
The next in the line of games to be played by EastBayRag is Apex Legends on xBox. I'm far too old to be playing this game and am completely hopeless. Occassionaly I get a win, but most of the time it's because I've been carried. I have switchded from xBox to PC, but it hasn't made any difference. Some screenshots and videos of my terrible play.

I am NOT the Apex Predator!

#Title / DateDescription
87 Fuse
September 19th, 2022
Honestly, a game that I thought we were down and out. Teammate pulled of a great res which is where the clip starts. I managed to help him and pick up a few kills at the end to take the win. Note 1.
86 Vantage
September 4th, 2022
Was pushed into picking vantage which isn't a bad pick to be honest. Ended up only being two of us after our teammate quit, but we took the victory. Note 1.
85 Fuse
September 2nd, 2022
A quite boring game where we were pinned down, but we held together and prevailed in the end. I think their fuse used his ultimate too early. I kept mine and used it in the final push.
84 Fuse
August 16th, 2022
Nice win. I hadn't done much all game. We entered a stand off for quite a while with four squads, then as the ring came in I managed to get a couple of good angles from my teammates to clean up. Some pretty easy kills given I got in behind one team.
83 Fuse
August 13th, 2022
Odd game. Teammate quit and we just ended up in the right place to take the win. The G7 scout is really strong and I used it to just power through the rampart wall to hit the enemies behind.
82 Caustic
July 14th, 2022
Short clip of a wraith snipe after she exited from the void
81 Valkyrie
July 14th, 2022
A squad wipe. Still trying to figure out what the Loba was doing. Seemed to be a Paul move - if I crouch round the corner, maybe he won't see me. Never works, but he does do it a lot
80 Rampart
July 2nd, 2022
Oh dear! What can I say here? I've made this into a little joke, but to be honest, it didn't need it. I've watched this back so many times and can't stop laughing. Paul actually trying to explain what happened and make it sound like it wasn't his fault.
79 Rampart
June 30th, 2022
Nothing special here as didn't really play that great, but logged on and got two back to back wins, with the final kills, then logged off. Note 1.
78 Rampart
June 26th, 2022
Well, wasn't quite expecting to have this game today. Just Luke and myself as Paul was out of town and ended up with a monster game. Luke very pleased with his game too. Note 1.
77 Rampart
June 22nd, 2022
A pretty clean game. Not too much action to start - we kept coming across solos that were running. Then came to end game and I delivered the final blow with a nade. Note 1.
76 Rampart
June 19th, 2022
I guess it had to happen sooner or later. We won a game. The dream team strikes again. The start of the game is hilarious as Luke and Paul are just arguing like two little kids over who gets what loot. We rat until end game. They both fall over immediately and I got very lucky. To be honest, the team we were facing were spending more time trying to thirst Paul than figuring out where I was. They then separated and I managed to take them one at a time.
75 Rampart
June 17th, 2022
Another win as Rampart. Nice game with a couple of folks that were obviously in the same team as each other, but we kind of played well with each other. Note 1
74 Rampart
June 16th, 2022
Nothing special, just another Rampart win. An interesting end as it was kind of a strange zone that pulled away from the buildings. Note 1.
73 Rampart
June 11th, 2022
Another game where I got lots of support from my team mates. Different muppet this time, lol. Sadly my recording mike wasn't connected for some reason so you couldn't hear me going off on one after the game. Note 1.
72 Horizon
June 3rd, 2022
Not entirely sure how I ended up as Horizon. I think someone picked the character I wanted the game before and I just didn't reset. Anyway, not a bad game. There's a bit at the end where I'm trying to figure out how to get on the roof and I can't seem to make my mind up whether to go left or right. In the end I stay down and I could have just used my ability, lol. Just not used to the character. Note 1.
71 Rampart
May 30th, 2022
Been trying a few ranked games. Given I'm in the lower leagues the standards is ... well ... pretty poor. So right at my level. Managed a team wipe to take a win. (Note 1)
70 Rampart
May 22nd, 2022
Another clip taken from stream. We lost a teammate at the start who just quit after being knocked. Luke was full killed, but I managed to rat and get the res and we made it to end game. I honestly didn't know how we didn't win, but the stats at the end may give an indication as to why.
69 Rampart
May 21st, 2022
Just got Rampart and playing a couple of games. Ended up with back to back wins. This video is a clip from a stream.
68 Fuse
April 24th, 2022
A cracking end to a game that was pretty exciting all through. A big mess right at the end, but I had the sense to sneak out and take the win by going to zone while my opponents got stuck in a building. Also cracked the 2k damage which is nice.
67 Fuse
April 16th, 2022
Not the best aim I suppose, but they all count
66 Fuse
April 2nd, 2022
Really good team to squad up with. Worked pretty well for an easy win and a few kills along the way.
December 25th, 2021
Just a really quick clip of someone jumping into my Kraber.
December 16th, 2021
Not too bad with the Kraber, but couldn't get a headshot to take a one shot kill. Still, nice finish.
November 28th, 2021
Had to carry this random teammate in a game of duos.
62 Fuse
November 26th, 2021
First win on the new map, Storm Front. I really like this map. It's really big and you seem to have a lot of skirmishes and then move on. Lots of fun.
61 Fuse
November 5th, 2021
Thirsting with the knuckle duster to start with, then off to get a win.
60 Fuse
October 26th, 2021
Another win on Olympus. I'll take it.
59 Fuse
October 23rd, 2021
Ended up doing a trade which doesn't happen often in Apex. Thankfully had a self res and was able to get back up and going to take the win.
58 Fuse
October 22nd, 2021
Not the most interesting game. We didn't see many teams ... just one of those games. Nice beamage at the end with the R301. You can even tell how happy I am as my voice is on this one.
57 Fuse
October 22nd, 2021
Win as kill leader with Fusey! Nice game. Lots of action all round.
56 Fuse
October 13th, 2021
Starting to get the hang of this Fuse character. Like his ability with the cluster bombs. They don't do a huge amount of damage, but they sure do chip away at the enemy.
