
(Created on 13th April 2008)

Vote #42

The following question was presented:

With all the political, social and economic challenges facing us like the election, global warming, carbon footprints, rising fuel prices etc. etc. it's time to get serious and ask the question that really matters. With all these pressures of daily life, we want to know if you hear voices in your head?


No and Yes tied with 40% of the votes each from the following selection:

  • No (40%)
  • Yes (40%)
  • Yes God (0%)
  • Yes when I’m with people (0%)
  • Yes when I’m alone (20%)
  • Yes those that tell me to do things (0%)

Graphic of Results:


Pre-Result Discussion

14th April 2008
How many nutters do we have out there?


A very close vote, but I have to give it to the yes' as there were multiple yes choices. So, the majority of us do hear voices in our heads - be it all the time or only when we are alone. Interestingly, I came across this as being an important question that needed to be answered on some site or other. I think it was a teen magazine site with a forum thread on important questions. Someone had randomly posted in the middle of it something like “how do I get the voices in my head to stop?” I was tempted to suggest removal of one's head would do the trick, but was worried that the person may actually take the advice seriously. And I'm trying to not make a habit of posting to teen magazine forums.

Still, we're not doing too much better. Hold on .... No, actually I'm being told we are doing a lot better .... I'm hearing that we're doing a lot better actually. Comforting to know that I'm not alone as I've always got me to talk to when I want to have a conversation with someone. Well, I'm getting the message that I need to go to the fridge and relieve it of a beer. And I think I'll do just that.
