
(Created on 21st April 2012)

Vote #247

The following question was presented:

Hypothetically speaking, if you had a terrorist or dangerous criminal that you needed to deport for one reason or another, how exactly do you go about the logistics of such a thing?


It doesn't matter as the European Court won't let you do it anyway was the clear winner with 75% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Stick them on a regular plane with a gaurd (0%)
  • Charter a separate flight (0%)
  • Use a military plane (25%)
  • It doesn't matter as the European Court won't let you do it anyway (75%)

Graphic of Results:



I'm not really sure I know the answer to this one. I was rather hoping that somebody would and would have put the answer in the comments. I think the only thing you can be sure of is that it will be very expensive and will be coming out of tax payers money. Clearly it makes sense to spend money on things like this ... I mean, it's not as if there's a double dip recession going on or anything like that.
