
(Created on 14th March 2010)

Vote #137

The following question was presented:

I'm sitting here wondering what to ask as this week's vote question and I find myself thinking about the week ahead. I guess the only question is do you think this week is going to be good or not?


No - it's going to be bad was the clear winner with 50% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes - it's going to be good (17%)
  • No - it's going to be bad (50%)
  • So so - it's not going to be good or bad - just another week (33%)

Graphic of Results:



Hmmm. I would say the week was “so-so”. Not because it was uneventful, but rather because there were some good things that happened and some bad things that happened - all balancing out to make it so-so. Interesting the majority of the votes were for it being a bad week. Hopefully that's not a reflection of what you're facing and that it turned out to be a good one.
