track day in on Sunday?


Yes - you will be good and No - it will rain tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes - you will be good (50%)
  • No - it will rain (50%)


The weather was almost perfect. Very sunny and warm, but not as hot as it gets out there. Had some great sessions and a fantastic day.



(Created on 19th May 2019)

Vote #609


Will I win my pokemon go regional tournament this coming Sunday?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


Thank you to those of you that gave me the support, but unfortunately the person who voted no was correct. I didn't win my regional tournament. I did really enjoy it thought, which I find surprising as I would have thought I'd have to win to enjoy it, but was really interesting to go somewhere different and meet a bunch of new people.



(Created on 12th May 2019)

Vote #608


Interesting to think that Leicester won the premier league with 81 points and that 81 points being enough to get 10 points clear of second place Arsenal. How would you feel if you got 97 points in a future season and only came second?


Mr O was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Bad (0%)
  • Really bad (0%)
  • Upset (0%)
  • Really upset (0%)
  • Really bad and upset (0%)
  • Really bad, upset, angry disappointed (0%)
  • Mr O (100%)


I thought I'd at least get a comment from this vote, but no. To be honest, it's a bit of a harsh vote question as you have to feel for the Liverpool fans. Pretty much any other year and they would have done enough to take the title, but it just wasn't to be. It is interesting to see them back fighting for the title though and maybe next year?



(Created on 5th May 2019)

Vote #607


Looking into culinary things, I ask is a hotdog a sandwich?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


A 50/50 tie from a voting perspective which means that 50% of the people out there are wrong. A hotdog is indeed a sandwich as is a burger. A sandwich is defined as two or more slices of bread or a split roll having a filling in between.



(Created on 27th April 2019)

Vote #606


Invites for the regional Pokemon PvP tournaments go out this week. I was undefeated over three tournaments so far, but did not have such a good result today. Technically ended up third, but I lost a couple of games. I think invites will go out to the top 2,500 players in the world and I'm currently at 1,025. Down from 625 when rankings came out. Sadly it looks like it's more about doing as many tournaments as you can as opposed to the number that you win and I don't have the ability to do anymore before the invites are released. Will I get an invite to the Pokemon PvP regionals?


Yes was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (60%)
  • No (40%)


Not everyone has faith in The Rag, but I did indeed get an invite to the regionals. Now, the bad news is that I can't make the dates of the ones nearby and am going to need to drive three and a half hours to get to the tournament I've registered for. Hmmm



(Created on 21st April 2019)

Vote #605


Wasn't sure if I could get out and do the track day this coming Friday, so didn't book it and now it's sold out. I've asked to go on the wait list. Will I get to drive Thunderhill this Friday?


No was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (100%)


A unanimous vote of no and everyone was correct. I did not get the message to say a spot had freed up, so I was not able to go. :(



(Created on 14th April 2019)

Vote #604


It appears there's a new quest or event in pokemon go every other day. Monday sees the release of shiny Latios. What day will I catch my first shiny latios?


Monday and Tuesday tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Monday (50%)
  • Tuesday (50%)
  • Wednesday (0%)
  • Thursday (0%)
  • Friday (0%)
  • Saturday (0%)
  • Sunday (0%)


Everyone thinking it would be done and dusted before the start. Actually didn't get shiny Latios until Saturday. After hundreds of raids, only got one. My guess is Niantic turned down the shiny rate and will release both Latias and Latios again so those who didn't get one have to spend more money to go back out and try and get it again. Could be wrong, but that's what they did with Kyogre and Groudon.



(Created on 7th April 2019)

Vote #603


With all the conspiracy theories running around, it's hard to know who you can trust. Talk about Russians rigging elections across the globe .... wait, what? .... the Russians are messing with votes. Do you think the Russians are influencing the EastBayRag weekly votes?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)


First the vote question is sabotaged. Then the computer is hacked and the hard drive fried. Next there's over 10,000 votes. Last I get a call from Vladimir to assure me that neither he, nor anyone from his country have ever interfered with the Eastbayrag vote. Conclusive evidence then that the Russians have not messed with this vote.



(Created on 31st March 2019)

Vote #602


I probably should have set this question last week, but the cough/sneeze thing was top of mind. Anyway, the prior weekend I took William to his soccer game. Can you guess what the score was?


11-0 was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • 1-0 (0%)
  • 2-0 (0%)
  • 3-0 (0%)
  • 4-0 (0%)
  • 5-0 (25%)
  • 7-0 (0%)
  • 10-0 (0%)
  • 11-0 (50%)
  • 12-0 (0%)
  • 15-0 (25%)


It was indeed an 11-0 loss. When he came off the pitch I commented that I thought it was a close game. Then clarified that I meant close to being the worst game I'd ever seen. Obviously my pep talk sunk in as there was significant improvement this weekend. They only lost 7-0.



(Created on 24th March 2019)

Vote #601


All week I've been suffering with that most crippling of illnesses that only 50% of the world's population will know. Yes, the dreaded man flu. The most painful experience ever bestowed on a human being and yet we soldier on. Child birth has nothing compared to the symptoms of man flu. Anyway, while going to pick up William from school, I managed to cough and sneeze at the same time. Something I didn't think was possible. It makes a hell of a mess, I'll tell you that for nothing. Have you ever coughed and sneezed at the same time?


Yes was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (80%)
  • No (20%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
25th March 2019
Don't you remember the time I did that at the race track when I had a mouthful of sprite?

I bet the woman who was sat in front of us still remembers.


And here was me thinking I'd just found a new craze that I could get the kids to video and put on YouTube. Oh well, at least I didn't have a mouthful of Sprite like Mr O, but it still made a bit of a mess.



(Created on 17th March 2019)

Vote #600


Sitting here at the end of the weekend thinking about another wonderful week at work. Should I walk towards the light?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)


This is an interesting question as walking towards the light seems to have multiple meanings. Generally associated with death and walking towards the light of the afterlife, but also light at the end of the tunnel. Anyway, I did as the votes said and walked towards the light. Good job I did - I'd left the fridge door open.



(Created on 10th March 2019)

Vote #599


Another wonderful question from Sin City, but this one from the return flight. My tray table wouldn't come completely down because the spillage from the woman's leg seated next to me had leaked onto my seat and was preventing it from going all the way down. You know you're in for a wonderful flight when the person jumps into the seat next to you and says that the arm rest needs to stay up otherwise they won't fit. Are you happy when someone encroaches into your space?


Ewww was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (33%)
  • Ewww (67%)


Another ewww indeed. It's one of those things with Southwest being open seating. I get on and grab the aisle seat. Someone invariable gets on pretty soon thereafter and grabs the window. You then spend the rest of the boarding time looking for the thinnest (or prettiest) person and hoping they will take the middle seat (if it's to be taken at all). This was one of those unfortunate times where Fatty McFatFat grabbed the middle seat and proceeded to melt across into mine. I couldn't see past her to see if she was inflicting the same amount of pleasure on the person in the window seat.



(Created on 3rd March 2019)

Vote #598


Time for a high brow question. Did the person who used the toilet before me reach a seating position before his arsehole gave way?


Ewww was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (0%)
  • Ewww (100%)


Ewww indeedy. Based on the the spray on the wall behind the toilet, I don't think the prior user either a) made it to the seating position or b) managed to remove his trousers in time. It appeared that the seating area was [relatively] clean and just the wall had suffered.



(Created on 24th February 2019)

Vote #597


It’s that time of year again when I’ve been on the planet for another year and head to Vegas to watch the NASCAR. So, happy birthday to me and let’s ask the annual question. Will we see a Uncle Jesse at the NASCAR race in Vegas this year?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


Sadly there was no sighting of Uncle Jesse at the racetrack, but the waitresses at one of the restaurants we go to we’re the same.



(Created on 17th February 2019)

Vote #596


NASCAR season is underway. Today as I write this question marked the start of the season with the Daytona 500. Congratulations to Joe Gibbs on bringing home a 1,2,3 which was even more amazing when you think that there were only really half a dozen cars running at the end. It was outstanding to have 3 cars running at the end, let alone sweeping the podium. Congrats to Denny Hamlin for ending up top of the pile and beating his teammates. I'm probably not going to watch that many races again this season, probably just those I physically go to, which brings me to this obvious question - cake or pie?


Cake was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Cake (67%)
  • Pie (33%)


Wow, I’m genuinely surprised at this answer. Probably because I prefer pie, but I guess I’m in the minority.



(Created on 10th February 2019)

Vote #595


Alright, so my phone did a huge update this week. Not one of those updates that just fixes bugs, this was one of those ... I know you've sent your phone up the way you want it, but we're going to clear all your preferences and return the device to its default settings. You know, keyboard changed, ringtones, sounds the whole kit and caboodle. Anyway, while at William's soccer this weekend, I noticed that my phone was reporting it was on a 5g network. When William finished we looked at his phone and it was on 4g. So I gave him a whole ribbing about being outdated and being a whole g behind me and that the rest of his life would now be meaningless. I'm assuming the update was to facilitate connecting to a 5g network, but I can't help thinking about that Red Dwarf episode where Rimmer says "step up to red alert" and Kryton replies "are you sure, it means changing the bulb". I do wonder if this update was just to load the graphic that appears on my phone as opposed to actually doing something. Anyway, are you comfortable with the number of g's your phone gets or do you feel there's room for another g or two?


No - I need more g's was the clear winner with 83% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - I'm good for g's thank you (17%)
  • No - I need more g's (83%)


You can't have too much power I believe may be a quote by Clarkson. I guess the same applies to G's. We all want more bandwidth so our phones perform faster. I'm definitely getting old as I used to be on top of what was being rolled out and what the major differences were, but this one seems to have caught me by surprise. That said, I don't know many people who have experienced the power of 5g yet. Obviously I put it to full use and played Pokemon on it, but you wouldn't expect anything less.



(Created on 3rd February 2019)

Vote #594


Congratulations to Tom Brady for successfully managing to get through the scrum of reporters after the Patriots victory in the SuperBowl. Honestly, next year they should just line the Patriots up against the media to see if they can break through and score a touchdown. Looks like they'd put up a pretty good fight given how they were all leaching around. Do you think the other New England Patriot players were annoyed that the press seemed to only want to talk to Tom Brady?


Yes was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (60%)
  • No (40%)


It's kind of weird. I'm sure the other team mates didn't care, they're probably just hyped by the fact that they won the Superbowl. It was a bit ridiculous though how the media just swarmed Brady, even though he wasn't the best player out there. I guess the focus is making it about one person as that sells more ad space maybe.



(Created on 27th January 2019)

Vote #593


It won't have escaped everyone's notice that I missed the vote question last week. How many people assumed the worst and asked me if everything was OK after I missed setting last week's question?


2 was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • 0 (25%)
  • 1 (0%)
  • 2 (75%)
  • 3 (0%)
  • 4 (0%)
  • 5 (0%)
  • 6 (0%)
  • 7 (0%)
  • 8 (0%)
  • 9 (0%)


The answer was indeed two people



(Created on 13th January 2019)

Vote #592


Another Sunday night where I'm devoid of inspiration, probably because I've got a long week ahead of me up in Seattle. Will my flights be on time or affected by drones?


On time was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • On time (75%)
  • Drones (25%)


My flight to Seattle and back was on time and as smooth as can be. Hoping for the same this week as I'm going up again.



(Created on 6th January 2019)

Vote #591


An interesting weekend. Where exactly is Newport County?


Wales was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • England (0%)
  • Scotland (0%)
  • Wales (75%)
  • Northern Ireland (0%)
  • All over Leicester (25%)


I like that the majority of people gave the actual physical location, but I'm going to give it to the folks that answered “all over Leicester”. I'm guessing this was Mr O. I will congratulate Newport County on a great victory over Leicester. Leicester who just got great results against Manchester City and Chelsea. “It's a funny old game!”


1 comment
Mr O
14th January 2019
That's where you are wrong. I went factually correct.

(Created on 31st December 2018)

Vote #590


Should I go to the pub tonight for New Year’s Eve?


No was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (33%)
  • No (67%)


Well I did go to the pub regardless of what you voted for. The one thing I'm trying to figure out is if my dad voted yes or no given that's who I went to the pub with.



(Created on 23rd December 2018)

Vote #589


Not the most interesting question, but the most obvious one to ask. Given the shenanigans of last week with the drones closing Gatwick airport, I have to wonder, will I make it back to England this week?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


I guess most people already know the answer to this one. I made it back to England safe and sound.



(Created on 16th December 2018)

Vote #588


The festive season is nearly upon us. Time for that last week in school where you just play games and nothing really matters. But it does leave one very important question - was everyone really kung fu fighting?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


I actually laughed when I re-read this question. I totally forgot what question I'd set. With all the rush of trying to get work done before the holidays, then the turmoil of not know if I'm going to have a flight back to England due to the Gatwick drone issue, I completely forgot what question I'd set. It seem unanimous that everyone was indeed kung fu fighting. It would be an impressive sight if that were the case, lol.



(Created on 9th December 2018)

Vote #587


As I look to spend thousands of dollars on my car and gorge over Christmas, there really is only one important question. Can I get another squirt of toothpaste out this tube?


Yes was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (80%)
  • No (20%)


How dare somebody say no? You can always get an extra squirt out of the tube if you try hard enough. Now. I'm sure there are those of you out there that are thinking - if you squeeze from the bottom, or better still use one of those clip things to roll up the tube, you know exactly where you are and when the last drop is going to plop out. Well bully for you! Is the rest of your life really boring as well? I have contemplated that approach before and have made a concerted decision to squeeze from the middle of the tube in order to have the end of tube fun and games. It just makes it so much more interesting. You can argue your logic anyway you like, but you're wrong and that's all there is to it.



(Created on 2nd December 2018)

Vote #586


I've booked the final track day for the year this Friday. I looked at the weather on three websites. Two said it would be clear, but the third said it would rain. I don't mind driving in the rain itself, but you have to have your windows down and I really don't want the inside of the car to get wet. Will it rain this Friday for my final track day of the year?


No - Dry was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - Rain (25%)
  • No - Dry (75%)


It was indeed dry. The day, to be honest ,was absolutely perfect. Crisp morning warming up through the day. Photos and a video have been posted if you’re interested.



(Created on 25th November 2018)

Vote #585


It seems to me that everyone is in a rush nowadays. It used to be that only idiots like me drove fast, but everyone appears to do it now from soccer moms/mums to tree hugging hybrid drivers. But then again, it could just be that I'm old. Are people in more of a rush these days or am I old?


both was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • People are in a rush (0%)
  • You are old (0%)
  • both (100%)


Ha, ha, ha. A unilateral decision then. Yes, I will take it on the chin that I'm old. Definitely showing signs of wear and tear. I do, however, firmly believe that everyone is just in a rush these days. Well, unless you work for the council I suppose. I watch quite a lot of car videos on YouTube given my most recent hobby and it's interesting when you look at trends. One of the biggest things that sells cars is power. Even people that drive the family car, want there to be a little bit of extra power there so they can put their foot down when they want to. What also makes me laugh is people cutting in at the last minute. Everyone does it infront of my truck and I just think “you must trust the brakes on this better than I do”. I think my truck and car are on opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to stopping distance, but ironically I don't get cut up as much in the car. I think the psychology is that you look at the car and think it's not going to hold me up, but you look at the truck and think I don't want to get stuck behind that. I mean, we all do it, lol!



(Created on 18th November 2018)

Vote #584


In case you weren't aware, a lot of California is currently on fire. There's a couple of big fires - one near LA and one up by Sacramento. The one by Sacramento is filling the Bay Area with smoke. I was planning to go away this week with William and try some off roading. It seems that most places are closed because of the fires. That said, the others warn that they get very busy during the Thanksgiving holiday, so it might be a blessing in disguise. That said, we're now looking at alternatives for something to do this holiday. Will we end up going on a trip this Thanksgiving?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


The voters out there having a lot more faith in my procrastinating self, but yes, we did get away for a couple of days and had a great time. Even wrote a little blog about it.



(Created on 11th November 2018)

Vote #583




Ho-de-Ho was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • What? (20%)
  • Ho-de-Ho (80%)


Completely forgot I set this as the vote question. Looks like most of you remember the great classic TV show. I doubt it ever made it across the pond, so guessing the folks that didn't know the answer voted for what.



(Created on 4th November 2018)

Vote #582


I'm hearing and reading a lot about this FIRE movement (financial independence, retire early). Essentially it's to save enough money and live frugally to retire in your 30s. Obviously it's too late for me, but I do find it interesting. Remember the Good Life for those in the UK. I guess it's kind of the same thing. The concept sounds interesting in that you really don't need that much money to live if you're really careful. I'm just not sure I could live being that careful for that long and controlling the urge to spend on things or go with the luxuries like technology or alcohol. Do you think you could live frugally as outlined by FIRE?


Only if Felicity Kendal was with me was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (20%)
  • No (0%)
  • Only if Felicity Kendal was with me (80%)


I do believe there would be quite a lot you could tolerate if Felicity Kendal was with you. Although, as the saying goes ... somebody somewhere's bored of doing that. Back to the FIRE philosophy, it's going to be interesting to see how these folks fare in 30 years time. Whether it's the weather in England where I grew up, but I'm always worried about that rainy day. The what if problems and if they occur, how are you going to pay for them. I doubt anyone's going to track the progress of these folks and the reality is that I'm sure some will be successful and some will fail which is no different to what happens every day for everybody else. The other problem though would be boredom. In order to have this freedom, you're giving up the ability to have new things like cars and electronic toys that will all find essential these days. Perhaps they will be more enlightened at the end of the day .... but I'll have more Pokemon, lol



(Created on 28th October 2018)

Vote #581


What a crazy weekend back in the UK. Congratulations to Lewis Hamilton on his fourth F1 title, but sadness in Leicester after City's owner's helicopter crash. How was your weekend?


Good was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Good (80%)
  • Bad (0%)
  • Crazy (0%)
  • Boring (0%)
  • Something Else (20%)


Excellent! Most people had a good weekend last weekend. And it was definitely a good weekend for Hamilton. Still can't quite get over the sadness in Leicester, such a shame. This weekend was not good for me. Ended up in ER again. Not for the same old, same old. Something new and shiny and yet another thing to worry about.



(Created on 21st October 2018)

Vote #580


It's car time again and I'm running through the big question. To mod or not to mod? There's a lot of things I'm thinking of doing, but probably just going to start small with wheels and tires. Should I mod my car?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Interesting, I wasn't expecting this to be a resounding yes. I thought there might be some dissenters out there wanting me to keep the car pure. We'll have to see. I'm definitely not going to make any major modifications in a rush as it's actually pretty complicated. To change the wheels itself is hard enough as you have to keep the diameter of the front and rear within 1% of each other, else you'll burn out the front clutch in the AWD system. Similarly, if you increase the power of the car, the ECU won't let you put it down as fast as standard when you're driving a track. It's OK in a straight line, but if you're exiting a corner, the ECU gets more power than it's expecting and cuts it to the wheels, so you actually put in slower lap times. Kind of need to be careful that you don't accidentally do something that makes you slower rather than quicker.



(Created on 14th October 2018)

Vote #579


A couple of weeks back William broke his water bottle and on Friday I broke the case for my phone. Both of these are classic instances where I thought .... bit of super glue will fix that. Well, my super glue had dried up and I keep thinking back and can't remember anytime I've actually used super glue and it's worked. Have you ever used super glue and had it work?


No was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (100%)

Pre-Result Discussion

15th October 2018
Use Gorilla glue, it's much better


This actually makes me laugh as I keep buying the stuff and it doesn't work. Some great marketing from somewhere. Also like my Dad's suggestion to use Gorilla Glue. I was including that in the general category of super glue as I've tried that and it didn't work either. Promises of being able to fix something and make it stronger than it originally was in seconds. Yeah, right!



(Created on 7th October 2018)

Vote #578


My biggest dilemma right now is what to do on the housing front. Kind of bored with my apartment and the rent keeps going up. There's actually not a lot of rental choice on the market either. Housing market as basically stalled and potentially looks like it might crash. What should I do for housing?


Find somewhere else to rent was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Stay in your apartment (20%)
  • Find somewhere else to rent (60%)
  • Buy somewhere (20%)


Well, I've decided to stay where I am, but continue to look for somewhere to buy. Want to keep my eyes on the market to see what's happening and don't want to rush into a decision. I did the economics and it's not too bad to stay and cut the lease early if I find that amazing property. Doubt that will happen as I'm not really the kind of guy that just falls in love with a house.



(Created on 29th September 2018)

Vote #577


Another week, another trip. Off to Vegas again for a conference and it's the same old same old. Should I take my team out and party with them?


Yes - be the party animal and No - just pickup the tab tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes - be the party animal (50%)
  • No - just pickup the tab (50%)


Not entirely sure what the answer to this is to be honest. I certainly wasn't the party animal, but I also wasn't Mr boring stay in my room. I think I just found a happy medium somewhere. My biggest challenge was the amount of walking that was involved from room to convention center, to restaurant, to bar, to wherever. I'm not really sure I've got too many Vegas conferences left in me.



(Created on 23rd September 2018)

Vote #576


Some questions we ask are funny. Some political. Some topical and others just because they were what I was thinking of. Others take us back to the fabric of time and get us to question our very existence. Apologies to the American viewers as they may not quite get the importance and magnitude of this question for it is one that has been asked since before their existence. What shall we do with a drunken sailor?


Put him in bed with the captain's daughter was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Put him in a long boat 'till he's sober (0%)
  • Shave his belly with a rusty razor (20%)
  • Tie him to the taffrail when she's yard-arm under (0%)
  • Put him in the scuppers with the deck pump on him (0%)
  • Heave him by the leg in a runnin' bowline (0%)
  • Put him in bed with the captain's daughter (80%)


So, I'm trying to figure out under what circumstances I would have a drunken sailor and be wondering what to do with him. That said, the best answer I saw online is “make him captain of an Exxon Tanker.”

That said, I'm also trying to figure out whether putting him in bed with the captain's daughter would be punishment or not. I'm thinking the gist of this is that when he gets caught by the captain, he'll get flogged. Alternatively it's because she's really ugly.



(Created on 17th September 2018)

Vote #575


With the inaugural first nascar chase race at Las Vegas resulting in the lowest ever attendance at a nascar race there, we have to ask, will there be another nascar chase race at Las Vegas?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • Yes but at night (33%)
  • No (0%)


Well, my guess is yes on the basis that they've probably signed up for a 5 year deal, so they're probably locked into it for the next few years at least. There were a lot of people on the flight I was on up to Seattle talking about their preference to have the race at night to avoid the oppressive heat. The problem with this though is that then wouldn't allow the fans to go out on the town that night. I'm guessing that a lot of the draw to attend the race in Vegas is due to the fact that you can enjoy Vegas while you're there as well as the race. Could be wrong about that, but we'll see. That said, I personally think a night race would be better as it really was too hot to be out in the sun.



(Created on 9th September 2018)

Vote #574


It's going to be a very busy week, but I do have a sneeky trip to Laguna Seca to race my car round the world famous cork screw. Don't tell anyone though. How much fun am I going to have racing round Laguna Seca?


Lots was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • None (0%)
  • Lots (100%)


It was indeed lots and lots of fun. Already booked my next session. Back up to Thunderhill in a few weeks.



(Created on 2nd September 2018)

Vote #573


You're going to need to bear with me. This question has been five years coming and it's time to ask it now. So, last weekend I went to a party and poor William had to get a shower and get changed. I made him wear matching socks and he had to change once because I didn't think he looked smart enough. I also had a shower, trimmed beard, did all the other stuff you do when you're trying to look your best (I know, fighting a lost cause, but sometimes you got to put in the effort). Anyway, so I get the iron out to iron my shirt. William looks over and says “what you doing?” “Ironing” I replied. “I know that. I didn't realize you'd got an iron ...[pause]... actually, I did as mommy complained about it for about a year after you moved out.” Now, I'm laughing my head off thinking back to the day I moved out. I walked round the house and took the stuff I needed or thought I'd need at some point. I remember taking the iron and wondering if it would annoy my ex. Guess it did, lol. But you know what the real question is .... Do you think my ex bought a new toothbrush after I moved out?


Yes was the clear winner with 83% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (83%)
  • No (17%)


Very interesting that pretty much everyone thinks that she did change her toothbrush. I don't. If she couldn't be bothered to change anything else, then I don't think she'd change her toothbrush, but I could be wrong.

Now, the bigger question you're all asking yourselves is what did I do to the toothbrush. We've all heard the joke about the person that came back to their apartment and all that was left was their toothbrush and camera. Then when the person got the film of the camera developed there was a photo of the burgler with the toothbrush up their arse.



(Created on 26th August 2018)

Vote #572


I had to pick up some tablets from the drive through pharmacy this week and there was a new girl there that found it very difficult to hear what I was saying. We were actually stuck on the identification part. She asked me to spell my name about five times, but wasn't capable of understanding the answer even when using a phonetic alphabet. On the last occasion when she asked “can you spell your name?” I simply replied “yes.” When someone asks if you can spell your name, should you always reply with a yes or no?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Completely forgot I set this question. It's really backfired on me. I lost the bloody tablets I got last week and have had to go back and beg for some more. Now who's the muppet?



(Created on 19th August 2018)

Vote #571


This week's question comes from a friend who's actually about to give me a lot of shit over something backfiring on me, but that's a whole other story for another time. Anyway, she wants to know whether it's acceptable for a girl to ask a guy out directly?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


A pretty resounding yes to the question. So go ahead DC and lay it on the line for your lovely ginger. If it's so acceptable though, I wonder why I've never been asked? I mean you'd think there'd be at least one somewhere. I just get weirdos start to follow me around and before you say it, I know what you're thinking ... just cus they're following you around, you didn't have to marry them.



(Created on 12th August 2018)

Vote #570


Hmmm. Very busy weekend and I'm falling to bits. My toenail fell off this morning and I've just had something to eat and half a tooth dropped out. I've got to fly to Seattle first thing tomorrow and am working on booking a dentist appointment for my return. There's no pain right now, but will my tooth start to hurt before I can get to the dentist?


No was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (40%)
  • No (60%)


I forgot what question I'd set. Luckily not due to the pain. I haven't seen the dentist yet - go tomorrow morning, but there's no pain at all and no indication that it's going to hurt before I get there ... just when I get the bill after for the work, lol



(Created on 5th August 2018)

Vote #569


All week, every week I slave over a hot keyboard working to find a relevant vote question to entertain you all. Sometimes I feel the love is not shared back equally and occasionally I get blocked. Did Louisa block my vote question on purpose?


Yes was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (60%)
  • No (40%)


She is denying that she's done it on purpose, but every week I get a bounce back saying that she's blocked my email address from sending messages to her. The weird thing is that if I forward the spam notice, that actually gets through. It's the email itself that isn't making it past the spam filter. I guess I could write what I want though as she's not going to see it because it'll be blocked.


1 comment
13th August 2018

(Created on 30th July 2018)

Vote #568


A racing question given that I took my car out on a track day, but probably not the racing question you're going to expect. I think this is something most people have done, but we'll find out. I stayed away the night before my thing and when I came back, emptied my suitcase on the floor. The next day there was a pile of clothes - some clean, some not. Without thinking I picked up a pair of underpants and sniffed them to see if they were clean. The track temperature was 117 degrees the day before which was a few degrees cooler than the area around my knackers. Yup, the pants I'd decided to sniff were the ones from the day before. Don't know why I did it. Still don't. Was like an automatic reaction at the time. Have you ever sniffed a pair of underpants/washing (could be socks) and regretted it?


No was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (33%)
  • No (67%)


So, apparently I’m the only person that’s ever done this. Hogwash, I say. I think you’re all lying. Now, I’ll freely admit that this isn’t a habit I’d encourage, but it kind of happened to me automatically like some pre programmed response. Needless to say, the experience wasn’t good.



(Created on 22nd July 2018)

Vote #567


Well, the joys of this system I've got here are that I can set vote questions in advance. I'm off to my track day Sunday and I don't think I'll have talked to anyone before this vote goes out. Will I still have a GT-R post my track day?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


Interesting that I got a vote of no confidence from somewhere. Yes, I still have my car and it's in full working order. There should be some pictures in the photos part of the website if you're interested. http://www.eastbayrag.com/photos/photodb/photodbbycatdisplay.php?tag=331534



(Created on 15th July 2018)

Vote #566


I guess that's it for another 4 years. Disappointed to see England go out in the semi finals, but looking back, pleased that they made the semi finals. Did you enjoy the world cup?


Yes was the clear winner with 83% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (83%)
  • No (17%)


Looks like most people enjoyed the world cup. I'm guessing my dad was the one who didn't because he doesn't like soccer. Anyway, I thought it was an amazing World Cup. There were some excellent games. The facilities looked great and I didn't hear about a lot of trouble which is something I feared. I think France were the most consistent team in the tournament and were worth winners.



(Created on 9th July 2018)

Vote #565


OK, so I cracked a joke this week and nobody laughed. Pretty usual stuff I hear you say, but this wasn't entirely down to me not being funny. The joke was a pun around a helmet, but it turns out that Americans don't call the end of a penis a helmet. They call it the head. I've only been here 18 years and I've just found out what to call my dick. Did you know that Americans don't use the word helmet to describe the end of their penis?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


50/50 on the vote, but there's possibly a 50/50 split of English and American voters now I think about it. Anyway, could lead to some interesting misunderstandings on either side of the pond.



(Created on 1st July 2018)

Vote #564


We appear to be at that all American holiday of Independence Day. Should I go watch fireworks on July 4th?


Yes was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (60%)
  • No (40%)


Thank you to those that voted yes, but you seem to forget that I'm a miserable bastard, so we didn't go. Actually, William really doesn't have any interest in fireworks and would rather play on the xbox with his friends, so that's what we did. It's kind of odd as I didn't even hear or see any. I wasn't looking, but you'd think I'd have heard them.



(Created on 25th June 2018)

Vote #563


Missed the vote question again, but did wake up remembering that I'd forgotten. What was the reason I initially forgot this week's vote question?


Age was the clear winner with 40% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Lazy (0%)
  • Age (40%)
  • Stress over World Cup (0%)
  • Stress over Pokemon changes (20%)
  • Stress from ex wife (0%)
  • Stress from future ex wife (20%)
  • All of the above (20%)


Oh crap. I can remember setting the question, but can't remember what the answer is. So that would point to age, wouldn't it? Ha, ha! The answer was actually all of the above. Kind of meant a bit more last week than it does this week given that things have calmed down a lot. The changes happening in the pokemon game are certainly keeping me on my toes and I was a bit tired when I got home last Sunday night. I think I fell asleep in front of the TV watching one of the soccer games.



(Created on 17th June 2018)

Vote #562


I'm trying to figure out if this just happens to me or if everyone suffers the same problem. It can happen either on the way to the washing machine or on the way back from the dryer. You scoop all your clothes up in a ball and start walking. A sock falls to the floor. You contemplate whether to complete your journey and come back for the sock, but decide you can manage the ball with one hand and snag the stray sock. You bend over, grab the sock and just as you're straightening up, another sock falls to the floor. And the cycle repeats until either you manage to get everything into your arms or the underpants join in the game and you have to admit defeat. Have you ever done the sock dance when moving washing around the house?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


I'm actually genuinely happy to hear that this is not just me. I was wondering if it was because socks were ablists (people who dislike disabled people to save you googling). I didn't know if they were just picking on me to see if they could make me fall over as I try to swoop down and collect them up. The interesting thing is the break point though. Pick one sock up and one falls on the floor, it's a challenge to see if you can get it back. But there's a threshold when the number of things fall on the floor and you're like just not going to play that game. As I noted in the question, it's normally when the underpants try to get in on the action that I give up.



(Created on 10th June 2018)

Vote #561


Summer is upon us and many folks are heading out on their holidays. Do you have plans to see you through this summer (or to keep you busy until August at least)?


No was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (40%)
  • No (60%)


About 50:50 then as to who has plans for the summer. Mine seems to be pretty locked and loaded right now. Holiday is set and I have a track day booked to play in my car. Even went out and bought a helmet today.



(Created on 3rd June 2018)

Vote #560


There's a bit more coming in the explanation of this vote question, but for now, just the question. Gatorade is a sports drink in the US that I drink and so does William. I asked him if we needed anymore when I was doing the shopping online. He ran round and did a quick count. How many Gatorade drinks did we have in the house when William counted?


20 was the clear winner with 40% of the votes from the following selection:

  • 0 (0%)
  • 5 (0%)
  • 10 (0%)
  • 20 (40%)
  • 30 (0%)
  • 40 (0%)
  • 50 (20%)
  • 75 (20%)
  • 95 (20%)
  • 150 (0%)


The answer to the question is 95. So, here's what's been happening. William and I like Gatorade, so I always take a look and see how many we've got and order more. Seeing the numbers go down every week, I've been ordering more and more. What I hadn't realized is that my cleaner has been moving them from the worktop into a bottom cupboard. Then once that was full, she started working on another cupboard. Honestly, neither William or I could stop laughing when we realized what had been happening. Needless to say, I won't be buying any for a few weeks at least.



(Created on 28th May 2018)

Vote #559


Ooops, it's Sunday. Guess that's what a public holiday will do to you. I was grabbing a quick beer watching TV and saw the weekly email sail past me and thought bugger - I didn't write a question. Anyone else think it was Saturday yesterday instead of Sunday?


No was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (25%)
  • No (75%)


Oh well, just me then



(Created on 20th May 2018)

Vote #558


Well, due to one thing and another, the wind is blowing in a kind of that direction sort of thing and I'm ending up driving to LA next week in my little baby. Will my drive to LA be smooth?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


As you all predicted, the drive down to LA and back was very smooth. I did take the liberty of purchasing a radar detector before the journey. Just in case I accidentally strayed above the speed limit where there was a speed trap. Quite interesting. I don't want to put it to the test completely, but it did notify me of a few interesting things. It's interesting in that it makes different noises depending on what it's detecting. Most are common alert tones that you'd expect, but on the way back it went crazy at one point - the whole unit lit up red and it screamed that I'd been hit by a laser. Not sure what it was as I didn't actually see anything, but it was like those Top Gun type movies where they're trying to get missile lock and they shout “he's got tone” then deploy the chaffs. Unfortunately, due to a typo, the screaming noise and lights flashing red caused me to deploy the chuffs.



(Created on 13th May 2018)

Vote #557


I've run several questions on here relating to the advancement of technology and perceptions/thoughts on that. I think part of it is because I'm working in robotics and artificial intelligence and the advancements being made are phenomenal. But it does make one pause every now and then. Are you worried that Google have developed a bot that cannot be distinguished from a human when talking to it?


No was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (25%)
  • No (75%)


Generally folks aren't worried about bots that can't be distinguished from humans. That seems to contradict a lot of the talk online where people seem to think it's immoral. The machines are coming though, whether you like it or not.



(Created on 6th May 2018)

Vote #556


The premier league season is coming to a close and Manchester City have absolutely run away with it this year. Arsenal have not exactly had the best season, but they won their last home game 5-0 against Burnley today and said goodbye to their long standing manager, Arsene Wenger (albeit one remaining away game). Are you sad to see Arsene go?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


A lacklustre response to this vote question. I'm sad to see Arsene go as he's kind of the last person in the game from when I was really watching it. Or at least the last person at the same club. It was good that he ended on a win. Ironic that Leicester delivered an end of season blow to him and then Spurs got revenge for them. It's a funny old game .... apparently



(Created on 29th April 2018)

Vote #555


Probably a bit of an obscure question for most people, but it will probably make sense when you read the analysis or Google, depending on your curiosity. If you sat next to John Hanke on a plane and he told you some things that were coming, would you milk the opportunity to share that information?


Who's John Hanke? was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (33%)
  • Who's John Hanke? (67%)


Kind of a who cares vote then, so the analysis will be meaningless to everyone anyway. John Hanke is the CEO of Niantic, which is the company that makes and runs Pokemon Go. Niantic are not exactly well known for sharing any information with their community, so most players are int he dark as to what they are planning. The chat forums were buzzing last week because Hanke sat next to a player on a flight and apparently revealed some information about what is coming. The player is actually a member of our group here and he's been trying to get himself in the limelight because of the info. I have to be honest, as much as I play the game, I haven't asked or read any or the reports as it's all speculation anyway. I'll just deal with whatever they release when they release it. Or stop playing if I get too bored.



(Created on 22nd April 2018)

Vote #554


I started to write this week's vote question. It was going to be a little similar to last week's. Not intentionally, it just happened that way. Would have been a joke on what someone said and their looks. Now, I know that there's no chance that this person (don't know who it is, was someone sat next to me in a restaurant) would see this website, but if they did, they would know the question was about them. As opposed to last week's question which is sufficiently vague and really applies to many people. Anyway, I decided against posting it. Have I gone soft in my old age?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
23rd April 2018
Keep taking the blue pills and that'll fix you


She was ugly enough to make any man soft. Age had nothing to do with it. Mr O - I feel blue pills and a bag would be required for this particular challenge.



(Created on 15th April 2018)

Vote #553


This week's question again comes courtesy of being on the road. Spending time at the airport people watching. Should ugly people be allowed to wear hot clothes?


No was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (100%)


No indeed. Now here's the thing. I freely admit that I'm no work of art to look at, but I don't pretend that I am. If I'm in the airport working away on my ipad as is normal for being in the airport, I lift my head up and take a quick look down the terminal and catch a glimpse of a pair of thigh high boots coming towards me, you kind of do that whiplash look back up to confirm what you saw and check out what's actually in the boots. Well, I really don't want to run the risk of getting whiplash to look up and see something akin to what I've left in the bowl during a particularly nasty Crohns flare up. Essentially, if you face looks like a steaming pile of diarrhea, but with a worse complexion, a short skirt and thigh high boots are not for you. Don't get me wrong, everyone has the right to dress to get laid, but you really don't need those boots for that. The short skirt and accompanying desperate look gives that away.



(Created on 8th April 2018)

Vote #552


So, it's finally out that Facebook gave away private data so that people could be targeted directly with political campaigns. It's pretty much been known for a long time that news is fed to people based on their likes. In order to increase the number of likes you get, only tell people what they want to hear. And people on Facebook have no capacity to think for themselves and need to be spoon fed propaganda so they believe it. Is everyone that uses Facebook retarded?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


I have to be honest, I expected the majority of folks to vote no as I know a few of you use Facebook a lot. I guess it wouldn't be getting so much attention if not that many people used it. I've been watching snippets of the inquiry or whatever it's called and it's quite interesting to me that, for the most part, the senators are trying to figure out what Facebook is before trying to determine if they've done something wrong. I'm also intrigued by the fact that the hearing or whatever it's called has no power or authority. They can't enforce anything against Facebook. They can recommend changes to introduce a bill that prevents Facebook from doing the same thing again, but Facebook will just hire lobbyists to get the bill overturned. I like the senator that was brutally honest and asked Zuckerberg if he would do the right thing given that the most he could do was fine him around $10k and propose a bill. On the back of that statement, the street realized nothing could happen to facebook and the stock price shot up increading Zuckerbergs wealth by about $3bn. Which, net, net means he's pulling $10k in every minute. I wish someone would fine me $10k and increase me net worth by $3bn. But the good news for all the Facebook lovers is that it's not going away. You don't have to worry about getting unbiased media. You will only be spoon fed what you want to hear. And only get adverts for those chocolates you like, ha ha.



(Created on 1st April 2018)

Vote #551


We're back! After taking a brief break into hospital, I missed a week of vote questions. I was a tad under the weather as they say. Do you think, after taking a week off, I'd come up with a better vote question than this?


No was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (33%)
  • No (67%)


Ha, ha, ha. I like that I've set expectations so low that nobody expects a mind blowing question these days. Just simple monotonous shit week in, week out. Well, I hope to not disappoint and continue producing banal questions to add to the mundaneness of life. At least you don't need to think too hard about it.



(Created on 13th March 2018)

Vote #550


I'm back on the road again with all of its joys of flying out Monday, returning Thursday. Pretty much sleeping on the flights ... or at least trying to. If your ass is too fat to fit down the aisle of a plane without bumping into all the passengers, should you be allowed to be a flight attendant?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


A divided answer. I'm somewhat surprised at this as I find it very frustrating. Here's the thing - airlines do that think where they put the basket by the entrance with the note something like “if it fits, it's carry on” meaning that if your bag does not fit in the measuring basket, you should check your bag. It only seems fair that at flight attendant school they should have a chair with a note like “if your ass fits, you can be a flight attendant” otherwise it's off to baggage handling for you. Listen, I've nothing against fat asses. Quite the opposite. But there's a time and a place for everything and I don't particularly want one banging into me when I'm trying to sleep.



(Created on 11th March 2018)

Vote #549


A component of my job is designing, building and implementing Robotic Process Automation (RPA). Essentially the digital workforce. And robots appear to be taking over many routine tasks, including driving. Do you think robots will cause high unemplorment?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


A divided result. There are those that say well just find jobs for the folks being left behind and those that believe we will have high unemployment. I guess we'll find out at some point. I do, however, think that robots will have an increasingly significant impact on our lives.



(Created on 4th March 2018)

Vote #548


This week’s vote question comes courtesy of life on the road as a consultant. So, we were away in Texas and had to extend our stay by a day. We were in the middle of nowhere in a small hotel, but it did have laundry. This meant that we needed to clean clothes for an extra day. Would you share a washing machine with a colleague to do laundry?


Yes - I would share was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - I would share (75%)
  • No - that’s disgusting (25%)


This is actually an interesting question as people I've spoken with seem to be very divided. There are those that don't care, but those that do seem to be vehemently against it. It's like one of those things that really just get to some people. I'm like that with feet. Hate them. Can't thinking anything worse. But couldn't care less about sharing laundry. It's in a washing machine with detergent. It's going to be clean whennuut comes out.



(Created on 23rd February 2018)

Vote #547


Happy birthday to ...?


You was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Me (33%)
  • You (67%)


Interesting, two people voted for &liquor;me&required;. One of whom was me because it was indeed my birthday. Now, it is possible that someone else out there shares a similar birthday. Like Pikachu who has a birthday on Febrauray 27th. Or someone got confused by the question and was trying to answer as if they were me. In other words thinking that they were wishing me a happy birthday by voting for me, when they would have needed to vote for you to have meant me. And you should always answer as you and not as me. So the answer, in this case, would have been me and not you as you will always be you and I will always be me. But when you are talking about you, that is, in fact me.



(Created on 18th February 2018)

Vote #546


It's always interesting when someone new stumbles onto this site. Well, generally not a stumble and more because I've told them the site exists and curiosity has got the better of them. Interestingly they seem to get drawn to this page - the vote question. Almost like there's a hope that I'm going to come up with something illuminating and thought provoking. To the extent that they are waiting for next week's vote question. Why is DC texting me to find out in advance what this week's vote question is?


To placate you and get another ride in your car was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Because she has nothing better to do (17%)
  • Because she thinks you're amazing (0%)
  • Because she loves you (17%)
  • Because her dream man likes sausage too (0%)
  • To placate you and get another ride in your car (50%)
  • To fill a void in her life (0%)
  • Because she was hoping for a better question than this (17%)


It's always the car isn't it! I saw a stand up comedian do a routine on cars - might have been Dave Chappelle, not sure. Anyway, it was all about guys buying cars as bait for women. Probably true. Although I think Mr O was looking for a ride in it when he comes over.



(Created on 11th February 2018)

Vote #545


At the end of a great weekend and the only thing on my mind is what's going to happen next week. Am I going to need to jump on a plane and head to Houston next week?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
12th February 2018
I think the more important question is "are you going to book my flight tickets"? I've spent two weeks in the sauna and there's nothing left of me.


Ha, ha! The answer was no. I did not need to jump on a plane last week and head to Houston. I have to jump on a plane and head to Houston this week. Then to Orlando the week after. Not much time to myself really. At least in the week, anyway.



(Created on 4th February 2018)

Vote #544


OK, so I came back home today to watch the Superbowl. When I say watch, I really mean to have the TV on in the background while I was doing other stuff. So I kept popping away from the TV and every time I came back there were commercials. Was there any American Football played between the commercials for the Superbowl?


No was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (40%)
  • No (60%)


I'll be honest, it's a job to know. I actually went out and chased down some pokemon during the game, so did miss quite a lot of it, but it honestly seemed like more commercials than anything else. Then there was the half time show which is still an alien concept to me. I know it's now as much part of the show as the game itself, but that kinda seems like the problem to me - it should be a game and not a show. Keep the things separate. But, that would kill the marketing revenue, so it is what it is and there are a lot of commercials. Anyway, congratulations to The Eagles for a fantastic win. Always good when the underdogs win and they did play an excellent game. The bits I did see were pretty exciting and I'm sure there's been a lot of partying in the streets of Philadelphia.



(Created on 28th January 2018)

Vote #543


The new year is upon us and the first month is all but done with. It's time to start looking forward to the March NASCAR race. Mr O has already booked his flights, but is waiting on me to book him some internal flights and appears to be getting rather antsy because I've not done it yet. Should I book Mr O's flights this week or make him sweat a bit longer?


Sauna time for Mr O was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Book 'em Danno (40%)
  • Sauna time for Mr O (60%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
29th January 2018
I wouldn't necessarily say "antsy", but when it comes to my vacations I like things booked in advance and have everything locked down. Proper preparation prevents piss poor performance and all that.


OK, so I did actually intend to book the flights on Monday and this was just a distraction question, but unfortunately I didn't get around to it and then ended up traveling without my computer so didn't get the chance. I'm actually flying out at 4:00am on Monday, so this isn't on the cards to get done at the beginning of next week. But it should get done next week at some point. So just another few days in the sauna.



(Created on 21st January 2018)

Vote #542


I've got my thing here, down the Bay Thursday, got to do this, go to LA on Tuesday/Wednesday, Back down the bay Friday and the doohickey at some point. Hmmmm. Should I get my hair cut on Monday?


Yes was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (80%)
  • No (20%)


The answer was indeed yes, I should have gone to get my hair cut on Monday. I did not, however, go to get my hair cut on Monday as I ended up being really busy. I did manage to squeeze a trip to the barber's in on Thursday though so my locks are back down to a respectable length.



(Created on 14th January 2018)

Vote #541


While back in England over the Christmas holidays I was told my daughter that played pokemon with me looked really good. How old is my pokemon playing daughter in England?


40s was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Teens (0%)
  • 20s (0%)
  • 30s (0%)
  • 40s (60%)
  • 50s (20%)
  • 60s (20%)
  • 70s (0%)
  • 80s (0%)
  • 90s (0%)


I had somewhat of an ah ha moment when looking at the results of this week's vote. So, to the question of how old does my daughter Ms L look, the majority and lowest was 40 with votes also in the 50s and 60s. Which made me laugh. Poor old Ms L not looking so great. But then I had that “hold on a minute” reaction. If she looks like she's 40 at a minimum and people think she's my daughter. How bloody old do I look? (And no, that's not the next vote question).



(Created on 7th January 2018)

Vote #540


It didn't take long into 2018 before Trump started tweeting stupidity. The most fun one of the year to date for me is the one where he flops it out and compares the size of his button to that of Kim Jong-un. When Trump measured his button, did he do it from the base or the balls?


Balls was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Base (20%)
  • Balls (80%)


To be honest, I bet he thinks he's a horse and measure it in hands ... using his diddy hands. But yeah, you know he's going to take the measurement that makes it look bigger.



(Created on 31st December 2017)

Vote #539


Happy New Year everybody! There was an article online about the angst that some people feel about going out on New Year's Eve and prefer to stay in. Did you go out on New Year's Eve to celebrate the new year?


No was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (33%)
  • No (67%)


Oooooh! Somebody went out and partied. Good on ya, you rascal.



(Created on 24th December 2017)

Vote #538


I'm back in England again for the holidays. How cold will I get playing Pokémon during the break?


Warm and Brass Monkey tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • Warm (33%)
  • Cold (17%)
  • Very Cold (0%)
  • Freezing (17%)
  • Brass Monkey (33%)


A really interesting spread of votes. An inverse bell curve. Is that a vagina curve? Possibly a future vote question. Anyway the two extremes tied being warm and brass monkeys. I have to say, the weather has been changeable. There was one day that was freezing, but the rest has been reasonably good. Cold, but reasonably good for the time of year.



(Created on 17th December 2017)

Vote #537


Ho, ho, ho. Said some fat bloke with a beard. Have you been naughty or nice?


Nice was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Naughty (25%)
  • Nice (75%)


Well, you're all boring, but I guess you'll be getting Christmas presents. Merry Christmas everybody as this message will be hitting your inbox on Christmas Day.



(Created on 10th December 2017)

Vote #536


Given the distinct lack of participation in last week's vote, I have to ask the question - is there anybody there?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)

Pre-Result Discussion

11th December 2017
I'm here, but the question wasn't last week!


Ah! So the problem appears to be that the vote email didn't go out last week. I've not changed anything as there's no reason it didn't send the email out, so we'll see if it decides to behave itself this week or if I need to go in and fix something. Anyway, looks like the majority of folks are still here.



(Created on 3rd December 2017)

Vote #535


Alright, so we've been offline for two weeks now. I'm not entirely sure what happened - my computer appears to have frozen right as I left on my trip back to the UK. There was nothing I could do remotely, but as soon as I got back, I rebooted and we're up and running again. To make up for the missing questions, this week is a two parter. And not only a two parter, but one where we endeavor to provide you valuable information from our field research team. So, you've miss-timed your drive to Heathrow airport and get there 10 minutes before you need to board your plane. Fortunately you're in upper class, so you can breeze through security. Once through you realize you can use the lounge, but don't have a lot of time, but you decide to stop by anyway. A) Can you put a Virgin bacon bap in your mouth in one go? B) Are the staff impressed with your ability to intake food in one go?


A)Yes b)No was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • A) Yes B) Yes (0%)
  • A)Yes b)No (100%)
  • A)No B)Yes (0%)
  • A) No B) No (0%)


I guess nobody's interested in this as I appear to be the only one who voted. I believe it is possible to force one of the bacon butties in your mouth in one go. I didn't try it, so I don't know if anyone would be impressed or not.


Mr o
11th December 2017
I have tried and it is possible and no they aren't impressed but it doesn't stop them bringing you another one.
Mr o
11th December 2017
I have tried and it is possible and no they aren't impressed but it doesn't stop them bringing you another one.

(Created on 12th November 2017)

Vote #534


I have a feeling this is going to be a long, but fast week. I have a crazy amount of work to do, then it's off to Vegas to watch Guns n Roses with Mr O, then onward to England for the Thanksgiving week. Will Mr O and I enjoy Guns n Roses this Friday?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


It seems like a decade ago now given that my server went down for two weeks and I haven't been able to add a vote question. But yes. Both Mr O and I thoroughly enjoyed the concert. What's more, so did Sam the Virgin Atlantic Service Manager on my flight the following day. Apparently she was at the concert too. I think we all agreed that the main reason we went was to see Slash, but I don't want to take away from anyone as it was a fantastic concert that lasted about an hour and 40 minutes.



(Created on 5th November 2017)

Vote #533


We'll come back to the car later I'm sure. This week, however, we're going to run a question from William's soccer. During the game this woman (not sure if it was the mother of one of our players or the opposition) started shouting “come on boys, get it up”. Which of the following thoughts came to mind upon hearing the woman shout “come on boys, get it up”?


I bet that's not the first time you've said that was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Good call (0%)
  • Nice encouragement (0%)
  • You'll need to put a bag on your head first (0%)
  • I bet that's not the first time you've said that (60%)
  • Draw straws to see who goes first (0%)
  • I'm glad she's not talking to me (40%)


It was indeed “I bet that's not the first time you've said that”. I like that boys is plural. Makes me wonder how many ... and of those, how many were not able to get it up?



(Created on 22nd October 2017)

Vote #532


Well, I've got the truck, but I haven't yet got my little baby. I'm supposed to be picking it up either Tuesday or Wednesday assuming all goes well fitting the hand controls and I don't have any work emergencies that need me to run after. Will I get my new car this week or will there be hiccups?


Yes - it will be fine was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - it will be fine (75%)
  • No - hiccups (25%)


Things are moving fast. I thought I was already on the next question which I'm not going to save for two weeks time. Anyway, my baby is here and I'm exceptionally happy. There have been hiccups along the way and probably some more to come. The “breaking in” schedule is rather interesting. First 300 miles go really slow. Next 300 miles, go really slow and bounce the suspension up and down. Next 600 miles rev the tits off it and shift manually. The last bit has me slightly worried. You're only supposed to use the first 4 gears because that only takes it up to 150mph. I'm rather thinking I need to just get it done - get up early and go for a 600 mile drive in first gear .... ouch.



(Created on 22nd October 2017)

Vote #531


Alright, so for those of you that don't know, there's been a sub text to some of the more recent vote questions. I've been working away trying to convince myself to get a new car and I've finally taken the plunge and bought, not one, but, two cars. Well, a truck and a car. The truck is more for everyday use and I did get myself a GT-R because, well, it's a GT-R. Anyway. I've had my previous car for 8 years before taking this plunge and I got to thinking that I really don't spend money very often. In fact, it might be more than 8 years ago since I treated myself to some new underpants. Should I continue my spending spree and splash out on some undies?


Yes was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (60%)
  • No (40%)


I thought the answer to this question would be a resounding yes, but why change the habits of a lifetime I guess. I'll be honest, the thought of getting new underwear is rather daunting. Well, not so much the new ones, it's more trying to figure out how to get the old ones off. Probably a bit like old wallpaper - peeling and scraping.



(Created on 15th October 2017)

Vote #530


I was driving back home with William and there was some line in a song about it not being you, but being me. He said that sounded like the thing you say when you break up with someone - it's not me, it's you. Then he realized he got it the wrong way round. But did he? It's generally a polite way to say that it's you by saying it's me when you really do mean it's you. So, is it me or is it you?


You was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Me (0%)
  • You (100%)


Wow, you all knew it was you all along. I thought the vote would be split here 50/50, but no, you all voted for you. Obviously you all know it couldn't be me, so I guess it's obvious that it was you all along.



(Created on 8th October 2017)

Vote #529


Just read an interesting article on the BBC's website about people's feelings when they spend money. Various tests show that people that spend more money on a bottle of wine enjoy it more because they think they're getting something better than those that paid less. The study included MRI scans so is pretty factual in some of the things it talks about and I'd definitely say I agree with it. It goes on to talk about status and showing off wealth etc. but also talks about people being either conspicuous or inconspicuous. Would you say I'm conspicuous or inconspicuous?


Inconspicuous was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Conspicuous (40%)
  • Inconspicuous (60%)


The vote's fairly even here which is interesting. I'd say I'm inconspicuous because I'm not flash, but I can see how some people may think I'm conspicuous because I do tend to get noticed.



(Created on 1st October 2017)

Vote #528


Last week's questions was about whether or not I could get a bot to write these questions. Well, there are bots that go round looking for pokemon. Then bots that control the bots to tell them where to go. And bots on top of those bots to report what they find. This produces a lot of information. so I wrote a bot to analyze and simplify the information for me. Am I weird to be thinking about bot on bot action?


Yes was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (60%)
  • No (40%)


I'm sure most of you were thinking I'm weird regardless of the bot on bot action. Perhaps that's just the icing on the cake for some people. It is kind of interesting that bots are now a major thing. I say that because about 10 years ago I made the comment that I could replace someone with a macro as all they seemed to do was reformat stuff in spreadsheets and send it out. I guess that we've finally got to the point where people trust the macros more than the people. It will be interesting to see as we move into automated transport as that's going to cause a huge shift in the workforce.



(Created on 24th September 2017)

Vote #527


With the continuing advances in technology, is it too much to ask for a robot to write these questions for me every week?


Yes was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (80%)
  • No (20%)


Apparently it is too much to ask to get a bot to write these questions.



(Created on 17th September 2017)

Vote #526


With everything going on around the world, will this week be it?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Well, it wasn't for me, was it for you? To be honest, this related to something specific that didn't happen this week. I'm going to keep it under wraps for now, but let's just say it's coming soon.



(Created on 10th September 2017)

Vote #525


Back to another Pokemon question, so I'll apologize for that before we start. So, the most sort after pokemon (Mewtwo) is coming to us through an EX raid system. It's in test right now, but the gist of it is that you need to have completed a raid at the gym where Mewtwo spawns and then you'll get invited to participate in an event to catch it. Sounds great, but all my raids are round my local area and I'm off to Seattle for the week. Will I miss out on the first Pokemon EX raid that I get invited to?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


Well, I actually don't know the answer to the question as I didn't get invited to an EX raid this week. For those of you that are interested, they did the EX raids at Sprint stores and I hadn't raided at a Sprint store recently, so didn't get an invite. Bitter sweet as it would have been nice to have got one, but I'd have been pissed I couldn't participate. We'll see if I get one this week. I'm in the Bay Area, so if I get one I'll be good. Well, unless I get an invite for one of the gyms I did up in Seattle. Now that would be ironic wouldn't it!


1 comment
24th September 2017
I don't think anyone is going back and looking at these, but in the off chance that someone does, the answer is no - I didn't miss out. I successfully attended, defeated and caught my first Mewtwo and it was a monster 98%.

(Created on 3rd September 2017)

Vote #524


We've all been there. Couple of beers before you go to sleep. Wake up before the alarm goes off. You look at the time and you ask yourself that question. Can I fall back asleep and make it to when my alarm goes off or do I need to get up and go for a pee?


No - get up and go for a pee was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - fall back asleep (0%)
  • No - get up and go for a pee (100%)


Yes indeed, there's no way around it. Just got to get up and go for a pee. Far better to just get it done and try and get a little more sleep with an empty bladder. So why do we all try to ride it out? There's kind of an excuse in England in the winter if you're all snuggly in bed, but in California it makes no sense. Just get up and do it. Just lazy I guess.



(Created on 28th August 2017)

Vote #523


OK, so William has been in a soccer tournament all weekend. He's 11, but there seemed to be different ages in other games. I would guess girls and boys up to 13. Or the acne league as I've now named it. Seriously, there are some weird sights. Were all the girls that ugly and the boys that dorky when I was 13?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Yes indeed! Teenagers are the ugliest things to walk the planet. It's crazy. I was staring at this one girl, maybe too much as I got worried someone would think I was a pervert, but all that was going through my mind was friends who are parents telling me that girls are a nightmare when they get to the teenage years. I could picture this girl crying away, saying she was ugly and her parents telling her she's beautiful or it's not that bad. Yes. It is that bad. She was fucking hideous. My scrotum has smoother skin than her face. I actually got to wondering whether it was painful it looked that bad. Then to wondering what state her pillow would be like first thing in the morning. You know it's got to be soaking wet with puss as a few of those craters must erupt while she's sleeping. If she ever got to squeezing them, it'd be like milking a bag of snakes. Honestly, the best thing to do would be to lock her in the basement for the next few years until her complexion cleared up.

And as for the boys. Two types of dork. The fat dork that seems to permanently have something to eat in his hand and the lanky dork. The fat dork is just the fat dork that can't help himself and is more interested in eating than the opposite sex. The lanky dork is the best. I see you're going through a growth spurt. Tell me, when is the rest of your body going to catch up with your neck? Whatever you do, don't take a teenage boy on safari. Giraffe going to think you're stealing one of their young. And then there's that expression. Beaker from The Muppets. A whole heard of them.

It's amazing the species survives. I thing we must block it out after going through that phase, then you only remember it after you have kids that get to that age.



(Created on 20th August 2017)

Vote #522


OK, so last weekend I was out and about doing my Pokemon thing and I was bitten really badly. Came up in bumps all over the place. One of the bites was next to my left nipple and it made my left tit swell up quite big. What do you think about my big left tit?


Left tit? You're a right tit was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Fwoar (25%)
  • Painful (0%)
  • Left tit? You're a right tit (75%)


Yes indeed, I am a right tit. But, it was also quite painful. Not so much of the fwoar.



(Created on 13th August 2017)

Vote #521


Well, I'm back off holiday and at work. It seems like I never went away and that the holiday was too short. Does time travel faster when you're on holiday?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Indeed the consensus if that time travels faster when you're on holiday. I'm guessing that it's the feeling that time passes faster if you're having fun and enjoying yourself. Which probably means it's really good to be bad at sex then it'll feel like it lasts forever.



(Created on 6th August 2017)

Vote #520


OK, so it seems I've missed a couple of weeks for vote questions. Why have I missed the last couple of weeks vote questions?


Pokemon hunting was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Ill (0%)
  • Senility (22%)
  • Fishing (0%)
  • Work (0%)
  • Pokemon hunting (67%)
  • Erection lasting more than 4 hours (11%)


Ah, you see most of you were sensible and went with the pokemon hunting reason. But was it? Was it the pokemon hunting that made me forget to set a vote question or the erection lasting more than 4 hours that I got from pokemon hunting? We may never know!



(Created on 17th July 2017)

Vote #519


Another oooosie. I headed out to Chicago Sunday and forgot about the vote question. I'm sat in the airport now about to return and am going to get one in quickly. For the keen eyed amongst you, you will have seen the quick post I did on net neutrality. Do you support net neutrality?


Yes was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (80%)
  • No (0%)
  • Don't know what it is (20%)


Seems like forever ago when I wrote this question given I seem to have missed the last couple of weeks. I'll leave everyone up to their own beliefs, but I definitely support net neutrality and it looks like everyone out there that understands it does too.



(Created on 9th July 2017)

Vote #518


I'm somewhat worried about the timing of my trip back to the UK. With Niantic poised to do a global event on July 22nd, I will be back home in Grantham. Grantham that has a total of 8 pokemon gyms. Now, I'm not saying that Walnut Creek is an urban metropolis, but there are 11 gyms I can see from my house and walk to. Downtown there are loads. I'm not sure what exactly the event is going to be, but if it's the release of legendary pokemon, I'm not sure Grantham will be the place to be. Where do you think I'll end up on July 22nd?


Loughborough and Nottingham tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • Grantham (17%)
  • Leicester (0%)
  • Lincoln (0%)
  • London (17%)
  • Loughborough (33%)
  • Nottingham (33%)


Yeah, not entirely sure what's going to happen. It could end up being none of the above. Might even be Doncaster. As it happens, I'm not sure where I am on the 22nd is going to make a lot of difference. If all the speculation is right, it's where I'm going to be the following two days that will be more important, but we'll see.



(Created on 2nd July 2017)

Vote #517


When we went to do William's washing today, he pulled a jumper (sweater) out of the laundry basket and said “why does the cleaner keep putting this in the washing basket?” I asked whether he left it on the floor and he said not and that he'd put it away. Do you think my cleaner is going through the drawers/closet and putting William's clothes in his washing basket?


No was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (20%)
  • No (80%)


Indeed, I think my little cherub is trying to cover for himself. Leaving his clothes on the floor. Must be something he's got from his mother, ha ha.



(Created on 25th June 2017)

Vote #516


OK, so I've not really thought of a question for this week as I've really just been playing pokemon since the update. Do you think we'll see legendary pokemon before the end of July?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)


Thought there might be a lack of interest in this vote generally. I do think they will release legendaries this summer, but most of you probably don't care.



(Created on 18th June 2017)

Vote #515


Almost a year from the public release of Pokemon Go, Niantic is finally updating the game. After admitting that they were pushed into rushing the game to market by Nintendo to get the game out there during the summer, which, in all honesty, was probably the right financial decision, left them behind in a lot of things they wanted to do. The game exploded with way more people picking it up than they anticipated. Nobody could log on as the servers were unable to take the loads. The in game tracking system was unable to cope with the demand and that had to be shut down in order to just allow people to log on. This list of disasters is endless. I've got to be honest, I played the ET game on the Atari which is touted as being the game that destroyed the company because it was so bad. However, Pokemon Go makes ET look like it was the best game ever made. The Pokemon game is absolutely atrocious. The coding in it is so bad it's not funny. And yet I still play it. And I don't really know why. There's kind of a therapeutic monotony about the game just catching little monsters. Anyway, the big change is happening this week. The gyms are closing down. All pokemon in gyms will be returned and then the new gym system will be released. And I'm worried. Worried that this update will not bring anything to the game and will cause it to die. Augmented Reality is here to stay. The company can make endless profits just getting royalties from that engine, so do they really need the pokemon game or not? Anyway, that's not the question. Will I like the new update to Pokemon Go releasing this week?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


I voted yes to give myself positive thoughts and indeed the answer is yes. So far I'm loving this new update and there's still more to come. It's completely changed the game and it's kind of funny. The existing game had basically got to a point where most players had their “safe” gyms that they just collected their 10 pokemon award for each day. There was then some gyms that folks just turned over because they wanted to. But generally what happened is that everyone knew who everyone else's name was, but hadn't met them. There's so many players local to where I live that I just hadn't met. This was typified in the first raid I did when I was sat on a wall with William and this girl asked my In Game Name (IGN) and when I told her, there were several folks that went “Oh! you're EastBayRag!”

So what then happened is that we all got talking. A few of the folks were doing this manual tracker thing posting rare spawns they saw and we got connected. (Side note - why is it that every time I meet a new group they use a different app to communicate? It's crazy the number of chat apps I've got that essentially do the same thing. I guess it's easy to keep the chats separate though). So, anyone that doesn't know there are raids that have a difficulty rating from 1 to 5. 5s are not out yet and are reserved for legendary cards (which really is going to send everyone crazy). 1s and 2s can be done by yourself, but 3s and 4s need a group of people. And, as you'd expect, the more coveted pokemon are in the level 4 raids. So Niantic has achieved their mission of getting everyone outside and being social. Score a win. But they've completed failed on the thing they tried to stop - people playing the game and driving. Now with folks all over the area on a chat app, we're just posting all the level 4 raids (you get a 2 hour notification) and then driving round them in a big group.

Not sure how long it will last. The hard core folks will obviously continue, but my guess is the novelty will wear off for many of the players at some point.

Bottom line though, I love the update!



(Created on 11th June 2017)

Vote #514


Been a bit of a quiet week and next week will probably be the same. The biggest thing is that I've arranged my schedule so I can take William to his baseball game on Monday night. His team have made it to the knock out stages of the season. I think the geography gets wider until they play at the State level. Anyway, Monday is away against Alameda. Will William's baseball team win against Alameda on Monday night?


Yes was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (60%)
  • No (40%)


Well, I voted yes. More to add support than anything else. There's no polite way to put it, but they got their assess handed to them. During the regular season, they played all their games on the same pitch regardless of whether home or way. This was their first trip on the road and it kind of showed. The coach was also on holiday and it kind of looked like they turned up to play a different game. Anyway, they did really well to get as far as they did and it's all experience. Hopefully they will get a shot next year.



(Created on 4th June 2017)

Vote #513


This week's question comes from a friend. You see this happened to a friend and not me, obviously. Anyway, he suggested I asked this as a vote question to see what you guys think. So what happened ... to my friend that is and not me .... is that he farted, but was a little too exuberant and well, followed through. And he was wondering at what point is a fart no longer a fart and you've full on shit yourself?


If you feel the need to wipe was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Anything more than gas (25%)
  • If you feel the need to wipe (50%)
  • When you create a wet patch in your underpants (0%)
  • When the wet patch is visible in your trousers (0%)
  • When you need to change your clothes (0%)
  • If anything solid pops out (0%)
  • When poo starts to fall out your trouser legs (25%)


It looks like the consensus is that if you feel the need to wipe, then you've shit yourself and not just farted. Now, this does present another problem and this is, to those of you that voted this way, it means that you would avoid wiping in order to convince yourself you hadn't poo'd your pants. I hope I'm not sitting downwind of you when that happens.



(Created on 28th May 2017)

Vote #512


I've just posted the NASCAR photos from earlier this year and Owen reached out this week to talk about plans for next year. There's going to be two races in Las Vegas instead of just one. The plan is to go to both, but I was wondering if Owen was going to stop by in the winter like last time to watch William play soccer. Will I need to order in some spare fold away chairs on the off chance that Owen will visit during soccer season again?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Yep, looks like I'm going to have to bulk order the fold away seating. Maybe with a bit of luck we'll be playing at a ground with bleachers.



(Created on 21st May 2017)

Vote #511


So, I've been binge watching an old UK TV series - Blake's 7. I commented that it was probably the second best TV show that came out of the Seventies. (I might set next week's question to guess what the number 1 show was, so will hold on that for now). I could change my mind on that though as I'm not sure the storyline and character development was as strong in Blake's 7 as The Clangers. It's close, but that Soup Dragon man! Anyway, back to this week and the question is rather simple. Which character appeared in all Blake's 7 TV episodes?


