
(Created on 8th September 2008)

Vote #59

The following question was presented:

Hmmm! The weekly email went out and there was no vote question. Was this on purpose or did I forget? Well, you decide - that's this week's meaningless question - did I forget to post this week's question?


No - Edna did indeed break the vote when she voted last week and I needed to fix it was the clear winner with 30% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes - I forgot (20%)
  • No - I did it on purpose so I could ask this question (20%)
  • No - I was docked 25 seconds for not driving a ferrari and missed the submission (10%)
  • No - Edna did indeed break the vote when she voted last week and I needed to fix it (30%)
  • No - the dog ate my homework (20%)

Graphic of Results:



A very interesting spread of votes here. Truth be told, I did actually forget to set the vote question. I think I was sidetracked watching TV or doing something of similar irrelevance.

Nice to see that the majority of votes went the direction of Edna actually breaking the website. The thing is, given what I see from Karen, it's not actually beyond my belief that this could happen. Only this week, Karen moved my mobile phone headset and plugged it into the wall to charge and now it doesn't work. She claims she did no more than plug it in and yet the device is now totally broken. I have no idea what's wrong with it - it's like it just gave up on life and died, but it's very coincidental that it decided to do this right after Karen touched it (as opposed to any of the times I've poked with it over the last few years). We have some very interesting conversations where I'll ask “how on earth did you do that?” to which I just get the reply “well, I didn't do it on purpose!”

So, time to go and hide everything I don't want breaking.


1 comment
15th September 2008
Oh yee of little faith. The mobile handset device is now charging.