
(Created on 3rd May 2020)

Vote #659

The following question was presented:

All this stay at home stuff has led to a different world where people meet and communicate through devices whether it be voice or video. Most work related calls are supposed to be video, but you inevitably get people who are either too shy, haven't showered or aren't wearing trousers so they block the video. There's a lot of people saying that you should keep your normal daily routine and I have to laugh as I'm totally keeping my normal routine. Get up, shower, go sit at my desk for work. I did, however, notice that I made a huge fashion faux pas today. Should I be embarrassed that I've been wearing my T shirt inside out all day?


No was the clear winner with 80% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes (20%)
  • No (80%)

Graphic of Results:



Has everyone lost their sense of pride? I get on a lot of calls where people say they don't want to go on camera as they hadn't showered. Well, get a shower then. I should be embarrassed that I had my T shirt on inside out all day, but to be honest, I just laughed. I did think about changing it so it was the right way round and then figured what's the point? It isn't like anyone's going to see me, so I spend the night with my t shirt on inside out as well as all day.
