I had intended to ride a new path to Safeway, but I turned off the track to soon, so the ride was cut a little short. An enjoyable ride that I'll do again. Not so much fun for the squirrel.
5:30 Swim meet at the local swim club
11:20 start of the "toboggan" run (ends 15:10)
14:54 Squirrel goes bye bye
17:18 Dodgy left onto main road
17:43 Start of new trail (to me)
18:16 Misjudge turn onto bridge and crash into it
22:00 Trail crumbling and narrows and I hit a tree
24:00 wasn't sure if I was supposed to go left (I shouldn't, made right decision)
25:55 Wasn't sure if I was to go left (I should have, made the wrong decision)
26:30 Debate whether to turn around and go the full way or turn right and head back. Head back. In my head, getting annoyed that there are very few dips in the curb that I can use to get onto the road or off the road onto a trail.
36:30 I really like the path on the right and really wanted to ride on it, but it doesn't seem wide enough if there are people on it. Not entirely sure why I care
49:00 Maneuver from bike lane to left to turn left from one dual carriageway to another
49:57 Sit there like a pudding pointing to the left