
(Created on 2nd April 2008)

Vote #41


After all the discussion around botty control, it's time to ask that very tasteful question that we all want to know, but aren't really sure of the answer. How long after you've started dating someone is it before you can break wind in front of them?


Immediately was the clear winner with 40% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Immediately (40%)
  • 1 Week (20%)
  • 1 Month (0%)
  • 3 Months (0%)
  • 6 Months (20%)
  • 1 Year (0%)
  • Never regardless (0%)
  • Never for fear of follow through (20%)


Beans, beans are good for your heart.
The more you eat the more you fart!

OK, so it seems that we're not shy and are ready to let rip the instant we meet the object of our desire. Which by the sounds of it is a bowl of cabbage soup. However, should one of us get out long enough to meet someone of the opposite sex, we'd welcome them with a blast from the bottom trumpet. There should probably be a follow up question somewhere that looks into whether or not these relationships have lasted after breaking wind or whether they've come to an abrupt halt.

Interesting that there were votes on the “never for fear of follow through” particularly as this was not my vote. Seems that someone else out there also has botty trouble. You can always drop your trousers and sign your name if you're really having problems. Again, not sure if this is the best accompaniment to a good chat up line. That said, I've never tried it, so I'm not speaking from experience.

At the end of the day, it's actually good for you to break wind. It's just not very socially acceptable. Well, until next week - toot toot!



(Created on 13th April 2008)

Vote #42


With all the political, social and economic challenges facing us like the election, global warming, carbon footprints, rising fuel prices etc. etc. it's time to get serious and ask the question that really matters. With all these pressures of daily life, we want to know if you hear voices in your head?


No and Yes tied with 40% of the votes each from the following:

  • No (40%)
  • Yes (40%)
  • Yes God (0%)
  • Yes when I’m with people (0%)
  • Yes when I’m alone (20%)
  • Yes those that tell me to do things (0%)

Pre-Result Discussion

14th April 2008
How many nutters do we have out there?


A very close vote, but I have to give it to the yes' as there were multiple yes choices. So, the majority of us do hear voices in our heads - be it all the time or only when we are alone. Interestingly, I came across this as being an important question that needed to be answered on some site or other. I think it was a teen magazine site with a forum thread on important questions. Someone had randomly posted in the middle of it something like “how do I get the voices in my head to stop?” I was tempted to suggest removal of one's head would do the trick, but was worried that the person may actually take the advice seriously. And I'm trying to not make a habit of posting to teen magazine forums.

Still, we're not doing too much better. Hold on .... No, actually I'm being told we are doing a lot better .... I'm hearing that we're doing a lot better actually. Comforting to know that I'm not alone as I've always got me to talk to when I want to have a conversation with someone. Well, I'm getting the message that I need to go to the fridge and relieve it of a beer. And I think I'll do just that.



(Created on 20th April 2008)

Vote #43


For anyone who didn't know, Tuesday is Earth Day. A day upon which we should learn more about our planet and how to take care of it. How to do green right, although I think it's going to take a little longer than a day to clean up the mess we've made. But that's an irrelevant side issue. What we want to know for this week's vote is which planet should be addressed next? Which planet are we going to mess up next such that it needs it's own day of recognition (similar to Earth Day)?


Uranus was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Mercury (0%)
  • Venus (17%)
  • Mars (17%)
  • Jupiter (0%)
  • Saturn (0%)
  • Uranus (50%)
  • Neptune (17%)

Pre-Result Discussion

20th April 2008
Before anyone asks, Pluto is not a planet!
21st April 2008
Given your recent trials and tribulations surely Uranus needs a good clean up.
25th April 2008
Then again, if the rings around Saturn are as dodgy as yours, maybe then are in need of attention.
26th April 2008
Maybe the problem’s caused by the many moons or the loose ’roids that are floating around.


Following on the discussion with Triple X, it seems that Uranus has it. On a previous vote, we proved that Uranus has rings, so I suppose in the spirit of cleaning up the solar system, we could coin a slogan along the lines of “it's time to poke the 'roids back up the rings of Uranus.”

