
(Created on 5th February 2012)

Vote #236

The following question was presented:

After the ingenious question of last week, I somewhat find myself devoid of creative thought. Result of a long week I guess. This week, I simply invite you into my humble abode for dinner and ask you the question of the evening. Who is going to have the last roast potato?


Jamie and One of the cats tied with 29% of the votes each from the following selection:

  • Karen (14%)
  • William (14%)
  • Jamie (29%)
  • One of the cats (29%)
  • Nobody as it fell on the floor (14%)
  • You're going to come round and steal it (0%)

Graphic of Results:



The results are tied between myself and one of the cats. I see you know how things work in our house. Every night when I get home of an evening I have to wrestle my food away from the cats. To be honest, if you saw how fat they've become, you'd think they were eating my food. Anyway, I don't actually know the answer to the question. Last I saw it, the lone potato was being carted away as nobody could eat it. I suspect it may have ended up in the compost bin/trash.
