
(Created on 30th May 2021)

Vote #715

The following question was presented:

I’ve got a pile of clean clothes ready to be put away and there’s a stray pair of underpants between the clean pile and the dirty bin. They could have been knocked off the clean pile or possibly missed the dirty bin when I threw them at it. I’m debating what to do. Are the underpants between the clean pile and the dirty bin clean or dirty?


Clean and Sniff them to find out tied with 50% of the votes each from the following selection:

  • Clean (50%)
  • Dirty (0%)
  • Sniff them to find out (50%)

Graphic of Results:


Pre-Result Discussion

31st May 2021
throw them at the wall, if they don't stick they're clean


It seems like my dad confuses dirty underwear with spaghetti. One of those, you should throw at the wall to determine if they’re ready. Note to self, make sure you check food preparation next time you get to go back home. I also don’t know why I would sniff them when simply looking inside to see if the skid marks are fresh would suffice. Anyway, they were clean. I concluded that they must have been knocked off the clean pile as the trajectory was all wrong for it to have been a wayward throw to the dirty bin.
