
(Created on 8th November 2009)

Vote #120

The following question was presented:

The whole world's a game or a challenge - at least it is to my son. Got to be quicker, bigger, better etc. So, this weekend he was really proud with himself and he came to me to lay claim to ...


Having done the biggest poo in the world was the clear winner with 75% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Being the speediest person in the world (0%)
  • Having eaten more food than anyone in the world (0%)
  • Being the oldest person in the world (0%)
  • Having run further than anyone in the world (0%)
  • Being the biggest person in the world (0%)
  • Completing the hardest jigsaw puzzle in the world (25%)
  • Being the strongest person in the world (0%)
  • Having done the biggest poo in the world (75%)

Graphic of Results:



Yep, you guessed it, he did indeed proudly come out of the toilet proclaiming that he'd just done the biggest poo in the world. He then proceeded to detail the experience to me providing lots of relevant information about his feat. I'll spare you the details - you can probably figure out what he was going on about.

Interestingly (or not really), this vote was set a couple of weeks ago - if you're wondering why there was a gap in the question being presented, it was because of a small glitch on my part - I reset some of the settings on the server and the batch process that creates the weekly mail messages didn't run. Obviously it's fixed now. I didn't notice and I didn't get any complaints, so I'm figuring that most of you didn't notice either.
