
(Created on 8th September 2019)

Vote #625

The following question was presented:

A week in the Bay Area and I'm looking forward to another trip to Sonoma Raceway next weekend. My tire tread doesn't seem to be wearing evenly. I'm going to squeeze this event out before I switch tires, but the big question I need to answer is do I need to add more camber to my front wheels?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)

Graphic of Results:



This is still an interesting question. Well, for me anyway. Nobody else gives a shit which is fair enough. I took tire temps at Sonoma this weekend and they seemed to be pretty consistent across the wheel indicating that the camber is where it's supposed to be. I need to check tire temps next time out at Thunderhill and make a decision based on that.
