
(Created on 22nd March 2020)

Vote #653

The following question was presented:

Well, things don't seem to be getting better, but the crazy think is there's still hundreds of people still traveling about. The traffic cameras still show a steady flow of traffic even though the order has been made to not travel unless required or for an emergency. I guess it's going to take more serious action/enforcement to make it happen. I have to be honest though, I still don't know what to think. The headlines read about stricter action and enforcement being needed, but buried in other articles there are statistics that show this isn't too bad. One article talking about the fact that we don't know if the people that have died so far that have been connected to the virus would have died anyway. The irony here is that it implied that less people may die because of the virus because people in general are being safer. Guarding against coronovirus also helps guard against flu. Less cars on the road should equal less motoring fatalities. The reality is that this won't be known until we come out the other side. One thing I do know is that I seem to be getting better at video games again despite having crested the hill of life. Is it sad that I'm still reasonably good at video games?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)

Graphic of Results:



Sad maybe, but there's life in this old dog yet!