A couple of votes coming in for Venus, Mars and Neptune. I'm kind of following the link to Mars as we've already started sending debris up there and I guess that Venus is pretty close too. Not sure about the Neptune deal though - but I guess if there's a way to ruin it, mankind will find it.

Anyway, I sense the appearance of a moon so I'd best go before I decide to get a camera and take a photograph.



(Created on 26th April 2008)

Vote #44


It seems as if we're in a never ending Democratic election here in the States between Clinton and Obama - I think the primaries are now in their fourteenth year. And what at the end of it? So the US can choose between the winner of that and McCain. Well there's something to look forward to. So lets ask that all important political question - do you think clowns are funny or scary?


Scary was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Funny (0%)
  • Scary (60%)
  • Neither (40%)

Pre-Result Discussion

26th April 2008
28th April 2008


Interesting that nobody found clowns funny. I guess they're totally failing in their job, which is probably why Krusty has had several heart bypass operations due to the stress of trying to stay ahead of the game.

The majority of people found clowns frightening as portrayed in Stephen King's IT. Maybe it's the thought that the make up is hiding something sinister. Or maybe there are a lot of women scared that clowns actually fill their shoes and you know what they say about people with big feet ....



(Created on 4th May 2008)

Vote #45


Some of you may already know that we're in the process of moving house. With lots of things to do and coordinate, we are constantly being reminded that moving house is supposed to be one of the most stressful things to go through, but is it? Which of the following do you think is the most stressful?


Getting Your Testicles Caught in a Baler was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Moving House (20%)
  • Losing Your Job (0%)
  • Going For An Interview (0%)
  • Getting Married (0%)
  • Having a Baby (0%)
  • Taking an Exam (0%)
  • Being in Debt (0%)
  • Death of a Relative (20%)
  • Getting Your Testicles Caught in a Baler (60%)


Funny one this. I got the message back from someone (who will remain nameless) that they felt they couldn't really participate in this vote as they hadn't experienced all of the situations and therefore didn't think they were in a position to determine which would be more stressful. First, I sincerely hope that nobody has experienced all of the choices as that would mean they had led a rather unfortunate life, but second, this "nameless person" was female and I'm not sure how they thought they were going to experience the last option. When the question was posed, I was thinking that people would try to use their imagination where appropriate. Of course, a lack of imagination would prohibit this.

OK, enough of the rambling. Getting one's testicles caught in a baler is the most stressful thing. And I have to agree. I'm quite happy with the pain that's going on around moving house - which really isn't that painful, just me doing a lot of worrying for no apparent reason. It is certainly more preferable than finding oneself incapacitated and watching a baler move forward until that moment when they're ripped and parceled.

I suppose there's not much that would console you if you ever happened to be in this position. One might try and take their mind off it by thinking "someone's in for a big surprise when they eat that wheatabix."



(Created on 11th May 2008)

Vote #46


What's worrying is that I'm kind of interested in the answer to this week's question, rather than being the last thought that goes through my mind on a Sunday night before I got to bed. So, the one thing that I've maintained (but subject to change at a whim) is that I won't advertise on this site. It's a site to communicate information to certain people and to be enjoyed by anyone who happens by. It's done for fun so I don't see the point in filling the page with “google ads” or “adsense” or whoever is offering to pay you money for clickthroughs.

Interestingly I've had discussions with other people who have these clickthroughs on their sites. They all hate them and they only net them about $10 a year! Hmm, so why bother?

So this week's vote question is - do you look at and use the click through advertisements on websites?


No was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (100%)
  • I didn’t realize there were adverts on other sites (0%)

Pre-Result Discussion

11th May 2008
I have to say, on the subject of spam advertising, that I had a good chuckle the other day when I looked through my spam mail and saw that someone had tried to defeat the spam filter by using the title “increase the size of your banana” rather than using the name of the body part.


Interesting, one of those rare times where we are all cosmically aligned. All the votes went to “no” that we don't use click through adds. So why do they exist? To be honest, we only watch TV on DVR now so we can skip the commercials. Truth is though, they must generate some revenue otherwise companies wouldn't be paying all this money for these adverts. Which means that we're all super intelligent and there are a lot of idiots out there or subliminally we really do want people to advertise to us. This in itself poses a problem as if it is the latter, I wouldn't be consciously aware of it and would therefore never be able to conclude on it. Somewhat of a catch 22. And it's making my head hurt thinking about it, so I'm going to stop.



