
(Created on 29th January 2012)

Vote #235

The following question was presented:

You're in your office or at home and someone comes in to meet you. Which of the following is the last thing you want to hear after they shake your hand?


Your toilet paper's useless - my finger went right through it was the clear winner with 67% of the votes selected from the following:

  • This cold is really bad (17%)
  • I've been gutting fish all day (17%)
  • I had my hand in there up to my elbows as I helped Daisy give birth (0%)
  • Thbrrrrrt [noise of person farting] (0%)
  • I just finished squeezing the puss out of my zits (0%)
  • Here ... smell my fingers (0%)
  • Your toilet paper's useless - my finger went right through it (67%)

Graphic of Results:



There's nothing worse than having your finger go through the toilet paper is there? Don't pretend it hasn't happened to you. I know you've tried to put it out of your mind. That you've tried very hard to forget looking at your hand and seeing that brown nugget on the end of your finger. Frantically grabbing a wad of toilet paper to get it off, then washing your hands with half a bar of soap to make sure there's no trace left and hoping that nobody can tell that you just wiped your arse with your finger.

There's nothing worse than having your finger go through the toilet paper ... or so you thought until now. Until I've just pointed out that worse than your finger going through the toilet paper is someone else doing this and then shaking your hand. Did they abide by the same rules of sanitation and wash their hands with half a bar of soap? You'll never know ....