55 Fuse
October 11th, 2021
Down and out? Not likely! The crawl of death for miles with the revive and the winning kill.
54 Lifeline
October 10th, 2021
Nothing special, just a win as Lifeline
53 Lifeline
October 9th, 2021
Like a comfortable pair of slippers, lifeline on King's Canyon. Check out the alternator as a crated weapon. This thing shreds.
52 Fuse
October 7th, 2021
Back on familiar ground with King's Canyon, but a new character Fuse. Just love the Aussie quips he comes out with.
51 Lifeline
September 24th, 2021
First win on the Olympus map. This is a new map since I stopped playing, but it's been around for a fair bit now. Kind of so so as a map really. Will probably get some changes over the coming seasons.
50 Gibralter
September 20th, 2021
Been a way for a while, but decided to come back again as I do really like Apex. Still not the best ... and let's be honest, it's going to continue going downhill from here, but hey, as long as I'm enjoying it. Had a pop with the DMR and did OK with it here.
49 Bloodhound
August 26th, 2020
My teammates decided to run into ring for glory. No idea why, but what can you do? I hung back and pushed after everyone was dead. Ended up being a 1v1v1 and I came out on top.
48 Bangalore
August 25th, 2020
I missed the pick and it auto picked Bangalore for me. Actually ended up being a pretty good game, but I totally stole the last kill.
47 Bloodhound
August 25th, 2020
Not exactly my finest moment here. This move is know as “The Muxtacular”, named because Mux does this frequently. I think this is the first time I've actually done this and it made me laugh. There's a point at which you know you've missed the zip line and there's nothing you can do, but plummet to your death.
46 Lifeline
August 20th, 2020
Season 6 and the energy ammo meta. Grab a devo or volt and pull the trigger. Wait for enemy to walk in the way.
45 Lifeline
August 19th, 2020
Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run! I got the kill off and then had to run to ring. I was fighting a losing battle against the ring, but I think I just managed to avoid one tick that made all the difference to my enemy that was self ressing.
44 Lifeline
August 16th, 2020
Another win with the dreamteam. There's a full five minutes of video and it has the audio of the chat. Unfortunately my voice is recorded on a separate mic given how the xbox chat works and I'm not that clear yet.
43 Lifeline
August 13th, 2020
Another milestone achievement - got the win as champion and kill leader badge. Quite pleased with this given I only really play with random people (and obviously Luke and Paul).
42 Lifeline
August 9th, 2020
Some games are just easy to win. Started Rig, took team out that contested. Went South and took team out there. Realized it was ending Rig, so just took height and waited.
41 Lifeline
August 8th, 2020
It's a shame that this video didn't capture more. Did a squad wipe at the beginning and right before the clip starts I had to go on two rescue missions to get my teammates out of the ring. Sadly one of them decided to run right back in after I res'd them. I wanted to res them at a different station, but that was the only one left that I could use. Still, ended up with dub, but mainly as the last two teams were solos.
40 Lifeline
August 8th, 2020
Quite pleased with my movement towards the end of this. Good awareness and use of cover for shields and reloads. Don't get me wrong, it's not great and my aim is still terrible, but it's marginally better.
39 Bloodhound
August 6th, 2020
Getting to the end and being aware of the res ship. No idea why teammate quit as we could have probably got him. Guess he didn't want the win.
38 Bloodhound
August 2nd, 2020
Played 12 or 13 games of duos with Paul and amazingly won three of them. Unfortunately I'm trying a new way of recording and trying to record through the xbox companion app so I can get the audio. Sadly it only recorded the audio of Paul and not me. Additionally, two of the wins didn't record properly. Oh well - I'll fix it later.
37 Bloodhound
July 30th, 2020
William wanted to push, but I wanted to get the last care package. Looks like I made the right choice as he needed Daddy to come to the rescue.
36 Bloodhound
July 19th, 2020
Another win for the dreamteam. Shock horror on this one as Paul managed to get more damage than anyone else, helped by a couple of well placed Gibby air strikes (one on the vid). Feel a little bad for the Loba that I just devo'd in the back.
35 Mirage
July 18th, 2020
Nice finish with Mirage. Went back to collect some 'nades which were used pretty effectively. Well, one was anyway.
34 Mirage
July 11th, 2020
Going ham with the Spitfire to take 8 kills and win as kill leader.
33 Mirage
July 5th, 2020
I didn't realize you could be this accurate with the Spitfire. There was a big bun fight that I escaped from. Looks like only two people escaped. I had my team's banners, but nowhere to res.
32 Mirage
July 5th, 2020
Playing duo's with Paul and got a nice win, particularly as we weren't playing defensively. I know the clip shows us hiding in a hut, but we'd been out taking people on before then.
31 Lifeline
July 2nd, 2020
Another video from the Armed and Dangerous event. Just a quick clip of hitting a wraith like a clay pigeon. Quite appropriate given I was using a PK.
30 Lifeline
June 25th, 2020
Showing full awareness of the ring and running like a coward to it before clinching the match with a PK to the face of the opposing Pathfinder
29 Wraith
June 20th, 2020
The dream team back at it again. This time with the right prediction on the end ring. I couldn't quite tell exactly where it was going to end and though it was just outside, so I ran out and hit the void to not take damage.
28 Wraith
June 20th, 2020
Another game where there were only two of us in trios. I was going to quit out, but figured I'd stay and see how it went. This guy was pretty good and I got lucky at the end. The smoke and artillery strike really helped me.
27 Caustic
June 14th, 2020
Another dream team win. Not entirely sure how the squad that was running in missed me and just headed upstairs, but it allowed me to drop a bunch of gas and pen them into the ring.
26 Mirage
June 13th, 2020
It is possible to be revived and still contribute to the win. Honestly thought I'd get wrecked as soon as I was revived, but we weren't pushed. Shame on them as they would have had us if they'd been more aggressive.
June 12th, 2020

