
(Created on 27th November 2022)

Vote #790

The following question was presented:

The long weekend is over for Thanksgiving and it's back to a busy week for the final push to Christmas. Only four weeks left until I head home for the holidays. Watching the world cup should make that more bearable as it'll give me something to focus on. This week seems to be the week of doctors - I had my covid booster yesterday and have three doctor appointments this week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. None of these are critical, just check ins really, but I will end up with several tests I'm sure. Will I survive the week without finding a new ailment?


Yes was the clear winner with 60% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes (60%)
  • No (40%)

Graphic of Results:



Yes indeed, we did find a new ailment. This is a by product of existing conditions, but apparently I have to get vitamin B12 shots for the next few weeks.