Orac was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Kerr Avon (0%)
  • Roj Blake (0%)
  • Cally (0%)
  • Olag Gan (25%)
  • Orac (50%)
  • Vila Restal (25%)
  • Servalan/Sleer (0%)
  • Jenna Stanis (0%)
  • Del Tarrant (0%)
  • Zen (0%)


So the correct answer is Vila. He appeared in every episode, but only just made the first one as he showed up at the end when Blake is put in prison. Avon appeared in all but the first episode. We first met him on the prison ship and he later took the lead role when Blake wandered off. Orac didn't appear until the last episode of the first series. Bit of a giveaway in that the episode was named Orac. Now for the interesting fact. The computer on the Liberator was Zen. The computer on Scorpio was Slave. Orac was the super computer. The same person did the voice over for all 3 computers. So, whilst Orac didn't appear until the last episode of the first series. The person who did the voice over appeared in all but the first 3 episodes.



(Created on 14th May 2017)

Vote #510


As you wake up on Monday morning, what is your mood?


WannaCry was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Happy (33%)
  • Sad (0%)
  • Euphoric (0%)
  • Relaxed (0%)
  • Anxious (17%)
  • Horny (0%)
  • Hungover (0%)
  • WannaCry (50%)


Indeed, this was a reference to the WannaCry virus that was released last weekend. I have to be honest, I didn't hear much about it except that it affected the NHS in the UK quite badly. I didn't really hear of anything else. I guess all the doctors and nurses are using their computers to access sites they shouldn't be, ha ha. The reality is that it just points to the fact that their infrastructure is woefully behind the times and needs updating/patching.

Anyway, for those of you that were happy, hope you had a good week. Always nice to be happy!



(Created on 7th May 2017)

Vote #509


As at least one person out there knows, I've taken on a new hobby/project which involves the Raspberry Pi. Fascinating little device and completely blown me away with what it can do. I'll write up the log of events that occurred in the build, but the most important question is how long was it before I loaded porn onto my raspberry pi?


You haven't done it yet was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • 1 hour (33%)
  • 12 hours (0%)
  • 1 day (0%)
  • 2 days (0%)
  • 3 days (17%)
  • 4 days (0%)
  • 5 days (0%)
  • 6 days (0%)
  • A week (0%)
  • You haven't done it yet (50%)


So, the answer is either 3 days or I haven't done it yet. Basically, on day 3 I stumbled across an add on for adult entertainment and I did load it. I even clicked on one of the links, but the stream didn't work. That was several days ago now and I haven't gone back to it to troubleshoot it. Might simply be that it's a shell that points to links that are no longer live. No idea. If I get really bored, I might take a look at it, but there is sort of an irony here. Why bother loading kodi to pull up an extension and troubleshoot it to look at porn. Why not just load raspbarian or ubuntu-mate and use a web browser and go direct? Would be much simpler. And no, I haven't done that either, it just occurred that it would be simpler and faster.



(Created on 30th April 2017)

Vote #508


Alright, this week's question will only really make sense to folks who work in sky scrapers. Or buildings that are pretty tall. You can't have helped notice that the elevators in a tall building zip you up to the floor you need quickly. And yet, when you go into a small building, particularly something like a parking structure with only 3 or 4 floors, the elevator goes so slow you wished you'd taken the stairs. Why do elevators in small buildings go so slow?


They just do was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • They just do (50%)
  • Because they're powered by hamsters on a wheel (25%)
  • Never noticed (0%)
  • Bad design (0%)
  • All of the above for Mr O (25%)


I find this fascinating. It's like someone has determined the appropriate length of time that someone should spend in an elevator and adjusted the speed accordingly. Therefore the smaller the building the slower the speed. Maybe it's because they would overshoot in a small building and explode out of the top. Maybe I'm just really sad to have thought about this in the first place.



(Created on 23rd April 2017)

Vote #507


OK, so I decided to spruce up an old laptop and show William the inner workings of a computer at the same time. I have an old laptop that's running crazy slow (even after re-imaging and having nothing on it) and the fan is constantly on. So, obviously it needs the dust cleaning out of the fan and re-silvering the heat sinks on the chips. Not a big deal really. At what point during my computer repair did I realize a trip to the eRecylcing center was in my near future?


When the CPU pinged off the ceiling was the clear winner with 83% of the votes from the following selection:

  • When the compressed air squirted liquid on the motherboard (17%)
  • When the screen cracked (0%)
  • When the CPU pinged off the ceiling (83%)
  • When I had more screws left over after I put it back together (0%)
  • When the fan connection snapped (0%)
  • When the screwdriver snapped (0%)
  • When the smell of burning came after plugging it back in (0%)
  • When I heard the loud grinding noise (0%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
24th April 2017
I was kind of expeciting an "all of the above" as all seem plausible.


Wow! Were you like all in my kitchen when I did this? Yes, it was indeed when the CPU pinged off the ceiling. I picked it up and showed it to William and told him on no account should this be removed from the computer. He was disinterested, so didn't really pick up on what I was saying. Right, so the “in my defense” part ..... I took the computer to bits properly with no problems. It had been running insanely hot for a while. I undid the screws holding the heat sinc down and pulled it up. Nothing happened. So I applied a bit more pressure. Still nothing. So I gave it a good old yank (ooh err missus) and it came off (ooh err missus twice in one sentence). It just the fan with heat sinks came off and the CPU was still attached to the heat sinc and not the motherboard. So I pushed it off the heat sinc and it flew up and hit the ceiling.

If you're interested, the compressed air did squirt liquid over the motherboard, but this was after the CPU incident, so that wasn't the point at which I realized I'd broken it beyond repair.

The screen did not crack and I did not have more screws left over when I put it back together. The fan connection did snap, but that was on the second attempt. After putting it back together and finding it didn't work, I tried a second time to see if wiggling the CPU helped at all. It didn't, ha ha ha. The screwdriver did indeed snap. Right at the beginning, but that didn't damage anything so was before I realized the computer was broken.

Last, there was no smell of burning and no grinding noise. It was really disappointing to be honest. I turned it on and the power light just starts flashing and nothing else happens. I googled this and couldn't find an exact troubleshoot, but one forum did report that if the power light just flashes it means the CPU or similar critical component can not be found. They actually listed CPU. I mean, I could find it. Just don't think it was connected how it was supposed to be. Anyway, I would have thought it would have been more interesting if smoke started to billow out of it and sparks were flying, but no, pretty boring really.



(Created on 16th April 2017)

Vote #506


If you're not into gaming, then this may have passed you by, but there has been an emergence of eSports teams. These are teams that compete in tournaments. The largest team having netted over $15m in prizes so far. In the little mini mobile gaming world that I'm living in right now, we've also seen the start of mobile eSports teams, although the prizes/tournaments aren't there yet. It has, however, resulted in a team being acquired and players being transferred. How long do you think it will be before the first eSports transfer is over $1m?


never was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • 1 year (0%)
  • 2 years (25%)
  • 3 years (0%)
  • 4 years (25%)
  • 5 years (0%)
  • 6 years (0%)
  • 7 years (0%)
  • 8 years (0%)
  • 9 years (0%)
  • never (50%)


Interesting that most people think it will be never. I honestly think this is coming very soon. I know that the big games makers are trying to create their own TV channels and leagues to encourage this to happen. And that's a know because the CEO of Blizzard told me at a conference (not secret information). I think they're trying to figure out how to create the right franchises like the NFL etc. My guess is that there are more people that watch eSports than actual sports right now, it's just that most of it's through YouTube or Twitch rather than commercial TV. Given that the top players in eSports have all made over $2m each and the eSports YouTubers are netting several million dollars a year, I'm going to have to go against the popular vote here and say that $1m eSports transfer fees are coming sooner than you think. I'm old enough to remember conversations about the fact that no soccer transfer fee would ever be over £1m and now we're up to £89.3m some 30+ years later. Maybe that took 30+ years, but things move so much quicker these days. I guess I'll keep my eyes out for a gamer called Trevor Francis.



(Created on 9th April 2017)

Vote #505


Alright, this week's vote question has happened to all of you and you've asked this question each time it has happened. So here's the scenario. You need to logon to a service that you've not used for a long time. You rotate through the most recent passwords you've used and none of them are working. It's time to admit that you've forgotten which password you used .... was this the one that required 12 characters with numbers and a special character .... or is the one that required you to stand on one leg and whistle Dixie while setting it .... nope, can't remember. So you click on the “forgot password” button. You are informed that a password reset email has been send to the email address on file. You log into your email, find the email, follow the instructions and successfully reset your password. The world is a happy place. But then a subsequent email arrives that claims to be a security email letting you know that someone has just reset your password and if it wasn't you then you need to take action. Of course I've just reset my password. You just sent a fucking email to my email account telling me to reset it. If I'd hacked the email account, why are you sending me a security email to the email account? I'd just delete it. What is the purpose of the security email telling you that someone's reset your password after you've just got an email to reset your password with a reset link?


Because a consultant told them to set it up was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Security (17%)
  • Because a consultant told them to set it up (50%)
  • Because they didn't think it through (17%)
  • I don't know (0%)
  • Does it really matter? (0%)
  • Why does this make me angry? (17%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
10th April 2017
Say you hadn't asked for a password reset and in fact someone had hacked your account and reset the password, you'd want the email then. You've got two separate business flows that just so happen to be triggered one after the other. You could add a parameter to prevent the second email but how long between going through a forgot password process do you want to suppress the "your password has changed" email before it is valid to send it out.

You could say it's lazy coding or just poor requirements. Or you could just get a life and ignore the second email.
16th April 2017
The point is this is when a valid password reset has been requested and the first email has been sent. It's not difficult to tell if the password reset was generated as a result of the forgot password as opposed to doing it in-app. I can tell whether a vote is processed from an email or directly on the vote webpage. Don't tell me my website is more sophisticated than most company systems :)


Indeed, it's most likely that this was implemented by a consultant. Mr O seems to be taking this question way too seriously. I'm guessing he's implemented such a workflow (or at least been part of the testing).



(Created on 2nd April 2017)

Vote #504


Alright, this week's vote question comes courtesy of my washing. You do the washing and get your clothes out the dryer and then start playing the “where are the socks going to turn up next?” game. Hiding in the T-shirts, up the trouser legs, basically everywhere. Then when you peel them out, they start fighting you and clinging of for dear life sparking and crackling away. Are socks the ultimate static electricity conductor?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


Yes, indeed they are. And they are also psychic and vindictive. Shortly after setting this vote question, I had a business trip to Seattle. While sitting on the plane I felt an itch on my side under my arm. I scratched the itch, only to find that a sock had somehow clung to the inside of my shirt and I hadn't noticed it when I put my shirt on. This then leads to that moment where you have to look at the people at the side of you, figure out if they're looking at you, then determine if you can remove the offending sock and put it in your pocket before anyone notices. I believe I was successful in completing the maneuver without being detected, but then again, it's unlikely that someone's going to tap you on the should and start laughing and pointing at you chanting “you just put a sock in your pocket” or something like that.



(Created on 26th March 2017)

Vote #503


A rather interesting piece of news that United Airlines prohibited some girls from boarding a flight because they were wearing yoga pants (leggings). Apparently they were told they needed to wear something over the top of them. Do you think yoga pants are indecent?


No was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (25%)
  • No (75%)


In full disclosure, I haven't seen (or even looked for) pictures of the offending yoga pants. So I don't know if they revealed anything they shouldn't. The old camel toe would be my guess. That said, unless they were see through, I would have thought they adequately covered up the body and I'm not sure it would be up to United Airlines to determine whether they were appropriate or not. The one thing I will say is that, assuming these were regular yoga pants, the answer to this question would be it depends who was wearing them. They do look a lot better on some people than on others. It's really those people that look like they've dropped a bag of marbles down the back of them that need to be prohibited from wearing them.



(Created on 19th March 2017)

Vote #502


This week we're going to pay tribute to one of the best guitarist and songwriter I've heard and simply ask which of the following is your favorite Chuck Berry song?


Johnny B. Goode was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Come On (0%)
  • Jo Jo Gunne (0%)
  • Johnny B. Goode (67%)
  • Maybellene (0%)
  • Memphis, Tennesse (33%)
  • Reelin' and Rockin' (0%)
  • Roll Over Beethoven (0%)
  • Route 66 (0%)
  • School Day (0%)
  • Sweet Little Sixteen (0%)


Not many votes which is somewhat disappointing given the legend that Chuck Berry was. Johnny B Goode wins it and is probably one of the more well known songs that he did. I really like Come On, but that's hardly ever mentioned when you read about Chuck. Anyway, there's no wrong answer here as they're all great songs and I consider myself lucky to have heard them.



(Created on 13th March 2017)

Vote #501


Was question 501 pushing it a bit too far or did I just forget to set it as I was tired after being at the NASCAR? No, that's not this week's question. This week's question is around a dark secret I have. Something that I've been debating whether or not to share with you or not. Rather than explain the whole secret, I'm just going to tell you that part of it is called DarthHemorrhoid. What was Mr O's reaction when he found out about DarthHemorrhoid?


He thought it was sad and He wanted to draw a face on it tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Wonder (0%)
  • Amazement (0%)
  • Love (0%)
  • He wanted to play with it (0%)
  • He thought it was sad (50%)
  • He wanted to draw a face on it (50%)


The actual answer is that he thought it was sad. There is a clue as to what DarthHemorrhoid is as there's no space between the two words. It is a virtual identity that didn't allow spaces when setting up the name. Not exactly sure how he would have drawn a face on it, but he's welcome to try.



(Created on 5th March 2017)

Vote #500


We seem to have reached a landmark of sorts. This is the 500th question that's been asked on this website. We're not too far away from being 10 years old (which makes sense as that would be 520 questions at a question a week, although vote questions weren't on the site in the first few weeks of its existence). Are you one of the people that's wasted a portion of their life reading most of the 500 questions that have been set on this website so far?


Yes was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (80%)
  • No (20%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
6th March 2017
I'm guessing this'll be another 100% yes vote. We're committed if nothing else, or certainly we ought to be for reading this shite for nigh on 10 years.


Looks like Mr O wasn't quite right. The majority did indeed vote yes, but not 100%. There may be some noobs on the site that pop in from time to time to read the vote question. Not true EBR addicts.



(Created on 27th February 2017)

Vote #499


Oooops. I had the question ready yesterday. Just forgot to post it. Why did the punchline come before the joke?


Because you have an eleven year old son was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Say what now? (0%)
  • You didn't get the joke (0%)
  • You're not smart enough (0%)
  • Because you have an eleven year old son (100%)


Didn't exactly get a lot of responses to this question. Maybe because of the failure to set it on time or that I spammed everybody's inbox with notes about it when I finally set it. Anyway, it appears that the punchline does come before the joke when it's told by an eleven year old. That hard thing is that you're still supposed to laugh when you hear it in the right order even though you know what's coming and it wasn't funny in the first place.



(Created on 19th February 2017)

Vote #498


Well, Niantic finally released the Gen 2 Pokemon into Pokemon Go. So guess what I did all weekend. Yep, Saturday was spent on Pier 39, Sunday was spent driving around Walnut Creek trying to fill the new entries in the Pokedex. I've still got quite a way to go, but we're up and running reasonable well right now. I expect that I'll zip through most of the Pokedex pretty quickly and then the last three or four might take a while to get, but we'll see. Are you stoked about the release of Gen 2 into Pokemon Go?


No was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (25%)
  • No (75%)


Just me then. Oh well, at least I'm happy and, at the end of the day, that's all that really matters.



(Created on 12th February 2017)

Vote #497


I think it was around this time last year when I asked if you thought Leicester was going to win the premier league. Oh how a year can change things! Given our fall from the dizzy heights of champions, I have to ask, do you think Leicester will stay in the premier league or get relegated?


Stay Up was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Stay Up (75%)
  • Relegated (25%)


Well, the majority of you remain faithful, but it's not looking good. Another defeat this weekend has left us in really bad shape. Let's hope we can turn it around. Would be so disappointing to go down after last year's amazing feat.



(Created on 5th February 2017)

Vote #496


So, I watched the old Superbowl thingy that was on this afternoon. Actually, missed the first half, therefore missing the Falcons doing anything at all. I just saw the half time show and then the Patriots show - congratulations for an amazing comeback. I'll hold my thoughts until the analysis, but my question is rather simple. Do you think Lady Gaga is pretty?


No was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (100%)


This may sound really bad, but I didn't think she looked very pretty at all. I remember seeing a picture of her on a billboard a few years back outside Oakland Coliseum and at the time thought she looked really attractive, but when I saw her on the half time show of the Superbowl, I somewhat flipped my opinion. Not that she's going to care what I think. It looks like you all share the same thoughts about her looks



(Created on 25th January 2017)

Vote #495


So, we're definitely back fully into the swing of things and here's the context of this week's question. In the wonderful business world that is, there is an excess of conference calls. Most of them not needed, but that's a different story. The question relates to something I'm guilty of and that is when you're on a call, say with three other people and you get to the end and one person says “I need to talk to the other two about something else, do you mind dropping?” Do you get paranoid when you're asked to drop from a conference call so some or all of the other participants can talk about something different?


No was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (20%)
  • No (60%)
  • Never happened to me (20%)


Just me that's paranoid then. Interestingly I thought this quote was from Kurt Cobain, but it's actually from Joseph Heller “just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not after you.”



(Created on 22nd January 2017)

Vote #494


Well, last week was a really busy week and the Christmas holidays seem nothing more than a distant memory. I've started planning trips to the March NASCAR race and even looking at flights back for the summer. Are you happy with the way 2017 is looking?


No was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (25%)
  • No (75%)


Oh, that's not good. I think I was the only person that replied yes. My year seems to have started pretty well. Don't want to push my luck .... famous last words and all that, but so far things are going well. Last year was not so good and I'm rather hoping this one turns out to be better.



(Created on 15th January 2017)

Vote #493


I'm not sure how I've missed this, but apparently America is getting a new president this week ... ha ha ha. Are you going to watch Donald Trump be sworn in?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


Rather a lot of people voted on this. Obviously a topic that grabs people's attention. I said I wasn't going to watch it and I didn't, but I did see some highlights on one show or other. I have to say, it seems oddly like watching a TV reality show. Which in essence is I guess what it is given the whole election appears to have been a TV popularity contest. I mean .... it's not like it's anything serious at the end of it .... what was it again? A recording contract or being in charge of the most powerful military in the world? Oh well. Been nice knowing you :)



(Created on 8th January 2017)

Vote #492


Alright, the holidays are over and it's all back to work. There's only one critical question left from the holidays. Did you think Rogue One was better than A New Hope?


Not seen it yet was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (20%)
  • No (20%)
  • Not seen it yet (60%)


Interesting. I really wasn't expecting the majority of folks to have not seen it yet. I thought it was brilliant. Whether or not is better than a new hope remains to be seen. It's one of those questions that's only really going to be answered of it stands the test of time.



(Created on 1st January 2017)

Vote #491


OK, so I didn't set a vote question last week for many, many reasons, but we're back up and running with the new year. The trouble with the new year, however, is that the only thing I can think about now is my return journey this coming Tuesday. Are you looking forward to getting back to work in the new year?


No was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (100%)
  • I didn't have a break (0%)


Yey! Nobody wants to go back to work. How will we ever earn money to keep the politicians in business?



(Created on 18th December 2016)

Vote #490


We made it back to England and are setting up for the festivities and the not so festive funeral. Tomorrow we're off to see the local pantomime. Will I enjoy the pantomime?


Oh yes you will was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Oh yes you will (67%)
  • Oh no you won't (33%)


Oh yes I did, very much indeed. We ended up going on an afternoon where the entire seating section was taken by the South Kesteven Primary School, so we had the best the pantomime could offer with screeming kids shouting “he's behind you” and the like. During the interval, the teachers handed out tubs of ice cream which brought a momentary silence to the crowd, but it soon resumed as proceedings restarted.



(Created on 11th December 2016)

Vote #489


There seems to be a lot of talk about Russians interfering with the US Election. Before the election, there was the issue of Trump not accepting the result. So both sides anticipating some conspiracy. Do you think the US election was rigged?


Yes was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (80%)
  • No (20%)


Wow, so I'm the only person that doesn't think it's rigged. Look at you lot trying to rationalize something you don't understand. You can't believe it happened so you're looking for some kind of answer to explain. Sometimes things are just the way they are. Sometimes people are too stupid for their own good and need saving from themselves. In a democratic society, stupid peoples votes count just as much as smart people.



(Created on 4th December 2016)

Vote #488


Well, time to get back on the road as I face a trip to Denver then Atlanta. Quick weekend and it's off to San Diego and then back in the Bay Area for a day and it's time to head back to England. Wait, what? It's Christmas already. If I want to order anything off Amazon it needs to be done in the next couple of days if it's going to arrive before I leave for the holidays. Is it just me or has Christmas crept up on you this year as well?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Hmmm, it doesn't make me feel any better to know that I'm not the only one who's allowed Christmas to creep up on them. I think I'm about seeing the end though - I've got pretty much most of the stuff I need to do done, so I think I'm set now. One thing I do know for sure is that it's been a hard year. I'll be glad when it's over.



(Created on 27th November 2016)

Vote #487


There's not going to be a vote question this week. I woke this morning to learn that my mum had passed away this morning and I don't feel like setting a question. The vote question is created automatically and rather than change the code I'm just going to post this no vote.


Pay Respects was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Pay Respects (100%)


Thanks to everyone who clicked the button



(Created on 20th November 2016)

Vote #486


'Tis the wondrous season of Thanksgiving over here and I'm headed off to Disneyland with William. I'm going to be spinning, turning, roller coastering and everything else that's going on there. Am I going to be sick on a ride at Disneyland?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)


Disney was fantastic and no, I was not sick. Yes, I did go on all the rides - many of them several times. I'll post some pictures shortly, but unfortunately I woke this morning to learn that my mum had passed away.



(Created on 13th November 2016)

Vote #485


Well, it looks like America will be getting a new president. It seems that most presidents want to make an impact and leave a legacy. Given that Trump's immediate focus is immigration and his wall, will Trump's wall be visible from space?


No was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (40%)
  • No (60%)


Well, last I heard, it was going to be more of a fence than a wall in some places, so you could be right. Unlikely the great fence of Trump will be visible from outer space. I'm sure he'll be disappointed with that, but there's probably a race of aliens somewhere quite pleased that it won't blot the view out of their living room.



(Created on 6th November 2016)

Vote #484


This week's vote question may seem completely random and not make much sense, but there's a whole back story to it that will be revealed in the subsequent analysis. Well, revealed unless I receive sufficient bribe for my silence that is. So the question is simply - are you injured?


No was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (25%)
  • No (75%)


So the story starts at William's soccer. I had Mr O in town and we went to watch William play in his local league. I have a couple of fold away chairs that I got off Amazon. Now, to be honest, their quality is not the best and they do sag a bit low when you sit in them. One has a broken arm rest and the other was unused, so new. Being the perfect host, I took the broken one.

Anyway, the game concludes with William being subject to a 7-2 thrashing and Mr O makes the comment that he might find it difficult to get out of the chair. The big disappointment I have is that I wasn't able to grab my phone to get pictures or video of this. So, Mr O lunges forward, but doesn't quite make it up and falls back into the chair. The chair topples back, but after sufficient flapping, Mr O prevents it from going over backwards. All seems fine except that one of the supports has snapped at the joint. Another lunge forward and Mr O again makes it half way up, but again falls backwards into the chair. This time the force is too great for the chair. Another support snaps and the whole thing topples backwards.

So at this point the turtle is on it's back with its arms and legs waving in the air. I mean Mr O is rolling of the floor trying to separate himself from the chair. A concerned parent comes over and asks if he's OK. I would have answered for him, but couldn't on account of the fact that I was laughing too much. He mumbles something to the effect of being ok, rolls over and gets up. Well, gets half way up and collapses on the floor again.

This obviously causes me to start crying because I'm laughing too much, even though during this time I've managed to get out of my chair and am in the correct upright position. Owen's laughing, but obviously not convincingly enough as the woman starts asking “oh my god, are you injured? are you injured?”



(Created on 30th October 2016)

Vote #483


It's spooky time again, Halloween is here. Are you going to dress up for Halloween?


No was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (40%)
  • No (60%)


Halloween came and went without me noticing. I didn't actually see anyone dressed up. Nobody came to my door looking for candy (which is quite lucky as I didn't have any). I didn't dress up. And to be honest, I didn't even realize it was Halloween until half way through the day. Looks like most of you didn't bother either. For those who did, hope you have a great time!



(Created on 23rd October 2016)

Vote #482


Alright, so I've spent the day looking after William and 18 other kids for his birthday party and I'm fresh out of ideas for this week's question. Much as it pains me, the only topic that is dominating everything right now is the presidential election. Which is the lesser of two evils?


Email deleting was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Pussy grabbing (40%)
  • Email deleting (60%)


Well, it's not going to be long before we find out. Not a lot in it here and there's not going to be a lot in it in the actual election. The voters here just edging for deleting emails. The one thing I did find really funny this week was some show or other talking about how litigious Trump is and wondered if he was going to sue any women for attacking his hand with their vagina. Anyway, I don't really have a side which is pretty cool as I don't have a vote either. Whichever mess we're left with, I have plausible deniability.



(Created on 16th October 2016)

Vote #481


I guess there's one really important question that we haven't asked yet on this site. One question that really does underlie a lot of what we are about and how we go about things. One could say that it's a question that peer's deep into the souls of an individual. Do the ends justify the means?


Yes was the clear winner with 83% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (83%)
  • No (17%)


I do think this is an interesting question. Yes seems to be the consensus and is consistent with my thoughts. I tend to think it's results that count .... how you get there matters, but generally is forgotten in the long run. I guess we'll see shortly whether grabbing pussy or deleting emails is the means to the White House end. Two candidates that you could argue would be better off serving time and yet one of them is going to be leading the most powerful nation. (OK, so China may be the most powerful nation, but it's pretty close and you know what I mean). Anyway, I digress.



(Created on 9th October 2016)

Vote #480


My world of Pokemon Go has been turned upside down this week since Niantic introduced new security procedures that have stopped all the scanners from working. The funny thing is that I'd only used scanners once before, but it's way more fun than the basic game and, after having used them, it's hard to go back to trying to find pokemon blindly. The folks that make the scanners are are looking to find ways around the new security. Will the scanners be back up this week?


Yes was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (60%)
  • No (40%)


Apparently they're close, but sadly no donut. The scanners have not been brought back yet. Best I understand it, the team is working hard to crack the necessary code and hopefully they will achieve it soon. That said, it's been raining all weekend, so I haven't had the chance to be out that much.



(Created on 2nd October 2016)

Vote #479


I've just started watching some tv series that involves mythical creatures. Sort of a poor man's Lord of the Rings. Which mythical creature do you associate with the most?


Giant was the clear winner with 33% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Beast (0%)
  • Dwarf (0%)
  • Elf (17%)
  • Giant (33%)
  • Goblin (17%)
  • Imp (0%)
  • Ogre (0%)
  • Treefolk (17%)
  • Troll (17%)
  • Wurm (0%)


Quite a spread of answers to this question with Giant just pipping the other options. I went with troll because ... well, I'm very troll like I think. No particular skills, just big ugly and smelly.



(Created on 25th September 2016)

Vote #478


Well, it seems as if Leicester's start to their premier league title defense has not commenced as planned. It looks like it's going to be a hard season, but where do you think Leicester will end up this season?


11-14 was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Top (17%)
  • 2-6 (0%)
  • 7-10 (17%)
  • 11-14 (50%)
  • 15-17 (0%)
  • 18-20 (relegated) (17%)


11 - 14 seems to be the most popular answer and it's what I voted for too. I have to be honest, in prior years I've always considered 14th an achievement, so I'll be really happy if we end up in this range.



(Created on 18th September 2016)

Vote #477


I've done a fair bit of driving this weekend and definitely think that the standard of driving is going down. That said, there was one set of drivers that stood out particularly today that results in this week's vote question. Did they fit the Toyota Prius with indicators (turn signals)?


No was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (33%)
  • No (67%)


It appears that they did fit them with turn signals, it's just that nobody who's bought one has figured out how to work them. Similarly, nobody who's bought one has realized there's more than one lane on the freeway and you don't have to sit in the outside lane blocking the traffic for everyone.



(Created on 11th September 2016)

Vote #476


This week's question comes courtesy of the BBC website. On that site they're running a quiz to determine which Star Trek captain you are. A series of rather humorous and irrelevant questions - a bit like those personality quizzes I've done oh so many times throughout my career. You know, the ones that are supposed to be insightful as to how you work and all that. Anyway, I obviously leaped in and took the quiz, so it's time for you to guess - Which Star Trek captain am I?


Janeway was the clear winner with 43% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Archer (0%)
  • Janeway (43%)
  • Kirk (14%)
  • Picard (29%)
  • Sisko (14%)


Before anyone gets too upset, Pike wasn't one of the options listed. Not my quiz, don't complain to me.

Anyway, apparently I turned out to be a Kirk with the BBC's website offering me the following comments on my personality "It is very fortunate that, among your many gifts, you were blessed with an excess of charm, otherwise your occasionally headstrong and foolhardy impulses may well have left you in real trouble, abandoned by your loyal crew and left to rot in a Starfleet cell. Mind you, these qualities also make you exactly the right kind of person to lead a five-year mission to seek out new life and new civilizations. You're gung-ho, impulsive and emotional, but also a fantastic strategist, and with the help of your exceptionally loyal friends, this makes you practically indestructible."

As I said in the question - rather amusing don't you think!

Janeway! Seriously?



(Created on 4th September 2016)

Vote #475


It looks like I'm going to be going to Disney over the Thanksgiving holiday. I'm kind of excited and worried at the same time. It has a high probability of either being really good or really bad. I either throw myself into it and enjoy it for what it is our I'll get upset with it for being what it is and I'll be grumpy. Will I enjoy Disney this Thanksgiving?


No was the clear winner with 83% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (17%)
  • No (83%)


Ha, ha, ha ... all ye of little faith! I'm the only one that thinks I'm going to enjoy my trip to Disney. I think you'd all be surprised at how excited I am about going. I've rented me a scooter thing so I don't have to walk round and got everything sorted. I'm going to have a great time. Of course, the thing you're all missing is that the entire park is full of Pokestops that are constantly lured, so I can play Pokemon Go the entire day while we sit in queues to get on rides. I'm going to have a fantastic time.



(Created on 28th August 2016)

Vote #474


After long discussion with my GI doctor, I'm back trying some medication that caused me problems in the past. It's a risk to try it again, but the upside is pretty high. I've started on a low dose and so far so good. Will I be able to tolerate the drug I've been put on?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Well, I've gone a week with no effects so things are looking good. That said, I'm only on a low dose right now so it's a bit early to declare victory, but definitely on a good place.



(Created on 22nd August 2016)

Vote #473


I did the vote analysis last night, but then forgot to set a question. Something to do with traveling to Seattle and forgetting it was Sunday. Anyway, figured out the omission, so let's set the question. Should people who travel on a Sunday be allowed to travel?


No - they are idiots was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - everyone is equal (0%)
  • No - they are idiots (100%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
22nd August 2016
So what does that make me having travelled on a Saturday on many an occasion to get to the other side of the world for a Monday morning?


It's a catch 22. I love traveling on a Sunday because the airports are quiet, but the people who are there don't travel on a regular basis and get stuck at security or struggle to understand the boarding process. You also have a lot more people staring at monitors trying to figure out which gate their thoughts leaving from .... obviously not trusting the gate number printed on the ticket. The most annoying thing for me is that people who travel at the weekend just stop when they're slashing on the concourse. It's like they're trying to make an obstacle course for me. In the week, folks just know where they're going and go there.


1 comment
Mr O
29th August 2016
I'm glad people just stop when they are slashing on the concourse!

(Created on 14th August 2016)

Vote #472


We have to turn our attention to the Olympics given that it's ... well, the Olympics basically. I've been watching it on and off this week, but somehow can't really get into it until the track and field is in full swing. Are you following the Olympics?


No - not interested in it and Yes - but waiting for the track and field tied with 40% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes - following all of it (20%)
  • No - not interested in it (40%)
  • Yes - but waiting for the track and field (40%)


A mixed bag then with some folks following and others not interested. I have to be honest that I missed quite a lot of what I wanted to see. I was recording these highlight shows that seemed to only show things like volleyball, judo, boxing, handball and rhythmic gymnastics. Not the track and field that I'm interested in. Not even regular gymnastics which I quite like. Anyway, congrats to team GB for an excellent showing!



(Created on 7th August 2016)

Vote #471


Need to do a vote question and not really in the mood to be creative. Back to work fully on Monday. Will the 10k egg I'm hatching get me a new pokemon?


No was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (25%)
  • No (75%)


Bit of a lame question. The answer was most definitely no. I got an Eevee from that 10k egg and not even my highest CP Eevee. Just a basic one with a few candies. Probably the worst outcome I could have had. That said, this past weekend has been kind to me on the rare Pokemon front and we now have our Pokedex up to 123 and we're at level 25 which, for someone who's only playing occasionally is pretty good if you ask me.



(Created on 31st July 2016)

Vote #470


Looks like I've found myself in hospital again due to the same old same old. So, how many doctors will stick their finger where the sun don't shine during this hospital visit?


6 was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • 0 (17%)
  • 1 (0%)
  • 2 (0%)
  • 3 (0%)
  • 4 (0%)
  • 5 (17%)
  • 6 (50%)
  • 7 (17%)
  • 8 (0%)
  • 9 (0%)


Believe it or not, the answer is zero. Yes, I think I've finally got to the stage where my arse is no longer interesting. My guess is that they've figured out what they're going to find up there so no need to check. Interestingly they did a CT scan instead. Possibly a little more expensive than the finger, but hopefully provides additional information for diagnosis.



(Created on 24th July 2016)

Vote #469


There's only one question spinning through my mind, whether or not to attempt my trip back to the UK this coming Wednesday, but I'm not going to ask that as the question. I'm failing miserably at trying to take emotion out of that equation - the desire to want to go back versus the reality that I'm not well enough to make the trip. Instead, I will ask a question around an article I just read on the BBC website about an endangered butterfly being saved by a small bog in Lancashire. Why is my head giving me images of a bloke with a flat cap walking to his outhouse at the bottom of his garden to look after butterflies?


Because that's what a small bog in Lancashire is was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Because you're mad (0%)
  • Because you're fixated with (and on) toilets (25%)
  • Because that's what a small bog in Lancashire is (75%)


Indeed, a small bog in Lancashire is an outhouse at the bottom of the garden. And there is a very dedicated man with one of said outhouses that is lovingly nurturing butterflies.



(Created on 17th July 2016)

Vote #468


I'm sure it hasn't escaped everybody's notice that there's been a gaming phenomenon release. Pokemon Go has taken the world by storm and has millions playing it. Well, millions trying to play it as it's bloody impossible to log on at peak times. The release of a highly popular and addictive game means I have a new hobby. Chasing a 10 year old around parks while trying to catch rage Pokemon. Obviously running an extremely high traffic site like EastBayRag, I know a thing or two about dealing with large server volumes and I could have probably taught Niantic a thing or two. Do you think Pokemon Go would have had a more stable release if they had hired Mr O to do some system testing for them?


Yes was the clear winner with 57% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (57%)
  • No (43%)


Got to laugh, the servers seem to be stable this weekend and I'm stuck inside sick so not able to play. Yes, of course, Mr O would have made sure everything was functioning smoothly before they went online. To be honest, I'm not sure anyone would have predicted the amount of people that would have downloaded the game, but hey ... they didn't use Mr O, so they had problems.



(Created on 10th July 2016)

Vote #467


It's time for us to get intimate again! I need to talk to you about “feminine itch”. I seem to be constantly watching adverts for products that help feminine itch. I wasn't 100% sure what it was so I googled it and ... well, it's more or less exactly what it sounds like - an itchy vagina. The cause of said itch can be varied, but the result is the same. But I got to thinking that this is a bit weird as you don't generally see women having a good old scratch of their vagina and on the other hand, blokes are invariably relieving gonad itch. I could be wrong on this (I've not searched it), but I'm not aware of their being products to ease “masculine itch”. Do you think Bouncing Billy's Bollock Balm to bathe your balls in and stop masculine itch is a million dollar idea?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


A mixed response then. The EBR voters are not quite sold on Bouncing Billy's Bollock Balm. Well, the good news is that I didn't go out and register the patent so I'll leave it up to someone else to pick up the idea and run with it.



(Created on 3rd July 2016)

Vote #466


Keen followers of the website will have noticed that I've taken up my birding walks in order to get some exercise whilst enjoying the outdoors. This means that I've started reading the birding posts again to see whether anything interesting has been spotted. I have to say that there's quite a lot of activity right now, but one post in particular caught my attention. Which of the following was keenly spotted by a fellow twitcher that caught my attention?


The Goodyear Blimp was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • California Condor (0%)
  • Eurasian Collared-Dove (a.k.a. dovey) (25%)
  • Golden Eagle (0%)
  • Hooded Warbler (0%)
  • Least Bittern (0%)
  • Lilac-breasted Roller (0%)
  • Osterich (0%)
  • The Goodyear Blimp (75%)


Well, there have been sightings of a hooded warbler and least bittern that have created quite an interest. Additionally there were sightings of “dovey” that had several people interested as well. It was, however, the reported sighting of the Goodyear Blimp that indeed caught my eye. Yes, this was actually reported on a birding site, along with its identification number. I wonder if the identification number was included in case others thought they saw the same one. Clearly “bloody great big balloon” is not sufficient detail. I wonder if Mr O figured out the answer as it was the Goodyear Blimp returning from the NASCAR race at Sonoma. Something he may have been able to work out if he could have been bothered.



(Created on 26th June 2016)

Vote #465


I probably should have done a vote last week about Brexit, but I missed out. That said, there's no time like the present to get caught back up. Will I be able to buy the UK by the time I go back in July or will the pound have stabilized?


Go on, buy it - you know you want to was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Go on, buy it - you know you want to (100%)
  • Nope, the pound will stabilize (0%)


Looks like a unanimous decision that I should buy the UK. I guess it'd be quite funny to buy the country, put it back in Europe, then sell it. Quite a few people will be annoyed with that given they went to these lengths to come out. I have to be honest, it's getting quite boring listening to the pundits trying to figure out what the impact will be. Will the UK go into recession, will that bring Europe into recession and will that knock on to the global economy. It kind of sounds like we're going to end up in one of those positions where we talk ourselves into recession. Rather than being positive, companies will now cut spending based on “uncertainty”. The fact that they cut spending will fuel the uncertainty and make it a reality. Oh well .... I just got to figure out how to make money out of it I guess.



(Created on 19th June 2016)

Vote #464


I'm really focused on heading back the UK on vacation, but have just realized that we've got the long 4th of July weekend coming up. William is going to be away, so I'm going to be on my own and I was wondering if I should go away somewhere. Should I head out for a short break over the 4th of July weekend?


Yes was the clear winner with 86% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (86%)
  • No (14%)


Well, it seems like the popular vote is for yes, but I seriously doubt I'm going to figure something out that I want to do before next weekend. What's more likely is that I'll arrange to meet my buddy in a local bar for a couple of beers and do a couple of bird walks on the other days. We'll have to see - you never know, I may get my arse into gear.



(Created on 12th June 2016)

Vote #463


Well, that two year cycle is upon us and we see the England soccer team once again trying their hand in a tournament. I'm rather disappointed already not to have seen Vardy take the pitch even as a substitute. I'm also somewhat confused as to why Kane was taking the corners. So comfortably settling into being an armchair critic then. Will England make it past the group stage of Euro 2016?


No was the clear winner with 83% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (17%)
  • No (83%)


Wow! So I'm the only person that has faith in England then. I'm somewhat surprised at that, but it looks like I'm going to be right. Hard to see us not qualifying now, although I guess a defeat on Monday to Slovakia would do it if the other results went against us. Nice result against Wales even if the game wasn't the best I've ever seen.



(Created on 5th June 2016)

Vote #462


Well, as strange as this may sound, I was signing baseball cards with a caricature of myself this past week. I know you won't believe me without photographic evidence so here it is:

Yes, I know this one isn't signed, but I don't wouldn't want your printing them out and selling them on eBay as knock offs would I? OK, so that's not the vote question this week. The question is - do you want an autographed baseball card with a caricature of me on it?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
7th June 2016
Good to see a photo where they've finally got your head in proportion with the rest of your body


Of course you want one. You know you do! And it's that egocentric view that caused my head to increase in size compared to my body. Mr O did make me laugh with his comment - yes, it is perfectly portioned.



(Created on 29th May 2016)

Vote #461


Well, this weekend saw the debut of the new Top Gear. I haven't seen it yet and am not sure when it is due to air in the US (that said, it may have already aired). The question though - will I like the new Top Gear?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


Well, Pinocchio has competition. Matt LeBlanc is definitely pushing to be the number 1 wooden puppet on TV. It's amazing how good you can appear on scripted TV with good looking counterparts, but live .... you got some work to do. Chris still thinks he's delivering The Big Breakfast or TFI Friday, but that's not really a surprise as it's his one presentation style. I did kind of expect that. What happened to Sabine Schmitz? She only featured in one small part of the show. They made a big deal about the fact that Matt LeBlanc is the first overseas host of the show - well, is Sabine not a host then. Bit of a shame given she's the only one that knows how to drive. I have to be honest, I was rather looking forward to her being a big part of the show.

The show actually aired one day later over here so we didn't have to wait long for it. I have to be honest with all the above said and the complete lack of originality in the show, I didn't hate it. I wouldn't go as far as saying I liked it, but I wasn't cringing and trying to decide whether or not to turn it off. So, for the short term at least, it's on probation. It seems there's the potential to take the show places and I guess we need to give Chris and Matt more time to gel together live. We'll give it the benefit of the doubt and see how it progresses, but if it doesn't progress much from where it started, it might not have much of a lifespan.


1 comment
26th June 2016
I have to say that after four episodes, I'm quite hooked on the show. I do still think the first episode was a bit rough, but I've definitely become used to it. I guess it just goes to show that we really don't like too much change given that the format of the show hasn't really changed. I think the real reason is that I just like to watch super cars being driven. I'm probably more of a petrol head than I give myself credit for.

(Created on 22nd May 2016)

Vote #460


Well, I've been having a huge amount of fun re-writing my website. There's nothing that anyone should notice, but I've completely changed the database and coding, so all the backend technical stuff. Anyway, I've got some ideas on writing some programs that you'll probably see the foundation start to appear on the fun stuff pages as I tinker with some of the coding. Anyway, one of the photo editing and organizing software programs I use doesn't work on high definition displays. Well, it does, but the text is so small you can't read it. I'm debating whether to write my own photo cataloging program, paying for an upgrade or looking for a freeware/GPL solution. Should I write my own photo cataloging solution, pay for an upgrade of the software I use or find a freeware/GPL solution?


Pay for the upgrade was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Write your own (0%)
  • Pay for the upgrade (60%)
  • Find a freeware/GPL solution (40%)


OK, so I did pay for the upgrade, but the thing is, that still resulted in a fair amount of re-coding given that the underlying database structure of the tool I am reading from had changed. I had to figure out the new structure and alter my code. Then there's the issue of being tied into that application, so if it breaks, then I lose everything. I did research freeware/GPL options, but the challenge is that I have over 11,000 photos that have all been tagged. None of the other options offer the ability to do a data conversion from the application that I'm using .... and I'm sure as hell not going to re-tag 11,000 items. I know it's hard to believe, but even I've got better things to do with my time.

So, although I have bought the upgrade, I've also started to write my own app. The basis of the app is on the website. It's in the fun stuff section and is called draggables. Essentially the basis is to be able to drag tags from a menu and drop them onto photos. The draggables page contains the code necessary to do that. It's a very messy page though and locks a screen aspect ration that matches my surface book which is high res, so you won't be able to see all of it unless you have your own high res display.



(Created on 15th May 2016)

Vote #459


The main question I have tonight is whether or not the automated email will send tomorrow morning. I've done another upgrade of the software the website runs on and it actually broke a number of things that required a fair amount of time to fix. I won't go into the details, but if you look at many posts, you'll find question marks in diamonds have been entered all over the place. Not entirely sure how I'm going to fix it yet, but that'll give me something to focus on next week. Anyway, that's not really much of a question as you'd know the answer if you got the email and wouldn't vote if you didn't, so we best think of something else. Will I be able to book William for a tour of the King Power stadium when we are on holiday this summer?


Yes was the clear winner with 63% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (63%)
  • No - it will be sold out (0%)
  • No - there won't be any (38%)


Yeah, I'm hoping it will be available as I think it would be something that William would enjoy. Well, at least for five minutes. I am somewhat fearful that it will be sold out though as my guess is a lot of folks are looking to see the stadium given the success of the team. I guess we'll find out soon as I keep looking to see if there's something I can book. Even if we can't book a tour, I'll still take him for a ride round to see the ground.



(Created on 8th May 2016)

Vote #458


Well, my new computer seems to be running perfectly. We had a slight hiccup today, but managed to figure it out pretty well. Technical stuff, so it kept me happy. Essentially I had to tell a program to use the GPU to process resizing of a stream rather than using in memory software. Boring stuff for most of you. The plan is to re-image the old machine, clean the crap off it and let William use it to play whatever he wants on it. You just know that as soon as I wipe the contents of my old machine, then I'm going to remember something I need off it. How long do I wait until I wipe the contents of my old computer?


3 months was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • 1 day (10%)
  • 3 days (10%)
  • 1 week (10%)
  • 2 weeks (0%)
  • 3 weeks (0%)
  • 4 weeks (10%)
  • 2 months (0%)
  • 3 months (60%)


3 months! Wow, that's a really long time. So you think I'm going to ask William to wait 3 months before he gets a computer to play on. I can only think those votes are coming from people that have never had children. The computer will be wiped as soon as I get chance.



(Created on 1st May 2016)

Vote #457


Well, I'm going to give you the first question that comes to mind as I sit here at my computer. A quick look out the window and here it is .... Do you think the pretty girl in the skimpy bikini would rub sun cream on me if I went down and asked her?


No was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (33%)
  • No (67%)


Well, many thanks for the vote of confidence to those that voted yes that she would apply sun cream to me, but sadly we'll never know as I didn't pluck up the courage to go and ask. Honestly thought, kinda think she would have said no. To be perfectly honest, I kind of think we could have ended up in a situation where the police were called had I asked, so I think it was best that I didn't. An interesting side note is that after I wrote this question, someone I know turned up that I'd said can use the pool. Now, she might have said yes, but again, I didn't go down and ask.



(Created on 24th April 2016)

Vote #456


This question may be premature, but I was watching Leicester's emphatic win against Swansea today and I got to thinking - how many fathers and sons have won the premier league?


1 was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • 0 (0%)
  • 1 (80%)
  • 2 (0%)
  • 3 (20%)
  • 4 (0%)
  • 5 (0%)
  • 6 (0%)
  • 7 (0%)
  • 8 (0%)
  • 9 (0%)


So, how many of you cheated before you answered the question? I know Mr O didn't as I consulted with him to make sure I had the answer correct which is indeed 1. That honor goes to Ian Wright and his son Sean Wright-Phillips. If, and it's still and if, Leicester win the title then that number will double with Kasper Schmeichel succeeding his father Peter. There was an interesting quote during today's game where Peter Schmeicel said blood is thicker than water and he was supporting Leicester against his former club Manchester United.

Just to add some clarification the question relates to players only and not managers, otherwise the Fergusons would have a claim.



(Created on 17th April 2016)

Vote #455


A couple of weeks ago I posted a question about buying a new computer. I made the decision last week that I would, went online to place the order only to be told that they had sold out of the one I want. The fact that I need a new computer was underlined this past weekend when my current one overheated and stopped working mid stream. I mean seriously, I lost both my viewers, ha ha. Anyway, I'm heading up to Seattle on Monday and am going to be at the makers of the device I want. Do you think I'll be able to pick up a new computer next week?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)




(Created on 10th April 2016)

Vote #454


Well, there's only one question I can ask this week. Following the amazing success of my Twitch stream I had a few really interesting comments as this week I had a camera on me. Do you think I'm a 20 year old guy?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


That is correct, I am indeed a 20 year old guy. One of the folks on the stream had thought I was a 20 year old based on conversations we'd had in the game chat, but once I put a camera on, the truth was told. That said, I don't know if you ever stop believing you're 20. I seem to think that one day I'll wake up and be a spritely young man again. Hey, nobody gonna stop me dreaming!



(Created on 3rd April 2016)

Vote #453


I see front and center of the news is an article about a company in Panama helping people hide money. The report states that it helped people launder money and hide money from taxes and ex wives by setting up shell companies. Should I have setup a shell company to hide money from my ex wife?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Where were all of you when I needed you? You could have given me this advice at a time when it could have been used. It's somewhat late now. I guess it's somewhat late for all the people that put money into the shell companies that have now had their names leaked. At least I know I'm not going to end up on a list somewhere.



(Created on 27th March 2016)

Vote #452


Wow, I'm so dead right now. Not sure if it's a cold, allergies or both. I have gone to the local pharmacy to relieve them of various remedies for both potential culprits and have started to take them. Will I wake up tomorrow morning feeling better?


No was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (40%)
  • No (60%)


The correct answer was indeed no. This was one of those double attack colds. It came over the weekend. I thought I got rid of it on Tuesday, but awoke Wednesday morning worse than I had been. Just when you thought it was gone, bam, sucker punch. It does, however, seem to be better now.



(Created on 20th March 2016)

Vote #451


As you can tell from the email, I've been processing a few photos this week. Well, to be honest, for the last few weeks as I had to catch up with the photos from last year that I hadn't done anything with. Anyway, my laptop is getting fairly old now ... I think it was purchased back in 2011, so over 5 years old. I'm debating whether to get one of the Surface Books, but can't quite decide. Should I splash out on a new Surface Book?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


A unanimous yes. Well, not surprisingly, being the cheap skate I am, I have two options. The first is to get work to buy me one given I technically should have one when visiting a certain account. The next is that I just met someone today who can get a huge discount, so it'll probably happen soon.



(Created on 13th March 2016)

Vote #450


I'm out of time to think of a vote question, so I'm going with the first one I saw on the BBC website. Is Wenger nearing the end at Arsenal?


No was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (33%)
  • No (67%)


The man who will last forever. Surprised that most folks think he's going to continue. That said, there's still a chance he can sneak the title this year. Arsenal have definitely got the easiest run in to the end of the season, but I'm just hoping Leicester can hold on.



(Created on 6th March 2016)

Vote #449


There are a few questions that spring to mind post this weekends windy NASCAR race, not least or which is where is my hat? But that is not the one we're going with. No, there is a far more important question that arose prior to today's proceedings. Does Owen mind waiting for a gentleman to powder his plums or would he prefer them to be on time and raw?


Powdered plums was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Powdered plums (100%)
  • Raw and ready (0%)


He didn't even protest his innocence, but the voters are correct. Owen said he didn't mind waiting whilst a gentleman powders his plums.



(Created on 28th February 2016)

Vote #448


The joys of being in Sin City with a curious 10 year old. William was extremely amused when he saw the bar “Dicks Last Resort” as he knows what a dick is. On the way to the fun dungeon he was even more amused that you could buy underwear that says “I ♥ Dicks”. Then came this week's vote question, why does it say “I ♥ Dicks” on women's underwear?


You'll find out when you're older was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Err yeah (0%)
  • Don't know (0%)
  • Because girls like dicks (0%)
  • Ask you mum (33%)
  • You'll find out when you're older (67%)


The correct answer is indeed you'll find out when you're older. I haven't ducked any questions, including the one about where babies come from. I've simply offered an alternative solution to finding out the answer to the question even if it does involve an element of time.



(Created on 21st February 2016)

Vote #447


There are theories that there are an infinite number of universes playing out an infinite number of possibilities. Assuming that theory is correct then Donald Trump is going to make it into the presidency in one of them. If Donald Trump gets in as president in this universe or any parallel universe, will there be a huge implosion and the end of the space time continuum?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Another unanimous result. The funny thing is, this question has come up several times this week. Not the bit about multiple parralel universes, just the bit about their being an implosion if Trump makes President. Haven't heard anyone refer to an explosion, just implosion. I have to be honest though, him running does make the presidential campaign much more interesting.



(Created on 14th February 2016)

Vote #446


I'm somewhat bewildered by the fact that the hackers, after years of failing to hack this site have resorted to posting spam ads on the Open Blog Forum. Bit weird as I'm pretty sure they're being posted manually and not by a bot, but I guess it could be a bot too. Anyway, do Russian hackers have anything better to do than post car insurance adverts on my blog?


No was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (100%)


Well, that result was pretty unanimous. Must be sad to be a Russian hacker. Even less of a life than me ... and that's saying something.



(Created on 7th February 2016)

Vote #445


Been a very busy weekend watching good old Leicester beat Manchester City, then heading into town to watch Metallica followed by hospital visit (scheduled) and Super Bowl. But it didn't quite get off to the start I'd hoped for. I picked up William from school and headed for a McDonalds. When I got home I found something missing from my order. What do you think was missing from my Big Mac meal order?


Big Mac was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Fries (0%)
  • Drink (0%)
  • Ketchup (20%)
  • Big Mac (80%)


Yes, you got it. Well, at least most of you did. My Big Mac meal was missing the Big Mac. I mean seriously! It's not difficult. They made the menu simple so the folks working there would know what to serve. Anyway, I ended up eating the fries with a microwave curry ... was actually quite nice.



(Created on 31st January 2016)

Vote #444


I actually did a days work this week. I don't mean the usual nothingness I produce, I was actually out at a client for a full day looking at documents, talking to people and coming up with conclusions. Scary I know, but hey .... I still got it! Anyway, whilst running round the office I was at I happened to notice the pretty girl with the short skirt and boots. Well yes, you're going to notice her ... and she dressed that way so you do notice her. Anyway, every time I saw her she was propping up a doorway to someone's office striking that pose. You know the one, the pose that says you're going to do all my work for me because you want to sleep with me and I'm going to flirt with you just long enough for you to do it all. And then ignore you because you're not important. I didn't check, but I guarantee that all the doorways she was leaning on were those to males. I could be wrong, but you know I'm not. So, does the pretty girl in the office with the short skirt and boots actually do any work?


No was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (100%)


Nope, of course she doesn't do any work ... and why would she. The good news is that we're getting close to the end of the weekend, so I've had time to catch up on all the little tasks she got me working on. Almost done, I hope she's pleased with what I've done because I really wouldn't want her to not like me or anything like that.



(Created on 24th January 2016)

Vote #443


Alright, well I'm caught up on the latest episodes of the Walking Dead show, so this may be last in the series of zombie questions, but no promises as it does seem an easy topic to revert to when I can't think of other questions. The one thing that happens quite a lot is that the survivors become surrounded by zombies and this begs the question - what would you do if you had to make your way through a hoard of zombies?


Disguise yourself as a zombie and walk through, Go all guns blazing and Stay put and read your pornography tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • Run through as fast as you can (0%)
  • Disguise yourself as a zombie and walk through (33%)
  • Slash your way through with a knife (0%)
  • Go all guns blazing (33%)
  • Stay put and read your pornography (33%)


Zombie overload, everybody's bored of the zombie questions. Not to worry, there will be a change this week. Seems like there's no consistent answer between being stealthy and going in all guns blazing. The problem I have with stealth mode is that if one of the zombies sees through your disguise, you're toast. The all guns blazing at least makes you think you're in control. Well, until you run out of bullets anyway. Have you noticed that in any film with a semi automatic pistol, someone fires off all the rounds, ejects the clip and then puts in a new clip. That's all well and good for the first battle, but you're going to run out of magazines at some point .... then what you gonna do? Those magazines don't exactly load quickly.



(Created on 17th January 2016)

Vote #442


We're going to follow the zombie theme for another week. I'll probably be bored after that. What do you think you'd seek out most in a zombie apocalypse?


Pornography was the clear winner with 29% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Food (0%)
  • Water (0%)
  • Shelter (14%)
  • Companionship (0%)
  • Weapons (14%)
  • Medical Supplies (14%)
  • Transportation (14%)
  • Clothes (0%)
  • Toilet (14%)
  • Pornography (29%)


Yes, pornography is obviously the most important thing you're going to need in a zombie apocalypse. No need to worry about trivial things like water, food and shelter ... straight to the most important thing and that's how to maintain a boner. The only unusual thing is that pornography is not what I voted for. I can't actually remember what I selected, probably weapons on account of the fact that if you have weapons you can steal other people's pornography.



(Created on 10th January 2016)

Vote #441


I'm going to guess there may be a zombie theme to the next few weeks of questions as I'm binge watching The Walking Dead. Do you think you could survive a zombie apocalypse?


Yes was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (60%)
  • No (40%)


I guess most people think they will survive which is not surprising as generally most people don't sit there contemplating death. It was probably the wrong question to ask as it might have been more appropriate to ask whether you would want to survive. The reality is that if you survived, you'd probably be taken out by some kind of plague given the number of dead bodies rotting away. Sticking with that theme for a minute, I think the best place to hide from zombies would be in a maggot farm. Maggots only eat dead skin, which is why they can be used in medicine. They'd feast away on zombies. The only problem would be the speed at which they ate the zombies. Chances are they'd be on you before the maggots got to do their thing. Just a random thought I decided to share.



(Created on 3rd January 2016)

Vote #440


Yuck! A fantastic break that seems to have gone by in 2 seconds flat and facing the first week back to work. Does anybody like that first week back to work after a holiday?


Two dwarves shitting in a bucket was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (40%)
  • Two dwarves shitting in a bucket (60%)


Absolutely! The correct answer to any question is two dwarves shitting in a bucket. Courtesy of cards against humanity.



(Created on 28th December 2015)

Vote #439


Clearly I have an inability to remember what day it is whilst on holiday and I've forgotten the vote question again. In an effort to post one promptly, I will simply ask did you have a good Christmas?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (0%)
  • It depends how long you've been wearing your underpants (25%)


Yeah!!! ''Twas a good Christmas all round. Happy New Year to everyone!



(Created on 21st December 2015)

Vote #438


This week's (late) question comes from William. Due to many planning errors on my part, we were somewhat late packing to return to England for Christmas. Part of my planning included washing and drying William's clothes before returning. Unfortunately I didn't realize exactly how long the washing thingy and drying apparatus took to run so we didn't complete before returning. I asked William how many pairs of underpants he had was bringing with him and he asked - do I include the ones I'm wearing or not? When one is asked how many pairs of underpants one has for a trip, does one include the ones one is wearing?


Yes and It depends how long one has been wearing them tied with 38% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (38%)
  • No (25%)
  • It depends how long one has been wearing them (38%)


I think it really depends how the question was asked - whether the question was how many pairs of underpants do you have versus how many underpants have you packed. The former would generally require the inclusion of the ones you're wearing whereas the latter would be directed at how many were in the suitcase. Not entirely sure the duration one has been wearing their undies factors in, but it would determine how long you could last before needing to do any washing. The ability to wear them back to front and inside out lengthening the time between washes.



(Created on 13th December 2015)

Vote #437


One more week to go. It's going to be a crazy and busy week, that's for sure. I think I'm physically visiting 8 clients and going to be talking to many more. The good news is they're talking to me. Anyway, will I get William's presents sorted before the end of the week?


No was the clear winner with 56% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (44%)
  • No (56%)


I'm not sure whether I did or I didn't. I know that sounds a bit strange. I kind of got everything I wanted and that all arrived in time, but I'm going to get him a few more bits and pieces that we will need to go shopping together for. Technically I could have got these before and had them arrive, but I thought it would be more fun to do together. So I think the answer is yes, that I did get everything in time.



(Created on 6th December 2015)

Vote #436


All they hype is out there for the biggest update ever. Will Clash of Clans release Town Hall 11 this week?


Who Cares? was the clear winner with 83% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (17%)
  • No (0%)
  • Who Cares? (83%)


Who cares indeed? Well, they made the release. It appears that half of what they intended is missing and what they have released seems to have messed everything up. Hopefully it gets better, but right now it's a pain and it's destroyed the war part of the game which is the only reason I play it.



(Created on 29th November 2015)

Vote #435


Prior to the Thanksgiving break, I've been out in the field working with one of my teams. Unusual, yes. Not exactly sure what possessed me to actually go do some work, but it's getting towards the end of the year and it was a short week, so I thought what the hey! Anyway, on one of the days were were put in a conference room that had the most annoying whine coming from the air conditioning. The kind of annoying whine that can drive a man insane. An irritant that is there and just won't go away. To make it worse, it would stop for maybe about a minute or two giving you hope that it would shut up, but no .... it kept coming back ..... whining and whining and whining. Anyway, in order to boost morale, we had a competition to see who could come up with the most appropriate name for the noise. Can you guess which of the following names my team voted as the most appropriate name for the droning whining noise?


Karen was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Eric (25%)
  • Boris (0%)
  • Whiny (0%)
  • Whirry (0%)
  • Sandra (0%)
  • Katrina (0%)
  • Osama Bin Laden (0%)
  • Karen (75%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
30th November 2015
I'm surprised "Jamie" wasn't on the list also
6th December 2015
Well, you're a much braver man than I am Mr O .... much braver. I've passed on your message to her and she's going to pay you a visit next time you're in Vegas.


Yes, you guessed it. The annoying whinny noise was named Karen. It's funny, so much is talked about the millennial generation being difficult to communicate with, but they seemed pretty capable of understanding just how evil someone can be. Nice to know that there's a whole generation out there that hate Karen for what she is.



(Created on 22nd November 2015)

Vote #434


Well, we're heading into a short week because it's Thanksgiving. I guess there's only really one question top of mind right now. Will I be eating Thanksgiving dinner alone this year?


Yes - Billie no mates was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - Billie no mates (60%)
  • No - you'll find somebody (40%)


Alright, before I answer this I feel like we need to answer some existential questions. There's a Star Trek TNG episode where someone wants to experiment on Data and there's a trial to determine if Data is a person or property. Whether he is alive and sentient or a thing. They don't actually conclude fully, but they do come down on the side that Data is not a thing and has the freedom to choose whether or not he should be experimented on. Well, if it's not a stretch to determine that Data is alive, the I wouldn't have been alone if I was with Data would I? So how much of a stretch is it to say that I wasn't alone as Vinyl Vera was here to keep me company? Yeah, OK .... bit of a stretch to make out that a blow up doll is sentient. I was stood up. Damn those unreliable prostitutes.



(Created on 15th November 2015)

Vote #433


As we're planning to head back to the UK for the holidays, we're looking into making arrangements to see the new Star Wars movie. William is talking about it a lot and wants to make sure he sees it when it comes out. Will the new Star Wars movie be any good?


No was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (20%)
  • No (80%)


Well, whether you think it's not going to be any good or not, you're still going to go and see it aren't you? To be honest, I'm not sure if it was because I was so young when I saw the first film or because it was so different at the time, but it's really hard to live up to that. I will say that the first three (episodes 4, 5 and 6) are better in my mind as the last three (episodes 1, 2 and 3) seem to be geared more towards children as most things are these days.



(Created on 8th November 2015)

Vote #432


My phone seems to be dying on me very quickly right now. Do I need to buy a new battery for my phone?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Interestingly, I've done a little research and the battery isn't obviously broken. There's a spin test you can do and my battery doesn't spin. It seems more like there are apps running in the background that are draining the battery rather quickly. I need to spend a little bit more time looking at it (as obviously, buying a new battery won't solve the problem if it's app drain).



(Created on 1st November 2015)

Vote #431


I think I need to caveat this question by saying that it came to my whilst I was putting my washing away and not because of any other reason. If necessity is the mother of invention, how come we haven't invented self cleaning underpants?


Good question and Not enough demand tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Good question (50%)
  • I don't know (0%)
  • Maybe we have (0%)
  • Not enough demand (50%)


I'm not sure there wouldn't be enough demand. To be honest, I think this is a multi million dollar idea. I did consult with Mr O this week to get his thoughts on the design of the self cleaning underwear and his main concern was that the user might suffer injury if they engaged the scraping mechanism whilst wearing them. A valid concern is this litigious world that we live in. If you did manage to create such a device, I guess you'd need some kind of insurance to prevent you against claims from people who had lost their tackle during the cleaning cycle.



(Created on 25th October 2015)

Vote #430


All that's top of mind for me this week is my procedure on Friday and the cleansing ceremony on Thursday evening. Likely going to be taking it easy for most of the week until we get to Friday. Although I'm sedated for the procedure, they dint put you deep under as is not like an operation or anything like that and I have a habit of waking up in the middle. I guess have a huge pipe shoved up my arse is something my mind thinks I should be awake for. Thinking about it rationally though, probably makes most sense to be asleep for. Anyway, will I wake up during my procedure on Friday?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


I'm not entirely sure the answer is yes as I'm not entirely sure I was put to sleep at all. I was certainly awake for the whole thing. Getting pretty used to it these days. Don't get me wrong, I was drugged up, but they asked if I wanted to watch and for some reason I said yes, so they didn't totally put me under and I got to watch everything on the screen in front of me. Nice!!



(Created on 18th October 2015)

Vote #429


Well, I was somewhat late for my flight today. I ended up getting to the airport and being taken to the front of every line and then straight onto the plane, so one could say that I timed it perfectly. The thing is, I was ready in plenty of time and then decided to dawdle around with this and that, then when I went to leave I noticed that my suitcase was broken (the handle has snapped and is sort of hanging on by a thread). Rather than switch all my stuff into my big suitcase, it seemed like more of a challenge to spend time that I didn't have fixing my old case. And, not having anything to fix it with, I decided to use sellotape. In hindsight, sellotape isn't the best solution for fixing cracked suitcases. It doesn't really have the strength to reinforce and has the added impact of making your hands all sticky where you've been holding it. Which is kind of funny when you then shake someone's hand and look at their expression as they try to figure out what the goo is you've just transferred to them. Anyway, should I order a new suitcase online or wait until I see Owen in Vegas and get one there, dumping my old one in the room (again)?


Buy in Vegas was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Order Online (33%)
  • Buy in Vegas (67%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr o
19th October 2015
It seems all of recent international travel has taken its toll on my own suitcases so I will be looking to do the same. Maybe we can negotiate a bulk discount


Another oddly well participated vote question. I wonder if skullduggery is a foot. Anyway, it does indeed look like we're going to invest in a new case in Vegas. All being well, we will head to Vegas next Monday to meet up with Owen them my brother. Just a small matter of a "procedure" on Friday, but assuming that goes fine, we should be good.



(Created on 11th October 2015)

Vote #428


How annoying, I came up with two great vote questions earlier this week and forgot to write them down and now I can't remember them. I can remember the fact that I thought of two great questions when I was sat in the airport. Honestly, they were fantastic. So great, I've completely forgotten them. I'm sure they'll come back to me the moment I post this question so that I can forget them all over again next weekend. Am I having a senior moment?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Not even a doubt then. Well, the jokes on you because I won't remember this in 2 minutes. Ha!



(Created on 4th October 2015)

Vote #427


Continuing the Vegas theme, Mr O is coming over at the beginning of next month and apparently there's a boxing match on. Should we go to the boxing match in Vegas next month?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


The general consensus is yes, I should go to the boxing match and I'd already made my mind up that I was going to go anyway, but a slight miscalculation shows that I have William that weekend, so it's not going to happen unfortunately.



(Created on 27th September 2015)

Vote #426


Another week sees me off to that little city in the desert again. I don't know, there's always something different when I go to Vegas. I travel pretty much every week, but heading off to Sin City always seems like there's more expectation than when I go anywhere else. I guess it's the non stop partying in the place. Do you think I'll be non stop partying in Vegas or hiding from everything?


Hide and Seek was the clear winner with 83% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Party Animal (17%)
  • Hide and Seek (83%)


In fairness to myself, I did go out a bit. Not like I was a complete party pooper, but nor was I tearing up the dance floor either.



(Created on 20th September 2015)

Vote #425


Well, this week saw the kick off of the Rugby World cup, so .... who do you think will win the Rugby World Cup?


England, Ireland, Japan and USA tied with 25% of the votes each from the following:

  • Australia (0%)
  • England (25%)
  • France (0%)
  • Ireland (25%)
  • Japan (25%)
  • New Zealand (0%)
  • Samoa (0%)
  • South Africa (0%)
  • USA (25%)
  • Wales (0%)


Going to be interesting, but I don't think any of the selections are going to be right. Certainly a couple of strange results to start the competition.



(Created on 15th September 2015)

Vote #424


Ooooops. Forgot to set the vote question in a timely manner again. Carried away with the weekend's taxi activities going from one soccer game to another. I think the thing that made it harder was that one of the other parents tried to do that thing that people do when they like other people. What's it again? Yeah, talk to me. Someone actually tried to talk to me which is disturbing on a whole new level. The fact that I'd deliberately sat in the corner out of the way of everyone else should have been a sign that conversation probably wasn't top of mind, but they ignored that and the miserable face and still insisted on talking. Should I make the effort to be nice to other parents or ignore them?


