Well, I was somewhat late for my flight today. I ended up getting to the airport and being taken to the front of every line and then straight onto the plane, so one could say that I timed it perfectly. The thing is, I was ready in plenty of time and then decided to dawdle around with this and that, then when I went to leave I noticed that my suitcase was broken (the handle has snapped and is sort of hanging on by a thread). Rather than switch all my stuff into my big suitcase, it seemed like more of a challenge to spend time that I didn't have fixing my old case. And, not having anything to fix it with, I decided to use sellotape. In hindsight, sellotape isn't the best solution for fixing cracked suitcases. It doesn't really have the strength to reinforce and has the added impact of making your hands all sticky where you've been holding it. Which is kind of funny when you then shake someone's hand and look at their expression as they try to figure out what the goo is you've just transferred to them. Anyway, should I order a new suitcase online or wait until I see Owen in Vegas and get one there, dumping my old one in the room (again)?
Buy in Vegas was the clear winner with 67% of the votes selected from the following:
Another oddly well participated vote question. I wonder if skullduggery is a foot. Anyway, it does indeed look like we're going to invest in a new case in Vegas. All being well, we will head to Vegas next Monday to meet up with Owen them my brother. Just a small matter of a "procedure" on Friday, but assuming that goes fine, we should be good.
19th October 2015