(Created on 18th May 2008)

Vote #47


Time to get philosophical and ask one of the age old noodle scratchers - which came first, the chicken or the egg?


Neither - the cock that laid the hen was the clear winner with 75% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Chicken (0%)
  • Egg (25%)
  • Neither - the cock that laid the hen (75%)


Ah ha! Most of us opting out of making a stance and going for the joke answer. At least somebody voted for “egg” somewhere. Of course, they're wrong, but at least they had the conviction to make a decision.

In fairness, this vote really just pointed out that I was struggling to think of a question to ask and this was all I could come up with. And therein lies the joke answer to this question, so, as you can see - it's one of those circular questions that will never be answered.



(Created on 25th May 2008)

Vote #48


I got sent a video clip from our campus recruiting folks that talked about the next generation coming into the workplace (a.k.a. “Gen Y” or “The Millennials”). The essence of this article was about the fact that these people have grown up being told they are great, playing sports events where winning doesn't mean anything, only taking part so everyone goes home with a trophy and now they are entering the workplace they can't cope with being told what to do. The flip side being that there are more jobs available so these people are walking from jobs if they get a bad review. The bit that interested me was the guy that got a bad review from his job so he got his mum to phone his boss up to tell them that they were not happy with the review their child just received. The concept of standing on your own two feet being lost.

So, being at the beginning of rearing a child I think it's time to reach out to the EBR voters to find out you position on child discipline. If your two and a half year old child refuses to do what you ask them to do, what should you do?


Praise them for showing their independence was the clear winner with 43% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Nothing (0%)
  • Praise them for showing their independence (43%)
  • Reward them because you reward them for everything (0%)
  • Shout at them (14%)
  • Give them a timeout (14%)
  • Spank them (14%)
  • Use electroshock therapy (0%)
  • Call them a witch and drown them (14%)

Pre-Result Discussion

25th May 2008
Shouting always worked in The Sweeney.


Interesting. Seems the majority of the EBR voting public want to turn a blind eye to their little terror when they misbehave. Guess that's why we have these “Nanny 911” programs on the TV because you're too weak to stand up to your child.

A little concerning that there were votes for drowning the child. How were you treated as a child I wonder. And does this explain a lot about your character?



(Created on 1st June 2008)

Vote #49


Time to head back to the land of fantasy. Who's your favorite superhero?


Wonder Woman was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Superman (0%)
  • Batman (17%)
  • Spiderman (0%)
  • Wolverine (0%)
  • Wonder Woman (67%)
  • Storm (0%)
  • Green Lantern (17%)
  • The Hulk (0%)


Is it a bird? Is it plane? No, it's the vote results.

I actually thought that Superman would win being the always popular super hero, but how wrong I was. The Green Lantern was a favorite of mine when I was but a wee boy reading comic books, but it seems like I'm alone in this. Batman has a follower, but it is Wonder Woman in her red wellies who reigns supreme.


1 comment
9th June 2008
To quote Homer Simpson, it’s her Golden Lariot that does it for me.

(Created on 8th June 2008)

Vote #50


“Roar” I heard William say as he was playing with his dinosaurs and it made me think back to the times when I used to play with dinosaurs and all my favorites. So, what's your favorite dinosaur?


Tyrannosaurus Rex, Triceratops, Stegosaurus and Diplodocus tied with 25% of the votes each from the following:

  • Tyrannosaurus Rex (25%)
  • Triceratops (25%)
  • Stegosaurus (25%)
  • Diplodocus (25%)
  • Pterodactyl (0%)
  • Velociraptor (0%)
  • Brontosaurus (0%)
  • Dongyangosaurus (0%)

Pre-Result Discussion

13th June 2008
You missed off my favourite dinosaur, the "Doyouthinkhesaurus", which eventually evolved into the "Nobutheheardus".


Guess we're all split when it comes to our favorite dinosaur. Don't really know how to analyze it beyond that. They're all dead anyway so it doesn't really matter.
