
(Created on 1st October 2017)

Vote #528

The following question was presented:

Last week's questions was about whether or not I could get a bot to write these questions. Well, there are bots that go round looking for pokemon. Then bots that control the bots to tell them where to go. And bots on top of those bots to report what they find. This produces a lot of information. so I wrote a bot to analyze and simplify the information for me. Am I weird to be thinking about bot on bot action?


Yes was the clear winner with 60% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes (60%)
  • No (40%)

Graphic of Results:



I'm sure most of you were thinking I'm weird regardless of the bot on bot action. Perhaps that's just the icing on the cake for some people. It is kind of interesting that bots are now a major thing. I say that because about 10 years ago I made the comment that I could replace someone with a macro as all they seemed to do was reformat stuff in spreadsheets and send it out. I guess that we've finally got to the point where people trust the macros more than the people. It will be interesting to see as we move into automated transport as that's going to cause a huge shift in the workforce.
