
(Created on 30th July 2018)

Vote #568

The following question was presented:

A racing question given that I took my car out on a track day, but probably not the racing question you're going to expect. I think this is something most people have done, but we'll find out. I stayed away the night before my thing and when I came back, emptied my suitcase on the floor. The next day there was a pile of clothes - some clean, some not. Without thinking I picked up a pair of underpants and sniffed them to see if they were clean. The track temperature was 117 degrees the day before which was a few degrees cooler than the area around my knackers. Yup, the pants I'd decided to sniff were the ones from the day before. Don't know why I did it. Still don't. Was like an automatic reaction at the time. Have you ever sniffed a pair of underpants/washing (could be socks) and regretted it?


No was the clear winner with 67% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes (33%)
  • No (67%)

Graphic of Results:



So, apparently I’m the only person that’s ever done this. Hogwash, I say. I think you’re all lying. Now, I’ll freely admit that this isn’t a habit I’d encourage, but it kind of happened to me automatically like some pre programmed response. Needless to say, the experience wasn’t good.