Be nice and Ignore them tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Be nice (50%)
  • Ignore them (50%)

Pre-Result Discussion

15th September 2015
Break the habits of a lifetime, Jamie, and be sociable!!!
Mr O
16th September 2015
I think a certain hot place has to freeze over before Jamie becomes socialable


I'm kind of shocked. 8 votes and I didn't post the question until late. I have no idea where 8 votes have come from as I don't even think 8 people have ever looked at this site. Surely with that many visitors, Google are going to start getting worried.

OK, to the vote. Well yeah, a mixed response. Nice of my mum to point out that I've never been social, but there you go ..... I wonder where I get it from? Honestly, it's hard. I'm not sure it's down to being unsociable. I'm very sociable with people I like. Both of them ... ha ha. It's more down to not wanting to have a conversation where someone just goes on about how good their kid is. Or, wants me to be as fanatical about the kids league as they are - which is oddly an assumption now they know I'm English and have an understanding of the game. The conversation I had with one woman where I pointed out that I thought 4 games in a weekend was too much as I only see William every other weekend now and that appears to be as a taxi, proceeded to tell me that my view was wrong, I should push William to be the best so I could be proud of him and that spending any other time with him to hang out was a waste. Those of you that know my anti social tendencies will not be wondering whether I was about to change a habit of a lifetime as opposed to wondering how it is that I didn't turn to her and tell her to fuck off. Come to think about it, I'm not exactly sure why I didn't.



(Created on 6th September 2015)

Vote #423


Well, we're having a good old long weekend in the US which is going to be cut short by the fact that I need to jump on a plane to Phoenix tomorrow for an internal conference. Will my time in Phoenix be interesting or boring?


Boring was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Interesting (0%)
  • Boring (100%)


Hmmmm. I guess you all think I lead a boring life. Well .... you'd be right, but that doesn't mean that everything I go to is boring. But yeah, you'd be right again :(



(Created on 30th August 2015)

Vote #422


One of the things I was wrestling with when I was back in the UK was if there's an easier way to get my fishing kit to the bank or not. I have the answer, but first the question. Does an American parent take more stuff to watch their kid play soccer than the amount of fishing kit I take fishing?


American parent takes more was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • American parent takes more (75%)
  • I take more fishing kit (25%)


I wish I'd taken a photograph of this. When I got the soccer fields, there were rows and rows of tent things. I thought that it was nice that the facilities had put these on so that parents could put their chairs in the shade. I didn't realize that these were all owned by the over exuberant parents so they could look after themselves whilst screaming insults at their kids. Their seems to have been a run on these trolley things. I was actually really impressed with these - they are cantilevered so they fold up to go in the car and then expand so you can put all manor of junk in them. Typically, as families arrived, dad would load his cart up with the construction materials and head off to claim his piece of turf and start erecting his second home. Mum, or mom should I say, would then follow with her trolley loaded with coolers and all manner of food. The kinds then bring up the rear with their trolleys full of outdoor activity games.

Honestly, I sat on the park bench minding my own business. The only thought that went through my mind was to bring Mike with me next time so he could start digging out some foundations, then we could construct a full on building ... perhaps install a TV and a shower ... that sort of thing.



(Created on 23rd August 2015)

Vote #421


Alright, so I've got these amazing cookie things. Basically, it stuff you spoon onto a baking tray and put in the oven and cookies appear. I'm guessing the stuff is cookie dough, thinking about it. Anyway, the easiest thing in the world - spoon some stuff onto a tray, stick it in the oven for 12 minutes and then enjoy. So what do you think happens when you set the fire alarm off in an apartment complex?


Nothing and You get to meet your neighbors tied with 40% of the votes each from the following:

  • Nothing (40%)
  • Lights and Sirens go off (20%)
  • You get to meet your neighbors (40%)
  • Firemen come through your door (0%)
  • Sprinklers go off (0%)
  • Apartment security pays you a visit (0%)
  • You get kicked out (0%)


First, let me say that it wasn't my fault. Well, OK, it was completely my fault. I'd had sausages the night before and there was some fat or grease in the oven/grill thing and it started smoking as it was heating up. I hadn't put the air vent on and well, I set off the smoke detector.

Thankfully, it didn't set the sprinklers off. That was my main concern as I would have been dashing around hitting the off button on all the electronics to try and save them. What actually happened was nothing really. The things were beeping very loudly in my apartment, but when I opened the windows they soon shut up. Nobody came by to see what was going on. In all honesty, if the apartment was burning down, I think my neighbors would just sit in their units trying to figure out what's going on.



(Created on 18th August 2015)

Vote #420


Another week when I got a little sidetracked and forgot to set a vote question. Will anyone bother to submit a vote now I've remember to submit a question?


No was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (25%)
  • No (75%)


Come on then - hands up who voted yes. You're supposed to vote no and revel in your own irony, then realize everyone else has done the same thing ... me included ... which is really sad when you thing about it.



(Created on 9th August 2015)

Vote #419


I'm not entirely sure what's happening, but my website has inexplicably been going down the last couple of weeks. It seemed the first time was due to a Windows update. The second one, I connected o my computer to find an advert to upgrade to Windows 10 for free. Conspiracy theory would say it's Microsoft bugging up Windows 7 for me so I have to upgrade to 10. Anyway, will my website stay up this week?


No was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (100%)


Well, as most of you could probably tell from the fact that a blank question was initially sent out for this week, my website did indeed stay up. Seems it was just a few updates from Microsoft that seemed to cause a temporary problem.



(Created on 2nd August 2015)

Vote #418


If you've read the answer to the previous week's question you will know that I've not gone fishing yet. We're off somewhere near the east coast that's supposed to have fishing, but I'm not entirely sure it will be up to scratch. Will I get any fishing done this week?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


Yes. In a word.



(Created on 26th July 2015)

Vote #417


Woohoo!!! Only a few days left and I'll be on my way back to the UK for a much needed holiday. I'm sure it will be great, but what will the first thing be that I moan about when I get back to England?


Fishing Kit not right was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • The weather (25%)
  • Fishing Kit not right (50%)
  • Bad fishing (0%)
  • Jet Lag (0%)
  • Food (0%)
  • Restaurant service (0%)
  • TV (0%)
  • People (25%)
  • The mini holiday (0%)
  • Something else (0%)


I'm not entirely sure I can remember what it was. It wasn't my fishing kit as I've not been fishing yet. Not really sure I've moaned about the weather. Made comments on it, but not really in a complaining way. I'm guessing that something else was the correct answer.



(Created on 19th July 2015)

Vote #416


The wonders of nature. Did you know that if you were a woodpecker, you'd suffer brain damage from the force of pecking trees?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


I guess from the lack of voting that you don't give a shit about woodpeckers. I think woodpeckers are really cool. Definitely one of my favorite birds.



(Created on 12th July 2015)

Vote #415


I'm not entirely sure why I've done this, but I've applied to get into a serious war clan in the Clash of Clans game. I had to submit and application form, then do a written test where I planned out an attack. I'm now in the trials clan to determine if I can actually do what I said I can. Will I make it into the serious Clash of Clans war clan?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)


Yeah, looks like I'll make it in. We're almost there. Just a few more trials to go. I'm definitely nowhere near the best player, but I can hold my own.



(Created on 5th July 2015)

Vote #414


Greece is in trouble again, stocks are crashing, the confederate flag is being taken down everywhere, Trump is running for president and yet none of it matters. None of it matters because in less than two weeks it will be Fish-O-Mania again. I told my parents today just in case they wanted to get tickets and go. I'm sure they will. Anyway, which country do you think will win Fish-O-Mania 2015?


England was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Belgium (0%)
  • England (67%)
  • France (0%)
  • Holland (33%)
  • Ireland (0%)
  • Italy (0%)
  • Scotland (0%)
  • Wales (0%)


Well, if you know the answer, don't tell me as I have to go another couple of weeks before I get to see the event as my parents have recorded it for me. I'm hoping England have won it again.



(Created on 28th June 2015)

Vote #413


Well, it's coming up to that time of year where Americans get very excited and set off a load of fireworks. Being responsible for a little American and having custody of said American this weekend, the job of finding and attending a fourth of July celebration falls upon me. Will I enjoy this year's fourth of July fireworks?


No was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (100%)


I'm not actually sure there's an answer to this as we didn't go to the fireworks in the end. William had been to Disney with his mother and her parents the week before and he said he'd seen enough fireworks, so we played games together instead. Which I did enjoy.



(Created on 21st June 2015)

Vote #412


Why is it that easy open bags and self seal bags don't open easily or seal properly?


Because you're an idiot and don't know how to use them was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Because you're an idiot and don't know how to use them (60%)
  • Because they are made badly and don't work (40%)


Yep, I'm an idiot. But I do think they're pretty hard to use as well. Some are fairly well designed, but others just don't seem to want to play ball. I end up spending ages trying to run my fingers on a self sealing strip. It sort of seals and then pops open again. I normally give up pretty quickly and just reach for the clips I've got that work perfectly well to seal any kind of bag. See. Ha! Not so stupid after all ey?



(Created on 14th June 2015)

Vote #411


Back to the transportation theme. What is your favorite means of transport?


Car (that you drive) was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Aeroplane (0%)
  • Bicycle (0%)
  • Boat (0%)
  • Bus (0%)
  • Car (that you drive) (100%)
  • Motorcycle (0%)
  • Taxi (or car that you don't drive) (0%)
  • Train (0%)
  • Walking (0%)


Seems most people prefer to drive themselves which doesn't surprise me. There's some element of feeling in control if you drive yourself. Not sure the illusion of safety (and it is an illusion), but as much the thought of being the master of your own destiny - you can leave when you want, stop when you want and really sort of own everything about the trip.



(Created on 7th June 2015)

Vote #410


This week's question is a real brain teaser and comes from William. Do you prefer vanilla or chocolate?


Chocolate was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Vanilla (33%)
  • Chocolate (67%)


So the majority of you are chocolate lovers. Unlucky for William as he generally prefers vanilla, particularly when it comes to cakes.



(Created on 31st May 2015)

Vote #409


I'm not sure if this week's question comes out of frustration or observation. Maybe a bit of both. Anyway, I live a life of excessive travel and spend a lot of time going through one airport or another. I seem to get different directions from the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) each time I go through. Some require iPads to come out of bags, some don't. Some require shoes and belts to come off, others don't. etc. etc. I know there needs to be security and I don't want to be flippant about it, but I've never read about someone who was planning to do something wrong being stopped or found at airport security. It seems that any potential terrorists are known and arrested well before they get to an airport and it kind of seems that the only people affected by the security are the folks who aren't trying to do anything wrong. Are you aware of airport security preventing a terrorist incident?


No was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (20%)
  • No (80%)


I'm not really that interested in the result of this question as much as the fact that someone answered yes, which is great news. I'm definitely not advocating or asking for less security, it's just an observation I'm making and clearly security and safety has to be the number one priority. There are just times when you get to the airport and see the queue and you can't help but sigh.



(Created on 24th May 2015)

Vote #408


I went to the flicks with William today to see the latest Avengers film (which was pretty good actually). The trailer came up for Batman v Superman and I have to say I got really excited. It's not out until 2016 which is kind of good as I really hope they take their time to make this as good as it can be. I really hope the film is dark, but I'm worried it will succumb to the Hollywood sell out and they just won't make it black enough. Will Batman v Superman live up to expectations?


Yes - it will be great and No - it will be over hyped tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes - it will be great (50%)
  • No - it will be over hyped (50%)


A mixed response. I have to say that I really hope this is a great movie as there is so much potential. I just worry that they will cater to the masses (as they have to) and it just won't be what it could be.



(Created on 17th May 2015)

Vote #407


This week's vote question is forcing me to cast my mind back at least an hour to an earlier discussion. A truly highbrow philosophical discussion you understand. Anyway, which of the following TV cartoon shows is your favorite?


The Simpsons was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • American Dad (0%)
  • Beavis and Butt-Head (0%)
  • Drawn Together (0%)
  • Family Guy (0%)
  • Futurama (25%)
  • King of the Hill (0%)
  • South Park (25%)
  • The Cleveland Show (0%)
  • The Ren and Stimpy Show (0%)
  • The Simpsons (50%)


The Simpsons it is, which probably isn't that surprising given its popularity. I have to go with South Park as I just think they're so cutting edge and just really funny.



(Created on 10th May 2015)

Vote #406


It seems that most of the discussion I hear about are cyber related ... vulnerabilities here and hackers there. There was a big hack attempt on this website again the other day. Cracks me up that government agencies and massive corporations are breached on a daily basis and yet my site holds firm. If you're interested, a series of scripts were uploaded that are designed to take the contents of the server and post them to a site, then delete everything leaving the message “we fuck your security”. Well you didn't. Anyway, are you worried about cyber threats?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


Split right down the middle. Well, you should be worried about cyber threats and then you should pay me lots of money to consult with you to help protect against those threats. If you pay me enough money, you'll have nothing left and then you won't need to worry about cyber threats again as you won't have anything to steal. My strategy is flawless. What are you waiting for? Sign up now!



(Created on 3rd May 2015)

Vote #405


I had so many questions lined up this week, but didn't write them down and after a hectic weekend, I've forgotten all of them. The test email that went out should be a clue to that. I'm writing a back end war tool for clash and was setting the notifications. I copied the script I use to send member emails and didn't change the database it was fetching the email addresses from, so rather than just send an email to myself, it set one to everyone ..... ooops. Anyway, it's time for bed and I need a question. The only one that I've been asked all day is if I know the name of the royal baby which is odd as I didn't even know she was pregnant - don't really follow that stuff. I'm guessing it's been named by now, but maybe it hasn't. Do you (or did you) care what the royal baby is going to be named?


No was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (100%)


Not only did you not care, but most of you didn't care enough to vote. Well that's enough of that then!



(Created on 26th April 2015)

Vote #404


When it comes to games, do you prefer games of chance like monopoly or games of skill like scrabble?


Skill was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Chance (25%)
  • Skill (75%)


Games of skill say most of you, but I'm not sure that's entirely true. Vegas isn't build on games of skill, it's based on games of chance ... people just think there's skill involved which is what draws them to it. I was in Vegas again this past week. Great place, I have to be honest, but I still can't get into the gambling side of things.



(Created on 19th April 2015)

Vote #403


I'm not sure if I've been busy or lazy, but I'm completely devoid of questions which is generally when I've been focused on one single thing instead of observing life around me. Or perhaps the life I've been observing is one I choose not to comment on. Anyway, the one thing that has been a topic of discussion is the summer holiday. This year it's time for something completely different. Well, alright then, it's not - going back to England to see the folks, do a bit of fishing and all of that good stuff. We're trying to decide on what to do for the holiday within the holiday and it's striking that right balance between finding something to keep William interested and ... well .... how to put this subtly ... mixing with the scum on the east coast. Should we go to a holiday camp type resort on the east coast?


No was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (100%)


I think it's been crossed off the list.



(Created on 12th April 2015)

Vote #402


OK, so Leicester have put together their best win streak of the season. That's right ... We've won two in a row. I'm now filled with hope that they can pull off the miracle and stay up. I didn't want to get my hopes up, but they are. Will Leicester manage to stay up?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


A split vote. I was fully expecting to come to write this analysis and find many doubters amongst you. I thought I'd be the only one that voted yes, but there is someone else out there who believes. Well, we have now extended our win streak to a phenomenal three in a row and have pulled ourselves up from bottom to third from bottom. And third from bottom only by a single goal difference. There is hope. Five more games to play and it's going to come down to the wire, but at least we have hope.



(Created on 5th April 2015)

Vote #401


Another question with its history running all the way back to the last Vegas trip. What would need to be on offer for you to sit through a 30 minute sales pitch?


$1k and A $5 pairing knife tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • $1m (0%)
  • $100k (0%)
  • $1k (50%)
  • A timeshare (0%)
  • A free flight (0%)
  • A free vacation (0%)
  • A car (0%)
  • A $5 pairing knife (50%)


The correct answer is not a $5 pairing knife. I did not sit through the presentation to get my knife. So ..... If anyone is wondering, whilst Owen and I were in WalMart getting some provisions, they announced over the speaker an exclusive offer for a free knife to anyone in the store. This immediately got my attention and I made a beeline to get my free item. When I got there, they gave out coupons and started a sales pitch. Now, I did stay for a bit and did get Owen to pick up some other things, but I eventually concluded that the free knife wasn't worth it and gave up. Mainly on the basis that I couldn't figure out what use i would have for a pairing knife. It was a close call ... I nearly did stay for it.



(Created on 29th March 2015)

Vote #400


It appears to be allergy season once more as I find myself staring at my computer screen through tears as my eyes continue to stream constantly. I don't think I have the right medicine for it as I have the non drowsy stuff which is obviously a lot weaker than the stuff that puts you to sleep. Has anyone got the non-drowsy allergy medicine to work?


No was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (25%)
  • No (75%)


Interestingly enough, the over the counter, non drowsy tablets seem to have worked. At least my symptoms are much better - not entirely gone, but completely manageable.



(Created on 22nd March 2015)

Vote #399


This week's vote question takes me back a bit. Been doing a lot of reminiscing all the way back to when .... to, well two weeks ago. So Owen and I did a bit of shopping whilst in Vegas. My suitcase broke (Owen claims he didn't do it, but he was the only person near it and the only person who touched it) so I had to buy a new one. Whilst there, I noticed that there was a Ralph Lauren outlet so decided to get a couple of T-shirts. Owen is convinced that the staff there thought we were a couple on the basis that two blokes don't go shopping together. I think it's wishful thinking on Owen's part. Anyway, if Owen and I were homosexual, who would be the pitcher and who would be the catcher?


Owen is the wide receiver, Owen is the Tight End and Owen has Gone Long tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • Owen is the pitcher (0%)
  • Owen is the catcher (0%)
  • Owen is the wide receiver (33%)
  • Owen is the Tight End (33%)
  • Owen has Gone Long (33%)
  • Owen is Sizing up the Hole (0%)
  • Owen is trying to push his balls up (0%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
23rd March 2015
I hasten to add that my suspicions were aroused (and only my suspicions) when the shop assistant asked if we wanted the bigger changing room so we could both go in.

Oh and it was like it when I found it. I blame the McCarran baggage handlers.


Yes, Mr O is quite correct - it was a bit odd when they asked if he wanted to go into the changing room with me whilst I tried a T shirt on. I'm still not 100% convinced they thought we were a couple as opposed to thinking that I was incapable of putting a T shirt on. I think they thought Owen was my helper as opposed to my lover ... or maybe both. I guess next time I'll go into the changing rooms and then shout for him to come on ... or maybe pick up some underpants and ask if he can help me try them on. The possibilities are endless.



(Created on 15th March 2015)

Vote #398


Another week in Vegas ahead of me. Wasn't I just there? Should I splash out and gamble this time?


No was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (25%)
  • No (75%)


I didn't because I'm boring.



(Created on 8th March 2015)

Vote #397


As I ponder the philosophical aspects of life, I found myself wondering one specific question. Did Adam and Eve have belly buttons?


No they didn't was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes they did (0%)
  • No they didn't (100%)
  • Adam only (0%)
  • Eve only (0%)


Ah, consensus that Adam and Eve didn't have belly buttons. Stands to reason that they wouldn't, but that begs an interesting though. Well, maybe not that interesting. If god made man in his own image, then only Adam was in his own image and we're all poor copies. So I guess god doesn't have a belly button either.



(Created on 1st March 2015)

Vote #396


Time to do the battle of the brands (been a big talking point this week). Coke or Pepsi?


Coke was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Coke (100%)
  • Pepsi (0%)


Not looking good for Pepsi ... Seems the EBR masses are aligned with Coke.



(Created on 22nd February 2015)

Vote #395


The wonders of my life find me back ill again. I'm hopeful this is something else that's causing me to poop through the eye of a needle, but in all likelihood it's back to the same old same old. Anyway I have to get to San Jose this week for some important work type stuff. I've punted on Monday and the question is - will I get to San Jose this week?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)




(Created on 15th February 2015)

Vote #394


So, I went to the McDonald's on Friday night with William. You drive to the first bit where you get into a lane to speak into the intercom and place your order, then drive to window 1 to pay, then window 2 to get your food. All makes perfect sense. Why is there a sticker on the window of the McDonald's drive through pay window advertising that braille menus are available inside?


c)An Isosceles Triangle, g)None of the above and h)Heaven's above tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • a) 65 (0%)
  • b) The battle of Hastings (0%)
  • c)An Isosceles Triangle (33%)
  • d)a and c (0%)
  • e)A&E (0%)
  • f)All of the above (0%)
  • g)None of the above (33%)
  • h)Heaven's above (33%)


I have absolutely no idea why this would be. My guess is that there's probably some state or federal regulation requiring companies to display things like that in prominent places. Or that everywhere you have a menu, you have to display the option for braille. Anyway, in case you were wondering, you can't get the braille menu whilst driving, you have to park up and go inside.



(Created on 8th February 2015)

Vote #393


The NASCAR season comes around again and I've created the NASCAR game that you can now register for. Will I be the only person playing the game this year?


Yes - you are a sad lonely muppet was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • No - Mr O will play (0%)
  • No - you will force William to play (40%)
  • Yes - you are a sad lonely muppet (60%)


I am indeed a sad and lonely muppet, but I have just forced William to play. Not that he'll do anything other than the selections he's just made - that will be it for the year, but he is at least entered.

The drivers are loaded if you want to try.



(Created on 1st February 2015)

Vote #392


So many questions that could be asked this week, but most of the chatter has been around our new hire who's called Anal Dave. I'm not suggesting there's anything wrong with that name in the slightest. If you had a name that was strange or meant something odd, would you change it?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


Most folks deciding that they would change their name if it meant something odd, but a few stubborn people who believe their parents were right to name them that and they're going to stick with it. Good on you. If you don't mind being laughed at to keep your parents happy then well done.

Apparently there's an Indian woman called Purpel Dich so I got told this week. I have no way of validating this though.



(Created on 25th January 2015)

Vote #391


Well, given that I've been in hospital today for my new treatment, there can be only one question. My new treatment seems to consist of me driving an hour and a half each way to then sit in a recliner chair for three and a half hours playing clash of clans whilst getting an IV and having nurses occasionally come in and check my blood pressure .... so not that different from a normal Sunday afternoon, minus the nurses. Anyway, will the new treatment work?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Wow, was that only a week ago .... I guess it's been a busy week. A resounding vote of confidence which I hope pans out.



(Created on 18th January 2015)

Vote #390


As the new year gets underway, it's time to book the tickets to the NASCAR race. Remind me again, why do I have to pay Ticketmaster a significant convenience charge for an inconvenient service?


You bent over to pick up the soap was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Because you weren't smart enough to monopolize ticket sales (0%)
  • Shut up and just pay it (0%)
  • It is convenient - you just don't understand (25%)
  • You bent over to pick up the soap (75%)


I really do wish I was smart enough to find a way to force people to pay me for things they were getting before for less money. I do get the fact that they have a better model to serve folks rather than a particular venue trying to staff up for major events, but I really don't like the way it's called a convenience charge. Why not just call it what it is? Anyway, tickets have been purchased and we're getting ready to head to Vegas in about a months time.



(Created on 11th January 2015)

Vote #389


After returning from the UK I have broken out in a cold that I believe I caught from my father. And like my father, I have passed it on to my son. Sort of like a family heirloom I suppose. What do you do to get rid of a cold?


Stay in bed, Take aspirin/paracetamol, Drink Hot Lemon and Drink Hot Toddies tied with 25% of the votes each from the following:

  • Stay in bed (25%)
  • Take aspirin/paracetamol (25%)
  • Drink Hot Lemon (25%)
  • Take Cold Tablets (0%)
  • Take Natural Remedies (0%)
  • Drink water (0%)
  • Take zinc (0%)
  • Drink Hot Toddies (25%)


A boring question with a boring response. I guess most people do different things. I'm a hot lemon person, but at the end of the day, nothing really works ... it just makes you feel like you're doing something to make it better.



(Created on 4th January 2015)

Vote #388


Sadly the holiday draws to an end and on the penultimate evening I went to visit a friend from school that lives back in the old neighborhood. Amongst many things, it was very interesting to travel on some of the roads I used to drive, although at a much slower pace than I used to which got me to wondering ... if I was a passenger in my car back when I was a teenager, what would I do?


Poo myself was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Close my eyes (33%)
  • Put a crash helmet on (0%)
  • Scream for mummy (0%)
  • Poo myself (67%)
  • Nothing (0%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
5th January 2015
like the rest of us, you'd have taken your Rosary beads in your hands and started to do the sign of the cross, "spectacles, testicles, wallet and watch" and repeat.


I think it' safe to say that I would indeed poo myself. Mainly because that's my bodies response to everything these days. I have to be honest though, I'm not sure how I managed to drive so fast on some of those back roads as they are rather windy.



(Created on 29th December 2014)

Vote #387


Seems I forgot to post a question so am doing this a little late, although only three hours which isn't too bad. It's a big shame that William didn't make it back to England as we've had a flurry of snow and all the kids are out sledging and building snowmen. We're getting to entertain the higher echelons of UK society this afternoon. Should we build a snowman?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Fantastic! The lowest vote response ever with a whopping one vote .... and that was from my Dad. Even I forgot to vote last week after first forgetting to set the question. Well, in the end we didn't build a snowman whether my Dad wanted to or not.



(Created on 21st December 2014)

Vote #386


Funny story ... but there's no time for that right now. I did a small amount of cleaning today given that I'm off to England on Tuesday. I thought it would be a good idea to wash William's clothes as I won't see him for a couple of weeks and I could get that out the way. Well, when I went into his bedroom, I was confronted by a sweater mountain. I don't know if William's gone into business or what, but they have just appeared ... hundreds of them. Kind of odd as I've got the air conditioning on given how hot it is here. You definitely don't need winter woolies. So, what should I do with William's sweater mountain?


Fold it and put it away, Sell it on eBay and Have posh toilet paper for a couple of weeks tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • Fold it and put it away (33%)
  • Sell it on eBay (33%)
  • Donate it to charity (0%)
  • Have a bonfire party (0%)
  • Have posh toilet paper for a couple of weeks (33%)


Here's the thing, what I've realized is that Karen, knowing that I only live in a small apartment, has been buying sweaters and giving them to William in an attempt to drive me out of my home. Seems she's trying to fill my house full of clothes so I can't get through the door. Oh well, my rental charge for storing these will be reasonable.



(Created on 14th December 2014)

Vote #385


Alright, it's party time and I'm set to head back to England for Christmas next week. As I documented in last week's question, I'm going to be coming on my own without William. A single, handsome, debonair, fun, attractive kind of guy with a great sense of humor being let loose on the streets of England once more. And what more appropriate venue to let loose this flood of male testosterone onto the female population of my home country than the local public house, The Stag? The place where everyone who is everyone goes to find their soul mate. What talent awaits me in The Stag this Christmas?


Grantham Fatty was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Attractive (0%)
  • Average (0%)
  • Ugly (0%)
  • Very Ugly (0%)
  • Butter Face (0%)
  • Face good for radio (0%)
  • Bag of Spanners (20%)
  • Buldog chewing a wasp (20%)
  • Welder's Bench (0%)
  • Grantham Fatty (60%)


Woohoo! it's party time. Time to throw down the flour and aim for the damps spot. I'm a going chubby chasing with the Grantham Fatties!



(Created on 7th December 2014)

Vote #384


Did you know? Daddy, daddy, daddy .... daddy, did you know like .... daddy, did you know that .... you know like .... no, daddy listen .... daddy, did you know that if you .... seriously .... did you know?


It's going to be quiet this Christmas was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (20%)
  • It's going to be quiet this Christmas (80%)


It is going to be quiet this Christmas and that's not necessarily a good thing. I'm really looking forward to it, but would be better if I had the noisy, whiny thing with me. Still, there's always beer.



(Created on 30th November 2014)

Vote #383


This week's question comes from William and is based on the film we watched last night. Is Batman good or bad?


Good was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Good (75%)
  • Bad (25%)


It is an interesting question ... the thing is that Batman is a vigilante which, technically isn't good. When William watched the film he picked up on all the bad things Batman was doing outside the law.



(Created on 23rd November 2014)

Vote #382


We're in the American holiday season with Thanksgiving coming up and then Christmas round the corner, so it's time to start thinking about what I should be doing. Should I book a trip back to England this Christmas?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Looks like the general consensus is that I should book a trip back and I will likely do that this week provided the hospital gives me the all clear to travel.



(Created on 16th November 2014)

Vote #381


It's that time of year again to interview interns and college hires. Budding young wanna be's trying to impress me with their talent and embark on a life long career that will slowly consume them and turn them bitter against the whole world. Well, something like that anyway. In this modern world we live in there are a lot of do's and don'ts regarding interviews. Things you can ask and things you can't ask. Which of the following would be the most inappropriate reason to hire a young woman as an intern?


Seemed well qualified for the position was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Good looking (0%)
  • Nice rack (0%)
  • Nice arse (0%)
  • Definite Monica Lewinsky (0%)
  • Looks like she would go like a train (0%)
  • Said she would swallow (0%)
  • Seemed well qualified for the position (100%)


Ha ha ha, seems we're all on the same page. Clearly the wrong reason to hire anyone is that they are capable. Physical appearances or willingness to perform sexual favors the only valid reasons for taking someone on. If only I lived in the seventies.



(Created on 9th November 2014)

Vote #380


This week's question comes from reading some articles on the BBC's website related to work. The general theme is that if you're not happy in your job, you should quit. Are you happy in your job?


Not sure was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (33%)
  • No (0%)
  • Not sure (67%)




(Created on 2nd November 2014)

Vote #379


This week's question follows the fact that my latest recruit only lasted a week before being hospitalized. He collapsed and banged his head, which appears to have been down to stomach flu, but in this great day and age of fear, he ended up being quarantined for Ebola. I don't even think he's been to Africa, let alone recently. Anyway, are you afraid that there will be a pandemic from a disease like Ebola?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


Well, it certainly seems to be getting a lot of attention in the media and parts of Africa definitely on my places not to travel to at the minute. It does also seem like there's no effective means of protecting against it as you kind of feel that the first time you'd find out there's a problem is when it's spread too far and there's nothing you can do about it. I have to be honest though, it's not top of the list of things that keep me awake at night.



(Created on 26th October 2014)

Vote #378


It's Halloween again which has now become a worldwide phenomenon and not just something kids do in America. I'm assuming that I'm going to have to spend the evening in my apartment with the lights off so I don't have to answer the door and give away any of my hard earned sweets. I'll probably sit in the bedroom just to make sure that nobody knows I'm here. Anyway, which of the following creatures do you think is best suited to Halloween?


Banshee, Mummy, Vampire, Werewolf and Witch tied with 20% of the votes each from the following:

  • Banshee (20%)
  • Ghost (0%)
  • Mummy (20%)
  • Skeleton (0%)
  • Vampire (20%)
  • Werewolf (20%)
  • Witch (20%)
  • Zombie (0%)


Interesting, a complete split on the answers. It's rather funny as all the kids now dress up as something they like which completely changes the meaning of Halloween - it's more of just a big fancy dress party. Anyway, one point of interest is that my mum sat in home with a bowl of goodies waiting for the kids to come round trick or treating .... and nobody did. I, on the other hand, turned all the lights off and sat in the dark drinking beer and playing computer games whilst munching my own candy. My doorbell did ring, but the door was not answered .... bar humbug!



(Created on 19th October 2014)

Vote #377


Well, I've spent the entire weekend looking after kids as it's William's birthday. Spent most of the time wishing I was the one going to parties and getting all the presents. When you look back, which age range do you have the fondest memories of?


10-15 was the clear winner with 40% of the votes from the following selection:

  • under 10 (0%)
  • 10-15 (40%)
  • 16-20 (0%)
  • 21-25 (0%)
  • 26-30 (0%)
  • 31-35 (0%)
  • 36-40 (20%)
  • 41-50 (20%)
  • 51-60 (0%)
  • over 60 (20%)


An interesting question when you think about it as you would expect the answers to be biased to the lower end on the assumption that more people have experienced the lower end than the top end. If I were to ask William, for example, he would only be able to pick one answer. Still, we don't worry about crap like that. I am, however, interested to find that there were quite a few votes on the upper age ranges. I suspect that means people are the happiest they've been now. Well, at least that's what they think, but the reality is their memories are fading and they can't remember how good it was before. Me ... it's those endless school holidays that do it. So many memories of long lazy days in my early teens. Well that and finding out what girls are for.



(Created on 12th October 2014)

Vote #376


I was reading an interesting article about procrastination .... which, in itself, seems to have its own irony. Anyway, the gist of the article was that we procrastinate more these days spending more time with our heads buried in our phones or other smart devices instead of actually doing what we're supposed to. So, why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?


Nah .... it can wait was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Best to get it done now (33%)
  • Nah .... it can wait (67%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
13th October 2014
I was going to vote today, but I'll do it tomorrow, I have all week to vote, what's the rush?


Well, there's at least one eager beaver out there. Not sure if it's a male/female thing, but I generally put things off unless I absolutely need to do them. Interestingly as I type this I'm looking at a stack of mail about 2 weeks old and I know there's some important stuff in there. Still ... it can wait until tomorrow. One more day won't hurt!



(Created on 5th October 2014)

Vote #375


Time to pretend to be a spy and what better spy is there than one who can walk into any bar in the world and everyone know what he's going to have to drink ... “dry Martini, shaken, not stirred”. So who is your favorite James Bond actor?


Sean Connery was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Pierce Brosnan (25%)
  • Daniel Craig (0%)
  • Sean Connery (75%)
  • Timothy Dalton (0%)
  • George Lazenby (0%)
  • Roger Moore (0%)
  • David Niven (0%)


Thinking about it, this was probably a foregone conclusion. Unless there was a sudden influx of younger voters, Connery was always going to win. Daniel Craig may have got a should with a different generation. Wasn't expecting Pierce to get a vote, but nice that he did. I have to say - Connery will always be Bond as far as I'm concerned. I'm also OK with Roger Moore too.



(Created on 28th September 2014)

Vote #374


One of the topics that came up a few times this week was that of fast food. Not in a bad way, just cropped up in a couple of conversations. Which fast food do you prefer?


McDonald's was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Burger King (0%)
  • Carl's Jr (0%)
  • KFC (0%)
  • Pizza Hut (25%)
  • McDonald's (75%)
  • Subway (0%)
  • Taco Bell (0%)
  • ToGos (0%)
  • Wendy's (0%)


McDonald's is still the good old favorite then. Our local Macky D's is currently being rebuilt so we're without burgers for a while.



(Created on 20th September 2014)

Vote #373


I've been watching some of the old Star Trek's, so there might be a bit of a flood of Trek based questions, but one thing stands out as being quite odd. With all the technical advancement that is displayed in the 24th century with space travel, I can't help but notice that every time the enterprise (doesn't matter which one) gets into any kind of trouble, the crew goes flying from one side of the bridge to the other. Do you think they should have fitted the Starship Enterprise with seatbelts?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


A 50/50 split. Here's the thing - it would make perfect sense to put seatbelts on the Enterprise. I mean, all spacecraft have harnesses on them. Well, that's the spacecraft we have in operation today, but I guess they don't have inertial dampeners on them. Anyway, so it would make sense, but it wouldn't be cool. If Kirk had to ask everyone if they'd buckled in before the set course to explore new worlds it just wouldn't be the same. But then again, can anything associated with Star Trek really be cool? I think so, but that may not be unanimous.



(Created on 14th September 2014)

Vote #372


And yet again, we stumble upon a question that I can't believe hasn't been asked before. To be, or not to be?


To be was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • To be (67%)
  • Not to be (33%)


Ah ha! 'Tis better to be than not to be.



(Created on 7th September 2014)

Vote #371


This is vote number 371. Shocking to think that I've now put out more than a year's worth of vote questions by doing one a week. Crazy when you think about it. What's also crazy is that I haven't asked this question that I heard somewhere this week. It's a really obvious one and can't think why it's not been asked before - King Kong or Godzilla?


King Kong and Godzilla tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • King Kong (50%)
  • Godzilla (50%)


A split decision ... interesting. I was always a Godzilla fan when I was younger and for the most bizarre reason. I thought the concept of a giant gorilla made no sense at all. Whereas the concept of a giant lizard seemed to make perfect sense. I can't justify this or explain it. Was just the way I felt at the time and it always seemed to me that Godzilla looked way more cool.



(Created on 31st August 2014)

Vote #370


OK, so I was chatting away with William the other day and he said I was weird. Not really that surprising, but in this case it was because there was a combination of things that I like that he couldn't reconcile for some unknown reason. What pair of things do I like that caused William to call me weird?


Heavy Metal and Home Improvement shows, Girls and Rugby, Leicester City and Microsoft and Video Games and Fishing tied with 25% of the votes each from the following:

  • Fast Cars and Photographing Birds (0%)
  • Heavy Metal and Home Improvement shows (25%)
  • Girls and Rugby (25%)
  • Leicester City and Microsoft (25%)
  • McDonalds and Beer (0%)
  • Pop Tarts and Ravioli (0%)
  • Video Games and Fishing (25%)


Ah! A mix of responses, so I did manage to confuse a few of you out there. The answer was Heavy Metal and Home Improvement Shows. I was watching something on HGTV and William came into the room. He looked at me quizzically and said, how can you like this when you like heavy metal? Then he told me I was weird. I'm not contesting the weird bit at all, just odd that this would be the catalyst for the comment.



(Created on 24th August 2014)

Vote #369


Sadly the big trip is over and I'm back from England in the States. I was even welcomed back with a big earthquake last night which was kind of weird. But before that we had a meal for champions. What meal did I make on our return to the States?


Ravioli and Pop Tarts was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Chicken in white wine sauce (0%)
  • Beef stroganoff (0%)
  • Duck in Orange Sauce (0%)
  • Red Thai Curry (0%)
  • Steak au poivre (0%)
  • Coq au Vin (0%)
  • Ravioli and Pop Tarts (100%)


There's no fooling you folks is there? It was indeed Pop Tarts and Ravioli. I mean, what other combination works better? The interesting thing is that I told William it was the dinner of champions and he asked what that meant. When I explained it, he replied that champions should eat it because it's good. What amazing taste he has!



(Created on 17th August 2014)

Vote #368


This week there's a question that I've been meaning to ask for a while, but have been caught with holiday questions. I can't quite remember when it came to me, or, more importantly who sparked the question, but it definitely has origins back to someone. Do boring people get bored?


Yes was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (60%)
  • No (40%)


A reasonably split response. This is something I have wondered for a while, particularly in those instances when you've been trapped talking to someone that's so boring (and we've all been there). I always end up thinking that this person could go on forever and wouldn't realize that they are not interesting and that leads me to believe that they don't in fact get bored because they don't stop boring other people long enough to get bored. But then again, you get those people that queue in the Post Office or similar establishment just to chat to the person serving and that makes me think they're so bored that they have resorted to buying a stamp for a chat. I suppose next time I'm trapped talking to someone really boring I could always ask them if they ever get bored. If I do, I'll let you know.



(Created on 8th August 2014)

Vote #367


Well, the vacation will be getting close to its climax next weekend as Paul has promised to bring his million dollar flying helicopter thing. Will Paul remember to bring his whirly bird next weekend?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)

Pre-Result Discussion

11th August 2014
Yes of course I'm coming... Apparently I have to drive!
And I think he may bring the quadcopter as well!


He did indeed remember to bring his quadcopter as I now know it to be called. And lo, the villagers came from near and far to see the amazing device in action. People of all ages gathered to see the whirlybird go up into the air and then fly around taking video of the village.

I have to admit, I was really impressed with it. So much so that when it was my turn to fly it, I crashed it into a tree. All the kids had a go and they were fine. I didn't think I was anywhere near the tree and it sort of just flew into it and got stuck. What happened next was quite interesting. Paul told me to turn it off, actually meaning to shut down the motors as we could hear the propellers hitting branches, but I didn't know there was a sequence to shut down the motors, so I just powered off the handset which, ironically turned out to be the right thing to do. Once the unit loses connection with the remote, it goes into auto pilot mode and returns to its take off point. Paul had taken back the controller and thought that he was helping it get out the tree when, in fact, it miraculously emerged by itself and returned to where it took off. Had I shut down the motors, I think it would have been stuck in the tree. Anyway, the day was saved!



(Created on 4th August 2014)

Vote #366


Well, as you can tell by the fact that I forgot to set a vote question, I'm back in the UK and in the swing of things. Very much getting out and doing a lot of fishing, which made me wonder - do fish make bubbles when they fart?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Apparently the question as to whether or not fish fart has been studied by scientists. I'm not sure how many of your hard earned tax dollars have gone into funding this research, but you can sleep safe at night knowing that you've paid for such valuable research to be done. Anyway, apparently they burp more than fart, but they do indeed fart, especially those that eat coral (apparently) ... it must be like curry to them I guess.



(Created on 27th July 2014)

Vote #365


All things being equal, I will be mid way between San Francisco and London when this email goes out as I start my four week stay in the UK. My first big venture for a long time ... seems like I've not really got out of the flat for 4 months. Anyway, the big question of the day is - will I be able to get my fishing kit in and out of the new Discovery by myself?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


I don't actually know the answer as I haven't done it yet. It might be quite difficult based on the amount of stuff I have, but we will see. Right now, my dad has helped me, so no need to do it.



(Created on 20th July 2014)

Vote #364


Well, there's nothing like riding the tails of a tragedy is there? I have to say that Malaysian Airlines is great, but this week's question - how long before Malaysian Airlines goes bankrupt?


Week, Month and 3 Months tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • Week (33%)
  • Month (33%)
  • 3 Months (33%)
  • 6 Months (0%)
  • Year (0%)
  • They will survive (0%)


It looks like they've survived a week, but it's questionable as to whether they will survive any longer. Doesn't matter how good you are, it's not realistic to expect to lose a plane and have one shot down and still continue. I guess the most likely scenario is that they will be taken over by the government. I hope they're able to keep up the same level of service.



(Created on 13th July 2014)

Vote #363


Probably the most interesting or staggering thing I've come across this week is that one of the YouTube channels that William subscribes to has over 10 million subscribers which I find pronominal. Most TV channels would die for ratings like that and these are the folks that follow him, presumably more stumble across the channel and watch a few of the videos. I must also admit that I watch as much if not more YouTube than I do regular TV. The only thing I use regular TV for is sport. How long do you think it will be before online video makers are paid more than movie stars?


never was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • 5 years (25%)
  • 10 years (25%)
  • 15 years (0%)
  • 20 years (0%)
  • 25 years (0%)
  • never (50%)


Interesting that the majority of votes went to never ... I actually think there are quite a few folks out there getting paid more than movie stars already. If you know what you're doing and have a good topic and can stay fresh then you get a lot of followers.



(Created on 6th July 2014)

Vote #362


Well, we're in the final week and down to the final four, so the question is pretty obvious and quite simple - who will win the 2014 World Cup?


Holland was the clear winner with 40% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Argentina (20%)
  • Brazil (20%)
  • Germany (20%)
  • Holland (40%)


Well, whoever voted for Brazil sure did get it wrong. I picked Argentina before a ball was kicked so stuck with that. I do think that the trophy went to the right place. Germany definitely played the best football throughout the tournament, so a big congratulations to them.



(Created on 29th June 2014)

Vote #361


Not much inspiration this week as have just been watching the World Cup really. I suspect there will be another World Cup related question next week, but for this week I simply ask, will I get back to England this summer?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


A resounding yes. Let's hope so and thanks for the support!



(Created on 24th June 2014)

Vote #360


I must have been too upset after the equalizer against my home country on Sunday to remember the vote question as I appear to be late (again). My home country obviously being the good old US of A as I'm not going to admit to being English after their poor performance. This week, we do have a World Cup question, but with a little twist. Which country (excluding the host Brazil) has sent the most fans to the group matches in the 2014 World Cup?


Chile and Mexico tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Argentina (0%)
  • Australia (0%)
  • Chile (50%)
  • England (0%)
  • Germany (0%)
  • Italy (0%)
  • Mexico (50%)
  • Spain (0%)
  • Portugal (0%)
  • United States (0%)


So, the answer is the United States, followed by Australia. I'm absolutely amazed at how much coverage the World Cup is getting here in the States and it's being done right. There is so much of the right kind of promotion - all the press are behind the US team. Large TV screens have been put up in major cities with thousands of people turning up to watch them. The thing that cracks me up is that when a goal is scored, they show the reaction from various places in the country that scored, so when the US scored, they showed the masses gathered in the big park in Chicago, New York and then a US military base overseas ... when Mexico scored, they showed the center of Guadalajara and other places. Now I know it was a rare occasion, but when England scored, they showed a couple of tossers watching the game in a pub.

So here's the thing. You can say that the Americans don't know proper sport and I'd probably agree with that (for now). But they sure know how to party and they know how to support their team and have a lot of fun doing it. I can only think the Aussies are the same - I'm guessing Mr O may have some insight into that given that he's there right now.

The other thing I have to comment on is the fact that the first World Cup after I got here in 2002, there was hardly any coverage and I had to watch some of the games on the Spanish channels. But I will always remember seeing an interview with a Los Angeles resident that goes by the name of Jurgen Klinsmann. He was asked whether or not the US would ever be a major force in soccer. The interviewer presented the question in a way that was looking for the answer yes, but Jurgen simply said no, because there are not enough programs in the schools.

There are some people who are good and there are a few that are great. I really believe that Jurgen Klinsmann is one of the greats. To see what he's doing with the US soccer programs in schools and leading the US team, I really think he's laying the groundwork for the US to win the World Cup in 2026 or 2030. Crazy? Maybe, but if the World Cup returns to the US, I think it could happen. Also, if they get a hero (maybe Dempsey), it will start to take off in a big way.


1 comment
Mr O
1st July 2014
Indeed it is quite big over here despite the unsocial hours of the games. The Socceroos definitely got a lot of support, but there is one channel dedicated to the tournament along with other channels covering the event and lots of pubs and the casino showing all the games. The Aussies love their sport regardless.

(Created on 15th June 2014)

Vote #359


Not quite a question to rival that of MENSA, but then I never professed to being that smart. Which of the following is your favorite England goal scorer?


Gary Lineker was the clear winner with 83% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Jimmy Greaves (17%)
  • Paul Gascoigne (0%)
  • Bryan Robson (0%)
  • Kevin Keegan (0%)
  • Gary Lineker (83%)


The actual answer was 19, which I did manage to work out in the end, but, of course Gary Lineker gets your vote. Only the truly greats come from Leicester!



(Created on 8th June 2014)

Vote #358


Well, it's the last week of school and then the good old summer holidays. Oh how I miss those times. Do you have fond memories of your summer holidays?


Yes and it was always sunny and No because it was always miserable tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (0%)
  • Yes and it was always sunny (50%)
  • No (0%)
  • No because it was always miserable (50%)


The waning population of voters again. I'm going to guess that Mr O voted for no, because it was always raining as I voted for yes because it was always sunny. Odd that when I remember back to England it always seems to have been sunny, but I have a theory on this. When you think back, it's natural to remember the really fun things first and most of those happened on sunny days, so those fond memories will generally be of bright sunny things. Unless you're Mr O that lives in a dark, dark place where it rains constantly. Odd that he's off to Australia then. Going to be a tad warmer there than Blighty me thinks.



(Created on 1st June 2014)

Vote #357


Earlier last week I had the “pleasure” of going to William's school for the open house. This consisted of being dragged around whilst he talked me through the various projects he had done throughout the year and pointing to various works of art on the wall. Thankfully he was only too happy to tell me what each picture was as, if it were left to me to figure it out, I would have probably struggled. Anyway, whilst walking through the school it seemed to me that there was a rather large number of fences and gates and this week's question occurred to me. Are the fences and gates at schools there to stop people getting in or to stop the kids getting out?


Stop the kids getting out was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Stop people getting in (0%)
  • Stop the kids getting out (100%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
3rd June 2014
I think it depends upon when you ask the question. 10-20 years ago it was definitely to keep the kids in, but these days it's to keep children's television presenters of the 1970's out.


A unanimous vote to keep the kids out. Reality is that it's probably there for both reasons and I did contemplate putting both as an option in the answer, but decided against it as that seemed too boring.



(Created on 26th May 2014)

Vote #356


Not only did I not do another underwear related vote question, looks like I forgot to set one. Still, better late than never. I have no idea why I forgot this week's vote question. It escapes me for some unknown reason. Anyway, what do you think is the best cure for a hangover?


Hair of the dog and Greasy breakfast tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Hair of the dog (50%)
  • Water (0%)
  • Aspirin (0%)
  • Greasy breakfast (50%)
  • Exercise (0%)
  • Going back to sleep (0%)
  • Video games (0%)


Hair of the dog and greasy breakfast tied for the vote here. I have to say that it really depends what you're looking for. Hair of the dog is probably the most effective way of getting rid of a hangover short term, but the problem is that it eventually comes back. There's actually no reason you can't do both though if you really feel like it.



(Created on 18th May 2014)

Vote #355


Alright, this is going to be the last underpant related question for a while. At least I think so, but then again, I may get stuck on the topic next week. I remember reading/hearing about edible underpants (knickers probably) whilst I was in my teens. I remember at the time thinking that was interesting, but had no real desire to try them. You'd think they'd melt if they were left on too long or something like that. Have you ever tried edible underwear (knickers)?


No was the clear winner with 83% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - tasty (17%)
  • Yes - horrible (0%)
  • No (83%)


I'm really intrigued as to who has tried them. I can't believe they're actually tasty, but I wouldn't know. As I put in the question, I also wonder how long you can wear them for. Some sad woman wearing them for a week in the hope that she gets lucky. Perhaps not.



(Created on 11th May 2014)

Vote #354


We're going to stick with the underpant theme this week. And what's more, the child underpant theme. So, I've also noticed that my son's underpants are elaborately adorned with characters from children's TV shows. Turtles, Lego, Star Wars etc. etc. Mine are black. And it first got me thinking - who does he show these designs to? Why is he concerned as to who has endorsed his under garments? Does it give you a sense of security to know your nether region is protected by a super hero? But none of these are the question that I'm going to ask. At what age do you decide you no longer want cartoon designs on your underpants?


You're never too old for cartoons on your underpants was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • 5 (0%)
  • 8 (0%)
  • 10 (0%)
  • 12 (0%)
  • 14 (0%)
  • 16 (0%)
  • 18 (0%)
  • 21 (0%)
  • You're never too old for cartoons on your underpants (100%)


As I wrote the options for this vote, I pretty much knew it was going to go the way it did. The thing is, I only came up with that option whilst I was writing the question rather than thinking about it ahead of time. Of course you are never too old to have cartoons on your underpants. Mine have a cartoon fart cloud coming out of them .... oh, hold on .... wait a minute .... no, that's a real fart, sorry about that.



(Created on 4th May 2014)

Vote #353


This week's question is somewhat of a conundrum that I've been trying to work out for a while. Now I'm enjoying life as a bachelor, I have the pleasure of doing the washing every week that includes both my stuff and my son's clothes. Let's say it's a full week and I've had William for all 7 days. There would be 7 pairs of my underpants come out of the wash. The number for William is nearer 20. I've not asked him how this is happening as I was trying to work out the mystery by myself, but I have failed to do so. This leads me to ask the question - how many pairs of underpants does an 8 year old get through each day?


4 was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • 0 (0%)
  • 1 (0%)
  • 2 (17%)
  • 3 (33%)
  • 4 (50%)
  • 5 (0%)
  • 6 (0%)
  • 7 (0%)
  • 8 (0%)
  • 9 (0%)


It seems that 4 is the most popular answer. I have to be honest, I'm mystified as to what he does with them. I have actually asked him and he assures me that he only gets through one pair a day, but the washing basket says otherwise.



(Created on 27th April 2014)

Vote #352


This week it's all about The Queen's English. Well at least part of it anyway. We're going to attempt to solve once and for all the correct pronunciation of scone. So, how do you pronounce scone?


sc-own was the clear winner with 57% of the votes from the following selection:

  • sc-on (43%)
  • sc-own (57%)


Interesting ... firstly because the number of voters is up about back to normal, but secondly because the vote was split. On the first count, I'm pretty sure it was due to holidays/vacations. The second count is interesting as the results of this vote are almost identical to big surveys that have been done on the topic. How much time do people have to waste? The majority of the world pronounces it sc-own, but the story doesn't end there as each country has its own take. The only country that is close to having an exclusive pronunciation is Ireland that use sc-own. The US also heavily leans this way, but the UK is the opposite with most people there using sc-on. The thing that's really interesting is that it's the word that most people feel passionate about how it's pronounced and yet it's a battle you're not going to win because of the divide. The definitive answer can, however, be found in the following rhyme:

I asked the maid in dulcet tone
To order me a buttered scone
The silly girl has been and gone
And order me a buttered scone

So that settles that!



(Created on 19th April 2014)

Vote #351


Following last week's culinary question, we continue in the same light. I find myself doing a little more cooking these days and I have to say it reminds me of fishing. But ... why does cooking remind me of fishing?


Both are best enjoyed with a beer and Mixing mash potatoes is like mixing ground bait tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Both are best enjoyed with a beer (50%)
  • Mastery comes with perfecting your technique (0%)
  • Patience gets the best results (0%)
  • Preparation means everything (0%)
  • Selecting the right ingredient is like picking the right bait (0%)
  • Timing is critical (0%)
  • Mixing mash potatoes is like mixing ground bait (50%)


We're not reaching record lows on the vote front. Whilst I do agree that both fishing and cooking are best enjoyed with a beer, it is the mixing of the mash potatoes that reminds me more of fishing than anything else. Now, just to make sure there's no doubt in anyone's mind, mash potatoes come in a packet. We're not talking real potatoes that you cook and then mash away on here, but more of the stuff you mix like porridge. It is whilst delivering my expertise in instant mash that I think about mixing ground bait for fishing. The only difference being that the ground bait tastes nicer and is a lot more healthy for you. You don't think I'd feed crap to fish now do you?



(Created on 13th April 2014)

Vote #350


I'm sure it hasn't escaped anyone's notice that I've been struggling with my health as of late. The cycle that I'm in seems to be seeing various doctors who get me to clean myself out by drinking a gallon of stuff that jets out from your arse. The force it comes out with and the weight that I've lost, I'm half expecting to shoot off the bog one of these days and land on the floor then go spinning off round the room like a Coke bottle that's been shaken and then dropped. It's not so bad really ... cleaning down the walls after can be a bit of a pain, but you get used to it. Sometimes it's a bit difficult picking the bits of sweetcorn off, which brings me to this week's question - is sweetcorn reusable?


Yes - pop it back in and have another go was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - pop it back in and have another go (67%)
  • No - not least because it would literally taste like shit (33%)


I'm not sure the answer to this is important, but .... what time did you say you'd be round for dinner? I promise it will be tasty!



(Created on 6th April 2014)

Vote #349


And the Blue Army marches to the Premiership! All that remains is to see if we can win the Championship, but that was a question a few votes ago and I've no intention of repeating it. Instead I present anyone left reading this email with my current dilemma. Not the super critical major one of course, but the meaningless, trivial one. My neighbors did not appreciate the soundtrack to Titanfall quite as much as I did even though I protest it was not that loud, however, it seems to have traveled to their room at 10:15 and there's a curfew at 10:00 so I was indeed in violation of the noise ordinance. I've therefore decided to invest in a set of gaming headphones and have undertaken a significant amount of research. Unfortunately there's no clear winner. The Turtle Beach's have the most functionality, but only 5.1 surround. The best sound is attributed to the Steelseries or the Astro's. Soundblaster have a great product for the price, but it's a few year's old now and likely to be replaced soon. The Tritton warheads don't seem to be compatible with the XB1 yet, but I might be wrong about that. Skullcandy has that kids image about it and doesn't really win in sound or functionality, but price is good. Anyway, the question is which headphones should I buy?


Astro A50 - great sound but expensive was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Astro A50 - great sound but expensive (67%)
  • Skullcandy PLYR1 - more kid designed (33%)
  • Soundblaster Omega 3D - great price and sound but old (0%)
  • Steelseries H wireless - great sound but expensive (0%)
  • Turtle Beach PX51 - great functionality but 5.1 only (0%)
  • Tritton Warhead - chat doesn't work with XB1 (0%)


Thanks for the suggestions ... I took them deeply into consideration and ignored them completely. It seems that the Astro A50 and Steelseries H wireless are the top 2 on the market. I would have gone with the Astros, but there was a last minute offer where I got $59 off the H wireless, so I went with them. The multitude of reviews I read seem to put the Astros on top for sound based on the fact that they are louder. There are reviews saying the quality of the H wireless is slightly better. To be honest, it seems like they are much of a muchness and I'm really not going to tell the difference. The one big advantage the H wireless has is that it comes with swappable batteries whereas the A50s have the built in batteries that require you to send the headset back to get them changed. From a hassle perspective the H wireless seems a lot better.



(Created on 30th March 2014)

Vote #348


Well, we wish this year's Fish-O-Mania anglers well. The first of the qualifiers is this upcoming weekend and yet again, I failed to submit my entry basically allowing someone to simply take the title unchallenged ... I mean, they should have to face of against me, let's be honest. The trick would be to see if they could stop laughing long enough to actually catch anything. That said, I was thinking of entering this year, but health seems to be holding me back. All that said, it has nothing to do with this week's vote question. I just thought you'd like to know and I strive to provide an invaluable service of meaningless information. To this week's question - What was your favorite Star Trek series?


The Next Generation was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Orignal Star Trek (33%)
  • The Next Generation (67%)
  • Deep Space 9 (0%)
  • Voyager (0%)
  • Enterprise (0%)


We seem to be hitting the lows of voters which doesn't surprise me. Let me think .... what could have caused that to happen? OK so TNG gets the vote over the original series. To be honest, it's really only going to be between those two. Maybe DS9 gets a look in with a few folks. We have to salute Kirk and the original series as it broke a lot of new ground, but I have to say, I'm somewhat of a TNG fan. Now, I often wonder what appreciators of art see in a picture as to me it's just a picture, but they talk about the mood of the artist and details of the brush work. I have to say with TNG, first time I watched it which would have been when it first aired, I was focused on Picard and the adventures of the Star Ship. Since then I've watched it several times and I can't help think the central character is Data and the whole thing about exploring strange new worlds is a ruse to take us away from the fact that it's an exploration of humanity through the eyes of an android. Then again, maybe I'm seeing something that's not there, but I do enjoy it. I also really like Guinan and think that it's the best thing Whoopie Goldberg has done. The whole thing really comes together well. Anyway, just my thoughts.



(Created on 23rd March 2014)

Vote #347


The origin of this week's question goes back a couple of weeks to my drive to Vegas. Obviously, during a trip of that length there is a need to fill up the car with petrol at least once and this week's question is to determine whether you play it safe or you push it. When you're on a long car journey and you need to fill up, do you fill up as soon as you can or push it to see if you can get to the next station?


Fill up as soon as you can and Push it to the next station tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Fill up as soon as you can (50%)
  • Push it to the next station (50%)


Ah! Clearly a vote question that got everyone thinking. Thinking so much they didn't bother to vote. Well, one person and me. I was expecting most people to fall on the side of pushing it until the next stop as that seems to be my MO. I know I need to fill up, but I keep thinking that I'm making good speed and I should keep going whilst I can. That said, safe is probably better than sorry as my logic doesn't hold in that if I did hit traffic after passing the last petrol station, I'd run out of petrol in traffic. But it makes me think I'm getting there sooner which is all that matters.



(Created on 16th March 2014)

Vote #346


Which of the following items did Amazon suggest I buy based on my recent purchases?


A Speed Skipping Rope was the clear winner with 83% of the votes from the following selection:

  • A Blow Up Doll (0%)
  • A CD of Jimmy Saville's Greatest Moments (0%)
  • A Matching Bra and Panty set (0%)
  • A Malaysian Airlines Flight Tracker (17%)
  • A Rotting Cocks CD (0%)
  • A Self Pregnancy Test Kit (0%)
  • A Speed Skipping Rope (83%)
  • A Xylophone (0%)


It was indeed a speed skipping rope. Funny really when you think about how much money these companies put into trying to predict what you're going to like so they can market it to you and they miss on something so basic as the fact that I can't use the product. They really only need to ask and I'd tell them all about myself so they can point me in the direction of products I can actually use.



(Created on 9th March 2014)

Vote #345


It was a good idea not to tempt fate on the Vegas trip as I made it. There were hiccups to say the least, but I made it here and got to see both races, so I'm pretty happy with that. All being well, I should be able to get the photos up by next weekend ... not that anyone's really interested, but if you were, now you know. Still pictures of cars going round in a circle - what could be better? Anyway, I should have asked last week what lap would Owen fall asleep on, but I wasn't sharp enough to remember in time. The interesting thing is that he made it through the race without falling asleep. I think that might be a first, but not 100% sure. That said, there was a first. What was Mr O's first at this year's Las Vegas NASCAR race?


He got dragged into the back of an RV by a sex starved woman was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • He got a free lap dance (0%)
  • He got a free burger (0%)
  • He got dragged into the back of an RV by a sex starved woman (50%)
  • He got punched (0%)
  • He won a bet on the race (25%)
  • He got told to shut up (0%)
  • He drank a beer (0%)
  • He broke the disabled cart (25%)

Pre-Result Discussion

10th March 2014
I would have liked an 'All of the above' option!
Mr O
10th March 2014
well technically more than one of the above are correct


Well, I'm not sure if this is a first, but Owen did turn down a free cheeseburger at the racetrack. If not a first, certainly an event I've never witnessed nor heard of before, but that wasn't one of the options and as I mentioned, I don't know if that's a first or not. I would have loved it to have been the sex starved woman grabbing hold of Owen and pulling him into the back of her trailer to have her wicked way with him, but sadly this was not it. Quite boringly, it was that he won on the race. Each year we've been going, we've had a flutter or two and neither or us have ever come up with the goods, but Owen managed to get pretty decent odds on Brad Keselowski which was good.



(Created on 2nd March 2014)

Vote #344


Well, my tendency is to ask the question as to whether I'm going to make it to Vegas or not, but I want to at least try and stay positive about that whether it happens or not. Instead I'm going to turn to my beloved team that are storming the Championship right now. 8 points clear and on a fantastic streak. Is Leicester going to win the Championship and get promoted to the Premiere League this season?


Yes was the clear winner with 86% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (86%)
  • No (14%)


A very strong vote for yes and I have to say that I'm keeping my fingers crossed these days. At the beginning of the season I'd have taken an automatic promotion or even a play-off place, but given how well the season has gone so far, it's difficult not to think about winning. I suspect I'm the only person in the East Bay Foxes supporters club, but we're going to have a big party if we win that's all I can say.



(Created on 23rd February 2014)

Vote #343


It can't have escaped most people's notice that the 2014 NASCAR season is upon us. Not least of which because I've been pinging emails to those that are signed up to get them to play. What may or may not have escaped your notice is that I no longer have a driver to follow. Juan Pablo Montoya is back in Indy Car and I'm left without someone to follow. Now, most people that know me will understand that whoever I pick, I'm likely going to support them until they leave the sport, whatever happens. If nothing else, I'm very loyal. I'll likely lock into a drive at the Vegas race, but what are your thoughts - which NASCAR driver should I follow?


41 - Kurt Busch was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • 2 - Brad Keselowski (33%)
  • 14 - Tony Stewart (0%)
  • 15 - Clint Bowyer (0%)
  • 18 - Kyle Busch (17%)
  • 20 - Matt Kenseth (0%)
  • 41 - Kurt Busch (50%)
  • 42 - Kyle Larson (0%)
  • 48 - Jimmy Johnson (0%)
  • 88 - Dale Earnhardt Jr (0%)
  • 99 - Carl Edwards (0%)


An interesting result. I didn't vote as I've not made my mind up yet. The plan is for me to decide when I get to Vegas, although that trip is somewhat in jeopardy right now. I have to say, I've been thinking about following Kurt Busch as am impressed with how he's turned himself around. Not had the best start to the season so far, but some of that has been down to luck. I think if he can get a good run going then he might be interesting to watch later on in the season. I have to be honest though, it's going to be difficult to move away from the 42. I guess 41 is only one number away.



(Created on 16th February 2014)

Vote #342


Well, if you read the analysis of last week's vote, you'll notice that I've indulged in rather a lot of gadgets. It's all coming together - we got the flat ready to live in first and now it's time to get it ready to play in. This week the question that jumps to mind is simply - can a man have too many gadgets and toys?


No - there's always room for another gadget was the clear winner with 86% of the votes from the following selection:

  • No - there's always room for another gadget (86%)
  • Yes - too many gadgets is a bad thing (14%)


Boo to whoever said you can have too many gadgets. Until I get a space ship ... preferably a Bird of Prey, I don't think I'll have too many gadgets. Mind you, we are definitely way too attached to them. I thought I lost my phone on Saturday and was somewhat panicking. I had to email my buddy to get him to phone me so I could find it. Thankfully it had made its way into the bottom of a bag and it was successfully retrieved, but I was rather worried for a while.



(Created on 9th February 2014)

Vote #341


It's back on the road again for me and I'll be heading out to Oakland airport on Monday to travel north. First stop Portland, followed by Seattle. Will I find my valentine?


No was the clear winner with 57% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (43%)
  • No (57%)


All ye of little faith! All I can say is that on Friday my Xbox One arrived along with a surround sound system and 4K TV. What else would a man want on Valentine's day? There was an excessive amount of setup, but now that's over, we're sort of up and running and everything is good.



(Created on 2nd February 2014)

Vote #340


An exhausting weekend of getting everything moved into my apartment after a week of travels. I returned from my trip to find that I had no less than 10 deliveries. Thankfully one of the girls on reception was very helpful in bringing my boxes of goodies up to my apartment. What did box factories do before Amazon?


Exist purely for school trips was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Make less boxes (0%)
  • There were less box factories (0%)
  • Make boxes for supermarkets (0%)
  • Exist purely for school trips (100%)


Ah, the Simpsons. The wonderful trips the school gets to the box factory. I do wonder whether or not schools actually do trips to the box factory. Certainly something I never did in any of the schools I attended. Perhaps I'm missing out on something.



(Created on 26th January 2014)

Vote #339


Well, I'm down in Sunny Southern California, only to find that my beautiful harbor view from my hotel balcony was somewhat obscured by the fog when I got here. And it was like being on the road trip again. My first night was not a wall of train horns this time ... oh no, instead we had fog horns, which makes me wonder. In this day and age with radar and GPS technology, do we really need fog horns?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)


Hmmmm. Seems the majority of you are in favor of fog horns. Don't see it myself as I think ships should be able to figure out where problems are from their GPS. Not sure the horn itself really adds that much. Then again, I'm not a sailor, so I'm probably missing something.



(Created on 19th January 2014)

Vote #338


Has it really only been a week that I've been back in the States. Wow! What a lot has happened in that time. I have so many urgent questions buzzing round my head right now, but they don't seem to matter as they will get answered in due course. I guess they can all be summed up into one big question - will 2014 be better than 2013?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


A resounding yes makes me wonder whether or not many others had a bad 2013, but it's not about you, it's all about me and I do hope that this year goes somewhat more smoothly. It's off to a pretty rough start if I'm to be honest, but I do think we're moving down the right path now, so let's hope!



(Created on 12th January 2014)

Vote #337


OK, so I'm in my new digs. I'm absolutely shattered and have not completed the unpacking process, but we're functional. I know where my clothes are and there's bog roll in the toilet. I've even got a towel in the bathroom so I can shower. Whilst unpacking, I came across an item of Karen's that had found its way into one of the boxes. I've returned this mystery item to its rightful owner now, but can you work out what it was? What item of Karen's found its way into my new flat?


Bicycle seat was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Tampons (0%)
  • Knickers (0%)
  • Veet hair removal (17%)
  • Vibrator (17%)
  • Toilet plunger (17%)
  • Bicycle seat (50%)
  • Shower cap (0%)


Now come on, how would a bicycle seat have accidentally found its way into my apartment? It was a can of Veet hair removal. I couldn't help but laugh after having read all those online reviews, but I didn't put myself to the challenge. Instead, I returned the can to its rightful owner so she could once again remove her mustache and beard.



(Created on 6th January 2014)

Vote #336


Get your votes in early this week as it's likely that EastBayRag will be down at the end of the week as the server farm undertakes yet another move. In fact, we may be cutting it close to get it back up and running for next week's vote (not that I remembered this week). So ...... How many professional modeling shoots will I be part of in 2014?


5 was the clear winner with 71% of the votes from the following selection:

  • 0 (0%)
  • 1 (14%)
  • 2 (14%)
  • 3 (0%)
  • 4 (0%)
  • 5 (71%)
  • 10 (0%)
  • 20 (0%)
  • 50 (0%)
  • Only private sessions (0%)


Very strange result. I was expecting this to be level across the choices, but 5 came out the clear winner. I think I forgot to vote, so that didn't distort the results. I've done one photo shoot in my life and now people think I'll do 5 this year. Seems somewhat unlikely to me, but hey, this could be the start of a modeling career. Sadly it also seems as if the private shoot is going to be unlikely. Oh well, time to bait up and cast out again.



