
(Created on 26th May 2024)

Vote #867

The following question was presented:

Yet again, this weeks vote question is brought to you courtesy of William and his ineptitude. He managed to get outsmarted again by a seemingly routine task, turning to YouTube for help and still struggling. What task did William struggle to do this past week?


Iron a shirt was the clear winner with 24% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Bake a potato (6%)
  • Change a bike tire (12%)
  • Change a light bulb (12%)
  • Cook a tin of beans (18%)
  • Iron a shirt (24%)
  • Make a cup of tea (18%)
  • Vacuum the floor (12%)

Graphic of Results:



Ah! The vote was very split, however the majority was indeed correct. William had borrowed one of my shirts so I made him wash and iron it. He had no idea how to iron the shirt, so I told him to watch a YouTube video. He did and seemed to get annoyed with it, but he did persevere and I now have a clean, ironed shirt.
