
(Created on 21st December 2008)

Vote #74

The following question was presented:

As we near the end of the year I find myself facing a dilema. Due to unfortunate circumstances for Mr O, the opportunity has presented itself for him to come to the US for a little longer this year. This means we have the potential to go to the Daytona 500 and then drive across country to get to the race in Las Vegas. The problem is taking the time of work so close to having taken the time off for Christmas, especially with all the shenanigans that are going on in the economy. Anyway, that leads to the very simple question to help me answer the dilemma - should I go to the Daytona 500 and do a road trip cross country with Mr O?


Yes was the clear winner with 83% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes (83%)
  • No (17%)

Graphic of Results:



Looks like the majority of votes have fallen on the yes answer and that is definitely my thought. The only problem is that yesterday saw another visit to the Emergency Room. I'll save you all the details, but it just seems I can't take a holiday without a major defect surfacing. This one was a huge infection that resulted in needing IV fluids and anti-biotics. I'm back at home now wrestling with the fever. Oh well, if I get if out of the way now then I should be OK for the trip.