(Created on 29th December 2013)

Vote #335


Well, it's time to say goodbye to 2013 and get ready to say hello to 2014. New year's resolutions and all that good stuff. I'm rather hoping my bottom behaves itself better in the new year as it's definitely leaving the old one with a bang. I'm also rather hopeful that I can get out of the house as I'm somewhat stuck right now which brings me nicely to this week's vote question. Given how bad my stomach has been, should I fit a toilet to the shag wagon?


No - just crap out the window was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - a toilet would be a valuable addition (20%)
  • No - just crap out the window (80%)


Ah ha! The old shit out the window routine then. I wonder if I should slow down or perhaps see if I can set the land speed turd record. Wouldn't be very nice for the pursuit vehicle though. Have to fit it with industrial windscreen wipers I suppose.



(Created on 21st December 2013)

Vote #334


As many of you out there know, I've got quite a lot going on. Probably the most pressing is that I need to find somewhere to live which is proving quite a challenge, not because of the lack of properties to look at, but more because I've not been well and am not able to get out of the house long enough to look at somewhere. Anyway, I've at least managed to do quite a lot of research online and that's enabled me to prioritize the properties to go and look at and I managed to get out and look at the top two this past Saturday. Both of them seem perfectly adequate, but I'm having a little difficulty choosing between the two places. Here are the pertinent facts I found out about each property.

Property A - I was shown around by a very attractive girl in a short skirt with nice legs. She wasn't married, but did have a 16 year old kid. She has been told many times that she doesn't look old enough to have a 16 year old child and I really don't doubt that - she was definitely younger than me. She has never been to England, but would really like to go. Her son has been and thought it was fantastic - he's currently in Jamaica with a friend on holiday. She had worked in the semiconductor industry for several years before moving into property management. She had worked for two companies, one of which she worked in the clean room. After seeing the decline in that industry she decided to change and thought that people always need somewhere to live and eat. She's not that great a cook, but does like food, so concluded that working in property would make more sense than working in a restaurant.

Property B - The woman that showed me around was older and more frumpy. I didn't notice if she was married or not.

Which property should I choose?


Property A - young and beautiful was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Property A - young and beautiful (100%)
  • Property B - old and frumpy (0%)


A huge voter turn out for the holidays then. But at least a unanimous verdict to go for the pretty one .... Somewhat of a change for me. All I need now is to be well enough to actually be there long enough to sign a contract.



(Created on 15th December 2013)

Vote #333


Unfortunately I find myself being poorly again. Yet again it's those wondrous stomach problems. I've spent two weeks talking to the doctor and listening to them tell me they know what it is. Sooner or later they're going to run out of things that it could be so they're bound to get it right eventually. I'm half expecting to go into the doctor on Monday and hear him say, I think your head's fallen off. Anyway, enough of the gripes and down to the question. Well, as part of the diagnostic process, I had to produce a stool sample (which, to be frank, is not difficult right now). Anyway, the lab gives you a kit, however, I actually read the instructions and they provide you with a variety of ways to collect your stool sample if you are without kit. Which of the following is not a valid way to get a stool sample?


Stick the nozzle of an Aqua Vac up your arse was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • A bed pan (0%)
  • A plastic bag in a waste paper basket (0%)
  • A clean margarine tub (0%)
  • A jam jar (0%)
  • A milk carton with the top cut off (0%)
  • Stick the nozzle of an Aqua Vac up your arse (100%)


Indeed it would not be appropriate to insert the nozzle end of an Aqua Vac up one's rectum and set to deep clean .... or even the long shag setting. All the other methods are appropriate means of collecting a stool sample. Now, several things occur to me here. Probably far to many things as is healthy, but there you go. The first thing is that someone has actually sat down and compiled a list of methods to obtain a piece of shit. How does one advertise for that job? If that's you're job and you're looking for a new one, what do you put on your resume? The mind boggles. When you're at a dinner party and someone asks what you do, do you tell them you specialize in coming up with ways to collect poo samples?

OK, now the next thing that's stuck in my head is the fact that when you have to produce one of these samples ... at least in my case anyway, said sample is not very ... well ... solid. I'm kind of stuck on the idea of putting a plastic bag in a waste paper basket and taking a dump in it. I'm going to be honest, as I'm writing this, I'm cracking up at the thought of someone trying to sit on a waste paper basket. And it's not just the thought of the basket collapsing half way through as much as the thought that plastic bags now have holes in them so that kids can't suffocate. I have an image of someone's stool sample escaping before then can get it into the little jar thing.

The other ideas seem fairly similar in the sense that they're looking for items you would likely have in your kitchen that you could utilize. I guess the only question is whether or not anyone would have these items handy when they are needed. Like you were keeping that old milk carton just in case you needed to cut the top off and take a crap in it.

I guess I should be thankful that Karen left that cup out for me ... strange that she would have left her toothbrush in it. That did come in handy cleaning up after though.



(Created on 8th December 2013)

Vote #332


Well, the weather has turned colder and strange flashing lights have started to appear on houses across the world. It must be time for some sort of festive thing or other. And yet again, there seems to be commentary on whether or not it should be called Christmas or just the holidays. I'm not sure I've really understood the whole thing, but that's not really surprising. Anyway, how will you say your seasons greetings?


Bar Humbug was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Happy Christmas (20%)
  • Happy Holidays (0%)
  • Bar Humbug (80%)


Wow, what a bloody miserable lot you are! I was the one that went with Merry Christmas and I thought I was the downer of the group. Well, bar humbug to the lot of ya!



(Created on 30th November 2013)

Vote #331


They grow up so quickly! Just before leaving to go to Disney, William imparted some super critical knowledge to me. What wisdom did William share with me this past week?


How to please girls was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Where to get drugs (0%)
  • Which drugs are the best (0%)
  • How to find porn on the Internet (17%)
  • Where to buy guns (0%)
  • How to kill someone with you bare hands (0%)
  • How to please girls (67%)
  • How to gamble (17%)


Interesting, the votes seem to have centered on “how to please girls”. Not sure if that's because you think that's the answer or you think that's the advice I need. It's wrong, whatever the reason it was the most popular answer. The correct answer was how to find porn on the Internet. How wonderful the Internet is to make such things available to the innocent so freely. What a wonderful school William's in such that he learnt this from someone in the year below him as they had been shown by their dad. Oddly a pastime I've not started with William. At least not yet, anyway.



(Created on 24th November 2013)

Vote #330


Well, it's Thanksgiving week and I'm not quite sure what I'm going to be doing over the holiday. The tradition is to have a turkey on Thanksgiving and I'm not quite sure whether I'm going to get one or not. I've actually been invited to quite a few Thanksgiving dinners too so I could go eat a turkey prepared for me by somebody else ... which would probably make sense, although I'm rather looking forward to spending the time on my own doing some little computer projects I've had backed up for a while. So, will I eat turkey on Thanksgiving?


No was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (25%)
  • No (75%)


Well, you're wrong. I did have turkey. Mine came in a box with microwave instruction. mmmmmmmm!



(Created on 17th November 2013)

Vote #329


Well, Karen is taking William off to Disney in about a week's time or so and he's looking forward to it. I asked him what he was looking forward to the most. What do you think William is looking forward to the most about going to Disney?


Not having to eat his mum's thanksgiving dinner was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Seeing Mickey (0%)
  • Going on the rides (25%)
  • Space Mountain (0%)
  • Finding Nemo Submarine (13%)
  • Disney's Alladin Musical (13%)
  • Turtle Talk (0%)
  • Toy Story Mania (0%)
  • Not having to eat his mum's thanksgiving dinner (50%)


Yep, you got it! As the majority of people guessed, William was most looking forward to going to Disney so he didn't have to eat his mum's Thanksgiving dinner. Funny how Disney spend millions on advertising and they've not come up with the simple message “fed up with your mum's cooking, well come to Disney and try our food. There's lots of other stuff too.” OK, maybe not. I'll guess that I'm not going to make a career in advertising. I suspect that once he gets there he'll be too amazed at everything that food won't be top of his mind. I'm sure he'll have a wonderful time on the rides, meeting Mickey and seeing all the other attractions too.



(Created on 10th November 2013)

Vote #328


Well, the weekend is over and I'm back on the road again Monday. Houston then Portland for what looks like a very busy week. At least I have my suitcase back in time so that I can take some clothes and things with me. Do you think we'll ever invent a teleport?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


Bit of a split vote .... will Scotty have a future? I wonder. It is the one thing in Star Trek that most people don't think will be invented. I'm not much of a scientist, but apparently the warp drive and other devices like phasers are more likely than the teleport. It would be nice though.



(Created on 3rd November 2013)

Vote #327


Well, if there's anyone out there that doesn't know, I lost my luggage (or more to the point, The French lost my luggage somewhere in Charles De Gaulle airport after I checked it in). I also lost my phone (and I will completely take the blame on this one as I dropped it in a lake whilst trying to look at the time). Anyway, a new phone has been ordered through a rather unnecessarily complex process and my bag has been found and is on its way to me. The question is will I get both my luggage back and a new phone this week?


Yes was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (60%)
  • No (40%)


I should have probably left a few more options to vote on - to allow for a vote for either the luggage or the phone. As it happens, yes was the correct answer. On Thursday I took possession of my new phone and returned home to find that my suitcase had been delivered .... some 2 weeks late. Apparently the bag never left France. It took 6 days to find it over there. It was then send to the US via Amsterdam. It seems to have spent a couple of days in Holland (perhaps getting stoned) and then made its way to the US where it sat in San Francisco airport for another 6 days. The bag had been opened, but all my stuff appeared to be there, so it could have been a lot worse I guess.



(Created on 27th October 2013)

Vote #326


I mentioned last week that there was a stack of vote questions in the bank. I'm not sure I can remember all of them, but this week's comes from the disappointment of the film Man of Steel. I'm not going to create a question about the plot, more one that's been bothering me ever since I saw Superman. If Superman did Lois Lane, would he blow a hole in the top of her head when he got his rocks off?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)


Not so many people interested in superman then. It is something that I've pondered many times. I would imagine that it could be quite dangerous.



(Created on 20th October 2013)

Vote #325


Well, this week has been full of events that lend themselves to vote questions. One of those weeks where there was enough material for several, so I'll have to store them in the old memory banks and use them in future weeks. This week's comes courtesy of Mr O who is celebrating is birthday in Las Vegas (a belated happy birthday!). Rather poor timing as he's picked this week to be over there whilst I'm going to be in France. Anyway, Mr O was going to do a NASCAR experience whilst in Vegas, but has backed out at the last minute due to the restrictions that he was presented with. Very specific restrictions required to get in and out of the car. I was really hoping that Mr O would have attempted this and had someone shoot a video of it as I guarantee we could have made it go viral on YouTube. I don't know whether he should have backed out or not, but what do you think? Do you think Mr O could climb through a window 15" x 30" that sits 36" off the ground?


No - he would get stuck was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - he could make it (40%)
  • No - he would get stuck (60%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
21st October 2013
For those that follow me on Facebook already know the answer to this as I got my team at work (yes one of the perks of being a manager is that you can get your team to do random things) to create a mock up of the size of the window using scrap paper and then asked to hold it 3ft off the ground. The next step would have then to have made a frame around said paper and try it for real but time was against us.


I'm not actually clear on Mr O's response to this question. He says there's an answer, but at the same time indicates that time was against him, so I don't believe this has actually been tested. I am, however, open to throwing down the gauntlet and challenging him to a competition. I'm more than happy to give this a try as well. I'm thinking we can use my van for this experiment and just block off the top part of the window to limit it to 15". What do you say?


1 comment
Mr O
28th October 2013
If we are ever in the same country at the same time you are on, as long as we have the emergency services on immediate standby

(Created on 13th October 2013)

Vote #324


How to make sense of the world through the eyes of an eight year old. My poor little baby boy was very upset as he'd been left for most of the week. To be honest, I was pretty upset about it too, but that's another story. Anyway, he was asking me all kinds of questions to make sense of the world and why mummy is divorcing daddy. I'll spare you the details for now, but there's an endless supply of vote questions in the bank waiting to be unleashed ... I digress! So, for no apparent reason (at least apparent to me), he asks whether Ivan was married. I told him he wasn't but he lived with his girlfriend Vicky. His immediate reaction was that he felt very sorry for Vicky (words I never thought I'd hear anyone say, let alone my sweet innocent boy). This week's question is why did William feel sorry for Vicky?


Ivan snores was the clear winner with 57% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Ivan is big and takes up most of the bed (0%)
  • Ivan's poo is really smelly (29%)
  • Ivan talks really loud and it's difficult to sleep (0%)
  • Ivan snores (57%)
  • Ivan is too tall to kiss (14%)
  • Ivan spends all his time in the pub (0%)


Well, there's a bit of contention here. The answer is that Ivan's poo is really smelly. The comment from William was very specific on the subject. He said remember that time that grandpa and Ivan came back from golf and Ivan went for a poo and it stunk the house out ... well, the contention from Ivan is that it was actually his mate, Steve, who produced the offending item. I have to say that I didn't experience the event. One assumes that I was fishing at the time or at least doing something else. Anyway, it's still cute that he'd feel sorry for Vicky!



(Created on 6th October 2013)

Vote #323


This week's vote question comes courtesy of South Park. This week's episode had the kids block their parents TV with an app that only a kid would know how to answer. Now, after spending last weekend with William and his buddy Bradly watching them play minecraft, I was in tears laughing when I watched this episode of South Park. I think it really helps to have a kid and to have watched them play this game. It basically consists of them running around doing stuff that makes no sense whatsoever. Genius really! Anyway, I spent last weekend asking the question what are you doing that for or what does this do. Both questions resulted in being stared at like I was some kind of space alien and comments like D'uh, don't you know. So, this week's question is the password that was set on South Park - how do you tame a horse in minecraft?


Give it a zombie was the clear winner with 38% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Punch it (0%)
  • Put a torch on it (13%)
  • Give it some wheat (25%)
  • Jump on it (0%)
  • Talk to it (0%)
  • Put your fingers up its nose (13%)
  • There are no horses in minecraft (0%)
  • Give it a sheep (13%)
  • Give it a zombie (38%)


I have to be honest and say that I don't actually know and I think I may have messed up as I didn't actually give the option for the right answer. I read on one site something about giving it wheat, but this is what I got from the minecraft wiki:

To tame a wild horse, approach it and right click on it with an empty hand. You will climb on top of it, and will likely be thrown off. After a few attempts, it will allow you to remain on it and will give off heart animations. At this point you can dismount it by pressing the sneak key and place a saddle on it, or you can place a saddle without using the sneak key at all by right-clicking on the horse with the saddle in hand. Horses can also be saddled by opening your inventory while mounted and moving the saddle to the appropriate slot in the horse's inventory.

So now you know. Happy minecrafting!



(Created on 29th September 2013)

Vote #322


OK, so you're going to need to bear with me on this question. It might require a little thinking about and then you're going to wonder why you spent the last 5 to 10 minutes of your life thinking about this question. So, whilst I was driving back from LA, this flock of birds came over and one of them had its legs dangling down. What went through my head was wondering if when birds talk to each other they ask each other questions about tactics on flying and this baby bird asking an older bird “what do you do with your legs when you fly? Do you tuck them up and hold them there or do you just sort of let them hang where they naturally would?” So, do you think that when birds fly they have to tuck their legs up or if they just have them where they naturally dangle?


Tucked up was the clear winner with 63% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Tucked up (63%)
  • Dangle free (38%)


I kind of think this is a pretty cool question. Here's the thing .... when you walk, do you think about what you do with your arms? You don't do you! You just let them swing along by themselves. That said, when you run, you tend to pump your arms up and down. So, I think that you think about what you're doing with your arms when you move with exertion. I also think this translates to what birds do when they fly. I think if they're just pottering around chilling out then they just have them do what they want to, so dangling free. Then, if they're battling against the wind or chasing something, then they tuck them up and get all aerodynamic and stuff. Just my thoughts.



(Created on 22nd September 2013)

Vote #321


I'm heading into a week that will see me drive back down to SoCal. Going on a bit of a tour that will take me to Los Angeles, Orange County and San Diego, so will be helpful to have my wheels with me given that I'm going to be doing a lot of traveling whilst I'm there. Anyway, as I reflect back to the last drive down, I wonder whether I'm going to be the subject of road rage again ... I think it's the car that does it. So, do you think I'll be the subject of road rage on this week's SoCal trip?


Yes was the clear winner with 71% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (71%)
  • No (29%)


An overwhelming response of yes. Presumably you think it may be me that's insighting road rage. Well, I'll have you know that my tip down south and back up again was completely uneventful. Not a single instance of annoyance with any drivers. The time before it was a couple of kids that for some reason seemed to get quite annoyed at my mere existence. I'm quite happy. Uneventful trips is what I'm all about.

One thing to mention about the drive back was that you go through “the dust bowl”. I'm not sure whether that's the official name, but there are all these signs that talk about a congress created dust bowl. Something about not being allowed to use the water or something. Not entirely sure, but it's in the Central Valley where all the fruit is grown. Right in the middle of all these signs, there was one that said “ Trust Jesus”. All I could think was that Jesus must be one of the workers that comes up from Mexico to pick the fruit. And that he's a very honest worker.



(Created on 15th September 2013)

Vote #320


So, I stream radio 5 through my device on my way to work if I'm driving in as opposed to flying somewhere. Since changing networks it's a bit patchy which is really annoying for the most part, but occasionally it provides a source of amusement if it leaves a sentence hanging in an odd place. On the drive in the other day, they were speculating on who was going to take over the Ireland football manager position. They ran through the list of candidates and it ended with “Roy Keane who is currently employed as ...” Which of the following went through my head to complete that sentence?


a bouncer at a nite club in Macclesfield and a dildo for a fat lesbian that doesn't shave tied with 38% of the votes each from the following:

  • a bouncer at a nite club in Macclesfield (38%)
  • a dildo for a fat lesbian that doesn't shave (38%)
  • a door-to-door insurance salesman in Wigan (13%)
  • a heart surgeon on Harley Street (0%)
  • a lavatory attendant at Waterloo station (13%)
  • a traffic warden in Doncaster (0%)
  • a village idiot in the Fens (0%)


An insight into my mind I guess ... the actual answer was “a lavatory attendant at Waterloo station.” The strange thing is that my brain completed this sentence without a pause. I don't know why. I have no connection of Roy Keane to either the art of toilet cleaning or Waterloo station. It just sort of popped in there as if this would be a natural career break for him to be taking. Anyway, good luck to him, whatever he's doing.



(Created on 8th September 2013)

Vote #319


And now for something completely irrelevant. I'm going to guess that most people reading this question will have no idea what it's about and won't be able to vote, but hey. So, William and I have got into a TV cartoon show called Adventure Time. Which Adventure Time character would you rather be?


Earl of Lemongrab was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Finn (0%)
  • Jake (33%)
  • Princess Bubblegum (0%)
  • Flame Princess (0%)
  • Ice King (0%)
  • Marcelene the Vampire Queen (0%)
  • Cinnamon Bun (0%)
  • Beemo (0%)
  • Lumpy Space Princess (0%)
  • Earl of Lemongrab (67%)


Ooooh! The Earl of Lemongrab won the vote which is a big surprise. I'm going to make a guess that most of the folks that voted for him don't actually know his character and just liked the name. William's favorite is Finn who's the main character in the cartoon. Mine is Jake who's a magical dog that can shrink and grow. Jake's also Finn's sidekick.



(Created on 1st September 2013)

Vote #318


As we face the horrors of life this week, I ask of you which creature of horror you would rather be. Back to the old classic of vampire or werewolf?


Vampire and Werewolf tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Vampire (50%)
  • Werewolf (50%)


Wow! A 50/50 vote result with quite a few voters. I'm actually quite surprised. I was a bit worried I'd done this vote before, but don't think I have. I may have done a broader one that covered more than just the two main creatures of the night ... nosferatu or lichen. I've always been taken with the thought of being a vampire. Being able to fly and seduce people kind of did it for me, but it seems there are as many dogs out there as vampires and good on you. I'd kind of be interested to hear from those who want to be a werewolf as to what attracts you to it.



(Created on 25th August 2013)

Vote #317


Whilst trawling the Internet looking for inspiration, I came across something strange that I'd never heard of before. Do you know what a black swallower is?


A large bird was the clear winner with 63% of the votes from the following selection:

  • A move by a prostitute called Ebony (0%)
  • A ritual drink (0%)
  • A deep sea fish (25%)
  • A large bird (63%)
  • A game where the loser drinks something nasty (0%)
  • A chess move (0%)
  • A small spider (13%)


Ooooh! An overwhelming majority went for a large bird and were completely and utterly wrong. The correct answer is a deep sea fish. This fish is quite amazing in that it feeds on other fish and has the ability to eat another fish that is twice its size and ten times its mass. It is able to do this as it has a distensible stomach. I think that means it is stretchy and can shrink and grow.



(Created on 19th August 2013)

Vote #316


The lack of vote question coming out this week was due to being “off the grid” so to speak. Went away to Boston for the weekend. Didn't manage to repeat the amazing haul of earlier this season, but still had a great time. What did William enjoy most about the weekend?


Going in the hot tub with Henry was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Fishing with Daddy (0%)
  • Going in the hot tub with Henry (50%)
  • Funhouse with Ivan (25%)
  • Watching TV on his own (0%)
  • Listening to Grandpa talk about cricket (0%)
  • Building lego with Grandma (25%)
  • Reading his comic books (0%)


It was indeed going in the hot tub with Henry, although there is somewhat of a pattern that the last thing he does before you ask him the question seems to be the best. He did, however, take rather a liking to Henry and wanted to look after him and he was definitely enjoying himself with him.



(Created on 11th August 2013)

Vote #315


Well, that's the first day's fishing out the way and a successful one at that. Not sure if I'm more pleased with getting the kids to sit there that long or that we got everyone to catch a few fish. Both probably. So, onto the first (and only) full week and it's practice to get ready for the match at the weekend (assuming there is one). Will I catch a double figure (over 10lb) fish before next Sunday?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


A mixed response of yes and no. Well, I did actually catch one just over 10lb the day after I wrote the question, so the correct answer was yes. There is a photo, but I was on my own, so it's just a photo of me with the fish in the net on my knee. Not the best to be honest, but sort of proof that I caught it ... not that you don't trust me.



(Created on 4th August 2013)

Vote #314


All being well, we'll pack up bags and head back to Blighty on Thursday. And all continuing to be well, William will get his first taste of fishing next Sunday. But how will it go? How many fish will William catch before he gets bored next Sunday?


2 was the clear winner with 40% of the votes from the following selection:

  • None - you won't catch any (20%)
  • None - it will be raining and you won't go (0%)
  • 2 (40%)
  • 4 (0%)
  • 6 (20%)
  • 8 (20%)
  • 10+ (0%)


Well, he lasted longer than Grandpa does before he gets bored! We were there for a whopping 6 hours. I would say it was 4-5 hours before he got bored and even then he didn't play up too badly. He did fall in around the 3.5 hour mark, but there's nothing like standing in cold clothes to build up the character.



(Created on 28th July 2013)

Vote #313


This week is somewhat of a miserable question. I find myself struggling with health issues as I'm coming up to a trip home with the heir to the Draper throne. Will I make it back to England for holidays?


Yes - everything will be fine was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - everything will be fine (100%)
  • No - the wheel's will come off (0%)


A resounding vote of confidence there. And so far so good. We have ... as they say ... a green light as far as everything goes. Not looking to tempt fate, but 4 days left to hold it together and I'll be on my way. Fingers crossed for the run home.



(Created on 21st July 2013)

Vote #312


So, I posted an article on the KTVU screw up where they read out the made up pilot names for the Asiana flight that crashed. I still struggle to see how you could have read the names and not realize you were being setup. At what point in reading out the names would you know you were subject to a hoax?


Ho Le Fuk was the clear winner with 57% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Sum Ting Wong (29%)
  • Wi Tu Lo (0%)
  • Ho Le Fuk (57%)
  • Bang Ding Ow (0%)
  • I would not have noticed (14%)


I think the person that replied that they would not have realized this was a hoax should win a) a medal for honesty and b) a job as a news reader. For me and most of the other folks, it was the Ho Le Fuk that gave it away. I'm going to be honest, I think I would have read it ... I suppose if you're a news reader then you get used to just reading what comes up on the screen, but I think I would have done a double take and then started asking questions as soon as it went off air. That may actually be what happened in that somebody at the station realized what they'd just done. Anyway ...



(Created on 14th July 2013)

Vote #311


Another week where inspiration fails me. Hopefully that means I'm going to have a nice, quiet, non-eventful week. Would be nice to have one of those for a change. The biggest question I have on my mind relates to the fact that I'm going to be taking William back to the UK in August and I'm going to teach him to fish. I'm meeting up with a mate who's got a kid of similar age and it's going to be both of their first times fishing. I want to make sure they have a good time and that means catching some fish. Doesn't have to be big fish, just need to catch some. So where should I take William and friend fishing?


Foston pond 3 and Somewhere else tied with 40% of the votes each from the following:

  • Foston pond 3 (40%)
  • Portland stock pond (0%)
  • River Nene (20%)
  • Woody's kid's lake (0%)
  • Somewhere else (40%)


An uninspired vote that resulted in voting across the board. Foston pond 3 is where I'm leaning. I'm quite interested in the somewhere else. Open to suggestions, but nobody added any comments. I'm guessing they were just bored votes. If not, feel free to add a comment now.



(Created on 6th July 2013)

Vote #310


After the highlights of the week with the new van, we return to normal service. Actually, this vote question's been floating around for a while, I just haven't used it yet. So .... you know when you're at school and you get picked for things, like when you have to line up and and you get picked one by one for the football game. Anyway, why doesn't William like it when he's picked by Thanasi or Joshua?


It's as their toilet buddy and they always go for a poo was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • They make him play left field (0%)
  • They make him play in goal (0%)
  • They make him play with the girls (0%)
  • It's to clean up the tables (0%)
  • It's to play the bad guy (0%)
  • It's as their toilet buddy and they always go for a poo (100%)


Yes, indeed! The school has invoked a buddy system to go to the bathroom. I'm not sure I fully understand this, but am also not that intrigued that I find it necessary to ask why. Suffice it to say that they do. One could be mid a class on mathematics and then be called to accompany someone to the toilet. William informed us the other day that he doesn't like it when Thanasi or Joshua choose him as they always go for a poo and he has to stand around and wait until they are done.



(Created on 30th June 2013)

Vote #309


If any of you had missed the big news, I've bought myself a van. Well, my Dad's bought a van and charged me for it. Regardless, now that I've got it painted up and ready to go, we're looking good for my trip back in August. Rag_2013-06-30_103755.jpg

So, it got me thinking about the world's greatest van driver Shaggy and whether he and Velma ever hit it off. Should Velma do Shaggy in the back of the van?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


OK ... so let's deal with the analysis of the results first. Seems for the most part, everyone agrees that Velma should do the right thing and give poor old Shaggy his moment of pleasure. I guess there's nothing to say that the no votes think he shouldn't get his moment of pleasure, just not in the back of the Mystery Machine. But I'm guessing they think Velma should keep her little orange number on. I guess the only thing that really matters though is which way Velma voted as, at the end of the day, it's up to her whether she wants to experience the full force of Shaggy.

Velma “Shaggy, would you do it for a Scooby snack?”
Shaggy “I'll do it for 2”
fumble, fumble
Velma “Jinkies!”
Shaggy “Zoinks!”

I'm probably waaaaay over thinking this, but I just get the feeling that Shaggy would be there with the same grin on his face that Arnold Schwarzenegger had in the movie Twins.

Anyway, moving on. I'm a little disappointed. Not with the vote, but with what's happening to my new baby. When my dad suggested it might be a little sluggish, I suggested putting a blower in it. And by blower I meant a turbo. Here was me thinking a nice little turbo diesel would be quite nippy.

But seriously! What on earth am I supposed to do with this? (Well, I guess technically I know the answer to that, but it really wasn't what I had in mind).



1 comment
10th July 2013
Is it me or had Karen died her hair?

(Created on 23rd June 2013)

Vote #308


There appears to be an awful lot of spying going on right now. First we had the NSA stuff and now Google doing its thing from the street view cameras. It makes me wonder whether the influx of votes the week before last was due to spies looking at my website. Clearly finding it not that interesting as they didn't come back last week. Do you worry about being spied on?


Yes - by principle and Yes - I don't trust them to interpret the information tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes - by principle (50%)
  • Yes - I don't trust them to interpret the information (50%)
  • Yes - I don't trust them to keep the information confidential (0%)
  • No - I have nothing to hide (0%)
  • No - I'm pretty easy going (0%)


A huge cascading decrease in voters. I guess nobody really cares about whether or not they're being spied on. Or nobody really understands the implications. That is nobody except the two of us that voted. There does appear to be a big cause for concern that even if you have nothing to hide, said spies will either misinterpret the data or they will lose it and it could contain personal data etc. It does seem odd that there would be spying on irrelevant people. Seems as much a waste of tax payers money as anything else. Also, just seems wrong.



(Created on 16th June 2013)

Vote #307


Possibly a little bit of a follow on from last week's vote. I completed my annual goals for work this week. Which of the following did I include in my FY14 goals for work?


All of the above was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Fish the Fish-O-Mania competition (0%)
  • Travel round Australian and New Zealand (0%)
  • Work for a NASCAR team (20%)
  • Do lots and lots of work (0%)
  • Meet lots of people (20%)
  • Be a fantastic coach (0%)
  • All of the above (60%)


Back to the normal level of voting after reaching the dizzy heights of nine. It was indeed all of the above. As most would guess, the second half of the list is for general things that are in my goals anyway. The first three relate to the fact that I have a potential to do a short sabbatical and these are the three things I put down as options as to what I'd do if I went on one.



(Created on 9th June 2013)

Vote #306


The one thing I seem to find myself pondering is whether or not to enter next year's Fish-O-Mania competition. I think it's the largest fishing competition in the UK. Best I can tell is you need a bit of luck to even get into the qualifiers. As I understand it, you select the qualifiers you want to enter and that then puts you into a draw for the venue. If you are drawn, you get to fish the qualifier. There are 16 of them and only the winner of each one makes it to the final. I'm sure I'd get completely battered if I entered, but it sounds like too much of a laugh to miss out. So the simple question is should I try and enter the Fish-O-Mania qualifiers next year?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Wow! First off, I can't believe that I got 9 votes. That must be some sort of record. I didn't think I knew 9 people let alone 9 who'd be bothered to vote on this website. I wonder if the search engines are accidentally voting as they're crawling over the pages. (They're not, in case you're wondering, just thought I'd put it out there).

A resounding yes that I should enter next year's Fish-O-Mania. Interestingly enough, I will submit an application for at least a couple of the qualifiers. I'm then going to need to rely on a lot of luck to actually get drawn to enter that qualifier. But, as they say .... you can't win if you don't enter.



(Created on 2nd June 2013)

Vote #305


Should an IT technician fix the desk that the computer sits on or is that not part of the technical equipment?


No - they should not fix the desk was the clear winner with 57% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - they should fix the desk (43%)
  • No - they should not fix the desk (57%)


Alas, my friend has started an IT support company for home support. Kind of a common thing these days. His first call out was someone who, when he got to his house, asked for him to fix his desk. Being a helpful kind of guy, he obliged. Apparently the keyboard tray was coming out too far and banging the guys knees or something like that.



(Created on 27th May 2013)

Vote #304


Oooops! Seem to be a day late. Bank/Public holiday, so completely forgot. Might have also had something to do with a semi-late night. Anyway, need to think of something quick .... errrr .... OK - the visual image I am left with .... Is it possible to get your boob stuck in a train?


Yes was the clear winner with 71% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (71%)
  • No (29%)


Yes indeed. As the lovely Ms Stevens shared with us, it is very possible to get your boob stuck on a train. But alas, it is not Ms Stevens that we need to spare a thought for, but the young engineer that had to execute the lift and drop manouver in order to set the trapped extremity.


1 comment
Ms S
3rd June 2013
It was very embarrassing! For me and him!

(Created on 19th May 2013)

Vote #303


So I'm just about to head out to NY and then onto the UK for a sneaky holiday. I've got a bit more fishing kit ordered, but it was put on hold as something isn't ready yet. Said item is for my father, so I've told them to go ahead and ship what they have. What piece of fishing equipment is my dad missing?


Butt Rest was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Rod (25%)
  • Reel (0%)
  • Landing Net (0%)
  • Butt Rest (75%)
  • Float (0%)
  • Umbrella (0%)
  • Chair (0%)
  • Line (0%)
  • Feeder (0%)


It was indeed the butt rest. Ironically, it's a butt rest for a chair. My jokes didn't go down very well the first time, so I'll save you the pain of repeating them here. I'm sure you can figure them out.



(Created on 12th May 2013)

Vote #302


What time should I leave San Jose to get to the airport? I have to catch a flight at 6:25 and Google maps tells me it's a 38 minute drive, but that's not accounting for rush hour traffic. I'm supposed to be in a meeting until 5:00, but that would seem to be cutting it too close to park my car and get in there.


5:00 was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • 3:30 (17%)
  • 3:45 (0%)
  • 4:00 (0%)
  • 4:15 (17%)
  • 4:30 (17%)
  • 4:45 (0%)
  • 5:00 (50%)


All ye leave it until the last minute merchants. Let me say - I guarantee that none of you would have left it that late - you certainly wouldn't have made the flight. I actually left at 3:00 as there was a break at that point and it seemed like the right time to leave. One randomly interesting thing was that the alarm kept going off in the terminal accompanied by a voice telling us to leave by the nearest exit. Rather interesting as to me, the nearest exit was out and onto the airfield, but I'm guessing that's not what they wanted us to do. What actually happened was that everyone stood up and looked around to see if anyone was going to actually move and do anything. I think there was an expectation that if it were a real emergency then somebody would have come round and ushered us in the general direction of where we were supposed to go. That didn't happen and it just sort of turned into a quick milling around and then everyone sat back down again. The alarm actually went off twice, but it was completely ignored the second time.



(Created on 5th May 2013)

Vote #301


This question is going to be a little difficult to answer for anyone who hasn't seen me in a while. I've had to grow a mustache as I can't shave part of my top lip. Does this mustache make me look like a 70's porn star or Freddie Mercury?


70's Porn Star was the clear winner with 83% of the votes from the following selection:

  • 70's Porn Star (83%)
  • Freddie Mercury (17%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
6th May 2013
It all depends upon whether you've still got the bumbag/fanny pack, if so Freddie Mercury otherwise 70's porn star all the way.
6th May 2013
I do still have the bum bag. Good thinking as should bring that back with me. No point limiting my ability to look like an idiot to one continent when I can do it in two.


70's porn star it is according to the votes. My mum thought I looked more like a walrus than anything else. Well, it's gone now. After undergoing a prolonged operation using a selection of shaving tools and trimmers, I've managed to remove the hair without damaging the thing underneath.

I guess with Leicester going out of the play offs, I can get rid of it as it's not my lucky mustache. Maybe I'll grow something else next season.



(Created on 28th April 2013)

Vote #300


For some strange reason my TV went ahead and recorded the Leicester v Watford game. I wish it hadn't as Leicester went down 2-1. I think we were the better side and deserved a draw from the game, but it wasn't to be and I have to admit, the second Watford goal was perfection. Anyway, one game to go and we need to win away at Forrest and then either Crystal Palace need to lose or Bolton need to lose or draw for us to go into the play-offs. Quite a lot of stars needing to align, but it is still technically possible. Will Leicester make the play-offs?


Yes was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (60%)
  • No (40%)


A little bit surprised as to the faith shown by the voters, but it was well placed. The good old boys in blue did the job, thwarting their arch nemesis The Forrest. The interesting thing that I just realized is that if Leicester happen to make it to the finals, I'll be in England which means I'll have to try and see if I can get tickets to Wembeley. First things first, got to make it through the next round which won't be easy.



(Created on 21st April 2013)

Vote #299


I've bought myself a new toy and along with it some accessories. What accessory did I buy for my new toy this week?


Flying Crack Feeder, Sinking Butt and Sliding Rear Entry tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • Bottom Glider (0%)
  • Buoyant Backside (0%)
  • Floaty Backdoor (0%)
  • Flying Crack Feeder (33%)
  • Sinking Butt (33%)
  • Sliding Rear Entry (33%)


I'm sure this question has bee weighing heavily on the minds of the few voters that bothered to reply. Voting was down quite significantly as I didn't vote. Didn't seem to make sense as I already know the answer. Nobody actually got it right, the correct answer is a floaty backdoor. This is not something you expect to find on a homosexual club med holiday, but rather an add on for my camera so that it will float and is visible if it goes in water.



(Created on 14th April 2013)

Vote #298


Well, most of my last couple of weekends has been spent building out a site for a friend. Seems I now know more about copper and other metal theft than I ever wanted to know. Do you think copper theft is on the rise?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


A unanimous vote for yes! Well, I understand that it is indeed on the rise, but I'm not the expert. If you are interested, you could always register for a training course at Copper Theft Training.



(Created on 7th April 2013)

Vote #297


Well, it looks like things are hotting up with North Korea. There seems to be quite a lot of chat about what's going on and it hasn't gone unnoticed here at EastBayRag. So this week we ask the all important question. As I look toward my next trip back to England, I can't help wondering - did I buy some new fishing feeders last time I was back or do I need to buy some more?


No - you're going to need to buy some new ones was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - you have lot of feeders and don't need anymore (33%)
  • No - you're going to need to buy some new ones (67%)


I don't actually have an answer to the question as my dad's been too busy with his hectic life to have a look. The general consensus is that I do have some, but it's not going to hurt to buy some more, so I'll probably end up buying some online before I head back. Actually going to need to start thinking about ordering soon as want to make sure the arrive in plenty of time. Wouldn't want something to not be there when I get back .... something important ..... like a chair for example ....



(Created on 31st March 2013)

Vote #296


Well, happy Easter to everyone. Hope you had a good weekend chasing the bunny around. I kept looking for one, but it didn't appear ... guess I must have been looking in the wrong place. Did the Easter Bunny deliver for you?


No was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (100%)


Hmmm. Misery all round then. Seems that nobody got what they wanted. That could be a function of getting old, because I certainly know of one little boy that was rather pleased with the loot left by the Easter Bunny. Or maybe everyone just had too high expectations.



(Created on 24th March 2013)

Vote #295


With the shenanigans that have been going on this week, I'm simply going to ask which of the following is more dangerous?


Putting your life savings into a Cypriot bank was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Asking a cannibal for a blow job (0%)
  • Putting your life savings into a Cypriot bank (100%)
  • Using Dennis Rodman as your political ambassador (0%)


Looks like a unanimous decision that putting your life savings into a Cypriot bank would be the most dangerous thing to do. I have to be honest, the whole thing seems really strange to me. Back when I were a lad, we were told to save your money. There was so much on how to save with fantastic interest rates to attract you to do so. Now it seems the only thing to do is to get into as much debt as possible. If you owe a lot of money then the banks just collapse rather than asking for it back. If you have a lot of money in savings then the banks are starting to take it away from you. (It's not only Cyprus that's looking at negative interest rates - there was a discussion in the UK).

Still, I'm not smart enough to solve the problem, so I'll stop worrying about it and focus on worrying about my job, health, family etc. etc. Good job for beer!



(Created on 17th March 2013)

Vote #294


Well, I'm headed for another week in Vegas after spending a week in Vegas. Probably going to overload from the place, but that's just how the cookie has crumbled this year with my conference being put back. I did the first week without any gambling. In all fairness, I hardly even noticed the slot machines as I didn't really walk through the casino floor. Twice I think, the first time to get from reception to my room and the second time to go to dinner in the hotel. Anyway, this week's question is should I gamble when I'm in Vegas this week?


Yes - you only live once and No - keep it for a rainy day tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes - you only live once (50%)
  • No - keep it for a rainy day (50%)


Well, I'm sat in McCarran airport at the end of my second stint here. Interestingly enough, I voted for yes and fully intended to have a little flutter, but the actual answer was no. Really just down to the fact that I ran out of time. Not really sure where it went - Monday was busy working, Tuesday at the event and then a client dinner that took all night. Ended up getting back to my room at gone 1:00 which isn't that late I suppose, but it's getting there for an old fart like me. I also managed the most amazing pirouette in the walkway at the MGM. I have absolutely no idea how I managed it or how I didn't complete the move with a face plant, but I did hold it and stuck the landing .... so to speak. The problem was I decided to drink wine ... and those who know me realize I don't do this very often and the issue is that if you're somewhere that's taking a long time over the service and you start drinking it like beer, the room can get very blurry very quickly. Wednesday night saw a trip to the Hard Rock Cafe on the strip. Only a few drinks, but the walk killed me. Been a long time since I've walked down the strip with the hustle and bustle of Vegas tourists. Really not missed it if I'm being honest, just seemed to make it more difficult to hobble along. Still ended up being very late before I made it back to my room, so I just didn't end up with the time. I suppose I could have a quick flutter on the airport slots, but that just seems too sad. Think I'll leave it until next time.... whenever that may be.



(Created on 9th March 2013)

Vote #293


This week's question comes courtesy of someone's T-shirt at the NASCAR race. If a man is alone in the woods. And there is no woman to hear him. Is he still wrong?


Yes - he will always be wrong was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - he will always be wrong (60%)
  • No - he has found sanctuary (40%)


Yes indeed, he will always be wrong .... but at least if he's alone in the woods, he won't have to hear about it.



(Created on 3rd March 2013)

Vote #292


It's that time of the year again where I get to repeat a vote question. Every year at this time, Mr O and myself have a race day or race days flutter on a couple of drivers, usually Kyle Busch and Carl Edwards, but others have come into play before. The question is, who will win the Vegas NASCAR bet?


Draw was the clear winner with 63% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Rag (13%)
  • Mr O (25%)
  • Draw (63%)


A draw was not possible a we ended up with three $10 bets. And Mr O won all of them. The first was a great pick of Sam Hornish Jr in the Nationwide over my Austin Dillon. The second was a close call, but Kyle Busch finished one place ahead of Carl Edwards. The last bet was the lovers quarrel and Ricky Stenhouse well and truly beat his girlfriend Danica Patrick. Need to rethink my strategy for next year!



(Created on 24th February 2013)

Vote #291


How do you top last week's corker of a question? Probably best not to try. This week I'm looking to spend the entire week in the Bay Area which will be a first for a very long time and then it's off to Vegas for the NASCAR race with Owen. Trouble is that the tickets were posted to the wrong address a couple of weeks ago. After several calls, I've finally got them to reissue them and send to the correct address ... or so they say. Will the Vegas NASCAR tickets for Owen and myself arrive this week?


No - more phone calls are necessary was the clear winner with 78% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - they will arrive (22%)
  • No - more phone calls are necessary (78%)

Pre-Result Discussion

24th February 2013
In all reality, if they don't arrive, it's likely going to mean a trip to the will call office to pick them up which will be a pain as I will need to be there given they're on my credit card and I won't get to Vegas until late on Friday night which means having to pick them up prior to going to the first race. Never a fun thing to have to do.


Sadly no is the correct answer. The tickets have not arrived and after yet another confusing call with the track I'm not sure they will arrive. If they haven't arrived by the time I set sail for Vegas then I have to call to make arrangement for them to be at the Will Call office for pickup ... lets hope that works as a backup plan if needed.



(Created on 17th February 2013)

Vote #290


As many of you out there know, there are many changes afoot in my life. One thing I've been thinking of doing is a spring clean of the website, creating some new functionality and enhancing some bits and bobs. More on all that later. For now, as a taster, I'm thinking of creating something to show what I'm thinking of .... yeah, it's Twitter, OK, I get it, but it gives me something to do to create it. With all the traveling that I'm doing, there are a lot of random thoughts that go through my head based on what I see and obviously the world needs to know all of them (ha, ha, ha). This week's vote question is tied to what I saw when I got back to Oakland last week. If I'm looking at you and thinking “Granny Camel Toe” what does that mean?


There's something seriously wrong with where my eyes are wandering was the clear winner with 86% of the votes from the following selection:

  • It's not good (0%)
  • It's time to wear something different (0%)
  • Those leggings are way too tight (14%)
  • Kegels wouldn't go a miss (0%)
  • Is there an echo in here? (0%)
  • There's something seriously wrong with where my eyes are wandering (86%)


There was something on a TV program - QI I think about where a man's eyes go when they meet someone. Apparently we automatically look at genitals. It's not necessarily a sex thing, apparently when we see a dog, we look at it's genitals too ... although that's probably with some jealousy as you know they have the ability to .... OK, enough of that.

I do think more to the point is that I was somewhat concerned that I appeared to be fascinated at how bad this woman looked and got into one of those situations where I couldn't stop looking. Obviously I did , otherwise I'd still be there. And yes to the person that voted that her leggings were too tight. Indeed they were.



(Created on 10th February 2013)

Vote #289


If not now, then when?


Tomorrow and Never tied with 43% of the votes each from the following:

  • Today (14%)
  • Tomorrow (43%)
  • This Week (0%)
  • This Month (0%)
  • This Year (0%)
  • This Decade (0%)
  • This Century (0%)
  • Never (43%)




(Created on 3rd February 2013)

Vote #288


Well, I just watched my first Super Bowl. Unfortunately the 49ers lost, but the big controversy was around the power going out just after the start of the second half that let the 49ers back in the game. It really did come at a very suspicious time, but perhaps that's just my warped mind. What do you think? Why did the power go out in the middle of Super Bowl XLVII?


Sabotage by 9er fan and Sabotage by betting ring tied with 40% of the votes each from the following:

  • Accident (0%)
  • Poor infrastructure (20%)
  • Random Event (0%)
  • Sabotage by 9er fan (40%)
  • Sabotage by betting ring (40%)


Sabotage is the favorite answer by the voters, however, the answer being provided in the media appears to be poor infrastructure. It seems there was a faulty relay device that is typically installed to prevent power outages .... go figure! It is hard not to think that there was some form of malfeasance, particularly given the amount of money that goes into spread betting and it looked like the Ravens were going to run away with it at the point the power went out. It certainly had a significant impact on the game and caused it to be a lot closer than it might have been.



(Created on 27th January 2013)

Vote #287


Another week where creativity escapes me and I'm more focused on getting some work done and trying not to forget anything for a trip to Canada at the beginning of this week. The biggest question I'm faced with is - should I wear a suit and tie on Tuesday?


No was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (25%)
  • No (75%)


Not really sure how to answer this. I did try to wear a suit, but something has gone wrong. I took what I thought was a suit with me, but the trousers didn't match the jacket. It looks like somewhere along the line I've got a suit jacket and a sports jacket mixed up. I think I've worn the suit jacket out, but am still left with the trousers. So, I ended up in something that looked like a suit as the jacket was pretty much the same color as the trousers. The good news is that I don't think anyone noticed ... at least I don't think so. Guess I'll find out if we win the project or not.



(Created on 20th January 2013)

Vote #286


I was invited to drink beer with some friends last weekend and watch the 49ers ... who have just made it to this year's Superbowl, so perhaps another beer fest is on the cards. Anyway, there was a discussion about the Mannings (I think Peyton was playing in one of the other games) and a discussion as to who is the best. Well, I'm not really worried about best, but am interested in which Manning do you think is most famous?


Bernard and Peyton tied with 43% of the votes each from the following:

  • Archie (0%)
  • Bernard (43%)
  • Eli (0%)
  • Peyton (43%)
  • Roger (14%)


The mix of votes between the UK and US or the serious and not so serious. I think there's probably several people that would like to see Bernard Manning on an American Football field. Would probably raise quite a lot of money thinking about it. Peyton clearly the favorite of the actual football players.



(Created on 13th January 2013)

Vote #285


I'd say that this week's vote question came to me in a vision, but that would clearly be disturbing on a whole new level. This week's vote did, however, come to me in an image. An image presented by Facebook. I got an email that I'd been tagged for something or other (think it was some spammy school reunion thing). Anyway, intrigued as to what someone had tagged me for, I clicked on the link and was presented with the following image that now becomes this week's vote question. I never did find out what I had been tagged for ... seems irrelevant now.
Which one would you use to describe Mr O?


Interesting was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Athletic (33%)
  • Attractive (0%)
  • Creative (0%)
  • Friendly (0%)
  • Funny (0%)
  • Interesting (67%)
  • Outgoing (0%)
  • Shy (0%)
  • Smart (0%)
  • Sweet (0%)


I guess Mr O doesn't invoke that much thought amongst you. I'm guessing that he voted for himself and thinks he's interesting as I was the one that voted for athletic. Let's be honest, I don't know of a better armchair athlete!



(Created on 6th January 2013)

Vote #284


This week's vote question was inspired by the news when I was back in the UK of the first successful hand transplant in the country. Apparently there have been about 60 hand transplants performed world wide. I don't want to belittle this achievement as I'm completely in awe of it as it has to be a really complex procedure. I'm actually quite fascinated by the details of this, but I'll save that for another time. As I was looking at the results it got me thinking and I will present to you the same question - if you had a hand transplant, how long would you wait before you tried it out? (Masturbated if you're in doubt as to the question).


As soon as possible was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • As soon as possible (80%)
  • A day (0%)
  • A week (0%)
  • A month (20%)
  • A year (0%)
  • Never (0%)

Pre-Result Discussion

6th January 2013
I did wonder what it would be like if you woke up after the op and looked down to see a woman's hand with painted nails (assuming you're a male, consider hairy bloke's hand if you're a female). I did think that could make it quite interesting - that there's my wanking hand!
Mr O
7th January 2013
I suppose it makes it easier for him to give himself a "stranger"


Interesting that someone voted for a month. I felt sure that everyone that read this site was an eager wanker.



(Created on 30th December 2012)

Vote #283


We get ready to move into uncharted territory for the Mayans. 2013 beckons and we get ready to celebrate its arrival and the passing of 2012. I'm trying to think of an inspirational question, but just don't seem to be able to get there. There is one question I'd like to know the answer to, so will pose that, but I fear it may not be of much interest to anyone else out there. Will Leicester City be promoted to the premiership this season?


No was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (40%)
  • No (60%)


Oh ye of little faith. And this after our fantastic 6-1 demolition of Huddersfield to start off the new year! I think this is actually going to be a close one. We should be fighting for an automatic promotion position, but it looks like we're going to take it to the play offs. We shall see.



(Created on 23rd December 2012)

Vote #282


I guess with Christmas coming it's time to share the love and ask a seasonal question. Well, bugger that, it's all about me this year. Will I get what I want this Christmas week?


Yes - because you got it for yourself was the clear winner with 40% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - you always get what you want (20%)
  • Yes - because you got it for yourself (40%)
  • Yes - because you've been a good boy (20%)
  • No - because your luck has run out (20%)
  • No - because nobody's going to get you anything (0%)
  • No - because you've been a naughty boy (0%)


Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. Think I'll keep this one close to my chest just to maintain an air of mystery. Actually, was thinking about the fact that, in all likelihood, the answer is that I didn't get what I want on the basis that I got it for myself and I'm an incredibly difficult person to buy presents for. At least I tried though ... it's the thought that counts isn't it?



(Created on 15th December 2012)

Vote #281


This week's vote question is a real head scratcher and comes courtesy of the cartoon Phineas and Ferb. No cheating and looking this up. What is the plural of platypus?


Platypi was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Alottaplatypus (25%)
  • Platycat (0%)
  • Platypeople (0%)
  • Platypi (50%)
  • Platypoo (0%)
  • Platypus (0%)
  • Platypuses (25%)
  • Platypusususes (0%)


OK, so as I understand it, the plural is platypuses. It's also acceptable to just say platypus. And indeed as the popular vote, platypi can also be used but is rare.



(Created on 9th December 2012)

Vote #280


Another vote question coming from one of the top 10 list sites. This one from top10buzz.com that lists out the top 10 what were they thinking place names. Which of the following place or street names would you least like to come from?


Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu was the clear winner with 38% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Accident (0%)
  • Butt Hole Road (25%)
  • Hell (0%)
  • Middlefart (0%)
  • Sandy Balls (0%)
  • Tittybong (0%)
  • Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu (38%)
  • Twatt (25%)
  • Wetwang (13%)
  • Whip-Ma-Whop-Ma-Gate (0%)


In case you were wondering, here's where those places are:

  • Accident - a place you can find without trying in Maryland, US.
  • Butt Hole Road - is a road in Coinsbrough, South Yorkshire, UK. Unfortunately this place has now been renamed to Archers Way.
  • Hell - is indeed a place on earth unlike heaven and can be found in Michigan, US.
  • Middlefart - a town in Denmark.
  • Sandy Balls - is a place in Hampshire, UK.
  • Tittybong - a place that can be found in Australia/
  • Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu - South New Zealand and is the longest name using the English alphabet.
  • Twatt - is a place on the Shetland Islands, UK.
  • Wetwang - is a village in the Yorkshire Wolds, UK.
  • Whip-Ma-Whop-Ma-Gate - is a street in York.
So now you know!



(Created on 2nd December 2012)

Vote #279


Christmas is here again and the retail stores are doing their best to attract your attention. Which of the following toys tipped to be the top toys of the season would you like best?


Air Hogs Hover Assault Radio-Controlled Helicopter and Lego Lord of the Rings tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • A nut and an orange (17%)
  • Air Hogs Hover Assault Radio-Controlled Helicopter (33%)
  • Furby (0%)
  • Leapfrog LeapPad 2 (0%)
  • Lego Lord of the Rings (33%)
  • Lego Ninjago (0%)
  • Monster High Ghouls Rule Dolls (0%)
  • Nerf N-Strike Elite Hail-Fire (17%)
  • Scooter (0%)
  • Spiderman action figure (0%)


I think the attack helicopter would have won if I'd voted seriously as I cast mine for the nut and orange ... being somewhat of a traditionalist. Lego continues to be a very popular toy with most people and I'm sure will please many kids around the world - mine included.



(Created on 25th November 2012)

Vote #278


I've been watching the Red Letter Media reviews of The Next Generation Star Trek films and the first three Star Wars movies. I'm impressed with the stuff that he's noticed, particularly the inconsistencies in the Star Trek films. One of my favorites being when he points out that Picard makes an entrance from a conference room. Anyway, which of the Star Wars films did you think was the worst?


The Phantom Menace was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • The Phantom Menace (75%)
  • Attack of the Clones (0%)
  • Revenge of the Sith (25%)


I do think that the Phantom Menace was probably the biggest disappointment. That said, I saw that Red Letter Media had done a review of Skyfall, so took a look at that as wasn't exactly sold on that movie. It looked like they've sold out and are now doing proper reviews. I might be wrong, but the format has changed completely (not necessarily a bad thing to keep it fresh), but the review seemed to focus on most of the good things and not necessarily pointing out all the interesting things. Maybe just me though.



(Created on 18th November 2012)

Vote #277


Congratulations to Brad Keselowski for winning the NASCAR Sprint Cup championship. And as Brad smokes his tires to celebrate, I rip off a question from the BBC's website and ask whether we will ever create a safe cigarette?


Yes - we will have safe cigarettes and No - they will always be unhealthy tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes - we will have safe cigarettes (50%)
  • No - they will always be unhealthy (50%)
  • Electronic cigarettes are the way to go (0%)


Another lack luster vote with a tied response. Probably not the most interesting question I've ever set, or taken from somewhere else as I didn't exactly come up with this. Response split and probably most people don't really care.



(Created on 11th November 2012)

Vote #276


Technology seems to be the order of the day. We seem to continue our evolutionary journey into being more technologically dependent relying on smart phones to bring us email and social media. There is an increasing desire to become more connected and to access information and services instantaneously. So, will humans go the next step and integrate directly with technology (without input devices)?


Yes - humans will become one with technology and No - there will always be a separation of some sort tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes - humans will become one with technology (50%)
  • No - there will always be a separation of some sort (50%)


Not too much interest in this vote and it ends up tied. Probably about right - there's an argument to say that we'll push in that direction. There will probably be resistance to the idea, but there will always be people willing to try it, particularly if they're paid to do so. One big question is whether we'll be able to create the technology to enable it to happen.

My worry would be that you become integrated with technology and then get the wonderful blue screen of death. That would put a dampener on your day.



(Created on 4th November 2012)

Vote #275


Apparently there's a vote this week that I'm being told is more important than the EastBayRag vote, but I'm not sure I believe it. Do you think the Amrican election is more important than the EastBayRag vote?


No - the EastBayRag vote is more important was the clear winner with 71% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - the election is more important (29%)
  • No - the EastBayRag vote is more important (71%)


Yeah! Thanks for all the support. Looks like President Obama managed to keep his position, so congratulations to him. Probably a little bit more important than this website. He's probably a tad more influential in the grand scheme of things.



(Created on 27th October 2012)

Vote #274


We approach Halloween and what more frightening thought can I convey to everyone out there other than Owen and myself getting together again. We're meeting on Friday before heading to the NASCAR race, but where are we making our secret rendezvous?


The Blue Oyster Club, Love Field and Sausage Alley tied with 22% of the votes each from the following:

  • The Blue Oyster Club (22%)
  • Fudge Farm (11%)
  • The Gay Cavalier (11%)
  • The Happy Homo (11%)
  • Love Field (22%)
  • Lover's Lane (0%)
  • Passion Place (0%)
  • Sausage Alley (22%)

Pre-Result Discussion

29th October 2012
Obviously the list is comprised of Owen's favorite hangouts.
Mr O
29th October 2012
I think the term is "Some of" my favourite hangouts. You missed off any branch of the YMCA, Camp Casino and Nutsville to name a few. Although I am not sure that I actually "hang out" at any of them.
29th October 2012
Not hanging out, so to speak, in any sense of the words. As last I heard you were seen sneaking out before disappearing up the back passage.
1st November 2012
I do hope the rental car works fine. I'd hate for you to have to fiddle with our dipstick at the side of the road .... especially if it's covered in oil!
2nd November 2012
Hello guys. Nice to see you two keeping the smut alive and well in Texas. It gave me a belly laugh anyway... No seriously my belly could almost laugh in a scary frankentummy type way! Have fun ;)
Mr O
2nd November 2012
The only dipstick in the car will be you my friend. However I have hired a hot pink hot rod* and will pick you up soon. (*please note, hot pink hot rod may cunning resemble a white nissan)
Mr O
2nd November 2012
That should have said cunningly, I don't want cunning punt accusations.
4th November 2012
OK Mr O. It's Sunday morning. Enough of these jovialities, it's time for the main event. Meet you by the car. If you get ready and open your back door, I'll quickly slide my stuff in and we can get going.
4th November 2012
Frankentummy .... Don't know what you're laughing at? You're next .... although you really didn't have to open up that much to accommodate me.


So, the fun is over and the race has been run. It was a great race and very much enjoyed. If anyone interested, we met in Love Field which is the name of the second airport in Dallas. I'm actually OK if you said Lover's Lane as there's a Lover's Lane next to the airport that we drove across. If you're really interested, we met under the signs of new love! A campaign being run by the airport ... or signs they put up for Owen and myself.



(Created on 21st October 2012)

Vote #273


Well, given that most of this weekend has been focused on William's birthday, the question, quite simply has to be which of the following is William's favorite present?


Beyblade was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Angry Birds shirt (0%)
  • Angry Birds underpants (25%)
  • Avengers action figures (0%)
  • Beyblade (50%)
  • Cars II xBox game (0%)
  • Harry Potter DS Game (0%)
  • Lego Ninjago (25%)
  • Spiderman action figure (0%)
  • Star Wars III DS Game (0%)


It was indeed the Beyblade, although I think the Lego Ninjago was a close second. A little surprised that the video games didn't get a mention as they appear to be the toys that have been played with the most.



(Created on 14th October 2012)

Vote #272


Oh what wondrous joy we are feeling, so we'll embrace that and concentrate on evil. Which of the following do you think is the most evil character?


Damien (The Omen), Freddie Krugar (Nightmare on Elm Street) and Pennywise (IT) tied with 29% of the votes each from the following:

  • Cruella Deville (101 Dalmations) (0%)
  • Damien (The Omen) (29%)
  • Count Dracula (Dracula) (0%)
  • Freddie Krugar (Nightmare on Elm Street) (29%)
  • Hannibal Lecter (Silence of the Lambs) (0%)
  • Michael Myers (Halloween) (0%)
  • The Godfather (Godfather) (0%)
  • Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars) (14%)
  • Pennywise (IT) (29%)


A tied vote between Damien, Freddy Kruger and Pennywise. Probably should have deferred this vote until Halloween and done a horror special or something like that.



(Created on 7th October 2012)

Vote #271


Another last minute question and no time to think of anything critical, so we'll ask that age old do the collars match the cuffs?


No was the clear winner with 57% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (43%)
  • No (57%)


An unusually large number of voters for an oddly irrelevant question. Makes up for last week's lack of interest. I'm thinking that most of you use dye somewhere or other. Either that or there's a predominance of grey in one place rather than another.



(Created on 30th September 2012)

Vote #270


Back in England again and the dust has been blown off the fishing kit once more. The wager of the week is who will catch the largest fish between my dad and myself, so I will present the same question to you. Who will catch the biggest fish this week?


Me and Neither as the weather will be too bad for you to go fishing. tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Dad (0%)
  • Me (50%)
  • Neither as the weather will be too bad for you to go fishing. (50%)


Wow, what a storming response to this question. A clear indication of who gives a crap? As of this week, the correct answer is me, but there are still a couple of days to go. But as nobody cares, we'll leave it at that.


1 comment
14th October 2012
And my dad would like the comment adding that he did actually win the subsequent week with a 9lb carp from the local duck pond.

(Created on 23rd September 2012)

Vote #269


This week's vote question comes from an inability to think for oneself again and is based on a top ten list. This week I've chosen the top ten facts about millipedes from toptenz.net and ask you which one you find the most interesting?


The largest species (now extinct) was over 8ft tall was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • They don't have 1000 legs (0%)
  • They move much slower than centipedes (25%)
  • Some are carnivorous (0%)
  • They are the oldest known land creature (25%)
  • The largest species (now extinct) was over 8ft tall (50%)
  • The male sets the mood for its mate (0%)
  • They have sex like robots (0%)
  • They aren't born with all their segments (0%)
  • They coil up in self defense (0%)
  • The Giant African millipede is the largest currently at 15 inches (0%)


Interesting. I was somewhat taken by the fact that they are the oldest living land creature, but seems I was alone in this view. The majority went of the fact that the largest was about 8ft long. One of those monsters from the land that time forgot type thing. I'd imagine that an 8ft millipede would be somewhat intimidating.



(Created on 16th September 2012)

Vote #268


I came up with this week's question on a flight and no, it wasn't a bad flight. I was sat there wondering why you're supposed to shit yourself when you're scared. It doesn't seem like the most productive thing one could do in that situation. In fact, it seems like it wouldn't really help at all. So why do you think you're supposed to shit yourself when you're scared?


Your nervous system just shuts down was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • To lighten the load so you can run away (17%)
  • So you have something to throw at the thing scaring you (17%)
  • Your nervous system just shuts down (67%)


I'm not sure whether this is as much a rhetorical question as anything else, but I did do a little searching online to see if there was a rational explanation that made sense to me. I didn't find one. About the best I can get is that it's an autonomic response, but I can't really gather the intent of that response. There was one article that supported lightening the load as it claimed the body can carry up to 8lb of waste that you would be better off without if you're to run away from whatever it is that's scaring you.

Still seems rather odd to me as I can't see a practical reason for it.



(Created on 9th September 2012)

Vote #267


It's time to take over the world, but what fashion would you do it in? Which of the following empires would you most like to serve in?


British was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • British (67%)
  • French (17%)
  • Mayan (17%)
  • Ming Dynasty (0%)
  • Mongol (0%)
  • Ottoman (0%)
  • Roman (0%)
  • Spanish (0%)

Pre-Result Discussion

10th September 2012
Regarding the 'France' vote... no slight to my British friends, but good wine keeps Curt a loyal soldier. Also, I'd like to join John Cleese's French knights so I could participate in the tauntings.


The good old British Empire. Probably a bit of a loaded question as there are quite a lot of Brits voting so I think possibly a foregone conclusion.



(Created on 2nd September 2012)

Vote #266


Well, this week we have a question from William. Who's your favorite Ninjago character?


Jay and Sensei Wu tied with 40% of the votes each from the following:

  • Cole (0%)
  • Jay (40%)
  • Kai (0%)
  • Nya (0%)
  • Samurai X (0%)
  • Sensei Wu (40%)
  • Zane (20%)


Jay and Sensei Wu tied for this one. I'm not sure Sensei Wu is an actual character in e sense that he's the master as opposed to one of the ninja-type-things. But what do I know?



(Created on 26th August 2012)

Vote #265


The inevitable has happened and I'm now in possession of an iPad. Given to me by work in the name of productivity. I find myself sitting here wondering how long it will take for my rational thinking to be taken from me and I become another Apple automaton. But that's not the question I'm interested in. What I actually want to figure out is whether or not I can use the iPad instead of my computer on trips as this will actually be very helpful to me. Do you think I'll be able to substitute my PC for iPad on work trips?


No was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (40%)
  • No (60%)


Interesting that I'm the one that's skeptical about Apple products and yet I think this option is going to be able to work for me. I still have reservations about the device itself, particularly around things like why can't I use an SD card, where's the USB port, why isn't there a proper file manager, why can't you upload/download files to websites .... and the list goes on. That said, I'm pretty impressed with what the firm's done with this device. We have some interesting tools that allow you to edit documents and there's a nifty little app that allows you to markup pdf files.

I've bought myself a little keyboard and some other stuff that should allow me to use this for the majority of my daily tasks whilst on the road. It's not going to replace the laptop totally, but I think I'll be able to manager a lot of trips with just the iPad.



(Created on 19th August 2012)

Vote #264


I suspect there a few out there that are expecting a fishing pole related question and it is tempting for me to pose my dilemma right now as to whether I should use an internal or external PTFE bush, but you wouldn't really care about that so I won't. We'll ask that age old question - where's Wally?


Free Pussy Riot was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • It's Waldo, not Wally (25%)
  • On the Internet (25%)
  • In a crowd (0%)
  • Free Pussy Riot (50%)


Regardless of all the politics around Pussy Riot, I have to say that it's one of the best names I've heard for a punk band. The images this conjures up for me are both weird and bizarre. I have no idea whether Wally/Waldo would have anything to say on the subject of freedom of speech wherever he's hiding.



(Created on 12th August 2012)

Vote #263


As we wrap up the events of the 30th Olympiad, we can reflect on the great moments such as those by Usain Bolt or the shenanigans of the badminton. There are still many questions out there that people are asking relating to the Olympics - some of them controversial and others speculative, but there's one key question that everyone's asking. Rather than going it alone and coming up with a meaningless question, we join the masses and simply ask - should NASCAR be an Olympic event?


No was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (20%)
  • No (80%)


Just me then!

I thought more people would buy into this idea. I'm pretty taken with the prospect of the 4 x 500 mile relay myself. I think Brad Keselowski was practicing for that last week at Watkins Glen, but he didn't quite get the timing right to hand the baton to Kyle Busch.

Interestingly enough, one of the commentators here in the US made the analogy that long distance swimming was like NASCAR, particularly the point that that the swimmers come by the station to take on food and water. Presumably that there is some similarity between that and pit stops. Didn't really see it myself.



(Created on 5th August 2012)

Vote #262


I made a comment somewhere that the 100m is the main event of the Olympics, but do you agree? Which of the following Olympic races do you prefer?


100m was the clear winner with 83% of the votes from the following selection:

  • 100m (83%)
  • 200m (0%)
  • 400m (0%)
  • 800m (0%)
  • 1500m (17%)
  • 5000m (0%)
  • 10000m (0%)
  • Marathon (0%)
  • 4x100m relay (0%)
  • 4x400m relay (0%)


An overwhelming response in support of the 100m which is what I expected. Nice to see the 1500 getting an appearance. Once upon a time the distance that meant oh so much to the Brits. My guess is that the longer distances of 5,000 and 10,000 will start to become more popular after the great races by Mo Farah.



(Created on 29th July 2012)

Vote #261


The hangover has just about cleared from the Opening Ceremony party and subsequently raising a glass to my friend Jon who got married this past weekend. I suspect the next few weeks is going to be taken over by Olympics questions given that I'm probably going to get quite into the games. So let's start with the host nation prediction. Everything I seem to read says that the host nation gets about a 50% boost in the medal tally due to the home support advantage (which does indeed seem to be fantastic from what I can see on the TV). So where do you think Team GB will come in the overall medal table?


