
(Created on 22nd October 2017)

Vote #531

The following question was presented:

Alright, so for those of you that don't know, there's been a sub text to some of the more recent vote questions. I've been working away trying to convince myself to get a new car and I've finally taken the plunge and bought, not one, but, two cars. Well, a truck and a car. The truck is more for everyday use and I did get myself a GT-R because, well, it's a GT-R. Anyway. I've had my previous car for 8 years before taking this plunge and I got to thinking that I really don't spend money very often. In fact, it might be more than 8 years ago since I treated myself to some new underpants. Should I continue my spending spree and splash out on some undies?


Yes was the clear winner with 60% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes (60%)
  • No (40%)

Graphic of Results:



I thought the answer to this question would be a resounding yes, but why change the habits of a lifetime I guess. I'll be honest, the thought of getting new underwear is rather daunting. Well, not so much the new ones, it's more trying to figure out how to get the old ones off. Probably a bit like old wallpaper - peeling and scraping.
