
(Created on 23rd June 2024)

Vote #871


Well, we've done most of the packing which means I'm going to be living in box city for at least 2 weeks until I move and then probably a bit longer while unpacking at the other end. What I've been doing is watching the Euro 2024 competition while I've been packing to have something on in the background. I'll do a who do you think will win once we progress a bit more. For this week, I will ask what round do you think England will get knocked out of the Euro 2024 competition?


They will win was the clear winner with 27% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Group stage (9%)
  • Round of 16 (18%)
  • Quarter Finals (18%)
  • Semi Finals (18%)
  • Finals (9%)
  • They will win (27%)


Well, those of you that voted for the group stage or the round of 16, tough! We've got through those rounds with an amazing display of football. Wait ... the drugs are wearing off ... yeah, we barely scraped through and got lucky with a last minute goal against Slovaka. Still, could be worse ... could be Italian. It's sad that the only thing positive I can say about England is that other teams have played worse. I guess we'll see how far we can keep going and kudos to those that had faith that we would win the tournament - I hope you're right, although that means I'm going to watching a lot more clinging on to a flimsy lead while crapping myself every time the opponents push forward.


1 comment
14th July 2024
Well, they made the finals, but didn’t have enough to win it. Congratulations to Spain for their Euro 2024 victory.

(Created on 30th June 2024)

Vote #872


As I write this question, the clock on the intro page dipped below 365 days signifying that I have under a year left before I retire. The clock has, however, timed out before and I reset it deciding to continue on a bit longer. Will I actually retire in a year (June 30, 2025 at 5:00pm)?


Yes was the clear winner with 83% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (83%)
  • No (17%)


Interesting, the majority of you think I’ll go through with it, myself included. Only time will tell, but I think that time is soon as I have to give 9 months notice. Who would have thought anyone would consider me valuable enough to require a 9 month notice period, but there you go.



(Created on 7th July 2024)

Vote #873


With all the phenomenal sporting events that have gone on this weekend, notably Lewis Hamilton winning again and doing it on home soil, along with the England football team winning on penalties (I didn’t even know that was an option, I’m so used to watching us go out to those), we have to ask a sporting question and we’ll go with football. Now we’re down to the semi finals, let’s see if you can predict the winner. Which country do you think will win the major soccer tournament going on?


Uruguay was the clear winner with 40% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Argentina (30%)
  • Canada (20%)
  • Columbia (10%)
  • Uruguay (40%)


First, let me say congratulations to Spain for winning Euro 2024. As disappointed as I am, I have to acknowledge that Spain were the best team throughout the tournament and the better team in the final. England did get better as the tournament went on, but just didn’t have enough to win.

Moving on to the subject of the question, Argentina were victorious taking the country and Messi to new records in the Copa America, so congratulations to them too. I did vote for Uruguay. I thought they played well to get to the semi final, but sadly they didn’t progress any further. Looks like the majority of you either thought or hoped it would be Uruguay.



(Created on 14th July 2024)

Vote #874


‘Tis the big move this Wednesday into my new house. The website will go down Wednesday morning for me to move the EBR server farm to its new location. What day this week will I get the website back up after the move on Wednesday?


Not this week was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Wednesday (33%)
  • Thursday (0%)
  • Friday (0%)
  • Saturday (0%)
  • Not this week (67%)


Oh dear! Those of you with little faith. I’ve moved several times with the website and it’s always been back up and running on the same day. There was a small element of luck as I’d ordered a new router and it arrived on the day of the move. Not intentional, just worked out that way as I bought it as part of the prime day deals on Amazon. Anyway, the old router seemed to give up after the move. I’ve had a lot of trouble with it before and it just wouldn’t connect to the cable modem. As soon as the new router arrived, got it up and running almost immediately, so the correct answer was Wednesday.



(Created on 21st July 2024)

Vote #875


Alright, so we’re in the new house and the main thing I need is a sofa. When do you think I will get a new sofa in the house?


4 weeks time was the clear winner with 25% of the votes from the following selection:

  • This week (6%)
  • Next week (6%)
  • 3 weeks time (13%)
  • 4 weeks time (25%)
  • 5weeks time (0%)
  • 6weeks time (6%)
  • 7 weeks time (13%)
  • 8 weeks time (19%)
  • 9 weeks or longer (13%)


An interesting spread when I look at the bar graph. Most people went with 4 weeks, then there's a dip and it goes back up again with 8 weeks being the second favorite. Well, one thing's for sure, it wasn't last week and it won't be next week as I've not even made it to the furniture shop to order anything yet. It's on the ever increasing list of things to get done.


