
(Created on 28th August 2011)

Vote #213

The following question was presented:

Seems that there's a lot of natural disasters going on. Which natural disaster would you like to be the cause of your demise?


Meteor Impact was the clear winner with 100% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Avalanche (0%)
  • Earthquake (0%)
  • Flood (0%)
  • Hurricane (0%)
  • Meteor Impact (100%)
  • Tornado (0%)
  • Tsunami (0%)
  • Volcano (0%)

Graphic of Results:



Interesting, everyone went for the same answer - meteor impact. It's funny as I nearly didn't include this as an option as I thought everyone would pick it. I think it's got something to do with the fact that a meteor impact may do something like cause another ice age, so it would wipe out all human life. Another theory is that it's more unlikely so you may as well get wiped out by the most statistically unlikely event. Not sure why it is and I'm pretty sure most people didn't spend too long thinking about it before they voted, just going for what seemed like the right answer.