4th was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • 1st (0%)
  • 2nd (0%)
  • 3rd (0%)
  • 4th (50%)
  • 5th (0%)
  • 6th (25%)
  • 7th (25%)
  • 8th (0%)
  • 9th (0%)
  • 10th (0%)


As we end a week where Team GB has finished strong, picking up some great medal results, we see that they are currently sitting in the third position. Fourth seems to be where the votes have us ending, but maybe we can hang on to third. I personally think fourth is a potential after the US, China and Russia.


1 comment
12th August 2012
Well, I asked the question 4 years ago about how the medal count should be done - is it total number of medals, total number of gold or should there be a point system like 3 points for gold, 2 for silver and 1 for bronze. If we're going with gold medals, then it looks like the UK came 3rd. If total medals or points, then the UK was 4th. It's pretty clear the US won and China were second regardless of what system you employ. Third and Fourth was between the UK and Russia - you can make your own decision on which order.

(Created on 22nd July 2012)

Vote #260


So it's time to move on and there will be no dance to your daddy! No little fishy on my little dishy anymore. Well, at least for a little while anyway. So, back to some more serious things as move into the week of the Olympics and the whole of the UK goes on strike. I've come back to the fantastic weather of California, but what will the weather be like for the Olympic games?


Some days good and some days bad with typical English showers was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Great - it's only a myth that it rains all the time in the UK (20%)
  • Bad - the games will be washed out (0%)
  • Some days good and some days bad with typical English showers (80%)


Well, it does indeed look like we'll have some days where the weather is good and others where it's not. The good news is that the weather held for the opening ceremony. Would have been a bit worried about the Queen if the weather had been bad as don't know how she'd have parachuted in. We wouldn't have wanted her to get blown into the Thames or something would we now.

Regarding the opening ceremony itself, I really did enjoy it. I thought it was a great production and that all of you enjoyed it too. There is, however, one thing that keeps nagging at me and it's the bit about the boy meets girl. So, if I understood it correctly, boy and girl see each other on the tube (London Underground). Girl gets taken off the train and they lose each other. Boy then finds that girl has left her mobile phone on the train. He gets her phone and then calls her to meet up .... Well, if she left her phone on the train, what on earth did she answer his call with? It did seem that she had some kind of magical implant as she seemed to be talking to her hand as opposed to on the phone given that he had her phone. Had she wanted him to call her, she just had to beam her number to him anyway. No need to bugger around with leaving your phone on the train for him to find. I'm sure I'm missing something and it wouldn't be the first time. That said, I really did enjoy it. It's pretty amazing that I managed to watch the whole thing in the first place, let alone enjoy it, so we'll stick to the positive thoughts.



(Created on 15th July 2012)

Vote #259


Well, the end of the holiday is here and it's time to start making my way back State side. To top off the fishing holiday (something I didn't know before I came), Sky Sports show the Fish O Mania competition on tv - a two day course fishing festival. In the team competition there was a little bit of controversy as Lee Edwards of Wales had a carp over 4 kilos disallowed as it caught the line of one of the other competitors whilst he was playing it. Do you think Lee's carp should have been disallowed or not?


Yes - it's in the international rules and should be disallowed and I don't care and I've had enough of these fishing questions tied with 40% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes - it's in the international rules and should be disallowed (40%)
  • No - it wasn't intentional and should have been allowed (20%)
  • I don't care and I've had enough of these fishing questions (40%)


An odd mix of voting! I was really expecting the majority of votes to come down on the side of wanting the end of the fishing questions. Well, I guess that was where the joint winner in the vote questions, but not unanimously. The good news is that the fishing questions will likely stop for a while as I get back into the routine of work and all that good stuff now that my vacation is over. Regarding the question, it's a bit of an irrelevant point, it's in the international rules, it was an international match and therefore the fish doesn't count. End of story. I have to say, as sad as it may sound, I really enjoyed watching the match and the commentary that Sky TV put on.



(Created on 8th July 2012)

Vote #258


Continuing the holiday theme, we turn out attention to the weather on the basis that it's pissed it down with rain since I got here. We have the big BBQ planned for next Saturday - will it happen or will it get rained out?


Yes - it will happen was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - it will happen (60%)
  • No - it will get rained out (40%)


Not really sure how to call this one as it was somewhere in the middle. We did get the actual BBQ, but we had to sit inside and eat it as it started to rain. Given the recent weather, I think we can declare this as a significant victory regardless of the vote question.



(Created on 2nd July 2012)

Vote #257


A hurredly created vote question as I forgot to set one - what with moving and then going on holiday. So, we'll drop back to the fishing theme. One thing I thought before I came back is how much can fishing have changed. I mean the fish are still the same. Wrong! There are now genetically modified fish in the fisheries, particularly a new carp known as an F1. Who will be the first to catch an F1 on this holiday expedition?


Dad and William tied with 40% of the votes each from the following:

  • Dad (40%)
  • Me (20%)
  • William (40%)
  • No one will catch one (0%)


All ye of little faith! It was me .... at least I think so anyway. Only been fishing a couple of times and only once on a proper lake. Caught a mixed bag of bream, roach, tench and carp and I believe that two of the carp were F1s. On the basis that my Dad decided he'd rather mow his lawn and William has decided he doesn't want to go fishing as it sounds boring, it's not really surprising that the answer is me.



(Created on 23rd June 2012)

Vote #256


Due to some unforeseen circumstances we're moving house next week and then I go on holiday. The EastBayRag support team have been relocated on a temporary basis. The backup servers have been carefully packed and are ready to ship. The production server farm with the terragigamegaquads of data will be expertly brought down next Tuesday morning (removing the plug from the socket) and hopefully brought back up that evening if the new data center has been provisioned correctly and the communications equipment has been installed and is operational. The simple question is whether the move will be completed before I leave, so will there be a vote question the following week?


Yes - the system will be up and running as expected was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - the system will be up and running as expected (75%)
  • No - something will go wrong and won't be fixed in time (25%)


Well, the system was up and running, but the webmaster was a little behind schedule. I forgot to set this week's vote question so will update now. It was touch and go as when we moved in, the cable company hadn't connected the house as promised, but they fixed the issue the next day. Then there was a mix up with our electricity and we got cut off, so the website has been up and down, but is hopefully now back up on a more permanent basis.



(Created on 17th June 2012)

Vote #255


You know when someone takes something of yours and you're looking round for it and then get annoyed that you've been wasting your time as the person that took the item could have just told you. Well, nothing like that happened, but Karen did take something that belonged to me to work this past week. What item of mine did Karen take to work with her this past Friday?


My poo was the clear winner with 57% of the votes from the following selection:

  • My car keys (14%)
  • My computer (14%)
  • My mobile phone (0%)
  • My poo (57%)
  • My underpants (14%)
  • My wallet (0%)
  • My watch (0%)


Ha ha! It was indeed my poo that Karen decided to take to work with her. Let me explain .... although, I suspect that any regular voters know the trend of things that seem to happen and that my poo pops up from time to time. I was thinking that underpants would be a good red herring, but it didn't fool the majority of you.

Anyway, what happened is that we're incentivized to have annual physicals. I think that it lowers the premiums somewhere along the line - I guess there's some research that shows the number of people that have annual physicals are less likely to have things go wrong in the year, lowering the medical cost. (Clearly I'm a statistical outlier here as it doesn't matter how much prevention we go for, I tend to have at least a couple of visits to the hospital each year). So, had the physical and was given an order to get a blood draw for every test under the sun. Went to the lab to get the blood done on Thursday and apparently I had to fast for at least 12 hours prior, so I said I'd come back on Saturday. When the phlebotomist (look at me with the big words today) looked at the order, she noticed that the request included a stool sample so she gave me the kit for it and sent me on my way.

It's a little hard to explain the kit, but basically, it was a small container with a twist off lid. The under side of the lid had something like a cocktail stick on it that you push into the poo and then put it into the container and you're done. It also came in an envelope so you could mail it off. Being the lovable joker that I am, I took out the container and showed it to Karen and made comments about the fact that I needed to take a dump in an envelope and mail it off. I made motions of how this would logistically work and then pointed out that surely it would ooze out of the side of the envelope in the mail. Ho ho!

Obviously I eventually showed Karen the actual container. So, I got the sample and left it on the side and headed to Phoenix on Friday. For some reason Karen was still stuck on the mailing bit and when I landed in Phoenix I had two voice messages. The first was to let me know that I'd left the container on the side and did I need it mailing off. The second was to say that I hadn't answered the first voicemail so she'd taken it into work with her so she could mail it off if I wanted her to.

Well, that took more explaining than I was hoping to do, but it does sort of describe the circumstances whereby my beloved took a little piece of me with her to work.



(Created on 10th June 2012)

Vote #254


Time to drop back to another fishing question as we get closer to the holiday .... well, that's somewhat in question at the minute, but that's another question for another day. Anyway, I've been researching a lot of kit with the expectation that I'll treat myself to something when I get back. The question is how should I get all this kit to the bank to go fishing?


Buy a trolley, Get a harness and strap it to the old man and use him as a mule and Only fish where you can park next to where you want to fish tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • Buy a trolley (33%)
  • Convert a motorized golf trolley (0%)
  • Carry it bit by bit (the exercise will do me good) (0%)
  • Get a harness and strap it to the old man and use him as a mule (33%)
  • Only fish where you can park next to where you want to fish (33%)


A mix between the sensible and the vicious. Reality is that it'll likely be a combination of buying a trolley and fishing where you can drive to your peg. I think we'll be opting for the easy way out and not looking to go hiking across many fields.

I might, however, look for a big stick as a backup plan so I can use the old man as a pack mule and beat him if he's not moving fast enough.



(Created on 3rd June 2012)

Vote #253


So, I've been watching a lot of Star Trek re-runs lately. I'm currently watching Voyager, but I'm pretty sure this question relates to both TNG and DS9 if not the other two. What I've noticed is that whenever they go into battle, the captain says “evasive maneuvers, pattern [Greek Letter]” with the Greek Letter being either Delta or Omega. Anyway, the next thing is that the ship gets hit. Every single time. What bloody use is that? What is the point of a Star Trek starship taking evasive maneuvers?


It gives the captain something to say was the clear winner with 57% of the votes from the following selection:

  • None - they always get hit (0%)
  • In case they are being attached by an idiot that couldn't hit a barn door at 10 paces (14%)
  • It gives the captain something to say (57%)
  • It gives the person at the con (pilot) something to do (14%)
  • It's the done thing (0%)
  • To at least avoid critical systems being hit (14%)


This is actually one of life's great mysteries to me and I'm not really sure the vote question helps sort this out. You would have thought that evasive maneuvers would help avoid being hit, but they definitely don't given most of the episodes I've seen.



(Created on 28th May 2012)

Vote #252


After a long weekend away that seems to have consisted of more driving than anything else. Well, anything other than sick given that poor William doesn't travel too well, I seem to be facing the grim prospect of the long drive home, more sick and then back to work .... fun! So best to look forward to the next holiday which will be a trip back to blighty that's going to see me dust off the old fishing kit and head off out to the river or lake banks, but which one should it be - river or lake?


Both was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • River (20%)
  • Lake (20%)
  • Both (60%)


Looks like there's a lot of fishing in my short term future if I'm to follow the votes. Not really sure how many days I'm going to get out on the bank yet. My guess is that most of it will be focused on lake fishing, but you never know - there's always the potential to take a quick trip to one of the river banks.


1 comment
mr O
4th June 2012
Whether it be lake, river or deep sea fishing all I can see you catching this summer is a cold.

(Created on 20th May 2012)

Vote #251


Eureka beckons. We're heading up to Eureka for the long weekend. Fancied a change of scenery and I wanted somewhere I could drive to rather than flying. It's about a 5 hour drive north from here, but I'm thinking that will depend on what the traffic's like trying to get out of San Francisco on a long weekend. Anyway, should I take a bath and jump out shouting Eureka whilst I'm there?


Yes - that's a stupid enough thing to do was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - that's a stupid enough thing to do (100%)
  • No - that's a stupid thing to do - who do you think you are - Archimedes? (0%)


A resounding verdict of yes, I should jump out of the bath and shout “eureka” ... but sadly I didn't. As it happens, it was when Archimedes got into the bath that he proclaimed eureka when he saw the water rise making the connection with volumes and displacement and all that good stuff.



(Created on 13th May 2012)

Vote #250


This week's vote question is probably going to throw most people as you won't have a clue what I'm talking about. I've been researching poles for fishing back in the UK ... although I'm not really sure why, but the long and short of it is that I haven't yet found any good comparisons of the poles I'm thinking about so I thought I'd shoot it out to you lot. Which of the following fishing poles do you think is the best?


Daiwa Tournament Pro X, Maver Elite Plus 77 and Preston GIS One Pole tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • Browning Xitan Z12 Evolution (0%)
  • Daiwa Airity (0%)
  • Daiwa Tournament Pro X (33%)
  • Maver Elite Plus 77 (33%)
  • Preston GIS One Pole (33%)
  • Shimano Aspire Ultra AX (0%)


A distinct lack of interest in this week's vote. I'm somewhat guessing that it's on the basis that most people don't have a clue what the question's going on about. Doesn't really matter, I'm not really in the market for buying one of these poles at the minute given that they don't have much application in the US. My tendency in the past has been to lean towards Daiwa products, but I do have an affinity to the Browning brand going back to my shooting days. To be honest, each of these poles is very good and I suspect you wouldn't go wrong with any of them. Guess I'll need to wait a bit before I get to try any of them out.



(Created on 6th May 2012)

Vote #249


Another week where I'm somewhat lacking inspiration so I'll go with the obvious question out there - Manchester City or Manchester United?


The Sky Blues (Manchester City) was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • The Sky Blues (Manchester City) (80%)
  • The Red Deviles (Manchester United) (20%)


The votes and the actual title went to the blue half of Manchester. Congratulations to City - you can celebrate safe in the knowledge that you only won the title because of the great schooling your manager got when he played in the premier league. And for those of you that don't know, Mancini played a few games for Leicester City (I think 4).



(Created on 29th April 2012)

Vote #248


Well, Karen was honored this week and appeared in the San Francisco Business Times as one of the most influential women in the Bay Area - big congratulations. She came home from work all proud with a copy of the newspaper. Later that evening, she was looking at something on her iPad - it was a recipe. What recipe does one of San Francisco's most influential women need an iPad to research?


How to boil and egg was the clear winner with 83% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Apple Strudel (0%)
  • Baked Alaska (0%)
  • Beef Stroganoff (0%)
  • Beef Wellington (17%)
  • Coq au vin (0%)
  • Mole poblano (0%)
  • Roast Beef (0%)
  • Roasted pork loin with loaded goats cheese and dill skins (0%)
  • How to boil and egg (83%)

Pre-Result Discussion

mr O
30th April 2012
I presume Karen was actually looking up the boiled egg recipe for our webmaster.


I'm intrigued as to who the person was who voted for “beef wellington”, clearly they've not eaten at our house before. The remainder of the voters out there were indeed correct, Karen was looking up that technical of all recipes on how to boil an egg. In response to Mr O's comment, we were all having boiled eggs to eat with the salad. I have to say that mine wasn't too bad .... a little burnt around the edge, but that wasn't really Karen's fault - there was some fat stuck to the grill that caught fire and heated my egg up too quick. Other than that though, once Karen had the ingredients right thanks to one online search tool or other, we were good to go.



(Created on 21st April 2012)

Vote #247


Hypothetically speaking, if you had a terrorist or dangerous criminal that you needed to deport for one reason or another, how exactly do you go about the logistics of such a thing?


It doesn't matter as the European Court won't let you do it anyway was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Stick them on a regular plane with a gaurd (0%)
  • Charter a separate flight (0%)
  • Use a military plane (25%)
  • It doesn't matter as the European Court won't let you do it anyway (75%)


I'm not really sure I know the answer to this one. I was rather hoping that somebody would and would have put the answer in the comments. I think the only thing you can be sure of is that it will be very expensive and will be coming out of tax payers money. Clearly it makes sense to spend money on things like this ... I mean, it's not as if there's a double dip recession going on or anything like that.



(Created on 15th April 2012)

Vote #246


Owen appears to be facing a dilemma as he has tickets to the Women's Water Polo at the soon to be Olympic stadium and Liverpool have made it to the FA Cup final. Should Owen stay in the stadium and watch the Women's Water Polo or watch the FA Cup Final on the TV?


Women's Water Polo was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Women's Water Polo (75%)
  • FA Cup Final (25%)

Pre-Result Discussion

mr O
16th April 2012
We may need a third option. The kick off isn't until later in the day so will be able to watch the waterpolo, however also have tickets for athletics in the evening so will miss the end of the game if I were to get to the athletics for the start.


Well, judging by the comment it seems like Owen is somewhat out of the dilemma due to the change in kick-off time, but it would seem that the voters would like to see him miss the match in favor of the Water Polo should it go ahead.

On another note, it would seem that the real dilemma is for the Liverpool fans. I'm sure I heard on the radio that there is some work on the train tracks that weekend and there will only be 3 trains down to London with none returning. It appears the rail network didn't take into account a minor game ... I mean, it's only the FA Cup Final. Funny, I've been out of the country for 12 years now and the rail network hasn't got any better during that time.



(Created on 8th April 2012)

Vote #245


Another guessing game question. Karen and I were talking about losing weight. Long story, but she was trying to figure out how heavy 20lb was in relation to bags of sugar and asked how heavy a bag of sugar was offering suggestions of 1lb or 5lb. I replied, it depends on whether you bought 1lb or 5lb bags of sugar. Anyway, intrigued by this sugar thing I went and looked at the bag of sugar we had. How heavy do you think our bag of sugar is?


2lb was the clear winner with 43% of the votes from the following selection:

  • 1lb (0%)
  • 2lb (43%)
  • 3lb (0%)
  • 4lb (14%)
  • 5lb (29%)
  • 6lb (0%)
  • 7lb (14%)
  • 8lb (0%)
  • 9lb (0%)
  • 10lb (0%)


2lb gets the majority of the votes, but you'd be wrong. The correct answer is 4lb which I thought seemed like an odd number. I would have maybe expected 1, 2 or 5 ... but I'd have been wrong.



(Created on 1st April 2012)

Vote #244


Karen bought a bathroom shower curtain with a world map on it. I was looking at it the other day and noticed that it lists two cities in the UK. The obvious one is London, but can you guess the second city shown in the UK on our bathroom shower curtain?


Edingburgh and Sunderland tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • Belfast (17%)
  • Birmingham (0%)
  • Edingburgh (33%)
  • Glasgow (0%)
  • Leicester (0%)
  • Liverpool (0%)
  • Manchester (0%)
  • Nottingham (17%)
  • Sunderland (33%)


Interesting that a couple of folks got this right. The answer is indeed Sunderland. Maybe there's a few of you out there with the same shower curtain or perhaps you understand the significance of Sunderland. I would have thought Belfast or Edinburgh myself, but I would have been wrong.



(Created on 25th March 2012)

Vote #243


So, I was watching my cat the other day and he kind of stretched on the sofa and then pulled himself up onto the back of the chair with his front legs and I thought to myself - that's an interesting maneuver. Then I thought to myself, you're not really much of a man, you're more of a cat. Perhaps we should create a new word cateuver. Should I become a neologist or stick to my day job?


No - you're an idiot - stick to your day job was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - your new word of cateuver is genius (0%)
  • No - you're an idiot - stick to your day job (100%)


Hmmm. A resounding 100% vote for “no, I'm an idiot!” Interesting given that one of the votes is mine. Oh how well I know myself! I did buy a lottery ticket for the first time in my 11+ years in the States as the jackpot was $640 million. And the winners will be happy to know that they don't have to share any of it with me. I will indeed be sticking to my day job.



(Created on 18th March 2012)

Vote #242


It appears we're living more and more in a world of social media which seems to mean taking other peoples word for it rather than trying it for ourselves. Searching for reviews of products, restaurants, services and anything else we may need. But how much impact have you had on this new social world? This week we ask whether you've ever reviewed a product online?


Yes - I've reviewed a product and No - I have not reviewed a product tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes - I've reviewed a product (50%)
  • No - I have not reviewed a product (50%)


Interesting, a 50/50 split on this. I have to say that I've never reviewed anything online, but do tend to read the reviews that others make. Which kind of makes me think if I'm not the sort of person who does reviews, should I rely on information provided by the kind of people who do submit reviews? As they may not like the same things I do. Too much thinking really.



(Created on 11th March 2012)

Vote #241


Another race weekend over and we head into a week at a conference. But we return to those good old boys and ask a completely irrelevant trivia question. We were wondering where Uncle Jesse got to and I did a little research. I didn't find the answer to that question, but I did find that there were only two members of the Dukes of Hazard that appeared in every episode. One was Uncle Jesse, who was the other one?


Rosco P Coltrane was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Bo Duke (0%)
  • Boss Hogg (25%)
  • Cletus Hogg (0%)
  • Cooter Davenport (0%)
  • Daisy Duke (25%)
  • Luke Duke (0%)
  • Rosco P Coltrane (50%)


Roscoe wins the vote, but unfortunately is the incorrect answer. It was actually Boss Hogg who appeared in all the episodes alongside Uncle Jesse. Daisy Duke was close as she appeared in all but one episode ... at least this is what Wikipedia tells me and who am I do disagree with such a trustworthy source of information?



(Created on 2nd March 2012)

Vote #240


So, last week was indeed a bit of a filler. This week isn't a filler, but I need to word the question differently to avoid a duplicate. We're off to the races again and last time I was in Vegas I asked whether we were going to see Uncle Jesse again. Let's put a different spin on that. If we see Uncle Jesse at the races, should Owen stand next to him whilst I take a photo?


Yes - Owen should stand next to Uncle Jesse for a photo was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - Owen should stand next to Uncle Jesse for a photo (100%)

Pre-Result Discussion

5th March 2012
I'm hearing rumblings that I may have missed an option or two here. I've gone back and had a look and feel that I've covered all necessary options to generate a fair and unbiased result. In the event of a protest, I'm happy to go back and do a recount.


Alas, poor Jesse, I knew him, Horatio.

Although my partner in crime was up for the photo shoot, we were let down by a lack of Jesse. This may be due to the fact that we hung around after the race waiting for the crowds to die down and the crowds were no where near as bad as they have been in prior years. We were out of the parking lot and back to the hotel room in record time. Sadly, there is no photo to post.



(Created on 26th February 2012)

Vote #239


As we say au revoir to mademoiselle and bid a fond farewell to the hoards of school kids we had employed on a government backed scheme for free labor (until someone let the cat out of the bag), we find ourselves having to wait another day for the Daytona 500. Well, I guess none of that really matters as it's all in the past, but what about the future? If you could find out what's going to happen in the future, would you want to know?


I'm not sure was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - I would want to know (33%)
  • No - I want it to be a surprise (17%)
  • I'm not sure (50%)


Interesting, a tie between those who want to know and those who are not sure. Difficult dilemma this one - do you suddenly acquire the ability to see the future only to find out that you're going to get run over by a bus tomorrow? Or would you rather just not know that number 29 is coming up fast?

The difficult thing to get over though is the ability to predict the lottery numbers. Always a good one to start with.

Not expecting to acquire this ability anytime soon, so I guess it'll remain hypothetical.



(Created on 19th February 2012)

Vote #238


So, I was doing a bit of searching to see where my site pops up as anyone who's read the article about Fanny Valley will know. There are a number of sites that give you stats etc and then try to sell you their product to help you improve your sites ratings. I came across one site that ranked EastBayRag in the top 12% of websites (and that was based on the previous design with the purple icons that you've all forgotten about now). Anyway, it also gave an estimated value of the site based on the amount of anticipated traffic. How much do you think EastBayRag was valued at?


$0.01 was the clear winner with 33% of the votes from the following selection:

  • $0.01 (33%)
  • $0.10 (17%)
  • $1 (0%)
  • $10 (17%)
  • $100 (17%)
  • $1,000 (17%)
  • $10,000 (0%)
  • $100,000 (0%)
  • $1,000,000 (0%)
  • $10,000,000 (0%)


1 cent! 1 cent? That's all you think this site is worth. The majority of you voted for 1 cent. How dare you? It's worth way more than that. Ten times more than that to be exact. I can't actually remember the site to go back and see what or how it was valuing things and I think it was actually saying that based on the content of this site, an advertiser should look to pay $0.10 for a click through add, but I saw something that said approximate value $0.10 so I'll go with that. Five years worth of effort for a return of 10 cents. Sounds about right to me.

I seem to have a long way to go in order to increase the value to the $10 million that's in the business plan for the site. Still, we live in hope that someone at Google, Apple, Microsoft etc. will put in a bid .... dream on.



(Created on 12th February 2012)

Vote #237


It's time for one of those question's that's not going to mean very much to many people. Anyone who's been around me this weekend knows I've immersed myself in the world of excavation. Some may say all facets of excavation in the San Francisco Bay Area. Which facet of excavation in the San Francisco Bay Area do you find most fascinating?


Demolition was the clear winner with 40% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Basements (0%)
  • Demolition (40%)
  • Drilling (0%)
  • Excavation (20%)
  • Grading (20%)
  • Pools (0%)
  • Shoring (0%)
  • Site Preparation (20%)


So we like knocking things down do we. Fancy yourself as the Demolition Man, eh? Don't know that there's a lot else to say on this, so I'll leave it at that.



(Created on 5th February 2012)

Vote #236


After the ingenious question of last week, I somewhat find myself devoid of creative thought. Result of a long week I guess. This week, I simply invite you into my humble abode for dinner and ask you the question of the evening. Who is going to have the last roast potato?


Jamie and One of the cats tied with 29% of the votes each from the following:

  • Karen (14%)
  • William (14%)
  • Jamie (29%)
  • One of the cats (29%)
  • Nobody as it fell on the floor (14%)
  • You're going to come round and steal it (0%)


The results are tied between myself and one of the cats. I see you know how things work in our house. Every night when I get home of an evening I have to wrestle my food away from the cats. To be honest, if you saw how fat they've become, you'd think they were eating my food. Anyway, I don't actually know the answer to the question. Last I saw it, the lone potato was being carted away as nobody could eat it. I suspect it may have ended up in the compost bin/trash.



(Created on 29th January 2012)

Vote #235


You're in your office or at home and someone comes in to meet you. Which of the following is the last thing you want to hear after they shake your hand?


Your toilet paper's useless - my finger went right through it was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • This cold is really bad (17%)
  • I've been gutting fish all day (17%)
  • I had my hand in there up to my elbows as I helped Daisy give birth (0%)
  • Thbrrrrrt [noise of person farting] (0%)
  • I just finished squeezing the puss out of my zits (0%)
  • Here ... smell my fingers (0%)
  • Your toilet paper's useless - my finger went right through it (67%)


There's nothing worse than having your finger go through the toilet paper is there? Don't pretend it hasn't happened to you. I know you've tried to put it out of your mind. That you've tried very hard to forget looking at your hand and seeing that brown nugget on the end of your finger. Frantically grabbing a wad of toilet paper to get it off, then washing your hands with half a bar of soap to make sure there's no trace left and hoping that nobody can tell that you just wiped your arse with your finger.

There's nothing worse than having your finger go through the toilet paper ... or so you thought until now. Until I've just pointed out that worse than your finger going through the toilet paper is someone else doing this and then shaking your hand. Did they abide by the same rules of sanitation and wash their hands with half a bar of soap? You'll never know ....



(Created on 22nd January 2012)

Vote #234


As we near the end of the weekend, I'm somewhat run down with an annoying cold and am facing a rather busy week. The only thing really on my mind is how long will this stupid cold last for?


2 days, 3 days, 5 days, 6 days and Longer than a week tied with 20% of the votes each from the following:

  • It will be gone in the morning (0%)
  • It will take a day (0%)
  • 2 days (20%)
  • 3 days (20%)
  • 4 days (0%)
  • 5 days (20%)
  • 6 days (20%)
  • 7 days (0%)
  • Longer than a week (20%)


I've been accused of having “man flu”. Given all the things I've gone through recently, I hardly think it's fair to accuse me of exaggerating the effects of a cold. That said, I have to acknowledge that I've needed more love and attention for this cold than being hospitalized with stomach problems. Oddly enough, I think I've had more pain from this cold that the stomach problem as I've had the most thunderous headaches which is a new one for me.

Anyway, it seems to have gone now and I'd say it lasted 5 or 6 days, so if you guessed in that ballpark, then you're about right and can give yourself a good old pat on the back.



(Created on 8th January 2012)

Vote #233


It's time to go all nostalgic. We go back to a time where men were men and computers had a DOS prompt ... oh those heady days! But can you remember those errors you used to get? In particular, did you know what the difference was between abort and fail in the “abort, retry, fail?” message that MS-DOS used to give you?


No - I just used to select one or the other was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - I know the difference between abort and fail (20%)
  • No - I just used to select one or the other (60%)
  • I have no idea what you're talking about (20%)


Not really surprised that the majority of people don't know the difference between abort and fail. The answer is that abort terminated the program whereas fail returned a fail command from the operating system back to the program making the request. Typically, this error came up when there wasn't a disk in the disk drive and the program making the request for access to the disk drive would get a fail response if you select fail. Selecting abort just ended the program and took you back to the DOS prompt. Trouble is that most programs that received a fail exited you back to the DOS prompt, so there was no real visible difference to the user between selecting abort or fail. There's an interesting article on Wikipedia if you're interested. It provides the following definitions (including ignore which was added to the abort, retry, fail message for certain errors).

  • Abort (A): Terminate the operation/program and return to the system command prompt. In hindsight this was not a good idea as the program would not do any cleanup (such as completing writing of other files). "Abort" was necessary because early MSDOS did not implement "Fail". It may have remained necessary for poorly written software for which "Fail" would have caused a loop that would have repeatedly invoked the critical error handler with no other way to exit.
  • Retry (R): DOS would attempt the operation again. "Retry" made sense if the user could rectify the problem. To continue the example above, if the user simply forgot to close the drive latch, they could close it, retry, and the system would continue where it left off.
  • Ignore (I): Return success status to the calling program/routine, despite the failure of the operation. For instance, a disk read error could be ignored and DOS would return whatever data was in the read buffer, which might contain some of the correct data from the disk. Attempting to use results after an "Ignore" was an undefined behaviour. "Ignore" did not appear in cases where it was impossible for the data to be used; for instance, a missing disk could not be ignored because that would require DOS to construct and return some kind of file descriptor that worked in further "read" calls.
  • Fail (F): Return failure status to the calling program/routine. "Fail" returned an error code to the program, similar to other errors such as file not found. The program could then gracefully recover from the problem. This option did not exist in MSDOS 2.0.


1 comment
Mr C
23rd January 2012
Thanks for that. Have just woken up from my coma.

(Created on 4th January 2012)

Vote #232


The other day I was walking William back home from school and was making fun or something or other. I looked at him and saw him laughing and asked what he was smirking at. What do you think his reply was?


He'd just farted was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • You Daddy because you're so funny (0%)
  • Michele Bachmann's presidency campaign (0%)
  • Selling 10,000 extra synchronized swimming tickets (0%)
  • He'd just farted (100%)


Not surprisingly everyone got it right. William was rather impressed by the fact that he'd made a trumpet noise with his bottom and that it was accompanied by an appropriately bad smell. Farting is pretty much the funniest thing to a six year old.

I'm sure most of you will be thinking - like father, like son!



(Created on 1st January 2012)

Vote #231


Happy New Year to everyone and welcome to 2012. A short read of some sites reveal that there is speculation the world will end on December 21st. How sad to worry about things like that, instead, I turn my attention to my part time hobby that's not quite come off yet - I've been messing around writing an App for the Android and wonder whether I'll publish one in 2012?


Yes - you will publish an Android App was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - you will publish an Android App (80%)
  • No - you will continue to get distracted (20%)


One dissenting view, but on the whole, most people are in agreement that I'll get there at some point during the year. I'm pretty sure I will as I've completed a set of tutorials on this and read a couple of books, so it's just a matter of starting the project and plugging away at it. I think the first app will probably be quite weak, but you've got to start somewhere.



(Created on 25th December 2011)

Vote #230


Once again I find myself in the hospital. Again at a time when I should be celebrating something or other. I guess the big question is will I be celebrating the new year in hospital or will I be home by then?


No - you will be back home by then was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - you will still be in the hospital (20%)
  • No - you will be back home by then (80%)


Yeah! I was back home, but not without a try to get back into hospital. Released on December 26th, but had another trip back into ER on the 29th, but was released on the 30th without being admitted. Oh well, Happy New Year to all of you. Hope this one's a good one!!



(Created on 19th December 2011)

Vote #229


I guess it's that time of year again where Santa stuffs himself down the chimney. As I reflect on the year, I wonder - have I been a good boy?


Yes - you've been a good boy and No - you've been naughty tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes - you've been a good boy (50%)
  • No - you've been naughty (50%)


A split decision - have a I been good or have I been bad? Well, I know I've got some presents as William has informed me that he got more presents that I did. Seems he's all about quantity. Bad news is that he informed me in hospital as that's where I'm at right now. If the fact that I've ended up back in hospital and over Christmas (as I'm writing this from the hospital now), is anything to go by, then I've probably been a bad boy somewhere along the line.



(Created on 11th December 2011)

Vote #228


Looking down at my toes poking through holes, I ponder the question - will I get socks for Christmas?


Yes was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (80%)
  • No (20%)


Nearly a full house for yes. And given that at least one of the people voting is going to get me a present, I think I can look forward to warm feet in 2012.


1 comment
1st January 2012
I seriously doubt anyone is checking back for updates, but just on the off chance that you are, I did indeed get two packs of socks this year.

(Created on 4th December 2011)

Vote #227


Time for one of those questions that you need to think about. I actually got this one from Mythbusters, so you may have seen it. Anyway, there's a gameshow where the contestant is presented with three doors behind one of which is a prize. The contestant is asked to pick a door. The host then opens one of the remaining doors that doesn't have a prize behind it and offers the contestant the option to switch doors or stick with their original choice. Should the contestant switch doors to maximize their chance of winning?


Yes - the contestant should switch doors and It doesn't matter - the odds are the same tied with 40% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes - the contestant should switch doors (40%)
  • No - the contestant should stay with their original choice (20%)
  • It doesn't matter - the odds are the same (40%)


I thought most people would get this as it's a fairly simple problem. The correct answer is yes, you should switch. There's actually twice the possibility of being correct is you switch than if you stay with your original choice. The reason behind that is that there is a 1/3 chance you are correct with your initial choice - 3 doors and only one is correct. There is a 2/3 chance that the correct door is one of the remaining ones. You can look at the problem solution as getting a choice of 2 doors if you switch. It just happens that you know that one of them is incorrect (which you would do anyway if you were allowed to pick 2 doors). There is no resetting of the probabilities just because a door has been opened.

The interesting thing about the Mythbusters is that they tested two aspects of this problem. They did indeed test that it's statistically better to switch your choice and it did result in switching providing a winner on about a 2 to 1 basis. This was done by running the test multiple times and looking at the data, not just looking at the math behind the solution.

The second component they tested was whether or not people were more likely to switch or if they would stick with their original choice. It actually turned out that 100% of people stuck with their original choice. Psychologically, this is a great game because even if you know you are mathematically better off switching, something is telling you to keep with your original choice. Presumably the fear that you don't want to switch in case you were right with your original choice.

All this said, perhaps we should have asked how far you can shoot a cannonball.



(Created on 27th November 2011)

Vote #226


I've been watching all of the Star Trek series again and I'm on Deep Space 9 at this point. There's a character in it called Morn who never speaks (although there are many references to stories he's told). Morn is Quark's best customer in the bar and has his own stool. My question - is Morn a tribute to the TV show cheers, being a play on Norm?


Yes - it is a tribute was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - it is a tribute (75%)
  • No - it is not a tribute (25%)


It would seem that this in unconfirmed. The two minutes of research I've done reveal that there are several people out there that think Morn is a tribute to Norm Peterson from Cheers based on the fact that they have similar drinking habits, but I didn't find anything that unequivocally confirmed this. I suspect, however, that it's more than coincidence and it's likely to be a tribute.



(Created on 19th November 2011)

Vote #225


So, the sister site to this one was successfully launched a week or two ago. The one based in the East Midlands. Which was the first search engine to find the new page?


Google was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Ask (0%)
  • Baidu (20%)
  • Bing (20%)
  • Google (60%)
  • Soso (0%)
  • Thunderstone (0%)
  • Yahoo (0%)
  • Yandex (0%)


It was actually Yandex, a Russian search engine that hit the site first. Shortly followed by Google which, not surprisingly, seemed to be the voters favorite. Ask, Bing and Yahoo are nowhere to be seen yet. Baidu is typically all over my sites in their push to be the biggest search engine in the world ... helped by the restrictions China has on search engines external to their country.



(Created on 13th November 2011)

Vote #224


There's only one question I can ask this week and I apologize to those out there that don't follow NASCAR, but this week's question is Tony Stewart or Carl Edwards?


Carl Edwards was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Carl Edwards (100%)
  • Tony Stewart (0%)


100% of the votes for Carl Edwards and 100% of the votes wrong. Congratulations to Tony Stewart!



(Created on 6th November 2011)

Vote #223


Woo hoo! First time in 11 years of living in the United States, we had trick or treaters. Karen was out looting with William, whilst I stayed at home on candy duty. Surprisingly I wasn't sat there with a hose pipe through the letterbox. Anyway, there were a lot of great costumes out there. Which of the following is your favorite Halloween costume?


iPod and Scooby-Doo tied with 40% of the votes each from the following:

  • Captain Rex (Star Wars) (0%)
  • Goblin (0%)
  • iPod (40%)
  • Osama Bin Laden (0%)
  • Scarecrow (0%)
  • Scooby-Doo (40%)
  • Witch (20%)


A tie between the iPod and Scooby-Doo. I have to say, it was the iPod that was making me laugh the most - it just seemed funny to me that someone would want to dress up as an object rather than a thing. Each to their own I guess.



(Created on 30th October 2011)

Vote #222


After a long time pondering this week's question, we ask how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


700 pounds, A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood, It might be able to chuck wood but it wouldn't be able to chuck Chuck Norris, More than you could and None tied with 20% of the votes each from the following:

  • 35 cubic feet (0%)
  • 700 pounds (20%)
  • A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood (20%)
  • It might be able to chuck wood but it wouldn't be able to chuck Chuck Norris (20%)
  • More than you could (20%)
  • None (20%)


According to Wiki Answers:

The amount of wood that woodchucks would chuck on a given day varies greatly with the individual woodchuck. According to a Wall Street Journal article, New York State wildlife expert Richard Thomas found that a woodchuck could chuck around 35 cubic feet of dirt in the course of digging a burrow. Thomas reasoned that if a woodchuck could chuck wood, he would chuck an amount equal to 700 pounds.
Some say it depends on three factors:

  • The woodchuck's desire to chuck said wood.
  • The woodchuck's need to chuck the aforementioned wood.
  • The woodchuck's ability to chuck the wood when it is a woodchuck
The voters on this website, however, seem decidedly split on the woodchuck chucking issue.



(Created on 23rd October 2011)

Vote #221


During the big trip we just had to San Diego this weekend, William bought a snake. I asked him what the snake's name was an he replied “Bill”. This sparked a discussion about nicknames and William proclaimed that he knew Mummy's nickname. What do you think William affectionately knows his mother by?


Farty McMuffin was the clear winner with 83% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Bestest Mummy Ever (17%)
  • Farty McMuffin (83%)
  • Magnificent Mother (0%)
  • Poo Head (0%)
  • Super Mom (0%)
  • Super Mum (0%)
  • WonderMum (0%)


Farty McMuffin indeed!

William proclaimed that he knew mummy's nickname and came out with Farty McMuffin. My return comment was that it all made sense. If that's what she's been eating for breakfast, it explains the breath. What a loving family we have.



(Created on 16th October 2011)

Vote #220


If the kids of today are playing computer games about yesteryear, does that mean the kids of tomorrow will be playing games that involve doing something and then rushing to be the first to post it on a simulated twitter or facebook?


Yes was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (80%)
  • No (20%)


Yes, in 10+ years time, it's likely that kids will be playing virtual twitter or something like that. Perhaps playing in some virtual reality and entering the retro world to see how it was done in days gone by. Remarking on the fact that we used keyboards and touch screen devices. Things long gone by the wayside.



(Created on 8th October 2011)

Vote #219


Alright, so it's off to Vegas again with Mr O to watch a bit of racing. IndyCar this time with a splash of NASCAR trucks. The big question is whether or not we'll see Uncle Jesse at the track again.


Yes - we will see Uncle Jesse was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - we will see Uncle Jesse (75%)
  • No - we will not see Uncle Jesse (25%)


Danny Wheldon RIP.

Unfortunately, we did not see Uncle Jesse, but I'm not sure if we had whether we would have been in a good enough mood to appreciate it. A race I'll unfortunately never forget.



(Created on 2nd October 2011)

Vote #218


I was looking at the server log for this website and was quite surprised as to the number of hacking attempts I have on a daily basis. What country will try and hack my website the most this week?


Russia was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Czechoslovakia (0%)
  • China (25%)
  • India (0%)
  • Korea (0%)
  • Nigeria (0%)
  • Philippines (25%)
  • Russia (50%)
  • South Africa (0%)
  • United Kingdom (0%)
  • United States (0%)


I'll give it to those that selected Russia as I think it's the closest country. The actual answer is the Ukraine. Yep, this week, we attracted the attention of those in the Ukraine. A close second was China.



(Created on 25th September 2011)

Vote #217


As I continue my travels around the country, I wonder whether I'm going to end up in the right city with somewhere to stay. This week's question - has my travel been booked correctly or will I need to change it?


No - you will need to change it was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - it is correct (40%)
  • No - you will need to change it (60%)


Technically speaking I didn't have to change anything so the majority of votes were incorrect. That said, it wasn't without a potential hiccup. I had been told that the hotel I was staying in ran a shuttle to and from the airport. It actually only runs from the hotel to the airport and not the other way (which seems odd to me as it has to go back). Anyway, you're supposed to call the hotel and they send the shuttle to you if you arrive at the airport. I went to the hotel shuttle pickup point and waited. Fortunately the shuttle had been called to pickup a flight crew that were staying at the hotel and I only waited about 5 minutes, so it all worked out fine ... thankfully.



(Created on 18th September 2011)

Vote #216


Nothing immediately coming to mind again, so it's time to dig into the top ten lists. This week I came across the following list of side effects to medicine. Which of the following side effects would you like least?


Inability to distinguish between blue and green, Uncontrollable bowel movements and oily spotting, Rectal bleeding; hepatitis and herpes and Uncontrollable sexual and gambling urges tied with 25% of the votes each from the following:

  • Loss of smell (0%)
  • Hallucinations (0%)
  • Loss of fingerprints (seriously) (0%)
  • Inability to distinguish between blue and green (25%)
  • Developing fully functional mammory glands (0%)
  • Uncontrollable bowel movements and oily spotting (25%)
  • Erection lasting more than 3 hours (0%)
  • Immediate (3rd degree) sunburn (0%)
  • Rectal bleeding; hepatitis and herpes (25%)
  • Uncontrollable sexual and gambling urges (25%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
19th September 2011
Given the wide array of tablets I've taken over the past couple of years I had to vote for the one side effect I've not suffered from.


OK - so you're probably wondering how true these are and I'll honestly say that I haven't done any research into these - I just found them on a site. Here are the explanations:

Vasotec, used to treat congestive heart failure, can cause side effects that include a loss of senses, one of which being a loss of smell.

Chantix; Mirapex and Lariam used to quit smoking can cause hallucinations.

Xeloda, used to treat several types of cancer, can cause chronic inflammation of the palms or soles of feet. This can cause bleeding and ulcers, but the oddity is that it can cause your fingerprints to disappear.

Viagra, used for erectile dysfunction (as if you didn't know that one), can cause the user to see everything with a blue tint having the effect of not being able to distinguish between green and blue.

Propecia, used for hair loss, can cause the patient to develop fully functioning mammary glands.

Alli, used for weight loss, can cause uncontrollable bowel movements and oily spotting. I'm not 100% sure what oily spotting is, but you probably don't want to fart if you have this side effect as I believe you're going to get through a few pairs of underpants if you do. The interesting thing about this one is to reduce this side effect, you need to cut fatty food out of your diet. One assumes that a diet pill that causes you to cut out fatty food for fear of shitting yourself is probably quite effective.

Whilst we all know that Viagra can cause erections that last more than three hours, so can Zoloft which is used as an anti-depressant. Must be quite odd being depressed with a raging boner.

Levaquin, used to treat bacterial infections can make you ultra sensitive to sunlight that can give you very bad sunburn (like 3rd degree burns).

Accutane, used to treat acne, has a long list of possible side effects including Rectal bleeding, hirsutism (an overabundance of rapidly-growing hair), psychosis, crying spells (and general bouts of depression), Hepatitis, herpes (possibly), and bone-fractures.

Requip, used to treat restless leg syndrome, can cause unusual and uncommon urges including sexual and gambling.

An interesting spread of votes across the side effects with no single one being feared as the worst. Guess the whole concept of side effects is pretty worrying.



(Created on 8th September 2011)

Vote #215


Well, it's 10 years since 9-11 and we can't help but think about great travesties. So, coupled with the fact that I had to go see yet another doctor this week, I contemplate the unspeakable question of my life - how many doctors have been up my bum?


13 was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • 0 (0%)
  • 2 (0%)
  • 5 (0%)
  • 9 (0%)
  • 13 (50%)
  • 17 (25%)
  • 21 (0%)
  • 25 (0%)
  • 1,067 (25%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
12th September 2011
I had to go for 1,067 - you do live in San Fran


Whilst it feels like 1,067 (thanks Mr O), the number is not quite that impressive. I believe we're up to 13 now which is still quite a large number. I'm sure I've forgotten about one or two though. Speaking of which, I do seem to keep finding the odd watch lying around the place.

If anyone's interested, the latest treatment I'm going to be having is infra red. Not entirely sure of the details and I'm sure you don't want all of them anyway, but I'm rather hoping that a side effect of this is being able to change channel on the TV by farting.



(Created on 4th September 2011)

Vote #214


It's time to look ahead to the next Vegas trip. Mr O and myself will be going to watch the NASCAR trucks and the IndyCar race there in October. Coincidentally, the Excalibur hotel (where Mr O and myself generally stay) has just sent me some offers, including $20 pitchers of beer from October through February whilst playing beer pong. Will Mr O take advantage of this offer and have a game of beer pong?


No was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (33%)
  • No (67%)


Beer pong, for those of you that don't know, is a game where you try to throw ping-pong balls into cups to make the other team drink the contents. Generally, cups are arranged in front of you in a triangle shape, so 10 cup pong would be arranged 1-2-3-4. You then throw a ping-pong ball at your opponents cup, if it lands in it, they drink it. There are several variations where the defending team may or may not be allowed to interfere with the ball as it travels towards your cup. Generally, the game is won when you eliminate your opponents cups. A better variation may be until you make your opponent throw up.

Regardless of variation, however, I seriously doubt that Mr O will be playing.



(Created on 28th August 2011)

Vote #213


Seems that there's a lot of natural disasters going on. Which natural disaster would you like to be the cause of your demise?


Meteor Impact was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Avalanche (0%)
  • Earthquake (0%)
  • Flood (0%)
  • Hurricane (0%)
  • Meteor Impact (100%)
  • Tornado (0%)
  • Tsunami (0%)
  • Volcano (0%)


Interesting, everyone went for the same answer - meteor impact. It's funny as I nearly didn't include this as an option as I thought everyone would pick it. I think it's got something to do with the fact that a meteor impact may do something like cause another ice age, so it would wipe out all human life. Another theory is that it's more unlikely so you may as well get wiped out by the most statistically unlikely event. Not sure why it is and I'm pretty sure most people didn't spend too long thinking about it before they voted, just going for what seemed like the right answer.



(Created on 21st August 2011)

Vote #212


I came across a top 10 list on listverse.com that had the most influential arcade games. Rather than get into which one's the best, I'm simply going to ask which of the following arcade games did you like playing the most? (And yes, I dropped one from the list).


Donkey Kong, Frogger, Phoenix and Pong tied with 25% of the votes each from the following:

  • Asteroids (0%)
  • Donkey Kong (25%)
  • Frogger (25%)
  • Galaga (0%)
  • Mario Bros (0%)
  • Pac-Man (0%)
  • Phoenix (25%)
  • Pong (25%)
  • Space Invaders (0%)
  • None of the above (0%)


Donkey Kong, Frogger, Phoenix and Pong all seem to have shared the honors, so no consistent favorite. A little surprised that Space Invaders didn't feature into anyone's picks. I was tempted to select it, but in the end went for Phoenix. I know this wasn't a question on whether you agreed that these were the top 10 (or 9) most influential games, but I'm a little surprised there weren't any real classics that scrolled left to right like Defender or Scramble.



(Created on 14th August 2011)

Vote #211


With all the trouble and uncertainty going on at the minute, we need to turn our attention to the economy. Will the US economy rebound next week when I get back from vacation?


No was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (20%)
  • No (80%)


No indeed! It would appear that the economy has worsened since I got back although it's difficult to tell. The stock market's going up and down like a yo-yo and I've no idea what's going to happen to the housing market. Seems kind of arbitrary at the end of the day - I get all excited about what's going to happen and then go to work and do what I do regardless of whether the economy's good or bad. Yeah for another week of work.



(Created on 7th August 2011)

Vote #210


The final leg of the holiday and the last remaining big event is the trip to my brother's boat .... that he bought off eBay. Nothing has ever gone right with anything I've done with my brother and things that have been bought online, so what's going to happen this time?


Someone will fall in, It will crash and The toilet will overflow tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • Nothing (0%)
  • It will sink (0%)
  • You'll get arrested (0%)
  • Someone will fall in (33%)
  • It will crash (33%)
  • The toilet will overflow (33%)


A tied vote and none of them correct. It was a really nice afternoon floating down the river with a couple of beers stopping at a few pubs, followed by a really nice dinner. Job's a good 'un. I have to be honest, I'm surprised that nobody fell in, however, nobody did.



(Created on 31st July 2011)

Vote #209


Last week's question was whether or not I'd make it back. This week's question is targeted towards the big event - the BBQ at Luke's next Saturday. Really looking forward to this, but will the weather hold and will it go as planned?


Yes - there will not be any hitches was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - there will not be any hitches (100%)
  • No - it will rain (0%)
  • No - something else will happen (0%)


Interestingly I seem to be the only person voting and it seems I was wrong. Here was me being all optimistic and it went and rained. We did manage to get the food done just before it rained, so we lucked out a little bit and then retired to the conservatory to watch it rain without actually getting wet. I have to say it was a pretty traditional English BBQ - rain and lots of burnt. There were burnt round things, burnt long things, burnt things on burnt bones and long flat burnt things. All topped off with a couple of wasps floating round in your drinks. I've forgotten how good it used to be.



(Created on 24th July 2011)

Vote #208


As I move into holiday week, I can't really seem to thing about anything else. I guess the only question is will everything go smoothly and will I end up back in the UK as planned?


Yes was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (80%)
  • No (20%)


Well, I'm here safe and sound, so I guess “yes” was the right answer. Interestingly enough, I was going to give more answers to this question including one that I'd get back OK but would be subject to a delay. I was indeed subject to a three hour delay. Also, I was taken into a back room at security and given the full rubber glove pat down. Thankfully this did not involve a cavity search, but I can tell you the check was thorough.



(Created on 17th July 2011)

Vote #207


This week's vote question comes courtesy of some random site. Apparently this is a good question to ask someone who you're on a date with. If you were in a circus, what job would you have?


Clown, Knife Thrower and Plate Spinner tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • Beautiful Assistant (0%)
  • Clown (33%)
  • Elephant Trainer (0%)
  • Fire Breather (0%)
  • Human Cannonball (0%)
  • Knife Thrower (33%)
  • Lion Tamer (0%)
  • Plate Spinner (33%)
  • Trapeze Artist (0%)


I have to admit, I may have lost some votes here depending on when the votes were cast. I had a pretty major problem with the machine running the website and had to copy the backup files over that may have been a day or two old. Anyway, little interest in this vote and the votes split between clown, knife thrower and plate spinner. I was tempted to go for the human cannonball myself, but I erred away from it in the end.

I'm not really sure I want to run away and join the circus. It's certainly not something that's on my to do list and probably not on that many others either.



(Created on 10th July 2011)

Vote #206


As we bid a fond farewell to the News of the World for all the journalistic excellence they have brought us over the last however many years like .... well, I can't quite think of any, but I'm sure they must have managed to come up with something good at some point. We here at EBR continue on strong and ask the question - were you important enough to have your phone tapped by the News of the World?


No was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (20%)
  • No (80%)


I have some important news for the person that voted “yes” - your phone was not tapped as you're not that important. I think it's safe to say that you're having delusions of grandeur. The rest of us appear to be aware of our lack of importance in the grand scheme of things. Oh well, so long News of the World!



(Created on 4th July 2011)

Vote #205


One of the birds I was looking for this July 4th holiday (in Tahoe) was the white headed woodpecker (which I did get to see). Whilst looking for the woodpecker, William decided to look for his own bird. What bird was William looking for on our trip to Tahoe?


Hairy Woodpecker and Rainbow Headed Woodpecker with a Gold Penis tied with 40% of the votes each from the following:

  • Anteater (0%)
  • Bald Eagle (0%)
  • Chickadee (0%)
  • Emu (0%)
  • Golden Eagle (0%)
  • Hairy Woodpecker (40%)
  • Mallard (0%)
  • Rainbow Headed Woodpecker with a Gold Penis (40%)
  • Penguin (20%)


Interesting .... seems there were only two votes for “rainbow headed woodpecker with a gold penis” and I know one of those was me and I assume the other Karen as this was indeed the correct answer. Whilst I was searching away for the white-headed woodpecker, William turned round and said that he hoped to find a rainbow headed woodpecker. When asked to describe the bird, he added that it would have a gold penis. Not that having a rainbow head wouldn't be sufficient a distinction to identify it alone, one would have to make sure they saw its penis to make sure a correct identification was being made.

I didn't ask what the female would look like or if it would have any distinguishing features. That said, in the bird kingdom, the females do tend to be more drab than the males.

It does beg the question as to whether people would go after stealing the eggs of such a bird if it existed or whether it would be hunted for its penis.



(Created on 26th June 2011)

Vote #204


At the NASCAR race this weekend, both Karen and I bought hats to proudly display our support. Karen paid $32 for an M&M Kyle Busch hat. How much did I pay for a Target Montoya hat?


$3, $5, $11 and $42 tied with 25% of the votes each from the following:

  • $3 (25%)
  • $5 (25%)
  • $11 (25%)
  • $19 (0%)
  • $25 (0%)
  • $30 (0%)
  • $32 (0%)
  • $40 (0%)
  • $42 (25%)
  • $50 (0%)


A mixed selection of answers. I like the logic that someone employed and went for $42 for the 42 car. Sadly, the correct answer is $5. Whilst Kyle Busch was commanding a whopping $32 for his hat, Juan Pablo Montoya only demanded five bucks.



(Created on 19th June 2011)

Vote #203


As we wake up this week, it's time to say Happy Birthday to Karen. Not much of a vote question there, so we'll turn our attention to the NASCAR race next weekend at Sonoma that both Karen and I will be going to. Will the race be won by a regular, one of the regulars with track experience or a ringer. Who do you think will win the race?


Kyle Busch and Someone Else tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • Boris Said (0%)
  • Jamie McMurray (0%)
  • Jeff Gordon (0%)
  • Jimmie Johnson (17%)
  • Juan Pable Montoya (0%)
  • Kasey Kahne (0%)
  • Kyle Busch (33%)
  • Marcos Ambrose (17%)
  • Robbie Gordon (0%)
  • Someone Else (33%)


Looks like “someone else” was the right answer. Big congratulations to Kurt Busch who ran a fantastic race and thoroughly deserved the win.



(Created on 13th June 2011)

Vote #202


In a multiple choice test, which is the correct answer?


C - the longest answer that goes into a detailed explanation was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • A - yes (0%)
  • B - no (0%)
  • C - the longest answer that goes into a detailed explanation (50%)
  • D - A and B (25%)
  • E - none of the above (25%)


Yeah, it's normally the long answer that has a detailed discussion around the subject. That said, there's always a smattering of “none of the above” too.



(Created on 6th June 2011)

Vote #201


Seems that this week is one of those weeks when I've got to Sunday night and have no idea of what question to ask. I sold 4 items on eBay today and I've been paid for two of them (the two smallest amounts). Will I get paid for the other two?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


The answer was indeed yes, but it's really a “yes, but ...” I did sell all the items and collect the money. I did, however, get a note from eBay saying that one of my bids had been canceled due to the buyer being a fraud and that I should not ship anything to them. Bit of a bummer as I'd already shipped everything. Turns out that this bidder wasn't the winner, so we're all good. Good reminder not to ship unless you have physically received the payment - apparently this fraud was sending false emails to say that they'd paid, so check receipt of funds into the account you have to collect the money (normally PayPal).



(Created on 29th May 2011)

Vote #200


Some weeks I struggle to come up with vote questions, but other weeks they're handed to me on a plate. Yesterday we were out walking and I asked William what he thought the speed of the fastest bird could fly. After he provided his answer, I asked Karen the same question. She started by saying that she thought it was a [blank]. What bird did Karen think flew the fastest?


Mallard, Peregrine Falcon and Emu tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • Hawk (0%)
  • Golden Eagle (0%)
  • Mallard (33%)
  • Peregrine Falcon (33%)
  • Sparrow (0%)
  • Wren (0%)
  • Emu (33%)


I'm surprised that eveyone didn't guess this right. Karen did indeed think the emu is the fastest flying bird. That well know flying bird.


1 comment
Mr O
6th June 2011
Hmm, I obviously know Karen too well, either that or can read the tone of your questions.

(Created on 23rd May 2011)

Vote #199


Another completely irrelevant question to most people out there. I've had to pick four dates for a firm meeting (you select four and then get allocated one of the four to attend a meeting). One of those four dates conflicts with when Mr O is coming over to watch the NASCAR trucks in Vegas and I'd like to go. I find out this week which meeting I will attend. Will I be able to go to the NASCAR trucks with Owen in October or will I have a conflict with a firm meeting?


Yes - you will get your first meeting choice and can go to the race with Owen was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - you will get your first meeting choice and can go to the race with Owen (80%)
  • Yes - you will get your second meeting choice and can go to the race with Owen (20%)
  • No - you will get your third meeting choice that conflicts with the race with Owen (0%)
  • Yes - you will get your fourth meeting choice and can go to the race with Owen (0%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
28th May 2011
This is of course depends upon whether I can sort out flights or not.


Unfortunately I can't actually put an answer to this question as yet as I haven't received confirmation back as to which event I will be attending. Hopefully I'll find out next week and I'll pop back to post the answer given that I know you're on the edge of your seat waiting to see where this one goes.



I know everyone's been waiting for the update on this one ... well, I finally have it (update June 19th). I got my first pick, so I will indeed be going to the Indy and truck race with Owen. I've already purchased the tickets and put in my calendar.



(Created on 16th May 2011)

Vote #198


After going through a big ordeal of signing William up for swimming lessens and arranging a sitter to pick him up from school to take him. The first sitter no showed. The next day the second showed and took him, but he wouldn't go in the pool. This week is plan B with a different swimming class, but will William go in the pool this week?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Yay! 100% of the votes going for yes and 100% of the voters correct. William did indeed go for a swim. In fact, he went three times last week and is looking forward to his lessons this week.



(Created on 9th May 2011)

Vote #197


I'm in one of those indecisive moods - should I get a Chinese or Thai takeout tonight?


Neither - cook something and don't be so lazy was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Chinese (25%)
  • Thai (25%)
  • Neither - go for something different (0%)
  • Neither - cook something and don't be so lazy (50%)


“Cook something and don't be so lazy” !! Really?? Really?? Like that's going to happen. What on earth were take aways invented for? Well, if you really want to know, I had a Thai and it was very nice. So if you're over and visiting and in the mood for a Thai, I know just the place to go - either for eat in or take out.



(Created on 2nd May 2011)

Vote #196


A tricky one this week as we dig into the human body and ask the all important question about ourselves ... why can't you tickle yourself?


Because the brain knows where the touch is coming from and doesn't invoke a reaction (laughing) was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • I can tickle myself (33%)
  • Because it's illegal (0%)
  • It would be too much fun (0%)
  • It would cause too many embarrasing moments (0%)
  • Because the brain knows where the touch is coming from and doesn't invoke a reaction (laughing) (67%)


Just to be boring, laughing when tickled is a natural reaction and is actually caused by panic. It's a response to things crawling on your skil apparently. Even when you know someone is going to tickle you, it still invokes a response as, so I've read on the internet, there is still a part of you that doesn't know if you're going to get hurt and this causes you to laugh. Not sure I follow all of this. I suggest you try for yourself - go stand in front of the mirror in the bathroom and try tickling yourself to see whether or not you can do it.

I think the person that said they can tickle themselves should video themselves and post it on YouTube.



(Created on 25th April 2011)

Vote #195


Amongst many other things, I've just put in my order for tickets to various events in the 2012 Olympics. Basically, you pick what you want to go to, submit an application and then you're in a lottery. If nobody wants to go to the event you selected, then you'll get a ticket. If, however, many people have put in for a ticket then it's the luck of the draw. Will we get the tickets we ordered for the 100m final?


No was the clear winner with 71% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (29%)
  • No (71%)


I am worried that there's a conspiracy that will keep Owen and myself away from the 100m final. I believe there's concern that we will be mistaken for the athletes and will take the limelight away from the actual competitors. Unfortunately, no may be the correct answer if that's the case.



(Created on 17th April 2011)

Vote #194


Well, presumably you've all received your invitiations to the wedding by now. I think mine got lost in the post somewhere - perhaps the royals didn't know I'd moved house. Anyway, not to worry, the event will be over covered on TV. Are you going to watch the wedding on the 29th?


Yes and No tied with 40% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (40%)
  • No (40%)
  • What wedding? (20%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
18th April 2011
It's an extra bank holiday - that's all that's good about it. However if you do want a truly unique momento we are offering a limited edition royal wedding cash passport, much more useful that the £15 commemorative mug (which is what you'll be if you buy one).


Pretty much a split vote - I would think this is probably going to be the most watched event of the decade (and we're only just starting that). I won't be watching, but Karen is going to try. I have nothing against it, just complete lack of interest. I would imagine the extra public holiday in the UK is well received. I do wonder if the UK is going to shut down for the next week as I imaging most people will take off the days between Easter and the wedding to make a longer holiday of it. We'll just have to wait until Thanksgiving before we get our big public holiday over here in the US.



(Created on 11th April 2011)

Vote #193


Unashamedly I resort once again to the top ten lists for this week's vote question. Through extensive internet research I came across a list of the top ten most bizarre things a car has been covered in. Which of the following things that a car has been covered in do you think is the most bizarre?


Chocolate, Cigarettes, Grass and Postage Stamps tied with 25% of the votes each from the following:

  • Chocolate (25%)
  • Cigarettes (25%)
  • Coins (0%)
  • Crystals (0%)
  • Grass (25%)
  • Musical Instruments (0%)
  • Nail polish (0%)
  • Postage Stamps (25%)
  • Sticky Notes (0%)
  • Toy Cars (0%)


A pretty irrelevant vote question attracting very little interest. Votes pretty evenly spread which basically means that there's a view that whatever you cover your car with, it's bizarre. I guess you should just leave your car alone.



(Created on 4th April 2011)

Vote #192


We (Karen, William and myself) seem to be looking forward to the movie Cars 2. We keep hearing of various motor racing celebrities that will be doing the voice overs. Question is - will Cars 2 be as good as the original Cars movie?


They will be as good as each other was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - Cars 2 will be better (33%)
  • No - the original movie will be better (0%)
  • They will be as good as each other (50%)
  • I don't care (17%)


Interesting, I wasn't expecting the response that I got, i.e. that both the movies would be as good as each other. I actually thought there would be some votes for the first one being better on the basis that sequels often don't live up to the expectations set by the originals. Just look at Matrix, for example. Anyway, that's the way the majority voted. I can live with that as I'm looking forward to seeing it. I'm being quietly optimistic that the sequel will be even better than the original. I guess we'll just have to wait until July to find out.



(Created on 28th March 2011)

Vote #191


I find myself in hospital, yet again. The only thing on my mind is when will I not be in hospital. What day this week will I be released from hospital?


Wednesday was the clear winner with 88% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Sunday (0%)
  • Monday (0%)
  • Tuesday (13%)
  • Wednesday (88%)
  • Thursday (0%)
  • Friday (0%)
  • Saturday (0%)
  • None (not released this week) (0%)


The majority were indeed correct, I was released on Wednesday. Arm is still a little swollen, but the pills seem to be doing their thing and I appear to be on the mend.



(Created on 21st March 2011)

Vote #190


I seem to be spending a lot of time pondering my next phone choice, so I figured I'd reach out and get some advice and then ignore it completely. What mobile phone type would you get if you had the choice?


Android was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Android (50%)
  • Blackberry (0%)
  • iPhone (25%)
  • Non Smartphone (25%)


Pretty irrelevant question as I ordered an Android the day after I set it. The Motorla Atrix 4G to be precise. Should get it on Friday all being well. Well, me being well I suppose.



(Created on 14th March 2011)

Vote #189


This week's vote question is a combination of the two trips I've just done. Quite a feeble combination, but there you go. Back in the UK I watched a bit of QI, so the question is simply which of the following is quite interesting from the Phoenix/Vegas trip?


After taking a towel my towel rail proceeded to fall off and dump the remaining towels in the toilet and Chevvy Malibu's are not ideal off road vehicles - particularly for roads marked 4x4 only tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • I didn't eat a single burger on the trip or go into a burger chain restaurant (17%)
  • We met someone with a thick Irish accent that was from Manchester and had never been to Ireland (17%)
  • We met someone from Manchester that supported Manchester United (0%)
  • After taking a towel my towel rail proceeded to fall off and dump the remaining towels in the toilet (33%)
  • The only time I turned the TV on was to check out and I got an error and had to go to reception (0%)
  • Chevvy Malibu's are not ideal off road vehicles - particularly for roads marked 4x4 only (33%)
  • I didn't bet using any slot machine or card game (0%)
  • Between 1951 and 1992, there were a total of 928 announced nuclear tests at Nevada Test Site (0%)
  • People generally go to Lake Havasu to go boating (0%)

Pre-Result Discussion

15th March 2011
towel rail saga was more funny than interesting


A two way tie between my antics with the towel rail in the bathroom and our aborted off road trip. Both were indeed quite interesting. I'm perplexed as to why I repeated the procedure of dumping my towels into the toilet several days running when a simple fix would have been to put the bog seat down. Seems my puny brain wasn't active enough first thing in the morning to remember what to do. Thankfully there were enough towels such that I had a replacement to dry myself with after soaking a couple of them. Regarding the aborted trip, we did try to get across the dirt road, but after a couple of loud bangs and scraping noises coming from the underside of the vehicle, we decided to abort and return the way we came. Given that the advice is that you can't get mobile phone reception on that road, it seemed like the safest option was to admit defeat and retreat to fight again another day.



(Created on 7th March 2011)

Vote #188


In the absence of having any well thought out vote question, I present to you the discussion that Mr. O and I were having on the way to the race today (whilst stuck in traffic for a couple of hours). What's your favorite car color?


Grey/Silver was the clear winner with 40% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Black (20%)
  • White (0%)
  • Red (0%)
  • Blue (20%)
  • Yellow (20%)
  • Green (0%)
  • Grey/Silver (40%)
  • Brown (0%)
  • Pink (0%)
  • Purple (0%)


Interesting, I quite like gray/silver, but would not have picked it as my favorite. I went with Black - very boring. Anyway, gray/silver it is.



(Created on 27th February 2011)

Vote #187


It's that time of the year again where I find myself with Mr O driving to a couple of NASCAR races. This year we're doing Phoenix and Vegas. As with last year, we will be having a little wager. Before each race we have to pick either Kyle Busch or Carl Edwards (Ron Hornaday for the trucks as Carl isn't in that competition). The rules are (currently and subject to change) $10 per race and there are five races. Who will win the Busch Edwards/Hornaday betting series?


Rag was the clear winner with 71% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Mr O. (29%)
  • Rag (71%)
  • It will be a draw (0%)

Pre-Result Discussion

27th February 2011
Note that I did point out that the rules are $10 per race currently. If it stays that way then there will be a winner, however, we're as likely to do a double or quits on the last race. As I said, the rules can change.
5th March 2011
Well, I left Phoenix 2-1 up, but I suspect Mr O may take the Vegas races to win 3-2.
5th March 2011
Let me hear you sing "we're in the money .. we're in the money ..". Or how about this one "Owen is a loser, Owen is a loser la-la la la ...". As you can probably tell, I go into the last race 3-1 up which must be the first time I've won. Will it be $10 or $30 though?