Another game where only two of us were entered. Hung around and it worked out quite well.
24 Lifeline
June 11th, 2020
Me thinks our enemies made a tactical mistake. They ran into labs and hid which trapped them as they didn't have zone.
23 Lifeline
June 9th, 2020
I'd died early and been carried around for a while before being resurrected. I hadn't got any armor, so was playing cautiously, but it seemed everyone was ignoring me which allowed me to creep in and get some final kills.
22 Mirage
June 7th, 2020
Probably the best game I've played in a while. Admittedly I didn't deserve the 8 kills as I was kill stealing. Not on purpose, I was just following the lead guy playing pathfinder really closely and was getting the final shots. The last kill for 11 damage was a bit of a steal though
21 Wraith
May 31st, 2020
The dreamteam does it again and this time properly. We actually played well together as a team and played sensibly at the end. Rather than storming the building, we went and held zone and made them push to us.
20 Wraith
May 30th, 2020
Back to wraith and instead of being carried, won as kill leader. That said, was somewhat lucky, but am quite pleased I got the trade at the end, i.e. I at least took out the revenant before I went down.
19 Wraith
May 30th, 2020
Time to show off my skills with the devotion. Or lack thereof. To be honest, I was a bit unlucky not to get any of the kills at the end, but I did complete my assists badge.
18 Wraith
May 28th, 2020
Back to playing wraith again after going for the 20k damage on 8 legends badge. Back to wraith, back to a win and back to being carried.
17 Bloodhound
May 24th, 2020
Luke's moment of glory. After correctly predicting the end of the game location, Paul promptly fell off the map. We ended up in a 2 v 3 and Luke's ultimate knocked two of them out. I really didn't help at all, but somehow he dropped some smoke and the enemy either fell off the map too or died to the ring. It didn't pop on my screen, so still not really sure.
16 Bloodhound
May 24th, 2020

