

Arse Cam

My new bike is here and I decided to take it for a spin. Ended up not really going very far as the setup didn't seem quite right. I was banging my leg with my hands and my thumb was catching on the gear changer and I'd hurt my elbow moan, moan, moan. Anyway, I don't have a pole setup on it for a GoPro, but I did figure I'd do a quick record and I stuck it on the side of the bike so you can see the ride from my arse's perspective. It really isn't that good of a view. You might think it cool if you could see me from the little mirror that's there, but that's not going to happen any time soon. I snapped it off the next time I got on the bike. I knew it was going to happen, but didn't really have a way of avoiding it.

I think the only reason I kept the video is because this is the fastest I've got a handcycle so far. This bike only has one brake on it - a single disk brake on the front, whereas my other bike has three disk brakes. I am a little worried about it's stopping power, but most of the time I'm not really going above 5 mph, so probably not that big of a deal. Anyway, clearly the best way to test whether the brakes work on a brand new bike is to hurtle towards a T junction at 32 mph. I did apply the brakes early, just in case. But I haven't figured out just in case what? I'd have longer to realize I was going to hit something I suppose, longer to scream or just to leave a longer brown streak down the road before the red splat.

Recorded on December 7th, 2024

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