
(Created on 18th March 2012)

Vote #242

The following question was presented:

It appears we're living more and more in a world of social media which seems to mean taking other peoples word for it rather than trying it for ourselves. Searching for reviews of products, restaurants, services and anything else we may need. But how much impact have you had on this new social world? This week we ask whether you've ever reviewed a product online?


Yes - I've reviewed a product and No - I have not reviewed a product tied with 50% of the votes each from the following selection:

  • Yes - I've reviewed a product (50%)
  • No - I have not reviewed a product (50%)

Graphic of Results:



Interesting, a 50/50 split on this. I have to say that I've never reviewed anything online, but do tend to read the reviews that others make. Which kind of makes me think if I'm not the sort of person who does reviews, should I rely on information provided by the kind of people who do submit reviews? As they may not like the same things I do. Too much thinking really.
