
(Created on 22nd March 2015)

Vote #399

The following question was presented:

This week's vote question takes me back a bit. Been doing a lot of reminiscing all the way back to when .... to, well two weeks ago. So Owen and I did a bit of shopping whilst in Vegas. My suitcase broke (Owen claims he didn't do it, but he was the only person near it and the only person who touched it) so I had to buy a new one. Whilst there, I noticed that there was a Ralph Lauren outlet so decided to get a couple of T-shirts. Owen is convinced that the staff there thought we were a couple on the basis that two blokes don't go shopping together. I think it's wishful thinking on Owen's part. Anyway, if Owen and I were homosexual, who would be the pitcher and who would be the catcher?


Owen is the wide receiver, Owen is the Tight End and Owen has Gone Long tied with 33% of the votes each from the following selection:

  • Owen is the pitcher (0%)
  • Owen is the catcher (0%)
  • Owen is the wide receiver (33%)
  • Owen is the Tight End (33%)
  • Owen has Gone Long (33%)
  • Owen is Sizing up the Hole (0%)
  • Owen is trying to push his balls up (0%)

Graphic of Results:


Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
23rd March 2015
I hasten to add that my suspicions were aroused (and only my suspicions) when the shop assistant asked if we wanted the bigger changing room so we could both go in.

Oh and it was like it when I found it. I blame the McCarran baggage handlers.


Yes, Mr O is quite correct - it was a bit odd when they asked if he wanted to go into the changing room with me whilst I tried a T shirt on. I'm still not 100% convinced they thought we were a couple as opposed to thinking that I was incapable of putting a T shirt on. I think they thought Owen was my helper as opposed to my lover ... or maybe both. I guess next time I'll go into the changing rooms and then shout for him to come on ... or maybe pick up some underpants and ask if he can help me try them on. The possibilities are endless.
