
(Created on 13th January 2013)

Vote #285

The following question was presented:

I'd say that this week's vote question came to me in a vision, but that would clearly be disturbing on a whole new level. This week's vote did, however, come to me in an image. An image presented by Facebook. I got an email that I'd been tagged for something or other (think it was some spammy school reunion thing). Anyway, intrigued as to what someone had tagged me for, I clicked on the link and was presented with the following image that now becomes this week's vote question. I never did find out what I had been tagged for ... seems irrelevant now.
Which one would you use to describe Mr O?


Interesting was the clear winner with 67% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Athletic (33%)
  • Attractive (0%)
  • Creative (0%)
  • Friendly (0%)
  • Funny (0%)
  • Interesting (67%)
  • Outgoing (0%)
  • Shy (0%)
  • Smart (0%)
  • Sweet (0%)

Graphic of Results:



I guess Mr O doesn't invoke that much thought amongst you. I'm guessing that he voted for himself and thinks he's interesting as I was the one that voted for athletic. Let's be honest, I don't know of a better armchair athlete!
