
(Created on 30th August 2020)

Vote #676

The following question was presented:

I was playing Apex with Paul this weekend and, as normal, getting too intense. I came out with a plan of what I thought we should do - something like push up the hill and take the team on to the left. I was expecting either an agreement or disagreement to my plan. What I got was commentary on a hedgehog that was outside of Paul's window, followed by an update on the hedgehog population. Are you concerned about the decline in the UK's hedgehog population?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)

Graphic of Results:



Yes indeed! We're all concerned about the UK hedgehog population as it's declining. The good news is the Louisa has taken it upon herself to rescue them. Working with Paul, they've turned their garden into a sanctuary. Banging on the window to scare the foxes away. I have to be honest, I didn't figure foxes ate hedgehogs as I thought they protected themselves by curling into a ball. I thought foxes just scavenged rubbish bins these days, living off what humans throw away.