To all those that had faith in me, thanks. I have to admit that I'm truly surprised, however, I did deliver a crushing 4-1 victory over Mr. O leaving me $30 to the good. In fact, it must be the most crushing victory dealt by anybody in this kind of championship before. If I really think about it, it has to be setting the standard for future years. Is there a way back in it for Mr. O or has he had his day. Only time will tell. In the meantime, he has a year to lick his wounds.



(Created on 21st February 2011)

Vote #186


As we kick off the fantasy NASCAR game, let's see what the general predictions are. Will I win the game again? Well, what do you think - who will win the 2011 NASCAR race game?


You're the Juan that I want was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Cool Blue (0%)
  • Kyle Busch ate my hamster (25%)
  • Shrub (25%)
  • Twiki (0%)
  • Wombles (0%)
  • You're the Juan that I want (50%)


Well, it seems as if there is faith in me to do the double. Only time will tell given this competition covers all 36 races in the season. I have a feeling that Mr O is going to push me all the way (or vice versa if he gets out in front). Then again, we could see an unexpected result. Daytona proved that's possible.



(Created on 13th February 2011)

Vote #185


As we move to the first race of the season I shall open up the race game again. Next week will be the first race of the season. How many people will register for the 2011 NASCAR season race game?


6 was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • 2 (0%)
  • 3 (0%)
  • 4 (17%)
  • 5 (17%)
  • 6 (50%)
  • 7 (17%)
  • 8 (0%)
  • 9 (0%)
  • 10+ (0%)


The correct answer was indeed 6 which is less than last time proving that I really do know how to create things that nobody else is interested in.



(Created on 6th February 2011)

Vote #184


Completely under the weather at the minute and not able think much (so nothing new there), I don't have much by way of a question. I have, however, just learnt that my dad is waiting for a putter to arrive that he bought online in an auction and suspects he has been duped. Will the putter my dad ordered turn up this week?


No - you've been had was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - the putter will come (25%)
  • No - you've been had (75%)


It was actually a driver and not a putter. Not that it makes a difference. Anyway, the driver came as expected within the designated timeframe. Seems my dad didn't think it was going to get here as he hadn't heard anything from the seller and was automatically fearing the worst. All is well with the world again.



(Created on 31st January 2011)

Vote #183


In a turmoil of morals, I find myself asking the question of whether you should be up front and honest or keep quiet and hope nobody finds out?


Depends on the probability of being found out was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Be up front and honest (40%)
  • Keep quiet and hope nobody finds out (0%)
  • Depends on the probability of being found out (60%)


Interesting - the majority of votes going for “depends on the probability of being found out” which, to me, is the same as saying that you'd keep quiet and hope that nobody found out as you're effecively saying that's what you'd do unless you were sure you were going to get caught. Anyway, there's probably too much hypothetical here as I didn't exactly specify what's at stake. I suspect the reality of the fact is that there's some kind of equation that weighs up the probability of being caught against the consequences.



(Created on 24th January 2011)

Vote #182


As I get set for my holiday back to England, I have to wonder about spending 3 weeks there in February. Sunny Syston versus the San Francisco Bay Area at this time of year .... hmmmm. We're going to be there for the first three weeks of Feb and I guess the quesion is - Will William see it snow? (I don't think he's seen it actually snow before as opposed to just seeing snow on the ground).


Yes - he will see it snow was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - he will see it snow (67%)
  • No - he will not see it snow (33%)


I'm quite impressed with the couple of folks that said no. I doubt we'll get through three weeks of Feb without seeing snow, so I think the majority will be correct, but we'll find out.


1 comment
27th February 2011
If anyone is really interested .... and I'm pretty sure nobody is, but I'm going to make this entry regardless, we did not see any snow in England during our trip. We had a few cold days and a couple of days where it rained, but other than that, the weather wasn't too bad.

(Created on 17th January 2011)

Vote #181


Falling short once again to think of a vote question, I find myself trawling through the top 10 lists of this and that. Came across a list of the top 10 British Comedy programs. I'm not hear to debate what's missing from the list, simply to ask which of the following do you like the best?


Monty Python's Flying Circus, Only Fools and Horses, Black Adder, Fawlty Towers and The Office tied with 20% of the votes each from the following:

  • The IT Crowd (0%)
  • Peep Show (0%)
  • Mr Bean (0%)
  • Monty Python's Flying Circus (20%)
  • Only Fools and Horses (20%)
  • The Royle Family (0%)
  • The Inbetweeners (0%)
  • Black Adder (20%)
  • Fawlty Towers (20%)
  • The Office (20%)


OK - about as even as it gets. So no clear winner on the favorite show. I have to say I'm somewhat torn on things like this as there's a mix of old and new shows. It's difficult to put something like the Inbetweeners in the same group as Monty Python given that you don't know if it will stand the test of time so to speak. That said, I do think it's a very good show. I happened to vote for Blackadder, probably due to it being so good in the era I grew up in. Anyway, don't think there's a bad choice.



(Created on 10th January 2011)

Vote #180


Well, this week is the 180th vote question that I've set. Quite worrying in itself I think, but what does 180 mean to you?


The highest score in darts was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • The number of vote questions set on this site (0%)
  • The highest score in darts (75%)
  • An about turn (0%)
  • A change of mind (0%)
  • The number that falls between 179 and 181 (25%)
  • An energy drink produced by Anheuser-Busch (0%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
10th January 2011
How can it be anything other than the highest score in darts. We've just crowned two world chapions in the sport in the last week, with the two tournaments serving up nearly 1000 180's between them. Top arrows!


As Mr O says - top arrows. Indeed 180 should resonate with everyone and you should immediately think of darts. And obviously the accompanying announcer that draws out the words “one hundred and eighty!”



(Created on 3rd January 2011)

Vote #179


Does your 2011 new year's resolution involve losing weight?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


I see the majority of respondents are happy remaining fat ... and quite rightly so.

Ho hmmm! Caught out by a last minute vote to tie the standings. That's the problem with writing the analysis before the time has run out for people to vote. You leave yourself open to last minute changes.



(Created on 27th December 2010)

Vote #178


As we move into the new year, I guess I should ask something about resolutions or perhaps be a bit philosophical on what the new year will bring. Unfortunately, the only question on my mind right now is - do you fancy a cup of tea?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (0%)
  • Infinite Improbability Drive (33%)


Indeed. You can't go wrong with a nice hot cup of tea. Whether it's for yourself or to create an infinite improbability drive.



(Created on 20th December 2010)

Vote #177


With Christmas being right around the corner, it seems appropriate to ask a festive question this week. Which do you prefer or which are you?


Naughty Girl was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Naughty Girl (100%)
  • Nice Girl (0%)


Not entirely sure whether the lack of votes was because the question was boring or because my computer screwed up and advanced the vote one too many, so the vote wasn't actually on the vote page for most of the week. Anyway, we all know that naughty girls are the best!



(Created on 10th December 2010)

Vote #176


I've been watching a few Star Trek (TNG, not that it matters) episodes and am taken by how good some of the one liners are. When Q transports the senior staff of the Enterprise to Sherwood Forrest to make Picard play out a Robin Hood saga, the camera pans to Worf in tights who shouts “Sir, I protest, I am not a merry man!” Anyway, that brings me to this week's question - which of the following is your favorite quote?


Luke, I am your father - Darth Vader and None of the above tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • Beam me up, Scotty - Captain Kirk (17%)
  • Do you feel lucky, punk? - Dirty Harry (0%)
  • Elementary, my dear Watson - Sherlock Holmes (17%)
  • Hello Clarice - Hannibal Lecter (0%)
  • Luke, I am your father - Darth Vader (33%)
  • Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? - Evil Queen, Snow White (0%)
  • Play it again, Sam - Humphrey Bogart (0%)
  • None of the above (33%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
14th December 2010
How come you didn't tag "none of the above" with the film it was from, Brewster's Millions?


The correct answer is, of course “none of the above” on the basis that none of these lines were actually spoken. These are all misquoted lines. The actual lines are as follows:

  • Captain Kirk (closest line) - Scotty, Beam us up.
  • Darth Vader - no, I am your father.
  • Dirty Harry - Ah, I know what you’re thinking, punk. You’re thinking, ‘Did he fire six shots or only five?’ Well, to tell you the truth, I’ve forgotten myself in all this excitement. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you’ve got to ask yourself one question, ‘Do I feel lucky?’ Well, do ya punk?
  • Evil Queen (Snow White) - Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all
  • Hannibal Lecter - good evening, Clarice.
  • Humphrey Bogart - You played it for her, you can play it for me. When Sam tries to refuse, he replies, If she can stand it, I can. Play it!
  • Sherlock Holmes - has quoted deductions as being elementary and has referred to his sidekick as my dear Watson, but never together.

I like Mr O's comment regarding none of the above and Brewster's Millions. None of the above being the vote campaign that Brewster ran, but unfortunately that line was spoken during the film, so wouldn't be a quote that would fit here. Beyond that, it seems as if the majority of folks went for the Star Wars quote.



(Created on 6th December 2010)

Vote #175


It appears that tradition upon leaving a company is to write an email telling everyone how much you enjoyed working with them. Many people try and be funny or add something witty to these goodbye messages. Which of the following phrases would you end with in a goodbye email to work colleagues?


Boing .... said Zeberdee, So long, farewell, goodbye, auf Weidersehen, So long and thanks for all the fish and TTFN tied with 25% of the votes each from the following:

  • Boing .... said Zeberdee (25%)
  • Hasta la vista, baby (0%)
  • Na-na-naa-na, hey hey hey, Goodbye (0%)
  • See you later .... I'm off somewhere better (0%)
  • So long, farewell, goodbye, auf Weidersehen (25%)
  • So, five-card stud, nothing wild. And the sky's the limit. (0%)
  • So long and thanks for all the fish (25%)
  • Time to bounce (0%)
  • TTFN (25%)


Random responses then. I suspect Mr O went for the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy response (so long and thanks for all the fish). The thing with that one is that it's been done before and I'd think I was copying someone, otherwise it's likely something I'd go for. I quite like the Star Trek TNG one (so, five card stud, nothing wild. And the sky's the limit). I've not seem anyone do this before, however, my vote was for the magic roundabout (boing .... said Zeberdee). Kind of has a cool checking out feel to it and nobody in the US will have a clue what it actually means.



(Created on 29th November 2010)

Vote #174


A traumatic experience happened earlier this week when I sat down to watch Top Gear only to find that it had been franchised out and rather than watching the TV show I'm used to, I ended up watching American Top Gear. Somehow Clarkson's wit doesn't come across. That said, it was still true to car lovers, so this week I ask the simple question, if you could have one of the following sports cars, which one would you pick?


Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Ascari A10 (0%)
  • Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport (75%)
  • Ferrari 599xx (0%)
  • Gumpert Apollo (0%)
  • Jaguar XJ 220 (25%)
  • Koenigsegg CCX (0%)
  • McLaren F1 (0%)
  • Pagani Zonda F (0%)
  • Saleen S7 Twin-Turbo (0%)
  • SSC Ultimate Aero TT (0%)


Seems like the popular vote has gone to the fastest car. I suppose that was to be expected and I think the Bugatti is an amazing car.



(Created on 22nd November 2010)

Vote #173


The drive for five is done. Jimmie Johnson has done it again. More importantly, however, is the fact that I won the NASCAR race game. If I ran the competition again next year, would you be interested?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


A resounding yes from a very small number of people. Only three people responded which is less than actually took part in the competition. Regardless of the answer, I'm going to run another one next year anyway. To be honest, the season starts in February, so I'll probably set the competition up early in the year to allow people to register and to see if I can entice someone to play who doesn't know me .... but I doubt it.



(Created on 15th November 2010)

Vote #172


Here's a brain teaser from Karen. If it were 2 hours later, it would be half as long until midnight as it would be if it were an hour later. What time is it now?


9 o'clock was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • 6 o'clock (0%)
  • 7 o'clock (0%)
  • 8 o'clock (25%)
  • 9 o'clock (75%)
  • 10 o'clock (0%)


Once you get your head around the wording of the question, this one wasn't that hard. Most of you got it right - the answer is 9 o'clock.



(Created on 8th November 2010)

Vote #171


Brain teaser time to get you going. You have nine cookies. Eight are identical. The ninth is identical with the exception that it is heavier as a gold ring was baked inside it. You have a set of balance scales (the ones that allow you to put something on one side and something on the other and tell you which is heavier). What is the fewest number of times you need to use the scale to determine which cookie contains the ring?


0 was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • 0 (60%)
  • 1 (20%)
  • 2 (0%)
  • 3 (20%)
  • 4 (0%)
  • 5 (0%)
  • 6 (0%)
  • 7 (0%)
  • 8 (0%)
  • 9 (0%)


Interesting - nobody got this one right. The correct answer is two.

Divide the cookies into three groups of three. Put two of them on either side of the scales and pick the group that is the heaviest. If they are the same, then pick the group that is not on the scales. At this point we know that the ring is in one of the three cookies in the heaviest group. Simply do the same thing again - pick two of the cookies and put one on either side of the scales. If there is a heavier one then it contains the ring. If not, the ring is in the one not on the scales.



(Created on 1st November 2010)

Vote #170


Oh dear, time for one of those stupid questions. Who is bigger?


The Baby of Mr & Mrs Bigger was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Mr Bigger (33%)
  • Mrs Bigger (17%)
  • The Baby of Mr & Mrs Bigger (50%)


The majority of you got this one right. The baby is indeed a little bigger.



(Created on 25th October 2010)

Vote #169


I was trying to think of something cheesy for this week's question. I guess that it's as simple then as what's your favorite?


Cheddar was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Brie (0%)
  • Camembert (0%)
  • Cheddar (60%)
  • Double Gloucester (0%)
  • Edam (20%)
  • Gouda (0%)
  • Monterey Jack (0%)
  • Red Leicester (20%)
  • Stilton (0%)
  • Wensleydale (0%)

Pre-Result Discussion

26th October 2010
Cheddar is actually Carolyn's vote. I'm just acting as a proxy. However, she thought that the selection was rather weak. "Too few French selections and where the hell is Parmesean?" is how she put it.


Cheddar it is then. Seems a little boring to me, but what do I know as I'm not into those soft cheeses or French cheeses which may go some way to answering Curt's question. Parmesan probably was an oversight, but I'm limited to providing 10 choices on these votes - the limitation is that the bar graph starts to overwrite itself if I go over 10, so generally I try not to.

Oh well, 169 vote questions to date and this is the first time I've been called on not having enough options. I suppose that's pretty good going.

OK - I'm off to get some Red Leicester.



(Created on 18th October 2010)

Vote #168


I guess we're all but done with changing the website now. I think I've rolled the template out to all the pages now. The one thing I've never been able to do is come up with a decent logo. I keep going back and forth with text designs and trying to be creative with some symbol or other, but it all comes out looking like fisherman dude. What do you think would work as a logo for this site?


A cock was the clear winner with 40% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Simple text design (20%)
  • An artistic picture (0%)
  • Embedding text into a picture (0%)
  • Fisherman dude (the previous logo) (20%)
  • A symbol (20%)
  • An animal (0%)
  • A cock (40%)


I suppose it was to be expected. I actually voted for the simple text design, although when I was messing around on my dev system, I did go for the cock option. That's pretty much why I decided to set the question in the first place.

OK - to satisfy your desire, here's the Ferrari picture of the 599xx beating the track record on the Nürburgring. (Look to the top right of the car)



(Created on 11th October 2010)

Vote #167


Looks like the Virgin spaceship has made its first flight and will be getting ready for those first customers. This is one of those things where it would be really cool to go on a flight into outer space, but you'd be scared to death when the day actually came. That said, it's an opportunity of a lifetime, but how much would you pay for the privilege of flying in outer space?


$0, $1 - $10,000, $10,000 - $50,000, $50,001 - $100,000 and $100,001 - $150,000 tied with 20% of the votes each from the following:

  • $0 (20%)
  • $1 - $10,000 (20%)
  • $10,000 - $50,000 (20%)
  • $50,001 - $100,000 (20%)
  • $100,001 - $150,000 (20%)
  • $150,001 - $200,000 (0%)
  • Over $200,000 (0%)


No clear answer then. I'm intrigued as to who voted for $0 - perhaps I should have gone the other way to see how much you would have to pay this person to fly into outer space. That said, it would be brown pants time before you took the trip. Unless you're an astronaut, I'm thinking that this trip would be very dauting, but I suspect adenoline would take over given what you're about to do.

I think the actual price is somewhere around $200,000 and nobody got that high with their money, so I guess there won't be any EBR voters taking a flight into outer space anytime soon.



(Created on 4th October 2010)

Vote #166


Maybe it's escaped your notice or maybe not, but I've started to revamp the website. We have a new home page and then a template that's been rolled out to a few of the smaller pages like videos, contact and site map as a few examples. We need to find out whether or not you like it. What word would you use to describe this new template?


Surprised, Sophisticated and Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • Surprised (33%)
  • Sophisticated (33%)
  • Spectacular (0%)
  • Superior (0%)
  • Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (33%)
  • Sloppy (0%)
  • Shit (0%)

Pre-Result Discussion

John Draper
4th October 2010
Get line 24 sorted out and let's have another go


Mixed results, but all on the positive side. Seems there was an initial error with the graph not displaying correctly if nobody had voted. That should be fixed now, but there may be other errors around. If you notice any, please let me know. There's a good few weeks work left to convert the entire site and it's not my highest priority right now, but it'll get there. I'm finding some minor enhancement opportunities along the way, so I'm fixing them at the same time.



(Created on 27th September 2010)

Vote #165


Having a complete lack of inspiration, I asked Karen for a vote question. So here it is - why did the chicken cross the road?


To follow his brother who'd already got to the other side was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • To get to the other side (0%)
  • To escape Bernard Mathews (0%)
  • Because he wanted to catch the bus (20%)
  • To follow his brother who'd already got to the other side (60%)
  • Because he couldn't find the bridge (20%)


Pretty resounding response that the chicken wanted to cross the road to follow his brother who had already got to the other side. Which is quite interesting as I don't think I've heard that as an answer before. Not very funny though is it. Then again, I don't suppose being chased by Bernard Mathews is that funny either.



(Created on 20th September 2010)

Vote #164


So, the race game was completed in time and is up and running. The obvious question now is who will win the leage? I suspect most people will vote for themselves, but who will the people who didn't enter vote for? Let's find out with this week's question - which team will win the 2010 NASCAR Chase Race competition?


Joe Gibbs for a Win was the clear winner with 29% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Buddy Bear (14%)
  • Joe Gibbs for a Win (29%)
  • Life, the Universe and Everything (14%)
  • Look at that 'S'car go (14%)
  • Splat the cat blue (14%)
  • Weekends too short, weeks too long (0%)
  • Wombles (0%)


One can only guess that parental love has played into these results. I have no idea whether I'm right, but I'm going on the fact that Karen's parents team has no votes and Karen has 2 votes making her the winner. The other one with no votes is the computer generated entry. No love for the machines then.

Well, I guess we'll see whether Karen reigns supreme in about 8 weeks.



(Created on 12th September 2010)

Vote #163


OK - so I'm racing against the clock here. I'm working to setup a fantassy race game for the 2010 NASCAR chase races. I haven't had a lot of time to get this ready and the chase races start next week. I want to do this properlly, so am setting up all the infrastructure that makes this repeatable and transferable to other competitions, e.g. Forumula 1. The question is - will I get the game up and running before next weekend and if so, how many people will register to play?


Yes - 2 people will register was the clear winner with 40% of the votes from the following selection:

  • No - it will not be ready (0%)
  • Yes - but nobody will register to play (0%)
  • Yes - 1 person will register (20%)
  • Yes - 2 people will register (40%)
  • Yes - 3 people will register (0%)
  • Yes - 4 people will register (20%)
  • Yes - 5 people will register (20%)
  • Yes - 6 people will register (0%)
  • Yes - 7 people will register (0%)
  • Yes - 8 or more people will register (0%)


Well, it looks like you all underestimated the power of the competition. Actually, you didn't. You underestimated the power of my follow up email that resulted in an additional 4 entries last minute taking the total to 8. I would have accepted 7 as being the correct answer given that one of the entrants is a space I created for a random number generator. Still, I'm quite pleased as this is a good population to test this.



(Created on 6th September 2010)

Vote #162


I came across an article from The Observer on the top 50 sporting things you must do before you die and a few of them seemed pretty reasonable. Which of the following on their top 10 list would you rather do?


Do the Cresta run in St Moritz (Luge) was the clear winner with 40% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Watch Boca Juniors Play River Plate in Buenos Aires (20%)
  • Drive the Monaco GP Circuit in your own car (20%)
  • Bag a seat at Amen corner for the US Masters (0%)
  • Watch a Centre Court match at Wimbledon (0%)
  • Go to watch the 100-metre Olympic final (20%)
  • Ski the Hahnenkamm downhill course at Kitzbuehel; Austria (0%)
  • Watch a fight at Madison Square Garden (0%)
  • Watch the Boxing Day Test at the Melbourne cricket ground (0%)
  • Take part in the world's biggest mass football match (Orkney Isles Uppies v Doonies) (0%)
  • Do the Cresta run in St Moritz (Luge) (40%)


Interesting - a couple of dare devils amongst you wanting to do the Cresta Run on a luge. It's a little interesting in that when I set this question up, I was kind of thinking about it along the lines of what's possible. I have a really hard time believing that any of the millions of EBR subscribers out there would actually be able to make it down the Cresta Run in one piece. I rather suspect that there would be a catastrophic failure along the way resulting in the ice and snow turning a shade of claret.

Interestingly, this is the option that Karen went for and I seriously doubt she'd be able to make it to the top of the Cresta Run, let alone surviving a trip down it on a luge.....hmmm.....I feel a thought coming on.....just let me check that life insurance policy.....interesting, time to book a holiday to St Moritz.



(Created on 29th August 2010)

Vote #161


Inspired by a car insurance commercial, I seem to be wondering - is a bird in the hand worth two in the bush?


Yes - a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, No - a bird in the hand is worth more than two in the bush and No - two in the bush are worth more than a bird in the hand tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes - a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush (33%)
  • No - a bird in the hand is worth more than two in the bush (33%)
  • No - two in the bush are worth more than a bird in the hand (33%)


Hmm - level all the way around. I was rather hoping that we'd get conclusion on this challenging topic, but it seems the mystery will continue. Will we ever know the true value of a bird in the hand? Perhaps some mysteries like this are never meant to be solved. Where's Scooby-Doo and the gang when you need them.

Oh well, I guess I'll just have to find a way to stuggle on.



(Created on 22nd August 2010)

Vote #160


This week we're going to ask a geography question. I hear so much about the fact that Americans only know what's going on inside their country, but does anyone else really know any better? Using a purely scientific means of ruling out anything scientific, I'm going to answer this based on this week's vote question. Karen was out with her friends in the UK and they asked where she was living. She told them California. Which of the following was the response?


I thought you were living in San Francisco was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • I thought you were living in the US (0%)
  • I thought you were living in San Francisco (100%)
  • Is that near Luxembourg? (0%)
  • Is that just up past Leeds? (0%)


I think this is the first time I've asked a question and the majority of the votes have answered correctly. And not only the majority, but everyone who voted got it right. Go pat yourself on the back. Maybe get a cup of tea and take it easy for five minutes - you deserve it.

I guess the answer given is the least worrying. I quite like the idea of someone asking if it's just up past Leeds, but I don't think anyone would make that mistake.



(Created on 15th August 2010)

Vote #159


It's job questioning time again and it seems I have a potentially interesting proposition. Is it worth the risk to leave the comfort of a good job to work at a startup?


Yes - it's time for a change was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • No - stay where you are (0%)
  • No - dot com has been and gone - startups are a thing of the past (0%)
  • Yes - it's time for a change (80%)
  • Yes - just throw caution to the wind (20%)


If it's that obvious, why haven't any of you done it huh! ... huh!

It's always easy to spend someone else's money. Always easy to see what someone else should be doing. At this point, we'll have to wait and see. I'm too much of a boring accountant type to make a rash move, but you never know.



(Created on 8th August 2010)

Vote #158


Well, it looks like we're going to put our house on the market and the dilema we're facing is that we need to sell the pool table to turn that room into a family room. I'm pretty sure selling it is going to be a problem, but I thought I'd start here - does anyone want to buy a pool table?


No was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (20%)
  • No (80%)


Given that the single vote for yes didn't send me an email requesting details and price, I can only assume that it was somebody trying to make me feel better. The problem and reality is that nobody actually wants the pool table which kind of means we're sort of stuck with it and we need to be unstuck with it. I think there's going to be more to come on this one over the next few weeks until we can figure something out.



(Created on 1st August 2010)

Vote #157


Rather interestingly, our Internet connection is down, so it's somewhat unknown as to whether this email will even go out. I'd set that as this week's vote question, but you'd kind of know how to answer given that you'd either have received the email or not. So, we need to dig a little deeper and ask something different instead. I have a friend of mine, Luke, visiting starting Thursday. I'm also hosting our intern bar-b-que on Thursday. I've got Luke an invite to the party (he has a name badge printed up), but will he attend?


Yes - because he won't have anything better to do was the clear winner with 83% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - because he's a party animal (0%)
  • Yes - because he won't have anything better to do (83%)
  • No - he'll just hide somewhere in the house until it's over (17%)


Interesting - an overwhelming response to this in favor of Luke attending on the basis that there was nothing better to do. Sadly, you were wrong (all apart from Mr O I think). He decided to go for a walk instead as that option seemed more interesting than listening to a bunch of talk about work. I think he probably made the right decision, although the BBQ turned out quite well.



(Created on 25th July 2010)

Vote #156


It's getting rather late and I have to be honest, I haven't given the vote question a lot of thought. Actually, I haven't given it any thought. The only thing that's going through my mind is a saying that was used on Doctor who. So what do you think it should be - something old, something new, something borrowed, .....?


Something blue and Something smells of poo tied with 40% of the votes each from the following:

  • Something blue (40%)
  • Something smells of poo (40%)
  • It's Doctor Who (20%)


Interesting choice of answers. Obviously the correct answer per the rhyme and the Doctor Who episode is “something blue”. I can only think that those of you thinking something smells of poo need to check the bottom or your shoes.



(Created on 18th July 2010)

Vote #155


We took the cats to the vet this weekend in order for them to get rabies injections. We need to get a passport for them if we were to travel. Now, the passport (or documentation that you need) requires the animal to be chipped. The chip number needs to be written on the document along with the date of the injections and boosters. When we got the document, Karen started to scrutinize it to make sure it was correct and made a couple of observations. Which of the observations below did Karen make about Spock's documentation?


All of the above was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • The chip number is missing (0%)
  • The cat's date of birth is incorrect (0%)
  • The sex is incorrect as it says he's a feline (33%)
  • All of the above (67%)


Yes indeed, it was all of the above. No typos in the question, but I think you all figured that out as those that didn't vote for all of the above still went for the feline comment. An easy mistake to make, but funny none-the-less.



(Created on 11th July 2010)

Vote #154


It has been pointed out to me that my website is starting to look a little dated, particularly with the clipart and the bright purple banner. This has resulted in me looking at other sites for some inspiration to determine if it should be updated - either completely or in part ... but what do you think - should I update my website?


Yes - it could do with some modernization was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - it needs a major overhaul (20%)
  • Yes - it could do with some modernization (60%)
  • No - leave it as it is (20%)

Pre-Result Discussion

11th July 2010
I have to be honest, I am tiring of the clipart and purple menus.


Yep, I agree. I think we could do a bit of spring cleaning so to speak. Not sure when I'm going to have time. What I think I'll do is work on the home page first as that's probably the worst page of the lot. Create a template and then get some input into what it looks like.



(Created on 4th July 2010)

Vote #153


I flew to San Diego this week and on the way out, I was quite pleased when one of the security folks asked me if he could help me carry my stuff off the conveyor belt (after it had gone through the x-ray machine) so that I could gather my things and put my shoes on whilst on a seat. Very nice and very helpful I thought. Then it happened to me on the way home. Now, the cynical side of me just doesn't believe in coincidences even less so than the fact that there is more than one genuinely helpful security guard. It occurred to me that there is a possibility that someone has done a study and found that having disabled people backing up the line is slowing the whole process down and that this “help” is merely just a side effect of efficiency. What do you think - why were the airport security staff helpful to me?


For efficiency to get the handicapped out of the line was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Because they are genuinly helpful (20%)
  • Because the odd one is helpful and I happened to find them (20%)
  • For efficiency to get the handicapped out of the line (60%)


The majority of answers here falling into the skeptical category that nobody does anything genuinely helpful without some underlying reason behind it. I'll keep watching this one, but it just seems too coincidental that I had two people do the same thing in the space of a day. They certainly asked me the question in the same way around helping me that makes me think that it's at least an edict that's come down from on top that they need to be nicer even if there isn't a hidden reason around efficiency.

Now, all this said, I should probably shut up as I did find it very helpful and I would welcome this service again - regardless of the motive. So I do at least want to make sure my thanks is known to either the coincidental two people I saw or for the decision to be more helpful in general. Regardless of what's causing it, it's a good thing and it would be great to see more of it.



(Created on 27th June 2010)

Vote #152


I guess we've really got to have another football question given the old world cup that's going on. I could ask who you think's going to win the competition, but I don't really care about that much anymore given that it's not going to be England. I don't have any sour grapes over the whole incident what-so-ever. I'll simply ask you to complete the following sentence as part of this week's vote. The referee's .........?


as blind as a bat was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • a decent chap (0%)
  • an honest individual (0%)
  • an unbiased person (0%)
  • a biased person (0%)
  • as blind as a bat (60%)
  • a wanker (40%)


Interesting - I was convinced that the majority would be voting for the old favorite of “the referee's a wanker” Looks like the majority of people our there are being a little more polite. There does appear to have been a few interesting decisions that were made during the competition - the Argentinian offside against Mexico was a pretty bad one. That said, I don't think either England or Mexico have a lot to complain about. England particularly were not the better side on the day and Germany deserved to win.

I do think the competition's been interesting in its unpredictability. France and Italy's early exit. I guess the latest is the fact that there was all this talk that there could be an all South American semi-final line up and there's only one team from that continent left - Uruguay and I'm not sure many people would have predicted that they would have gone further in the competition than Brazil or Argentina.

Hope the rest of it's interesting too.



(Created on 20th June 2010)

Vote #151


Well, it's father's day weekend and I find myself at the end of the NASCAR race about to head out to go and see Iron Maiden. (Can you really have a better father's day?). Anyway, I drank far too much yesterday and I'm well on the way to repeating the same today. And now it's time to pick a vote question. Let's hope you're ready for this because I haven't got a clue what I'm going to ask yet. Still struggling - I've asked Karen and William and they can't come up with anything either. Trouble is I need to leave in about 2 minutes so I need to think of something fast. Oh well, how about ... OK so there's no original thought, but what does spring to mind is the fact that I've just forked out about $50 on a squirrel proof bird feeder (a real one this time, not one I've made myself). So, will we see a squirrel on my squirrel proof bird feeder this week?


Yes was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (80%)
  • No (20%)


Huh! Well you're all wrong - there have not been any squirrels on the new feeder. Probably because this is an actual bought feeder versus a Rag special. That said, as we head into the 4th of July weekend, I do have plans to upgrade my own feeder. I really should patent the design on these. The only challenge I've got is that the last one failed miserably on account of the fact that the squirrels actually chewed through the rope and had it away with the actual feeder, so I've got to hunt for it in the garden or buy a new one.



(Created on 13th June 2010)

Vote #150


It's time to continue the economic theme and figure out how to solve the world's economic crisis. As everything starts to fail, we look at which of the vultures will be successful in the slim pickings. To answer this, we simply need to know, who will inherit Gary Coleman's estate?


What'choo talkin' 'bout, Willis? was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • The Ex Wife (40%)
  • The Estranged Parents (0%)
  • The Head of His Coroporation (0%)
  • What'choo talkin' 'bout, Willis? (60%)


I'm actually quite impressed that several of you actually decided to vote sensibly on this. I have to be honest that I really don't care one way or the other, so any analysis beyond "what you talking about Willis?" would be pretty meaningless. Thankfully that's where the majority of votes ended up anyway.



(Created on 6th June 2010)

Vote #149


I guess there's really only one question to ask this week that will be resolved by next Sunday and that's simply USA or England (2010 world cup soccer if you don't know what I'm talking about)?


England was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • USA (40%)
  • England (60%)

Pre-Result Discussion

6th June 2010
I really do hope England wins this game as I'm really on a hiding to nothing here. If we win, then it's expected, but if we lose, I won't hear the end of it. Well, given that there will only be three people in the US watching the game, I suppose I could just avoid them and then I wouldn't hear about it.
Mr O
7th June 2010
I want to vote for a draw. England are notoriously slow starters and the USA are only a few places behind in the FIFA rankings, has 0-0 written all over it.


Mr O did indeed point out the fatal flaw in my vote options in that I didn't allow for a draw. I did actually realize this myself before I read the comment, but didn't bother to change it. I went with the fact that the question was really looking for who you wanted to win. Well, the votes went to England, but the result was a draw.

I have to say, Green should just walk out the dressing room and keep going. I'm sure there will be those who feel sorry for him or have sympathy, but this is international football. No room for mistakes and that was about as big a mistake as they come.



(Created on 30th May 2010)

Vote #148


I'm going to venture into dangerous waters. It seems that governments either through country or state are top of all the political topics, but I just can't get my head round what will happen if a country goes bankrupt. So, do you think Greece will go bankrupt?


Yes was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (60%)
  • No (40%)

Pre-Result Discussion

31st May 2010
Greece is already insolvent. The EU is just in denial but will soon have to come to terms with it. Same goes for the Greek working class.
Mr O
31st May 2010
In the spirit of European unity the Brits gave Greece 12 points in the Eurovision song contest so as they'd win in the hope that hosting next year's event would tip them over the edge of bankrupct. Shame it didn't work, but maybe if it bankrupts the Germans next year we got a decent second prize. And people wonder why the UK finished last with sentiments like that.


Interesting on account of the fact that I normally stay away from anything meaningful, however, this has inspired a couple of comments. I dare say that they are already bankrupt and in denial - it appears that the majority of votes have been cast in the direction of bankruptcy. I still can't get my head around what that will mean. At least not no we have a global economy and everything is interlinked. The thing is that you used to be able to devalue your currency and go through a period of hyper inflation and then everything came out all right. I guess you go bankrupt now and then start training people to run call centers or IT outsourcing given that they're two functions that seem to be trying to find the lowest cost operating model.

I also rather like the idea of hosting the Eurovision song contest as being the last straw that sends you into bankruptcy. That one's probably lost on the folks State side but funny none the less.



(Created on 24th May 2010)

Vote #147


Bit late posting the vote question this week, so it's going to be a simple one - do you consider walking exercise?


Yes was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (80%)
  • No (20%)


You're all lazy, the lot of you. Walking isn't exercise, it's a simple means of getting over short distances. Exercise needs to be anaerobic - you need to push yourself to the limit, break a sweat ... not just amble round and say done. C'mon, get out there and do something serious, not just go for a walk.

Actually this started as a discussion between Karen and myself as she things walking is exercise and I don't. Guess I'm in the minority in my views, but I still think I'm right.



(Created on 16th May 2010)

Vote #146


With the economy the way it is, nobody's happy and everybody's looking round for something better. So, you get lucky. You find your dream job and you get an interview. During the interview, you get a glass of water and knock it over the interviewer. Do you think you'll still get the job?


Yes - you'll still get the job was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - you'll still get the job (67%)
  • No - soaking the interviewer is not a good idea (33%)

Pre-Result Discussion

16th May 2010
I'm not suggesting this question is hypothetical, but I feel it necessary to point out that this is not me.... at least not yet, anyway.


Well, as I mentioned in my note, this was not a hypothetical question, it did indeed relate to my brother who accidentally spilt water during an interview. The good news is that he did get the job so hearty congratulations to him. I'm going to apply the same tactic and take a water pistol with me to my next interview.



(Created on 9th May 2010)

Vote #145


This week's question is centered on Europe. Obviously a lot has been going on in the wonderful world of politics, but we'll leave that sort of discussion to other websites. Instead, we're going to focus on the big question at hand concerning my dad. He's gone to Portugal on a golf trip, but there is talk that the returning flights will be delayed due to the volcanic ash. Do you think my dad will get back from Portugal as planned?


Yes was the clear winner with 57% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (57%)
  • No (43%)


Well, there were a few skeptical people out there, but the optimists held true. You'll all be happy to know that my old man returned safe and sound according to plan.



(Created on 2nd May 2010)

Vote #144


Well, the big release this week is Iron Man 2. What is Iron Man 2 the sequel of?


Iron Man was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Iron Man (60%)
  • Maximum Overdrive (40%)


Not much of a question really, so apologies for that. I'm guessing that most people aren't following the connection to maximum overdrive and, to be honest, probably don't care. The link is simple - maximum overdrive is a film where the entire sound track consists of songs by AC/DC. As far as I can tell, this is also true of Iron Man 2.



(Created on 25th April 2010)

Vote #143


Had an interesting revelation whilst spending the evening with a soon to be sommelier friend of mine that has resulted in this week's question. Interestingly he's decided to follow a passion rather than getting on the corporate treadmill every morning, and for that, I'm jealous. You'll have to read the post voting comments to understand the link to this week's question as it is simply - do you like sushi?


no was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • yes (33%)
  • no (67%)

Pre-Result Discussion

2nd May 2010
Sushi is a wonderful thing. Those who claim not to like it simply haven't come around yet. Only a matter of time.


Interestingly Curt's comment is in line with the revelation that Karen likes sushi. For years, she has been telling me that she doesn't like it, yet all of a sudden, she thinks it's great - just a matter of trying the right thing. I do, however, have to push back on the basis that I've had sushi in Japan and not just any sushi, I was being entertained, so was taken to “a good place” and it still didn't grow on me. I ate it, but it's not something I've really come round to. Then again, I don't like Marmite either.



(Created on 18th April 2010)

Vote #142


You hear people saying that it's black and white. Not when they're talking about zebras, but to mean that something is clearly one or the other. But which is it - black or white?


Black was the clear winner with 83% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Black (83%)
  • White (17%)


Interesting - I guess everything is not black and white. It appears to be more black than white.



(Created on 11th April 2010)

Vote #141


Well, I've just come back from a party and there was beer there, so have no creative talent whatsoever. Not that I had any before. The only thing that's been going through my mind this afternoon is how bad the weather has been and wondering what it's going to be like next weekend. The last two weekends have been gray and rainy, so, what will the weather be like next weekend (Saturday)?


Sunny was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Overcast but no rain (0%)
  • Drizzle (0%)
  • Heavy Rain (33%)
  • Thunder Storm (0%)
  • Sunny (50%)
  • Blisterningly Hot (0%)
  • Snow (17%)


Well, the voting majority was right - it has indeed been a sunny afternoon. The bad news is that I've been busy all weekend and have been stuck in front of a computer rather then enjoying the weather outdoors.



(Created on 4th April 2010)

Vote #140


As we say goodbye to Easter, we wish my Mum happy birthday this week .... does the Queen send you a letter this year or is it next? OK, jesting aside, as that is not this week's question. This week we move our attention to .... well, let's sidetrack again for a short moment - I was debating on asking the question that's on top of my mind - should I get a new phone or quit my job? The battery has all but given up in my phone and I can get a new phone through work, I just don't know if I'll be around long enough to get it ... even if they overnight it. But I jest again as that would be far too important a thing to burden the voters with. Instead, we turn to the stupid again. OK - now you're read all this, hopefully your brain is wandering which is good. To do this properly, you need to read this question really, really quickly and then make your answer. Ready ... Steady .... Go....

Marie's father has five daughters:

1. Chacha
2. Cheche
3. Chichi
4. Chocho
5. ?????

What is the name of the fifth daughter?


Something else was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Chacha (0%)
  • Cheche (0%)
  • Chichi (0%)
  • Chocho (0%)
  • Chuchu (33%)
  • Sally (0%)
  • Sharon (0%)
  • Tracey (0%)
  • Kevin (0%)
  • Something else (67%)


A look a-there, here she comes
Here comes that girl again
Wanted to date her since I don't know when
But she don't notice me when I pass
She goes with all the guys from outa my class
But that can't stop me from a-thinkin' to myself
She's sure fine lookin' man, she's something else

Yep, the answer is “Something Else”. Most of you got there, but a few of you fell into the trap of following the vowels. Put simply, the question starts “Marie's father has five daughters ....” then goes on to list four of them. Well if four are listed, then Marie herself would be the fifth, so the absolute answer is “Marie”, but that wasn't presented as an option, so “Something Else” would be the correct answer.



(Created on 28th March 2010)

Vote #139


After the excitement of last week's question, back to the more mundane. Will you be getting an egg for easter?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


How interesting - a dead heat to a completely meaningless question. Half of us were getting eggs and the other half not. I would suggest that those not getting eggs go buy one for youself so you can join in the party.

I did get an egg. I haven't eaten it yet, but will probably munch away on it whilst I watch TV.



(Created on 21st March 2010)

Vote #138


OK - hypothetical scenario time. You're in a public toilet/restroom and you need a poo. You go into the cubicle, lock the door and start to take your trousers down. Next thing you hear is “plop”. You jump up and look down to see that your mobile phone has jumped out of you pocket and landed in the bowl. What do you do?


Spend 15 minutes trying to find something to poke it out then giving up and using hand anyway was the clear winner with 71% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Just leave it and walk away (0%)
  • Roll up your sleeves and fish it out (14%)
  • Stand there staring at it not knowing what to do (14%)
  • Cry for help (0%)
  • Cry (0%)
  • Spend 15 minutes trying to find something to poke it out then giving up and using hand anyway (71%)

Pre-Result Discussion

21st March 2010
The silly thing is that you know it's never going to work again, so there's absolutely no reason to go fishing about in a used bowl, but I suspect many people would on the basis that they don't want to leave something behind or some irrational fear that someone will pick it up and it'll work for them and they'll rack up a huge bill.


As I said in my comments during voting, the correct answer really is to just leave it and walk away, but for some strange reason I think there's something in everyone that's telling you it's a piece of your property and you need to rescue it.

I'm rather impressed with the honest answer of stand there staring at it not knowing what to do. I do wonder how long you would stand there staring at it or would this just mean it's the end of your life. All motor activity would power down and you'd go into some catatonic state.

I guess the obvious thing to say is that I hope it doesn't happen to anyone. Being truthful, I've had a near miss a couple of times. Don't really know what I was doing to have the phone leap out of my pocket, but suffice it to say that when I smoked, I've had a couple of times when my cigarettes somehow developed the acrobatic skills of a jumping spider and leapt out of my shirt pocket into the bowl. The decision of what to do is a little more easy with cigarettes ..... OK, so maybe not - true story - I dropped a packet of cigarettes in the toilet at home back in the UK, fished them out and put them on top of the radiator to try and dry them out. At least it wasn't a public toilet.



(Created on 14th March 2010)

Vote #137


I'm sitting here wondering what to ask as this week's vote question and I find myself thinking about the week ahead. I guess the only question is do you think this week is going to be good or not?


No - it's going to be bad was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - it's going to be good (17%)
  • No - it's going to be bad (50%)
  • So so - it's not going to be good or bad - just another week (33%)


Hmmm. I would say the week was “so-so”. Not because it was uneventful, but rather because there were some good things that happened and some bad things that happened - all balancing out to make it so-so. Interesting the majority of the votes were for it being a bad week. Hopefully that's not a reflection of what you're facing and that it turned out to be a good one.



(Created on 7th March 2010)

Vote #136


One of the last things that Mr O did whilst he was here was to help me put up a new bird feeder (with the snappy title of “The Snack Shack”). What was the first animal to feed on the bird food in the snack shack?


Squirrel was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Chestnut-backed Chickadee (0%)
  • House Finch (0%)
  • Ivory-billed Woodpecker (0%)
  • Northern Flicker (0%)
  • Plain Titmouse (20%)
  • Red-breasted Nuthatch (0%)
  • Scrub Jay (0%)
  • Stellar's Jay (0%)
  • Squirrel (80%)


All yee of little faith! You know, I nearly didn't put “animal” in the question and have squirrel as an option as I thought too many people may read into that. If you did, sorry, it was indeed a bird. Unfortunately not a plain titmouse, it was in fact a scrub jay, closely followed by a Stellar's jay.

Mr O witnessed the anti squirrel device in action and I'll post the footage of that video sometime. That said, the squirrel's have managed to bypass the anti squirrel device and are now happily chowing down on my nuts. All the other birds listed have been seen on the feeder with the exception of the northern flicker that has been pictured in our garden and was on the fence by the feeder, but not actually on it. And, of course, the ivory-billed woodpecker hasn't been seen on the feeder either on account of the fact that it's believed to be extinct.

Interestingly enough, Mr O's Bald Knob prevented us from potentially seeing an ivory-billed woodpecker. There have been some potential sightings of this bird in relatively recent years (2000+) one of which was near Brinkley, Arkansas. Brinkley is on the I40, a road we travelled on a lot, however, we didn't go on this stretch as we went up north to pass through Bald Knob. Apparently the whole town has woodpecker statues all over it and the local inn has been renamed to excite and accommodate all the bird watchers that the town was hoping would come once the sighting was confirmed. Sadly it hasn't been confirmed and instead of an ivory billed woodpecker, we got a photo of house with a sofa on the front of it.

Talking of photos, there was a request to get a picture of Mr O with the bird feeder. As we strive to meet the requests of both readers of this site, see below for said pictures that you can double click to enlarge.

Vote20100314-204249.jpg    Vote20100314-204322.jpg    Vote20100314-204356.jpg



(Created on 28th February 2010)

Vote #135


I have to say that I've been quite taken in by the Winter Olympics in Vancouver, however, I'm not 100% sure as to which country won. The US seem to look at all medals made equal and perform a simple medal count (not because this puts them at the top, this is how they look at the summer games too). As I understand it, the UK ranks the countries based on the number of gold medals only. I seem to remember that there was a points system that allotted 3 points for a gold medal, 2 points for a silver medal and 1 point for a bronze medal. This isn't a trick question. The medal count is as follows:

CountryGoldSilverBronzeTotal MedalsTotal Points

How do you think the winning country in the Olympics should be decided?


Points system (3 points for gold; 2 for silver; 1 for bronze) was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Total number of medals (0%)
  • Total number of gold medals only (33%)
  • Points system (3 points for gold; 2 for silver; 1 for bronze) (67%)
  • Other (0%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
1st March 2010
The number of golds is taken first, if tied, then number of silvers, and if still tied, number of bronze, if all three are tied then the countries are tied in whichever position on the medal table, kind of like the points system but not.


I have to say that I prefer the points system as I just can't see that treating all medals as equal makes sense given that the objective is to win and get gold. There were also a few votes for only counting the gold medals - I do wonder whether this is truly what those voters believe or if it's just a vote against the US as that would mean that Canada won .... which they did .... in overtime if I remember correctly. Anyway, points system it is.



(Created on 21st February 2010)

Vote #134


I'm down near L.A. with Mr. O after watching the Auto Club 500 at California Speedway in Fontana. We're then off to Vegas to watch the races there next weekend. This week's vote question is who will win the Busch/Edwards sweepstake? If you're interested, here's the very complicated rules - we picked 2 drives who are approximately equal that we knew would be racing in all three events (Kyle Busch and Carl Edwards). These are randomly assigned for the first two races for a $5 bet. If one person is winning after the first two races (i.e. $10 up) then they loser gets to choose which driver they want for the last race which has a $10 stake. If it's tied going into the last race, the drivers will again be allocated randomly. Basically, the most anyone can win is $20 and that would take two random wins and your opponent making the wrong decision. Confused?.... just pick an answer.


Rag was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Rag (75%)
  • Mr. O. (25%)
  • Neither - tied and you're both losers (0%)

Pre-Result Discussion

21st February 2010
May I say that the first of these three events proved to be very exciting as Busch and Edwards swapped places several times near the end with Edwards finally coming out on top. Really useless information for you as you don't know whether Mr. O or myself drew Edwards in this first race. Suffice it to say that one of us is $5 in the lead at the minute.


Many thanks for the vote of confidence, however, the majority of voters seem to be missing the simple fact that I never have and never will win anything in Las Vegas. Unfortunately two of the three races that were covered in this wager were in Las Vegas which means that I lost 2 - 1 or by $10. Interestingly Edwards was the winning driver in all three races - something that neither Mr O or myself would have predicted going into this. I did think that Edwards would win the Fontana race, but I thought Busch would win both of his home track races.

I do actually think the correct answer to this vote is that we are both losers and I base this on the actual wagers we put at the sports book. I bet on Montoya to win, given that I follow him and Mr O picked his teammate Jamie McMurray based on the fact that he's had a good start to the season and there were good odds on him. “Teammate” is probably not a term being used by these two drivers at the minute given that they took each other out on lap 93 and left Mr O and myself with two worthless betting slips ..... at least he won the $10 from me.


1 comment
Mr O
1st March 2010
Whoo hoo, guess who voted for me???? Oh, I'll have that 10 bucks framed please.

(Created on 14th February 2010)

Vote #133


Well, NASCAR is back in full swing. Interestingly we had the Daytona 520 this year as opposed to the Daytona 383 that we saw last year. At least there was a good finish to the race even though you had to wait a very long time for it .... I wish they'd fix the pot holes on the road as quickly as they did in the race. Then again, they didn't stay fixed for very long, so maybe best leave them alone. So, to this week's question and I think I'll completely ignore everything that's going on around me, avoiding comments about the fact that Toyota weren't going to win the race as they'd get recalled before they made it to the finish line, and I will follow on from last week's vote answer with what is your favorite inanimate kitchen appliance?


Kettle was the clear winner with 33% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Blender (17%)
  • Crock Pot (0%)
  • Electric Knife (0%)
  • Fridge (17%)
  • Kettle (33%)
  • Microwave (17%)
  • Mixer (0%)
  • Oven (17%)
  • Toasted Sandwich Maker (0%)
  • Toaster (0%)


I guess there's no real analysis that can be performed here. Seems everyone likes different things which probably means that all kitchen appliances are very useful and we like all of them.

OK - who's the late voter then? I wrote this analysis yesterday thinking that nobody would be posting a late vote and then someone goes off and slots one in for "kettle" making it the winner. Well, I guess you were making yourself a cup of tea instead of voting early. At least that gives us a winner as opposed to an equal spread of voting over five different answers.



(Created on 7th February 2010)

Vote #132


This week's vote question was provided to my by William. During the week we were having a discussion about various super heroes and the merits of each. I can't remember how, but the topic of halloween came up, quite possibly as William mentioned that he dressed up as Scooby-Doo for halloween one year. Anyway, let's see if you can get the answer to the question I posed him which was - what do you want to go to halloween as this year?


Scooby-Doo (again) was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Batman (0%)
  • Ben 10 (0%)
  • Diego (0%)
  • Dora (the explorer) (0%)
  • A Fridge (20%)
  • Iron Man (20%)
  • Pablo from The Backyardigans (0%)
  • Scooby-Doo (again) (60%)
  • Spiderman (0%)


I have to say, all good vote answers. Iron Man is his current favorite cartoon and Scooby-Doo always remains a firm favorite. Interestingly though, the fridge gets the vote. It was really bazaar, sort of surreal, like talking to Karen thinking about it. We'd been talking about Iron Man and Batman - kind of the fact that Batman's really cool, but Iron Man can fly and all that good stuff and I asked him what he'd like to go to Halloween as this year and he sort of looked round and said “the fridge with handles on the front and everything!” Took me a little by surprise, hence why I asked it as a vote question. I'm somewhat guessing that the person that answered correctly figured out the reason I was asking the question. I did toy with the idea of adding toaster to the list just make it a guessing game between inanimate kitchen object, but decided against it in the end.



(Created on 31st January 2010)

Vote #131


Let's get into the mood of being American - who do you think will win the super bowl (44)?


Leicester City was the clear winner with 57% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Indianapolis Colts (0%)
  • New Orleans Saints (43%)
  • Leicester City (57%)


I guess that American football is no the most popular sport amongst the people who use this site. Interestingly enough, my brother decided that he was going to take Monday off work so he could watch the superbowl (he lives in the UK and my guess is that large quantities of beer would be involved). On the other hand, I live here and decided that playing video games was more interesting. So, the voters went with my beloved Leicester City, presumably based on the fact they none of us have a clue who the other two teams are.

Anyway, to the people that voted seriously, I hope you had something riding on it as you did indeed predict correctly. Congratulations to the New Orleans Saints.



(Created on 24th January 2010)

Vote #130


Once again I find myself helpless and clueless on a Sunday night. With all the big questions that are out there, the best I can do is come up with the critical decision that William had to make this evening - key lime pie, strawberry cheesecake or orange créme?


strawberry cheesecake was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • key lime pie (40%)
  • strawberry cheesecake (60%)
  • orange créme (0%)
  • no yogurt for me thank you (0%)


Ooooh! This was a close one. Strawberry Cheesecake wins it by the slimest of margins with Key Lime Pie coming in a close second. It does seem rather odd to me that the flavors of yogurt have become more complex. It used to just be simple things like strawberry, raspberry, black cherry or something like that. Somebody must have decided that strawberry on its own is not good enough. No, we need strawberry cheesecake! Oh well, it's all good stuff.



(Created on 17th January 2010)

Vote #129


Well, it appears that my parents extended stay in the US is at an end. I believe there is only one unanswered question that we will try to remedy now. Was it the chili cheese dog?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (0%)
  • Do you want fries with that? (33%)


Well, I have no idea whether or not it was the chili cheese dog, but something upset my stomach this Friday. I've had a weekend of feeling sorry for myself - funny how it seems to be that you fall ill on a Friday night and then get better again for Monday morning. Wouldn't want to have to take any time off work now would we.

Interestingly I didn't have fries with the chili cheese dog, but I do generally think the two go together quite well.



(Created on 8th January 2010)

Vote #128


When I left the UK to come to the States back in 2001, TV in the UK kept advertising the “Trek Gate debate” trying to determine whether or not viewers preferred Star Trek to Star Gate. I feel it is time that EBR weighed in on this serious issue, but from a different perspective. On our recent trip to Costa Rica, we happened to be on a couple of bumpy flights that made me think that the inertial dampers/dampeners had gone offline. For the uneducated, inertial dampers/dampeners are used to defy the laws of physics and allow people to travel on-board star-ships and experience rapid acceleration/deceleration without being ripped apart, but they also stop the spacecraft from bouncing around. My problem is the name of the device - Star Trek refers to them as inertial dampers and Stargate calls them inertial dampeners, but which is correct?


Inertial Dampers (Star Trek) was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Inertial Dampers (Star Trek) (80%)
  • Inertial Dampeners (Stargate) (20%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
11th January 2010
I think it's a case of those damn Americans bastardising the English language. A Dampener is something that makes something wet, to dampen, to make damp.


Unfortunately I think this question is somewhat academic. I watched “the new” Star Trek last night and Spock definitely referred to this device as an inertial dampener (after Pike asks Sulu if he's left the parking brake on, Spock asks if he's disengaged the external inertial dampener). So, the term is not necessarily different between the shows.

That said, this would imply the that current term in use is inertial dampener rather than inertial damper (which I'm sure is used in at least the original Star Trek ... and by original I mean the Shatner one). This would go against the EBR voting public who seem to prefer the term inertial damper.

I'm sure I've read or heard somewhere that the inertial damper/dampener is the most implausible device that is featured on scifi shows. Even more so than a transporter. It has something to do with the fact that it breaches the laws of physics, but I'm not the expert in these matters.

Thanks to Mr. O for his comment and his pursuit of rising damp. I do agree that his interpretation is correct, but I'm not sure it's the only valid interpretation. It certainly appears to be a widely accepted term now in other contexts.



(Created on 30th December 2009)

Vote #127


By the time this vote posts I should hopefully be on vacation in Costa Rica, so it seems only fitting to have some sort of vacation question. One of the things I'm hoping to see and take pictures of are the four types of monkey that are resident in the country. The obvious question is therefore whether or not you think I'll get a picture of a jaguar?


Yes was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (25%)
  • Spider Monkey (25%)


An emphatic no unfortunately. To be honest, most people laughed when I suggested it and most of the guides have never seen a jaguar. I think it's pretty similar to the fact that we live in an area with a fair amount of mountain lions, but have never seen one. I'm sure if you really set out to find one and had someone who could tell you what to look out for, you'd maybe see one, but the chances of happening on one are pretty rare.

We did, however, see a spider monkey!



(Created on 26th December 2009)

Vote #126


Believe it or not, there was some method to the madness of last week's vote. Last week we asked you about the fortunes of Mr O. This week, we ask you how the O's have been for you. The O's being the years 2000 to 2010 - which brings up an interesting side question of what will the next decade be known as? It's pretty easy for the twenties through nineties and I can go with the beginning of the century being the O's, but what about 2010 through 2019? Do we have three years of nothing, then the teenage years or is there another name? Anyway, all irrelevant dribble as the question for this week and the last question we will be posing for this decade is - how was this decade for you?


Memorable was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Unbelievably memorable (17%)
  • Memorable (50%)
  • Average (17%)
  • Poor (0%)
  • So bad I'm glad it's over (17%)


Looks like most of the folks out there have gone for memorable. This is what I went for. One thing is that, the older you get, the shorter the time feels so it's natural to think that the earlier days of your life were longer and that you did more. There were certainly a number of very memorable events for myself - the birth of William being the most important, but I also think the decision to move to the US in 2001 was also a fairly significant and memorable event in the life of the Rag. The safari in 2007 was probably the best holiday I've been on, but then again the couple of trips to Ireland with the infamous “cheese wedge incident” in the soap box derby.

I'm not going to bore everyone to death with a list of things that happened during the O's, but suffice it to say that I could keep going on for quite some time.

Here's to the 10's or Teenage or whatever the next decade will be called, hoping it provides even more memorable events.



(Created on 20th December 2009)

Vote #125


I guess there's only one thing that's been on everyone's mind these last few weeks and that's wondering about the fortunes of Mr O. He was over here in the good old US of A to watch the pool and take in a bit of gambling in Vegas. He emailed me to say that he'd won a couple of bucks in the first poker match, but I didn't receive an update after that. So, how did Mr O get on in Vegas (considering poker and slots)?


Down - all round big time loser was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Up - won on both poker and slots (0%)
  • Mixed - up on poker but down on slots (33%)
  • Mixed - up on slots but down on poker (0%)
  • Down - all round big time loser (67%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
21st December 2009
I may have inside information on this one, but like tax returns, what you declare may not necessarily be the whole story.


Well, the votes are in and so is the actual result. Mr O didn't win in Vegas and the voters think he's a big time loser. I believe he's protesting his fortunes as warranting the term “big time loser” given that he was only slightly down.

I guess we'll have to see in February whether he can atone for his losses. One thing's for sure and that's the fact that Mr O won't be the biggest loser in Vegas in February as I will be there too ..... and I don't even gamble :)



(Created on 13th December 2009)

Vote #124


As we get closer to the holiday season, it's time to start thinking of our families and of family values. So, what other question is there at the minute? How many mistresses do you think Tiger Woods had?


14+ was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • 0 (0%)
  • 1 (0%)
  • 2 (0%)
  • 3 (0%)
  • 5 (0%)
  • 7 (33%)
  • 9 (0%)
  • 10 (0%)
  • 12 (17%)
  • 14+ (50%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
15th December 2009
I think the bigger question is how many millions of dollars is he going to miss on lost endorsements


Good old Tiger. Seems he's been playing a few holes he shouldn't have. And judging by some of the pictures I've seen of these girls, one could say that he's also been caught in the rough. Anyway, enough of the golf puns .... let's be festive for a minute - I heard this on the radio a few days back - “what's the difference between Tiger and Santa Claus”? Santa Claus has only got three Ho's.



(Created on 6th December 2009)

Vote #123


The festive season is upon us and it's time to be jolly and happy. So, have you put up your Christmas decorations?


Yes - all done and ready to go, No - have not got round to it yet and No - because I'm not putting any up tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes - all done and ready to go (33%)
  • No - have not got round to it yet (33%)
  • No - because I'm not putting any up (33%)


Very even voting then. A few people are done with their decorations, a few are still in the process of doing them and a few are not going to bother. Not really sure there's a lot of analysis to do here. If you're putting up the decorations, hope you get done soon and they look good.



(Created on 29th November 2009)

Vote #122


The month of November seems to have been fun packed. There were several things I did this month that I've not done for a very long time. The question is, which of the following did I do that I haven't done in 10 years?


Go to the police station was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Have sex (0%)
  • Wash my car (20%)
  • Go to the police station (80%)
  • Get drunk (0%)
  • Eat at a posh restaurant (0%)
  • Go to a concert (0%)
  • Go on holiday (0%)


Interestingly most of these things are things that I haven't done for a very long time. The correct answer is the one that the voters selected - going to the police station. Probably a pretty easy one to guess particularly as it was linked to last week's question. I had to go to the police station to have an officer sign off on my parking ticket to attest to the fact that I've now got a front license plate on my car. Now, the missed opportunity is the fact that I didn't take a photo of my car being inspected and the car next to it ... yes, I mean the one in the parking spot adjacent to the one I was in, not having a front license plate on it. I did actually point this out to the law enforcement officials and they did find it amusing, but didn't seem too concerned about it. It really does seem that the front license plate enforcement only applies to certain major cities in California. Anyway, too late to worry about it as I now have mine firmly affixed to the front of my car.

As far as the other things - sex, well, you can never get enough of this, so that always seems like it's 10 years ago. Washing my car is an interesting one as technically, this has been long over 10 years if you consider the washing bit as being something that I have to perform myself. I did take my car to the car wash the other week which is something I haven't done for about 5 years rather than 10 years. Getting drunk really doesn't factor into it as this is fairly regular. Eating at a posh restaurant is something that I've been doing recently - not by design, but rather as a matter of course. I'm sort of looking at restaurants that have Michelin stars, which doesn't necessarily by definition mean they are posh, but they generally are. I have to say that I must be either getting old or more refined (or both) as I've found these experiences rather pleasant whereas once upon a time I'd have said you need to be a ponce to enjoy it. I've recently been to a few concerts - Alice Cooper and Kiss being the latest, but I tend to go fairly frequently. I could always do with more holidays - that work thing tends to get in the way of this, but it does help pay for it. That said, we do go on holiday sort of fairly regularly and just took a mini trip to Monterey over the Thanksgiving holiday.



(Created on 22nd November 2009)

Vote #121


Well, I have a really burning question this week. I got a ticket this weekend for not having a front license plate on my car. There actually isn't anywhere to mount the plate, which would be a problem - I have a $100 ticket (reduced to $10 if I fix the issue). The car comes with a kit that can be installed by drilling into the front bumper (so you spend how much on a car for the design, then screw in a hideous $10 plastic thing that looks like a letter box on the front of the car).

Now, before any of you overseas think that I'm being some kind of rebel, there are only certain States that require a front license plate (California being one of them). Also, most cars don't have them once you get outside the major cities. The problem is that the Meter Maids will ticket you in the City and I park in the City quite often. What should I do?


Buy an electronic retractable one was the clear winner with 57% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Drill the bumper and fit the standard one (14%)
  • Buy an electronic retractable one (57%)
  • Don't fit one and gable on not being ticketed again (0%)
  • Buy an expensive bracket for a lower mounted one (29%)

Pre-Result Discussion

22nd November 2009
In case you're wondering about the options - here's an example of a retractable plate. And here's and example of an expensive lower mounted plate.


Well, most of you went with the retractable option. This was indeed my first choice, probably because it's gadgety. The problem is that further research revealed that you need to permanently display the license plate - the retractable option appears to be a favorite amongst the folks that show their cars. Makes sense - you can have the plate out on the road and then hide it away when you show your car.

The next vote was for the expensive permanent fix. Karen liked this one too, however, I read some article that questioned putting something in front of the air intake on the front of the car as it would play with the functional design of the car. I actually doubt this would have an impact unless you're driving the car flat out for a very long period of time.

So, this just left the standard $10 piece of plastic. After posting this vote I got back in touch with the dealer and they said they'd fit the standard one. I think they're supposed to anyway - something to do with it being law. Anyway, I figured that this made sense if it's the one that the manufacturer supplies with the car. I have to say, I'm not disappointed with my choice. Don't get me wrong, it looks a whole lot better without it, but if you have to put something on, this is about as good as it gets. I'll have to remember to take a photo sometime.



(Created on 8th November 2009)

Vote #120


The whole world's a game or a challenge - at least it is to my son. Got to be quicker, bigger, better etc. So, this weekend he was really proud with himself and he came to me to lay claim to ...


Having done the biggest poo in the world was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Being the speediest person in the world (0%)
  • Having eaten more food than anyone in the world (0%)
  • Being the oldest person in the world (0%)
  • Having run further than anyone in the world (0%)
  • Being the biggest person in the world (0%)
  • Completing the hardest jigsaw puzzle in the world (25%)
  • Being the strongest person in the world (0%)
  • Having done the biggest poo in the world (75%)


Yep, you guessed it, he did indeed proudly come out of the toilet proclaiming that he'd just done the biggest poo in the world. He then proceeded to detail the experience to me providing lots of relevant information about his feat. I'll spare you the details - you can probably figure out what he was going on about.

Interestingly (or not really), this vote was set a couple of weeks ago - if you're wondering why there was a gap in the question being presented, it was because of a small glitch on my part - I reset some of the settings on the server and the batch process that creates the weekly mail messages didn't run. Obviously it's fixed now. I didn't notice and I didn't get any complaints, so I'm figuring that most of you didn't notice either.



(Created on 1st November 2009)

Vote #119


So it's Halloween (and you feel like dancing and you feel like shinning and you feel like letting loose ...) and there's really only one question to ask - trick or treat?


Trick and Treat tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Trick (50%)
  • Treat (50%)


Well, what do you know? We have a tie - half of us want to be tricked and half want the treat. For those of you wanting a trick, put your face near your computer .... no, closer .... that's it, right to the screen .... now take a big deep breath .... ha, ha, ha - I just farted. For those of you wanting a treat, try to imagine my fart coming through the computer screen fluffing up the hair on those who wanted to be tricked.



(Created on 25th October 2009)

Vote #118


So, the clocks went back this weekend for some of you, but not all of us. Those of you in the UK have put the clocks back whilst over the pond, we're going to wait a week. Well, everyone in the US except for Karen is going to wait a week, anyway. For some strage reason, she argued that the clocks went back this weekend, changed hers and ended up being late for an appointment on Sunday morning. This week's question is therefore - what is your favorite color of the rainbow?


Blue was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Red (13%)
  • Orange (13%)
  • Yellow (0%)
  • Green (0%)
  • Blue (50%)
  • Indigo (13%)
  • Violet (13%)


Blue army, blue army, blue army .... That's what I like to see, you loyal Leicester City fans! I'm assuming that's why the majority of you voted for blue out there as there isn't really any other valid reason. Not one that I can think of anyway.



(Created on 18th October 2009)

Vote #117


Another year and again the joys of watching screaming kids running round in circles. Billy boy's 4th birthday. So, of all the 100's of presents that he got, which one did he say he liked best (on the first time of asking which was before he had played with any of them)?


Scooby-Doo action figures with Mystery Machine was the clear winner with 33% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Animal puzzle (0%)
  • Batman Pyjamas (0%)
  • Big cement truck (17%)
  • Dinosaur Book (17%)
  • Cuddly Pablo (The Backyardigans) (0%)
  • Hot-Wheels cars with jump ramp (0%)
  • Pirate jigsaw puzzle (17%)
  • Scooby-Doo action figures with Mystery Machine (33%)
  • Transformers (17%)


Both the vote question and reality are aligned, which I think is the first time ever. Yes, indeedy, he picked the Scooby-Doo action figures and the Mystery Machine as his favorite toy (pre getting them out of the box). Good old Hog and the powers of eBay.

Now, that said, he has changed his mind several hundred times since getting the toys out of the box. The transformers, particularly this snake truck thing seem to be getting a lot of actual play. But then again, so does everything.

I think the only thing that's confusing me is why he didn't get any socks. I'm not sure if it's just me, but he seems to have received lots of toys that are fun to play with and none of those where you watch his face turn to immediate disappointment. I was really waiting for great aunt Agatha to have sent something knitted and to watch William exuberantly open the wrapper, take a quizzical look and then throw it down and move on to the next present. But it didn't happen. Maybe at Christmas.



(Created on 11th October 2009)

Vote #116


William's birthday is coming up on October 19th which is a Monday. We have his birthday party scheduled for Sunday and are now facing the dilemma as to which day we should let him open his presents. On the one hand, Sunday would be a lot more convenient and he's going to get presents from his friends, but on the other hand his birthday isn't until Monday. So, when should we let William open his presents?