The perfect game by the perfect team. We hid all game and the final team just died to the ring. We heard them resurrect someone, but I think they did it outside the ring and died. I like to think they were too scared to take us on, but we won the game without firing a single shot between the three of us.
15 Bloodhound
May 24th, 2020
Only clipped this for the celebration. It looked like my teammates were trying to kiss each other and I jumped in the middle and kicked the door off the hinges.
14 Wattson
May 23rd, 2020
When the game started, one of my teammates lagged out. Shortly after, the second lagged. I was hanging around him, hoping he would reconnect, but we got scanned and he was killed. I ran and hid in a rat spot for two ring movements. Finally came down to the last two teams and got lucky with the 1:1. Not sure how he missed me hiding in the bush at the end.
13 Wattson
May 22nd, 2020
I can't believe that I didn't get the final kill here. I think it was like the third time I watched the video when I noticed that I only got an assist. I think my teammate did 9 damage if my calculations are correct and totally stole my kill, lol.
12 Bangalore
May 21st, 2020
William rarely plays with me as I'm not good enough for him. Think I got lucky that his friends weren't online and he played a couple of duos with me.
11 Octaine
May 21st, 2020
Didn't really contribute much to this game if I'm brutally honest, but a nice shot at end as the enemy legend tried to escape.
10 Revenant
May 16th, 2020
One of those hilarious moments when all three of you land as a team and punch the crap out of someone. You can't help thinking "twat him".
9 Loba
May 16th, 2020
Showing off my prowess of terrible aim at the end with the newest Legend, Loba. Still managed the hip fire final kill though.
8 Wraith
May 11th, 2020
I think my teammate missed with two mags, but I was already pre-aiming where the enemy was coming. Got a few headshots on him with the prowler.
7 Wraith
May 6th, 2020
So lucky to have even been alive at the end as I got beamed, but my teammates took out the person shooting me. Spotted enemy trying to snipe from the edge and kind of charged him with the mastiff (legendary at this time) and he did a weird punch at the end that allowed me to get final shot in.
6 Caustic
May 5th, 2020
One of those games where you're playing trios, but only end up with two of you in the lobby. Somehow managed to get a win and not that bad aim at the end with the flatline.
May 3rd, 2020

A win as the kill leader. Not sure what went wrong here, but seemed to have a good game.
4 Wraith
May 2nd, 2020
They said it couldn't be done, but the dreamteam managed a win. The team of geriatric gamers managed to beat the kids at their own game with a lot of luck. It took all three of us to take down one person.
3 Wraith
May 2nd, 2020
Slightly better tactics and a win using the portal ability of Wraith effectively.
2 Revenant
April 25th, 2020
The first game I got the winning kill. Somehow we avoided everyone all game as my team was as much a noob as me. Got a lucky drop with a care package that dropped right by us and game me a devotion.
April 22nd, 2020

Being carried by a 4k player. Was fun watching him clean up even if I provided no support whatsoever.

Note 1 - music details of the songs played on stream including links do downloads