
(Created on 26th March 2017)

Vote #503

The following question was presented:

A rather interesting piece of news that United Airlines prohibited some girls from boarding a flight because they were wearing yoga pants (leggings). Apparently they were told they needed to wear something over the top of them. Do you think yoga pants are indecent?


No was the clear winner with 75% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes (25%)
  • No (75%)

Graphic of Results:



In full disclosure, I haven't seen (or even looked for) pictures of the offending yoga pants. So I don't know if they revealed anything they shouldn't. The old camel toe would be my guess. That said, unless they were see through, I would have thought they adequately covered up the body and I'm not sure it would be up to United Airlines to determine whether they were appropriate or not. The one thing I will say is that, assuming these were regular yoga pants, the answer to this question would be it depends who was wearing them. They do look a lot better on some people than on others. It's really those people that look like they've dropped a bag of marbles down the back of them that need to be prohibited from wearing them.