Monday morning before we go to work was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Sunday morning before the party (25%)
  • Sunday night after the party (25%)
  • Monday morning before we go to work (50%)
  • Monday after work (0%)
  • Never bar humbug (0%)


Well, the majority of the votes went to the traditionalists. Reality, however, went to the practical. Given how early we need to get up on Monday morning, that's out of the question and I'm working in a location that's not exactly adjacent to home so am not expecting to be back anytime early. That left Sunday (today - as of writing this analysis) and we went with Sunday after the party.



(Created on 4th October 2009)

Vote #115


Back to the normal realm of boring questions, I have decided to take the leap and get myself a new car. I'm currently jumping between the Dodge Challenger R/T and the Chevy Camaro SS. Which of these environmentally friendly cars do you think I should get?


Chevy Camaro SS was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Dodge Challenger R/T (25%)
  • Chevy Camaro SS (50%)
  • Something Else (25%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
5th October 2009
Is it me or do they look almost identical? What happened to the nice family car?
8th October 2009
I see them quite different. The family car is still on the table, but the mid life crisis is kicking in pretty hard.


It seems the vote went to Chevy, however, the trips out to the car dealerships this weekend have the Dodge ahead. We will have to see how this progresses over the next week or so, but I'm pretty sure that we're going to end up with a Challenger. And probably the SRT8.



(Created on 26th September 2009)

Vote #114


So, here's the hypothetical situation - you're in home, your other half's gone out, you've cooked your dinner and you go to get a knife and fork out of the drawer only to find that there's nothing there, you check the dishwasher and everything's dirty (she's forgotten to turn it on ..... again ..... hypothetically). What do you do?


Fashion a means of eating using a fish slice and serving spoon was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Wash up a dirty knife and fork (0%)
  • Wash up a dirty knife and fork then put the dishwasher on to clean the rest (33%)
  • Throw your dinner away and go eat at a restaurant (0%)
  • Fashion a means of eating using a fish slice and serving spoon (67%)


If there is such a thing as a correct answer, the voting public out there got this one right. Yes, fashioning a means of eating ones Chef Boyardee (tinned pasta stuff like ravioli) on toast with a fish slice and serving spoon is indeed the right way to go. I find that if you let the tomato source from your tinned speciality soak into the toast it makes it easier to cut with the makeshift utensils.

To those who said they'd do the washing up, please find yourself invited to my next party ... at least invited to the clean up of the party anyway.



(Created on 20th September 2009)

Vote #113


So, I've got back to the US and have been processing the photos I took back in the UK. One of the things I noticed that birds in the UK are given generic names, such as swallow. It appears that most birds were first named in the UK so they didn't anticipate there being more than one of any species - the swallow in fact being the barn swallow. This becomes even more complicated with the cormorant as the cormorant and shag are sort of the same bird. Known in the UK as just “cormorant” or “shag”. The cormorant is known to the rest of the world as the great cormorant. Well, the rest of the world that is with the exception of Australia that prefer a black shag .... well they would, wouldn't they. Turns out there are quite a few different types of shag, some of note include the common shag (presumably found on most estates), the king and imperial shag (presumably found in more upscale locations) and there's even a spotted shag. If you can't spot it, however, there is always the heard shag (yes, I think we've all stayed in that hotel room). All of which leads me to the rather obvious question of the week - do you fancy a shag?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


I was wondering whether or not I'd get comments on the lack of specifics around this question, most likely being whether or not the question was generic or specific to including me - or put another way, depends on who's doing the asking.

Anyway, that didn't seem to bother the majority of you - presumably not that worried who you interact with at this level. Or maybe you were all hoping that it was me doing the asking.

Boo to the neigh sayers.



(Created on 13th September 2009)

Vote #112


The question I wanted to ask this week was why none of the trolleys at Heathrow go in a straight line - only problem is that I don't know any options. The one I had on the way back was so bad I had to change it half way to the terminal from the car drop off point. So, rather than asking that all important conundrum, I'll go with something a little more straight forward - I asked William what he liked most about his holiday - what do you think he said?


Riding Grandpa's lawn mower was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Grandma's cooking (0%)
  • Riding Grandpa's lawn mower (50%)
  • Going to the park with Grandma (0%)
  • Playing hide and seek with Grandpa (0%)
  • Riding the train (17%)
  • Going for walks with Grandma, Grandpa and Daddy (0%)
  • Running round the garden (0%)
  • Watching new cartoons (0%)
  • Doing puzzles with Grandma (17%)
  • Playing trains with Grandpa (17%)


The actual answer provided by William was that he enjoyed playing hide and seek with grandpa the most. I have to admit, I would have gone for the lawn mower if I was guessing which appears to be what most people went for.

I do, however, have to add that the same question was presented to William just before writing this analysis (a week later). The answer appears to have changed. His current memory of what he enjoyed the most is playing trains with grandpa.

I don't actually think there's a wrong answer as he seemed to enjoy pretty much everything on his trip.



(Created on 6th September 2009)

Vote #111


Now that I'm back in the UK and have had a couple of days to acclimatize, we've been out and about and there's only one question burning in my mind. Earlier today I saw a green woodpecker in my parents garden, but only got to take a photo of it as it flew away. What I want to know is whether or not I'm going to get a photo of the green woodpecker?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (0%)
  • Don't Car (25%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
7th September 2009
I've gone for "Don't Car" as I don't want you to run the poor little thing over


In a word ... no!

I didn't even get to see the thing again let alone photograph it. I wasn't driving over there, so I guess the “don't car” typo was actually correct too (as spotted and noted in the comment).



(Created on 30th August 2009)

Vote #110


Just about ready to head off home. Only one question to determine before my arrival - what should I drink for the duration of my stay?


Beer and Guinness tied with 40% of the votes each from the following:

  • Beer (40%)
  • Gin and Tonic (20%)
  • Guinness (40%)
  • Lager (0%)
  • Vodka (0%)
  • Whisky (0%)
  • Wine (0%)


Interesting split between beer and Guinness. So far it's been beer, but I suppose I could sneak in a couple of pints of Guinness over the next week.



(Created on 23rd August 2009)

Vote #109


Well, I've got my little vacation coming up where Billy boy and I are returning to the UK for 10 days on September 2nd. Now, the big question that everyone goes through the last week before a vacation - will I get everything done at work this week that I need to before going on vacation or will I be scrambling up to the last minute next week?


No - just find someone to delegate the remaining crap to was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - you super efficient person you (0%)
  • No - it's part of the law of going on vacation (33%)
  • No - but you shouldn't worry about it (0%)
  • No - just find someone to delegate the remaining crap to (67%)


Interesting. I would initially say that things are going pretty well and I don't really have anything stacked up as I prepare to leave on Tuesday. So, I'd be leaning towards the thought that yes would have been the correct answer. Somehow, reflecting on the last week, I think that you voters out there may be correct. I've probably delegated all the crap without even thinking about it. Oh well, matters not - couple more days to go then off to the airport.



(Created on 16th August 2009)

Vote #108


Well, we've gone ahead and booked ourselves onto a whale watching tour next Saturday. I've never done one of these and fully intend to spend several hours being sick off the back of the boat, but it'll be cool if we get to see some wildlife. Now, every tour operator has caveats that there may not be anything when you get out there and we all have to accept that, but you can't help being optimistic. Therefore, this week's question is the one that I'm sure everyone is wondering as they embark on their trip - will we see a puffin on our whale watching tour?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (0%)
  • Shouldn't you be interested in the whales? (33%)


Good news and bad news. Good news is yes, we got to see the tufted puffin. We also saw gray whales and an interesting show put on by a humpback whale. It was kind enough to jump into the air. Now for the bad news - I can't prove any of this because my camera decided to pack up. So, you're just going to have to take my word for it.

If you're interested in where we went, you can view a map of the trip.



(Created on 9th August 2009)

Vote #107


And now it's time to delve into your minds and find an answer to a most important question. This week we're going with who's your favorite monkey (or monkey type animal)?


Clyde (Every Which Way bu Loose) was the clear winner with 43% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Albert (first monkey in space) (0%)
  • Bubbles (Michael Jackson) (0%)
  • Cheeta (Tarzan) (29%)
  • Clyde (Every Which Way bu Loose) (43%)
  • Curious George (0%)
  • Donkey Kong (29%)
  • King Kong (0%)


“Right turn Clyde!”

An excellent choice, but I have to admit I wasn't expecting this result. Those two films were great Clint Eastwood movies.

I went for Donkey Kong myself - lost so many hours on that game. It's a true classic.



(Created on 2nd August 2009)

Vote #106


Time to leave the realms of bottom speak and move back to sport with a testing question for my new found friends. Who will win the ashes?


England was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Australia (20%)
  • England (60%)
  • United States (20%)


As much as I'd like to think that the vote for the US was a misguided American thinking their country would win everything, I'm pretty sure that the voter in this instance knows that the Ashes are between England and Australian.

Interestingly enough, it looks like it's going to be close. I'm reliably informed that the series is tied one game a piece with two being drawn. It's all down to the last test. If it results in a draw then England retains the Ashes by virtue of the fact that we are the current holders. I guess we'll see.


1 comment
Mr O
10th August 2009
Actually Australia are the current holders so a draw in the last test will see them retaining the ashes. If I rember corectly, England were drubbed 5-0 in the last series in Australia.

(Created on 26th July 2009)

Vote #105


Lets follow the theme that we had last week about what's nagging me as I sit hear. Rather than focus on the underwear issue, we're going to probe a little deeper. And in doing so, it begs the obvious question - what happened to preparations A through G?


They left a burning ring of fire was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Don't be silly (0%)
  • The products never made the shelves (0%)
  • They left a burning ring of fire (75%)
  • Just hope you don't meet the test subjects for the fated preparation D (25%)


Indeed they did leave that burning ring of fire. Until the good old preparation H came along, there was no soothing remedy. And yes, we all need to forget the fate of the preparation D test subjects. I suppose it got rid of the hemorrhoids ... just got rid of a whole lot more (if you follow the pun).



(Created on 19th July 2009)

Vote #104


As I sit here wondering what question to pose this week, there is but one thing nagging at the back of my mind. Why are my underpants up my bottom?


Because you're fat and have a fat arse and Because you're wearing Karen's nickers tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • Because you're sitting funny (0%)
  • That's what happens as you get old (0%)
  • Because you're fat and have a fat arse (33%)
  • Because underpants are badly designed these days (17%)
  • Because you're wearing Karen's nickers (33%)
  • You shouldn't be wearing a thong in the first place (17%)


So it's like that then is it? No sympathy, just go straight for the jugular. Spare no prisoners. Given that my vote was for badly designed underwear, seems like everyone else either thinks I have a weight problem or am wearing Karen's underwear.

Well, let me tell you that Karen's underwear is too loose thank you very much. And I know that ... err ... because ... you know ... I looked at the size ... yeah, I looked at the size. I haven't tried them on or anything honest.

And as for the vote that I'm wearing a thong. Well rather you have that image in your mind than me is all I can say. I think all my thongs are at the launderette.



(Created on 12th July 2009)

Vote #103


Depending on whether or not you've read the last of the headbangers blog, you'll already know the subject of this week's question. I went to the Mayhem Festival over the weekend on my own, but I didn't reach out to the EBR readers to see whether there's anyone else who would have come. So, forgetting any logistical issues about what country you live in, if you were available would you have come to watch Slayer with me at the Mayhem Festival?


No was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (100%)


No!!! What do you mean no?

You're all wrong. The lot of you. The correct answer is “yes”. How could you not want to go and see Slayer ... one thing ... and then how could you not want to go with me?

Well, I really don't know what else to say. You just don't know what your missing.



(Created on 5th July 2009)

Vote #102


Wow - what an amazing weekend at Daytona for the Coke Zero 400. Shame we weren't there for that race, but there you go. Well, with that clearly in the front of mind, it's obviously time for a completely unrelated question. Before I ask it, I've grouped the answers into categories, but feel free to add a comment if you want to be more specific. What's your favorite raptor?


Owl was the clear winner with 40% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Buzzard (20%)
  • Eagle (0%)
  • Falcon (0%)
  • Harrier (0%)
  • Hawk (20%)
  • Kite (0%)
  • Owl (40%)
  • Osprey (0%)
  • Vulture (20%)


Very interesting - I felt that eagle would win this for sure, but it didn't even muster up a single vote. Guess there's more feeling for the owl. I went with vulture as I think they're really pretty. More the traditional vultures with the stooped over necks than the vultures you see in America like the turkey vulture.

Anyway, guess I have to close by saying that this vote was a hoot!



(Created on 28th June 2009)

Vote #101


So, we'll go from an obscure NASCAR question to one that can't have escaped your notice - Michael Jackson has gone to join Elvis. As you reflect on Michael Jackson's life, what are you thoughts?


Pervert that lost the plot was the clear winner with 40% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Great performer that will be missed (0%)
  • Pervert that lost the plot (40%)
  • Sympathy for someone pressured by the media at an early age (20%)
  • Haven't thought about it (0%)
  • Can't make my mind up - great entertainer but the wheels fell off (20%)
  • I'm forever blowing bubbles (20%)


Guess there's a lot of mixed feelings out there. I actually saw a similar vote on a more popular site after I'd set this question. They'd worded the options differently, but the intent was essentially the same. I think there's probably many loyal fans that ignore what he became at the end. And then there's probably many other people who can't look past the things he did at the end. Seems the vote here was that the things he did at the end overrule anything he did earlier on in his career, so that's how we'll call it - vote goes to “pervert”

Guess there's a message there - if you get famous, don't forget that you still shouldn't molest kids. Or hang them off balconies upside down. Or try to change your skin color. Or .... the list goes on. Guess the result of the vote makes sense.



(Created on 21st June 2009)

Vote #100


Sorry to any non-NASCAR fans who are reading this. I've just spent the weekend at Infineon Raceway and the only thing on my mind is motor racing. I said, at the beginning of the season, that Montoya needed to win this race to make the Chase. He didn't, he came sixth, but he's currently in the Chase. The only thing I want to know - will Montoya make the 2009 NASCAR cup chase?


What's the Chase? was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (33%)
  • No (17%)
  • What's the Chase? (50%)


Guess we probably shouldn't have too many NASCAR questions as it appears that the majority of people out there don't follow the sport. I don't know whether or not Montoya will make the chase, but I think it's going to be very interesting and very close.

For those of you that don't know what the chase is, it's the last 10 races of the season that determine the winner of the cup series. You score points at each race throughout the season and the top 12 drivers qualify for the chase. I'd explain more than this, but it's one of those things where you either know more or don't care, so I'll stop now.

Time to go and watch the race at Loudon, New Hampshire.



(Created on 14th June 2009)

Vote #99


I've been told I need a new diff on my car which can run up to $2,500 with parts and labor. Now, I don't think my car's worth that much money and, as far as I can tell, the only impact of the diff going is an annoying whining noise. So what should I do?


Turn your stereo up - you won't hear the problem was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - buy a new diff (0%)
  • See if you can get a reconditioned one (0%)
  • Scrap the car and buy a new one (0%)
  • Turn your stereo up - you won't hear the problem (100%)

Pre-Result Discussion

15th June 2009
We all know you are a cheapskate so there was only the one answer.


It seems we have a unanimous decision - turn the stereo up! i have to say that this makes the most sense given the current situation. Seems the best thing to do is to keep the car until, literally, the wheels come off. That said, there have been a couple of recent anomalies. On the way back home from work the other day, I pressed the button to wind the window down and the door trim fell off. Whilst driving this weekend, Karen also noted that the driver seat is stuck in one position - I don't think this is a big deal as it's stuck in my position, but I could see how others may find this a bit annoying.



(Created on 7th June 2009)

Vote #98


Lets turn to something we all enjoy - what's your favorite flavor of ice-cream?


Chocolate was the clear winner with 40% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Cherry (0%)
  • Chocolate (40%)
  • Coffee (0%)
  • Cookies & Cream (0%)
  • Neopolitan (0%)
  • Mint Choc Chip (20%)
  • Strawberry (20%)
  • Toffee (0%)
  • Vanilla (20%)


I'm your ice cream man, stop me when I'm passin' by
Oh my, my, I'm your ice cream man, stop me when I'm passin' by
See now all my flavors are guaranteed to satisfy

I guess not every flavor is guaranteed to satisfy, but is seems as if chocolate is a firm favorite. Lets face it, chocolate's a firm favorite regardless of whether we're talking about ice-cream or sweet things in general.

I thought vanilla may have topped the charts here as I assume it's the most popular flavor, but what do I know?



(Created on 31st May 2009)

Vote #97


Now, I know you've been around for a while and you thing that this vote is trivial, but we have the most ultimate of all questions this week. This vote will unlock the mysteries of the universe. In the game of rock, paper, scissors - what do you pick?


Scissors was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Rock (33%)
  • Paper (17%)
  • Scissors (50%)


Interesting that the most favorite pick is scissors and the least favorite is paper. Guess that's why there's no solution to this game. Still, it's a good enough way to make a decision.



(Created on 24th May 2009)

Vote #96


This week's question is going back to that vacation theme. We've pretty much decided that we're going to Costa Rica for our holidays. Initially we were going to go in September, but found out that the rainy season runs from May through mid November. It seems like our best options are to go over Thanksgiving at the end of November or over Christmas in December. But what do you think - when should we go on holiday?


November and December tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • September (0%)
  • November (50%)
  • December (50%)
  • Don't Go (0%)


Consistent approval that we should at least go on vacation. Seems like it's 50/50 between November and December. I think this is a difficult one to call as you're going to need to stay in touch. My guess at this point is November, but things could change between now and then.



(Created on 17th May 2009)

Vote #95


There's no political agenda to this question, just something I was wondering - what are people using out there - PC or Mac?


PC was the clear winner with 71% of the votes from the following selection:

  • PC (71%)
  • Mac (14%)
  • I'm hard wired into the net (0%)
  • Other (14%)


As I said, no political agenda, just interested. It doesn't surprise me that most people are using PCs. I'm kind of stuck with the old PC - more by habit than anything else - just grown up with them I guess. I know that everyone who has a Mac says they're great - in fact, I don't think I've ever heard anyone complain about a Mac. Maybe I'll try one someday.

I'm somewhat interested in what the “other” is. Probably a PDA of some description as I suppose I could have answered with that as well. Feel free to write a comment if it's different.



(Created on 10th May 2009)

Vote #94


As I head out to Houston I seem to have a Van Halen song (cover I think) running round my head. I'm sure it has noting to do with Houston, but it does present this week's question - where did all the good times go?


Down the back of the sofa was the clear winner with 38% of the votes from the following selection:

  • They're still here (25%)
  • Somewhere other than Houston (25%)
  • In Houston (0%)
  • Down the back of the sofa (38%)
  • They were never here (0%)
  • So far away (13%)


The sofa gets the blame for everything. It's like it's some kind of living being that steals things - normally just the odd coin or two, but when it's feeling especially brave it goes for something like the remote control. That said, as popular as the “back of the sofa” vote was, it's not likely to be the place to find good times .... unless you have a more exciting sofa that I do anyway.

Houston wasn't too bad. All said and done, there are worse places in the world to be, but I do agree that this is probably not the place that I would go looking for good times. To those who voted for “they're still here” - good on you - denial beats everything. Obviously you haven't opened the window and noticed the big bad recession that's going on out there. Or maybe you enjoy it when times are bad. I have to say, though, that we're fortunate at the minute as we've not been hit too hard by the recession yet and we are still enjoying ourselves, so I guess we're still in the good times.

And finally to the last voting that went to “so far away” - not sure whether this is your sentiment or if you're the only other person out there that knows the lyrics to the song which does state that the good times went so far away.

I think I'll close by going back to the fact that the good times are still here. Regardless of what's happening, there's still a lot of good going on and plenty to be happy about.



(Created on 3rd May 2009)

Vote #93


Given the poor weather this weekend, I've spent a lot of time inside. I've been messing around with the Google Maps API (application programming interface) in order to enable me to create my own maps from trips I've been on. The latest photo page shows the fruits of my labor (which is actually a series of ripping off the work that others have done before me). Anyway, all this means that I don't have a vote question and when I asked Karen for inspiration, she asked me how many potatoes I wanted with dinner. Given that I already know the answer to this, I will ask the question - how many potatoes do I want with my dinner next Sunday?


3 and 4 tied with 40% of the votes each from the following:

  • 0 (0%)
  • 1 (0%)
  • 2 (0%)
  • 3 (40%)
  • 4 (40%)
  • 5 (20%)
  • 6 (0%)
  • 7 (0%)

Pre-Result Discussion

3rd May 2009
Interesting question this as it leads to all sorts of dilemmas - what defines a potato? Is a roast potato a potato or half a potato? What happens if we have mashed potatoes? If I “have fries with that” do I need to piece them back together to see how many whole potatoes they come from? Time for another beer I think.


If I'd have thought about this, I'd have realized that it was a pretty pointless question. I'm just about to head out on a trip to Houston and I don't get in until late. Dinner will consist of a sandwich in my room around midnight. Therefore 0 would have been the correct answer.



(Created on 26th April 2009)

Vote #92


Desperately searching round for a vote question, it dawned on me that it would be great if I could travel back in time, then I'd have longer to think about what question to ask. And there it is for this week, do you believe in time travel?


Hold on - I'll just go and ask my future self was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (0%)
  • Yes - that's how we got some inventions (40%)
  • No - otherwise we'd know about it (0%)
  • Hold on - I'll just go and ask my future self (60%)


Interesting, there seems to be some kind of consensus around the possibility of time travel, whether it be due to certain inventions or the desire to have a conversation with one's future self. Starting with the former, there certainly are a large number of inventions that seem to be major breakthroughs and it's interesting to think about how the inventor came up with the idea. I suppose time travel could be one explanation for this. Aliens is also another safe bet, but having been to Roswell, I'm rather loosing faith in the possibility of aliens. Last, I guess we could just put it down to the fact that there have been some really smart people throughout the ages - which, in all probability, is the most reasonable answer.

Next to the ability to talk to one's future self. I have to say, that's kind of worrying really - they lock you away for talking to imaginary people you know. And I have to point out that it's really unlikely that time travel would be shared with anyone who reads this website. My guess is that if time travel existed, it would be entrusted to a select few people rather than being available to the masses. I don't think you or I would be at the front of the queue.

One thing I do know is that I find myself on Sunday night again with the prospect of another week of work. Time travel would be rather handy right now as I could just keep looping through the weekend. On the other hand, it's been raining all weekend so I might want to pick a different point in time.



(Created on 19th April 2009)

Vote #91


In the blistering heat of the East Bay I finally got round to putting up the hummingbird feeder that I won when I went to the Mount Diablo Audubon Society meeting. After sweating heavily to get the thing setup where her indoors wanted it, I said to Karen “I'm surprised it's OK to put one of these things up in direct sunlight given that the feed is water based.” Ooops. Guess we should have read the instructions first. So this week's question - will my hummingbird feeder last in direct sunlight or will I have to move it next weekend?


No - it will need to be moved was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - it will be fine where it is (33%)
  • No - it will need to be moved (50%)
  • N/A - someone will creep round and steal it (17%)

Pre-Result Discussion

19th April 2009
I will admit that it only took about an hour before the first birds came to the feeder, so my guess is that it will be fine unless it melts or the goo inside keeps drying up.


Seems a last minute vote came in to tip the balance in favor of “no - it will have to be moved.” Trouble is that this vote doesn't take into consideration my innate laziness and the fact that I've got better things to do at the weekend than re-position a hummingbird feeder. So, it's going to stay where it is for the time being. That isn't to say this it won't get moved in the end, but it's certainly going to stay where it is for a few weeks and, as I noted in my comment, it doesn't seem to be bothering the hummingbirds. The good thing about hummingbirds is the fact that they can't read, so they weren't able to read the instructions either, so they don't know they're not supposed to use the feeder when it's in direct sunlight.

I guess one other positive note is the fact that it hasn't been stolen yet either.



(Created on 12th April 2009)

Vote #90


Well, lets fly away from birds and look at when you're going to fly away. What month are you planning to take your summer holiday?


September was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • May (17%)
  • June (0%)
  • July (0%)
  • August (0%)
  • September (67%)
  • N/A - not taking a summer holiday (17%)


I think the results of this vote are absolutely hilarious. Technically speaking, the summer months are June, July and August - none of which got any votes at all. So nobody is taking a summer vacation if you're to apply the strict sense of the word summer. The majority of votes going to September which is a beautiful month to go away - don't you just love autumn? Or fall if you have an inclination to call it that.

Other than the person not having a summer holiday (which I suspect may be Mr O), I wish you all the best and hope you have a great time.


1 comment
Mr O
20th April 2009
Aha, that's where you are wrong, I was one of those that plumped for the Indian summer in September

(Created on 5th April 2009)

Vote #89


Given that all this birding is going to my head, it seems like I'll stick with that theme for another week at least. This week's question to ponder - where did barn owls sleep/nest before man built barns?


Who gives a hoot? was the clear winner with 40% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Field (0%)
  • Tree (20%)
  • Cave (20%)
  • N/A - barn owls didn't exist before barns (20%)
  • Who gives a hoot? (40%)


What a bunch of haethens! Fancy not caring about such an important issue as this - how do you sleep at night? So, the majority of the votes went to “not giving a hoot” and the rest were mixed between trees, caves and it not being applicable as barn owls didn't exist prior to barns. I rather like this last option as it makes me thing some weird evolution took place after the invention of the barn. Still, not sure why I'm bothering with this analysis as it's clear that nobody cares given the result of the vote.



(Created on 29th March 2009)

Vote #88


Given my new affiliation to the Bill Oddie posse and signing up to get mailings of bird sightings. What day of this week will I get notified of the most interesting bird?


Monday and Thursday tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • Monday (33%)
  • Tuesday (0%)
  • Wednesday (17%)
  • Thursday (33%)
  • Friday (17%)

Pre-Result Discussion

29th March 2009
My theory is that there may be some people who make posts on Monday that relate to Sunday and that more people went out on Sunday than on the weekdays. But I really have no idea and it seem like a pretty regular stream of messages regardless of day.


Monday yielded a number of emails around the migration of painted ladies (butterflies) and the fact that golden crowned sparrow were hanging around later than normal. The latter causing some discussion that it was not in fact late. Whilst interesting, not relevant to this week's vote. There was a good email that reported sightings of a glaucus gull, rufus hummingbird, multiple swallows, Wilson's warbler and great tailed grackles. Nothing amazing, but later emails reported a burrowing owl, varied thrush, cackling and white fronted geese, and finally, a pair of wood duck. There was also another note on the great horned owl (known to his friends as GHO), but this also included a chilean flamingo amongst details of 60 species (and yes, there were sightings of bushtit).

Tuesday only saw three emails detailing sightings. One of a pied billed grebe, one of bullock's oriole, Bewick's wren, red shouldered hawk and various wood peckers. The last of pygmy nuthatch and orange crowned warbler

Have you gone to sleep yet?

Wednesday produced an interesting debate about the use of acronyms to describe birds. A topic that I think will be discussed in more detail as time passes. But for now, the merits of the sightings were Eurasian wigeon, Wilson's snipe, great horned owl, northern harrier, red-tailed hawk, marsh wrens along with Allen's hummingbird and Bullock's oriole. Another message highlighted a number of birds again, the highlight being a western kingbird.

Still with me?

Thursday was actually the day of the monthly meeting of the Audubon society which I attended. There was a fascinating presentation by the person who had seeming spent his life studying birds. Seriously - it was really interesting and I feel that I haven't done him justice as I'm struggling to remember a quarter of the facts he shared with us. The other bonus was the fact that I won a hummingbird feeder in the raffle - cool. All this is great, but what did it produce by way of informative birding messages? Well, not a lot really. Only one email that talked of Bewick's wren, blue-gray gnatcatchers, orange crowned warbler and larkspurs.

Only one more day to go. Work with me now ....

Friday and the end of the work week. Potentially another day for good insights as people make an early break for freedom after a week being chained to a desk. I know by now that you're desperate for me to give you the details, so here they are - the first message bore details of a cooper's hawk, western bluebirds, titmice and chickadees before describing another location that yielded varied thrush and a golden eagle plus several woodpeckers. Another reported a pacific-sloped flycatcher, spotted towhee and western bluebird.

So, what does all this mean? Well, it means that Monday won. I wrote a comment when I posted my vote saying that I'd picked Monday and, given that this is, to a certain extent subjective as it's down to me to decide what's the most interesting, I'm not going to give an answer that means I picked wrong am I? If you're looking for a more scientific answer, Monday produced the most emails and the most information about the widest variety of birds. It also featured a pair of wood duck (that I've yet to see) that I think are very interesting. That, plus the great horned owl that we went to see at the weekend, pretty much ties it down to Monday winning.



(Created on 22nd March 2009)

Vote #87


So, the economy's still down, the new government is trying different things, the old governments in other countries are trying different things ..... really makes you wonder - who's your favorite cartoon dog?


Scooby-doo and Snoopy tied with 38% of the votes each from the following:

  • Brian Griffin (25%)
  • Deputy Dawg (0%)
  • Huckleberry Hound (0%)
  • Odie (Garfield) (0%)
  • Pluto (0%)
  • Ren (Ren & Stimpy) (0%)
  • Santa's Little Helper (0%)
  • Scooby-doo (38%)
  • Snoopy (38%)


OK - we seem to have hit the right mark with this one. I guess this tells me that I'm at the right level for the audience of this site. That said, no clear winner. I think there's a definite break between new and old. My guess is that there's a few people our there who don't know who Brian Griffin is (Karen being one of them). He's the dog out of Family Guy - just in case you didn't search to find out who he is. That said, as popular a vote Brian was, he didn't manage to win out in this contest. Joint honors go to Scooby-Doo and Snoopy. I have to say, I'm tempted to post another vote in favor of Scooby-Doo on behalf of William as he's a huge Scooby fan. I'm not going to change the votes though as I think I can live with this joint win and I think both of them are very worthy of this coveted EBR vote.



(Created on 15th March 2009)

Vote #86


The road trip now seems like 100 years ago, but we keep pressing on through life - to be sure, to be sure. And on that note, we find ourselves facing St Patrick's Day. So, how do you intend to celebrate St Patrick's Day?


Not going to celebrate it was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Wear something green (0%)
  • Drink Guiness (20%)
  • Drink something green (0%)
  • Some other way (20%)
  • Not going to celebrate it (60%)


Well I guess that vote question fell a bit flat. Not much of a bunch of party goers are we? At least not for Paddy's day anyway. Now!



(Created on 8th March 2009)

Vote #85


I guess it's the end of the line for road trip related vote questions as we're back to the daily grind. As I face the failing economy I do go back to some of the blogs written on the road trip for inspiration with this week's vote question. I think a crucial factor in turning this economy around is to determine who is your favorite A-Team character?


Howling Mad Murdock was the clear winner with 40% of the votes from the following selection:

  • John (Hannibal) Smith (20%)
  • Templeton (Faceman) Peck (20%)
  • Howling Mad Murdock (40%)
  • B.A. Baracus (20%)


Pretty even spread and back to the normal lack of voting. It looks like Howling Mad Murdock has won the vote. Not quite sure what that says - maybe there's a desire to be a little mad, or maybe it's just that his character added a lot of color to the program.

Anyway, I'm off to go through the back catalog of A-Team episodes and watch them to pretend I'm living in the 80's. After that will be to watch the new movie when it comes out and to try and not be disappointed with it. The trouble is I think I'm now one of the old gits that's just going to keep going on about what bits aren't as good as they were in the original TV series.



(Created on 2nd March 2009)

Vote #84


As the road trip draws to a close, Mr O asked the only question I can think of asking - should we do another road trip?


Yes was the clear winner with 88% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (88%)
  • No (13%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
4th March 2009
Are people just voting yes in the hope of further blogging? If that's the case, vote no folks, we've used up all of our best material.


Yah boo to the neigh sayer! The eyes have it.

Looks like a pretty good turn out to the voting booths this week and a very positive response in favor of another road trip. My guess is that it probably won't be until next year and we need to think carefully about where it will be. We obviously need to tie it in with some sporting event or other. My initial thought was another racing trip, but I suppose there's always South Africa next year that might have a certain appeal.

I'm pretty sure something will happen. You just need a little patience whilst we decide what it will be.



(Created on 23rd February 2009)

Vote #83


Well, we're slowly chugging along and it appears to be taking its toll on the car. The breaks are starting to grind and the check engine light has come on. Do you think the car will make it to Vegas?


Yes was the clear winner with 71% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (71%)
  • No (29%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
23rd February 2009
Rag obviously hadn't read my blog comment about taking the van above 95 mph. There's no way that thing will make it the way I drive.


It appears that Mr O underestimated the strength of the Dodge Grand Caravan. We had more lights start to illuminate our dashboard, but it didn't stop running. I guess technically there's another day for it to break down, but I leave today so it can't leave me stranded.

The most recent light was one marked ESP / BAS. This, as best we can tell is traction control and breaking assist. I find it very hard to believe that our beast was fitted with traction control, so I can only assume that this was warning us of more break failures.



(Created on 14th February 2009)

Vote #82


So, by the time this posts, we should be well on our way. Well, I say that, but there is a chance that it may rain so we could be delayed by a day as the race may be postponed. Anyway, the hope is that we'll be on the road and then what? Well, I guess the thing we're all going to be worried about is who is going to be the first person to break wind in the car on the road trip?


Hog was the clear winner with 57% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Mr O (0%)
  • Rag (29%)
  • Hog (57%)
  • Howling Mad Dad (14%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Tooty McFruity
16th February 2009
Answer Hog, on the basis that Mr O is too polite, and Rag and Rag Senior will be too frightened to for fear of follow through .........


It was indeed the Hog who was the first to “let er rip” whilst we pootled down the road. I have to say, in the grand scheme of things, there really hasn't been a lot of wind in the car.



(Created on 8th February 2009)

Vote #81


Less than a week to go before I'll be in Florida ready to embark on the road trip, so it's obviously time to turn our minds to something completely different. I was out for a walk on Saturday and was watching a duck ducking under the water and it made me wonder whether a duck is called a duck because it ducks or if the word duck is called duck after a duck. So that's this week's question - is a duck called a duck because it ducks or is the word duck called duck after a duck?


I think it’s about time you went on your trip was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • The animal was named after the verb (22%)
  • The verb was named after the animal (0%)
  • WTF (11%)
  • I think it’s about time you went on your trip (67%)

Pre-Result Discussion

8th February 2009
Sadly there’s probably an answer to this if you can be bothered to look it up.


Well, the good news is that it seems unanimous that I need to go on my trip and I definitely agree with that sentiment. Also, following the good news is the fact that I'm here in Florida starting my trip with the Fab 4, so at least I'm going to get to go on that trip. The bad news is that a whole five minutes of research didn't actually find anything so I have no pearls of wisdom to offer. A duck appears to be called a duck because that's what a duck is called - nothing more, nothing less.



(Created on 1st February 2009)

Vote #80


Less than two weeks to go before we embark on this trip. Good news is that the underpant situation has been resolved. I don't seem to have any burning issues at this point in time, just the regular thought process on what I should take which ultimately ends in the thought that I'm going to forget something. So, do you think I'll forget something that I need to take on this trip?


Yes - you’re bound to forget something was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - you’re bound to forget something (67%)
  • No - you’re just too organized (33%)


Huh! Ye of little faith. I think the saddest thing is that it appears that both my parents have submitted a vote of no confidence on this issue. Well, we'll wait and see - there are a number of things that I need to remember, but I'm pretty sure I will. I guess the most important thing to remember are the tickets otherwise we're going to struggle to get into the races. Next to that it would be my wallet with credit cards and disabled parking badge. Other than that, everything could be replaced or bought along the way. I suppose phone, computer and camera would be hard to replace, but technically they could be if needed.

Guess we'll wait and see. Not like it's going to be long before I find out.



(Created on 25th January 2009)

Vote #79


T minus three weeks and counting (to the Trans America Road Trip). The strategy has been signed off and endorsed by all members of the committee. The high level plan has been completed - outline of a map, initial hotel booking, Vegas hotel booking, car hire and flights. It's now down to the details, finalizing the nitty gritty to make sure you don't forget anything or leave anything to chance which brings me to my burning question for this week - should I take both pairs of underpants?


Yes - you should be prepared was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - you should be prepared (50%)
  • No - just take one and you would then have a clean pair when your return (10%)
  • No - you’re on holiday - go commando style (40%)

Pre-Result Discussion

25th January 2009
I can never figure out why nobody will share a room with me.
Mr O
26th January 2009
Forget sharing a room, I’m worried about sharing a car if you’re going commando.
27th January 2009
That reminds me - I know I asked you to confirm the car has a stereo / MP3 player, but you might also want to check that it comes with brown upholstery.
27th January 2009
Thinking about it, you might want to check that the car comes with ABS. We wouldn’t want to leave any skid marks anywhere would we?


Very, very interesting indeed. I've been following this vote during the week and until the end, going commando was the clear winner. There seems to have been a few last minute votes, however, that have turned the tide in favor of me taking both pairs.

Looking on the bright side, the only outcome I didn't want was to take one pair. The reason being that I'd need to then set another question to determine whether the pair I took would be my lucky ones or the Sunday best.

So I guess I'd better pack all my undies. Shame as I was rather looking forward to hanging loose whilst on holiday.



(Created on 18th January 2009)

Vote #78


Road trip round 2. Last week we looked at interesting. This week, lets be pessimistic. It's highly likely that something is going to go wrong at some point during the trip. I'm hoping it's not going to be serious and my guess is that it may be car related. So, which of the following minor car related problems do you think would have the worst effect on our road trip?


Flat tire and Doors won’t lock tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • Windows won’t wind down (17%)
  • Windscreen wipers stop working (0%)
  • Light bulb blows (0%)
  • Flat tire (33%)
  • Doors won’t lock (33%)
  • Stone chip in windscreen (17%)
  • Radio breaks (0%)

Pre-Result Discussion

18th January 2009
Now, on the surface, the windows getting stuck and not coming down may not seem like such a big deal. But bear in mind that there are going to be four blokes in this car for 10 days. Three of which will be drinking beer and the other is Mr O. My guess is that broken windows may result in a dangerous fug accumulating inside the car. I rest my case.
Mr O
19th January 2009
I notice there wasn’t a voting option for seatbelt malfunction.
25th January 2009
Seatbelt malfunction was something that I thought about including as an option, but I erred on the side of “lightning doesn’t strike the same place twice ...”


Seems like I was the only one who spotted the fact that inoperable windows may result in a lethal build up of methane gas inside the car. Probably means I'm over thinking this somewhere. So, there was a tie for “flat tire” and “doors won't lock.” I have to agree that both of these would present a problem to us on the journey. Following my own thought processes though, I don't see that a flat tire would really be that much of a problem. The car will have a spare tire and I know that I've changed my fair share of tires in my life - maybe not at the speed of a Formula 1 pit crew, but I can get a wheel off and change. I'm pretty sure that my other three travelling buddies have also had a lot of experience changing tires - particularly when one of the other travellers is my brother that seems to change the wheels on his car every week depending on what alloy wheel bargains he can find on eBay in any one given week.

So that leaves the doors not locking. I do actually think that this would be the biggest headache of all. Given that we are going to have all of our stuff in the car at any given time when we're on the road, it's going to make it difficult to go sight seeing or do anything if we can't lock the vehicle.

Therefore, for the sake of splitting a decision, I'm going to add a casting vote to doors not locking as potentially having the worst effect on the trip of those items mentioned.



(Created on 11th January 2009)

Vote #77


Well, it's confirmed - the road trip is on. Seems there will be four of us with my dad and brother joining Mr O and myself. So that means I'm probably going to be setting a number of road trip related questions particularly as we get close to having something of a route planned. To start with, a broad question - which State do you think we will have the most interesting encounter in?


New Mexico was the clear winner with 40% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Alabama (20%)
  • Arkansas (20%)
  • Arizona (0%)
  • Colorado (0%)
  • Florida (0%)
  • Georgia (0%)
  • New Mexico (40%)
  • Oaklahoma (0%)
  • Tennesse (20%)
  • Texas (0%)

Pre-Result Discussion

11th January 2009
There will likely be many more states that we visit than those listed below (especially as Nevada isn’t listed and that’s our destination), but the graphs I’ve created for the vote question can only really accommodate 10 options otherwise the bars start to overlay each other. Feel free to suggest other states in the discussion.


Not really much to write on the analysis here as I guess we're just going to have to wait and see. Seems like New Mexico has won it on the voting side and, perhaps, we'll see some aliens in Roswell - you never know.

That said, you hear all these stories about aliens “probing” humans when they abduct them. What worries me is that the use of the word “probing” is generally used for meaning they're going to stick things up your arse. Why? Why would an alien bother to travel across the galaxy just to poke something up someone's arse? I suppose that could be another vote question. Then again, given all the examinations I had during the last year, I could probably ask whether doctors are really aliens.

Anyway, enough of aliens and probing. Lets hope we see lots of things during the road trip. (And that our arses remain un-probed).


1 comment
29th March 2009
I really don't think anyone's coming back to review these, but on the off chance that someone does, the actual answer would be Arizona. This is based on Tombstone and the Grand Canyon being probably the two most interesting places we saw.

(Created on 4th January 2009)

Vote #76


Last of the Christmas / New Year themed questions. If you made a new year's resolution, do you thing you'll be able to achieve it?


N/A - didn’t make a resolution was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - I’m strong willed (20%)
  • No - I’m feeble (0%)
  • N/A - didn’t make a resolution (80%)


Guess we're all getting too old to care anymore. At least nobody made a resolution that they didn't think they would be able to keep - that would just be silly really wouldn't it? Seems the majority of us couldn't be bothered - there's always next year eh?



(Created on 28th December 2008)

Vote #75


Two weeks ago I asked what you wanted for Christmas. I guess that's a start, but the real test is whether or not you got what you wanted for Christmas. So, did you get what you wanted for Christmas?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)


Pretty boring question met by a pretty lack luster response. Well, for those of you that voted, seems the majority got what they wanted for Christmas. Sorry to the person who didn't get what you wanted - my tip for next year is to set your sights really low, then you'll probably get something at least in line with what you want.



(Created on 21st December 2008)

Vote #74


As we near the end of the year I find myself facing a dilema. Due to unfortunate circumstances for Mr O, the opportunity has presented itself for him to come to the US for a little longer this year. This means we have the potential to go to the Daytona 500 and then drive across country to get to the race in Las Vegas. The problem is taking the time of work so close to having taken the time off for Christmas, especially with all the shenanigans that are going on in the economy. Anyway, that leads to the very simple question to help me answer the dilemma - should I go to the Daytona 500 and do a road trip cross country with Mr O?


Yes was the clear winner with 83% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (83%)
  • No (17%)


Looks like the majority of votes have fallen on the yes answer and that is definitely my thought. The only problem is that yesterday saw another visit to the Emergency Room. I'll save you all the details, but it just seems I can't take a holiday without a major defect surfacing. This one was a huge infection that resulted in needing IV fluids and anti-biotics. I'm back at home now wrestling with the fever. Oh well, if I get if out of the way now then I should be OK for the trip.



(Created on 14th December 2008)

Vote #73


Ho! Ho! Ho! He said excitedly and then realized he was married. Time to go back to the more trivial of vote questions and join in the festive season (particularly given the dismal failure of last week's brain teaser). What do you want most this Christmas?


To have fun was the clear winner with 57% of the votes from the following selection:

  • A big/material present (0%)
  • Money (0%)
  • Peace on Earth (0%)
  • Love/Happiness (29%)
  • An end to the credit crisis (0%)
  • To have fun (57%)
  • Larger body part(s) (0%)
  • Nothing - I don’t celebrate Christmas (14%)


Good news - nobody voted for the intrinsic options like the big/material present or money. And I know that Karen voted, so that means she won't be disappointed when neither of these things turn up. I'm rather hoping that she voted for nothing, then she really won't be disappointed at all, but somehow I think that honor belongs to Mr O.

I'm all for having fun - I think that's what it's all about. To those who want love/happiness - probably your best bet is to get a dog.



(Created on 7th December 2008)

Vote #72


OK, so here's a brain teaser that I just came across on another site somewhere. (Just to carry on the theme of tesing one's intelligence). I ran a map program to get distances from England and it came up with the following:

America 1,800 miles
New Zealand 2,400 miles
Japan 1,200 miles
Brazil 1,400 miles

How far away does it say Argentina is?


1600 miles, 1800 miles, 1900 miles and 2000 miles tied with 25% of the votes each from the following:

  • 1000 miles (0%)
  • 1200 miles (0%)
  • 1400 miles (0%)
  • 1500 miles (0%)
  • 1600 miles (25%)
  • 1700 miles (0%)
  • 1800 miles (25%)
  • 1900 miles (25%)
  • 2000 miles (25%)
  • 2200 miles (0%)

Pre-Result Discussion

8th December 2008
It depends upon whether you are a member of the Proclaimers or not and if you are on foot. Otherwise it would 1,000 miles, as I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more.


Oh dear! Yet again we have failed miserably. The only thing I will say this time is that I did actually get this one right when I looked at it. That either means I'm smarter than you or just weirder than you - I'll leave you to decide that one.

First thing you need to do is forget geography. This is not a geography question. The question even states that it's a brain teaser, however I suspect that one or more of you looked at a map and tried to figure some kind of distance logic into this.

So, if it's not a geographic question, what is it? A very simple algebra question really - the answer is 2200 miles and it's calculated by assigning a value of 200 miles to a consonant and 300 miles to a vowel, hence Argentina = (5 * 200) + (4 * 300) = 2200.

From my end, I noticed that all the distances were divisible by 200. That's not relevant to the answer, but it gave me the means to figuring out how to get the answer as it got me thinking that there was some kind of assignment going on (rather than being related to geography). Next I noticed that Brazil was 200 miles more than Japan and I noticed that there was one letter difference between these two countries, so first I wondered if it was as simple as 1 letter = 200 miles. That didn't quite work, but there was obviously some sort of pattern around this and then you can see that they both have two vowels, so I thought perhaps it's the consonants that are worth 200 and working backwards you figure out that the vowels are worth 300 and then you check against the other countries to confirm your answer.

(Regardless of whether you're listening to The Proclaimers when you're trying to figure it out).



(Created on 30th November 2008)

Vote #71


Karen thought that we needed to have another problem type question and I can't be bothered to think today as I'm at the end of the Thanksgiving weekend, so here's the question that Karen came up with - what's the next number in the sequence 2, 7, 17, 37 ...?


77 was the clear winner with 90% of the votes from the following selection:

  • 7 (0%)
  • 17 (0%)
  • 27 (0%)
  • 37 (0%)
  • 47 (0%)
  • 57 (0%)
  • 67 (10%)
  • 77 (90%)
  • 87 (0%)
  • 97 (0%)


Well, it looks like a much better hit rate this time. Yes, the correct answer is 77 - at least that's what Karen told me and I'm assuming she knew the answer to her own problem. If anyone's wondering, the way I did it was to look at the gap between the numbers and notice that it was doubling, so the first gap is 5, the second 10 and the third 20 which presumably means the next gap would be 40. Add 40 to the last number in the sequence (37) and you get to the answer of 77.

There may be other ways to get there (including random guessing). If so, feel free to comment.


8th December 2008
It seems I did it the hard way - I doubled each number and added 3
8th December 2008
Funnily enough this was how I came up with the question!

(Created on 23rd November 2008)

Vote #70


So, I've bought a lot of stuff online recently to furnish the new house, particularly electronic goodies like TVs and computers. Anyway, before buying these items I've gone and done my research by looking at the reviews that people have made before deciding on a product. Then looking at reviews of the various online stores in order to avoid any of the “bait and switch” merchants that are out there now. I've found that it's becoming increasingly more difficult to sort the wheat from the chaff when it comes to reviews as it seems that many people seem to get disgruntled with a make and then systematically go round all the online stores and give all of that vendor's products a bad review. So, my question is simply - have you ever submitted an online review of a product?


No was the clear winner with 78% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - good reviews only (11%)
  • Yes - bad reviews only (0%)
  • Yes - both good and bad reviews (11%)
  • No (78%)


What a bunch of unhelpful people we are. Can't say I blame you though as I'm amongst the many that don't provide reviews, but still expect to see one when I'm looking for a product. Time's a big factor, I just don't seem to get round to things like this. Generally, I buy a product and then use it. By the time I decide whether I think it's great or not, I'm not normally thinking about posting a review. Anyway, big thanks to those who do post the reviews as I think we all use them.



(Created on 16th November 2008)

Vote #69


Given the complete failure on last week's question (make sure you check out the correct answer if you voted as everyone got it wrong) I thought I'd make this one much simpler. How do you pronounce/say tomato?


Tom-ar-to was the clear winner with 89% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Tom-ar-to (89%)
  • Tom-ay-to (11%)


I think there is a resounding UK audience to this site which is why tom-ar-to has been voted the favorite by far. The sad thing is that I have to say tom-ay-to now as nobody understands me if I say tom-ar-to. Unfortunately it's something I get to say a lot as I don't like tomatoes in their raw form so I don't like them on my sandwiches. Maybe it's because I say “no tom-ar-toes please” instead of “hold the tom-ay-toes.”



(Created on 9th November 2008)

Vote #68


OK, so you've had a week of not having to think - just walk to the ballot box and vote for the next president. Well, here's a real question that's designed to make you think - lets see how smart you are. A couple have two children. One is a boy. What is the probability that the other is a boy?


50% was the clear winner with 83% of the votes from the following selection:

  • 0% (0%)
  • 25% (0%)
  • 33% (17%)
  • 50% (83%)
  • 67% (0%)
  • 75% (0%)
  • 100% (0%)


Oh Dear!

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!!

The thing that surprises me is that I actually posted the answer to the question, but everyone else thought they new better. Well, you didn't - you all got it wrong!

The most likely thing that you did wrong is misread the question and interpreted it as if the question read - a couple has a child which is a boy. If they had another child, what is the probability that it would be a boy? In which case the answer would be 50% as we are dealing with mutually exclusive events and this would equate to the same as coin tosses where each toss is an independent event that has a 50% probability of being heads or tails.

Now, I'm giving you a bit of a chance now to admit that you misread the question. Go back, read it again and please don't start going “so, the answer's still 50%” because it isn't.

To the answer. To answer the question, we need to understand the permutations that a couple could have with two children. We know from the coin toss analysis that we've just done that the probability of each child being a boy or girl is 50% for each. So, there are four possible scenarios that are equally likely for a couple that has two children and these are:

1 - first boy, second boy (BB)
2 - first boy, second girl (BG)
3 - first girl, second boy (GB)
4 - first girl, second girl (GG)

Now, the astute among you will already notice that there is a much higher probability of having one of each child rather than two the same - 50% probability that one is a boy and one is a girl versus only 25% probability that both are boys or both are girls. This is true and what you need to understand to see the answer. The reason being that we place no stipulation as to whether the first or the second has to be of a particular sex. To end up with BB or GG, we are being specific about each child thus reducing the probability of the outcome.

To the answer. The question presented asked what the probability that the other child be a boy if one of them is already a boy. So, if we look at the options above, we know that only options 1, 2 and 3 are viable as we know that one of the children is a boy, so option 4 (GG) is ruled out. There are therefore three equally likely possibilities for the couple. Only one of these possibilities, option 1 (BB) would mean the other child is a boy. Therefore there is only a one out of three (or 33%) probability that the other child is a boy.

The correct answer would have been 33%. If you don't believe me, simply do a search on “probability boy girl” and you'll find several sites (including Wikipedia - so it must be true) with the answer. Those that are more technical will give you the Bayesian formula to calculate this, but I didn't think it really helped the answer unless you have a basis of understanding in Bayesian analysis.


17th November 2008
I have to disagree, I did indeed google the question before voting, and decided that although the question was badly worded, I discounted the whole BG/GB/BB/GG analysis and went down the mutually exclusive route. Ambiguous requirements is all I can say.
23rd November 2008
The question was intentionally worded in order that it not be mutually exclusive. Disagree all you like, the answer is still 33% and the BB/BG/GB/GG analysis is correct. If it’s any consolation, I got it wrong too when I first tried it (which is why I made it a vote question).

(Created on 2nd November 2008)

Vote #67


Last record related vote question (for a while anyway). So, as I was working my way through the collection I got to wondering - if I bought a record in the UK that was an import from the US and have now had it shipped to me in the US - what status does the record have?


Repatriate was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Import (20%)
  • Export (0%)
  • Nothing - just a regular record now (0%)
  • Repatriate (60%)
  • Who Cares? (20%)


Probably not the most pressing question this last week. One assumes that the US election probably consumed most people's thoughts as far as voting was concerned. So congratulations go to President Elect Obama and to “repatriate” as being the two most popular votes. One won the US election and one won the more important EastBayRag vote question. It does kind of make sense that something made in the US that was shipped to the UK and now returned to the US would be considered repatriated. I'm also in favor of the “who cares” vote as it's probably not a question pondered by many. And probably won't be again.



(Created on 26th October 2008)

Vote #66


As I've been sorting through my old vinyl records, I've been looking at the years that certain pieces of work were produced. It seems as if many of my favorite songs were all produced in the same year, so this week I ask - which year in the '80s was your favorite for music?


1982 was the clear winner with 33% of the votes from the following selection:

  • 1980 (0%)
  • 1981 (0%)
  • 1982 (33%)
  • 1983 (17%)
  • 1984 (17%)
  • 1985 (17%)
  • 1986 (0%)
  • 1987 (17%)
  • 1988 (0%)
  • 1989 (0%)


A fairly even spread in the voting, but 1982 wins the battle. 1982 is such a significant year for me as it's the year I went to my first concert - Iron Maiden at De Montfort Hall in Leicester. And, coincidentally, the year that Iron Maiden released “The Number of the Beast” album which is still one of my favorites. With Punk, it's also the year that The Anti-Nowhere League released their first album “We Are The League.” Many, many more great offerings were produced in this year (too many for me to mention here - because I can't be bothered). So, hats off to 1982.



(Created on 19th October 2008)

Vote #65


I've been patiently working my way through my vinyl records and I noticed that Windows Media Player tells you the total time by artist that you have to play (i.e. the total length of music by each artist). So that got me to wondering which artist I have the most playing time by. Now, a couple of things come into play here - groups that I've followed, how much material that group has put out and the average length of that group's songs. (One thing I've noted is that typically the punk songs are less than 3 minutes whereas some of the heavy groups can put out a 12 minuter. I'm quite a long way from completing this, but I have put a statistics link on the RagBox page if you want to take a look and start to do some analysis (Edit - RagBox removed from site). So - which artist do I have the most material for?


Iron Maiden was the clear winner with 57% of the votes from the following selection:

  • AC/DC (14%)
  • Black Sabbath (29%)
  • G.B.H. (0%)
  • Iron Maiden (57%)
  • Metallica (0%)
  • Motorhead (0%)
  • Ozzy Osbourne (0%)
  • W.A.S.P. (0%)


I think I could have made this a trick question as the “band” that is currently winning the longest play time in my collection is “various artists.” That said, I haven't finished digitizing all my albums and there is a possibility that it will be overtaken by Iron Maiden. So, to those of you that voted for Iron Maiden, I would say that you are correct (I'll update if anything changes).

Few things to note - I have a lot more albums by AC/DC, but their albums are much shorter than Iron Maidens, sticking to a 40/45 minute format, whereas Maiden upped the length of their productions to over an hour with several breaking the hour and ten minute mark.

Good call also on Black Sabbath. We'll see their numbers jump up during the next few days as I start adding their vinyl, but there just isn't enough to take Maiden. One thing I do note is that if I add Ozzy to Black Sabbath then this would probably be the winner. (Although that would mean that I would need to add the Bruce Dickinson to Iron Maiden).

Another interesting fact is that I had more G.B.H. songs when I wrote the question last week. Trouble is, that as a punk band, they are masters of the two minute song which, again doesn't give them enough length to take the lead.

One dark horse is going to be Kiss as I didn't realize how many of their vinyl records I have, but there still isn't enough to take the title.

As it stands Iron Maiden has it and I'm pretty sure it won't change anytime soon. If it does, I'll let you know.



(Created on 12th October 2008)

Vote #64


What a week it's been. Wednesday saw the arrival of my in-laws and my old record collection (shipped from the UK). It's also William's birthday next week so plenty of scope for over planning (my contribution of which has been to make sure there's no problem getting lids off beer bottles and to make sure the TV is in working order by watching all the weekend's motor racing). Anyway, in an attempt to make sure we're ready, my father-in-law tried to have a go with the bar-b-que. I wasn't witness to it, but apparently it didn't work as intended and flames started coming out of the front of it. It's a gas bar-b-que that's built into a unit by the swimming pool (which coincidentally has broken as well - notice the theme here). I have my suspicions as to what's wrong with the bar-b, but I'm not 100% sure which is why I want to find out your thoughts - do I need to buy a new Bar-B-Que?


No - wait until next spring (we’re at the end of bar-b-que season) was the clear winner with 43% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - it’s broken and needs replacing (14%)
  • No - it’s just a blocked gas pipe that needs cleaning (29%)
  • No - because you can’t afford it when you find out your tax bill this week (14%)
  • No - wait until next spring (we’re at the end of bar-b-que season) (43%)


Well, the good news is that the tax bill wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Still bad, but then again, is there ever a good one? Anyway, I don't have the answer to the Bar-B-Que as I've been tied up with work and converting my vinyl records to digital so I'm not really sure. That said, I am leaning towards the vote answer of not worrying about it for about a year given that we're really at the end of the Bar-B-Que season. In fact, I think that's what I'll do - wait a bit before I worry about it as I've got plenty of things to be worrying about at the minute.



(Created on 5th October 2008)

Vote #63


I'm currently in the process of wrestling with my tax return. It appears that the preparers have made a bit of a meal of it and are currently suggesting that I single handedly fund the $700bn rescue package for the banks. Much as I would like to help out, I'm worried that if I give in to this request there will be untold numbers of groups concocting sob stories to get at the other billions of dollars that make up my mattress. (As obviously I'm not going to keep it in a bank at the minute). So, anyway, that got me to thinking that in this time of need that I must stay strong and draw on the force. And it is with that where I get this week's question - who is your favorite Star Wars character?


Yoda was the clear winner with 38% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Luke Skywalker (0%)
  • Han Solo (13%)
  • Darth Vadar (13%)
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi (0%)
  • Leia Organa Solo (a.k.a. Princess Leia) (13%)
  • Jar Jar Binks (0%)
  • Yoda (38%)
  • Chewbacca (13%)
  • C-3PO (0%)
  • R2-D2 (13%)

Pre-Result Discussion

5th October 2008
Yes, I know there are many more characters to choose from. If your real favorite is missing, add it to this discussion and I’ll take it into consideration, but hopefully I’ve got the favorites (and Jar Jar).


I suspected that Yoda might come in the firm favorite and indeed he has. Not really sure why I include Jar Jar Binks or C-3PO in the list as neither of these really seem like lovable characters (unless you're a very small child I suppose). Whereas good old Yoda has it all including being a Jedi master. Remember “Many of the truths that we cling to depend on our point of view.”

There was a fair spread of other votes, which also doesn't surprise me. I think one of the things that makes Star Wars so successful is that there are many great characters.



(Created on 28th September 2008)

Vote #62


A back to basics question. Interestingly this is a question that you're not allowed to ask in an interview. Believe it or not, when I interview people I have to complete a questionnaire and guess at the answers. It's prejudice to ask the question of the candidate, however, the government require you to track statistics on employment regarding sex and race, for example. Well, we're not interviewing anyone, so the simple question is - what sex are you?


Female was the clear winner with 44% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Male (33%)
  • Female (44%)
  • Neither (22%)
  • Not sure (0%)


Well, everybody's sure of what sex they are even if it's neither male or female. I actually think that the votes for “neither” were posted by females as I'm fairly sure there are more females that read this site than males. Which, at the end of the day, is what the results showed anyway. Guess I'm just not appealing to the macho side anymore.



(Created on 21st September 2008)

Vote #61


Now that we've moved and I have a brand new TV system, I signed up for the sports package which means I can stay in touch with the Premier Football from back in the UK. So this week's question is going to be one about football (or soccer as it's known over here in the States). With this being such a high brow website, I thought we'd better go for something philosophical and thought provoking (not just a simple question of who do you think will win the league or something boring like that). So what should it be? Well, I'll leave it up to the fans of football who pose this question on almost a weekly basis. We need to know - who ate all the pies?


Kes my baby girl cat and Mr. O. tied with 29% of the votes each from the following:

  • Me (Rag) (14%)
  • Kes my baby girl cat (29%)
  • Mr. O. (29%)
  • Kirstie Alley (0%)
  • Simple Simon (0%)
  • A Dog (14%)
  • Roseanne Barr (0%)
  • Hurley (from Lost) (14%)

Pre-Result Discussion

21st September 2008
Congratulations to Mr. O. for Liverpool’s victory over Manchester United. Good start to the season.
Mr O
22nd September 2008
Shame they couldn’t follow up with a victory over the mighty Stoke City :(


An interesting spread of voting. I think technically, the votes for “a dog” can be considered correct. Apparently in the 2007 World pie eating championships (held in Wigan), a dog manged to get into the fridge the night before and eat all the pies. This isn't a competition about volume, apparently, it's a sprint race to see who can eat a pie the fastest and the pie has to be made to exact specifications. Don't believe me, check out this BBC article.

So to those that aren't quite sure about the question, this is a football chant. Typically, when the opposing team has a player who's piled on the pounds, the fans chant (to the theme of knees up mother brown):

Who ate all the pies?
Who ate all the pies?
You fat bastard!
You fat bastard!
You ate all the pies.

A very high brow song, but generally one that even the most intellectually challenged football fan can remember.

So, back to the results - it appears to be a tie between Mr. O. and my cat Kes. Interestingly, my cat Kes has been rather exuberant with her eating since we've moved house and I've definitely noticed her growing larger. That said, I don't recall her actually eating any pies, whereas I'm pretty sure our very own Mr. O. has enjoyed many a pie.



(Created on 14th September 2008)

Vote #60


It's time to think back to the last time you were at a fairground / amusement park. Maybe this was something recent for you or maybe it's been a long time. Regardless, what is your favorite thing at a fairground / amusement park?


Roller Coaster was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Roller Coaster (50%)
  • Tea Cup/Waltzer (17%)
  • Ferris Wheel (0%)
  • Log Flume (0%)
  • House of Mirrors (0%)
  • Bumper Cars (17%)
  • Ghost Train (0%)
  • Coconut Shy (17%)
  • Ring the Bell (strongman hammer thing) (0%)


What fun! Hopefully that brought back memories for everyone. Hopefully most of those memories were pleasant, but I'm sure a few of you out there have memories of being ill. So the roller coaster wins the day ... or, according to my Mum, “The Big Dipper.” Probably a fair result given the amount of money the amusement parks pump into their roller coasters.

A little surprised that there were no votes for the Ferris Wheel, but then again, it's a fairly boring ride. I think most people use it to take a break from all the faster ones. A vote for being queasy, a.k.a. the waltzer - great fun, but I think my days of going on the waltzer are behind me.

A couple of votes for the old favorites of coconut shy and bumper cars. Reminds me of the fairs I used to go to as a kid. You know - the ones that don't really exist anymore as everyone goes to the amusement park (or theme park). Anyway, not here to reminisce about blokes in sleeveless T shirts trying to chat up all the girls on the dodgeums (bumper cars). It's time to big dipper my chicken wing into some sauce and drink a beer whilst I watch the race.



(Created on 8th September 2008)

Vote #59


Hmmm! The weekly email went out and there was no vote question. Was this on purpose or did I forget? Well, you decide - that's this week's meaningless question - did I forget to post this week's question?


No - Edna did indeed break the vote when she voted last week and I needed to fix it was the clear winner with 30% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - I forgot (20%)
  • No - I did it on purpose so I could ask this question (20%)
  • No - I was docked 25 seconds for not driving a ferrari and missed the submission (10%)
  • No - Edna did indeed break the vote when she voted last week and I needed to fix it (30%)
  • No - the dog ate my homework (20%)


A very interesting spread of votes here. Truth be told, I did actually forget to set the vote question. I think I was sidetracked watching TV or doing something of similar irrelevance.

Nice to see that the majority of votes went the direction of Edna actually breaking the website. The thing is, given what I see from Karen, it's not actually beyond my belief that this could happen. Only this week, Karen moved my mobile phone headset and plugged it into the wall to charge and now it doesn't work. She claims she did no more than plug it in and yet the device is now totally broken. I have no idea what's wrong with it - it's like it just gave up on life and died, but it's very coincidental that it decided to do this right after Karen touched it (as opposed to any of the times I've poked with it over the last few years). We have some very interesting conversations where I'll ask “how on earth did you do that?” to which I just get the reply “well, I didn't do it on purpose!”

So, time to go and hide everything I don't want breaking.


1 comment
15th September 2008
Oh yee of little faith. The mobile handset device is now charging.

(Created on 31st August 2008)

Vote #58


I was talking to Karen the other day and she told me that her mother reads this site on a regular basis, but has not yet participated in the voting. For some reason she didn't think that she should. I haven't quite figured out why she would think this - perhaps fear of breaking it (this site). So I thought I'd reach out to the public at large to see what you think - should my mother-in-law vote on this site?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)

Pre-Result Discussion

31st August 2008
Go Edna Go !!


Wow! The biggest response to a vote question so far. We are united in welcoming my mother-in-law on board. Edna - you go girl! Click away and vote until your heart's content.



(Created on 24th August 2008)

Vote #57


With the Olympics drawing to an end, we acknowledge that the games have been fantastic. The Chinese have done themselves proud in creating excellent stadiums to host the events. As Mr. O pointed out in a recent blog, there have been some sensational performances (Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt to name but two). But, rather than ask something inane on whether or not you enjoyed the games, I feel it's time to jump on the bandwagon and ask a similarly inane question regarding one of the controversies to see if you think the Chinese have been dirty rotten cheaters. The question - what do you think the average age of the Chinese Women's Gymnastics team is?


13 and 14 tied with 40% of the votes each from the following:

  • <11 (0%)
  • 11 (0%)
  • 12 (20%)
  • 13 (40%)
  • 14 (40%)
  • 15 (0%)
  • 16 (0%)
  • 17 (0%)
  • 18 (0%)
  • >18 (0%)


A unanimous decision from the EBR voting members that people think the Chinese fielded an under age women's gymnastics team. I guess we'll have to leave it to the officials to do whatever investigations they think they need to. I doubt they'll come looking to this site for official verification - not that we could give it one way or another.

Apparently Gary Glitter's planning his next vacation over there. Can't be illegal if their passport says that's their age.



(Created on 17th August 2008)

Vote #56


Sticking with the Olympic theme given that it's the most interesting thing that's going on at the minute, this week, we want to know what is your favorite type of event at the Olympics?


Track & Field was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Track & Field (60%)
  • Swimming (20%)
  • Team Sports (Baseball, Basketball, Football, Volleyball etc. Also include Tennis) (0%)
  • Shooting/Archery (0%)
  • Weightlifting (0%)
  • Gymnastics (0%)
  • Cycling (20%)
  • Sailing/Rowing/Canoeing (0%)
  • Equestrian (0%)
  • Boxing/Wrestling/Martial Arts (0%)


First, I think I need to go back to last week's vote and apologize for doubting the British team. The options I presented for the number of golds we would take were far too low. Looks like we're going to end up fourth in the games (whether you look at it from number of gold medals [19 so far] or total medals [47 so far]) which is an excellent performance. Far exceeded what I thought we'd achieve and I'm really happy for the team.

Now back to the story at hand. I thought this was going to be a foregone conclusion that track and field would be the outright winner. I think it's probably got something to do with the fact that these are the events that started the Olympics. Votes coming in for swimming and cycling. If it wasn't for Usain Bolt putting on a great show, I think the swimming would have overshadowed the track and field in these Olympics. Phelps is still “man of the match” in my humble opinion and had me staying up late to see what he was going to do in his next race, but Bolt also managed to get me on the edge of my seat (admittedly I was only on the edge of my seat as I was reaching for my beer, but I was on the edge of my seat none-the-less).

We didn't get to see much of the cycling over here. It may have just been shown at times that I didn't watch, but more than likely because it's not the US strongest event. I think the challenge I have with cycling being the top event of the Olympics is because the Tour De France is the biggest cycling event. Now, admittedly that doesn't cover the breadth of cycling events that are in the Olympics, but it does make take the limelight from the others.

Regardless, I've watched most of the coverage that's been provided here. I shifted my days to start later so I could have a lie in and I've thoroughly enjoyed the last three weeks.



(Created on 10th August 2008)

Vote #55


Hopefully nobody's missed the fact that the Olympics have started. No point asking who you think will win, although China, being the host nation, could upset the US - we'll have to see.

