
(Created on 2nd October 2022)

Vote #782

The following question was presented:

With all the headline news this week about cheating in chess, I was going to have a question on that. I’ll let it buzz around my head for another week. At least I think the buzzing is in my head. Anyway, this weeks question comes from a walk around a local park and I noticed a new bench. One of those that is dedicated to the loving memory of someone. It just struck me that someone probably passed that spot multiple times and said it would be great if there was a bench there. Rather than do something about it, they died and their loved one wanted to have a legacy for them so put a bench in that spot. You can’t help think it would have been better to put the bench there when they were alive so they could have benefitted from it. So how come I’ve never donated a bench to a park?


Didn’t occur until now was the clear winner with 50% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Lazy (0%)
  • Didn’t occur until now (50%)
  • Seems weird (25%)
  • Waiting until I’m dead (25%)

Graphic of Results:



Yeah, it didn’t really occur until now. To be honest, I forgot that I set this as the vote question until I came to set the next week …. So I guess we won’t be donating any benches anytime soon.
