
(Created on 26th August 2012)

Vote #265

The following question was presented:

The inevitable has happened and I'm now in possession of an iPad. Given to me by work in the name of productivity. I find myself sitting here wondering how long it will take for my rational thinking to be taken from me and I become another Apple automaton. But that's not the question I'm interested in. What I actually want to figure out is whether or not I can use the iPad instead of my computer on trips as this will actually be very helpful to me. Do you think I'll be able to substitute my PC for iPad on work trips?


No was the clear winner with 60% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes (40%)
  • No (60%)

Graphic of Results:



Interesting that I'm the one that's skeptical about Apple products and yet I think this option is going to be able to work for me. I still have reservations about the device itself, particularly around things like why can't I use an SD card, where's the USB port, why isn't there a proper file manager, why can't you upload/download files to websites .... and the list goes on. That said, I'm pretty impressed with what the firm's done with this device. We have some interesting tools that allow you to edit documents and there's a nifty little app that allows you to markup pdf files.

I've bought myself a little keyboard and some other stuff that should allow me to use this for the majority of my daily tasks whilst on the road. It's not going to replace the laptop totally, but I think I'll be able to manager a lot of trips with just the iPad.
