
(Created on 26th February 2012)

Vote #239

The following question was presented:

As we say au revoir to mademoiselle and bid a fond farewell to the hoards of school kids we had employed on a government backed scheme for free labor (until someone let the cat out of the bag), we find ourselves having to wait another day for the Daytona 500. Well, I guess none of that really matters as it's all in the past, but what about the future? If you could find out what's going to happen in the future, would you want to know?


I'm not sure was the clear winner with 50% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes - I would want to know (33%)
  • No - I want it to be a surprise (17%)
  • I'm not sure (50%)

Graphic of Results:



Interesting, a tie between those who want to know and those who are not sure. Difficult dilemma this one - do you suddenly acquire the ability to see the future only to find out that you're going to get run over by a bus tomorrow? Or would you rather just not know that number 29 is coming up fast?

The difficult thing to get over though is the ability to predict the lottery numbers. Always a good one to start with.

Not expecting to acquire this ability anytime soon, so I guess it'll remain hypothetical.
