
(Created on 11th May 2008)

Vote #46

The following question was presented:

What's worrying is that I'm kind of interested in the answer to this week's question, rather than being the last thought that goes through my mind on a Sunday night before I got to bed. So, the one thing that I've maintained (but subject to change at a whim) is that I won't advertise on this site. It's a site to communicate information to certain people and to be enjoyed by anyone who happens by. It's done for fun so I don't see the point in filling the page with “google ads” or “adsense” or whoever is offering to pay you money for clickthroughs.

Interestingly I've had discussions with other people who have these clickthroughs on their sites. They all hate them and they only net them about $10 a year! Hmm, so why bother?

So this week's vote question is - do you look at and use the click through advertisements on websites?


No was the clear winner with 100% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (100%)
  • I didn’t realize there were adverts on other sites (0%)

Graphic of Results:


Pre-Result Discussion

11th May 2008
I have to say, on the subject of spam advertising, that I had a good chuckle the other day when I looked through my spam mail and saw that someone had tried to defeat the spam filter by using the title “increase the size of your banana” rather than using the name of the body part.


Interesting, one of those rare times where we are all cosmically aligned. All the votes went to “no” that we don't use click through adds. So why do they exist? To be honest, we only watch TV on DVR now so we can skip the commercials. Truth is though, they must generate some revenue otherwise companies wouldn't be paying all this money for these adverts. Which means that we're all super intelligent and there are a lot of idiots out there or subliminally we really do want people to advertise to us. This in itself poses a problem as if it is the latter, I wouldn't be consciously aware of it and would therefore never be able to conclude on it. Somewhat of a catch 22. And it's making my head hurt thinking about it, so I'm going to stop.
