
(Created on 21st April 2013)

Vote #299

The following question was presented:

I've bought myself a new toy and along with it some accessories. What accessory did I buy for my new toy this week?


Flying Crack Feeder, Sinking Butt and Sliding Rear Entry tied with 33% of the votes each from the following selection:

  • Bottom Glider (0%)
  • Buoyant Backside (0%)
  • Floaty Backdoor (0%)
  • Flying Crack Feeder (33%)
  • Sinking Butt (33%)
  • Sliding Rear Entry (33%)

Graphic of Results:



I'm sure this question has bee weighing heavily on the minds of the few voters that bothered to reply. Voting was down quite significantly as I didn't vote. Didn't seem to make sense as I already know the answer. Nobody actually got it right, the correct answer is a floaty backdoor. This is not something you expect to find on a homosexual club med holiday, but rather an add on for my camera so that it will float and is visible if it goes in water.
