
(Created on 21st December 2015)

Vote #438

The following question was presented:

This week's (late) question comes from William. Due to many planning errors on my part, we were somewhat late packing to return to England for Christmas. Part of my planning included washing and drying William's clothes before returning. Unfortunately I didn't realize exactly how long the washing thingy and drying apparatus took to run so we didn't complete before returning. I asked William how many pairs of underpants he had was bringing with him and he asked - do I include the ones I'm wearing or not? When one is asked how many pairs of underpants one has for a trip, does one include the ones one is wearing?


Yes and It depends how long one has been wearing them tied with 38% of the votes each from the following selection:

  • Yes (38%)
  • No (25%)
  • It depends how long one has been wearing them (38%)

Graphic of Results:



I think it really depends how the question was asked - whether the question was how many pairs of underpants do you have versus how many underpants have you packed. The former would generally require the inclusion of the ones you're wearing whereas the latter would be directed at how many were in the suitcase. Not entirely sure the duration one has been wearing their undies factors in, but it would determine how long you could last before needing to do any washing. The ability to wear them back to front and inside out lengthening the time between washes.