Instead I'm going to focus on my home country and ask - how many gold medals do you think Great Britain will win?


10 and >13 tied with 40% of the votes each from the following:

  • <6 (0%)
  • 6 (0%)
  • 7 (0%)
  • 8 (20%)
  • 9 (0%)
  • 10 (40%)
  • 11 (0%)
  • 12 (0%)
  • 13 (0%)
  • >13 (40%)

Pre-Result Discussion

16th August 2008
A week in and I’ve changed my mind, what a super Saturday.


A lot of confidence in GBR! After posting this, I did think that I should have asked the question as to whether Great Britain would get more gold medals than Michael Phelps. Given the responses received on this vote, however, it seems that the answer would have been yes as all the responses are 8 and above. (And they would have been correct given that this has been a great weekend for Britain in the cycling and rowing)

Well, we'll have to come back to this one to see whether anyone got it right. I hope the 13+ voters are correct, but we will wait and see - only three more to get there at the time of writing this analysis as we're currently on 11. In the meantime, enjoy the games.



(Created on 3rd August 2008)

Vote #54


Lets see if we can break down the paranormal barriers and challenge our extra sensory perception. What number am I thinking of?


4 and 6 tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • 1 (0%)
  • 2 (0%)
  • 3 (17%)
  • 4 (33%)
  • 5 (0%)
  • 6 (33%)
  • 7 (0%)
  • 8 (0%)
  • 9 (17%)


Very interesting. First, before anyone asks, I didn't vote myself. (I was worried I'd get it wrong). That said, a couple of people got it right - the correct answer was 4. So, to those of you that voted for the number 4 - congratulations - you must be my long lost soul mates.

I was kind of thinking that most of the votes would go to 3 or 7 being the typical lucky numbers which is why I didn't pick them. I went with 4 as I actually didn't expect anyone to pick it. Maybe there is something to this ESP thing.



(Created on 27th July 2008)

Vote #53


Inspire by watching the VH1 film about The Who and my long lost dream to be in a rock band. (Lost largely in part due to the complete lack of musical talent, but lost nonetheless). Anyway, if you were to be in a rock band, what position would you like to have?


Lead Guitar was the clear winner with 40% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Lead Singer (20%)
  • Lead Guitar (40%)
  • Rhythm Guitar (0%)
  • Bass (0%)
  • Drums (20%)
  • Keyboard (20%)


Good - a fairly mixed response. I say good as it would not make for a very good band if we all wanted to be lead singers for example. Shame nobody picked up the bass 'cus we really need a bass player for the band. I don't think we'd get away without one. I suppose we could go with two lead guitars .... yeah, we could make that work. All we need to do now is think of a name for the band. I'll let you guys work on that whilst I look for a bass player.

That said, I think the bigger question is who's going to play the cowbell?



(Created on 20th July 2008)

Vote #52


Well, the vote questions are back after the absence of the site for three weeks which also crossed the first anniversary of the site (so happy birthday EBR). To get us kicked off again for another year we want to find out how engaged you are. Do you like the weekly votes?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)
  • What’s a vote? (0%)

Pre-Result Discussion

21st July 2008
Is this a bit pointless? If you like the votes you’ll come to the voting page and choose yes. If you don’t like the votes or didn’t know that you could vote, it’s unlikely you’ll be voting.


Yeah! Makes me feel wanted. (Well, until you look at the actual vote count, but the percentage looks good anyway). Guess we're gonna keep on pumping out the votes for another year or so.



(Created on 15th June 2008)

Vote #51


Due to the house move, this is potentially a two week vote question as there's a high likelihood that the site may not be up and running next weekend. And we are also round to a full year of voting. Yes, we've been collecting your thoughts on irrelevancies for a year now. The first question we asked was in relation to Independence Day, so we'll follow up with another question on a similar topic. Our new house has a flag pole - what flag should we fly the week of July Fourth?


England - St George’s Cross was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • US - Stars & Stripes (0%)
  • British - Union Jack (0%)
  • England - St George’s Cross (67%)
  • Pirate - Jolly Roger (33%)

Pre-Result Discussion

15th June 2008
This assumes that we’ll be able to buy the flag in time to put it up.
16th June 2008
Why wasn’t the rainbow flag an option, surely that’s a must in San Francisco?


July fourth came and went. As the site was down, I just guessed at what the votes were and I got it wrong. I actually flew the stars and stripes being that it's a special day for America (and the fear that my new neighbors would come round and beat me up if I flew any of the other flags). Unfortunately there weren't any photos taken of my flying the flag so I can't prove it. If anyone's really interested, we're currently flying the California Republic flag which we'll probably fly for longer than the republic existed (a whopping 25 days until it became the State of California). That said, the Bear Flag has been adopted by the State so it's still relevant now.



(Created on 8th June 2008)

Vote #50


“Roar” I heard William say as he was playing with his dinosaurs and it made me think back to the times when I used to play with dinosaurs and all my favorites. So, what's your favorite dinosaur?


Tyrannosaurus Rex, Triceratops, Stegosaurus and Diplodocus tied with 25% of the votes each from the following:

  • Tyrannosaurus Rex (25%)
  • Triceratops (25%)
  • Stegosaurus (25%)
  • Diplodocus (25%)
  • Pterodactyl (0%)
  • Velociraptor (0%)
  • Brontosaurus (0%)
  • Dongyangosaurus (0%)

Pre-Result Discussion

13th June 2008
You missed off my favourite dinosaur, the "Doyouthinkhesaurus", which eventually evolved into the "Nobutheheardus".


Guess we're all split when it comes to our favorite dinosaur. Don't really know how to analyze it beyond that. They're all dead anyway so it doesn't really matter.



(Created on 1st June 2008)

Vote #49


Time to head back to the land of fantasy. Who's your favorite superhero?


Wonder Woman was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Superman (0%)
  • Batman (17%)
  • Spiderman (0%)
  • Wolverine (0%)
  • Wonder Woman (67%)
  • Storm (0%)
  • Green Lantern (17%)
  • The Hulk (0%)


Is it a bird? Is it plane? No, it's the vote results.

I actually thought that Superman would win being the always popular super hero, but how wrong I was. The Green Lantern was a favorite of mine when I was but a wee boy reading comic books, but it seems like I'm alone in this. Batman has a follower, but it is Wonder Woman in her red wellies who reigns supreme.


1 comment
9th June 2008
To quote Homer Simpson, it’s her Golden Lariot that does it for me.

(Created on 25th May 2008)

Vote #48


I got sent a video clip from our campus recruiting folks that talked about the next generation coming into the workplace (a.k.a. “Gen Y” or “The Millennials”). The essence of this article was about the fact that these people have grown up being told they are great, playing sports events where winning doesn't mean anything, only taking part so everyone goes home with a trophy and now they are entering the workplace they can't cope with being told what to do. The flip side being that there are more jobs available so these people are walking from jobs if they get a bad review. The bit that interested me was the guy that got a bad review from his job so he got his mum to phone his boss up to tell them that they were not happy with the review their child just received. The concept of standing on your own two feet being lost.

So, being at the beginning of rearing a child I think it's time to reach out to the EBR voters to find out you position on child discipline. If your two and a half year old child refuses to do what you ask them to do, what should you do?


Praise them for showing their independence was the clear winner with 43% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Nothing (0%)
  • Praise them for showing their independence (43%)
  • Reward them because you reward them for everything (0%)
  • Shout at them (14%)
  • Give them a timeout (14%)
  • Spank them (14%)
  • Use electroshock therapy (0%)
  • Call them a witch and drown them (14%)

Pre-Result Discussion

25th May 2008
Shouting always worked in The Sweeney.


Interesting. Seems the majority of the EBR voting public want to turn a blind eye to their little terror when they misbehave. Guess that's why we have these “Nanny 911” programs on the TV because you're too weak to stand up to your child.

A little concerning that there were votes for drowning the child. How were you treated as a child I wonder. And does this explain a lot about your character?



(Created on 18th May 2008)

Vote #47


Time to get philosophical and ask one of the age old noodle scratchers - which came first, the chicken or the egg?


Neither - the cock that laid the hen was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Chicken (0%)
  • Egg (25%)
  • Neither - the cock that laid the hen (75%)


Ah ha! Most of us opting out of making a stance and going for the joke answer. At least somebody voted for “egg” somewhere. Of course, they're wrong, but at least they had the conviction to make a decision.

In fairness, this vote really just pointed out that I was struggling to think of a question to ask and this was all I could come up with. And therein lies the joke answer to this question, so, as you can see - it's one of those circular questions that will never be answered.



(Created on 11th May 2008)

Vote #46


What's worrying is that I'm kind of interested in the answer to this week's question, rather than being the last thought that goes through my mind on a Sunday night before I got to bed. So, the one thing that I've maintained (but subject to change at a whim) is that I won't advertise on this site. It's a site to communicate information to certain people and to be enjoyed by anyone who happens by. It's done for fun so I don't see the point in filling the page with “google ads” or “adsense” or whoever is offering to pay you money for clickthroughs.

Interestingly I've had discussions with other people who have these clickthroughs on their sites. They all hate them and they only net them about $10 a year! Hmm, so why bother?

So this week's vote question is - do you look at and use the click through advertisements on websites?


No was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (100%)
  • I didn’t realize there were adverts on other sites (0%)

Pre-Result Discussion

11th May 2008
I have to say, on the subject of spam advertising, that I had a good chuckle the other day when I looked through my spam mail and saw that someone had tried to defeat the spam filter by using the title “increase the size of your banana” rather than using the name of the body part.


Interesting, one of those rare times where we are all cosmically aligned. All the votes went to “no” that we don't use click through adds. So why do they exist? To be honest, we only watch TV on DVR now so we can skip the commercials. Truth is though, they must generate some revenue otherwise companies wouldn't be paying all this money for these adverts. Which means that we're all super intelligent and there are a lot of idiots out there or subliminally we really do want people to advertise to us. This in itself poses a problem as if it is the latter, I wouldn't be consciously aware of it and would therefore never be able to conclude on it. Somewhat of a catch 22. And it's making my head hurt thinking about it, so I'm going to stop.



(Created on 4th May 2008)

Vote #45


Some of you may already know that we're in the process of moving house. With lots of things to do and coordinate, we are constantly being reminded that moving house is supposed to be one of the most stressful things to go through, but is it? Which of the following do you think is the most stressful?


Getting Your Testicles Caught in a Baler was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Moving House (20%)
  • Losing Your Job (0%)
  • Going For An Interview (0%)
  • Getting Married (0%)
  • Having a Baby (0%)
  • Taking an Exam (0%)
  • Being in Debt (0%)
  • Death of a Relative (20%)
  • Getting Your Testicles Caught in a Baler (60%)


Funny one this. I got the message back from someone (who will remain nameless) that they felt they couldn't really participate in this vote as they hadn't experienced all of the situations and therefore didn't think they were in a position to determine which would be more stressful. First, I sincerely hope that nobody has experienced all of the choices as that would mean they had led a rather unfortunate life, but second, this "nameless person" was female and I'm not sure how they thought they were going to experience the last option. When the question was posed, I was thinking that people would try to use their imagination where appropriate. Of course, a lack of imagination would prohibit this.

OK, enough of the rambling. Getting one's testicles caught in a baler is the most stressful thing. And I have to agree. I'm quite happy with the pain that's going on around moving house - which really isn't that painful, just me doing a lot of worrying for no apparent reason. It is certainly more preferable than finding oneself incapacitated and watching a baler move forward until that moment when they're ripped and parceled.

I suppose there's not much that would console you if you ever happened to be in this position. One might try and take their mind off it by thinking "someone's in for a big surprise when they eat that wheatabix."



(Created on 26th April 2008)

Vote #44


It seems as if we're in a never ending Democratic election here in the States between Clinton and Obama - I think the primaries are now in their fourteenth year. And what at the end of it? So the US can choose between the winner of that and McCain. Well there's something to look forward to. So lets ask that all important political question - do you think clowns are funny or scary?


Scary was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Funny (0%)
  • Scary (60%)
  • Neither (40%)

Pre-Result Discussion

26th April 2008
28th April 2008


Interesting that nobody found clowns funny. I guess they're totally failing in their job, which is probably why Krusty has had several heart bypass operations due to the stress of trying to stay ahead of the game.

The majority of people found clowns frightening as portrayed in Stephen King's IT. Maybe it's the thought that the make up is hiding something sinister. Or maybe there are a lot of women scared that clowns actually fill their shoes and you know what they say about people with big feet ....



(Created on 20th April 2008)

Vote #43


For anyone who didn't know, Tuesday is Earth Day. A day upon which we should learn more about our planet and how to take care of it. How to do green right, although I think it's going to take a little longer than a day to clean up the mess we've made. But that's an irrelevant side issue. What we want to know for this week's vote is which planet should be addressed next? Which planet are we going to mess up next such that it needs it's own day of recognition (similar to Earth Day)?


Uranus was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Mercury (0%)
  • Venus (17%)
  • Mars (17%)
  • Jupiter (0%)
  • Saturn (0%)
  • Uranus (50%)
  • Neptune (17%)

Pre-Result Discussion

20th April 2008
Before anyone asks, Pluto is not a planet!
21st April 2008
Given your recent trials and tribulations surely Uranus needs a good clean up.
25th April 2008
Then again, if the rings around Saturn are as dodgy as yours, maybe then are in need of attention.
26th April 2008
Maybe the problem’s caused by the many moons or the loose ’roids that are floating around.


Following on the discussion with Triple X, it seems that Uranus has it. On a previous vote, we proved that Uranus has rings, so I suppose in the spirit of cleaning up the solar system, we could coin a slogan along the lines of “it's time to poke the 'roids back up the rings of Uranus.”

A couple of votes coming in for Venus, Mars and Neptune. I'm kind of following the link to Mars as we've already started sending debris up there and I guess that Venus is pretty close too. Not sure about the Neptune deal though - but I guess if there's a way to ruin it, mankind will find it.

Anyway, I sense the appearance of a moon so I'd best go before I decide to get a camera and take a photograph.



(Created on 13th April 2008)

Vote #42


With all the political, social and economic challenges facing us like the election, global warming, carbon footprints, rising fuel prices etc. etc. it's time to get serious and ask the question that really matters. With all these pressures of daily life, we want to know if you hear voices in your head?


No and Yes tied with 40% of the votes each from the following:

  • No (40%)
  • Yes (40%)
  • Yes God (0%)
  • Yes when I’m with people (0%)
  • Yes when I’m alone (20%)
  • Yes those that tell me to do things (0%)

Pre-Result Discussion

14th April 2008
How many nutters do we have out there?


A very close vote, but I have to give it to the yes' as there were multiple yes choices. So, the majority of us do hear voices in our heads - be it all the time or only when we are alone. Interestingly, I came across this as being an important question that needed to be answered on some site or other. I think it was a teen magazine site with a forum thread on important questions. Someone had randomly posted in the middle of it something like “how do I get the voices in my head to stop?” I was tempted to suggest removal of one's head would do the trick, but was worried that the person may actually take the advice seriously. And I'm trying to not make a habit of posting to teen magazine forums.

Still, we're not doing too much better. Hold on .... No, actually I'm being told we are doing a lot better .... I'm hearing that we're doing a lot better actually. Comforting to know that I'm not alone as I've always got me to talk to when I want to have a conversation with someone. Well, I'm getting the message that I need to go to the fridge and relieve it of a beer. And I think I'll do just that.



(Created on 2nd April 2008)

Vote #41


After all the discussion around botty control, it's time to ask that very tasteful question that we all want to know, but aren't really sure of the answer. How long after you've started dating someone is it before you can break wind in front of them?


Immediately was the clear winner with 40% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Immediately (40%)
  • 1 Week (20%)
  • 1 Month (0%)
  • 3 Months (0%)
  • 6 Months (20%)
  • 1 Year (0%)
  • Never regardless (0%)
  • Never for fear of follow through (20%)


Beans, beans are good for your heart.
The more you eat the more you fart!

OK, so it seems that we're not shy and are ready to let rip the instant we meet the object of our desire. Which by the sounds of it is a bowl of cabbage soup. However, should one of us get out long enough to meet someone of the opposite sex, we'd welcome them with a blast from the bottom trumpet. There should probably be a follow up question somewhere that looks into whether or not these relationships have lasted after breaking wind or whether they've come to an abrupt halt.

Interesting that there were votes on the “never for fear of follow through” particularly as this was not my vote. Seems that someone else out there also has botty trouble. You can always drop your trousers and sign your name if you're really having problems. Again, not sure if this is the best accompaniment to a good chat up line. That said, I've never tried it, so I'm not speaking from experience.

At the end of the day, it's actually good for you to break wind. It's just not very socially acceptable. Well, until next week - toot toot!



(Created on 30th March 2008)

Vote #40


After spending yet another week in hospital, I find myself seriously lacking in inspiration for the trivial - something which I normally have no problem thinking about. Anyway, after racking my brain cell for 30 seconds, I run the risk of publishing another vote question that will not be understood by everyone, but here's what I've come up with - should I take the blue pill or the red pill?


Blue was the clear winner with 57% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Blue (57%)
  • Red (29%)
  • I can’t help I’m color blind (14%)

Pre-Result Discussion

30th March 2008
Believe whatever you want to believe ... or stay in Wonderland and I’ll show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes!
31st March 2008
I guess it depends upon whether the blue pill is diamond shaped or not.


The blue pill?? Huh! I laugh at your blue pill. I waggle my private parts in the direction of your blue pill whilst making snorting noises at your suggestion.

Triple X does have a point in that the little blue diamond may be interesting, but the blue pill that sends you back to sleep so you can wake up and pretend nothing happened - not very adventurous.

So, we're going to take the red pill. Turning the metaphoric into the literal, this means I'm going to start treatment of a new drug next week. Pushing the envelope of genetic treatments I will be taking Humira which I think may have some component of rodent DNA in it somewhere. Kind of hoping that this is going to work as I'm running out of other treatments. That said, Mr. O has kindly suggested that a simple operation to insert a rather large bung would probably do the trick. I have to say, I'm thinking this may be the easiest solution. Also makes me wonder as they've suggested I eat a banana each day and maybe I should be inserting these akin to the old “banana in the tail pipe” gag.



(Created on 23rd March 2008)

Vote #39


As many of you may have noticed, I added a few CDs to the RagBox this week (Edit - RagBox removed from site). Now, what I realized when I bought the CDs online was that I seemed to be going for the “limited edition” versions of each album where one was available. I looked through my collection (well, the stuff I have here in the States) and noticed that I had rather a large number of “limited edition” CDs. Basically, I doubt there's much of a limited nature of these - limited to the number of people who want to buy them perhaps. Additionally, what else do you get? Some sort of trinket (bottle openers, ticket stubs, key chains ...) and a DVD where the band is recording one or two of the songs that you'll watch maybe once. All for double the price of the basic CD that has on it the only bits you really want.

So I reach out to all of you to find out what you do and so this week's question is - do you buy the “limited edition” versions of CDs/DVDs when available?


Yes was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (80%)
  • No (20%)
  • Nothing I like has been limited (0%)
  • I don’t buy CDs/DVDs (0%)

Pre-Result Discussion

24th March 2008
It’s one of those weird things that’s designed to annoy the true fans of a band. Let’s face it, you want to buy an album as soon as it comes out if you really like an artist, yet about 6 months later they bring out a special limited edition version with bonus tracks that are not available on any other album, or even worse a "best of" album with two new exclusive tracks along 20 other songs that you have across the rest. And they wonder why people constantly illegally download music, it’s for those exclusive tracks that they don’t want to pay £10/$20 for the one song and don’t want to pay Apple for the i-pod version as they don’t want to be tied to that format.

That said, I have been known to fall into the trap of buying the special limited editions with the bonus DVD, take the CD out of the case, put it in the car and then forget about the DVD completely and it’s never to be seen again.

Let’s face it, it’s another way to part you from your money, it’s all sizzle and no sausage as an ex-colleague of mine would say.


Very good observations by Triple X above. Yes, 'tis all a scam to get you to part with your money, but we're all suckers when it comes to the bands we love as you just don't want to miss out on those one or two tracks that are on the best of album. Even though they are demo versions that the band made when they were drunk and most of the time you can hear someone laughing in the background (or is that just the music I listen to).

I do, however, feel very sad for Triple X's friend's loss of sausage. I thought I was having a bad run of luck going in and out of hospital, but at least my sausage remains intact. Guess the friend won't be doing much going in and out of anything.

Congrats to those of you that have the will power to hold off from these tricks. Either you're smart enough to not be suckered or you just download the songs you want rather than buying albums in the first place.



(Created on 16th March 2008)

Vote #38


Wow! What an exciting start to the Formula 1 season. Congratulations to Lewis Hamilton for a perfect race and being pretty much the only driver to stay away from any of the incidents. So, will Ferrari and McLaren dominate again for another season or will there be a new team challenging? So this week's question is which team do you think will pose the biggest threat to Ferrari and McLaren?


BMW Sauber was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • BMW Sauber (60%)
  • Force India (0%)
  • Honda (0%)
  • Red Bull (0%)
  • Renault (0%)
  • Torro Rosso (0%)
  • Super Aguri (0%)
  • Toyota (20%)
  • Williams (20%)


Well, didn't get too much of a positive response to this question. Seems like most of you out there felt this question was too specific and that you really didn't have any basis on which to comment.

Sorry - normal service is now resumed with the next question. The thing was I'd been ill again and had been watching both Formula 1 and NASCAR which led me to either ask a question about being ill (not much fun) or one on motor racing. I picked Formula 1 to at least try and be country independent. Anyway, it's done, lets move on.

So, to the analysis. Well, it seems that the votes have gone for BMW and certainly the first two races would indicate that this is a good choice. I also like the vote for Toyota as I think they've come a long way and are now pushing the podium. What I'm really after is both of these winning at least one race each just to make it more interesting. There's probably an outside chance that Red Bull may get up there as well, but they may just be a tad behind the other two.

Not really sure about the rest. I do have a soft spot for Williams particularly as I went to Siverstone with Mr O as a Williams guest, but sadly I think they're struggling to remain competitive.



(Created on 9th March 2008)

Vote #37


Hopefully I'm on the mend and moving forward so it's time to think of more cheery things. I was supposed to be on holiday/vacation when the cascade of illnesses happened, but the worst of it seems to be over so lets look forward and think about what we should do for a holiday/vacation. Therefore we ask - what is your favorite type of holiday/vacation?


Sightseeing/Tour was the clear winner with 71% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Activity (0%)
  • Adventure (0%)
  • Beach (0%)
  • Camping (14%)
  • Cruise (0%)
  • Family/Home (14%)
  • Party/Nightclubbing (0%)
  • Sightseeing/Tour (71%)
  • Theme Park (0%)


Interesting! I was expecting a lot of votes in the action and/or adventure categories. Guess I should know that my audience is comprised of lazy bastards. Well, we're OK pottering around and doing a bit of sightseeing, but not abseiling or parachuting I guess. I think the thing is that most of us like to see something new (I know I do) - running the theme that variety is the spice of life. So I know there are a few of you out there that like action holidays such as skiing, but this may not be the number one choice - that probably goes to visiting somewhere new and interesting.

Also good to see the family, although I'm not sure I'd put this top of my list. I have no idea who likes camping, but good on you. I'll stick with my luxuries such as hot and cold running water and a toilet.

Back to the winners - here's hoping you visit somewhere interesting this year.



(Created on 2nd March 2008)

Vote #36


So I missed all the sporting events due to illness, but lonely old Mr O also made a decision that caused him to miss some of the NASCAR activities. He decided to leave the race early to beat traffic and get back into Vegas to meet a friend. Understandable and I may have done the same thing myself had I been at the race on my own, but it meant he missed the big Jeff Gordon crash and grand finale of the race.

So this week we ask whether you have or think it's acceptable to leave a sporting event ever?


Yes if the event is really bad was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes regardless (0%)
  • Yes if the event is really bad (50%)
  • Yes to beat traffic (0%)
  • No (13%)
  • Never under penalty of death (38%)

Pre-Result Discussion

2nd March 2008
A true supporter would never leave an event early!
Sports Nut
3rd March 2008
If you are at a baseball game and your team is up 12-0 in the bottom of the 7th or a basketball game and your team is up or down by 20 with < 8Minutes to gothen I think it is fine. It is always ok to leave a football (American) game early as it is so bad to watch in person. As for Cricket--It should be wrong to attend - Leaving is a given.
Mr O
5th March 2008
I’ve voted for never although the aforementioned departure was in fact my second time leaving a sporting event. The first time was totally justified as it was the worst soccer game I’ve ever seen and I hadn’t paid full price for the ticket. I do partly regret my early departure on Sunday, but given how bad the traffic was the day before, it had to be done and, yes I am dreadfully ashamed.
5th March 2008
Imagine if you had left the ManU - Bayern champion’s league 1999 final 3 mn before the end of the game when ManU was loosing...

Now if you ask me the quetion with Cricket specifically i might say it’s OK because you can leave the game erly on sunday to beat traffic , and come back the next day as the game is still not over...


Bit of a broad question leading to a mixed response. Seems that it really depends on the event in question and whether it's any good. I suppose if you're bored out of your mind then there's no reason to stay which is presumably why the majority voted that it was OK to leave early if the event is bad.

Interesting comment about cricket. Maybe not the fastest sport, but compared to boules/petanque it's got to be more interesting to watch. Plus you can sit on a crate of beer whilst you're doing it in order to help get through the day.

Ultimately though, some strong feelings for leaving early with the threat of death looming overhead. I guess if you're a true fan, you gotta stay and cheer the team on.


1 comment
10th March 2008
Okay, hold on a second. Did I just read a reference to leaving a championship game? Lets just be clear here. If you are at a playoff game, championship game, or a game that has immediate playoff implications, then NO, you should never leave that game regardless of the score or sutuation(emergencies excluded). My previous post pertained to all other games :)

(Created on 24th February 2008)

Vote #35


In a long thought through follow up to last week's question, I ask whether or not I'm going to make it to the NASCAR Vegas Race? I'm still in hospital and things are not looking too optimistic for me to get out of here, but hope springs eternal.


Yes was the clear winner with 83% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (83%)
  • No (17%)
  • Only if Vegas is on the funeral route (0%)


Well, many thanks to everyone for not voting that I'd be dead and being led through Vegas in the back of a hearse. That said, I still didn't make it unfortunately. Never mind, there's always next year.

Congratulations to Carl Edwards for two in a row. Looks like this maybe a good season for him especially if he gets off to the same start in the Cup series as he had in the Busch series last year.



(Created on 17th February 2008)

Vote #34


Lying in my hospital bed (yes, that's how dedicated I am to this site - I'm in hospital and yet I'm still committed to entering a vote question), there's only one thing that I need to know. Will I make it to Fontana for the NASCAR race next weekend?


Yes was the clear winner with 57% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (57%)
  • No (0%)
  • Why bother? (43%)


Interesting, nobody voted for “no” which would have been the correct answer. It seems like my stay at the hospital has been extended and I'm going to need a little more treatment, so I'm missing out on the rain delayed races of Fontana. The majority of people seemed to be optimistic that I would make it, but there also seems to be a significant number of people that just don't understand why I'd even want to watch cars going round and round in circles. To this latter group I say “shut it until you've tried it”. Anyway, Maybe Vegas next week - lets see.



(Created on 10th February 2008)

Vote #33


As Hallmark looks forward to another trial date that it can get consumers to spend money (not that I'm giving away how I'm going to vote here), we try and find out if you've succumbed to the tradition. Will you be getting your true love anything for Valentine's Day?


Al Capone was the only person to get it right was the clear winner with 71% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (29%)
  • Al Capone was the only person to get it right (71%)


Don't touch me baby 'cus I'm shaking so much
Don't touch me baby 'cus I'm shaking so much
Please don't touch
I shake .... so much

As the trigger is pulled and the hammer falls, we hear the sounds that can mean only one thing - it's St. Valentine's Day Massacre.

And they're the sounds we'd rather hear than “I love you”. Who said there's no such thing as romance?



(Created on 3rd February 2008)

Vote #32


We've all seen it. You're working away on your computer and you start an application up. It fails to load and then you get the message pop up to tell you it's crashed and it asks you whether or not you want to send the error report to Microsoft. My guess is that most people just ignore this and click cancel, but to find out, we ask in this week's vote whether anyone has anyone ever clicked the “send” button when this happens.


No was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (33%)
  • No (67%)
  • I’ve never had an application crash (0%)
  • I don’t use Windows (0%)


After the disappointing vote from last week, we make amends with this extremely well participated vote. The first conclusion we can draw from this vote is that we've all used Windows and have all had an application crash. I don't think that's surprising and, by and large, it's probably not Microsoft's fault as the error probably lies within the underlying application. It's also clear that most of us want to fly under the radar screen and not alert Microsoft to the problems we're having. Well, I suppose it would be fair to say “if you're not going to be part of the solution, don't complain about the problem.” Not that I'm suggesting anyone's complaining, but I do get the feeling that people complain about computer related things without wanting to help fix the problem. Probably the most common would be complaining at how long it takes for a computer to boot up, only to realize that it's because of all the “stuff” the end user has put on the machine.

Anyway, best finish up this analysis soon before my computer crashes and I lose everything I've done.



(Created on 27th January 2008)

Vote #31


With no shame, I freely admit that I've taken this week's vote from time magazine. They've created a few top ten lists for 2007 and I thought I'd pass one on - what do you think the biggest medical breakthrough was in 2007?


Vaccine against bird flu, Genetic link to diabetes and Pills to avoid periods tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • Circumcision can prevent HIV (0%)
  • (Better) tests for metastatic breast cancer (0%)
  • Vaccine against bird flu (33%)
  • Drugs to help dieting (0%)
  • Genetic link to diabetes (33%)
  • Pills to avoid periods (33%)
  • Drug to aid chronic fatigue (0%)
  • Early-stage test for lung cancer (0%)
  • Stem cells found in amniotic fluid (0%)
  • More benefits of vitamin D found (0%)


To be honest, I don't think many people could be bothered to read through all the options for this vote. And judging by the complete lack of response, this was enough to put most people off from voting. So, a really inconclusive vote resulting in a tie between bird flu vaccine, genetic link to diabetes and pills to eliminate periods.

There could also be a complete lack of interest in medical breakthroughs.



(Created on 20th January 2008)

Vote #30


After much research I came across the random fact that the magazine Play Boy is available in braille. I didn't know that, but it does raise many questions (as well as a smile and quite possibly something else). So, this week I ask you whether you were aware that Play Boy was available in braille?


No was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (33%)
  • No (67%)
  • I’m off to get a copy right now (0%)


Seems like the majority of us were oblivious to this fact. And what's more, Playboy was first published in braille in 1970 so it's been around in this format for a fairly long time. Lends new meaning to the term "pop up book" fnarr fnarr. Guess we've just been to focused on looking at the version with pictures.



(Created on 13th January 2008)

Vote #29


So I'm back in the US and at the end of my bachelor weekend before Karen and William get back. Obviously time to enjoy yourself and therefore I've been as sick as a dog and have spent the entire weekend watching B movies on TV with a bowl of chicken soup. Actually think this was food poisoning rather than the flu or some other illness, but as I reached for the home remedies I got to thinking about the stereotypical picture of someone suffering from the flu who is sat with their feet in a bowl of something with a towel on their head and to be quite honest - I've never seen anyone do this.

This week's question is therefore have you ever sat with your feet in a bowl of something and a towel on your head when suffering from the flu or other illness?


No was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (80%)
  • Shut up whilst I try and breathe (20%)


Interesting this one as we're all aware of the image that someone sick sits over a bowl of something steaming with a towel on their heads. One presumes that the steaming substance is something that helps the ailing person breathe like a Vicks VapoRub thing. Although I suppose it could be a steaming pile of poo as the person trying to breathe isn't going to be able to smell anything anyway.

Still, if this were such an effective cold remedy why has it fallen by the wayside (as indicated by the results of the vote) and why is the imagery still used? Although I guess we all know what it means so it's still and effective visual.



(Created on 6th January 2008)

Vote #28


Welcome to 2008. And with a new year comes resolutions or so they would have us think. Lets find out - did you make a new year resolution?


Yes, No and Can’t Remember tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (33%)
  • No (33%)
  • Can’t Remember (33%)


Another fun filled vote enticing virtually nobody to vote and proving absolutely nothing yet again. Not really a lot to say is there as we're all divided on this one. Maybe we resolved to something and maybe not. And yet again, maybe we can't remember.



(Created on 30th December 2007)

Vote #27


Well, Christmas is out of the way and we head into a new year. So, how many beers should I drink on New Year's Eve?


0, 6 and Lots tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • 0 (33%)
  • 1 (0%)
  • 2 (0%)
  • 3 (0%)
  • 4 (0%)
  • 5 (0%)
  • 6 (33%)
  • 7 (0%)
  • 8 (0%)
  • Lots (33%)


Wow, what a complete waste of time. Not only were there virtually no votes, but I didn't bother going out on New Year's Eve. When it came to it, just didn't feel like it. Have been out every other night, including the "10 pinter" day with my brother that left me with even less ability to walk. Just didn't do the commercial one.



(Created on 23rd December 2007)

Vote #26


Almost there! I have one more day before I head back to England and it will be Christmas before I land. Given that there's not muck else to think about, lets have another Christmas vote. What's the most interesting thing you're going to do over the holidays?


Couch Potato was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Visit the family (20%)
  • Adventurous Sport (e.g. skiing or sky-diving) (0%)
  • Couch Potato (60%)
  • Propose to someone (0%)
  • Treat yourself to something big (e.g. house or car) (0%)
  • Watch paint dry (0%)
  • Answer this vote (20%)


Yep, sit back, relax and watch the TV. 'Nuff said really. As it happens I'm just about to watch the footie with Mr. O. So that's the end of this analysis.



(Created on 16th December 2007)

Vote #25


Ho, Ho, Ho - three ladies of the night. I guess it's time to get seasonal and ask a Christmas question. Well, rather than selling out and asking some trivial or meaningful question, we want to make sure we pass on the feeling of “bar humbug.” So, with that in mind, which of the following do you think is more sad?


This vote was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Santa comes but once a year (25%)
  • A present is the only thing you'll see that comes in a box (25%)
  • A Christmas tree is better than a man as it stays up for 12 days (0%)
  • A Christmas tree is better than a woman as it doesn't care if you have an artificial one (0%)
  • Santa's helper was depressed as he had low elf esteem (0%)
  • Christmas is the only time you get asked if you would like to try dark meat (0%)
  • This vote (50%)


Not much interest in this vote which doesn't bode well for the next one. Actually, I'm hoping that you're all out there doing something much more interesting rather than surfing the web and, worst still, this site. Anyway, seems that most people think this vote was the saddest thing about Christmas which does beg the question as to why answer, but I guess I see your point.

Anyway, I'll leave you with the thought that although Santa only comes once a year, he at least knows where all the naughty girls live!



(Created on 9th December 2007)

Vote #24


It's time for EBR to enter the space debate. As many of you are probably aware, when growing up, we had nine planets in the Solar System, but Pluto has been stripped of it's planetary status so we only have eight. That's all well and good, but it's not getting to the bottom of things is it. What we really need to know, even though it may be considered somewhat of a personal question, are there rings round Uranus?


Hold on a minute while I get a mirror to check was the clear winner with 71% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (14%)
  • No (14%)
  • Hold on a minute while I get a mirror to check (71%)


Not very convinced about this one as many of you felt the need to get a mirror and check. Understandable really as it's not exactly as if Uranus is in front of you so you can get a clear view of it.

A small amount of research, however, reveals that Uranus does in fact have rings. Saturn is probably best know for it's rings, but Uranis is close behind (bum, bum!) as can be seen from the picture below.




(Created on 2nd December 2007)

Vote #23


How many adverts are there on TV that tell you that you can save $300+ if you switch your car insurance. Each insurance company seems to think they can save you this much from each of the others, which doesn't make sense as you'd just end up going round in a circle and ultimately they would end up paying you to have your insurance with them (if only!). So, lets figure out if it's all a scam - do you know anyone (including yourself) who has save $300+ on their car insurance by switching?


No was the clear winner with 86% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (86%)
  • I don't know anyone with a car (14%)


A very telling result! I think for the first time we actually have a difinitive answer to a question - the insurance companies are making things up. Either that or we're all paying way too much for our insurance. I wonder if I should phone the insurance companies and tell them I'll advertise them on my site if they save me $300 .... hmmm, maybe not a bad idea.

At one point I thought we were going to have a 100% response of “no”, but at the last minute, someone didn't know anyone with a car. Obviously they don't get out much - which is kind of a catch 22, because they probably don't get out much because they don't know anyone with a car. Nevermind, Christmas is coming - maybe you can ask Santa for a car or friend with a car (or both if you want to try your luck).



(Created on 25th November 2007)

Vote #22


I'd like to offer thanks to “Progressive Farmer” for this week's vote question (much along the lines of “Have I Got News For You”) as I ended up on their website when I was researching top 10 lists. Unfortunately they didn't have anything that captured my imagination, so I thought I'd help them out by running a vote question for them to ask the most essential of all agricultural questions - What's your favorite farming implement?


Tractor, Muck/Fertilizer Spreader and Seed Drill tied with 30% of the votes each from the following:

  • Tractor (30%)
  • Combine Harvester (0%)
  • Baler (10%)
  • Rototiller (0%)
  • Muck/Fertilizer Spreader (30%)
  • Plough (0%)
  • Seed Drill (30%)


A well participated vote and yet again another undecided topic as we continue along the path of proving nothing. Now, to shed a little light on this subject for those city folk that are reading this. As you may or may not know I grew up in a small village with a population of about 100. What this means is that I got pretty close to this farming thing. Anyway, there's a couple of pastimes that are little known - and if you've hardly been out of the city, you may not appreciate these planned activities.

The first is to wait in a field gate until you see someone speeding down the road who looks in a rush and pull out in your tractor or combine harvester. A firm favorite amongs the yokels. More common with a tractor which may account for its popularity in the vote.

The next is to do the same, but with an expensive car when you've got the muck spreader on the back. The great thing about the muck spreader is it does just that so as you're applying it in the field, the muck (aka poo) goes all over the tractor. When you first pull onto the road, you can get a pretty good poo flick going if you stick your foot down for the first few hundred yards. And what's more, the smell off the back of this thing is so bad it's untrue. (Bonus points if you manage to get a convertible). Presumably this accounts for the popularity of the muck spreader vote.

I have no idea why the seed drill was popular. Very useful in that seed planting kind of way, but I'm not aware of any other features or uses for this particular farm implement.



(Created on 18th November 2007)

Vote #21


With Thanksgiving just around the corner we're going with that as this week's theme for the vote question. I couldn't really find anything that interesting to do with Thanksgiving that translated into a vote question very well, so we're going with the good old food theme again. Boring maybe, but I did post a blog article this week explaining my fondness for food.

One interesting thing that did pop up whilst trying to research a Thanksgiving related topic was that someone has posed the question to "Wiki Answers" of "why doesn't London England celebrate Thanksgiving?" There was some really dumb answer around it not being an English holiday blah, blah, but I was really tempted to write an answer saying that the rest of England did celebrate it and it was just London that didn't. But I guess that pillock that wrote the question wouldn't understand the sarcasm - and would probably write back with "I met a John Smith from England, do you know him?" So I didn't bother.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand and this week's question - which Thanksgiving favorite do you like the most?


Ham was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Turkey (17%)
  • Ham (50%)
  • Mashed Potatoes (17%)
  • Stuffing (0%)
  • Yams (0%)
  • Cranberry Sauce (0%)
  • Peas (0%)
  • Carrots (0%)
  • Pumpkin Pie (0%)
  • Sod the food just give me beer (17%)


A late surge for ham takes it home as the clear winner. I think a few people were stuck at the buffet causing the last minute rush to get the vote in for ham, but they got it in in time so it stands.

Well, hopefully y'all had a good Thanksgiving. I had a rather splendid time. Went out for a couple of walks and ate lots of food. Unfortunately, however, we didn't have any ham. We just stayed with the traditional turkey and lots of it. In fact, we've just had some kind of turkey left over thing with pasta. Yummy!

Oh well, back to work tomorrow.



(Created on 11th November 2007)

Vote #20


A big thank you to “The Clash” for this week's vote question. These days it seems like the mountain of “you know what” that has to be dealt with on a daily basis just keeps getting bigger and my shovel just doesn't seem up to the task anymore. So we ask - should I stay or should I go?


No (Go), Maybe, I don't understand the question and Dale Earnhardt Jr tied with 25% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (Stay) (0%)
  • No (Go) (25%)
  • Maybe (25%)
  • I don't understand the question (25%)
  • Dale Earnhardt Jr (25%)


It's often said on the NASCAR racing that any vote that has Dale Earnhardt Jr as one of the options always wins. Not an outright winner here, but a winner none the less. For anyone wondering about this being included as an option, it relates to the fact that Dale Earnhardt Jr has made the decision to leave Dale Earnhardt Inc and go race for Hendrick Motorsport next season. Dale Earnhardt Inc still continues and Martin Truex Jr becomes their number one driver - it just kind of seems odd to me, but I guess he figured he needed a change to progress his career. So, Dale Earnhardt Jr made the decision to go.

Now to the more pressing predicament of me. Seems that out of the “stay or go” choice that go is the clear winner. I will duly take this into consideration between now and the end of the year as I make my decision on whether or not to change careers. (Although I don't work for a company of the same name as myself).

There were a couple of sit on the fence people with maybe. Come on - make a decision and go with it! Then there were a couple of confused people. Me thinks the confusion may have come with the way I originally phrased the question and them voting from the email as it just gave the options of “yes or no” rather than clarifying which of these tied to stay and go. Anyway, I corrected it before anyone voted so you've not really got an excuse for not understanding the question.

Well, Im off to add this factor to the Bayesian analysis I'm doing on my future. And the sad thing is that I am actually doing this analysis! Well, between Star Trek episodes anyway.



(Created on 4th November 2007)

Vote #19


Seems that everybody's interested in healthy eating these days, so lets find out what you prefer in the vegetable arena. What is your favorite vegetable?


Britney Spears was the clear winner with 33% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Carrot (22%)
  • Pea (11%)
  • Cauliflower (11%)
  • Cabbage (0%)
  • Broccoli (0%)
  • Spinach (0%)
  • Potato (22%)
  • Britney Spears (33%)


Interesting. It was all tied up with no time to go and then a flurry of last minute votes went to burry poor old Britney Spears. I suppose the big question now is whether or not the voters simply think Britney is actually a vegetable or perhaps there are some of you out there that would just like to eat her. Lets face it, we've all seen the goods since the skirt riding up getting out of the car incident and from what I've been told (as I obviously wouldn't look at such a picture) you're not going to get any hairs stuck in your teeth now are you? Just in case you missed it, I'm told the pictures can be seen at www.britneyexposed.org, but you do so at your own risk!

Back to the more traditional vegetables and the carot and potato seem to be fairly popular, but we all want to push the spinach, broccoli and cabbage to the side of the plate. Why? They're good for you.



(Created on 28th October 2007)

Vote #18


Now for the serious stuff. Reach back into the past and let me know which of the following you think is the worst one hit wonder?


Nena - 99 Luftballoons was the clear winner with 43% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Vanilla Ice - Ice Ice Baby (29%)
  • Nena - 99 Luftballoons (43%)
  • Soft Cell - Tainted Love (0%)
  • Los Del Rio - Macarena (0%)
  • Baha Men - Who Let the Dogs Out? (14%)
  • Right Said Fred - I'm Too Sexy (14%)
  • Toni Basil - Mickey (0%)


Thumbs down for Nena then with 99 Luftballoons (or 99 red balloons as it was released in the UK). Sadly I didn't think that was too bad, but I suppose at the time many people liked each of these otherwise they wouldn't have been hits. Which proves that none of us have any taste really.


1 comment
5th November 2007
I agree, if 99 red balloons was good enough for the simpsons, it was good enough for me.

(Created on 21st October 2007)

Vote #17


Time to look at your personality profile through the lens of the automobile. I have to thank Karen for coming up with this question. I have absolutely no idea what it will prove which is what makes it a great question to ask on this website. So, which car best describes your personality?


Nissan Skyline was the clear winner with 43% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Rolls-Royce Phantom (0%)
  • Ferrari Enzo (0%)
  • Porsche 911 (0%)
  • Hummer (0%)
  • Lexus RX400 (29%)
  • Nissan Skyline (43%)
  • Honda Civic (14%)
  • VW Beetle (14%)
  • Mini (0%)
  • Toyota Prius (0%)


So they say your car describes your personality. Unfortunatly I'm not a shrink so I have no idea what we have proven. I think the firts thing is that nobody has delusions of grandeur as none of us voted for the super expensive cars. Given that there were no votes for the super sporty cars I guess that also means that all the men amongst us have at least three inches, although the fact that the majority of the votes went for the Nissan Skyline, probably not much more than three inches as we're obviously compensating for something here.

I guess the skyline is an incredible performance car, but somewhat of a wolf in sheep skin clothing as it isn't designed to stand out like a Ferrari or Porsche. Maybe we're all modest but think we've got something hidden. Kind of a “bring it on” attitude.

One thing I did find that was funny was a website somewhere or other that was taling about this subject. I only scanned it, but the one car that stood out was the Mazda Miata/MX5 that declared its owners “had no fear of decapitation by an 18 wheeler.” Althought this wasn't in the selection, I don't think it would have gotten any votes. There were a couple of votes for the Lexus SUV and a couple of votes floating round for the Honda Civic (why would that be your dream car?) and the VW Beetle (which I suppose does have some charm if you're into that kind of thing).



(Created on 14th October 2007)

Vote #16


Now that we've covered favorite space ships it seems like we're on a roll to ask those all important questions that men have. So, sticking with things that are important to men, we turn to martial arts and ask who is your favorite martial arts star? The only problem with this is that I kind of think Bruce Lee would win it hands down as he truly was the master, so I've decided to exclude him from the list making the question - other than Bruce Lee, who is your favorite martial arts star?

(Of course you may disagree with this assessment and not think that Bruce is the one and only. If so, please feel free to send an email to someone who gives a shit).


Chuck Norris and Jackie Chan tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • Chuck Norris (33%)
  • Jet Li (0%)
  • Jean-Claude van Damm (11%)
  • Jackie Chan (33%)
  • Steven Segal (22%)
  • Masaaki Sakai (a.k.a. Monkey) (0%)


Well, well, well! A tie between the generations here I feel. Chuck Norris versus Jackie Chan. Would make for a good match up except for the fact that Chuck would be trying to advertise some keep fit product during the fight. Still, you gotta love the old school. Jackie's a pretty good bet for the modern era as he's got some pretty smart moves. The problem I have with him is teeming up with Chris Tucker for Rush Hour somehow didn't quite do it for me. Obviously worked for many others as they went a did a sequel, so it shows again how little I know.

I'm surprised Monkey didn't get a vote. I was going to vote for him as I spent hours watching that program. One worrying thing is that I may be the only one who did which is probably why he didn't pick up a vote. Also, a big apology for missing one of the masters off the list. And that, of course, was Hong Kong Phooey!

Time to try and break a piece of wood in half, then act like it didn't hurt when my hand bounces off it.



(Created on 7th October 2007)

Vote #15


OK - so first week back at work after being off for three weeks and I have post holiday blues. It was made somewhat better after watching England beat Australia in the rugby world cup (maybe the vote prediction here will come true), but if faded again after watching Lewis Hamilton make a bit of a rookie mistake and throw away his first chance to clinch the Formula 1 title. (Although he will get another shot next week).

Well, what does that lead me to ask? I guess it has to have something to do with getting away again, so in a true science fiction get out of here way, which of the following would you choose as your ride to zip around the galaxy?

(I should probably have this as a quiz [so there's a thought for a round for you Mr O] along the lines of name the TV show / film that accompanies each ship - you could even have it as a picture round).

So, back to the question - which is your favorite space ship?


Heart of Gold was the clear winner with 33% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Millennium Falcon (17%)
  • Enterprise (0%)
  • Heart of Gold (33%)
  • Liberator (17%)
  • Gunstar (0%)
  • Red Dwarf (including Starbug) (0%)
  • Planet Express Ship (0%)
  • Shadow Vessel (0%)
  • Serenity (17%)
  • Tardis (17%)


Very interesting!

A fairly good spread of votes across the different ships. Perhaps that says something about our individual personalities - they say your car is a reflection of your personality so presumably your space ship is kind of the same thing.

I have to say, I think the Tardis is probably the most ingeneous of all the ships given that it's five dimensional. It's also got the whole time travel thing down to a tee, but it's shaped like a police phone box - how uncool is that. Nobody's going to see that coming at you across space and think it poses any threat at all. So again, back to the personalities I guess. I need a space ship that commands fear. I nearly included a Klingon Bird of Prey instead of the Enterprise (as you will note I was only picking one ship from each film or TV show) because I think they look so much more cool. That said, if you take a look at the votes, most of them went to ships without any offensive weaponary to speak of - Tardis, Heart of Gold and Serenity don't really have any attack capability at all.

So maybe I'm on my own when it comes to wanting a vessel that strikes fear into anyone who seas it. A point backed up by the fact that the Shaddow Vessel didn't get any votes and these things pack a mighty punch.

Well, here's to the Heart of Gold for claiming the most votes. I do like the Heart of Gold because of its infinite improbability drive. For those of you not familiar with the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the infinite improbablity drive is explained as:

“The Infinite Improbability Drive is a wonderful new method of crossing interstellar distances in a few seconds; without all that tedious mucking about in hyperspace. As the Improbability Drive reaches infinite improbability, it passes through every conceivable point in every conceivable universe almost simultaneously. In other words, you're never sure where you'll end up or even what species you'll be when you get there. It's therefore important to dress accordingly. The Infinite Improbability Drive was invented following research into finite improbability which was often used to break the ice at parties by making all the molecules in the hostess' undergarments leap one foot simultaneously to the left in accordance with the theory of indeterminacy. Many respectful physicists said they wouldn't go to stand for that sort of thing, partly because it was a debasement of science, but mostly because they didn't get invited to those sort of parties.”

The Guide itself explains that generating finite levels of improbability using an electronic brain and a strong Brownian motion producer (say, a cup of hot tea) was very well understood, but that scientists lacked the means to create a drive that could produce the infinite improbability field required to allow a ship to travel anywhere instantaneously. It was generally concluded that such a drive was virtually impossible.

Eventually, a student (who had been left to sweep up the lab after a particularly unsuccessful party) reasoned that if such a machine were, in fact, a virtual impossibility, then it must also logically be a finite improbability. After working out exactly how improbable, he fed that value into the finite improbability generator, gave it a really hot cup of tea, and managed to generate the infinite improbability generator out of thin air, thus violating the laws of cause and effect. After winning the Galactic Institute's prize for extreme cleverness, he was later lynched by other scientists who had been trying to make the generator for years, who finally worked out that what they really could not stand was a smartass.

Now don't you feel better for knowing that? I guess it's time to put the kettle on to see what effect that's going to have on me.



(Created on 30th September 2007)

Vote #14


Well, I'm off to see Heaven & Hell (Black Sabbath with Ronnie James Dio instead of Ozzy), Alice Cooper and Queensryche tonight, so this week's question was kind of an easy one to come up with. Can you ever be too old to rock?


No was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (100%)
  • What's rock? (0%)


Well, a whoping three people rocked up on their zimmer frames to vote for this one and we were all unanimously united that we will rock along the road to our ultimate demise regardless of age. I suspect that others meant to vote, but senility / alzheimer's took hold and prevented them from doing so. Possibly even entering the home office / computer room only to forget why they went in there in the first place. Never mind, a nice hot cup of tea will make it all better.

Anyway, I hear the kettle boiling so it's time to make myself a nice hot cup of tea before I forget why I put the kettle on.



(Created on 23rd September 2007)

Vote #13


With all this traveling I feel the for a journey related question and given that I'm relaxed and on holiday, let's sing it, so - do you know the way to San Jose?


Yes was the clear winner with 83% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (83%)
  • No (0%)
  • I’ve been away so long. I may go wrong and lose my way. (17%)


No need for any maps here. Seems everyone is well aware of the way to San Jose with some votes even going to the next line of the song so we can make our own entertainment by singing on the journey.

To be honest though, what really confuses me is why anyone would really want to go to San Jose. There's not really a lot there, I mean other than all the high tech companies. I'm probably missing something, but the city itself doesn't really entice me very much. Then again, I'm in San Francisco, so there's probably a bit more going on here. Oh well, if I need to go, at least I know how to get there.



(Created on 14th September 2007)

Vote #12


Well, it's almost time to pack up and leave Nigeria to go on safari, so this week's question is coming a little early as it's unlikely that I will have the opportunity to log back on before the end of the weekend in time for the weekly mail. The question is moving to that safari theme and is an attempt to find out how game you are or what game you would most like to pursue. So, which of the following animals would you most like to track to get up close and personal with?


Bearded Clam was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Pussy (0%)
  • Beaver (0%)
  • Bearded Clam (100%)


Seems we unanimously want to track the elusive bearded clam. So lets pack our bags and head off to the Mediterranean Sea where this mollusk can be found in its natural habitat.



(Created on 9th September 2007)

Vote #11


With the Rugby World Cup going on, clearly we have to ask the topical question of “who do you think will win?”

In order to give a little context though, I'm here in South Africa and they are in the same group as England. South Africa play England on Wednesday and it will probably be the most interesting game of the group phase and will likely determine the winner of this group. It's absolutely great to be in a nation of rugby lovers whilst this competition is on - it's just not going to get the same coverage in the US.

That said, there's a certain amount of arrogance over here and, although respectful of New Zealand, the Springboks seem to think they will crush England. Well, lets see what the public thinks. Feel free to select whichever country you think will win the Rugby World Cup from the list below:


England was the clear winner with 40% of the votes from the following selection:

  • England (40%)
  • England (0%)
  • England (0%)
  • England (20%)
  • England (20%)
  • England (20%)
  • England (0%)


Bollocks! Is about the only thing I can say at the minute. My feeble attempt to add a little support for England is completely meaningless after that thrashing South Africa just gave us. Hats off to the Springboks, they played a good game - kept the ball moving fast at the start, played very tight and didn't give away any stupid penalties, then at the end, they defended well.

England, on the other hand, were just crap basically.

We'll probably still progress to the next rounds given the other sides in the group (although I'm now starting to doubt that), so I suppose I'm going to be destined to getting my hopes up again, but based on the performance tonight, we really don't deserve to go any further.



(Created on 2nd September 2007)

Vote #10


Time for the “big question” with the emphasis on “BIG.” Take a look at the next meal / snack you are going to have and answer that age old question - “would you like fries with that?”


If I wanted fries I would have asked for fries! was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (40%)
  • No (0%)
  • Supersize Me (0%)
  • If I wanted fries I would have asked for fries! (60%)


A closer vote than I expected as I thought we would all be going for the blood of the spotty teenager working behind the counter of your local fast food burger joint. Although that was indeed the most popular vote, there were a few votes to take the fries. I suppose that's only natural though as I think we'd all be lying if we said that we hadn't said “yes” to the aforementioned spotty teenager.

And at the end of the day, we all like fries, so why not!



(Created on 26th August 2007)

Vote #9


People are always going on about there pets. How clever or beautiful they are. How much attention they need, blah, blah, blah. There's always a discussion about whether dogs or cats are smarter, so this week we find out "pussy or pooch?"; "fur, feather or fish?".

What's your favorite pet?


Dog and Cat tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Dog (50%)
  • Cat (50%)
  • Fish (0%)
  • Bird (0%)
  • Lizard (0%)
  • Gerbil (or other rodent) (0%)
  • Tortoise (0%)


One fine day with a woof and a purr,
A baby was born and it caused a little stir,
No blue buzzard, no three-eyed frog,
Just a feline/canine, little CatDog,
CatDog! CatDog! Alone in the world is the little CatDog!

A lunatic dog and a frustrated cat,
Opposite this and opposite that,
An internal struggle for two-in-one brothers,
Scratching and biting and loving each other,
CatDog! CatDog! Nothing in the world like the little CatDog!
CatDog! CatDog! Nothing in the world like the little CatDog!

Over the river and through the muck,
Hot on the trail of the garbage truck,
Friends to the end through good and bad weather,
But life is complicated when you're always together,
CatDog! CatDog! Nothing in the world like the little CatDog!

Out on the road or back in town,
All kinda critters putting CatDog down,
Gotta rise above it, gotta try to get along,
Gotta walk together, gotta sing this song,
CatDog! CatDog! Alone in the world is the little CatDog!
CatDog! CatDog! Alone in the world is the little CatDog!
CatDog! CatDog! Alone in the world is the little CatDog!

Clearly Vote20070909-091338.jpg is the ideal pet according to the EBR voters given the 50/50 split between cat and dog. And not only the ideal pet from a vote perspective, but also from the point of view that there would be no mess to clean up as this animal doesn't appear to have a poo hole.

Thinking about it, I seem to remember the Simpsons doing an episode around “the Fly” movie where the cat and dog went into the teleporter and came out joined together similar to the CatDog animal pictured above. Although they also ended up with the other bits coming out joined together.

And now I think about it, I seem to remember a South Park episode where Butters is trying to take over the world and everything he does has been done before by the Simpsons.

Clearly too much thinking. Time to reach for a beer in the fridge.



(Created on 19th August 2007)

Vote #8


Ever been in a rush to get out of the house only to realize you can't find your car keys. Well, in order to prevent that from happening to me, this week's question is where are my car keys?


On table by Door was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Pocket (25%)
  • Locked in Car (0%)
  • On table by Door (75%)
  • In pot for keys (0%)
  • Down crack in sofa (0%)
  • Up crack where sun doesn't shine (0%)


Thanks. Found them!



(Created on 12th August 2007)

Vote #7


One for William. He seems totally incapable of telling our two cats apart (learning their names) even though they are different colors, yet he is more than capable of rattling of the names of the Teletubbies. So, which is your favorite Teletubby?


I hate Teletubbies was the clear winner with 64% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Tinky Winky (0%)
  • Dipsy (9%)
  • Laa-laa (9%)
  • Po (18%)
  • I hate Teletubbies (64%)


Wow! Who would have thunk it? Clearly an emotional question as this resulted in the biggest vote to date. A resounding vote to have the Teletubbies vaporized (now there's an idea for an episode). A little bit of support for Po. Although Po to me is a chamber pot to go to the bathroom in during the night. I seem to remember it being called that on Steptoe and Son (classic British comedy), so it would go something like this:

Vote20070819-221654.jpg   +   Vote20070819-221807.jpg   =   Vote20070819-221822.jpg

Well, back to the subject at hand. I guess this is the UK's way of trying to get one up on the US by sending the teletubbies over here to wind up a couple of folks. Nice try. We sent back David Blaine. Give me the Teletubbies any day!



(Created on 5th August 2007)

Vote #6


Time to answer the mysteries of the universe. How many times have you looked up into the sky and wondered what's out there? Maybe you know. Well, whether you know or not, here's your chance to vote on whether you believe there is extraterrestrial life. Do aliens exist?


Yes - they are out there, Yes - and they are among us, Yes - because I am an alien and No tied with 25% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes - they are out there (25%)
  • Yes - and they are among us (25%)
  • Yes - because I am an alien (25%)
  • No (25%)


After last week being the first tie, I guess I should have expected a complete draw. That said, the questions were a little spread on the yes side, so at least a conclusion can be drawn as to the fact that 75% of us think that aliens exist.

For those voting to say that they are an alien - glutta fugg htuk htuk sadus tvshowatchin weebie webin ftorg tekineet tfar dipsheet.

Roughly translated that just means “No you're not, you're just a Star Trek fan who's taking it a little too far. But thanks for voting anyway.”

Time to go into the kitchen and wrap my head in baking foil to stop the mind reading. (As if anyone would want to know what's going through my mind!)

Shazbot, na-nu na-nu.



(Created on 29th July 2007)

Vote #5


We've all heard the saying "the best thing since sliced bread" or "don't re-invent the wheel", but what do you think is the greatest invention? At least, which of the following has had the biggest impact on your life?


Car and Beer/Alcohol tied with 40% of the votes each from the following:

  • Wheel (0%)
  • Sliced Bread (0%)
  • Electricity (0%)
  • Car (40%)
  • Beer/Alcohol (40%)
  • iPod/iPhone (0%)
  • Vibrator (20%)


For the first time in EBR vote history, we have a tie. And what a tie it is, between beer/alcohol and the car. Probably about the worst combination you could have. Still, you've got to find some way of getting to the pub haven't you. Both worthy inventions for completely different reasons, but definately things that have affected/changed one's life at some point or other.

To complete the analysis, we should consider the three items that were voted on and say that I was driven to drink when my wife ran off with a vibrator. Or, to take an alternate look, we could say I was driven to drink when my vibrator ran out of batteries.



(Created on 22nd July 2007)

Vote #4


After watching Blood Diamond this weekend and thinking about all the turmoil in the world, I figured it about time that EBR take on the real political issues to try to get to the bottom of what really matters.

All the talk about superpowers vs freedom fighters, we need to find out who would reign supreme.

So, here's this week's question. In a street fight, who would come out on top?


Cartman was the clear winner with 43% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Homer Simpson (14%)
  • Family Guy (29%)
  • Fred Flintstone (14%)
  • Scooby-Doo (0%)
  • Cartman (43%)
  • Bugs Bunny (0%)
  • Winnie the Pooh (0%)


Officer, this is how it went down. I saw the whole thing. I was waling down the hill, minding my own business when I saw Homer come stumbling out of Moe's. Well, he trips over and goes flying into Bugs Bunny.

"What's up Doc?" says the rabbit. "You gonna need a Doc" replies Homer and with that, he nuts the rabbit right in the face. Well, I don't think bugs even saw it. He went down like a lead balloon. He was just laying there all floppy - like his ears, but floppy all over, not moving. And if that weren't bad enough, Homer starts laying in the boot. Starts messing the bunny up real bad.

Thankfully, for Bugs' sake, Family Guy comes out the bar after Homer and tries to stop him. He grabs hold of Homer and starts to wrestle him.

Now, this is where it gets kind of confusing. Before these guys could get anything sorted, I see this bear come running over the street. He's just shouting "Oh My! Oh My!". I think he were trying to help like, but to be honest, I think he's had one too many pots of honey to be of any use. So, Winnie the Pooh's charging over the street to break it up, but when he gets to the other side, he just trips over the curb, goes flying past the action and smashes his face into the wall. I shouldn't laugh, but he took himself out of the game before he got a chance to do anything.

Anyway, this little side show was enough to let Family Guy get the upper hand. He probably would have anyway as Homer looked like he'd been at the Duff all night. Anyway, Family Guy spins him round and flings him against the wall. Unfortunately, he throws Homer right where Pooh was laying. So, Pooh's about to come round and Homer lands on him driving the poor bear's face into the pavement.

As bad as this was, it seemed to be over, but that was just wishful thinking. Before I knew it, Scooby-Doo, Fred Flintstone and Cartman arrived on the scene. Now, as I mentioned earlier, it seemed like Family Guy was trying to stop Homer, but I guess it didn't look this way to these three as they just caught the bit where Family Guy flung Homer to the ground and wiped out Winnie the Pooh.

So, Scooby comes blundering across the road, but Fred's already coming down the hill in his car. Well, officer, it's not my place to say, but I don't think that motor of Flintstone's is street legal. He was watching Family Guy and didn't see Scooby crossing the road I guess. At the last minute he must have seen him as he stuck his feet down, but lets face it, you need more than your feet to stop a car. Scooby-Doo? Scooby-Don't more like. Splat! Fred's only gone and run him over and put the dog out of his misery. Flattened him like a pancake it did.

"You will respect my authority" is ringing out whilst all this is going on as Cartman tries to get hold of the situation. Again, wishful thinking, but I really thought Cartman was going to bring a stop to this, but he just made it worse. I tell you, that kid knows how to handle himself

"Yabba-Dabba-Doo" shouts Fred. "Yabba-Dabba-This" shouts Cartman and kicks Flintstone in the balls. Flintstone drops to his knees gasping for air. Family Guy comes over, Cartman takes one look at him and kicks him in the nuts as well. He drops to his knees opposite Flintstone. Cartman comes up behind them, grabs each behind the head and drives them together. Both Family Guy and Fred Flintstone are done. Both of their noses cave in and spray blood everywhere.

Officer, I'm not joking, it was the worst street fight I ever saw, but you got to give it to that Cartman cus he definitely came out on top.


1 comment
30th July 2007
I got Fred Flinstone confused with captain caveman where his club would have come in handy in a fight. Saying that, both Homer and Peter Griffin are too stupid to win and I would have thought cartman too lazy, but what do I know?

(Created on 15th July 2007)

Vote #3


All those things you've pondered being, well now's the time to make your mind up. Lets find out what you would rather do (other than your obviously very exciting job that keeps you busy between surfing websites).

Which of the following appeals most to you (or maybe is your fantasy job)?


Rock/Pop Star was the clear winner with 43% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Rock/Pop Star (43%)
  • Actor (0%)
  • Politician (14%)
  • Sports Player (14%)
  • Train Driver (0%)
  • X-Games Star (0%)
  • Porn Star (29%)


One of my mates is always telling me a Blackie Lawless quote that goes something like "the top three jobs in the country are President, Famous Actor then Rock Star. But the top two want to be the third." Seems like we agree.

I have to say, I was a little worried when I included the option of being a porn star as I thought it would be the runaway winner, but it only managed second. Something about knowing your audience there.

Ironically, with absolutely no musical talent whatsoever, I'd probably stand a better chance in the pornography industry anyway. Guess it's a good job I paid attention in at least a couple of lessons at school as I'm sure I'd be struggling to make ends meet if it were left to performing on the triple X screens.

Right, time to go tune the air guitar and dance round the bedroom.



(Created on 8th July 2007)

Vote #2


Many thanks to my drinking buddy from Saturday night for this one. After a couple of beers, we decided that we need to take on the real issues and challenges facing each and every one of us on a daily basis. Or at least the stuff that really annoys you.

So, this week's question is simply to fill in the blank - "People who try to board planes before their seat assignment is called should be ____________"


Executed was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Allowed (0%)
  • Politely told to wait (0%)
  • Sent to the back of the line (33%)
  • Made to miss the flight (0%)
  • Executed (67%)


Another huge week of voting! I tell you, if it carries on this way, we're going to have a question on which cat food you prefer to I can get my cats to vote. (One of them sleeps on the keyboard, so he probably did count for one of the votes).

Anyway, there is clearly a strong feeling about queue jumpers particularly at the airport. Even though most states / countries are looking to reduce the number of death sentences (well, maybe with the exception of China and their current product safety campaign), it seems that we fully support immediate cessation of life to anyone trying to take our spot when boarding a plane.

It is duly noted and I will wait my turn.



(Created on 1st July 2007)

Vote #1


The inaugural EastBayRag vote. So what should the question be on? (And no, that’s not the actual question of the vote – it’s part of the lead in before you try to be clever). I thought about having something on the construct of the website, but that seemed a little boring – possibly for later weeks. I have a set question that spawned the idea of the website, but my wife won’t let me ask it as it’s a bit rude. (Don’t worry, it’ll probably be the question next week – given that she doesn’t listen to me, I doubt she’ll take the time to read something I’ve written).

us flag
Well, given that this site is being read from both sides of the pond and this week seems to mean more to one side than the other, I figured it probably appropriate to have something on the whole Wednesday issue. OK, I suppose I better acknowledge it by its proper name then – the Fourth of July.

uk flag
So, where is your honor/honour? Do you drop the letter “u”, over use the letter “z” or eat a lot of roast beef? After 200+ years of independence, what say you:


Rule Britannia was the clear winner with 57% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Rule Britannia (57%)
  • Uncle Sam For Me (43%)
  • Neither (0%)


First, a big thank you to the thousands of people that came out and voted on this inaugural vote. We had a staggering response to this feature. Well, maybe the only thing that was staggering was me walking back from the pub last night, but still, a big thank you to those that voted.

Second, a big thank you to the team of vote counters employed to count the votes as they come in. (I know we said this was all automated, but really each vote is printed and put into a ballot box for counting later).

So what do we make of this? A bigger British response than American. I suppose there's a couple of easy choices:

a) I don't have many friends in America (compared to in England which still isn't many)
b) Most American's were on holiday this week and didn't look at the site
c) There's a lot of Brits out there to prove a point
d) American's couldn't vote

As with the golden rule of multiple choice exams, go with your first choice and don't go back and change. So that means ..... Oh ..... OK - I guess this vote means I don't have many friends. Oh well, it's never bothered me before and it's not going to bother me now.

To anybody who's taking the time to read, hope you had a great Independence Day (or week if you got to take time off) regardless of which side of the pond you are on. Mine was OK. Would have been better if Lewis Hamilton had won the British Grand Prix, but it was still a good race.
