
(Created on 2nd February 2025)

Vote #903

The following question was presented:

I’ve actually got a busy week of non work things going on over the next couple of weeks. It starts with another trip to the vet to get boosters for my little babies. Now, I’ve let them out (although only one is really taking advantage of this new found freedom). I’m going to let him out tomorrow morning so he can go for a poo after his breakfast. Will I be able to get Zaphod back in to go to the vet after he’s been for a poo outside?


No was the clear winner with 60% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes (40%)
  • No (60%)

Graphic of Results:



Well, the answer to the question was yes. My little baby boy tends to go in and out of the house all day long. He goes out to do his cat business (he has very important meetings he needs to attend) and then he pops back in every now and then to make sure I'm alright. I let him out and then when he came back in, I locked the door on him. I then managed to get both the cats in their respective carry baskets. Got the baskets in the truck .... and then the truck wouldn't start. Yay! So I ended up ubering the cats to and from the vet. Nothing is straight forward these days.
