
(Created on 8th September 2011)

Vote #215

The following question was presented:

Well, it's 10 years since 9-11 and we can't help but think about great travesties. So, coupled with the fact that I had to go see yet another doctor this week, I contemplate the unspeakable question of my life - how many doctors have been up my bum?


13 was the clear winner with 50% of the votes selected from the following:

  • 0 (0%)
  • 2 (0%)
  • 5 (0%)
  • 9 (0%)
  • 13 (50%)
  • 17 (25%)
  • 21 (0%)
  • 25 (0%)
  • 1,067 (25%)

Graphic of Results:


Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
12th September 2011
I had to go for 1,067 - you do live in San Fran


Whilst it feels like 1,067 (thanks Mr O), the number is not quite that impressive. I believe we're up to 13 now which is still quite a large number. I'm sure I've forgotten about one or two though. Speaking of which, I do seem to keep finding the odd watch lying around the place.

If anyone's interested, the latest treatment I'm going to be having is infra red. Not entirely sure of the details and I'm sure you don't want all of them anyway, but I'm rather hoping that a side effect of this is being able to change channel on the TV by farting.