1 comment
Mr O
29th July 2024
I'm more intrigued by the number of votes

(Created on 28th July 2024)

Vote #876


Alrighty, we have yet another sporting marvel upon us with the Olympics. It's time to get ready for those track and field events along with the other things that nobody knows why they've been included. Where do you think Great Britain will come in the overall 2024 Olympic medal standings?


7th and 9th tied with 25% of the votes each from the following:

  • 1st (13%)
  • 2nd (0%)
  • 3rd (13%)
  • 4th (0%)
  • 5th (13%)
  • 6th (0%)
  • 7th (25%)
  • 8th (13%)
  • 9th (25%)
  • 10th+ (0%)


A lot of pessimistic folks out there and one huge optimist. I went with third assuming that first and second would be wrapped up by the US and China. I think the fight for third could be tight and we do tend to do OK at the Olympics. The most common answers were 7th or 9th which seems quite low, but I guess we've got another week left before we find out the actual answer.


Mr O
5th August 2024
The French will be up there as its a home games, and the Aussies do well, hence my pick of 5th
5th August 2024
Your logic makes sense and I think it's a good answer. It was the 9th that I thought was too low, even the 7th, but we will see.
11th August 2024
Well, it just goes to show how little I know. 7th it was in the end for Great Britain. The US managed to scrape the overall win over China. Japan came from nowhere to take third.

(Created on 4th August 2024)

Vote #877


We're going to continue the Olympic theme, although I suspect the answer to this question may vary depending on whether you're male or female. I've been studying the talent that's been performing in both the women's gymnastics and the beach volleyball. (Sidetrack, I have to say Simone Biles is amazing). It strikes me that even in this day and age, they haven't managed to create a leotard or bikini bottoms that don't go right up a woman's arse. The question I have though is if they could make a leotard and/or bikini bottoms that don't go up a woman's arse, would you want them to?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)


A tie. I do wonder how much pluckage occurs through the duration of the Olympics. It must be a lot. Probably just me that wonders that.



(Created on 11th August 2024)

Vote #878


We’re slowly, very slowly, getting there with the house. One of the things we’ve done is hung 12 pictures. Now, when I say hung, what I mean is precariously balanced on top of nails or hooks. William dropped a TV stand in the living room and a painting fell off the wall in the dining room ~30 feet away. How many times will a painting fall off the wall this week?


0, 5 and 7 tied with 22% of the votes each from the following:

  • 0 (22%)
  • 1 (0%)
  • 2 (0%)
  • 3 (11%)
  • 4 (11%)
  • 5 (22%)
  • 6 (0%)
  • 7 (22%)
  • 8 (11%)
  • 9+ (0%)


Interestingly, the answer is none. I say interestingly as I've just acquired two picture knocker offers (the subject of next week's vote) and neither of those have managed to knock one of yet. That said, I'm wondering what the damage will be after the first earthquake.



(Created on 18th August 2024)

Vote #879


Well, my little bird is flying the nest as he's off to San Diego this week to college. I've decided to replace my little bird with two little birds. Albeit not so much birds and more like cats. I'm now the proud father of two little three month old kitties. They will have been with me for just over 24 hours when this vote goes out, so they are very new to the house (and me). I have a tuxedo colored baby boy that's very adventurous and little grey tabby girl who's very shy. He's been all round the house and in places he's not supposed to go already. She hasn't let me stroke her yet, although she has been out to play and she is eating healthily. Which of my two bundles of joy will be the first to shit in the house somewhere other than the litterbox?


Neither was the clear winner with 40% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Zaphod (20%)
  • Trillion (20%)
  • Neither (40%)
  • You won't know the culprit (20%)


I have to say, it's unlikely that one of them will go for a poop on the floor as they both seem very well litter trained. I've moved the litter box three times now and they don't seem to mind and have been able to find the toilet when they need it. Now, I do think I'm going to get some puke at some point as cats do tend to do that breakdance (they should enter the Olympics) and then cough up a hairball.
