
(Created on 1st June 2014)

Vote #357

The following question was presented:

Earlier last week I had the “pleasure” of going to William's school for the open house. This consisted of being dragged around whilst he talked me through the various projects he had done throughout the year and pointing to various works of art on the wall. Thankfully he was only too happy to tell me what each picture was as, if it were left to me to figure it out, I would have probably struggled. Anyway, whilst walking through the school it seemed to me that there was a rather large number of fences and gates and this week's question occurred to me. Are the fences and gates at schools there to stop people getting in or to stop the kids getting out?


Stop the kids getting out was the clear winner with 100% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Stop people getting in (0%)
  • Stop the kids getting out (100%)

Graphic of Results:


Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
3rd June 2014
I think it depends upon when you ask the question. 10-20 years ago it was definitely to keep the kids in, but these days it's to keep children's television presenters of the 1970's out.


A unanimous vote to keep the kids out. Reality is that it's probably there for both reasons and I did contemplate putting both as an option in the answer, but decided against it as that seemed too boring.
