
(Created on 24th March 2024)

Vote #858

The following question was presented:

Are you wondering what to do this coming weekend? Well, what if you’ve made plans to go somewhere, but still don’t know what to do? Maybe there’s something of local interest or an activity you can partake in. Well, is there anything to do in Shrewsbury?


No was the clear winner with 60% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes (40%)
  • No (60%)

Graphic of Results:



I’ll be honest, I have absolutely no idea. I haven’t bothered to Google it as I’m not going. Best I can come up with is to visit the Leicester player Shrewsbury Hall. Something tells me, however, that I’m going to hear all about Shrewsbury after Paul visits.


1 comment
Mr O
1st April 2024
Maybe he went to visit the old home ground of Shrewsbury Town FC, Gay Meadow