
(Created on 1st May 2016)

Vote #457

The following question was presented:

Well, I'm going to give you the first question that comes to mind as I sit here at my computer. A quick look out the window and here it is .... Do you think the pretty girl in the skimpy bikini would rub sun cream on me if I went down and asked her?


No was the clear winner with 67% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes (33%)
  • No (67%)

Graphic of Results:



Well, many thanks for the vote of confidence to those that voted yes that she would apply sun cream to me, but sadly we'll never know as I didn't pluck up the courage to go and ask. Honestly thought, kinda think she would have said no. To be perfectly honest, I kind of think we could have ended up in a situation where the police were called had I asked, so I think it was best that I didn't. An interesting side note is that after I wrote this question, someone I know turned up that I'd said can use the pool. Now, she might have said yes, but again, I didn't go down and ask.
