
(Created on 1st September 2024)

Vote #881

The following question was presented:

We have a short week this week with Monday being Labor day. That said, the big day for me is going to be Wednesday as I have to take the kitties to the vet. Nothing going wrong, they just need a check up, apparently, and a jab I think. I've been worried about catching Trillion as she's been very shy up until now, although now she seems to trust me. At least until I put her in a cage and take her to the vet to be jabbed. Will I be able to catch the kittens to get them into their carriers and take them to the vet?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)

Graphic of Results:



It was indeed yes. I was able to catch the kitties quite easily and get them into their respective carriers. All went well. I did write a little blog on the vet trip if you're interested.
