
(Created on 23rd May 2011)

Vote #199

The following question was presented:

Another completely irrelevant question to most people out there. I've had to pick four dates for a firm meeting (you select four and then get allocated one of the four to attend a meeting). One of those four dates conflicts with when Mr O is coming over to watch the NASCAR trucks in Vegas and I'd like to go. I find out this week which meeting I will attend. Will I be able to go to the NASCAR trucks with Owen in October or will I have a conflict with a firm meeting?


Yes - you will get your first meeting choice and can go to the race with Owen was the clear winner with 80% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes - you will get your first meeting choice and can go to the race with Owen (80%)
  • Yes - you will get your second meeting choice and can go to the race with Owen (20%)
  • No - you will get your third meeting choice that conflicts with the race with Owen (0%)
  • Yes - you will get your fourth meeting choice and can go to the race with Owen (0%)

Graphic of Results:


Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
28th May 2011
This is of course depends upon whether I can sort out flights or not.


Unfortunately I can't actually put an answer to this question as yet as I haven't received confirmation back as to which event I will be attending. Hopefully I'll find out next week and I'll pop back to post the answer given that I know you're on the edge of your seat waiting to see where this one goes.



I know everyone's been waiting for the update on this one ... well, I finally have it (update June 19th). I got my first pick, so I will indeed be going to the Indy and truck race with Owen. I've already purchased the tickets and put in my calendar.
